HOMD.org Genome Data:: All Genome Data Date: 2025-03-03 Genome-ID Oral_Taxon-ID Genus Species Status No. Contigs Sequencing Center Total Length Oral Pathogen Culture Collection GC % NCBI Genome-ID NCBI BioProject-ID NCBI BioSample-ID Isolate Origin atcc_mn non_atcc_mn Genbank Acc no. Genbank Assembly 16S rRNA 16S rRNA Comment flag_id SEQF2664.1 1 Bartonella schoenbuchensis latest 5 Uppsala University 1,680,471 m07a 37.77 PRJNA73949 SAMN02472035 GCA_000385435.1 SEQF9873.1 1 Bartonella schoenbuchensis latest 2 University of Basel 1,728,487 R1 37.85 PRJNA360985 SAMN06213864 GCA_002022685.1 SEQF9874.1 1 Bartonella schoenbuchensis latest 98 Unite de Recherche sur les Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales Emergentes (URMITE) CNRS, Faculte de Medecine, Universite de la Mediterranee, Marseille, France 1,576,519 CCUG 50783 37.38 PRJEB34909 SAMEA6461359 GCA_902810545.1 SEQF3079.1 3 Sphingomonas glacialis latest 6 Korea Polar Research Institute 4,264,936 ATCC 14820 65.38 PRJNA76627 SAMN02470172 GCA_000241465.1 SEQF5627.1 3 Sphingomonas glacialis latest 24 Universite Laval 5,126,166 E6.1 65.96 PRJNA496474 SAMN10244989 GCA_006439055.1 SEQF5628.1 3 Sphingomonas glacialis latest 58 WFCC-MIRCEN World Data Centre for Microorganisms (WDCM) 4,470,563 CGMCC 1.8957 65.66 PRJDB10509 SAMD00245162 GCA_014653575.1 SEQF2884.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 12 Broad Institute 3,384,618 NIPH 512 43.13 PRJNA219244 SAMN02356578 GCA_000487975.1 SEQF9058.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 6 Wenzhou Medical University 3,528,101 H7 42.6 PRJNA718681 SAMN18558474 GCA_019343495.1 SEQF9059.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 6 US Food and Drug Administration 3,504,477 FDAARGOS 1393 43.06 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357535 GCA_019048305.1 SEQF9060.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 9 US Food and Drug Administration 3,466,826 FDAARGOS 1394 42.71 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357536 GCA_019048525.1 SEQF9061.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 3,485,472 FDAARGOS_552 43.02 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163245 GCA_009730095.1 SEQF9062.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 18 Institute of Bioengineering, Research Center of Biotechnology of RAS 3,515,733 EK30A 42.58 PRJNA325719 SAMN05251105 GCA_019787625.1 SEQF9063.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 6 Institute of Bioengineering, Research Center of Biotechnology of RAS 3,437,642 VS15 43.02 PRJNA325719 SAMN05251106 GCA_019787645.1 SEQF9064.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 1 Macquarie University 2,993,055 12CE1 43.47 PRJNA645977 SAMN15522024 GCA_015602705.1 SEQF9065.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 6 US Food and Drug Administration 3,536,646 FDAARGOS_551 42.83 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163244 GCA_013349125.1 SEQF9066.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 3,767,090 FDAARGOS_557 42.88 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163181 GCA_013349205.1 SEQF9067.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 176 CSUF 3,238,243 AMA23 43.03 PRJNA562922 SAMN12771914 GCA_009645785.1 SEQF9068.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 124 EMG 3,378,741 MGYG-HGUT-00082 42.7 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5849583 GCA_902363005.1 SEQF9069.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 277 NARIC ABC 3,615,619 M2a 42.42 PRJNA542581 SAMN11868846 GCA_005924195.1 SEQF9070.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 179 Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology 3,449,996 SU1904 42.72 PRJNA662663 SAMN16092207 GCA_014769185.1 SEQF9071.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 9 Broad Institute 3,301,256 NIPH 478 43.32 PRJNA183261 SAMN01087833 GCA_000369145.1 SEQF9072.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 245 Translational Genomics Research Institute 3,497,784 TG19636 42.83 PRJNA172714 SAMN02471243 GCA_000301755.1 SEQF9073.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 94 Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Faculty of Science 3,357,632 K1 42.76 PRJNA821154 SAMN27057513 GCA_022809915.1 SEQF9074.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 45 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,162,498 S00127 43.09 PRJNA632097 SAMN14908307 GCA_014207875.1 SEQF9075.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 61 University of KwaZulu Natal 3,212,883 P134B 42.97 PRJNA823741 SAMN27356706 GCA_022967985.1 SEQF9076.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 2 SC 3,495,680 NCTC5866 43.04 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3881066 GCA_900699155.1 SEQF9077.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 100 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 3,298,884 NBRC 109760 43.11 PRJDB1754 SAMD00019884 GCA_000836095.1 SEQF9078.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 4 SC 3,349,476 NCTC5867 43.16 PRJEB6403 SAMEA50767168 GCA_900444925.1 SEQF9079.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 135 China Agricultural University 3,184,734 18QD2AZ28W 43.36 PRJNA594823 SAMN13531402 GCA_009829005.1 SEQF9080.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 96 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 3,299,196 GTC 00071 43.13 PRJDB1754 SAMD00019885 GCA_006538585.1 SEQF9081.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 1003 BGI 3,349,175 DE0136 43.09 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792296 GCA_007678965.1 SEQF9082.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 26 Broad Institute 3,454,560 NIPH 715 43.74 PRJNA183318 SAMN01828178 GCA_000368165.1 SEQF9083.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 7 US Food and Drug Administration 3,578,754 FDAARGOS_620 42.87 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056335 GCA_012393445.1 SEQF9084.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 285 Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare (I.C.B.), 3,449,117 GC2 42.89 PRJNA607008 SAMN14119779 GCA_011058205.1 SEQF9085.1 5 Acinetobacter lwoffii latest 76 Broad Institute 3,481,004 SH145 44.79 PRJNA38343 SAMN02463731 GCA_000162095.1 SEQF3080.1 7 Erythrobacter tepidarius latest 32 Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration 3,216,818 DSM 10594 65.88 PRJNA322640 SAMN06251563 GCA_002155695.1 SEQF2864.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 21 Walter Reed Army Institute of Research 3,209,605 WC-A-157 41.65 PRJNA53399 SAMN02436573 GCA_000286595.1 SEQF9917.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 1 University of Georgia 3,089,777 LH6 41.85 PRJNA475995 SAMN09423269 GCA_003258335.1 SEQF9918.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 1 Northeast Normal University 3,132,860 DSSKY-A-001 41.61 PRJNA436456 SAMN08625641 GCA_002993105.1 SEQF9919.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 4 Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria 3,247,241 DD78 41.55 PRJNA528312 SAMN11179230 GCA_005519305.1 SEQF9920.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 6 US Food and Drug Administration 3,377,444 FDAARGOS_731 41.52 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056446 GCA_014069095.1 SEQF9921.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 95 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,352,817 DSM 108293 41.48 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448403 GCA_023130555.1 SEQF9922.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 86 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,236,265 DSM 108295 41.59 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448409 GCA_023127725.1 SEQF9923.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 77 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,263,886 DSM 108292 41.57 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448410 GCA_023130595.1 SEQF9924.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 59 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,259,119 DSM 108294 41.56 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448404 GCA_023130565.1 SEQF9925.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 109 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,212,578 DSM 108719 41.76 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448408 GCA_023127665.1 SEQF9926.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 18 Broad Institute 3,158,014 SH164 41.9 PRJNA38345 SAMN02463732 GCA_000162115.1 SEQF9927.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 42 Institut Pasteur de Paris 3,171,927 CM38 41.5 PRJNA278502 SAMN03456146 GCA_000972345.1 SEQF9928.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 137 Institution:Shandong Peanut Research Institute (SPRI) 3,263,092 LY 41.81 PRJNA471387 SAMN09209271 GCA_015711535.1 SEQF9929.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 43 UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO-CCG 3,011,292 C21A 41.77 PRJNA842366 SAMN28658288 GCA_023669625.1 SEQF9930.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 18 EMG 3,158,014 MGYG-HGUT-01344 41.9 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850847 GCA_902374065.1 SEQF9931.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 367 Toho University 3,260,164 TUM15100 41.58 PRJDB8127 SAMD00174847 GCA_008982105.1 SEQF9932.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 58 MEPHI, IRD, APHM, IHU-Mediterranee Infection, Marseille, France 3,239,127 B62 41.62 PRJNA491909 SAMN09206170 GCA_003594775.1 SEQF9933.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 38 Translational Genomics Research Institute 3,063,848 TG02010 41.52 PRJNA172717 SAMN02471290 GCA_000301795.1 SEQF9934.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 204 University of Concepcion 3,448,237 A154 41.45 PRJNA437590 SAMN08668355 GCA_003006735.1 SEQF9935.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 58 Universidade do Minho 3,331,438 UMG648 41.48 PRJNA534200 SAMN11479443 GCA_013337725.1 SEQF9936.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 91 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,217,745 DSM 108349 41.47 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448407 GCA_023127655.1 SEQF9937.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 65 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,183,606 DSM 108290 41.48 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448401 GCA_023130615.1 SEQF9938.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 65 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,462,282 DSM 109007 41.19 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448412 GCA_023127625.1 SEQF9939.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 102 Northern Arizona University 3,153,806 TG29429 41.45 PRJNA497581 SAMN10261619 GCA_003947805.1 SEQF9940.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 42 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,038,749 DSM 108296 41.58 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448405 GCA_023130495.1 SEQF9941.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 82 J. Craig Venter Institute 3,283,705 SK82 41.49 PRJNA34081 SAMN00001943 GCA_000175675.1 SEQF9942.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 36 UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO-CCG 3,021,891 C30P 41.75 PRJNA842366 SAMN28658289 GCA_023669565.1 SEQF9943.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 45 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 3,290,330 APH1 41.37 PRJNA547480 SAMN11964734 GCA_006370545.1 SEQF9944.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 138 Toho University 3,141,996 TUM15590 41.69 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175320 GCA_009014575.1 SEQF9945.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 37 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) 3,202,805 SA188 41.49 PRJNA313371 SAMN04520137 GCA_001917365.1 SEQF9946.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 78 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,328,823 DSM 108289 41.43 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448400 GCA_023130675.1 SEQF9947.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 274 University of Concepcion 3,364,770 A145 41.39 PRJNA437590 SAMN08668354 GCA_003006715.1 SEQF9948.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 81 University of Bologna 3,080,299 Dog_1A_IMI 41.66 PRJNA344732 SAMN05832672 GCA_002836895.1 SEQF9949.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 68 BGI 3,253,112 DE0080 41.58 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792240 GCA_007682205.1 SEQF9950.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 125 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 3,174,402 50v1 41.59 PRJNA420905 SAMN08124363 GCA_002834555.1 SEQF9951.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 54 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,211,129 DSM 108820 41.58 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448411 GCA_023127675.1 SEQF9952.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 256 Institution:Shandong Peanut Research Institute (SPRI) 3,057,804 XF 42.13 PRJNA471390 SAMN09209302 GCA_015711575.1 SEQF9953.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 71 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,171,308 DSM 108297 41.62 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448406 GCA_023127715.1 SEQF9954.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 242 Toho University 3,075,616 TUM15490 41.79 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175225 GCA_009011535.1 SEQF9955.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 6 Broad Institute 3,164,924 NIPH 2130 41.79 PRJNA183278 SAMN01087836 GCA_000368885.1 SEQF9956.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 83 Leibniz Institute DSMZ 3,334,354 DSM 108291 41.54 PRJNA615197 SAMN14448402 GCA_023130635.1 SEQF9957.1 10 Acinetobacter radioresistens latest 125 Toho University 3,149,974 TUM15532 41.71 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175267 GCA_009013515.1 SEQF1969.1 13 Neisseria bacilliformis latest 13 Baylor College of Medicine 2,470,575 ATCC BAA-1200 60.17 PRJNA53053 SAMN00253995 GCA_000194925.1 SEQF4491.1 13 Neisseria bacilliformis latest 1 INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier 2,492,712 DSM 23338 59.44 PRJNA647881 SAMN15603180 GCA_014055025.1 SEQF4492.1 13 Neisseria bacilliformis latest 174 University of Washington 2,360,941 914_NLAC 59.78 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198124 GCA_001067635.1 SEQF4493.1 13 Neisseria bacilliformis latest 72 University of Washington 2,400,000 203_NMEN 59.25 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197396 GCA_001063965.1 SEQF1659.1 14 Neisseria oralis latest 11 Broad Institute 2,515,760 F0314 53.08 PRJNA42547 SAMN02463843 GCA_000090875.1 SEQF4326.1 14 Neisseria oralis latest 1 University of Technology Sydney 2,502,158 F0314 52.86 PRJNA543187 SAMN02463843 GCA_005886145.1 SEQF3146.1 17 Anaerococcus octavius latest 18 Loyola University Chicago 1,979,036 UMB0119 30.7 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193644 GCA_002847745.1 SEQF3147.1 17 Anaerococcus octavius latest 2 SC 1,914,290 NCTC9810 30.59 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4521463 GCA_900445265.1 SEQF2935.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 8 Broad Institute 2,512,083 KPL1855 59.69 PRJNA169442 SAMN02597004 GCA_000478075.1 SEQF2937.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 1 Broad Institute 2,568,149 KPL1986 59.4 PRJNA170359 SAMN02596999 GCA_000477975.1 SEQF2940.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 3 Broad Institute 2,547,767 KPL1859 59.63 PRJNA169446 SAMN02597001 GCA_000478015.1 SEQF2953.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 6 Broad Institute 2,575,948 KPL2004 59.42 PRJNA170372 SAMN02596994 GCA_000477875.1 SEQF2954.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 2 Broad Institute 2,638,979 KPL1824 59.44 PRJNA169441 SAMN02597005 GCA_000478095.1 SEQF2986.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 6 Broad Institute 2,588,539 KPL1818 59.52 PRJNA169439 SAMN02597007 GCA_000478135.1 SEQF2988.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 7 Broad Institute 2,501,004 KPL1814 59.5 PRJNA169437 SAMN02597009 GCA_000478175.1 SEQF3026.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 4 Broad Institute 2,568,130 KPL1998 59.34 PRJNA170367 SAMN02596995 GCA_000477895.1 SEQF3027.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 3 Broad Institute 2,576,022 KPL1996 59.32 PRJNA170365 SAMN02596996 GCA_000477915.1 SEQF9958.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 1 Bielefeld University 2,465,625 DSM 44278 59.56 PRJNA453400 SAMN13404507 GCA_023520795.1 SEQF9959.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 36 University of Adelaide 2,437,042 C781 59.55 PRJNA745058 SAMN20132587 GCA_022014535.1 SEQF9960.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 61 University of Adelaide 2,511,955 C787 59.36 PRJNA745058 SAMN20132588 GCA_022014555.1 SEQF9961.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 33 University of Adelaide 2,490,552 C779 59.49 PRJNA745058 SAMN20132586 GCA_022014575.1 SEQF9962.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 35 Baylor College of Medicine 2,465,636 ATCC 49726 61.2 PRJNA50523 SAMN00139429 GCA_000146485.1 SEQF9963.1 19 Corynebacterium accolens latest 38 Baylor College of Medicine 2,437,186 ATCC 49725 60.06 PRJNA31443 SAMN00002226 GCA_000159115.1 SEQF1944.2 20 Neisseria sp._HMT_020 latest 118 Washington University 2,358,903 F0370 58.68 PRJNA80247 SAMN02436686 GCA_000318235.2 SEQF1705.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 11 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,022,289 F0396 39.64 PRJNA53573 SAMN00115117 GCA_000180075.1 SEQF2004.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 21 Baylor College of Medicine 1,872,773 ATCC 49124 40.61 PRJNA53209 SAMN00253297 GCA_000188295.1 SEQF4478.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 1 SC 1,950,305 NCTC12167 39.65 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3594358 GCA_900636445.1 SEQF4479.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 52 EMG 1,898,011 MGYG-HGUT-02302 39.5 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851806 GCA_902385605.1 SEQF4480.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 37 The Edison Family Center of Genome Sciences and Systems Biology 2,029,376 Streptococcus_salivarius_SS_Bg39 39.51 PRJEB26419 SAMEA5771516 GCA_902167825.1 SEQF4481.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 74 State University of Campinas 1,863,804 22-04 S5 39.47 PRJNA320256 SAMN04931587 GCA_001657905.1 SEQF4482.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 137 University of Washington 2,012,516 1005_STHE 39.24 PRJNA267549 SAMN03196967 GCA_001068405.1 SEQF4483.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 53 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,091,596 S06 39.2 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876550 GCA_023110145.1 SEQF4484.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 517 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,038,817 E653 39.69 PRJNA732899 SAMN19353707 GCA_018619455.1 SEQF4485.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 49 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,882,797 O4-4 39.58 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876540 GCA_023110355.1 SEQF4486.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 129 University of Washington 2,012,293 1004_SSPC 39.24 PRJNA267549 SAMN03196966 GCA_001069025.1 SEQF4487.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 52 BGI 1,898,011 OM08-1 39.5 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736843 GCA_003438185.1 SEQF4488.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 7 State University of Campinas 1,882,671 22-06 S6 39.5 PRJNA320256 SAMN04931594 GCA_001657915.1 SEQF4489.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 91 University of Chicago 1,931,486 DFI.4.125 39.58 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167609 GCA_020590155.1 SEQF4490.1 21 Streptococcus vestibularis latest 97 University of Chicago 1,927,681 DFI.4.52 39.59 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167514 GCA_020593075.1 SEQF1967.1 22 Lautropia mirabilis latest 8 Baylor College of Medicine 3,151,925 ATCC 51599 65.74 PRJNA52989 SAMN00262616 GCA_000186425.1 SEQF7735.1 22 Lautropia mirabilis latest 1 SC 3,172,010 NCTC12852 65.48 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4504063 GCA_900637555.1 SEQF1413.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 6,767,514 SPH-1 66.48 PRJNA17413 SAMN00623041 GCA_000018665.1 SEQF2536.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 55 Broad Institute 6,823,175 CCUG 15835 66.66 PRJNA52169 SAMN02596774 GCA_000411215.1 SEQF2537.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 79 Broad Institute 6,953,182 CCUG 274B 66.66 PRJNA52167 SAMN02596773 GCA_000411195.1 SEQF2709.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 1 Los Alamos National Laboratory 6,777,958 2167 66.61 PRJNA244541 SAMN02867546 GCA_000741825.1 SEQF5855.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 6,796,677 FDAARGOS_997 66.55 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357166 GCA_016127415.1 SEQF5856.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 1 Nanjing Tech university 6,661,314 B804 66.73 PRJNA645677 SAMN15512205 GCA_013423845.1 SEQF5857.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 6,351,170 FDAARGOS_939 66.92 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450469 GCA_016026535.1 SEQF5858.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 6,708,547 FDAARGOS_909 66.51 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450439 GCA_016027075.1 SEQF5859.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 7,150,486 FDAARGOS_891 66.11 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450421 GCA_016027775.1 SEQF5860.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 1 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) 6,528,979 RAY209 66.65 PRJNA395578 SAMN07410697 GCA_002443055.1 SEQF5861.2 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 247 Hasselt University 6,549,354 B15 66.71 PRJNA416217 SAMN07945465 GCA_002751115.2 SEQF5862.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 3 Agriculture and Agri-food Canada 6,381,306 B21-011 66.81 PRJNA806951 SAMN25942280 GCA_022393415.1 SEQF5863.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 2 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 6,440,652 ATCC 11299b 66.86 PRJEB22447 SAMN05216519 GCA_900215545.1 SEQF5864.2 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 110 National Public Health Laboratory 6,969,684 Delftia strain 2189 66.56 PRJEB13025 SAMEA3903306 GCA_900078185.2 SEQF5865.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 18 DOE Joint Genome Institute 6,347,590 JUb8 66.98 PRJNA501400 SAMN10361615 GCA_003752215.1 SEQF5866.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 47 Technical University of Denmark 6,368,012 IB36 66.86 PRJNA666993 SAMN16411062 GCA_016405945.1 SEQF5867.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 5 University of Texas at Dallas 6,502,812 UTDS19-35T5 66.9 PRJNA756567 SAMN23567018 GCA_022117555.1 SEQF5868.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 91 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 6,630,389 NBRC 14950 66.77 PRJDB280 SAMD00046897 GCA_001598795.1 SEQF5869.1 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 130 INSTITUT PASTEUR 6,603,560 conventional rainbow trout larvae 66.81 PRJEB37666 SAMEA6847265 GCA_903469625.1 SEQF5870.2 23 Delftia acidovorans latest 52 Air Force Research Laboratory 6,259,045 D4B 66.96 PRJNA736486 SAMN19651323 GCA_018887285.2 SEQF3155.1 24 Schlegelella thermodepolymerans latest 48 Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences 3,830,945 DSM 15344 70.31 PRJNA430023 SAMN08365198 GCA_002933415.1 SEQF3156.1 24 Schlegelella thermodepolymerans latest 35 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,033,925 DSM 15264 70.23 PRJNA520318 SAMN10866314 GCA_004342465.1 SEQF3160.1 24 Schlegelella thermodepolymerans latest 28 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,835,611 DSM 15344 70.32 PRJNA456034 SAMN09064560 GCA_003349825.1 SEQF4982.1 24 Schlegelella thermodepolymerans latest 1 Brno University of Technology 3,858,501 DSM 15344 70.28 PRJNA674774 SAMN16675030 GCA_015476235.1 SEQF2854.1 27 Cupriavidus gilardii latest 2 Key Laboratory for Wetland Ecology and Vegetation Restoration of National Environmental Protection, Norhteast Normal Univesity, China 5,578,743 CR3 67.55 PRJNA183450 SAMN02665997 GCA_001281465.1 SEQF8717.1 27 Cupriavidus gilardii latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 5,760,010 FDAARGOS_639 67.45 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056354 GCA_013347325.1 SEQF8718.1 27 Cupriavidus gilardii latest 3 Institute of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences 5,835,791 QJ1 67.38 PRJNA846986 SAMN28907217 GCA_023824295.1 SEQF8719.1 27 Cupriavidus gilardii latest 38 California State University Northridge 5,595,578 W2-2 67.94 PRJNA560414 SAMN12586010 GCA_008354965.1 SEQF8720.1 27 Cupriavidus gilardii latest 60 University of Southern Mississippi 5,535,898 USM5 67.17 PRJNA635988 SAMN15062374 GCA_013314895.1 SEQF8721.1 27 Cupriavidus gilardii latest 66 Institut hospitalo-universitaire en maladies infectieuses de Marseille 5,335,421 Marseille CSURQ4897 67.31 PRJNA716171 SAMN18396263 GCA_017598945.1 SEQF8722.1 27 Cupriavidus gilardii latest 28 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) 5,559,922 JZ4 67.7 PRJNA313373 SAMN04520139 GCA_001658125.1 SEQF8723.1 27 Cupriavidus gilardii latest 49 BIOFORTE-LAB 5,539,012 BF20-02S 67.24 PRJNA804392 SAMN25742046 GCA_022214775.1 SEQF8724.1 27 Cupriavidus gilardii latest 115 University of Gothenburg - CCUG 5,792,089 CCUG 38401 67.36 PRJNA563568 SAMN12697570 GCA_008801915.1 SEQF8725.1 27 Cupriavidus gilardii latest 123 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 5,761,323 ATCC 700815 67.43 PRJNA622446 SAMN14517833 GCA_013004615.1 SEQF9565.1 28 Oryzomicrobium terrae latest 1 Academia Sinica 3,526,415 TPP412 66.11 PRJNA384495 SAMN06840935 GCA_008274805.1 SEQF1610.1 29 Treponema vincentii latest 79 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,514,590 ATCC 35580 45.69 PRJNA34095 SAMN00001903 GCA_000175895.1 SEQF1947.1 29 Treponema vincentii latest 3 Broad Institute 2,693,493 F0403 45.82 PRJNA169493 SAMN02596984 GCA_000412995.1 SEQF3740.1 29 Treponema vincentii latest 1 The University of Hong Kong 2,980,180 OMZ 804 44.32 PRJNA602574 SAMN11253843 GCA_010365865.1 SEQF3741.1 29 Treponema vincentii latest 1 The University of Hong Kong 2,711,688 OMZ 806 44.89 PRJNA602573 SAMN11253842 GCA_018336815.1 SEQF2886.1 30 Corynebacterium afermentans latest 24 Public Health Agency of Canada 2,345,615 LCDC880199 64.85 PRJNA319541 SAMN04893626 GCA_001639025.1 SEQF3734.1 30 Corynebacterium afermentans latest 50 EMG 2,240,769 MGYG-HGUT-01701 65.06 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851205 GCA_902377555.1 SEQF3735.1 30 Corynebacterium afermentans latest 17 China CDC 2,332,830 CCUG 32105 65.25 PRJNA673348 SAMN16604593 GCA_015351335.1 SEQF3736.1 30 Corynebacterium afermentans latest 48 NHGRI/NIH 2,359,061 ACRPU 64.94 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729878 GCA_022346345.1 SEQF3737.1 30 Corynebacterium afermentans latest 45 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,326,687 DSM 44280 64.85 PRJEB18848 SAMN05421802 GCA_900156035.1 SEQF2910.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 1 Los Alamos National Laboratory 2,471,920 ATCC 6931 58.63 PRJNA244546 SAMN02902856 GCA_000755185.1 SEQF2942.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 16 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,436,100 HMSC064E08 58.95 PRJNA299974 SAMN04477669 GCA_001811805.1 SEQF2949.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 46 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,417,058 HMSC070B05 58.98 PRJNA300114 SAMN04480383 GCA_001814235.1 SEQF2951.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 52 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,436,086 HMSC077C02 59.01 PRJNA299906 SAMN04477570 GCA_001810585.1 SEQF2956.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 55 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,562,236 HMSC14B06 60.07 PRJNA269867 SAMN03433344 GCA_001807075.1 SEQF2964.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 37 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,409,263 HMSC063G05 58.93 PRJNA299905 SAMN04477569 GCA_001810555.1 SEQF2967.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 40 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,450,517 HMSC064E07 58.97 PRJNA300196 SAMN04480461 GCA_001815745.1 SEQF2975.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 24 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,444,943 HMSC063A05 58.66 PRJNA296258 SAMN04477526 GCA_001809695.1 SEQF2979.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 10 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,460,166 HMSC064E10 58.83 PRJNA300014 SAMN04480028 GCA_001812505.1 SEQF2992.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 35 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,425,142 HMSC063F04 58.85 PRJNA299942 SAMN04477601 GCA_001811205.1 SEQF2995.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 25 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,409,687 HMSC074C05 58.9 PRJNA300185 SAMN04498690 GCA_001838325.1 SEQF2996.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 15 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,442,160 HMSC074C04 58.79 PRJNA300164 SAMN04498698 GCA_001838295.1 SEQF3006.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 20 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,433,278 HMSC11H10 58.71 PRJNA269859 SAMN03287013 GCA_001807045.1 SEQF3012.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 1 Broad Institute 2,493,224 HFH0082 59.21 PRJNA72477 SAMN02596730 GCA_000411235.1 SEQF3013.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 43 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,489,149 HMSC072B08 58.97 PRJNA296264 SAMN04498632 GCA_001837705.1 SEQF3014.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 64 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,484,283 HMSC072B09 58.87 PRJNA300139 SAMN04498697 GCA_001838205.1 SEQF3015.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 45 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,410,671 HMSC055G02 58.9 PRJNA296154 SAMN04495802 GCA_001809065.1 SEQF3017.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 23 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,456,959 HMSC074C11 58.74 PRJNA296221 SAMN04477509 GCA_001809455.1 SEQF3020.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 36 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,493,204 HMSC065H09 58.96 PRJNA300032 SAMN04480046 GCA_001812845.1 SEQF3024.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 44 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,458,128 HMSC064H12 58.9 PRJNA296288 SAMN04477534 GCA_001809925.1 SEQF3028.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 47 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,482,958 HMSC061H03 58.8 PRJNA299941 SAMN04498854 GCA_001838215.1 SEQF3031.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 37 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,430,573 HMSC077G07 58.84 PRJNA296169 SAMN04495789 GCA_001809225.1 SEQF3033.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 19 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,473,368 HMSC073H12 58.72 PRJNA296315 SAMN04498696 GCA_001837775.1 SEQF3034.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 59 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,461,778 HMSC077G01 58.84 PRJNA296321 SAMN04477550 GCA_001810195.1 SEQF3037.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 48 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,490,969 HMSC14H10 58.89 PRJNA269872 SAMN03287019 GCA_001807105.1 SEQF6098.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,476,115 FDAARGOS_1108 58.62 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357277 GCA_016728725.1 SEQF6099.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,474,943 FDAARGOS_1189 58.64 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357331 GCA_016889425.1 SEQF6100.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,706,528 FDAARGOS_1107 58.74 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357276 GCA_016728745.1 SEQF6101.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,802,624 FDAARGOS_938 58.63 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450468 GCA_016026415.1 SEQF6102.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,828,947 FDAARGOS_991 58.64 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357160 GCA_016127615.1 SEQF6103.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 41 Loyola University Chicago 2,425,544 UMB1182 58.73 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797015 GCA_008726785.1 SEQF6104.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 41 Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis Russian Academy of Sciences 2,460,257 ICIS 53 58.98 PRJNA339674 SAMN05601680 GCA_001722255.1 SEQF6105.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 32 NHGRI/NIH 2,426,195 ACRPW 58.98 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729880 GCA_022346265.1 SEQF6106.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 6 SC 2,638,280 NCTC7243 58.78 PRJEB6403 SAMEA26384668 GCA_900461385.1 SEQF6107.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 61 Loyola University Chicago 2,494,409 UMB9184 58.87 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797046 GCA_008726215.1 SEQF6108.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 30 Loyola University Chicago 2,493,542 UMB1310-1E 58.76 PRJNA316969 SAMN19595173 GCA_018919345.1 SEQF6109.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 39 Loyola University Chicago 2,465,364 UMB0338 58.9 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193652 GCA_002861405.1 SEQF6110.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 54 Loyola University Chicago 2,492,575 UMB1310 58.76 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797022 GCA_008726645.1 SEQF6111.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 65 Loyola University Chicago 2,422,276 UMB7760 58.85 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797034 GCA_008726455.1 SEQF6112.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 48 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,513,912 SK46 58.58 PRJNA31007 SAMN00000714 GCA_000173655.1 SEQF6113.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 65 Loyola University Chicago 2,565,104 UMB9256 58.8 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797048 GCA_008726175.1 SEQF6114.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 10 UPenn 2,451,386 LK23 58.68 PRJNA395377 SAMN07741515 GCA_014335175.1 SEQF6115.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 16 Loyola University Chicago 2,481,374 UMB0042 58.96 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193653 GCA_002847785.1 SEQF6116.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 181 Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis Russian Academy of Sciences 2,587,830 ICIS 9 58.65 PRJNA339674 SAMN06233788 GCA_001975925.1 SEQF6117.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 41 Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis Russian Academy of Sciences 2,532,503 ICIS 99 58.96 PRJNA339674 SAMN21545782 GCA_020161895.1 SEQF6118.1 31 Corynebacterium amycolatum latest 115 Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis Russian Academy of Sciences 2,474,151 ICIS 5 58.85 PRJNA339674 SAMN11391704 GCA_008368695.1 SEQF2915.1 33 Corynebacterium appendicis latest 32 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,248,056 DSM 44531 64.31 PRJEB18828 SAMN05444817 GCA_900156665.1 SEQF2936.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 54 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,631,066 HMSC066C02 60.66 PRJNA300150 SAMN04480417 GCA_001814945.1 SEQF2938.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 61 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,639,433 HMSC036D02 60.9 PRJNA296524 SAMN04498670 GCA_001836165.1 SEQF2939.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 53 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,761,821 HMSC078A10 60.9 PRJNA299962 SAMN04477624 GCA_001811565.1 SEQF2944.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 45 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,566,381 HMSC072D12 60.76 PRJNA300097 SAMN04480368 GCA_001813925.1 SEQF2948.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 58 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,658,959 HMSC065D07 61.04 PRJNA299914 SAMN04477578 GCA_001810695.1 SEQF2950.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 54 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,654,499 HMSC074E01 60.89 PRJNA296144 SAMN04455695 GCA_001808885.1 SEQF2971.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 79 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,725,857 HMSC070E08 61.09 PRJNA296133 SAMN04387652 GCA_001808895.1 SEQF2981.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 66 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,606,195 HMSC062A03 60.61 PRJNA299935 SAMN04477599 GCA_001811145.1 SEQF2989.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 76 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,810,041 HMSC074H12 60.99 PRJNA300086 SAMN04480357 GCA_001813755.1 SEQF2991.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 59 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,672,238 HMSC056E09 61.0 PRJNA300066 SAMN04480353 GCA_001813425.1 SEQF3001.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 75 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,693,142 HMSC074C01 60.86 PRJNA300132 SAMN04480403 GCA_001814605.1 SEQF3009.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 43 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,642,799 HMSC05D03 60.64 PRJNA269884 SAMN03433347 GCA_001807205.1 SEQF3010.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 72 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,669,014 HMSC078C09 61.09 PRJNA300128 SAMN04480397 GCA_001814525.1 SEQF3019.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 82 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,818,382 HMSC055A01 61.01 PRJNA296211 SAMN04477504 GCA_001809405.1 SEQF3032.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 67 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,793,519 HMSC068G04 61.04 PRJNA300147 SAMN04480414 GCA_001814885.1 SEQF3042.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 92 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,753,344 HMSC072A02 60.93 PRJNA296305 SAMN04477542 GCA_001810085.1 SEQF3043.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 90 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,642,255 HMSC069E04 60.65 PRJNA300050 SAMN04480061 GCA_001813175.1 SEQF3045.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 91 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,767,129 HMSC035E02 61.14 PRJNA296242 SAMN04498616 GCA_001836065.1 SEQF3046.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 97 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,804,419 HMSC072A04 61.13 PRJNA296172 SAMN04495792 GCA_001809235.1 SEQF3048.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 99 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,758,830 HMSC056F09 61.18 PRJNA300199 SAMN04480463 GCA_001815785.1 SEQF4860.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,737,787 FDAARGOS_1109 60.3 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357278 GCA_016728705.1 SEQF4861.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,829,463 FDAARGOS_1110 60.54 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357279 GCA_016728685.1 SEQF4862.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 41 Federal University of Bahia 2,657,049 2271 61.02 PRJNA510229 SAMN12257095 GCA_007097455.1 SEQF4863.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 74 BGI 2,679,379 DE0142 61.02 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792302 GCA_007678885.1 SEQF4864.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 52 NHGRI/NIH 2,688,050 ACRQA 60.99 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729884 GCA_022346165.1 SEQF4865.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 101 Baylor College of Medecine 2,730,325 ATCC 700975 60.74 PRJNA31451 SAMN00138950 GCA_000174695.1 SEQF4866.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 48 Federal University of Bahia 2,744,408 332 61.23 PRJNA510229 SAMN10600679 GCA_009708045.1 SEQF4867.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 31 Loyola University Chicago 2,671,915 UMB0043 60.89 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193654 GCA_002861385.1 SEQF4868.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 44 Loyola University Chicago 2,683,029 UMB8492-1R 60.47 PRJNA316969 SAMN19595177 GCA_018919245.1 SEQF4869.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 52 Federal University of Bahia 2,737,922 2218 60.88 PRJNA510229 SAMN12257096 GCA_007097445.1 SEQF4870.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 111 Federal University of Bahia 2,632,856 14-2523 60.55 PRJNA510229 SAMN12175569 GCA_007786375.1 SEQF4871.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 21 University of Luebeck 2,629,169 HESMS017b 61.18 PRJNA668279 SAMN16402356 GCA_015070505.1 SEQF4872.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 50 Loyola University Chicago 2,731,818 UMB7769 60.95 PRJNA316969 SAMN14478491 GCA_012030615.1 SEQF4873.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 61 Federal University of Bahia 2,637,059 13 61.07 PRJNA510229 SAMN12175570 GCA_009707995.1 SEQF4874.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 94 Federal University of Bahia 2,720,157 2299 61.08 PRJNA510229 SAMN12257093 GCA_007109275.1 SEQF4875.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 63 BGI 2,675,843 DE0407 61.09 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792567 GCA_007672735.1 SEQF4876.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 58 Federal University of Bahia 2,742,396 2226 61.06 PRJNA510229 SAMN12257094 GCA_007097675.1 SEQF4877.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 398 BGI 2,761,350 DE0416 61.05 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792576 GCA_007672585.1 SEQF4878.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 17 University of Luebeck 2,613,953 HESN016 61.11 PRJNA668279 SAMN16402342 GCA_015070775.1 SEQF4879.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 85 Federal University of Bahia 2,865,662 2274 61.06 PRJNA510229 SAMN12257092 GCA_007097425.1 SEQF4880.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 55 Federal University of Bahia 2,669,544 85 61.08 PRJNA510229 SAMN10600677 GCA_009707975.1 SEQF4881.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 64 Loyola University Chicago 2,815,167 UMB1300 61.22 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511397 GCA_002871735.1 SEQF4882.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 95 Federal University of Bahia 2,875,801 15-4290 60.94 PRJNA510229 SAMN12175573 GCA_007786365.1 SEQF4883.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 138 University of Washington 2,807,048 945_CAUR 61.09 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198165 GCA_001059615.1 SEQF4884.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 886 BGI 2,901,813 DE0418 60.95 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792578 GCA_007672575.1 SEQF4885.1 34 Corynebacterium aurimucosum latest 33 BGI 2,668,890 DE0417 61.12 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792577 GCA_007672555.1 SEQF2918.1 35 Haemophilus paraphrohaemolyticus latest 78 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,021,208 HK411 40.83 PRJNA75147 SAMN00761819 GCA_000260675.1 SEQF4724.1 35 Haemophilus paraphrohaemolyticus latest 3 SC 2,138,467 NCTC10671 40.92 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3905386 GCA_900451065.1 SEQF4725.1 35 Haemophilus paraphrohaemolyticus latest 29 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,057,591 CCUG 3718 40.84 PRJNA302716 SAMN06308708 GCA_002015045.1 SEQF4726.1 35 Haemophilus paraphrohaemolyticus latest 27 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,967,999 C2014016342 40.88 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011123 GCA_003253115.1 SEQF2869.1 36 Haemophilus sp._HMT_036 latest 18 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,926,945 CCUG 66565 38.26 PRJNA302716 SAMN05225439 GCA_001679495.1 SEQF3061.1 36 Haemophilus sp._HMT_036 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 1,805,716 F0629 38.4 PRJNA282954 SAMN08439034 GCA_002998595.1 SEQF2803.1 37 Stenotrophomonas nitritireducens latest 95 CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology 3,983,487 DSM 12575 68.34 PRJNA284361 SAMN03701629 GCA_001431425.1 SEQF9812.1 37 Stenotrophomonas nitritireducens latest 1 Konkuk University 4,541,729 2001 63.83 PRJNA330867 SAMN05428703 GCA_001700965.1 SEQF1031.1 38 Olsenella uli latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 2,051,896 DSM 7084 64.7 PRJNA36641 SAMN00016989 Human Gingival Crevice GCA_000143845.1 SEQF2631.1 38 Olsenella uli latest 14 JCVI 2,153,240 MSTE5 64.49 PRJNA165915 SAMN02641569 GCA_000524335.1 SEQF9007.1 38 Olsenella uli latest 13 Shanghai Majorbio 2,057,128 DSM 7084 64.8 PRJNA222257 SAMN02797808 GCA_001437585.1 SEQF2485.1 41 Desulfobulbus sp._HMT_041 latest 162 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 676,885 Dsb2 57.61 PRJNA188737 SAMN02470751 GCA_000349365.1 SEQF2486.1 41 Desulfobulbus sp._HMT_041 latest 210 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 736,505 Dsb3 57.88 PRJNA188738 SAMN02470740 GCA_000349345.1 SEQF7377.1 41 Desulfobulbus sp._HMT_041 latest 83 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 748,241 Dsb4 58.96 PRJNA192194 SAMN02470744 GCA_000403925.1 SEQF7378.1 41 Desulfobulbus sp._HMT_041 latest 384 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1,876,126 Dsb1-5 58.82 PRJNA188735 SAMN02470741 GCA_000403865.1 SEQF2630.1 42 Mogibacterium timidum latest 30 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,806,210 ATCC 33093 44.31 PRJNA219678 SAMN02641586 GCA_000525775.1 SEQF3171.1 42 Mogibacterium timidum latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 1,859,163 W9173 44.21 PRJNA282954 SAMN15357426 GCA_013394805.1 SEQF1170.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 1 Kao Corporation, Biological Science Laboratories, Japan 4,303,871 KSM-K16 44.75 PRJNA13291 SAMD00061074 GCA_000009825.1 SEQF5998.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 1 Kyungpook National University 4,517,459 DSM 8716 44.69 PRJNA376814 SAMN06458367 GCA_002250115.1 SEQF5999.2 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 2 Dr. Srikrishna Subramanian, Protein Science and Engineering, Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh, India 4,296,341 ENTPro 44.71 PRJNA242453 SAMN02719561 GCA_000737305.2 SEQF6000.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 1 Advanced Enzyme Technologies Limited 4,598,557 088AE 44.74 PRJNA481187 SAMN09662694 GCA_014338545.1 SEQF6001.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 137 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4,492,163 TA 149 44.57 PRJNA832800 SAMN27922086 GCA_023712225.1 SEQF6002.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 146 Bielefeld University 4,360,437 7540-2 44.62 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372705 GCA_002271575.1 SEQF6003.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 80 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization 4,235,522 J32TS2 44.66 PRJDB11087 SAMD00277590 GCA_018332775.1 SEQF6004.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 146 Bielefeld University 4,444,746 7520-2 44.64 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372685 GCA_002272085.1 SEQF6005.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 107 Bielefeld University 4,171,250 7894-1 44.62 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372737 GCA_002271695.1 SEQF6006.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 42 Unique Biotech Limited 4,236,127 UBBC-08/T 44.65 PRJNA728233 SAMN19073089 GCA_018862375.1 SEQF6007.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 106 Bielefeld University 4,280,470 7540-1 44.64 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372704 GCA_002271585.1 SEQF6008.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 191 Bielefeld University 4,374,902 7547-G 44.53 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372709 GCA_002272445.1 SEQF6009.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 61 CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology 4,197,324 UBBC-07 44.63 PRJNA280495 SAMN03463611 GCA_000981315.1 SEQF6010.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 527 Unique Biotech Limited 4,329,898 UBBC-08/S 44.99 PRJNA728227 SAMN19072938 GCA_018863155.1 SEQF6011.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 243 Qilu university of technology 4,294,986 BC112 44.61 PRJNA356141 SAMN06107070 GCA_003043875.1 SEQF6012.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 93 Bielefeld University 4,212,995 7537-T 44.69 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372701 GCA_002272525.1 SEQF6013.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 80 Bielefeld University 4,457,004 7539 44.51 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372703 GCA_002272535.1 SEQF6014.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 150 Bielefeld University 4,375,971 7541 44.54 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372707 GCA_002271555.1 SEQF6015.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 75 Deerland 4,272,925 CSI08 44.65 PRJNA626659 SAMN14646815 GCA_012926565.1 SEQF6016.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 29 Zytex Biotech Pvt. Ltd. 4,239,068 ZBDJF4 44.68 PRJNA752471 SAMN20598492 GCA_019599225.1 SEQF6017.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 93 Bielefeld University 4,250,134 7543 44.6 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372708 GCA_002272505.1 SEQF6018.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 30 Zytex Biotech Pvt. Ltd. 4,463,338 ZBGE1 44.42 PRJNA752514 SAMN20600062 GCA_019599175.1 SEQF6019.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 21 MACS Agharkar Research Institute, Pune (MS) India 4,243,844 B619/R 44.69 PRJNA628806 SAMN14751199 GCA_013085245.1 SEQF6020.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 32 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization 4,551,657 J26TS2 44.63 PRJDB11087 SAMD00277589 GCA_018332755.1 SEQF6021.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 48 Unique Biotech Limited 4,243,562 UBBC-08/R 44.69 PRJNA728234 SAMN19073079 GCA_018862015.1 SEQF6022.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 69 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 4,503,474 179-F 5B1 HS 44.61 PRJNA728748 SAMN19102899 GCA_019037585.1 SEQF6023.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 22 MACS Agharkar Research Institute, Pune (MS) India 4,244,642 B603/Nb 44.69 PRJNA628801 SAMN14750930 GCA_013085275.1 SEQF6024.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 161 Bielefeld University 4,368,577 7522 44.65 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372691 GCA_002272655.1 SEQF6025.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 1137 Bielefeld University 4,774,103 7523-2 44.37 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372693 GCA_002272645.1 SEQF6026.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 48 Unique Biotech Limited 4,262,424 UBBC-08/C 44.66 PRJNA728235 SAMN19073078 GCA_018863065.1 SEQF6027.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 90 Bielefeld University 4,297,919 7529 44.61 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372697 GCA_002272615.1 SEQF6028.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 45 Agharkar Research Institute 4,253,129 B106 44.63 PRJNA385749 SAMN06909311 GCA_002266625.1 SEQF6029.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 161 Bielefeld University 4,364,228 7538 44.55 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372702 GCA_002272545.1 SEQF6030.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 154 Bielefeld University 4,377,807 7535-K 44.53 PRJNA395369 SAMN07372698 GCA_002272605.1 SEQF6031.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 21 MACS Agharkar Research Institute, Pune (MS) India 4,243,991 B637/NM 44.69 PRJNA628804 SAMN14751198 GCA_013085285.1 SEQF6032.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 42 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization 4,294,420 J1TS1 44.69 PRJDB11087 SAMD00277588 GCA_018332735.1 SEQF6033.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 21 MACS Agharkar Research Institute, Pune (MS) India 4,244,057 GMN 44.69 PRJNA631895 SAMN14896268 GCA_013154995.1 SEQF6034.1 45 Alkalihalobacillus clausii latest 16 Applied Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Bioscience and Biotechnology, Kyushu University 4,659,344 AKU0647 44.28 PRJDB4609 SAMD00048428 GCA_001598215.1 SEQF2298.1 46 Gemella morbillorum latest 18 Broad Institute 1,752,918 M424 31.08 PRJNA38781 SAMN02595332 GCA_000185645.1 SEQF8149.1 46 Gemella morbillorum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,779,451 FDAARGOS_741 30.93 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056456 GCA_009730315.1 SEQF8150.1 46 Gemella morbillorum latest 1 SC 1,760,930 NCTC11323 30.58 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4364208 GCA_900476045.1 SEQF8151.1 46 Gemella morbillorum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,760,933 FDAARGOS_1501 30.58 PRJNA231221 SAMN21218857 GCA_020097435.1 SEQF2978.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 31 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,215,784 HMSC08A12 62.95 PRJNA269903 SAMN03434239 GCA_001807485.1 SEQF3023.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 67 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,223,736 HMSC058E07 62.05 PRJNA296285 SAMN04477532 GCA_001809885.1 SEQF5497.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 1 SC 2,414,649 NCTC11914 61.75 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4017709 GCA_900477975.1 SEQF5498.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 44 University of Washington 2,356,729 Cj19409 61.81 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641052 GCA_000738165.1 SEQF5499.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 23 CEBITEC 2,306,230 BVI 61.6 PRJEB16021 SAMEA4506857 GCA_900100745.1 SEQF5500.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 21 BCM 2,492,821 ATCC 43734 62.65 PRJNA31445 SAMN00001506 GCA_000163435.1 SEQF5501.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 75 University of Washington 2,503,067 Cj47445 61.37 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641059 GCA_000738385.1 SEQF5502.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 65 University of Washington 2,376,707 Cj47446 61.66 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641060 GCA_000738325.1 SEQF5503.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 63 University of Washington 2,423,808 Cj47444 62.36 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641058 GCA_000738175.1 SEQF5504.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 57 University of Washington 2,285,454 931_CJEI 62.97 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198150 GCA_001059385.1 SEQF5505.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 2 SC 2,526,027 NCTC11913 61.43 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4017703 GCA_900461185.1 SEQF5506.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 111 California Department of Public Health 2,447,019 ATCC 43734 61.57 PRJNA341407 SAMN05721786 GCA_001999385.1 SEQF5507.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 41 University of Washington 2,385,811 Cj47453 61.61 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641062 GCA_000738335.1 SEQF5508.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 36 University of Washington 2,305,843 Cj38002 62.04 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641057 GCA_000738305.1 SEQF5509.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 84 University of Washington 2,411,939 Cj47447 61.48 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641061 GCA_000738405.1 SEQF5510.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 2 SC 2,500,328 NCTC11917 61.36 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4017710 GCA_900461255.1 SEQF5511.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 30 University of Washington 2,302,511 Cj37130 61.94 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641056 GCA_000738265.1 SEQF5512.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 263 University of Washington 2,411,235 Cj30184 61.87 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641054 GCA_000738245.1 SEQF5513.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 49 University of Washington 2,332,166 Cj16348 61.73 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641051 GCA_000738195.1 SEQF5514.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 49 University of Washington 2,331,521 Cj14566 61.91 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641050 GCA_000738185.1 SEQF5515.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 30 University of Washington 2,253,702 Cj30952 62.98 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641055 GCA_000738355.1 SEQF5516.1 47 Corynebacterium jeikeium latest 80 University of Washington 2,269,861 Cj21382 61.94 PRJNA238244 SAMN02641053 GCA_000738255.1 SEQF6333.1 48 Paenibacillus typhae latest 83 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 6,926,553 I2-R2 51.96 PRJNA644637 SAMN15705224 GCA_019748915.1 SEQF6334.1 48 Paenibacillus typhae latest 92 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 6,740,451 CGMCC 1.11012 51.66 PRJEB15952 SAMN05216192 GCA_900099765.1 SEQF2862.1 49 Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii latest 1 Bielefeld University, Center for Biotechnology 2,446,804 DSM 44385 57.46 PRJNA38011 SAMN02603033 GCA_000023145.1 SEQF9566.1 49 Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,446,807 FDAARGOS_1192 57.46 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357334 GCA_016889365.1 SEQF9567.1 49 Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,511,877 FDAARGOS_1194 57.1 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357336 GCA_016889405.1 SEQF9568.1 49 Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,483,714 FDAARGOS_1193 56.06 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357335 GCA_016894245.1 SEQF9569.1 49 Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii latest 22 Loyola University Chicago 2,516,257 UMB0869 56.86 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511398 GCA_002871755.1 SEQF9570.1 49 Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii latest 14 AC-Gen Reading Life 2,514,376 ITA205 56.87 PRJNA274886 SAMN03333293 GCA_000971855.1 SEQF9571.1 49 Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii latest 9 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,535,741 DNF00591 56.84 PRJNA246505 SAMN03842619 GCA_001552955.1 SEQF9572.1 49 Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii latest 33 ITACYL 2,574,614 ITA105 56.84 PRJNA274824 SAMN03333058 GCA_000971845.1 SEQF3149.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 56 National Microbiology Laboratory 2,419,073 CCUG 32361 57.07 PRJNA496056 SAMN10236834 GCA_003688935.1 SEQF3161.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 40 National Microbiology Laboratory 2,349,818 NML 120205 57.21 PRJNA496056 SAMN10236836 GCA_003688955.1 SEQF3162.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 77 National Microbiology Laboratory 2,417,567 NML 080212 57.09 PRJNA496056 SAMN10236835 GCA_003688975.1 SEQF9709.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,493,537 FDAARGOS_1195 56.98 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357337 GCA_016889465.1 SEQF9710.2 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 1 Aarhus University 2,481,998 180208 57.0 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895341 GCA_016628525.2 SEQF9711.2 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 1 Aarhus University 2,431,961 160811 57.03 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895334 GCA_016628735.2 SEQF9712.2 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 2 Aarhus University 2,497,421 12T220 57.07 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895346 GCA_016628425.2 SEQF9713.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 75 Aarhus University 2,325,585 160812 57.23 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895335 GCA_016628725.1 SEQF9714.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 56 Aarhus University 2,384,098 161211 57.11 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895336 GCA_016628695.1 SEQF9715.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 78 Aarhus University 2,484,613 9T245 57.14 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895344 GCA_016628435.1 SEQF9716.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 124 Aarhus University 2,459,978 160603 57.2 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895332 GCA_016628795.1 SEQF9717.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 48 Aarhus University 2,429,763 160806 57.11 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895333 GCA_016628775.1 SEQF9718.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 45 Aarhus University 2,434,378 14T168 57.14 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895347 GCA_016628325.1 SEQF9719.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 58 Aarhus University 2,338,271 14T424 57.2 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895348 GCA_016628345.1 SEQF9720.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 87 Aarhus University 2,411,976 12T66 57.19 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895345 GCA_016628405.1 SEQF9721.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 58 Aarhus University 2,387,015 14T514 57.19 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895349 GCA_016628305.1 SEQF9722.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 87 Aarhus University 2,383,944 170718 57.15 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895337 GCA_016628635.1 SEQF9723.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 42 Aarhus University 2,436,459 150801 57.14 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895329 GCA_016628845.1 SEQF9724.2 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 2 Aarhus University 2,405,258 180126 57.08 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895340 GCA_016628615.2 SEQF9725.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 47 Aarhus University 2,390,797 180216 57.15 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895342 GCA_016628585.1 SEQF9726.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 51 Aarhus University 2,387,125 171015 57.14 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895338 GCA_016628675.1 SEQF9727.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 58 Aarhus University 2,403,595 151011 57.18 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895330 GCA_016628825.1 SEQF9728.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 59 Aarhus University 2,394,435 171203 57.19 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895339 GCA_016628645.1 SEQF9729.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 50 Aarhus University 2,436,922 160430 57.1 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895331 GCA_016628745.1 SEQF9730.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 49 Aarhus University 2,430,415 06T638 57.13 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895343 GCA_016628485.1 SEQF9731.1 50 Corynebacterium macginleyi latest 56 Aarhus University 2,351,090 14T631 57.24 PRJNA602417 SAMN13895350 GCA_016628245.1 SEQF1783.1 51 Limosilactobacillus vaginalis latest 112 BCM 1,877,332 ATCC 49540 42.87 PRJNA31507 SAMN00001485 GCA_000159435.1 SEQF3721.1 51 Limosilactobacillus vaginalis latest 1 Korea University 1,894,710 LV515 40.53 PRJNA566211 SAMN12784813 GCA_009362935.1 SEQF3722.1 51 Limosilactobacillus vaginalis latest 105 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,394,550 0861_630_1_1_MRS7_S852-bin_1 40.86 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207565 GCA_022457745.1 SEQF3723.1 51 Limosilactobacillus vaginalis latest 26 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,496,624 0861_630_1_1_MRS3_S828-bin_1 40.79 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207564 GCA_022456455.1 SEQF3724.1 51 Limosilactobacillus vaginalis latest 96 university of ljubljana, biotechnical faculty 1,899,052 IM929 40.46 PRJEB49530 SAMEA11998736 GCA_925282335.1 SEQF3725.1 51 Limosilactobacillus vaginalis latest 18 Massachusetts General Hospital 843,285 0861_630_1_1_MRSIHK7_S799-bin_2 39.85 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207575 GCA_022457975.1 SEQF3726.1 51 Limosilactobacillus vaginalis latest 123 Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore 1,879,874 CBA-L88 (BV2) 40.57 PRJNA504605 SAMN10395645 GCA_003833155.1 SEQF3727.1 51 Limosilactobacillus vaginalis latest 116 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,657,171 0861_630_1_1_CBA8_S776-bin_1 40.54 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207563 GCA_022456495.1 SEQF3728.1 51 Limosilactobacillus vaginalis latest 19 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,135,852 0861_630_1_1_MRSI2_S839-bin_1 41.12 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207571 GCA_022457835.1 SEQF3729.1 51 Limosilactobacillus vaginalis latest 35 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,697,396 0861_630_1_1_BHK11_S832-bin_1 40.51 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207560 GCA_022456515.1 SEQF2878.1 53 Corynebacterium minutissimum latest 38 Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 2,663,401 ATCC 23348 59.96 PRJNA264738 SAMN03140311 GCA_000805675.1 SEQF3047.1 53 Corynebacterium minutissimum 85 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,797,062 HMSC05E07 59.98 PRJNA269886 SAMN03433339 GCA_001807225.1 SEQF7368.1 53 Corynebacterium minutissimum latest 1 SC 2,695,970 NCTC10288 59.9 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4030732 GCA_900478045.1 SEQF7369.1 53 Corynebacterium minutissimum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,695,961 FDAARGOS_894 59.9 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450424 GCA_016027615.1 SEQF7370.1 53 Corynebacterium minutissimum latest 1 SC 2,696,013 NCTC10285 59.9 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4017705 GCA_900637065.1 SEQF7371.1 53 Corynebacterium minutissimum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,696,014 FDAARGOS_992 59.9 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357161 GCA_016126915.1 SEQF7372.1 53 Corynebacterium minutissimum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,725,312 FDAARGOS_1196 59.95 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357338 GCA_016889765.1 SEQF7373.1 53 Corynebacterium minutissimum latest 36 NHGRI/NIH 2,630,480 ACRQC 59.96 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729885 GCA_022345875.1 SEQF7374.1 53 Corynebacterium minutissimum latest 42 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 2,663,455 NBRC 15361 59.95 PRJDB438 SAMD00046517 GCA_001552395.1 SEQF7375.1 53 Corynebacterium minutissimum latest 2 SC 2,736,326 NCTC10289 59.95 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104016176 GCA_900447475.1 SEQF7376.1 53 Corynebacterium minutissimum latest 36 NHGRI/NIH 2,588,109 ACRQO 59.99 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729897 GCA_022345885.1 SEQF2969.1 54 Corynebacterium pilbarense latest 55 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,411,621 HMSC05H05 65.31 PRJNA269888 SAMN03433340 GCA_001807265.1 SEQF2998.1 54 Corynebacterium pilbarense latest 66 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,393,833 HMSC034A01 65.42 PRJNA299945 SAMN04498677 GCA_001838175.1 SEQF1847.2 56 Streptococcus sp._HMT_056 latest 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,943,250 F0418 39.47 PRJNA53569 SAMN00115115 GCA_000220065.2 SEQF1704.1 58 Streptococcus oralis latest 22 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 1,848,904 F0407 41.23 PRJNA50403 SAMN02299440 GCA_000235485.1 SEQF3081.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 22 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,458,635 DSM 44285 56.44 PRJNA169811 SAMN02441734 GCA_000375525.1 SEQF9089.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,480,127 FDAARGOS_1112 56.43 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357281 GCA_016728665.1 SEQF9090.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 1 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,514,362 PC1113 56.62 PRJNA541851 SAMN24898270 GCA_023509315.1 SEQF9091.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,461,302 FDAARGOS_1113 56.43 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357282 GCA_016728625.1 SEQF9092.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 33 NHGRI/NIH 2,525,869 ACRQS 56.47 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729900 GCA_022345925.1 SEQF9093.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 78 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2,548,974 HSID18035 56.48 PRJNA492917 SAMN10118514 GCA_003989475.1 SEQF9094.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 58 BGI 2,582,419 DE0530 56.47 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792690 GCA_007672025.1 SEQF9095.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 344 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2,794,243 HSID18034 56.83 PRJNA492917 SAMN10118513 GCA_003989215.1 SEQF9096.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 82 University of Washington 2,521,392 143_CAUR 56.46 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197333 GCA_001053555.1 SEQF9097.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 67 University of Washington 2,553,120 149_CJEI 56.43 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197338 GCA_001054395.1 SEQF9098.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 245 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2,702,312 HSID18036 56.73 PRJNA492917 SAMN10118515 GCA_003989165.1 SEQF9099.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 220 BGI 2,628,464 DE0547 56.2 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792707 GCA_007671985.1 SEQF9100.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 18 EMG 2,504,704 MGYG-HGUT-00081 56.56 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5849582 GCA_902362995.1 SEQF9101.1 59 Corynebacterium propinquum latest 68 University of Washington 2,466,773 1274_CJEI 56.52 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197244 GCA_001052555.1 SEQF2911.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 1 Broad Institute 2,313,371 KPL1995 55.35 PRJNA170364 SAMN02596997 GCA_000477935.1 SEQF2972.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 3 Broad Institute 2,317,860 KPL1989 55.35 PRJNA170362 SAMN02596998 GCA_000477955.1 SEQF3041.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 85 JCVI 2,366,960 EPI-003-04-2554_SCH2473622 55.35 PRJNA305922 SAMN04696134 GCA_001665955.1 SEQF4755.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 1 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,374,277 CD1121 55.38 PRJNA541851 SAMN13559122 GCA_023509255.1 SEQF4756.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 1 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,362,766 PC1130 55.3 PRJNA541851 SAMN24898280 GCA_023509295.1 SEQF4757.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 1 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,402,479 PC1145 55.27 PRJNA541851 SAMN24898294 GCA_023509275.1 SEQF4758.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 54 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2,328,440 HSID17260 55.43 PRJNA492917 SAMN10118506 GCA_003989305.1 SEQF4759.2 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 48 Kingston Uniiversity 2,328,061 090104 55.31 PRJNA213995 SAMN02298815 GCA_000466825.2 SEQF4760.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 29 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2,351,912 HSID17575 55.35 PRJNA492917 SAMN10118509 GCA_003989495.1 SEQF4761.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 23 NHGRI/NIH 2,322,325 ACRQT 55.16 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729901 GCA_022345865.1 SEQF4762.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 1029 University of Wisconsin-Madison 3,303,469 HSID17231 56.84 PRJNA492917 SAMN10118500 GCA_003989565.1 SEQF4763.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 13 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,261,008 DSM 44287 55.29 PRJNA215660 SAMN02743909 GCA_000688415.1 SEQF4764.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 39 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2,314,806 HSID17241 55.37 PRJNA492917 SAMN10118502 GCA_003989375.1 SEQF4765.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 28 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2,305,392 HSID17576 55.34 PRJNA492917 SAMN10118510 GCA_003989225.1 SEQF4766.1 60 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum latest 66 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2,320,839 HSID17564 55.43 PRJNA492917 SAMN10118508 GCA_003989245.1 SEQF3173.1 61 Streptococcus sp._HMT_061 1 The Forsyth Institute 1,765,730 strain=F0704 39.52 PRJNA282954 SAMN15358107 GCA_013394695.1 SEQF2866.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 1 NHGRI 2,737,971 PES1 59.01 PRJNA279606 SAMN03455925 GCA_001586215.1 SEQF2952.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 41 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,657,712 HMSC08C04 59.13 PRJNA269906 SAMN03434243 GCA_001807495.1 SEQF2955.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 43 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,672,576 HMSC06D04 59.04 PRJNA269892 SAMN03433350 GCA_001807315.1 SEQF2961.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 62 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,652,130 HMSC036D03 59.14 PRJNA296299 SAMN04498649 GCA_001836185.1 SEQF3002.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 61 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,636,380 HMSC077D03 59.25 PRJNA300042 SAMN04480074 GCA_001808545.1 SEQF3005.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 61 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,574,878 HMSC071F07 59.35 PRJNA296332 SAMN04477576 GCA_001810285.1 SEQF3029.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 40 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,627,043 HMSC06G04 59.1 PRJNA269895 SAMN03433966 GCA_001807365.1 SEQF3036.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 78 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,638,185 HMSC076D02 59.22 PRJNA300089 SAMN04480362 GCA_001813815.1 SEQF3806.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 1 NHGRI/NIH 2,598,702 Wattiau 59.26 PRJNA309522 SAMN04435330 GCA_001586235.1 SEQF3807.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 33 NHGRI/NIH 2,639,000 ACRQU 59.21 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729902 GCA_022345825.1 SEQF3808.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 23 China CDC 2,564,029 EYE_769 59.1 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899799 GCA_023148335.1 SEQF3809.1 62 Corynebacterium simulans latest 66 NHGRI 2,653,230 1B08 59.23 PRJNA279605 SAMN03455924 GCA_001579275.1 SEQF2846.1 63 Corynebacterium singulare latest 1 Bielefeld University 2,830,519 IBS B52218 60.12 PRJNA246651 SAMN03177398 GCA_000833575.1 SEQF3039.1 63 Corynebacterium singulare latest 89 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,768,062 HMSC078H07 59.84 PRJNA300029 SAMN04480043 GCA_001812805.1 SEQF4615.1 63 Corynebacterium singulare latest 95 BGI 2,888,281 DE0529 59.93 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792689 GCA_007666555.1 SEQF4616.1 63 Corynebacterium singulare latest 54 NHGRI/NIH 2,775,595 ACRQV 60.14 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729903 GCA_022346285.1 SEQF2905.1 64 Streptococcus sp._HMT_064 3 The Forsyth Institute 2,013,158 W10853 41.25 PRJNA282954 SAMN03897726 GCA_001683375.1 SEQF1889.2 66 Streptococcus sp._HMT_066 latest 3 Broad Institute 2,231,248 F0442 41.96 PRJNA64901 SAMN02463946 GCA_000314795.2 SEQF1888.2 70 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 Broad Institute 2,000,650 F0441 41.72 PRJNA64899 SAMN02463945 GCA_000314775.2 SEQF1913.1 71 Streptococcus oralis latest 7 Baylor College of Medicine 1,976,523 73H25AP 41.46 PRJNA50521 SAMN00260141 GCA_000146755.1 SEQF2859.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 3 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology 2,797,692 KC-Na-01 59.05 PRJNA386621 SAMN07109493 GCA_002156805.1 SEQF2999.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 74 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,652,216 HMSC06C06 59.41 PRJNA269890 SAMN03433349 GCA_001807295.1 SEQF3044.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 85 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,812,770 HMSC05D08 59.27 PRJNA269885 SAMN03433348 GCA_001807215.1 SEQF5555.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,904,831 FDAARGOS_1115 59.35 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357284 GCA_016728105.1 SEQF5556.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 3,004,754 FDAARGOS_1197 59.09 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357339 GCA_016889445.1 SEQF5557.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 1 Brigham & Womens Hospital 3,031,488 216 59.02 PRJNA278886 SAMN05178544 GCA_002804085.1 SEQF5558.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,665,682 FDAARGOS_1116 59.45 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357285 GCA_016728205.1 SEQF5559.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 1 Brigham & Womens Hospital 2,993,983 215 59.2 PRJNA278886 SAMN05374476 GCA_002803965.1 SEQF5560.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,952,500 FDAARGOS_1054 59.07 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357223 GCA_016403285.1 SEQF5561.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 79 China CDC 2,796,099 CSc27 59.31 PRJNA544998 SAMN11811888 GCA_011682965.1 SEQF5562.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 37 Universidade Federal do Para 2,898,882 2230 59.4 PRJNA313269 SAMN04517755 GCA_002775055.1 SEQF5563.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 78 China CDC 2,981,342 CSc20 59.13 PRJNA544998 SAMN11811890 GCA_011682935.1 SEQF5564.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 85 Baylor College of Medicine 2,828,991 ATCC 6940 60.9 PRJNA31449 SAMN00001507 GCA_000159135.1 SEQF5565.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 100 University of Pennsylvania 2,824,107 LK37 59.45 PRJNA506988 SAMN10134347 GCA_008373895.1 SEQF5566.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 94 University of Washington 2,914,153 1327_CAUR 59.2 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197307 GCA_001053405.1 SEQF5567.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 24 Universidade Federal do Para 2,875,402 2247 59.36 PRJNA313272 SAMN04517757 GCA_002775105.1 SEQF5568.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 55 UFMG 2,820,414 2023 59.25 PRJNA281414 SAMN03490149 GCA_002865925.1 SEQF5569.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 7 SC 2,916,518 3012STDY7069329 59.27 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104224803 GCA_900683645.1 SEQF5570.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 94 University of Washington 2,905,202 1329_CAUR 59.21 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197309 GCA_001053435.1 SEQF5571.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 76 Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz 3,052,429 2130 59.38 PRJNA399282 SAMN07532617 GCA_003202245.1 SEQF5572.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 44 NHGRI/NIH 2,735,460 ACRQW 59.38 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729904 GCA_022345785.1 SEQF5573.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 76 China CDC 2,937,252 NSCs20 59.17 PRJNA544998 SAMN11811889 GCA_011682945.1 SEQF5574.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 48 Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz 2,847,990 2425 59.41 PRJNA399495 SAMN07535082 GCA_003202355.1 SEQF5575.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 91 University of Washington 2,829,078 542_CAUR 59.32 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197740 GCA_001076975.1 SEQF5576.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 151 University of Washington 2,830,184 963_CAUR 59.34 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198183 GCA_001059955.1 SEQF5577.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 71 Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz 2,861,961 2296 59.37 PRJNA399337 SAMN07533541 GCA_003202295.1 SEQF5578.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 73 Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz 3,003,571 2308 59.33 PRJNA399492 SAMN07534516 GCA_003202335.1 SEQF5579.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 28 Universidade Federal do Para 2,611,976 1961 59.4 PRJNA280207 SAMN03458462 GCA_000988225.1 SEQF5580.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 68 Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz 3,128,097 2237 59.4 PRJNA399328 SAMN07532952 GCA_003202375.1 SEQF5581.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 70 China CDC 2,788,964 NSCs27 59.29 PRJNA544998 SAMN11811887 GCA_011682985.1 SEQF5582.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 114 University of Washington 2,743,259 797_CAUR 59.39 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198009 GCA_001058455.1 SEQF5583.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 20 Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz 2,841,405 2038 59.27 PRJNA418004 SAMN08013312 GCA_014610885.1 SEQF5584.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 41 Universidade Federal do Para 2,375,104 2023 59.55 PRJNA313268 SAMN04517752 GCA_002775095.1 SEQF5585.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 40 Biological Resource Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NBRC) 3,113,921 NBRC 15291 59.09 PRJDB8042 SAMD00169825 GCA_006538485.1 SEQF5586.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 2 Laboratory for Microbiome Sciences, Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, RIKEN 2,766,266 CE91-St29 59.19 PRJDB11902 SAMD00389872 GCA_022835015.1 SEQF5587.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 3 SC 2,924,414 NCTC764 59.1 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4521472 GCA_900447675.1 SEQF5588.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 14 Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz 2,840,792 1954 59.27 PRJNA418005 SAMN08013311 GCA_014610855.1 SEQF5589.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 98 Washington University 2,824,576 WP1a 59.25 PRJNA420593 SAMN10723573 GCA_004138065.1 SEQF5590.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 141 University of Washington 2,834,694 962_CAUR 59.35 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198182 GCA_001059665.1 SEQF5591.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 2 SC 2,784,006 NCTC9755 59.33 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104016175 GCA_900447625.1 SEQF5592.1 72 Corynebacterium striatum latest 184 University of Washington 2,784,991 587_CAUR 59.43 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197788 GCA_001055405.1 SEQF2020.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 6 Baylor College of Medicine 2,129,953 ATCC 700641 42.45 PRJNA53201 SAMN00253300 GCA_000186465.1 SEQF4302.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 1 SC 2,015,375 NCTC3168 42.23 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3649029 GCA_900636505.1 SEQF4303.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 1 SC 2,161,464 NCTC13166 41.94 PRJEB6403 SAMEA103899862 GCA_900476055.1 SEQF4304.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 1 University of Florida 1,874,337 A12 42.21 PRJNA302800 SAMN04287214 GCA_001587175.1 SEQF4305.2 73 Streptococcus australis latest 49 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,131,358 ATCC 700641 41.97 PRJNA67183 SAMN00621699 GCA_000222745.2 SEQF4306.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 77 University of Washington 1,946,641 400_SSPC 42.24 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197590 GCA_001072745.1 SEQF4307.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 16 Clemson University 1,943,002 BCC21 41.96 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631675 GCA_003944345.1 SEQF4308.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1,980,351 BIOML-A1 42.31 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946410 GCA_009716795.1 SEQF4309.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 18 Dalian Medical University 2,100,255 XMC 41.77 PRJNA791165 SAMN24256142 GCA_021341835.1 SEQF4310.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 7 Broad Institute 1,980,231 bf_0095 42.31 PRJNA496358 SAMN10239558 GCA_004166885.1 SEQF4311.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 45 University of Washington 2,042,733 1171_SSPC 41.8 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197128 GCA_001069335.1 SEQF4312.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 14 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,091,267 1001283B150225_161107_H12 41.92 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532844 GCA_015552665.1 SEQF4313.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 82 University of Chicago 2,000,983 DFI.7.26 41.73 PRJNA792599 SAMN24726055 GCA_022240605.1 SEQF4314.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 29 University of Washington 2,028,369 343_SSPC 42.39 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197534 GCA_001072385.1 SEQF4315.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 138 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,183,701 KO69 41.92 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399904 GCA_019930045.1 SEQF4316.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 13 Clemson University 1,879,343 G1 42.2 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631677 GCA_003943615.1 SEQF4317.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 10 Rhode Island Hospital 1,944,550 GS001 41.97 PRJNA658208 SAMN15861126 GCA_021595565.1 SEQF4318.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 17 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,018,595 D40t1_170626_G7 42.17 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533130 GCA_015553625.1 SEQF4319.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 12 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,958,475 D55t1_190419_A7 42.21 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532770 GCA_015559825.1 SEQF4320.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 181 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,985,150 KO70 41.27 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399905 GCA_019930005.1 SEQF4321.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 23 Clemson University 1,858,755 A13 42.16 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631676 GCA_003943625.1 SEQF4322.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 11 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,028,360 1001713B170131_170501_C10 42.13 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532930 GCA_015549825.1 SEQF4323.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 22 Newcastle University 1,962,410 NU89 42.51 PRJNA454893 SAMN09060970 GCA_004125815.1 SEQF4324.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 21 Clemson University 1,924,564 G2 41.97 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631674 GCA_003943675.1 SEQF4325.1 73 Streptococcus australis latest 110 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,922,598 1001095H_141210_D1 42.1 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532807 GCA_015560905.1 SEQF1839.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 77 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,425,653 L37603 32.8 PRJNA34083 SAMN00002361 GCA_000175175.1 SEQF2208.2 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 183 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,459,386 VCU121 32.52 PRJNA53759 SAMN00116865 GCA_000211215.2 SEQF2442.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 9 University of Alberta 2,560,716 SG1 32.69 PRJNA167492 SAMN02604131 GCA_000332735.1 SEQF2712.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 52 IGS 2,489,589 Lyso 1 2011 32.73 PRJNA235867 SAMN02666775 GCA_000712915.1 SEQF2713.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri 49 IGS 2,508,959 Lyso 2 2011 32.69 PRJNA235868 SAMN02666777 GCA_000712925.1 SEQF9335.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 2 Institute of Microbiology, Belarus National Academy of Sciences 2,541,629 22.1 32.82 PRJNA489795 SAMN09989479 GCA_003571725.1 SEQF9336.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 1 SC 2,427,576 NCTC11044 32.83 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3539706 GCA_900636385.1 SEQF9337.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 4 Sao Paulo State University (Unesp), School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Jaboticabal 2,770,002 16A 32.58 PRJNA482667 SAMN09714427 GCA_007814275.1 SEQF9338.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 3 Wenzhou Medical University 2,564,394 WS479 32.81 PRJNA660332 SAMN15946583 GCA_014495745.1 SEQF9339.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,460,001 FDAARGOS_754 32.78 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056469 GCA_013267715.1 SEQF9340.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 1 SC 2,451,975 NCTC7291 32.84 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3505360 GCA_900636265.1 SEQF9341.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 9 Foshan university 2,544,623 GD01 32.73 PRJNA512551 SAMN10687116 GCA_007833855.1 SEQF9342.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 1 SC 2,430,678 NCTC4133 32.83 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3505359 GCA_900636255.1 SEQF9343.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 4 UFMG 2,474,749 Cap 100.1 32.69 PRJNA609981 SAMN14279050 GCA_021497985.1 SEQF9344.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 7 Institute of Agro-products processing Science and Technology of SAAS 2,571,966 WB224 32.59 PRJNA523316 SAMN10970963 GCA_013137955.1 SEQF9345.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 4 Chinese PLA General Hospital 2,572,660 SWO 32.6 PRJNA497162 SAMN10250190 GCA_003691405.1 SEQF9346.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 68 BGI 2,500,092 DE0520 32.62 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792680 GCA_007666685.1 SEQF9347.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 22 China CDC 2,552,706 EYE_410 32.52 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899795 GCA_023148425.1 SEQF9348.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 33 NEOSTAR_Indo-UK Project on AMR 2,446,622 N95 32.55 PRJNA636233 SAMN20525618 GCA_021189295.1 SEQF9349.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 59 Kings College London 2,634,813 19428wF1_P912 32.59 PRJNA671681 SAMN16540206 GCA_015235035.1 SEQF9350.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 59 Kings College London 2,634,813 P912 32.59 PRJNA527079 SAMN11126851 GCA_004570505.1 SEQF9351.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 278 University of Calgary 2,562,982 SNUC 4113 32.65 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173219 GCA_003578945.1 SEQF9352.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 552 BGI 2,654,740 DE0435 32.8 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792595 GCA_007672305.1 SEQF9353.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 27 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2,424,208 MER TA 18 32.65 PRJNA832800 SAMN27922018 GCA_023713505.1 SEQF9354.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 44 Karolinska Institutet 2,441,279 MMP1 32.52 PRJNA304162 SAMN04296377 GCA_002026425.1 SEQF9355.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 15 UFMG 2,499,240 Cap 101.2 32.62 PRJNA609981 SAMN14279053 GCA_022291195.1 SEQF9356.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 23 China CDC 2,609,711 EYE_411 32.46 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899770 GCA_023149075.1 SEQF9357.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 54 Aarhus University 2,506,006 HAA271 32.54 PRJNA702288 SAMN17937444 GCA_017315555.1 SEQF9358.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 82 University of Calgary 2,489,181 SNUC 1678 32.8 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173210 GCA_003042745.1 SEQF9359.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 65 BGI 2,510,350 DE0533 32.53 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792693 GCA_007666485.1 SEQF9360.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 1832 CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute 3,015,268 HPCN32 35.18 PRJNA477688 SAMN09476204 GCA_003285125.1 SEQF9361.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 28 NEOSTAR_Indo-UK Project on AMR 2,446,223 N92 32.55 PRJNA636233 SAMN20525617 GCA_021189315.1 SEQF9362.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 28 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,569,939 J1101437_171009_F1 32.55 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532389 GCA_015548525.1 SEQF9363.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 34 NHGRI/NIH 2,601,616 acros 32.42 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962574 GCA_022688935.1 SEQF9364.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 112 University of Washington 2,317,616 738_SWAR 32.59 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197943 GCA_001074135.1 SEQF9365.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 27 King Abdulaziz University 2,556,753 8SE 32.48 PRJNA767482 SAMN25227150 GCA_021728465.1 SEQF9366.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 168 Chinese Academy of Science 2,682,656 1XD21-27 33.19 PRJNA486904 SAMN09901065 GCA_009911045.1 SEQF9367.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 35 Nanjing Agricultural University 2,466,249 NJ1 32.56 PRJNA821358 SAMN27067998 GCA_022815285.1 SEQF9368.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 12 UI 2,521,958 MBF02_19J 32.79 PRJNA720085 SAMN18632331 GCA_017898045.1 SEQF9369.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 71 NHGRI/NIH 2,626,778 acrok 32.56 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962566 GCA_022688885.1 SEQF9370.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 27 NHGRI/NIH 2,523,508 acrmw 32.48 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962526 GCA_022688765.1 SEQF9371.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 14 UFMG 2,496,149 Cap 10.2 32.62 PRJNA609981 SAMN14278917 GCA_022291155.1 SEQF9372.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 185 University of Calgary 2,597,906 SNUC 5606 32.67 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173222 GCA_003579215.1 SEQF9373.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 115 CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology 2,577,485 RE1.51 32.57 PRJNA316783 SAMN04590061 GCA_001876395.1 SEQF9374.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 28 NHGRI/NIH 2,490,980 ACRRM 32.53 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729917 GCA_022346515.1 SEQF9375.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 67 Los Alamos National Laboratory 2,555,201 UGA28 32.59 PRJNA407975 SAMN07671985 GCA_003850145.1 SEQF9376.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 28 BGI 2,673,248 OM08-17AT 32.42 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736853 GCA_003438095.1 SEQF9377.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 500 BGI 2,621,162 DE0137 32.69 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792297 GCA_007681915.1 SEQF9378.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 46 Nanjing Agricultural University 2,618,981 NJ8 32.54 PRJNA821358 SAMN27068005 GCA_022815425.1 SEQF9379.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 145 Bacterial Genomics and Evolution Laboratory, CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39-A, Chandigarh, India 2,549,441 SA10 32.43 PRJNA278415 SAMN03401353 GCA_001477375.1 SEQF9380.1 76 Staphylococcus warneri latest 28 EMG 2,673,248 MGYG-HGUT-02301 32.42 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851805 GCA_902385495.1 SEQF2882.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 37 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,372,261 SK141 60.01 PRJNA31009 SAMN00000719 GCA_000175635.1 SEQF2943.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 7 Broad Institute 2,470,873 KPL1821 58.69 PRJNA169440 SAMN02597006 GCA_000478115.1 SEQF2977.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 6 Broad Institute 2,465,753 KPL1856 58.68 PRJNA169443 SAMN02597003 GCA_000478055.1 SEQF2987.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 472 SysMilk 2,628,783 SB 57.48 PRJNA375758 SAMN06718488 GCA_002154655.1 SEQF2993.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 8 Broad Institute 2,484,887 KPL1860 58.46 PRJNA169447 SAMN02597000 GCA_000477995.1 SEQF2994.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 4 Broad Institute 2,489,851 KPL1857 58.48 PRJNA169444 SAMN02597002 GCA_000478035.1 SEQF3030.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 10 Broad Institute 2,453,143 KPL1817 58.57 PRJNA169438 SAMN02597008 GCA_000478155.1 SEQF6401.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,451,854 FDAARGOS_1117 59.74 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357286 GCA_016728365.1 SEQF6402.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,408,591 FDAARGOS_993 59.51 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357162 GCA_016127015.1 SEQF6403.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,433,964 FDAARGOS_1198 59.83 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357340 GCA_016894265.1 SEQF6404.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 1 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,453,172 DSM 44922 59.74 PRJNA347115 SAMN05878002 GCA_013408445.1 SEQF6405.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 60 NHGRI/NIH 2,426,471 ACRPB 59.92 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729864 GCA_022347235.1 SEQF6406.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 59 NHGRI/NIH 2,435,816 ACRPD 59.88 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729865 GCA_022347385.1 SEQF6407.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 64 LMSM Lab ; Rouen University 2,488,912 CIP 102622 59.79 PRJNA685200 SAMN17079549 GCA_016613425.1 SEQF6408.1 77 Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum latest 59 NHGRI/NIH 2,401,840 ACROW 59.99 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729859 GCA_022347335.1 SEQF1603.1 78 Oribacterium sp._HMT_078 latest 12 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,676,554 F0262 54.74 PRJNA33167 SAMN00008845 GCA_000160135.1 SEQF2448.1 78 Oribacterium sp._HMT_078 latest 69 Washington University 2,694,758 F0263 54.85 PRJNA198889 SAMN02436879 GCA_000469565.1 SEQF3179.1 81 Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_081 latest 5 The Forsyth Institute 2,575,607 W5028 30.72 PRJNA282954 SAMN15358171 GCA_013394875.1 SEQF1881.1 82 Lachnoanaerobaculum orale latest 96 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 2,945,844 F0431 37.78 PRJNA50401 SAMN02299439 GCA_000242315.1 SEQF5177.1 82 Lachnoanaerobaculum orale latest 13 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,800,999 DSM 24553 37.79 PRJNA506617 SAMN10465328 GCA_003862485.1 SEQF2917.1 83 Lachnoanaerobaculum sp._HMT_083 latest 99 JCVI 2,871,049 MSX33 36.21 PRJNA165899 SAMN02597440 GCA_000512995.1 SEQF2861.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 1 University of Missouri - Columbia 2,854,447 MU14/1 70.5 PRJNA293988 SAMN04012814 GCA_001275345.1 SEQF7908.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 36 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,843,288 F5_7S_P11C 70.54 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570222 GCA_017167825.1 SEQF7909.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 31 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,844,162 F6_1S_P_2 70.54 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570239 GCA_017167485.1 SEQF7910.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 34 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,843,704 F6_7S_B_1 70.54 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570249 GCA_017167265.1 SEQF7911.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 32 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,843,686 F5_7S_P2B 70.54 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570229 GCA_017167685.1 SEQF7912.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 1 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,897,960 TAGA27 70.25 PRJNA695763 SAMN17619998 GCA_016907795.1 SEQF7913.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 95 Universitetsparken 15 3,085,907 W4 69.9 PRJEB9961 SAMEA3490271 GCA_900008265.1 SEQF7914.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 70 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2,857,643 MER TA 14 70.54 PRJNA832800 SAMN27922016 GCA_023713525.1 SEQF7915.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 18 Institute of Microbial Technology 2,833,425 CD07_3 70.41 PRJNA307136 SAMN04376006 GCA_001483775.1 SEQF7916.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 33 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,844,036 F5_7S_P2A 70.55 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570228 GCA_017167735.1 SEQF7917.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 49 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,843,644 F5_7S_P8 70.54 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570238 GCA_017167525.1 SEQF7918.2 84 Kocuria palustris latest 55 IMTECH 2,872,112 PEL 70.42 PRJNA176179 SAMN02469979 GCA_000315815.2 SEQF7919.1 84 Kocuria palustris latest 32 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,844,494 F5_7S_P7 70.54 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570237 GCA_017167505.1 SEQF2897.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 2,501,097 NCTC 2665 73.0 PRJNA20655 SAMN00000281 GCA_000023205.1 SEQF4424.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 2 The Independent Schools Foundation Academy 2,543,764 CW.Ay 72.93 PRJNA758605 SAMN21031615 GCA_019890915.1 SEQF4425.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 2,560,556 ATCC 4698 73.07 PRJNA515542 SAMN10761220 GCA_006094415.1 SEQF4426.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 Xinjiang University 2,597,893 R17 73.13 PRJNA418068 SAMN08014137 GCA_013426035.1 SEQF4427.2 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 2 Nanyang Technological University 2,657,569 SGAir0127 72.77 PRJNA388547 SAMN08222739 GCA_003071525.2 SEQF4428.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,478,263 FDAARGOS_677 72.96 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056392 GCA_009730415.1 SEQF4429.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 New England Biolabs 2,483,045 SA211 73.08 PRJNA497281 SAMN10253004 GCA_003691675.1 SEQF4430.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,459,530 NCCP 16831 73.05 PRJNA564863 SAMN12725936 GCA_009769055.1 SEQF4431.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 Shantou University, China 2,492,278 anQ-m1 73.07 PRJNA762228 SAMN21380730 GCA_020217385.1 SEQF4432.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 Yantai University 2,437,056 MT1691313 73.04 PRJNA718734 SAMN18559637 GCA_017840535.1 SEQF4433.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 Sichuan University 2,527,399 V017 72.89 PRJNA644988 SAMN15486808 GCA_014217235.1 SEQF4434.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 Kyungpook National University 2,553,002 SB1254 72.92 PRJNA427092 SAMN08222610 GCA_004117015.1 SEQF4435.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,414,459 10240 73.08 PRJNA554758 SAMN12283161 GCA_009873315.1 SEQF4436.2 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,445,333 NCCP 15687 73.12 PRJNA564862 SAMN12725935 GCA_009769145.2 SEQF4437.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 Technical University Munich 2,501,300 trpE16 73.01 PRJNA238160 SAMN02666701 GCA_000877795.1 SEQF4438.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,539,835 FDAARGOS_1034 72.79 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357203 GCA_016403245.1 SEQF4439.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 165 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,488,785 S/N-202-IC-B1 73.01 PRJNA644637 SAMN15705244 GCA_019748515.1 SEQF4440.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 391 Environment and Climate Change Canada 2,340,227 ATCC 4698 72.73 PRJNA486320 SAMN09843509 GCA_003417425.1 SEQF4441.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,440,496 FDAARGOS_406 73.28 PRJNA231221 SAMN07312450 GCA_002554275.1 SEQF4442.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 2 Yeungnam University 2,488,099 TYU2 73.03 PRJNA397085 SAMN07448211 GCA_002287775.1 SEQF4443.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 103 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2,559,014 TA 121-4 73.04 PRJNA832800 SAMN27922084 GCA_023712295.1 SEQF4444.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 534 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,325,956 F5_7S_P3 72.6 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570231 GCA_017167605.1 SEQF4445.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 165 Rouen University 2,417,497 MFP07 72.96 PRJNA626598 SAMN14645704 GCA_013041635.1 SEQF4446.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 52 BGI 2,475,368 DE0249 73.07 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792409 GCA_007677285.1 SEQF4447.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 56 Loyola University Chicago 2,565,089 UMB0189 72.75 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511423 GCA_002884675.1 SEQF4448.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 52 Elham Karimi 2,429,449 Micrococcus sp. 11B 73.2 PRJEB31339 SAMEA6080503 GCA_902506365.1 SEQF4449.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 249 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,437,588 F5_7S_P11A 72.96 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570220 GCA_017167845.1 SEQF4450.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 183 Monash University Malaysia 2,506,829 RIT304 73.04 PRJNA239286 SAMN02676624 GCA_000632005.1 SEQF4451.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 104 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2,453,562 TA 127 73.09 PRJNA832800 SAMN27922085 GCA_023712255.1 SEQF4452.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 8 Oklahoma State University 2,501,088 Okane 73.02 PRJNA327388 SAMN05332132 GCA_001691605.1 SEQF4453.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 104 BGI 2,480,192 DE0371 72.92 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792531 GCA_007673195.1 SEQF4454.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 76 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,552,648 179-D 9B4 HS 72.92 PRJNA728748 SAMN19102942 GCA_019037785.1 SEQF4455.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 135 BGI 2,473,622 DE0402 72.95 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792562 GCA_007672865.1 SEQF4456.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 163 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,662,630 F5_7S_P1B 72.61 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570227 GCA_017167705.1 SEQF4457.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 80 Elham Karimi 2,537,324 Micrococcus sp. 80W 72.97 PRJEB31339 SAMEA6080504 GCA_902506405.1 SEQF4458.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 124 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) 2,513,216 K39 72.97 PRJNA313377 SAMN04520143 GCA_001750235.1 SEQF4459.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 1164 Universitaet Bonn 3,330,777 J3 72.66 PRJNA566075 SAMN12777541 GCA_009377285.1 SEQF4460.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 20 China CDC 2,417,190 EYE_95 73.11 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899819 GCA_023147685.1 SEQF4461.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 2 SC 2,571,947 NCTC7563 72.71 PRJEB6403 SAMEA37368418 GCA_900452945.1 SEQF4462.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 49 The University of Burdwan 2,438,317 GKSM13 73.12 PRJNA763487 SAMN21439508 GCA_021741985.1 SEQF4463.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 118 Monash University Malaysia 2,635,230 RIT324w 72.87 PRJNA239291 SAMN02676629 GCA_000632145.1 SEQF4464.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 122 BGI 2,541,696 DE0570 72.7 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792730 GCA_007665885.1 SEQF4465.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 111 UCSF 2,588,939 M36 72.78 PRJNA498337 SAMN10290245 GCA_006385885.1 SEQF4466.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 93 SysMilk 2,410,114 OG2 72.96 PRJNA375758 SAMN06718478 GCA_002276745.1 SEQF4467.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 45 Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas-IPN 2,532,064 An24 73.05 PRJNA717072 SAMN18477523 GCA_020982855.1 SEQF4468.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 96 BGI 2,527,692 DE0571 72.9 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792731 GCA_007665835.1 SEQF4469.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 126 Loyola University Chicago 2,411,958 ATCC 12698 73.14 PRJNA379934 SAMN06624127 GCA_002088075.1 SEQF4470.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 289 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,643,054 F5_7S_P1A 72.54 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570226 GCA_017167725.1 SEQF4471.1 87 Micrococcus luteus latest 39 China CDC 2,411,597 EYE_716 73.04 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899784 GCA_023148765.1 SEQF2330.2 92 Neisseria weaveri latest 40 Seoul National University 2,125,582 ATCC 51223 49.02 PRJNA68583 SAMN02470917 GCA_000224275.2 SEQF2331.2 92 Neisseria weaveri latest 46 Seoul National University 2,183,368 LMG 5135 49.0 PRJNA68581 SAMN02470907 GCA_000224255.2 SEQF3887.1 92 Neisseria weaveri latest 1 SC 2,238,481 NCTC12742 49.09 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104338429 GCA_900638685.1 SEQF3888.1 92 Neisseria weaveri latest 1 SC 2,188,497 NCTC13585 49.0 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3174300 GCA_900086555.1 SEQF3889.1 92 Neisseria weaveri latest 21 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,140,496 C2013013825 49.05 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299225 GCA_003044995.1 SEQF3890.1 92 Neisseria weaveri latest 34 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,147,612 C2009035459 48.98 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299210 GCA_003044545.1 SEQF3891.1 92 Neisseria weaveri latest 20 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,143,813 C2010015191 49.01 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299213 GCA_003044885.1 SEQF3892.1 92 Neisseria weaveri latest 28 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,198,878 C2009028987 49.06 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299209 GCA_003044905.1 SEQF1045.1 95 Shuttleworthia satelles latest 5 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,169,477 DSM 14600 51.3 PRJNA33169 SAMN00008860 human oral cavity GCA_000160115.1 SEQF3057.1 96 Lachnospiraceae_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_096 latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,232,415 F0428 39.73 PRJNA282954 SAMN08743845 GCA_003043955.1 SEQF3712.1 96 Lachnospiraceae_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_096 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,241,976 strain=F0428 39.69 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352199 GCA_018141845.1 SEQF2900.1 98 Moraxella nonliquefaciens latest 43 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,194,559 CCUG 60284 42.22 PRJNA302716 SAMN05214262 GCA_001679155.1 SEQF5463.1 98 Moraxella nonliquefaciens latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,343,743 FDAARGOS_869 41.99 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450399 GCA_016028775.1 SEQF5464.1 98 Moraxella nonliquefaciens latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,323,347 FDAARGOS_1006 42.03 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357175 GCA_016127895.1 SEQF5465.1 98 Moraxella nonliquefaciens latest 45 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,112,543 CCUG 47514 42.37 PRJNA302716 SAMN05214002 GCA_001679125.1 SEQF5466.1 98 Moraxella nonliquefaciens latest 63 NHGRI/NIH 2,230,443 ACRPA 42.6 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729863 GCA_022346965.1 SEQF5467.1 98 Moraxella nonliquefaciens latest 37 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,279,879 CCUG 348 42.0 PRJNA302716 SAMN04994741 GCA_001679005.1 SEQF2876.1 99 Neisseria macacae latest 66 Baylor College of Medicine 2,748,368 ATCC 33926 52.37 PRJNA64729 SAMN02299447 GCA_000220865.1 SEQF3715.1 99 Neisseria macacae latest 1 Korea University 2,801,968 ATCC 33926 51.1 PRJNA815950 SAMN26652324 GCA_022749495.1 SEQF3716.1 99 Neisseria macacae latest 66 EMG 2,748,368 MGYG-HGUT-01381 52.37 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850884 GCA_902374455.1 SEQF3089.1 101 Neisseria perflava 279 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 3,783,369 strain=CCH6-A12 68.68 PRJNA299404 SAMN04299433 GCA_001556165.1 SEQF3153.1 101 Neisseria perflava latest 28 Loyola University Chicago 2,319,022 UMB0023 48.84 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193708 GCA_002863305.1 SEQF9809.1 101 Neisseria perflava latest 1 Korea University 2,284,668 LPB0400 49.05 PRJNA744662 SAMN20114564 GCA_019334725.1 SEQF9810.1 101 Neisseria perflava latest 22 Loyola University Chicago 2,311,158 UMB0210 48.84 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193709 GCA_002847985.1 SEQF9811.1 101 Neisseria perflava latest 85 University of Gothenburg - CCUG 2,265,569 CCUG 17915 49.11 PRJNA305687 SAMN28187201 GCA_023472875.1 SEQF3175.1 102 Oribacterium sp._HMT_102 latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,527,423 W9097 54.65 PRJNA282954 SAMN15358533 GCA_013394775.1 SEQF2867.2 104 Paracoccus yeei latest 8 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 4,829,607 FDAARGOS_252 67.06 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875578 GCA_002073635.2 SEQF8797.1 104 Paracoccus yeei latest 7 Changwon National University 4,620,225 TT13 67.39 PRJNA398110 SAMN07501686 GCA_002749495.1 SEQF8798.1 104 Paracoccus yeei latest 9 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Microbiology 4,668,852 CCUG 32053 67.4 PRJNA480219 SAMN09630968 GCA_003612915.1 SEQF8799.1 104 Paracoccus yeei latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 4,689,804 FDAARGOS_643 67.27 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056358 GCA_008693865.1 SEQF8800.1 104 Paracoccus yeei latest 148 IHU - Mediterranee Infection 4,688,121 Marseille-P2668 67.19 PRJEB40293 SAMEA7297155 GCA_904423865.1 SEQF8801.1 104 Paracoccus yeei latest 199 CDC 4,399,776 G1212 67.43 PRJNA302807 SAMN04280276 GCA_002196965.1 SEQF8802.1 104 Paracoccus yeei latest 190 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 4,360,052 S/N-202-OC-B2 67.41 PRJNA644637 SAMN15705246 GCA_019748455.1 SEQF8803.1 104 Paracoccus yeei latest 70 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,428,895 ATCC BAA-599 67.49 PRJNA234040 SAMN02744027 GCA_000622145.1 SEQF1695.1 105 Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-1] [Eubacterium]_infirmum latest 13 Broad Institute 1,910,927 F0142 40.42 PRJNA52085 SAMN02463880 GCA_000242675.1 SEQF1478.1 107 Lachnoanaerobaculum umeaense latest 70 Broad Institute 3,288,100 F0167 35.86 PRJNA42531 SAMN02595376 GCA_000209465.1 SEQF7380.1 107 Lachnoanaerobaculum umeaense latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,810,441 DSM 23576 35.08 PRJNA490792 SAMN10059125 GCA_003589745.1 SEQF7381.1 107 Lachnoanaerobaculum umeaense latest 1 EMG 2,810,441 MGYG-HGUT-02522 35.08 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5852027 GCA_902387945.1 SEQF7382.1 107 Lachnoanaerobaculum umeaense latest 78 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,705,257 DSM 23576 34.96 PRJNA439980 SAMN08770186 GCA_003254255.1 SEQF1854.2 108 Oribacterium asaccharolyticum latest 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,518,361 F0425 43.25 PRJNA53571 SAMN00115116 GCA_000214455.2 SEQF5910.1 108 Oribacterium asaccharolyticum latest 9 Broad Institute 2,520,584 ACB7 43.44 PRJNA49879 SAMN02463873 GCA_000238075.1 SEQF2888.2 109 Peptoniphilus harei latest 32 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,836,030 ACS-146-V-Sch2b 34.44 PRJNA54023 SAMN00116775 GCA_000183565.2 SEQF2960.1 109 Peptoniphilus harei latest 72 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,777,928 DNF00840 34.36 PRJNA246508 SAMN04324901 GCA_001553125.1 SEQF3035.1 109 Peptoniphilus harei latest 37 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,896,022 HMSC075B08 34.25 PRJNA300176 SAMN04480441 GCA_001815405.1 SEQF9910.1 109 Peptoniphilus harei latest 1 SC 1,739,102 NCTC13077 34.42 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104224812 GCA_900638565.1 SEQF9911.1 109 Peptoniphilus harei latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,929,566 FDAARGOS_1136 33.86 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357305 GCA_016726485.1 SEQF9912.1 109 Peptoniphilus harei latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,791,970 FDAARGOS_1012 34.34 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357181 GCA_016403225.1 SEQF9913.1 109 Peptoniphilus harei latest 50 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,090,567 1001287H_170206_E5 34.15 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532965 GCA_015556395.1 SEQF9914.1 109 Peptoniphilus harei latest 27 EMG 2,173,494 MGYG-HGUT-00120 34.1 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5849621 GCA_902363585.1 SEQF9915.1 109 Peptoniphilus harei latest 36 SC 2,168,934 NCTC13076 33.75 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4535753 GCA_900454685.1 SEQF9916.1 109 Peptoniphilus harei latest 22 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,874,365 CMW7756A 34.44 PRJNA272121 SAMN03854408 GCA_001546555.1 SEQF1676.2 110 Parvimonas sp._HMT_110 latest 2 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,556,464 F0139 28.19 PRJNA49295 SAMN00031761 GCA_000214475.2 SEQF1029.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 16 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 1,703,872 ATCC 33270 28.66 PRJNA18169 SAMN00627099 Purulent pleurisy GCA_000154405.1 SEQF6703.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 1,661,863 KCOM 1037 28.9 PRJNA485032 SAMN09781070 GCA_003454775.1 SEQF6704.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 1 SC 1,677,398 NCTC11808 28.53 PRJEB6403 SAMEA48415918 GCA_900637905.1 SEQF6705.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 1 Chosun University 1,627,009 KCOM 1535; ChDC B708 28.61 PRJNA264589 SAMN03135876 GCA_000800295.1 SEQF6706.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 16 EMG 1,703,872 MGYG-HGUT-01301 28.66 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850804 GCA_902373675.1 SEQF6707.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 17 China CDC 1,653,180 EYE_30 28.61 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899808 GCA_023148065.1 SEQF6708.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 49 University of Malaya 1,680,794 A293 28.37 PRJNA222594 SAMN02471847 GCA_000493795.1 SEQF6709.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 14 Sunstar Inc. 1,634,483 13-07-26 28.46 PRJDB7095 SAMD00149547 GCA_008633155.1 SEQF6710.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 14 China CDC 1,649,822 EYE_29 28.59 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899807 GCA_023148105.1 SEQF6711.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 1,715,975 FDAARGOS_569 28.53 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163193 GCA_003938725.1 SEQF6712.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 17 China CDC 1,658,119 EYE_25 28.59 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899803 GCA_023148225.1 SEQF6713.1 111 Parvimonas micra latest 16 China CDC 1,650,841 EYE_66 28.58 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899812 GCA_023147965.1 SEQF1393.2 112 Peptostreptococcus stomatis latest 74 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,988,044 DSM 17678 36.66 PRJNA34073 SAMN00008344 Human oral cavity GCA_000147675.2 SEQF2443.1 113 Peptoniphilaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_113 latest 129 Washington University 2,088,253 W5053 37.2 PRJNA198890 SAMN02436814 GCA_000467935.1 SEQF2902.1 114 Cutibacterium granulosum latest 372 Aarhus University 2,128,234 DSM 20700 64.11 PRJNA189038 SAMN02393705 GCA_000463665.1 SEQF5472.1 114 Cutibacterium granulosum latest 1 SC 2,175,244 NCTC11865 64.19 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4412665 GCA_900186975.1 SEQF5473.1 114 Cutibacterium granulosum latest 98 Aarhus University 2,140,355 TM11 64.16 PRJNA189037 SAMN02393704 GCA_000464495.1 SEQF5474.2 114 Cutibacterium granulosum latest 53 Umea University 2,165,334 DSM 20700 64.2 PRJNA203685 SAMN02798018 GCA_001700755.2 SEQF2889.1 115 Serratia marcescens 1 Shins Lab., Kyungpook National University 5,127,030 RSC-14 59.61 PRJNA294721 SAMN04029108 GCA_001280365.1 SEQF5911.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,509 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S89_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301495 GCA_017298895.1 SEQF5912.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,510 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S33_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301488 GCA_017299015.1 SEQF5913.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 1 Massachusetts General Hospital 5,140,264 ATCC 13880 59.78 PRJNA716961 SAMN18473280 GCA_017654245.1 SEQF5914.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,508 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S4_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301503 GCA_017298715.1 SEQF5915.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,494 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S78_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301486 GCA_017299175.1 SEQF5916.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,509 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S67_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301484 GCA_017299275.1 SEQF5917.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,489 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S40_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301485 GCA_017299315.1 SEQF5918.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,161,745 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S79_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301505 GCA_017298695.1 SEQF5919.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,510 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S57_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301490 GCA_017301255.1 SEQF5920.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,508 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S68_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301501 GCA_017298775.1 SEQF5921.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,508 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S54_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301502 GCA_017298755.1 SEQF5922.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,530 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S97_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301499 GCA_017298815.1 SEQF5923.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,161,788 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S60_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301504 GCA_017298735.1 SEQF5924.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,486 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S9_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301481 GCA_017299535.1 SEQF5925.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,161,766 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S55_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301479 GCA_017301295.1 SEQF5926.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,517 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S94_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301506 GCA_017298675.1 SEQF5927.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,529 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S71_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301497 GCA_017298855.1 SEQF5928.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,510 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S81_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301496 GCA_017298875.1 SEQF5929.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,509 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S28_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301489 GCA_017298995.1 SEQF5930.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,161,764 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S24_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301492 GCA_017298955.1 SEQF5931.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,448 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S50_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301494 GCA_017298915.1 SEQF5932.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,509 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S96_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301500 GCA_017298795.1 SEQF5933.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,161,789 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S95_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301483 GCA_017299435.1 SEQF5934.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,529 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S22_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301487 GCA_017299035.1 SEQF5935.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,498 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S37_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301478 GCA_017301315.1 SEQF5936.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,489 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_SA_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301493 GCA_017298935.1 SEQF5937.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,507 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S64_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301480 GCA_017299575.1 SEQF5938.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,161,769 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S13_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301482 GCA_017301275.1 SEQF5939.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,508 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S65_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301491 GCA_017298975.1 SEQF5940.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA 5,160,509 ATCC 13880 substr. Sm_S6_jyu2015 59.78 PRJEB40306 SAMEA7301498 GCA_017298835.1 SEQF5941.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 1 West Virginia University 5,325,027 WVU-007 59.65 PRJNA545510 SAMN11894225 GCA_006711405.1 SEQF5942.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 6 The University of Melbourne 6,057,477 CM2015_854 58.5 PRJNA784350 SAMN23485804 GCA_022439585.1 SEQF5943.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 1 The University of Melbourne 5,052,709 CM2012_028 59.74 PRJNA784350 SAMN23485796 GCA_022439505.1 SEQF5944.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 1 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology 5,136,041 RH10 59.53 PRJNA741880 SAMN19911184 GCA_022827865.1 SEQF5945.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5,140,937 AR_0131 59.94 PRJNA292902 SAMN04014972 GCA_003204075.1 SEQF5946.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 4 Monash University 5,875,257 MSB1_9C-sc-2280320 58.71 PRJNA646837 SAMEA3357389 GCA_904866365.1 SEQF5947.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 3 Frontier Science Research Center, University of Miyazaki 5,326,023 SM39 59.74 PRJDB1121 SAMD00061009 GCA_000828775.1 SEQF5948.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 1 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 5,304,622 YHYF1 59.31 PRJNA806382 SAMN25876440 GCA_022343985.1 SEQF5949.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 3 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 5,428,798 4201 59.32 PRJNA595033 SAMN13840998 GCA_009909345.1 SEQF5950.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 1 Anhui Normal University 4,925,622 JW-CZ2 59.82 PRJNA638538 SAMN15196985 GCA_013367735.1 SEQF5951.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 Department of Material and Environmental Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University 5,176,029 AS-1 59.54 PRJDB7525 SAMD00143521 GCA_003967055.1 SEQF5952.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5,284,831 AR_0099 59.75 PRJNA292904 SAMN04014940 GCA_002997125.1 SEQF5953.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5,180,277 AR_0124 59.88 PRJNA292902 SAMN04014965 GCA_003071565.1 SEQF5954.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 1 University of Texas at Austin 5,276,341 N10A28 59.82 PRJNA504482 SAMN10393815 GCA_009834305.1 SEQF5955.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 3 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 5,533,861 C110 59.61 PRJNA595033 SAMN13840994 GCA_009909425.1 SEQF5956.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 3 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 5,534,941 3024 59.61 PRJNA595033 SAMN13840997 GCA_009909365.1 SEQF5957.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 3 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 5,535,124 1140- 59.61 PRJNA595033 SAMN13840995 GCA_009909385.1 SEQF5958.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 2 The University of Melbourne 5,233,045 CM2017_569 59.47 PRJNA784350 SAMN23485809 GCA_022439525.1 SEQF5959.1 115 Serratia marcescens latest 1 University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 5,217,372 SER00094 59.47 PRJNA609916 SAMN14265996 GCA_011769885.1 SEQF2881.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 2 Department of Microbiology, Monash University 2,503,265 AYP1020 32.93 PRJNA232502 SAMN02739579 GCA_001028645.1 SEQF9515.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 2 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,485,152 FDAARGOS_378 32.99 PRJNA231221 SAMN07312422 GCA_002591175.1 SEQF9516.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 1 Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University 2,565,475 XZ03 32.93 PRJNA779231 SAMN23019561 GCA_020883475.1 SEQF9517.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 3 University Clinic Bonn 2,528,549 BN2 32.8 PRJNA557823 SAMN12419159 GCA_015243435.1 SEQF9518.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 2 Department of Bacteriology, Jichi medical University 2,486,776 TW2795 33.05 PRJDB4225 SAMD00041516 GCA_002356175.1 SEQF9519.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 2,490,953 FDAARGOS_753 32.94 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056468 GCA_013267675.1 SEQF9520.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 3 The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,632,988 LR 95 32.85 PRJNA809125 SAMN26306309 GCA_022531845.1 SEQF9521.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 18 NHGRI/NIH 2,485,315 AATYY 32.85 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729806 GCA_020739965.1 SEQF9522.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 77 NHGRI/NIH 2,535,636 AATYL 32.76 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729795 GCA_020907205.1 SEQF9523.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 37 Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology 2,511,037 TCR-3 32.75 PRJNA503754 SAMN10373493 GCA_006540355.1 SEQF9524.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 74 Huashan Hospitial of Fudan University 2,647,432 12-53 32.74 PRJNA626360 SAMN14639547 GCA_012927055.1 SEQF9525.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 38 Department of Biosecurity PCL3 2,508,589 CR04 32.8 PRJEB8618 SAMEA3271079 GCA_001201015.1 SEQF9526.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 73 Huashan Hospitial of Fudan University 2,651,476 17-639 32.88 PRJNA626360 SAMN14639562 GCA_012926705.1 SEQF9527.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 31 University of Queensland 2,620,428 R5946 32.68 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665265 GCA_015273995.1 SEQF9528.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 47 University of Queensland 2,618,198 R5947 32.65 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665266 GCA_015273955.1 SEQF9529.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 910 University of California San Diego 2,917,808 H8 32.56 PRJNA514867 SAMN10735325 GCA_004329465.1 SEQF9530.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 26 WFCC-MIRCEN World Data Centre for Microorganisms (WDCM) 2,428,814 CCM 2734 32.68 PRJDB10511 SAMD00244878 GCA_014635765.1 SEQF9531.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 43 University of Washington 2,557,983 104_SEPI 32.87 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197005 GCA_001069155.1 SEQF9532.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 120 University of Washington 2,536,782 245_SAUR 32.82 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197435 GCA_001064095.1 SEQF9533.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 141 Huashan Hospitial of Fudan University 2,684,701 12-400 33.26 PRJNA626360 SAMN14639549 GCA_012926945.1 SEQF9534.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 42 Huashan Hospitial of Fudan University 2,648,964 17-687 32.71 PRJNA626360 SAMN14639563 GCA_012926745.1 SEQF9535.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 46 Zhejiang University School of Medicine 2,652,586 C19 32.72 PRJNA674911 SAMN16679761 GCA_015645195.1 SEQF9536.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 28 Zhejiang University School of Medicine 2,518,283 C06_1 32.83 PRJNA674911 SAMN16679759 GCA_015645265.1 SEQF9537.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 50 BGI 2,414,485 DE0427 32.77 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792587 GCA_007672395.1 SEQF9538.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 16 NHGRI/NIH 2,487,323 AATYT 32.84 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729801 GCA_020907165.1 SEQF9539.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 59 NHGRI/NIH 2,537,415 AATYM 32.74 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729796 GCA_020907185.1 SEQF9540.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 35 Kings College London 2,450,181 GW2 32.81 PRJNA643572 SAMN15420189 GCA_013415405.1 SEQF9541.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 356 University of Calgary 2,417,633 SNUC 4705 32.88 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172859 GCA_003040535.1 SEQF9542.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 40 University of Washington 2,584,863 558_SAUR 32.87 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197757 GCA_001063695.1 SEQF9543.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 16 APC Microbiome Ireland 2,552,268 APC2923 32.74 PRJNA578371 SAMN13058796 GCA_009663495.1 SEQF9544.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 40 University of Washington 2,554,649 645_SEPI 32.88 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197846 GCA_001073715.1 SEQF9545.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 1 Department of Biosecurity PCL3 2,508,352 CR03 32.89 PRJEB8618 SAMEA3271078 GCA_001215085.1 SEQF9546.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 19 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,407,537 IIF4SC-B1A 32.79 PRJNA657113 SAMN15815267 GCA_014266465.1 SEQF9547.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 173 University of Calgary 2,388,334 SNUC 5893 32.94 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172862 GCA_003578355.1 SEQF9548.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 22 University of Queensland 2,515,849 R6023 32.76 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665255 GCA_015274185.1 SEQF9549.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 140 SysMilk 2,542,545 OG2-1 33.03 PRJNA375758 SAMN06718483 GCA_002276735.1 SEQF9550.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 98 University of Calgary 2,430,610 SNUC 3795 32.86 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172856 GCA_003578405.1 SEQF9551.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 30 Zhejiang University 2,430,101 QN1 32.76 PRJNA159795 SAMN02471139 GCA_000263775.1 SEQF9552.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 27 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,400,623 IIF5SC-B1 32.69 PRJNA657113 SAMN15815273 GCA_014266725.1 SEQF9553.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 45 Nofima 2,471,539 MF1872 32.81 PRJNA311173 SAMN04479466 GCA_001651335.1 SEQF9554.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 27 The University of Queensland 2,502,825 C0756 32.8 PRJNA450155 SAMN08931093 GCA_003857115.1 SEQF9555.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 180 Huashan Hospitial of Fudan University 2,677,643 15-72 33.54 PRJNA626360 SAMN14639554 GCA_012926865.1 SEQF9556.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 82 University of Washington 2,538,142 605_SAUR 32.82 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197805 GCA_001065645.1 SEQF9557.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 33 Zhejiang University School of Medicine 2,558,708 C34 32.84 PRJNA674911 SAMN16679764 GCA_015645205.1 SEQF9558.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 16 NHGRI/NIH 2,431,250 AATZJ 32.86 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729815 GCA_020740065.1 SEQF9559.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 76 University of Washington 2,541,734 1069_SEPI 32.83 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197031 GCA_001070105.1 SEQF9560.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 158 University of Washington 2,344,192 722_SEPI 32.69 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197927 GCA_001074935.1 SEQF9561.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 25 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,402,589 IIF5SC-B2 32.7 PRJNA657113 SAMN15815274 GCA_014266475.1 SEQF9562.1 116 Staphylococcus capitis latest 56 University of Washington 2,392,400 441_SEPI 32.71 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197633 GCA_001071095.1 SEQF2860.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii 3 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology 2,625,703 SNUDS-2 32.66 PRJNA369449 SAMN06286343 GCA_001990205.1 SEQF6335.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,700,845 FDAARGOS_538 32.38 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163250 GCA_003956025.1 SEQF6336.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 6 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,661,282 FDAARGOS_334 32.59 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173347 GCA_002984565.1 SEQF6337.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL 2,712,839 Staphylococcus cohnii ATCC 29974 33.59 PRJEB22856 SAMEA104410613 GCA_900240165.1 SEQF6338.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 7 US Food and Drug Administration 2,873,195 FDAARGOS_744 32.57 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056459 GCA_013349225.1 SEQF6339.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 295 University of Calgary 2,678,043 SNUC 5656 32.4 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172970 GCA_003035785.1 SEQF6340.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 193 BGI 2,691,327 DE0361 32.36 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792521 GCA_007673385.1 SEQF6341.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 89 CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology 2,577,966 SE4.2 32.28 PRJNA263230 SAMN03097239 GCA_001876735.1 SEQF6342.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 1461 University of Calgary 3,201,340 SNUC 4556 33.12 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172965 GCA_003577915.1 SEQF6343.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 210 University of Calgary 2,638,431 SNUC 1071 32.43 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172953 GCA_003578125.1 SEQF6344.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 52 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 2,666,351 SC1 32.51 PRJNA641762 SAMN15366211 GCA_014884235.1 SEQF6345.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 795 BGI 3,058,002 DE0325 32.73 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792485 GCA_008764065.1 SEQF6346.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 561 University of Calgary 2,726,096 SNUC 2129 33.72 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172958 GCA_003039915.1 SEQF6347.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 69 Modernising Medical Microbiology 2,637,875 NCTC 11041 32.26 PRJNA339206 SAMN06177162 GCA_002902365.1 SEQF6348.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 2 SC 2,672,175 NCTC7623 32.4 PRJEB6403 SAMEA101174668 GCA_900458845.1 SEQF6349.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 41 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 2,640,718 SC11 32.57 PRJNA641762 SAMN15366221 GCA_014884025.1 SEQF6350.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 55 ANIWHA 2,682,226 Ani-LG-125 32.34 PRJNA609060 SAMN19114589 GCA_021366675.1 SEQF6351.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 67 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 2,746,026 SC14 32.57 PRJNA641762 SAMN15366224 GCA_014883975.1 SEQF6352.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 19 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 2,555,239 SC15 32.54 PRJNA641762 SAMN15366225 GCA_014884015.1 SEQF6353.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 253 University of Calgary 2,610,125 SNUC 3536 32.56 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172963 GCA_003577935.1 SEQF6354.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 34 University of Milan 2,618,490 SC5 32.32 PRJNA607668 SAMN14142771 GCA_014180735.1 SEQF6355.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 241 University of Calgary 2,675,413 SNUC 3213 32.28 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172962 GCA_003577955.1 SEQF6356.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 2 SC 2,694,244 NCTC11041 32.38 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3871778 GCA_900458255.1 SEQF6357.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 88 BGI 2,673,141 DE0536 32.55 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792696 GCA_007666405.1 SEQF6358.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 49 BGI 2,647,201 DE0122 32.43 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792282 GCA_007679195.1 SEQF6359.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 216 University of Calgary 2,620,358 SNUC 5124 32.52 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172968 GCA_003035485.1 SEQF6360.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 40 Yunnan Provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 2,638,284 YNSA55 32.43 PRJNA543691 SAMN11775280 GCA_005861955.1 SEQF6361.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 67 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 2,563,846 NBRC 109713 32.23 PRJDB1638 SAMD00172682 GCA_007992675.1 SEQF6362.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 76 University of Malaya 2,625,406 AL1 32.34 PRJNA171726 SAMN02471867 GCA_000292305.1 SEQF6363.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 151 BGI 2,692,201 DE0524 32.57 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792684 GCA_007666625.1 SEQF6364.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 39 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 2,680,063 SC6 32.29 PRJNA641762 SAMN15366216 GCA_014884095.1 SEQF6365.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 148 University of Calgary 2,619,720 SNUC 5710 32.57 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172971 GCA_003035835.1 SEQF6366.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 84 BGI 2,674,977 DE0534 32.57 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792694 GCA_007666455.1 SEQF6367.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 43 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 2,707,820 SC12 32.31 PRJNA641762 SAMN15366222 GCA_014884005.1 SEQF6368.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 32 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 2,663,745 SC10 32.31 PRJNA641762 SAMN15366220 GCA_014884075.1 SEQF6369.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 22 South China Agricultural University 2,692,102 GDJ7P072P 32.4 PRJNA586246 SAMN13164710 GCA_013602265.1 SEQF6370.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 128 University of Calgary 2,628,514 SNUC 1120 32.49 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172955 GCA_003035965.1 SEQF6371.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 120 BGI 2,631,675 DE0552 32.27 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792712 GCA_007666185.1 SEQF6372.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 282 UC Berkeley 2,672,257 H62 32.34 PRJNA316869 SAMN04591361 GCA_001650645.1 SEQF6373.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 141 BGI 2,674,170 DE0431 32.28 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792591 GCA_007668065.1 SEQF6374.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 257 University of Calgary 2,640,705 SNUC 4643 32.42 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172967 GCA_003577905.1 SEQF6375.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 678 University of Calgary 2,843,933 SNUC 3829 32.64 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172964 GCA_003035865.1 SEQF6376.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 94 BGI 2,676,771 DE0506 32.55 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792666 GCA_007666955.1 SEQF6377.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 134 CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology 2,579,475 SE4.4 32.26 PRJNA263233 SAMN03097241 GCA_001876785.1 SEQF6378.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 30 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 2,577,250 SC13 32.37 PRJNA641762 SAMN15366223 GCA_014883995.1 SEQF6379.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 153 BGI 2,792,061 DE0303 32.52 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792463 GCA_007674235.1 SEQF6380.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 41 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 2,599,835 SC5 32.29 PRJNA641762 SAMN15366215 GCA_014884175.1 SEQF6381.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 58 CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology 2,585,935 SE4.1 32.29 PRJNA263229 SAMN03097238 GCA_001876705.1 SEQF6382.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 30 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 2,598,917 SC4 32.58 PRJNA641762 SAMN15366214 GCA_014884185.1 SEQF6383.1 117 Staphylococcus cohnii latest 1179 BGI 3,159,022 DE0450 32.69 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792610 GCA_007667835.1 SEQF1103.1 118 Dialister invisus latest 1 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 1,895,960 DSM 15470 45.5 PRJNA33143 SAMN00008820 root canals of patients with endodontic infections GCA_000160055.1 SEQF8128.1 118 Dialister invisus latest 45 University of Chicago 1,783,057 SL.1.06 45.23 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167284 GCA_020564385.1 SEQF2892.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 2 National Institute of Agricultural Science 2,560,146 S167 32.83 PRJNA306712 SAMN04361561 GCA_001611955.1 SEQF8293.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 3 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 2,572,027 ATCC 29970 32.91 PRJNA515391 SAMN10754498 GCA_006094395.1 SEQF8294.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 2,669,504 FDAARGOS_517 32.8 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163211 GCA_003956005.1 SEQF8295.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 2,568,751 FDAARGOS 1453 32.88 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357595 GCA_019048025.1 SEQF8296.2 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 6 CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology 2,396,096 SE3.9 32.69 PRJNA263227 SAMN03097236 GCA_009932935.2 SEQF8297.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 1 National University of Sciences and Technology 2,615,683 PK-01 32.82 PRJNA517594 SAMN10838965 GCA_005706435.1 SEQF8298.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 1 Northwest A&F Universit 2,580,024 BC5211 32.83 PRJNA787814 SAMN23848894 GCA_021442105.1 SEQF8299.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 4 University of Illinois 2,398,463 7b 32.75 PRJNA707584 SAMN18212549 GCA_017355005.1 SEQF8300.2 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 6 CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology 2,396,207 SE3.8 32.69 PRJNA263226 SAMN03097235 GCA_009932885.2 SEQF8301.2 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 2 Nanyang Technological University 2,674,594 SGAir0252 32.79 PRJNA388547 SAMN08103045 GCA_002952715.2 SEQF8302.3 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 1 Christian Medical College 2,699,210 VB19458 32.77 PRJNA490266 SAMN10031556 GCA_003596365.3 SEQF8303.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 4 University of Illinois 2,390,652 1b 32.82 PRJNA707584 SAMN18212548 GCA_017355025.1 SEQF8304.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 2 UMCG 2,610,865 83131A 32.79 PRJNA417990 SAMN08013134 GCA_002906595.1 SEQF8305.2 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 1 Christian Medical College 2,699,292 VB5326 32.76 PRJNA576986 SAMN10031557 GCA_009189185.2 SEQF8306.2 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 6 CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology 2,396,041 SE2.14 32.69 PRJNA263225 SAMN03097234 GCA_009932715.2 SEQF8307.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 3 UMCG 2,612,666 83131B 32.79 PRJNA417990 SAMN08161435 GCA_002906615.1 SEQF8308.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 4 NITE 2,697,861 JCSC1435 32.78 PRJNA12508 SAMD00061066 GCA_000009865.1 SEQF8309.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 1 USP 2,561,368 Sh29/312/L2 32.72 PRJNA279309 SAMN03436301 GCA_000972725.1 SEQF8310.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 3 University of Illinois 2,382,565 12b 32.75 PRJNA707584 SAMN18212550 GCA_017355045.1 SEQF8311.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 3 Shandong First Medical University 2,539,247 NY5 32.68 PRJNA743734 SAMN20059081 GCA_019222685.1 SEQF8312.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 1 National Institute of Biomedical Genomics 2,555,440 MSA_JNM56C1 32.86 PRJNA673344 SAMN16453505 GCA_022811505.1 SEQF8313.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 1 National Institute of Biomedical Genomics 2,502,707 MSA_JNM24C1 32.95 PRJNA669251 SAMN16450383 GCA_016695195.1 SEQF8314.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL 2,426,012 Staphylococcus haemolyticus K8 32.79 PRJEB22856 SAMEA104410614 GCA_900240195.1 SEQF8315.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 1 National Institute of Biomedical Genomics 2,511,057 MSA_JNM60C2 32.82 PRJNA669251 SAMN16871746 GCA_016695445.1 SEQF8316.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 61 SC 2,511,740 51-51 32.76 PRJEB2705 SAMEA1035097 GCA_001236425.1 SEQF8317.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 220 UNIVERSITY OF TROMSO 2,538,386 SH_07;14 D-1 32.78 PRJEB32204 SAMEA5568758 GCA_903969745.1 SEQF8318.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 20 University of Luebeck 2,462,495 HESMS017 32.78 PRJNA668279 SAMN16402344 GCA_015070685.1 SEQF8319.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 86 Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University 2,569,176 AA12 32.69 PRJNA648411 SAMN15641015 GCA_016621265.1 SEQF8320.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 62 SC 2,583,329 51-21 32.55 PRJEB2705 SAMEA1035103 GCA_001226765.1 SEQF8321.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 55 Federation University Australia 2,334,100 SW007 32.63 PRJNA361219 SAMN06227236 GCA_001975855.1 SEQF8322.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 92 University of West London 2,402,782 568_S46 32.67 PRJNA811232 SAMN26315836 GCA_023198345.1 SEQF8323.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 145 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH DR. RICARDO JORGE 2,606,308 Sha_B36_HC_2019 32.68 PRJEB45360 SAMEA9068309 GCA_910591645.1 SEQF8324.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 154 University of KwaZulu Natal 2,918,952 C7 32.52 PRJNA667485 SAMN16376648 GCA_015698525.1 SEQF8325.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 191 UNIVERSITY OF TROMSO 2,602,789 SH_17;57 D-6 32.81 PRJEB32204 SAMEA5568767 GCA_903969875.1 SEQF8326.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 42 NHGRI/NIH 2,368,537 acrob 32.6 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962557 GCA_022690525.1 SEQF8327.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 148 UNIVERSITY OF TROMSO 2,598,845 SH_16;51 D-2 32.79 PRJEB32204 SAMEA5568766 GCA_903969825.1 SEQF8328.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 298 University of Calgary 2,389,049 SNUC 2184 33.01 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173064 GCA_003580815.1 SEQF8329.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 187 N.F. Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology 2,547,889 0054-1702-2009 32.7 PRJNA480581 SAMN09642112 GCA_003428545.1 SEQF8330.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 159 SC 2,717,452 104626 32.74 PRJEB2705 SAMEA1035150 GCA_001237725.1 SEQF8331.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 66 Sun-yat Sen University 2,529,570 049P1FS2 32.64 PRJNA783189 SAMN26185715 GCA_022487525.1 SEQF8332.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 90 Sun-yat Sen University 2,536,699 007P3SUC2BHI 32.61 PRJNA783189 SAMN26185685 GCA_022487805.1 SEQF8333.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 96 SC 2,522,645 51-06 32.64 PRJEB2705 SAMEA1035104 GCA_001234405.1 SEQF8334.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 69 SC 2,473,962 96671 32.73 PRJEB2705 SAMEA1035037 GCA_001047775.1 SEQF8335.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 21 Sun-yat Sen University 2,341,885 51P6ENG_1 32.64 PRJNA783189 SAMN26185749 GCA_022484865.1 SEQF8336.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 90 Sun-yat Sen University 2,569,136 051P3BA2 32.66 PRJNA783189 SAMN26185746 GCA_022485045.1 SEQF8337.2 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 16 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,828,330 FDAARGOS_148 32.56 PRJNA231221 SAMN03996289 GCA_001471285.2 SEQF8338.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 63 Sun-yat Sen University 2,464,676 C59NS1 32.72 PRJNA783189 SAMN26185720 GCA_022486145.1 SEQF8339.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 79 Sun-yat Sen University 2,433,694 109P1NS1 32.65 PRJNA783189 SAMN26185763 GCA_022485085.1 SEQF8340.1 120 Staphylococcus haemolyticus latest 91 NHGRI/NIH 2,444,167 acroo 32.63 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962570 GCA_022690495.1 SEQF1880.1 121 Anaeroglobus geminatus latest 57 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 1,798,854 F0357 49.14 PRJNA50397 SAMN02299437 GCA_000239275.1 SEQF1685.1 122 Megasphaera micronuciformis latest 38 Washington University Genome Center 1,765,528 F0359 45.44 PRJNA43125 SAMN00189149 GCA_000165735.1 SEQF7271.1 123 Colibacter massiliensis latest 2 URMITE 1,715,864 Marseille-P2911 50.2 PRJEB15308 SAMEA4415313 GCA_900095855.1 SEQF7272.1 123 Colibacter massiliensis latest 2 EMG 1,715,864 MGYG-HGUT-01559 50.2 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851062 GCA_902376155.1 SEQF1697.1 124 Selenomonas artemidis latest 34 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 2,210,307 F0399 57.26 PRJNA47277 SAMN00189154 GCA_000187125.1 SEQF2584.1 124 Selenomonas artemidis latest 35 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,350,599 DSM 19719 56.8 PRJNA195808 SAMN02440643 GCA_000426665.1 SEQF1616.1 125 Selenomonas flueggei latest 9 Baylor College of Medicine 2,166,063 ATCC 43531 56.14 PRJNA37273 SAMN00189217 GCA_000160695.1 SEQF2805.1 126 Selenomonas sp._HMT_126 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,886,041 W7667 57.64 PRJNA282954 SAMN03897727 GCA_001683335.1 SEQF2901.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis 15 The Pennsylvania State University 1,983,631 strain=As3 31.68 PRJNA272632 SAMN03490874 GCA_001051895.1 SEQF5242.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 2,257,431 FDAARGOS_575 31.61 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163251 GCA_003812505.1 SEQF5243.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 2,372,192 FDAARGOS_746 31.61 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056461 GCA_009730135.1 SEQF5244.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 3 Sao Paulo State University (Unesp), School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Jaboticabal 2,281,220 19A 31.68 PRJNA482667 SAMN09714578 GCA_007814725.1 SEQF5245.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 1 World Institute of Kimchi 2,239,213 WiKim0113 31.53 PRJNA750864 SAMN20499013 GCA_023277465.1 SEQF5246.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 1 CENTER FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2,253,412 K1 31.36 PRJNA376656 SAMN06678637 GCA_002850375.1 SEQF5247.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 3 Renji Hospital, School o 2,254,542 S34-1 31.44 PRJNA545381 SAMN11890469 GCA_021497065.1 SEQF5248.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 2,255,507 FDAARGOS_762 31.54 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056477 GCA_013267575.1 SEQF5249.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 2,242,116 FDAARGOS_747 31.53 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056462 GCA_009730115.1 SEQF5250.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 7 University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus 2,447,570 C5 31.44 PRJNA816516 SAMN26679620 GCA_022693345.1 SEQF5251.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 2,359,666 FDAARGOS_745 31.44 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056460 GCA_012273435.1 SEQF5252.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 2,338,044 FDAARGOS_748 31.63 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056463 GCA_013364435.1 SEQF5253.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL 2,236,788 Staphylococcus hominis J11 31.26 PRJEB22856 SAMEA104410607 GCA_900240155.1 SEQF5254.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL 2,235,839 Staphylococcus hominis J6 31.24 PRJEB22856 SAMEA104410608 GCA_900240185.1 SEQF5255.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 7 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,268,051 FDAARGOS_136 31.58 PRJNA231221 SAMN03996281 GCA_002954105.1 SEQF5256.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 15 Broad Institute 2,268,397 C80 31.6 PRJNA38759 SAMN02463757 GCA_000183685.1 SEQF5257.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 47 The First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,335,704 ZBW5 31.38 PRJNA163345 SAMN02471141 GCA_000269685.1 SEQF5258.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 49 University of Washington 2,272,042 437_SHAE 31.3 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197630 GCA_001072955.1 SEQF5259.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 78 Instituto Adolfo Lutz 2,346,997 SH04_17 31.43 PRJNA419707 SAMN08095613 GCA_002799525.1 SEQF5260.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 27 ANIWHA 2,226,036 Ani-LG-162 31.38 PRJNA609060 SAMN19114594 GCA_021366525.1 SEQF5261.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 96 BGI 2,183,347 DE0378 31.39 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792538 GCA_007676545.1 SEQF5262.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 24 NHGRI/NIH 2,194,294 acrmj 31.34 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962513 GCA_022690065.1 SEQF5263.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 78 Molecular Biology Lab 2,226,235 MBL_AB63 31.32 PRJNA687181 SAMN17137020 GCA_016428605.1 SEQF5264.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 48 University of Washington 2,260,694 438_SHAE 31.34 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197631 GCA_001072965.1 SEQF5265.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 18 US Food and Drug Administration 2,678,023 FDAARGOS_1043 31.59 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357212 GCA_016623665.1 SEQF5266.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 27 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,203,387 IIF4SC-B5 31.41 PRJNA657113 SAMN15815271 GCA_014266505.1 SEQF5267.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 44 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 2,189,680 UFMG-H7B 31.28 PRJNA435944 SAMN14486421 GCA_012102295.1 SEQF5268.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 30 NHGRI/NIH 2,229,319 acrno 31.4 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962544 GCA_022690325.1 SEQF5269.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 41 NHGRI/NIH 2,202,579 acrli 31.3 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962486 GCA_022689965.1 SEQF5270.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 47 UniKlinik RWTH Aachen 2,248,874 MRS-249-WT-4B 31.37 PRJNA561470 SAMN14558281 GCA_012843365.1 SEQF5271.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 47 NHGRI/NIH 2,274,653 acrmb 31.39 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962505 GCA_022689975.1 SEQF5272.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 99 BGI 2,342,671 DE0457 31.3 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792617 GCA_007672225.1 SEQF5273.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 58 ANIWHA 2,286,888 Ani-LG-107 31.5 PRJNA609060 SAMN19114588 GCA_021366635.1 SEQF5274.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 80 BGI 2,167,513 DE0521 31.38 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792681 GCA_007672005.1 SEQF5275.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 199 University of Calgary 2,184,713 SNUC 2694 31.58 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173077 GCA_003042375.1 SEQF5276.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 29 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,245,911 IIF3SC-B11 31.43 PRJNA657113 SAMN15815266 GCA_014266525.1 SEQF5277.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 107 NEOSTAR_Indo-UK Project on AMR 2,266,534 S14 31.34 PRJNA636233 SAMN20525633 GCA_021188875.1 SEQF5278.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 145 CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology 2,205,162 RE2.8 31.39 PRJNA316783 SAMN04590065 GCA_001876405.1 SEQF5279.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 34 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,219,443 NFPP34 31.32 PRJEB16878 SAMN03159421 GCA_900109865.1 SEQF5280.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 34 University of Queensland 2,244,822 R6016 31.51 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665231 GCA_015274675.1 SEQF5281.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 61 University of Calgary 2,245,591 SNUC 4474 31.47 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173085 GCA_003579635.1 SEQF5282.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 26 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,243,268 IIF3SC-B11-FOX 31.42 PRJNA657113 SAMN15815337 GCA_014264985.1 SEQF5283.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 55 University of Queensland 2,244,819 R6011 31.26 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665237 GCA_015274535.1 SEQF5284.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 18 Loyola University Chicago 2,218,470 UMB0272 31.28 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193716 GCA_002860985.1 SEQF5285.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 23 NHGRI/NIH 2,245,889 acrlr 31.27 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962495 GCA_022690185.1 SEQF5286.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 74 Karolinska Institutet 2,208,223 MMP2 31.32 PRJNA304219 SAMN04296816 GCA_002026385.1 SEQF5287.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 96 University of Calgary 2,320,580 SNUC 5852 31.56 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173084 GCA_003043055.1 SEQF5288.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 27 Madurai Kamaraj University 2,162,928 K24 31.25 PRJNA741601 SAMN19883480 GCA_019149255.1 SEQF5289.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 97 BGI 2,367,700 DE0132 31.4 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792292 GCA_007681935.1 SEQF5290.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 30 ANIWHA 2,191,896 Ani-LG-038 31.41 PRJNA609060 SAMN19114573 GCA_021366975.1 SEQF5291.1 127 Staphylococcus hominis latest 29 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,243,827 IIF3SC-B11-OX 31.42 PRJNA657113 SAMN15815336 GCA_014265015.1 SEQF2909.2 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,613,879 FDAARGOS_143 33.95 PRJNA231221 SAMN03996287 GCA_001558815.2 SEQF7527.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,571,829 FDAARGOS_141 33.8 PRJNA231221 SAMN03996285 GCA_001558775.1 SEQF7528.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 SC 2,540,333 NCTC12217 33.85 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3221102 GCA_900478255.1 SEQF7529.2 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 HKU 2,584,152 K93G 33.81 PRJNA338738 SAMN05591932 GCA_002250095.2 SEQF7530.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 2,813,336 CGMH-SL118 33.75 PRJNA589350 SAMN13870882 GCA_020882195.1 SEQF7531.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 EA2656 GRAM 2,610,930 SL118 33.79 PRJNA554757 SAMN12283065 GCA_008728775.1 SEQF7532.2 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,540,323 FDAARGOS_222 33.85 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875559 GCA_002073395.2 SEQF7533.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,571,633 FDAARGOS_377 33.8 PRJNA231221 SAMN07312421 GCA_002407165.1 SEQF7534.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 2,625,330 CGMH-SL138 33.78 PRJNA589350 SAMN14009864 GCA_023508875.1 SEQF7535.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 EA2656 GRAM 2,624,231 SL55 33.89 PRJNA554757 SAMN12283063 GCA_008728735.1 SEQF7536.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 2 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,570,702 FDAARGOS_381 33.81 PRJNA231221 SAMN07312425 GCA_002591215.1 SEQF7537.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 SC 2,547,699 NCTC7990 33.85 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3518001 GCA_900474705.1 SEQF7538.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 EA2656 GRAM 2,652,107 SL117 33.9 PRJNA554757 SAMN12283064 GCA_008728755.1 SEQF7539.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 Department of Microbiology Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine 2,687,768 JICS135 33.72 PRJDB8742 SAMD00184897 GCA_011403135.1 SEQF7540.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 Wellcome Trust Sanger Insititute 2,595,888 N920143 33.82 PRJEA67127 SAMEA2272235 GCA_000270465.1 SEQF7541.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 The BioArte Limited 2,606,118 MBAZ2 33.82 PRJNA656409 SAMN15783914 GCA_016804245.1 SEQF7542.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 University of Tuebingen 2,567,907 IVK28 33.8 PRJNA669000 SAMN16428309 GCA_014962425.1 SEQF7543.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 EA2656 GRAM 2,694,981 SL13 33.84 PRJNA554757 SAMN12283061 GCA_008728815.1 SEQF7544.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 The University of Hong Kong 2,658,366 HKU09-01 33.87 PRJNA42395 SAMN02603957 GCA_000025085.1 SEQF7545.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 University College Cork 2,570,129 APC 3758 33.79 PRJNA521309 SAMN11338654 GCA_009931395.1 SEQF7546.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 2,646,605 CGMH-SL131 33.73 PRJNA589350 SAMN13870883 GCA_023508855.1 SEQF7547.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 EA2656 GRAM 2,647,211 SL122 33.83 PRJNA554757 SAMN12283066 GCA_008728795.1 SEQF7548.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 EA2656 GRAM 2,660,394 SL29 33.88 PRJNA554757 SAMN12283062 GCA_008728715.1 SEQF7549.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 2 EA7290 2,570,886 VISLISI_22 33.86 PRJNA382358 SAMN06704732 GCA_002097035.1 SEQF7550.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 EA7290 2,579,522 VISLISI_37 33.79 PRJNA382327 SAMN06703936 GCA_002096075.1 SEQF7551.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 2 EA7290 2,667,001 VISLISI_33 33.77 PRJNA380729 SAMN06646534 GCA_002104555.1 SEQF7552.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 3 EA7290 2,500,687 C_33 33.93 PRJNA382365 SAMN06704792 GCA_002096975.1 SEQF7553.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 EA7290 2,491,642 VISLISI_25 33.84 PRJNA382360 SAMN06704779 GCA_002096135.1 SEQF7554.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 2 EA7290 2,600,937 VISLISI_27 33.72 PRJNA380629 SAMN06645327 GCA_002096155.1 SEQF7555.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 1 EA7290 2,546,158 VISLISI_21 33.77 PRJNA382353 SAMN06704636 GCA_002096115.1 SEQF7556.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 28 NHGRI/NIH 2,575,389 acrnq 33.67 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962546 GCA_022689145.1 SEQF7557.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 58 NHGRI/NIH 2,527,888 acrnb 33.67 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962531 GCA_022689525.1 SEQF7558.2 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 4 Broad Institute 2,611,013 ACS-027-V-Sch2 34.28 PRJNA52127 SAMN02463890 GCA_000316075.2 SEQF7559.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 20 Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen 2,547,873 B6-6 33.64 PRJNA796272 SAMN24838654 GCA_022569015.1 SEQF7560.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 18 Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen 2,535,332 D2-16 33.7 PRJNA796272 SAMN24838645 GCA_022569205.1 SEQF7561.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 23 NHGRI/NIH 2,621,768 acrnj 33.69 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962539 GCA_022689325.1 SEQF7562.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 33 The University of Hong Kong 2,534,192 Q-087 33.81 PRJNA727671 SAMN19028254 GCA_024104375.1 SEQF7563.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 60 NHGRI/NIH 2,635,867 acrnt 33.66 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962549 GCA_022689255.1 SEQF7564.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 22 Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen 2,586,047 IVK84 33.69 PRJNA796272 SAMN24838643 GCA_022569175.1 SEQF7565.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 54 NHGRI/NIH 2,525,960 acrna 33.66 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962530 GCA_022689485.1 SEQF7566.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 32 NHGRI/NIH 2,544,697 acrnh 33.74 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962537 GCA_022689285.1 SEQF7567.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 17 Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen 2,634,709 12-3 33.66 PRJNA796272 SAMN24838639 GCA_022569275.1 SEQF7568.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 36 NHGRI/NIH 2,575,402 acrmz 33.69 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962529 GCA_022689545.1 SEQF7569.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 45 The University of Hong Kong 2,626,997 K-060 33.71 PRJNA727671 SAMN19028248 GCA_024104495.1 SEQF7570.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 12 Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen 2,585,050 D2-19 33.74 PRJNA796272 SAMN24838650 GCA_022569075.1 SEQF7571.2 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 69 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,524,140 VCU139 33.68 PRJNA53775 SAMN02436593 GCA_000247225.2 SEQF7572.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 34 NHGRI/NIH 2,542,918 acrny 33.74 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962554 GCA_022689445.1 SEQF7573.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 28 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,536,050 VCU150 33.75 PRJNA53783 SAMN00116873 GCA_000649085.1 SEQF7574.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 15 Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen 2,517,845 D4-9 33.81 PRJNA796272 SAMN24838649 GCA_022569095.1 SEQF7575.1 128 Staphylococcus lugdunensis latest 41 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,501,835 MJR7738 33.85 PRJNA272117 SAMN03948580 GCA_001546615.1 SEQF1593.1 130 Selenomonas noxia latest 21 Baylor College of Medicine 2,054,993 ATCC 43541 56.2 PRJNA34641 SAMN00138948 GCA_000160555.1 SEQF1690.1 130 Selenomonas noxia latest 13 Broad Institute 2,113,402 F0398 55.81 PRJNA43115 SAMN02463846 GCA_000234135.1 SEQF2446.1 131 Mitsuokella sp._HMT_131 latest 25 Washington University 2,313,357 W9106 56.59 PRJNA198888 SAMN02436729 GCA_000469545.1 SEQF1890.1 133 Selenomonas sp._HMT_133 latest 2 Broad Institute 2,067,540 F0473 58.74 PRJNA64897 SAMN02463944 GCA_000315545.1 SEQF3060.1 136 Selenomonas sp._HMT_136 latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,458,072 F0591 56.61 PRJNA282954 SAMN04435856 GCA_001554015.1 SEQF1858.2 137 Selenomonas sp._HMT_137 latest 15 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,475,066 F0430 56.73 PRJNA52055 SAMN00116784 GCA_000183625.2 SEQF1951.2 138 Selenomonas sp._HMT_138 latest 33 Washington University 2,384,529 F0429 56.91 PRJNA80253 SAMN02436930 GCA_000318175.2 SEQF2849.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 1 Kyung Hee University 2,559,946 SP1 32.71 PRJNA184845 SAMN02603493 GCA_000494875.1 SEQF7705.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,484,808 FDAARGOS_1069 31.58 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357238 GCA_016599795.1 SEQF7706.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 3 Korea Food Research Institute 2,622,223 JS7 31.59 PRJNA344823 SAMN05831569 GCA_002442915.1 SEQF7707.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 2,634,722 FDAARGOS_1151 31.62 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357320 GCA_016725285.1 SEQF7708.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 2,556,308 FDAARGOS_1152 31.63 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357321 GCA_016725205.1 SEQF7709.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 2 Sao Paulo State University (Unesp), School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Jaboticabal 2,566,689 3C 31.58 PRJNA482667 SAMN09714635 GCA_007814825.1 SEQF7710.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 25 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,613,887 NFIX07 31.49 PRJEB17901 SAMN03097721 GCA_900119855.1 SEQF7711.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 122 Rochester Institute of Technology 2,601,809 Wam01 31.79 PRJNA846281 SAMN28871739 GCA_023893595.1 SEQF7712.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 8 Aarhus University Hospital 2,468,944 KMAAUH-2021-1 31.43 PRJNA850919 SAMN29205752 GCA_023958515.1 SEQF7713.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 23 BGI 2,533,838 DE0437 31.44 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792597 GCA_008763955.1 SEQF7714.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 2,226,788 FDAARGOS_1070 31.56 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357239 GCA_016751935.1 SEQF7715.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 93 Modernising Medical Microbiology 2,462,952 DSM 10656 31.41 PRJNA339206 SAMN05978001 GCA_003970495.1 SEQF7716.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 109 University of Calgary 2,536,996 SNUC 5019 31.53 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173095 GCA_003580755.1 SEQF7717.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 59 BGI 2,626,659 DE0522 31.48 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792682 GCA_007666695.1 SEQF7718.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 14 King Abdulaziz University 2,527,408 5SE 31.43 PRJNA767482 SAMN25227149 GCA_021728855.1 SEQF7719.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 14 Wenzhou-Kean University: Kean University - Wenzhou Campus 2,537,147 1I30 31.41 PRJNA722783 SAMN18793320 GCA_018407725.1 SEQF7720.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 105 University of Calgary 2,479,197 SNUC 2657 31.47 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173093 GCA_003580565.1 SEQF7721.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 28 Rochester Institute of Technology 2,546,404 RIT605 31.47 PRJNA504470 SAMN10392927 GCA_003725385.1 SEQF7722.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 60 BGI 2,513,391 DE0452 31.49 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792612 GCA_007667805.1 SEQF7723.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 132 Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences 2,615,805 65.1 31.78 PRJNA791280 SAMN24272064 GCA_021300665.1 SEQF7724.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 25 Wageningen University 2,467,032 PT#26 31.5 PRJNA321473 SAMN04994921 GCA_003408875.1 SEQF7725.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 32 NEOSTAR_Indo-UK Project on AMR 2,540,714 Bh1PMw 31.41 PRJNA636233 SAMN21849935 GCA_021191425.1 SEQF7726.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 6 BIOCEV 2,729,327 65WT 32.51 PRJNA435467 SAMN08580105 GCA_003020865.1 SEQF7727.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 38 Institute of Microbial Technology 2,562,464 BAB3 31.5 PRJNA275684 SAMN03352180 GCA_000981155.1 SEQF7728.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 31 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 2,517,260 B46 31.47 PRJEB45232 SAMEA8801450 GCA_910576415.1 SEQF7729.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 128 University of Calgary 2,525,032 SNUC 5836 31.53 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173097 GCA_003052725.1 SEQF7730.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 2,687,438 FDAARGOS_1206 31.63 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357348 GCA_016888605.1 SEQF7731.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 106 University of Calgary 2,541,199 SNUC 5329 31.51 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173096 GCA_003052685.1 SEQF7732.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 327 University of Calgary 2,481,874 SNUC 4960 31.47 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173094 GCA_003580525.1 SEQF7733.1 141 Staphylococcus pasteuri latest 115 University of Calgary 2,535,139 SNUC 2044 31.44 PRJNA342349 SAMN06173092 GCA_003052695.1 SEQF2895.2 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,502,360 FDAARGOS_288 38.92 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173301 GCA_002208805.2 SEQF5440.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,493,628 FDAARGOS_1071 38.99 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357240 GCA_016127935.1 SEQF5441.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 1 INSERM U1047 2,435,720 SP165 39.13 PRJNA768314 SAMN22027592 GCA_021398525.1 SEQF5442.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 68 BGI 2,471,941 DE0138 38.76 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792298 GCA_007678915.1 SEQF5443.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 48 Wenzhou-Kean University: Kean University - Wenzhou Campus 2,444,776 1H7 38.78 PRJNA722783 SAMN18793306 GCA_018408125.1 SEQF5444.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 161 BGI 2,528,742 DE0475 38.6 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792635 GCA_007667405.1 SEQF5445.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 67 Los Alamos National Laboratory 2,519,169 UGA20 38.68 PRJNA407945 SAMN07666372 GCA_003850035.1 SEQF5446.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 45 BGI 2,468,558 DE0227 38.92 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792387 GCA_007677585.1 SEQF5447.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 70 BGI 2,464,668 DE0158 38.78 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792318 GCA_007678595.1 SEQF5448.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 529 BGI 2,612,334 DE0147 38.83 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792307 GCA_007678805.1 SEQF5449.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 41 BGI 2,484,191 DE0267 38.85 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792427 GCA_007677055.1 SEQF5450.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 101 BGI 2,466,519 DE0149 38.97 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792309 GCA_007678715.1 SEQF5451.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 116 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,454,960 VCU012 38.72 PRJNA53711 SAMN00116871 GCA_000260275.1 SEQF5452.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 33 University of Washington 2,457,324 589_SHAE 39.11 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197790 GCA_001076995.1 SEQF5453.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 105 BGI 2,472,695 DE0465 38.76 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792625 GCA_007667615.1 SEQF5454.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 46 NHGRI/NIH 2,504,232 acrof 38.61 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962561 GCA_022689045.1 SEQF5455.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 67 University of Washington 2,503,503 1286_SHAE 38.88 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197257 GCA_001076095.1 SEQF5456.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 22 Loyola University Chicago 2,541,352 UMB0834 38.79 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511431 GCA_002884615.1 SEQF5457.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 122 Modernising Medical Microbiology 2,455,272 CCUG 51270 38.91 PRJNA339206 SAMN05977985 GCA_002902685.1 SEQF5458.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 26 Heilongjiang bayi agricultural university 2,466,980 K49_2 38.73 PRJNA612981 SAMN14389573 GCA_019731485.1 SEQF5459.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 73 BGI 2,584,906 DE0155 38.57 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792315 GCA_007678645.1 SEQF5460.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 26 NHGRI/NIH 2,491,634 acron 38.79 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962569 GCA_022689085.1 SEQF5461.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 25 BGI 2,456,489 DE0528 39.0 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792688 GCA_007666535.1 SEQF5462.1 142 Staphylococcus pettenkoferi latest 46 BGI 2,464,204 DE0160 39.0 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792320 GCA_007678585.1 SEQF1914.1 149 Selenomonas sp._HMT_149 latest 16 Baylor College of Medicine 2,471,116 67H29BP 57.53 PRJNA50535 SAMN02299442 GCA_000146365.1 SEQF1598.1 151 Selenomonas sputigena latest 6 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,559,453 ATCC 35185 57.21 PRJNA30489 SAMN00008859 GCA_000160495.1 SEQF3733.1 151 Selenomonas sputigena latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 2,568,361 ATCC 35185 57.11 PRJNA51247 SAMN00713607 GCA_000208405.1 SEQF2891.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) 1,929,905 JIM 8232 38.92 PRJEA68521 SAMEA2272807 GCA_000253395.1 SEQF7277.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 2 INRAE 1,791,634 STH_CIRM_65 39.13 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957296 GCA_903886475.1 SEQF7278.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Pusan National University 2,102,268 ATCC 19258 39.02 PRJNA528156 SAMN11175069 GCA_010120595.1 SEQF7279.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 2 University College Cork 1,839,050 ST64987 39.03 PRJNA565385 SAMN12743474 GCA_011801285.1 SEQF7280.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Huazhong University of Science and Technology 1,936,216 CS20 38.9 PRJNA477906 SAMN09487225 GCA_022024355.1 SEQF7281.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 China Agricultural University 1,791,656 CS8 39.04 PRJNA326481 SAMN05281844 GCA_001685375.1 SEQF7282.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRAE 1,796,085 STH_CIRM_23 39.04 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957289 GCA_903886195.1 SEQF7283.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 University of Lausanne 1,865,049 13498 39.01 PRJNA659704 SAMN15923541 GCA_017360245.1 SEQF7284.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRAE 2,019,580 STH_CIRM_961 38.89 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957300 GCA_903886745.1 SEQF7285.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRAE 1,804,646 STH_CIRM_29 39.05 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957290 GCA_903886205.1 SEQF7286.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 2 Unil 1,879,576 MAG_rmk202_sterm 38.98 PRJNA589532 SAMN13284972 GCA_017584245.1 SEQF7287.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRAE 1,860,070 STH_CIRM_18 39.09 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957286 GCA_903885985.1 SEQF7288.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRAE 1,788,942 STH_CIRM_2101 39.12 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957288 GCA_903891305.1 SEQF7289.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 CAU 1,876,516 MN-BM-A01 39.1 PRJNA293401 SAMN04002535 GCA_001280285.1 SEQF7290.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1,948,689 EU01 38.94 PRJNA596306 SAMN13618337 GCA_009856565.1 SEQF7291.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 University of Lausanne 1,895,875 13496 39.06 PRJNA659704 SAMN15923539 GCA_017360305.1 SEQF7292.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy (Group) Co. Ltd. 1,850,434 MN-BM-A02 39.04 PRJNA274301 SAMN03325854 GCA_001008015.1 SEQF7293.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 School of Food Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 1,848,520 MN-ZLW-002 39.06 PRJNA159887 SAMN02603848 GCA_000262675.1 SEQF7294.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 2 INRAE 1,785,330 STH_CIRM_1121 39.18 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957281 GCA_903891135.1 SEQF7295.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 The Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Education Ministry of P. R. China, Department of Food Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China 1,831,949 ND03 39.05 PRJNA49149 SAMN02603938 GCA_000182875.1 SEQF7296.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 University of Lausanne 1,847,542 24853 39.0 PRJNA659704 SAMN15923550 GCA_017359825.1 SEQF7297.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 SC 2,102,271 NCTC12958 39.02 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3594354 GCA_900474985.1 SEQF7298.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 The University of Hong Kong 1,845,495 ASCC 1275 39.06 PRJNA222865 SAMN02770279 GCA_000698885.1 SEQF7299.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 University of Lausanne 1,934,999 24739 39.05 PRJNA659704 SAMN15923548 GCA_017360005.1 SEQF7300.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Nutrition &Health Technology Center 1,848,461 VHProbi R08 39.06 PRJNA821985 SAMN27162337 GCA_023278025.1 SEQF7301.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Key Laboratory of Dairy Science, Ministry of Education 1,856,787 KLDS SM 39.08 PRJNA325330 SAMN05226830 GCA_001663795.1 SEQF7302.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 USDA-Agricultural Research Service-Eastern Regional Research Center 1,821,173 B59671 39.15 PRJNA395042 SAMN07369158 GCA_002443035.1 SEQF7303.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRAE 1,828,037 STH_CIRM_19 39.03 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957287 GCA_903886075.1 SEQF7304.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRAE 1,889,796 STH_CIRM_1046 39.04 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957273 GCA_903890795.1 SEQF7305.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRAE 1,772,493 STH_CIRM_772 39.19 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957298 GCA_903886635.1 SEQF7306.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRA (INRA Jouy en Josas) 1,831,756 N4L 39.05 PRJEB27286 SAMEA4729876 GCA_900492165.1 SEQF7307.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Dairy Research Institute, Bright Dairy & Food Co. 1,857,468 GABA 39.12 PRJNA414517 SAMN07792323 GCA_002846075.1 SEQF7308.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Harbin Institute of Technology 1,856,658 CS6 39.08 PRJNA622673 SAMN14524728 GCA_023207975.1 SEQF7309.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRAE 1,857,575 STH_CIRM_1051 39.09 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957278 GCA_903891015.1 SEQF7310.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 2 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 1,993,251 TK-P3A 39.07 PRJNA579198 SAMN13106279 GCA_015190465.1 SEQF7311.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRAE 1,801,413 STH_CIRM_30 39.13 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957291 GCA_903886285.1 SEQF7312.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 China Agricultural University 1,787,436 S9 39.1 PRJNA307645 SAMN04384202 GCA_001514435.1 SEQF7313.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Teagasc Food Research 1,839,134 APC151 39.08 PRJNA376088 SAMN06349996 GCA_002012365.1 SEQF7314.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1,851,207 DGCC 7710 39.05 PRJNA421020 SAMN08130366 GCA_002843115.1 SEQF7315.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 USDA-Agricultural Research Service-Eastern Regional Research Center 1,788,866 ST109 39.18 PRJNA482852 SAMN09715176 GCA_003402855.1 SEQF7316.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 USDA-Agricultural Research Service-Eastern Regional Research Center 1,856,083 ST106 39.28 PRJNA487772 SAMN09909637 GCA_003443395.1 SEQF7317.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 3 INRAE 2,005,573 STH_CIRM_956 38.72 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957299 GCA_903886595.1 SEQF7318.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Key Laboratory of Dairy Science, Ministry of Education 1,899,956 KLDS 3.1003 38.92 PRJNA335873 SAMN05465222 GCA_001705585.1 SEQF7319.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 South China University of Technology 1,879,014 DMST-H2 38.99 PRJNA669309 SAMN16450970 GCA_018219175.1 SEQF7320.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Research Laboratories, Ildong Pharmaceutical 1,794,836 IDCC2201 39.19 PRJNA516086 SAMN10782595 GCA_004114735.1 SEQF7321.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 Agricultural University of Athens 1,731,838 ACA-DC 2 39.21 PRJEB14916 SAMEA4355128 GCA_900094135.1 SEQF7322.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 INRAE 1,767,283 STH_CIRM_1125 39.16 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957283 GCA_903891205.1 SEQF7323.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 2 INRAE 2,030,907 STH_CIRM_368 38.81 PRJEB36851 SAMEA6957295 GCA_903886645.1 SEQF7324.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 1 harbin institute of technology 1,860,988 CS9 38.92 PRJNA479397 SAMN09536719 GCA_013307265.1 SEQF7325.1 152 Streptococcus thermophilus latest 3 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI), The Lactic Acid Bacteria Genome Consortium and Fidelity Systems Inc. 1,864,178 LMD-9 39.07 PRJNA13773 SAMN02598313 GCA_000014485.1 SEQF2847.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 Macrogen Inc. 5,280,350 KCTC 2190 54.85 PRJNA66537 SAMN02603581 GCA_000215745.1 SEQF7654.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 2 The First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 5,249,267 Ka37751 54.91 PRJNA555744 SAMN12330869 GCA_007632255.1 SEQF7655.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 5,281,764 FDAARGOS 1442 54.86 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357584 GCA_019048125.1 SEQF7656.2 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 5,317,141 FDAARGOS_152 55.0 PRJNA231221 SAMN03996296 GCA_001559215.2 SEQF7657.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5,087,312 AR_0018 55.16 PRJNA292901 SAMN04014859 GCA_002796405.1 SEQF7658.2 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 2 IMI Translocation 5,626,434 G7 54.86 PRJNA279469 SAMN03448049 GCA_001571545.2 SEQF7659.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 3 Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology 5,478,908 NY1464 54.32 PRJNA818004 SAMN26813932 GCA_022759605.1 SEQF7660.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 5,078,723 S148-1 55.09 PRJNA671820 SAMN16552197 GCA_022700775.1 SEQF7661.2 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 2 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 5,297,800 FDAARGOS_139 55.05 PRJNA231221 SAMN03996283 GCA_001593585.2 SEQF7662.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 5,271,709 FDAARGOS_513 55.07 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163207 GCA_003812185.1 SEQF7663.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5,332,334 AR_0009 54.97 PRJNA292901 SAMN04014850 GCA_002796525.1 SEQF7664.2 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 3 CNAG-CRG 5,303,299 57 54.91 PRJEB42440 SAMEA8158452 GCA_905333855.2 SEQF7665.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5,118,619 AR_0007 55.12 PRJNA292901 SAMN04014848 GCA_002796425.1 SEQF7666.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 2 Charles University in Prague 5,197,914 EA46506 54.99 PRJNA700516 SAMN16933261 GCA_016939495.1 SEQF7667.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 4 Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology 5,366,894 KAE3SP 54.95 PRJNA757479 SAMN20964956 GCA_019931695.1 SEQF7668.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 5,286,332 FDAARGOS_641 54.85 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056356 GCA_008693885.1 SEQF7669.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 Monash University 5,118,036 MINF_10B-sc-2280448 54.97 PRJNA646837 SAMEA3357515 GCA_904863085.1 SEQF7670.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 3 Public Health England 5,398,116 KA_P10_L5_03.19 54.65 PRJNA562727 SAMN12807522 GCA_008727695.1 SEQF7671.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 Yonsei university college of medicine 5,266,224 Y6 54.92 PRJNA575098 SAMN12877719 GCA_009732795.1 SEQF7672.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 5,245,455 FDAARGOS_363 55.06 PRJNA231221 SAMN07312407 GCA_002591115.1 SEQF7673.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 5,400,171 FDAARGOS_327 54.95 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173340 GCA_003546885.1 SEQF7674.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 Yonsei university college of medicine 5,272,156 Y3 54.89 PRJNA575098 SAMN12877718 GCA_009732815.1 SEQF7675.2 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 6 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5,453,672 AR_0062 54.87 PRJNA292904 SAMN04014903 GCA_002948835.2 SEQF7676.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 4 University of Oxford 5,390,662 C9 54.84 PRJNA550014 SAMN12289361 GCA_008931665.1 SEQF7677.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 6 University of Zurich 5,378,629 035 54.45 PRJNA604100 SAMN14372988 GCA_011604725.1 SEQF7678.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 7 YangZhou university 5,359,046 NTT31XS 55.01 PRJNA739259 SAMN19778273 GCA_019048885.1 SEQF7679.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5,537,473 AR_0161 54.62 PRJNA292902 SAMN04015002 GCA_003071285.1 SEQF7680.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 2 Laboratory of Bacterial Genomics, Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 5,462,605 WP5-W18-CRE-01 54.81 PRJDB6962 SAMD00194509 GCA_014169215.1 SEQF7681.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 3 Unité de Recherche sur les Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales Emergents (URMITE) 5,591,105 EA1509E 54.91 PRJNA61107 SAMEA3138432 GCA_000334515.1 SEQF7682.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 Yonsei university college of medicine 5,295,061 Y1 54.81 PRJNA575098 SAMN12877717 GCA_009732835.1 SEQF7683.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 2 University of Oxford 5,138,968 CAV1320 55.0 PRJNA246471 SAMN03733745 GCA_001021995.1 SEQF7684.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 SC 5,190,487 NCTC9735 55.0 PRJEB6403 SAMEA80457418 GCA_900637945.1 SEQF7685.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 Lebanese American University 5,059,706 AUH-KAM-9 55.13 PRJNA551102 SAMN12881488 GCA_010509815.1 SEQF7686.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 5,192,689 FDAARGOS 1441 55.04 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357583 GCA_019047925.1 SEQF7687.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 University of Life Sciences in Lublin 5,062,651 LU2 55.0 PRJNA516401 SAMN10788268 GCA_006874725.1 SEQF7688.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 8 Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology 5,977,734 NY1688 54.32 PRJNA817889 SAMN26813722 GCA_022759585.1 SEQF7689.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 3 Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment 5,406,045 18-2341 54.98 PRJNA554399 SAMN14249374 GCA_011067245.1 SEQF7690.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 3 The REHAB Consortium 5,448,009 RHBSTW-00898 54.86 PRJNA605147 SAMN15148733 GCA_013727635.1 SEQF7691.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 2 Yangzhou University 5,487,999 HNHF1 54.71 PRJNA600670 SAMN13829509 GCA_009909445.1 SEQF7692.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 Fudan University 5,116,273 Ka30434 55.11 PRJNA724892 SAMN18864186 GCA_018278705.1 SEQF7693.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 Broad Institute 5,088,348 MGH232 55.67 PRJNA271899 SAMN08148263 GCA_014333355.1 SEQF7694.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 SC 5,726,555 4928STDY7071344 61.36 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567454 GCA_902164615.1 SEQF7695.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 1 University 5,275,806 G3_AM 59.59 PRJNA715319 SAMN18346029 GCA_017742775.1 SEQF7696.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 2 The REHAB Consortium 5,783,321 RHBSTW-00938 54.43 PRJNA605147 SAMN15148748 GCA_013925105.1 SEQF7697.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 56 JCVI 5,041,402 GN02079 55.05 PRJNA259658 SAMN03495934 GCA_001011385.1 SEQF7698.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 243 SurvCARE 5,155,199 Survcare339 54.93 PRJNA692829 SAMN17373020 GCA_018422575.1 SEQF7699.1 153 Klebsiella aerogenes latest 54 JCVI 5,125,060 32540 54.98 PRJNA259658 SAMN03283311 GCA_000957525.1 SEQF2870.1 154 Moraxella lincolnii latest 29 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,076,923 CCUG 9405 42.73 PRJNA302716 SAMN06291427 GCA_002014765.1 SEQF1698.2 158 Veillonella rogosae latest 21 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,176,752 F0412 38.95 PRJNA52053 SAMN00116785 GCA_000183505.2 SEQF6956.1 158 Veillonella rogosae latest 53 The University of Tokyo 2,149,841 JCM 15642 39.05 PRJDB871 SAMD00000528 GCA_001312485.1 SEQF6957.1 158 Veillonella rogosae latest 17 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,278,086 S13053-19 38.85 PRJDB3830 SAMD00090156 GCA_002959835.1 SEQF6958.1 158 Veillonella rogosae latest 15 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,187,106 JCM 15642 38.91 PRJDB3830 SAMD00090159 GCA_002959775.1 SEQF10092.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 1 SC 2,116,915 NCTC11831 38.87 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4442464 GCA_900637515.1 SEQF10093.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 1 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,072,807 S12025-13 38.61 PRJDB3830 SAMD00199104 GCA_018406505.1 SEQF10094.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 119 BGI 2,033,458 AF42-16 38.8 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734700 GCA_003474105.1 SEQF10095.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 26 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,084,342 BIOML-A1 38.65 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946665 GCA_009710845.1 SEQF10096.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 119 EMG 2,033,458 MGYG-HGUT-00214 38.8 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5849716 GCA_902364435.1 SEQF10097.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 124 BGI 2,006,151 AM51-8BH 38.77 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736631 GCA_003463825.1 SEQF10098.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 12 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,077,033 BIOML-A2 38.64 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946666 GCA_009710825.1 SEQF10099.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 5 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,053,092 T11011-6 38.86 PRJDB3830 SAMD00090160 GCA_002959755.1 SEQF10100.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 48 RWTH Aachen University Hospital 2,076,244 CLA-AA-H247 38.7 PRJNA767532 SAMN22081892 GCA_020687175.1 SEQF10101.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 14 Broad Institute 2,075,021 bj_0095 38.63 PRJNA496358 SAMN10239560 GCA_004166985.1 SEQF10102.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 154 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,708,639 BIOML-A3 43.24 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946667 GCA_009710805.1 SEQF10103.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 24 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,114,777 1001216B_150713_A10 38.47 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532443 GCA_015547025.1 SEQF10104.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 58 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,045,490 DNF00926 38.71 PRJNA246511 SAMN04324900 GCA_001553315.1 SEQF1159.1 160 Veillonella dispar latest 3 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,118,767 ATCC 17748 38.92 PRJNA30491 SAMN00008863 GCA_000160015.1 SEQF2633.1 160 Veillonella dispar 605 University of California, Berkeley 2,432,612 DORA_11 38.62 PRJNA221498 SAMN02316559 GCA_000508585.1 SEQF1496.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 2,132,142 DSM 2008 38.63 PRJNA21091 SAMN00002609 GCA_000024945.1 SEQF2244.2 161 Veillonella parvula latest 23 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,152,140 ACS-068-V-Sch12 38.53 PRJNA49441 SAMN00138208 GCA_000215025.2 SEQF2364.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 19 JCVI 2,163,473 ATCC 17745 38.57 PRJNA41557 SAMN00009759 GCA_000177435.1 SEQF2564.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 1 Top Institute Food and Nutrition (TIFN) 2,177,985 HSIVP1 39.45 PRJNA196131 SAMN02471223 GCA_000448705.1 SEQF9433.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 1 SC 2,132,142 NCTC11810 38.63 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4063028 GCA_900186885.1 SEQF9434.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 1 INSTITUT PASTEUR 2,146,482 SKV38 38.74 PRJEB36442 SAMEA6589604 GCA_902810435.1 SEQF9435.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 1 Rice University 2,178,518 UTDB1-3 38.79 PRJNA373880 SAMN06317777 GCA_002005185.1 SEQF9436.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,132,299 FDAARGOS_1046 38.63 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357215 GCA_016127175.1 SEQF9437.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 18 University of Chicago 2,155,102 DFI.7.67 38.64 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167488 GCA_020559605.1 SEQF9438.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 20 WFCC-MRCEN World Data Centre for Microoganisms(WDCM) 2,041,457 M12 38.62 PRJNA656402 SAMN15815150 GCA_014306175.1 SEQF9439.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 14 Loyola University Chicago 2,150,556 UMB0371 38.58 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193736 GCA_002847925.1 SEQF9440.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 62 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,155,958 BIOML-A1 38.96 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946668 GCA_009710745.1 SEQF9441.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 111 BGI 2,087,186 AM48-14BH 38.66 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736605 GCA_003464005.1 SEQF9442.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 36 University College Cork 2,098,128 MCC755 38.68 PRJNA548918 SAMN12147434 GCA_018783925.1 SEQF9443.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 7 Heilongjiang bayi agricultural university 2,074,582 K63 38.73 PRJNA612981 SAMN14389591 GCA_019731115.1 SEQF9444.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 13 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,127,759 1001216B_150713_F11 38.48 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532431 GCA_015554925.1 SEQF9445.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 10 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,086,734 S13054-11 38.72 PRJDB3830 SAMD00090158 GCA_002959795.1 SEQF9446.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 10 Broad Institute 2,174,425 6_1_27 38.8 PRJNA41977 SAMN02463831 GCA_000163735.1 SEQF9447.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 21 BGI 2,140,208 AF04-47 38.69 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734183 GCA_003465965.1 SEQF9448.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 16 Kyung Hee University 2,144,191 KHUD_VP2 38.59 PRJNA488979 SAMN09946803 GCA_003584215.1 SEQF9449.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 10 EMG 2,174,425 MGYG-HGUT-01349 38.8 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850852 GCA_902374055.1 SEQF9450.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 41 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,050,442 DNF00876 38.76 PRJNA246509 SAMN04324899 GCA_001553335.1 SEQF9451.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 13 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 2,125,241 Veillonella_parvula_BgEED39 38.61 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664383 GCA_901876955.1 SEQF9452.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 14 BGI 2,023,686 AF13-2 38.66 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734232 GCA_003603295.1 SEQF9453.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 22 BGI 2,100,446 AF36-20BH 38.59 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734647 GCA_003602765.1 SEQF9454.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 23 University of Chicago 2,096,172 DFI.7.66 38.63 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167487 GCA_020559585.1 SEQF9455.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 17 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,056,570 BIOML-A2 38.68 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946669 GCA_009710775.1 SEQF9456.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 9 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,060,011 1001295B_180824_H5 38.7 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532465 GCA_015549975.1 SEQF9457.1 161 Veillonella parvula latest 16 Broad Institute 2,163,458 3_1_44 38.84 PRJNA41975 SAMN02463830 GCA_000163715.1 SEQF1596.2 165 Catonella morbi latest 8 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 3,479,204 ATCC 51271 37.17 PRJNA33121 SAMN02436865 GCA_000160035.2 SEQF3180.1 169 Actinomyces sp._HMT_169 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,040,651 F0496 68.46 PRJNA282954 SAMN15358582 GCA_013394715.1 SEQF1849.1 170 Actinomyces sp._HMT_170 latest 76 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 3,135,144 F0386 67.76 PRJNA48493 SAMN00189093 GCA_000195595.1 SEQF1693.1 171 Actinomyces sp._HMT_171 latest 280 Washington University Genome Center 3,006,255 F0337 68.14 PRJNA43131 SAMN00189094 GCA_000186965.1 SEQF3095.1 171 Actinomyces sp._HMT_171 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,097,489 F0337 68.13 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483330 GCA_005696555.1 SEQF2430.1 172 Schaalia sp._HMT_172 latest 215 Washington University 2,469,990 F0311 66.59 PRJNA198883 SAMN02436818 GCA_000466265.1 SEQF2877.1 173 Lawsonella clevelandensis latest 1 CDC 1,915,154 X1698 58.61 PRJNA256353 SAMN03943545 GCA_001281505.1 SEQF5625.1 173 Lawsonella clevelandensis latest 1 CDC 1,860,551 X1036 58.59 PRJNA256353 SAMN02943398 GCA_001293125.1 SEQF5626.2 173 Lawsonella clevelandensis latest 1 University Hospital Basel 1,877,010 USB-603019 58.59 PRJEB29478 SAMEA5065507 GCA_900610365.2 SEQF1848.2 175 Actinomyces sp._HMT_175 latest 7 J. Craig Venter Institute 3,133,330 F0384 68.73 PRJNA61829 SAMN00195309 GCA_000223355.2 SEQF2386.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 243 J. Craig Venter Institute 3,114,341 Howell 279 67.85 PRJNA78549 SAMN00828754 GCA_000285995.1 SEQF5151.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 3,152,123 FDAARGOS_1037 67.88 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357206 GCA_016127855.1 SEQF5152.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 1 Depertment of Bacteriology, Osaka Dental University. 3,204,077 ATCC 27039 67.73 PRJDB13000 SAMD00442891 GCA_023170065.1 SEQF5153.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 53 Kings College London 3,155,768 Pn6N 67.61 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898709 GCA_001956365.1 SEQF5154.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 33 Kings College London 3,229,861 S65A 67.78 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898705 GCA_001956575.1 SEQF5155.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 47 Kings College London 3,151,111 CCUG 35334 67.83 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898698 GCA_001956565.1 SEQF5156.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 47 Kings College London 3,119,690 NCTC 10301 67.94 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898701 GCA_001956585.1 SEQF5157.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 56 Kings College London 3,197,928 R19039 67.54 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898714 GCA_001937475.1 SEQF5158.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 32 Kings College London 3,226,920 R13240 67.56 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898713 GCA_001937605.1 SEQF5159.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 18 Loyola University Chicago 3,127,787 UMB0181 67.66 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193628 GCA_002847585.1 SEQF5160.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 52 Kings College London 3,128,129 S44D 67.94 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898704 GCA_001956485.1 SEQF5161.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 104 Kings College London 3,068,220 T23P-1 68.01 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898706 GCA_001956475.1 SEQF5162.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 58 Kings College London 3,228,491 WE6B-3 67.6 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898716 GCA_001937735.1 SEQF5163.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 57 Kings College London 3,159,810 CCUG 37599 67.55 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898707 GCA_001956445.1 SEQF5164.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 56 Kings College London 3,165,113 MMRC12-1 67.74 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898710 GCA_001956415.1 SEQF5165.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 34 Kings College London 3,122,782 S43L 68.01 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898703 GCA_001956515.1 SEQF5166.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 61 Kings College London 3,139,836 R24330 67.97 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898702 GCA_001956505.1 SEQF5167.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 44 Kings College London 3,183,492 R8152 67.58 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898712 GCA_001937615.1 SEQF5168.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 73 Kings College London 3,191,973 F12B1 67.58 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898711 GCA_001956355.1 SEQF5169.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 41 Kings College London 3,144,414 MB-1 67.85 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898700 GCA_001956555.1 SEQF5170.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 174 Kings College London 3,041,208 F6E1 67.72 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898708 GCA_001956435.1 SEQF5171.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 42 Kings College London 3,140,302 G127B 68.0 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898699 GCA_001956635.1 SEQF5172.1 176 Actinomyces naeslundii latest 49 Kings College London 3,218,937 W8-2-3 67.63 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898715 GCA_001937595.1 SEQF1666.1 178 Schaalia sp._HMT_178 latest 43 Baylor College of Medicine 2,817,106 F0338 71.51 PRJNA53009 SAMN00210764 GCA_000186685.1 SEQF2594.1 179 Actinomyces timonensis latest 4 URMITE 2,932,944 7400942 71.39 PRJNA164799 SAMN02472053 GCA_000295095.1 SEQF1647.1 180 Schaalia sp._HMT_180 latest 6 Baylor College of Medicine 2,372,658 F0310 66.7 PRJNA53011 SAMN00260256 GCA_000185285.1 SEQF1948.2 181 Schaalia lingnae latest 14 Washington University 1,901,306 F0379 56.04 PRJNA80239 SAMN02436933 GCA_000318335.2 SEQF2850.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 1 Kyungpook National University 2,812,123 DSM 2641T 41.78 PRJNA383058 SAMN06758772 GCA_002243705.1 SEQF7623.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 2 University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty 2,830,124 52-1A 42.22 PRJNA386099 SAMN06925341 GCA_002197485.1 SEQF7624.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 1 University of Hawaii at Manoa 2,846,746 WK1 41.78 PRJNA28245 SAMN02604185 GCA_000019045.1 SEQF7625.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 187 NIZO food research 2,648,876 AF16 41.09 PRJNA314192 SAMN04532071 GCA_001651545.1 SEQF7626.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 74 THE INSTITUTE OF CYTOLOGY AND GENETICS 2,646,305 KU2-6_11 41.48 PRJNA415688 SAMN07831762 GCA_002742685.1 SEQF7627.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 173 Technical University Munich 2,673,701 WS5291 41.69 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918589 GCA_014890395.1 SEQF7628.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 159 Technical University Munich 2,619,664 WS5364 41.73 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918592 GCA_014890345.1 SEQF7629.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 176 Technical University Munich 2,660,467 WS5292 41.69 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918590 GCA_014890375.1 SEQF7630.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 246 Technical University Munich 2,912,295 WS5287 41.06 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918587 GCA_014890465.1 SEQF7631.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 177 Technical University Munich 2,723,974 WS5284 41.61 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918591 GCA_014890335.1 SEQF7632.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 204 Technical University Munich 2,666,655 WS5290 41.74 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918588 GCA_014890385.1 SEQF7633.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 158 Technical University Munich 2,655,989 WS5494 41.67 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918600 GCA_014890155.1 SEQF7634.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 182 Technical University Munich 2,659,553 WS5286 41.67 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918586 GCA_014890435.1 SEQF7635.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 185 Technical University Munich 2,649,008 WS5449 41.67 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918595 GCA_014890265.1 SEQF7636.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 185 Technical University Munich 2,648,259 WS5448 41.67 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918594 GCA_014890275.1 SEQF7637.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 24 Anhui University 2,838,393 E13 42.86 PRJNA213809 SAMN02298030 GCA_000753835.1 SEQF7638.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 272 Korea University 2,645,072 FHS-PPAM212 41.59 PRJNA497637 SAMN10262516 GCA_004025305.1 SEQF7639.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 193 Technical University Munich 2,751,142 WS5491 41.55 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918597 GCA_014890235.1 SEQF7640.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 90 Yamaguchi University 2,772,624 NBRC 109594 41.67 PRJDB1085 SAMD00036730 GCA_000367505.1 SEQF7641.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 1 CMBI 2,658,425 TNO-09.006 41.97 PRJNA169174 SAMN02471214 GCA_000327465.1 SEQF7642.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 231 Technical University Munich 2,811,394 WS5493 41.55 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918599 GCA_014890185.1 SEQF7643.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 149 Technical University Munich 2,792,323 WS5281 41.57 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918584 GCA_014890515.1 SEQF7644.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 164 Technical University Munich 2,661,673 WS5496 41.69 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918602 GCA_014890135.1 SEQF7645.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 146 Technical University Munich 2,631,121 WS5495 41.68 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918601 GCA_014890145.1 SEQF7646.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 50 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology 2,630,664 AK1 42.67 PRJNA190633 SAMN02470127 GCA_000353425.1 SEQF7647.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 180 NIZO food research 2,562,717 AF14 41.81 PRJNA314192 SAMN04530316 GCA_001651525.1 SEQF7648.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 185 Technical University Munich 2,678,382 WS5497 41.73 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918603 GCA_014890115.1 SEQF7649.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 202 Technical University Munich 2,763,794 WS5490 41.51 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918596 GCA_014890255.1 SEQF7650.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 220 Technical University Munich 2,670,641 WS5285 41.56 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918585 GCA_014890455.1 SEQF7651.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 173 Technical University Munich 2,697,126 WS5446 41.63 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918593 GCA_014890315.1 SEQF7652.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 175 Technical University Munich 2,665,130 WS5279 41.63 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918583 GCA_014890475.1 SEQF7653.1 182 Anoxybacillus flavithermus latest 226 Technical University Munich 2,713,216 WS5492 41.46 PRJNA632736 SAMN14918598 GCA_014890215.1 SEQF2310.1 183 Peptidiphaga sp._HMT_183 latest 73 Washington University 2,366,015 F0552 67.84 PRJNA173932 SAMN02436889 GCA_000466165.1 SEQF2784.1 184 Corynebacterium tuscaniense latest 82 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,227,780 DNF00037 59.57 PRJNA219660 SAMN02850961 GCA_000759055.1 SEQF9745.1 184 Corynebacterium tuscaniense latest 44 Loyola University Chicago 2,254,903 UMB0792 59.46 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511399 GCA_002884935.1 SEQF9746.1 184 Corynebacterium tuscaniense latest 223 University of Gothenburg - CCUG 2,263,530 CCUG 51321T 59.41 PRJNA563568 SAMN12771122 GCA_008693065.1 SEQF2785.1 185 Microbacterium ginsengisoli latest 80 Austrian Institute of Technology 3,047,473 DSM 18659 70.22 PRJNA270387 SAMN03266139 GCA_000956535.1 SEQF10211.1 186 Microbacterium flavescens latest 17 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 3,424,211 JCM 3877 70.03 PRJNA703428 SAMN18017939 GCA_018588945.1 SEQF1971.1 186 Microbacterium flavescens latest 7 Broad Institute 3,168,064 F0373 69.28 PRJNA169458 SAMN02596977 GCA_000411455.1 SEQF2963.1 187 Peptoniphilus sp._HMT_187 latest 70 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,883,002 HMSC062D09 34.19 PRJNA299955 SAMN04477619 GCA_001811425.1 SEQF1688.1 188 Rothia aeria latest 32 Washington University 2,603,188 F0184 56.68 PRJNA52997 SAMN02436738 GCA_000479025.1 SEQF1901.1 188 Rothia aeria latest 50 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,584,293 F0474 56.67 PRJNA78909 SAMN00792226 GCA_000258205.1 SEQF5236.1 188 Rothia aeria latest 1 SC 2,707,814 NCTC10207 56.39 PRJEB6403 SAMEA103980422 GCA_900637985.1 SEQF5237.1 188 Rothia aeria latest 1 Osaka Dental University 2,588,680 JCM 11412 56.8 PRJDB5208 SAMD00064392 GCA_002355935.1 SEQF5238.1 188 Rothia aeria latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,583,917 FDAARGOS_1137 56.83 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357306 GCA_016726365.1 SEQF5239.1 188 Rothia aeria latest 1 Korea University 2,634,007 LPB0401 56.59 PRJNA744664 SAMN20114566 GCA_019334745.1 SEQF5240.1 188 Rothia aeria latest 38 University of Malaya 2,644,345 C6B 56.51 PRJNA246623 SAMN02996612 GCA_000763685.1 SEQF5241.1 188 Rothia aeria latest 31 University of Malaya 2,639,435 C6D 56.47 PRJNA246626 SAMN02954007 GCA_000763765.1 SEQF7379.1 189 Kocuria atrinae latest 221 Korea Food Research Institute 3,197,170 C3-8 63.74 PRJNA162451 SAMN02470141 GCA_000286355.1 SEQF2746.1 190 Arsenicicoccus bolidensis latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,525,271 F0371 72.73 PRJNA282954 SAMN03704031 GCA_001189535.1 SEQF7921.1 190 Arsenicicoccus bolidensis latest 86 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,995,323 DSM 15745 71.8 PRJNA195780 SAMN02441521 GCA_000426385.1 SEQF7922.1 190 Arsenicicoccus bolidensis latest 142 NHGRI/NIH 3,845,873 ACRQZ 71.98 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729907 GCA_022346585.1 SEQF1851.1 191 Acidipropionibacterium acidifaciens latest 334 J. Craig Venter Institute 3,017,605 F0233 70.36 PRJNA31003 SAMN02436184 GCA_000478805.1 SEQF2583.1 191 Acidipropionibacterium acidifaciens latest 85 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,043,901 DSM 21887 70.59 PRJNA195803 SAMN02441526 GCA_000426605.1 SEQF1972.1 192 Propionibacteriaceae_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_192 latest 2 Broad Institute 2,711,056 F0372 61.47 PRJNA170349 SAMN02596989 GCA_000413315.1 SEQF2808.1 193 Cutibacterium sp._HMT_193 latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,649,207 F0672 59.98 PRJNA282954 SAMN05413927 GCA_001717565.1 SEQF3708.1 194 Arachnia rubra latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,316,958 DSMZ 100122 64.2 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352173 GCA_018128325.1 SEQF4477.1 194 Arachnia rubra latest 1 Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo 3,316,972 SK-1 64.2 PRJDB11022 SAMD00270488 GCA_019973735.1 SEQF1853.1 195 Scardovia wiggsiae latest 2 Broad Institute 1,555,498 F0424 53.06 PRJNA49881 SAMN02463874 GCA_000275805.1 SEQF5994.1 195 Scardovia wiggsiae latest 1 Broad Institute 1,550,817 F0424 52.93 PRJNA49881 SAMN02463874 GCA_000269605.1 SEQF2845.1 196 Enhydrobacter aerosaccus 33 Tianjin University 2,855,818 strain=CGMCC9176 43.35 PRJNA290969 SAMN03938333 GCA_001188545.1 SEQF2871.2 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,697,877 FDAARGOS_302 71.16 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173315 GCA_002208685.2 SEQF3810.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 1 SC 2,697,831 NCTC8340 71.16 PRJEB6403 SAMEA37372918 GCA_900637835.1 SEQF3811.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 1 University of Birmingham 2,732,108 Noodlococcus 70.6 PRJNA835814 SAMN28111796 GCA_023373505.1 SEQF3812.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 1 University of Bristol 2,652,363 28R2A-20 70.67 PRJNA716289 SAMN18418057 GCA_017723815.1 SEQF3813.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 26 University of New Hampshire 2,659,245 4R-31 70.7 PRJNA480027 SAMN11249666 GCA_004563945.1 SEQF3814.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 122 University of New Hampshire 2,654,140 4R-34 70.7 PRJNA480027 SAMN11249667 GCA_004563775.1 SEQF3815.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 59 Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2,736,391 ndh45 71.27 PRJNA694823 SAMN17574932 GCA_020829785.1 SEQF3816.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 31 University of Bristol 2,414,908 28R2A-13 70.8 PRJNA716288 SAMN18417780 GCA_017598955.1 SEQF3817.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 46 University of Malaya 2,701,701 TPW45 70.6 PRJNA269640 SAMN03256206 GCA_000813865.1 SEQF3818.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 87 Universitetsparken 15 2,881,857 G2;Kocuria rhizophil 70.81 PRJEB9947 SAMEA3489747 GCA_001499775.1 SEQF3819.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 43 IHU - Mediterranee Infection 2,694,494 Marseille-P2672 70.68 PRJEB40293 SAMEA7297154 GCA_904423785.1 SEQF3820.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 40 UMR5557 2,652,648 Kocuria sp. PT10 70.68 PRJEB29164 SAMEA4972115 GCA_900576785.1 SEQF3821.2 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 90 Malek-Ashtar University of Technology 2,778,506 RF 70.58 PRJNA256070 SAMN02937302 GCA_001190985.2 SEQF3822.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 117 Howard university 2,716,660 H09 71.18 PRJNA688548 SAMN17180829 GCA_016620465.1 SEQF3823.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 8 Loyola University Chicago 2,833,561 UMB0131 70.45 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193685 GCA_002861865.1 SEQF3824.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 49 NHGRI/NIH 2,821,555 ACRRQ 70.63 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729921 GCA_022347075.1 SEQF3825.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 45 Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2,690,354 ndh24 71.26 PRJNA694819 SAMN17574869 GCA_020829765.1 SEQF3826.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 34 NCCS 2,636,961 D2 70.83 PRJNA428934 SAMN08325509 GCA_002879775.1 SEQF3827.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 195 Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology 2,701,536 TA68 70.73 PRJNA495744 SAMN10230831 GCA_003667225.1 SEQF3828.2 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 54 Genome Resource Center 2,820,331 P7-4 70.53 PRJNA66631 SAMN02470195 GCA_000214115.2 SEQF3829.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 183 Thompson Rivers University 2,698,103 14ASP 70.76 PRJNA286912 SAMN03771694 GCA_001038535.1 SEQF3830.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 160 BGI 2,747,792 DE0203 70.56 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792363 GCA_007677895.1 SEQF3831.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 169 BGI 2,930,662 DE0200 70.45 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792360 GCA_007677945.1 SEQF3832.1 197 Kocuria rhizophila latest 34 EMG 2,636,961 MGYG-HGUT-02537 70.83 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5852042 GCA_902388135.1 SEQF2451.1 198 Alloscardovia omnicolens latest 16 Washington University 1,791,870 F0580 46.72 PRJNA198880 SAMN02436720 GCA_000466365.1 SEQF2547.1 198 Alloscardovia omnicolens latest 43 DOE Joint Genome Institute 1,847,146 DSM 21503 46.65 PRJNA185547 SAMN02441248 GCA_000420505.1 SEQF9747.1 198 Alloscardovia omnicolens latest 21 University of Washington 1,875,004 350_GVAG 46.89 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197541 GCA_001056455.1 SEQF9748.1 198 Alloscardovia omnicolens latest 54 University of Washington 1,725,024 1036_GVAG 46.79 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197001 GCA_001053655.1 SEQF9749.1 198 Alloscardovia omnicolens latest 12 Loyola University Chicago 1,841,181 UMB0064 46.69 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193642 GCA_002847765.1 SEQF9750.1 198 Alloscardovia omnicolens latest 64 University of Washington 1,780,067 842_GVAG 46.83 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198050 GCA_001059215.1 SEQF9751.1 198 Alloscardovia omnicolens latest 25 University of Washington 1,759,239 476_GVAG 46.9 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197668 GCA_001056905.1 SEQF9752.1 198 Alloscardovia omnicolens latest 14 Loyola University Chicago 1,802,081 UMB0006 46.8 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193643 GCA_002861485.1 SEQF9753.1 198 Alloscardovia omnicolens latest 34 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,748,893 CMW7705A 46.84 PRJNA272106 SAMN03842032 GCA_001546145.1 SEQF9754.1 198 Alloscardovia omnicolens latest 30 University of Washington 1,792,971 1173_BLON 46.86 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197130 GCA_001053985.1 SEQF1949.1 199 Lancefieldella sp._HMT_199 latest 2 Broad Institute 1,665,560 F0494 51.96 PRJNA170346 SAMN02596982 GCA_000411555.1 SEQF1076.1 200 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 302 Integrated Genomics 2,118,259 ATCC 49256 27.34 PRJNA1419 SAMN02470057 Periodontal Infection GCA_000182945.1 SEQF2818.1 200 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 1 Chosun University 2,038,535 KCOM 1231 27.08 PRJNA270144 SAMN03263151 GCA_001296125.1 SEQF2819.2 200 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 3 Broad Institute 2,190,228 3_1_27 27.09 PRJNA41563 SAMN02463816 GCA_000163915.2 SEQF2820.2 200 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 1 Broad Institute 2,268,272 3_1_36A2 27.12 PRJNA38357 SAMN02463738 GCA_000162235.2 SEQF2980.1 200 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 56 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,121,738 HMSC064B12 27.05 PRJNA299929 SAMN04477591 GCA_001810995.1 SEQF1160.1 201 Fusobacterium periodonticum latest 53 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,615,003 ATCC 33693 28.69 PRJNA30495 SAMN00008828 GCA_000160475.1 SEQF2406.1 201 Fusobacterium periodonticum latest 150 Broad Institute 2,574,015 D10 31.69 PRJNA34699 SAMN02463721 GCA_000297655.1 SEQF2529.3 201 Fusobacterium periodonticum latest 6 Broad Institute 2,546,312 2_1_31 30.12 PRJNA32473 SAMN02463707 GCA_000158215.3 SEQF2555.1 201 Fusobacterium periodonticum latest 31 Broad Institute 2,479,455 1_1_41FAA 28.6 PRJNA32469 SAMN02463706 GCA_000163935.1 SEQF5468.1 201 Fusobacterium periodonticum latest 1 Virginia Tech 2,541,084 2_1_31 28.13 PRJNA433545 SAMN08501101 GCA_003019755.1 SEQF5469.1 201 Fusobacterium periodonticum latest 6 EMG 2,546,312 MGYG-HGUT-01324 30.12 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850827 GCA_902373915.1 SEQF5470.1 201 Fusobacterium periodonticum latest 136 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 2,561,874 Fusobacterium_periodonticum_BgEED13 27.8 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664357 GCA_901873395.1 SEQF5471.1 201 Fusobacterium periodonticum latest 31 EMG 2,479,455 MGYG-HGUT-01350 28.6 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850853 GCA_902374215.1 SEQF1075.1 202 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 2 Baylor College of Medicine 2,441,632 ATCC 10953 26.87 PRJNA17261 SAMN02469324 Periodontal Infection GCA_000153625.1 SEQF1680.2 202 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 2 Broad Institute 2,514,030 F0401 26.96 PRJNA41987 SAMN02463835 GCA_000234075.2 SEQF2812.1 202 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 3 Chosun University 2,481,490 ChDC F319 27.01 PRJNA270139 SAMN03263146 GCA_001455125.1 SEQF2813.1 202 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 2 SC 2,455,060 NCTC10562 26.99 PRJEB6403 SAMEA2479572 GCA_001457555.1 SEQF2814.1 202 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 3 Chosun University 2,622,370 ChDC F306 26.83 PRJNA270146 SAMN03263152 GCA_001433955.1 SEQF3018.1 202 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 119 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,401,628 HMSC064B11 26.97 PRJNA300194 SAMN04480459 GCA_001815715.1 SEQF3025.1 202 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 87 JCVI 2,497,272 OBRC1 26.78 PRJNA165911 SAMN02641567 GCA_000524235.1 SEQF2896.1 203 Fusobacterium sp._HMT_203 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,126,947 W7671 27.77 PRJNA282954 SAMN03897723 GCA_002243405.1 SEQF2985.1 203 Fusobacterium sp._HMT_203 latest 87 JCVI 2,438,137 CM22 26.73 PRJNA165909 SAMN02641566 GCA_000524395.1 SEQF2851.1 207 Corynebacterium gottingense latest 40 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,549,445 HMSC074A01 64.78 PRJNA296157 SAMN04495804 GCA_001831515.1 SEQF3040.1 207 Corynebacterium gottingense latest 94 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,625,963 HMSC071B10 64.44 PRJNA300144 SAMN04480411 GCA_001814825.1 SEQF3049.1 207 Corynebacterium gottingense latest 13 National Microbiology Laboratory/ Public Health Agency of Canada 2,597,765 NML 120412 65.53 PRJNA399534 SAMN07539811 GCA_002285155.1 SEQF3050.1 207 Corynebacterium gottingense latest 22 National Microbiology Laboratory/ Public Health Agency of Canada 2,527,537 NML 150383 65.58 PRJNA399534 SAMN07539812 GCA_002285085.1 SEQF9975.1 207 Corynebacterium gottingense latest 164 National Microbiology Laboratory 2,623,280 DSM 103494 65.48 PRJNA497573 SAMN10261082 GCA_003693265.1 SEQF3082.2 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 503 Center of Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,522,962 DSM 20582 72.6 PRJNA60239 SAMN02469392 GCA_000183325.2 SEQF9481.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,652,195 FDAARGOS_1052 72.91 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357221 GCA_016128075.1 SEQF9482.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 303 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,504,588 17-0240 - LARGE 72.17 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139018 GCA_003932375.1 SEQF9483.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 284 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,502,798 WCM1 72.69 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139009 GCA_003932125.1 SEQF9484.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 425 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,448,137 16-1683 - SMALL 72.04 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139014 GCA_003932395.1 SEQF9485.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 12 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,666,089 4826 72.82 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139025 GCA_003932295.1 SEQF9486.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 401 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,470,939 WCM3 - SMALL 72.26 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139016 GCA_003932145.1 SEQF9487.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 256 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,665,921 WCM5 72.79 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139024 GCA_003932095.1 SEQF9488.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 43 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,673,236 12-5346 72.64 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139023 GCA_003932255.1 SEQF9489.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 398 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,454,259 16-1683 - LARGE 72.04 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139013 GCA_003932405.1 SEQF9490.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 81 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,662,212 16-2004 72.61 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139021 GCA_003932385.1 SEQF9491.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 330 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,509,776 WCM3 - LARGE 72.37 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139015 GCA_003932105.1 SEQF9492.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 133 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,659,297 17-0240 - SMALL 72.59 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139019 GCA_003932205.1 SEQF9493.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 397 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,430,846 MI 82-1021 72.35 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139008 GCA_003932195.1 SEQF9494.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 530 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,333,183 CUAMC1 - LARGE 71.76 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139010 GCA_003932325.1 SEQF9495.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 31 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,628,675 F6900 73.01 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139027 GCA_003932215.1 SEQF9496.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 539 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,205,010 7894 71.47 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139012 GCA_003932285.1 SEQF9497.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 38 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,670,676 13-1426 72.63 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139022 GCA_003932435.1 SEQF9498.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 49 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,668,858 16-3465 72.62 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139020 GCA_003932275.1 SEQF9499.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 475 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,282,318 CUAMC1 - SMALL 71.69 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139011 GCA_003932315.1 SEQF9500.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 245 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,591,616 WCM4 72.6 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139017 GCA_003932115.1 SEQF9501.1 208 Corynebacterium bovis latest 16 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,633,176 4828 72.96 PRJNA421327 SAMN08139026 GCA_003932475.1 SEQF2863.1 209 Acidovorax ebreus latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 3,796,573 TPSY 66.83 PRJNA29975 SAMN00001444 GCA_000022305.1 SEQF3073.1 211 Acidovorax caeni latest 115 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 4,152,335 R-24608 65.55 PRJEB17605 SAMN04489707 GCA_900116825.1 SEQF9974.1 211 Acidovorax caeni latest 152 Department Biochemical and Microbial Technology 4,190,928 R-24608;Acidovorax caeni sp. nov. strain R-24608 65.5 PRJEB10565 SAMEA3520081 GCA_001298675.1 SEQF2748.1 212 Leptotrichia sp._HMT_212 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,444,904 W10393 31.41 PRJNA282954 SAMN03976113 GCA_001274535.1 SEQF3159.1 213 Leptotrichia hongkongensis latest 2 Division of Bacteriology, Department of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University 2,284,180 JMUB5056 29.89 PRJDB7856 SAMD00174169 GCA_007990635.1 SEQF2501.1 214 Leptotrichia shahii latest 20 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,144,606 DSM 19757 29.53 PRJNA169703 SAMN02440425 GCA_000373045.1 SEQF6694.1 214 Leptotrichia shahii latest 2 Division of Bacteriology, Department of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University 2,161,166 JCM16776 29.74 PRJDB7856 SAMD00174168 GCA_008327825.1 SEQF2444.1 215 Leptotrichia sp._HMT_215 latest 54 Washington University 2,308,492 W9775 31.5 PRJNA198887 SAMN02436816 GCA_000469505.1 SEQF2893.1 216 Acidovorax temperans latest 141 University of Malaya 4,475,784 KY4 62.89 PRJNA270288 SAMN03265417 GCA_000935585.1 SEQF8604.1 216 Acidovorax temperans latest 6 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,651,394 DSM 7270 63.2 PRJNA332047 SAMN05443405 GCA_006716905.1 SEQF8605.1 216 Acidovorax temperans latest 211 University of the Sunshine Coast 4,672,191 ATCC 49666 63.07 PRJNA707322 SAMN18200683 GCA_017353205.1 SEQF3703.1 218 Leptotrichia sp._HMT_218 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,172,496 F0707 28.96 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352197 GCA_018128225.1 SEQF3704.1 221 Pseudoleptotrichia sp._HMT_221 latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,076,334 F0705 29.23 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352196 GCA_018128245.1 SEQF1618.1 222 Leptotrichia wadei latest 74 Washington University 2,353,455 F0279 29.35 PRJNA53015 SAMN02436884 GCA_000469405.1 SEQF2502.1 222 Leptotrichia wadei latest 64 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,316,529 DSM 19758 29.34 PRJNA169727 SAMN02440426 GCA_000373345.1 SEQF5032.2 222 Leptotrichia wadei latest 2 Division of Bacteriology, Department of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University 2,337,418 JCM16777 29.46 PRJDB7856 SAMD00156224 GCA_007990545.2 SEQF5033.1 222 Leptotrichia wadei latest 5 Division of Bacteriology, Department of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University 2,490,107 JMUB3934 29.62 PRJDB7856 SAMD00156219 GCA_007990405.1 SEQF5034.1 222 Leptotrichia wadei latest 1 Division of Bacteriology, Department of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University 2,361,227 JMUB3933 29.59 PRJDB7856 SAMD00156218 GCA_007990385.1 SEQF5035.1 222 Leptotrichia wadei latest 126 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,377,589 KA00185 29.59 PRJNA272072 SAMN03854666 GCA_001553045.1 SEQF3177.1 223 Leptotrichia sp._HMT_223 latest 4 The Forsyth Institute 2,584,194 F0708 31.38 PRJNA282954 SAMN15358583 GCA_013394795.1 SEQF1601.1 224 Leptotrichia hofstadii latest 10 WUGSC 2,456,453 F0254 30.88 PRJNA33151 SAMN00008833 GCA_000162955.1 SEQF2581.1 224 Leptotrichia hofstadii latest 18 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,560,738 DSM 21651 30.65 PRJNA185361 SAMN02440610 GCA_000428965.1 SEQF3805.1 224 Leptotrichia hofstadii latest 4 Division of Bacteriology, Department of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University 2,604,381 JCM16775 30.61 PRJDB7856 SAMD00156223 GCA_007990525.1 SEQF2452.1 225 Leptotrichia sp._HMT_225 latest 174 Washington University 2,400,083 F0581 29.68 PRJNA198878 SAMN02436812 GCA_000469525.1 SEQF2856.3 229 Arthrospira platensis latest 268 University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland 6,501,886 Paraca;UASWS 44.31 PRJNA34793 SAMN02344446 GCA_000175415.3 SEQF6714.1 229 Arthrospira platensis latest 1 Wenzhou Medical University 6,520,772 YZ 44.2 PRJNA299041 SAMN04192332 GCA_001611905.1 SEQF6715.1 229 Arthrospira platensis latest 1 King Mongkuts University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand 6,089,210 C1 46.09 PRJNA67617 SAMN02470135 GCA_000307915.1 SEQF6716.1 229 Arthrospira platensis latest 1 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 6,788,435 NIES-39 45.06 PRJDA42161 SAMD00060970 GCA_000210375.1 SEQF6717.1 229 Arthrospira platensis latest 372 South China Normal University 5,825,036 FACHB-835 44.54 PRJNA598298 SAMN13702653 GCA_014698815.1 SEQF6718.1 229 Arthrospira platensis latest 315 South China Normal University 5,624,234 FACHB-971 44.57 PRJNA598298 SAMN13702674 GCA_014698385.1 SEQF6719.1 229 Arthrospira platensis latest 308 South China Normal University 5,800,128 FACHB-439 44.49 PRJNA598298 SAMN13702660 GCA_014698675.1 SEQF6720.1 229 Arthrospira platensis latest 343 National Institute for Environmental Studies 5,728,646 NIES-46 44.45 PRJDB7814 SAMD00156898 GCA_009176225.1 SEQF2914.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 1 Juntendo University 2,528,077 TSCC54 35.85 PRJDB4158 SAMD00039081 GCA_001548255.1 SEQF8222.2 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 1 SC 2,522,243 NCTC12218 36.03 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3221103 GCA_900458895.2 SEQF8223.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 1 Yale Center for Genome Analysis 2,528,396 5909-02 35.94 PRJNA263923 SAMN03108617 GCA_001188875.1 SEQF8224.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 1 Yale Center for Genome Analysis 2,582,931 2317-03 35.84 PRJNA270103 SAMN03262954 GCA_001188915.1 SEQF8225.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 1 Chung-Ang University 2,539,409 OT1-1 35.92 PRJNA512353 SAMN10666548 GCA_004026205.1 SEQF8226.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 1 Yale Center for Genome Analysis 2,435,632 1360-13 35.95 PRJNA260936 SAMN03067536 GCA_001188855.1 SEQF8227.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 1 Yale Center for Genome Analysis 2,419,762 2142-05 36.0 PRJNA265120 SAMN03145672 GCA_001188895.1 SEQF8228.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 52 University of Queensland 2,424,421 R6058 35.88 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665332 GCA_015272655.1 SEQF8229.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 51 University of Queensland 2,425,247 R5966 35.86 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665322 GCA_015272815.1 SEQF8230.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 53 University of Queensland 2,420,610 R5963 35.87 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665319 GCA_015272905.1 SEQF8231.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 57 University of Queensland 2,421,003 R6057 35.87 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665331 GCA_015272665.1 SEQF8232.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 4 EMG 2,478,823 MGYG-HGUT-01437 36.43 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850940 GCA_902374935.1 SEQF8233.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 156 Modernising Medical Microbiology 2,473,007 NCTC 12218 35.93 PRJNA339206 SAMN05978014 GCA_003968865.1 SEQF8234.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 56 University of Queensland 2,419,047 R5967 35.87 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665323 GCA_015272875.1 SEQF8235.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 53 University of Queensland 2,426,242 R6046 35.87 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665328 GCA_015272735.1 SEQF8236.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 54 University of Queensland 2,422,618 R5964 35.87 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665320 GCA_015272925.1 SEQF8237.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 94 University of Tennessee 2,469,699 205 35.93 PRJNA429271 SAMN08334334 GCA_011137155.1 SEQF8238.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 92 University of Tennessee 2,468,342 214 35.92 PRJNA429272 SAMN08334502 GCA_011137165.1 SEQF8239.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 88 University of Tennessee 2,469,638 ATCC 43808 35.92 PRJNA429276 SAMN08334924 GCA_011137195.1 SEQF8240.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 56 University of Queensland 2,425,618 R6055 35.87 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665329 GCA_015272705.1 SEQF8241.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 56 University of Tennessee 2,508,604 196 35.74 PRJNA429270 SAMN08334220 GCA_011137135.1 SEQF8242.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 51 University of Queensland 2,424,703 R6043 35.88 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665325 GCA_015272805.1 SEQF8243.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 102 University of Tennessee 2,452,487 192 35.87 PRJNA429269 SAMN08334219 GCA_011137095.1 SEQF8244.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 55 University of Queensland 2,424,140 R6045 35.88 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665327 GCA_015272745.1 SEQF8245.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 54 University of Queensland 2,419,454 R6056 35.87 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665330 GCA_015272695.1 SEQF8246.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 52 University of Queensland 2,419,893 R5965 35.87 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665321 GCA_015272835.1 SEQF8247.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 56 University of Queensland 2,424,864 R6042 35.87 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665324 GCA_015272795.1 SEQF8248.1 233 Staphylococcus schleiferi latest 52 University of Queensland 2,425,907 R6044 35.87 PRJNA649052 SAMN15665326 GCA_015272755.1 SEQF2904.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 22 CSIRO Agriculture and Food; Food Safety and Stability Group 2,471,990 Bth-7810 36.4 PRJNA338887 SAMN05567455 GCA_001715725.1 SEQF7785.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 2 Technische Universitaet Muenchen 2,578,375 TMW 2.1564 36.39 PRJNA336488 SAMN05511621 GCA_001703515.1 SEQF7786.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 2 Technische Universitaet Muenchen 2,614,544 TMW 2.1572 36.51 PRJNA336488 SAMN05511622 GCA_001703535.1 SEQF7787.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 1 INRA - Oniris 2,594,377 CD 337 36.46 PRJEB25018 SAMEA104710648 GCA_900332045.1 SEQF7788.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 1 USDA/ARS/Eastern Regional Research Center 2,603,084 BII 36.47 PRJNA407213 SAMN07682203 GCA_002442515.1 SEQF7789.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 1 USDA/ARS/Eastern Regional Research Center 2,647,794 BI 36.44 PRJNA407213 SAMN07634393 GCA_002381265.1 SEQF7790.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 186 CSIRO Agriculture and Food; Food Safety and Stability Group 2,548,405 Bth-7811 36.34 PRJNA338887 SAMN05567456 GCA_001715795.1 SEQF7791.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 29 Technische Universitaet Muenchen 2,542,734 TMW 2.2101 36.28 PRJNA506641 SAMN10465710 GCA_009295555.1 SEQF7792.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 61 CSIRO Agriculture and Food; Food Safety and Stability Group 2,575,404 Bth-7803 36.27 PRJNA338887 SAMN05567449 GCA_001715645.1 SEQF7793.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 83 INRA - Oniris 2,609,796 BSAS1 3 36.2 PRJEB25018 SAMEA104710650 GCA_900332065.1 SEQF7794.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 33 INRA 2,484,934 HO01 36.23 PRJEB21907 SAMEA104233144 GCA_900218095.1 SEQF7795.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 68 CSIRO Agriculture and Food; Food Safety and Stability Group 2,557,615 Bth-7808 36.32 PRJNA338887 SAMN05567453 GCA_001715715.1 SEQF7796.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 31 CSIRO Agriculture and Food; Food Safety and Stability Group 2,482,452 Bth-7807 36.39 PRJNA338887 SAMN05567452 GCA_001715635.1 SEQF7797.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 57 INRA - Oniris 2,501,148 TAP 175 36.28 PRJEB25018 SAMEA104710649 GCA_900332055.1 SEQF7798.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 154 CSIRO Agriculture and Food; Food Safety and Stability Group 2,584,597 Bth-7816 36.25 PRJNA338887 SAMN05567458 GCA_001715785.1 SEQF7799.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 23 FFoQSI GmbH 2,535,098 BF1 36.34 PRJNA715602 SAMN18354422 GCA_019278955.1 SEQF7800.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 22 CSIRO Agriculture and Food; Food Safety and Stability Group 2,491,703 Bth-7809 36.37 PRJNA338887 SAMN05567454 GCA_001715665.1 SEQF7801.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 41 CSIRO Agriculture and Food; Food Safety and Stability Group 2,539,264 Bth-7806 36.26 PRJNA338887 SAMN05567451 GCA_001715735.1 SEQF7802.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 130 CSIRO Agriculture and Food; Food Safety and Stability Group 2,587,934 Bth-7818 36.29 PRJNA338887 SAMN05567459 GCA_001715775.1 SEQF7803.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 71 INRA - Oniris 2,534,688 EBP 3070 36.22 PRJEB25018 SAMEA104710651 GCA_900332075.1 SEQF7804.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 166 CSIRO Agriculture and Food; Food Safety and Stability Group 2,642,200 Bth-7813 36.22 PRJNA338887 SAMN05567457 GCA_001716015.1 SEQF7805.1 241 Brochothrix thermosphacta latest 56 CSIRO Agriculture and Food; Food Safety and Stability Group 2,613,933 Bth-7804 36.27 PRJNA338887 SAMN05567450 GCA_001715835.1 SEQF9502.1 243 Jeotgalicoccus huakuii latest 1124 CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute 2,491,413 NBRI 13E 39.27 PRJNA720255 SAMN18644308 GCA_023089665.1 SEQF2908.1 244 Roseomonas gilardii latest 5 New England Biolabs 5,412,463 U14-5 70.11 PRJNA320863 SAMN04958682 GCA_001941945.1 SEQF9511.1 244 Roseomonas gilardii latest 2 Changwon National University 4,624,884 ATCC 49956 70.31 PRJNA824703 SAMN27409697 GCA_023078375.1 SEQF9512.1 244 Roseomonas gilardii latest 73 BGI 5,166,269 DE0006 70.18 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792166 GCA_007680775.1 SEQF9513.1 244 Roseomonas gilardii latest 51 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,612,006 ATCC BAA-691 70.7 PRJNA204108 SAMN02584973 GCA_000518625.1 SEQF9514.1 244 Roseomonas gilardii latest 5 SC 4,128,143 NCTC13290 70.9 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4412674 GCA_900455865.1 SEQF2894.2 245 Roseomonas mucosa latest 249 Griffith University 4,741,248 AU37 70.45 PRJNA298945 SAMN04169051 GCA_001466485.2 SEQF8854.1 245 Roseomonas mucosa latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 4,996,294 FDAARGOS_658 70.29 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056373 GCA_008693785.1 SEQF8855.1 245 Roseomonas mucosa latest 10 Changwon National University 5,531,171 TT14 70.06 PRJNA849718 SAMN29127794 GCA_023923185.1 SEQF8856.1 245 Roseomonas mucosa latest 461 NHGRI/NIH 5,322,460 ACRSI 70.24 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729938 GCA_022346705.1 SEQF8857.1 245 Roseomonas mucosa latest 262 NHGRI/NIH 5,065,910 ACRQD 70.28 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729886 GCA_022346735.1 SEQF8858.1 245 Roseomonas mucosa latest 4 SC 5,000,569 NCTC13291 70.31 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4412690 GCA_900455935.1 SEQF8859.1 245 Roseomonas mucosa latest 77 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,864,580 ATCC BAA-692 70.46 PRJNA234425 SAMN02744033 GCA_000622225.1 SEQF3181.1 248 Fusobacterium sp._HMT_248 latest 6 URMITE 1,809,170 Marseille-P2749 27.34 PRJEB15286 SAMEA4413213 GCA_900095705.1 SEQF3157.1 261 Segetibacter aerophilus latest 79 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation Biological Resource Center 5,893,322 NBRC 106135 40.07 PRJDB6236 SAMD00171866 GCA_007991655.1 SEQF1646.1 272 Phocaeicola abscessus latest 30 Baylor College of Medicine 2,502,741 F0290 47.68 PRJNA53013 SAMN02436397 GCA_000442105.1 SEQF9889.1 272 Phocaeicola abscessus latest 14 ebi 2,536,876 CCUG 55929 47.45 PRJEB57 SAMEA2272382 GCA_000312445.1 SEQF1033.1 273 Porphyromonas endodontalis latest 37 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,064,508 ATCC 35406 47.52 PRJNA31385 SAMN00002247 Infected Root Canal GCA_000174815.1 SEQF8602.1 273 Porphyromonas endodontalis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,102,930 FDAARGOS_1506 47.53 PRJNA231221 SAMN21218862 GCA_020097375.1 SEQF8603.1 273 Porphyromonas endodontalis latest 2 SC 2,111,739 NCTC13058 47.53 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4535757 GCA_900454815.1 SEQF1451.1 274 Bacteroidales_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_274 latest 10 Broad Institute 2,113,539 F0058 43.25 PRJNA41957 SAMN02463821 GCA_000163695.1 SEQF3680.1 275 Porphyromonas sp._HMT_275 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,180,921 W7780 60.64 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352206 GCA_018127745.1 SEQF2357.2 278 Porphyromonas sp._HMT_278 latest 38 Washington University 2,158,216 W7784 55.85 PRJNA173940 SAMN02436880 GCA_000467855.2 SEQF1907.1 279 Porphyromonas pasteri latest 51 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,265,201 F0450 55.52 PRJNA78907 SAMN00792234 GCA_000292995.1 SEQF3713.1 279 Porphyromonas pasteri latest 7 Washington University Genome Center 2,204,202 KLE 1280 55.72 PRJNA64723 SAMN02849569 GCA_000700805.1 SEQF4728.1 279 Porphyromonas pasteri latest 9 WFCC-MIRCEN World Data Centre for Microorganisms (WDCM) 2,166,795 JCM 30531 55.8 PRJDB10510 SAMD00245298 GCA_014647755.1 SEQF2875.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 1 NEB 3,378,307 65 38.64 PRJNA359984 SAMN06198736 GCA_001941805.1 SEQF8860.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 2 Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences 3,438,557 YR7 38.6 PRJNA648772 SAMN15647988 GCA_018336855.1 SEQF8861.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 1 Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine 3,361,061 CAM121 38.8 PRJNA690869 SAMN17266783 GCA_016743155.1 SEQF8862.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 1 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 3,530,883 INC8271 38.56 PRJNA716062 SAMN18393338 GCA_018281725.1 SEQF8863.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 1 Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences 3,249,007 A2-1 38.7 PRJNA819940 SAMN26939361 GCA_022809695.1 SEQF8864.2 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 2 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 3,769,270 AJ_351 38.85 PRJNA497126 SAMN10249206 GCA_003939335.2 SEQF8865.2 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 3 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 3,483,561 AJ_068 38.77 PRJNA497126 SAMN10249224 GCA_003939355.2 SEQF8866.3 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 3 West China Hospital, Sichuan University 3,392,425 WCHAJ59 38.94 PRJNA387062 SAMN07138956 GCA_002165245.3 SEQF8867.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 1 Southwest University of Science and Technology 3,193,903 WCO-9 38.62 PRJNA795860 SAMN24782617 GCA_021491935.1 SEQF8868.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 1 Peking University Peoples Hospital 3,362,966 AJ6079 38.79 PRJNA850553 SAMN29198126 GCA_023973105.1 SEQF8869.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 1 Dezhou University 3,288,057 lzh-X15 38.75 PRJNA416043 SAMN07840124 GCA_002761875.1 SEQF8870.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 4 SC 3,344,648 NCTC12153 38.81 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104210755 GCA_900444865.1 SEQF8871.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 44 Broad Institute 3,463,059 SH205 40.89 PRJNA38341 SAMN02463730 GCA_000162075.1 SEQF8872.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 350 Toho University 3,675,580 TUM15376 38.62 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175114 GCA_009001395.1 SEQF8873.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 144 University of Malaya 3,199,812 L20 38.73 PRJNA270280 SAMN03265388 GCA_000813495.1 SEQF8874.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 223 Toho University 3,458,280 TUM15050 38.67 PRJDB8127 SAMD00174797 GCA_008979805.1 SEQF8875.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 144 CSUF 3,385,616 AMA32 38.66 PRJNA562922 SAMN12771922 GCA_009645695.1 SEQF8876.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 315 Toho University 3,419,382 TUM15553 38.72 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175286 GCA_009013895.1 SEQF8877.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 136 Translational Genomics Research Institute 3,257,504 TG19608 38.68 PRJNA172713 SAMN02471273 GCA_000302355.1 SEQF8878.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 234 Toho University 3,446,775 TUM15213 38.65 PRJDB8127 SAMD00174951 GCA_008988725.1 SEQF8879.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 195 Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 3,387,697 SC22 38.68 PRJNA451121 SAMN08961562 GCA_003293755.1 SEQF8880.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 245 Toho University 3,443,629 TUM15069 38.53 PRJDB8127 SAMD00174816 GCA_008980735.1 SEQF8881.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 234 Toho University 3,378,546 TUM15060 38.71 PRJDB8127 SAMD00174807 GCA_008980005.1 SEQF8882.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 151 Toho University 3,358,540 TUM15133 38.56 PRJDB8127 SAMD00174879 GCA_008984045.1 SEQF8883.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 366 Toho University 3,393,738 TUM15534 38.76 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175269 GCA_009013555.1 SEQF8884.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 226 Toho University 3,350,069 TUM15499 38.73 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175234 GCA_009012455.1 SEQF8885.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 292 Toho University 3,409,934 TUM15082 38.77 PRJDB8127 SAMD00174829 GCA_008981205.1 SEQF8886.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 45 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 3,370,312 AJ_243 38.58 PRJNA497126 SAMN10249166 GCA_003939835.1 SEQF8887.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 24 University of Pittsburgh 3,242,861 ACIN00233 38.52 PRJNA475751 SAMN12220286 GCA_016502415.1 SEQF8888.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 63 FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF AMAZON 3,454,836 SB132 38.43 PRJNA516892 SAMN10812377 GCA_004123275.1 SEQF8889.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 191 Toho University 3,335,545 TUM15407 38.71 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175145 GCA_009004055.1 SEQF8890.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 195 Toho University 3,283,762 TUM15270 38.63 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175008 GCA_008993675.1 SEQF8891.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 117 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 3,213,786 Acinetobacter_junii_BgEED01 38.57 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664346 GCA_901873405.1 SEQF8892.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 212 Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 3,388,676 SC54 38.67 PRJNA453116 SAMN08974716 GCA_003293765.1 SEQF8893.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 108 West China Hospital, Sichuan University 3,506,755 WCHAJ010047 38.61 PRJNA387062 SAMN09842370 GCA_004296305.1 SEQF8894.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 194 Toho University 3,344,205 TUM15584 38.61 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175314 GCA_009014455.1 SEQF8895.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 7 Broad Institute 3,357,744 CIP 64.5 39.32 PRJNA183286 SAMN01828161 GCA_000368765.1 SEQF8896.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 568 Toho University 3,560,526 TUM15545 38.78 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175279 GCA_009013755.1 SEQF8897.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 226 Trinity College Dublin 3,310,697 MHI21018 38.6 PRJNA509118 SAMN10537597 GCA_003957055.1 SEQF8898.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 193 Toho University 3,363,607 TUM15528 38.66 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175263 GCA_009013435.1 SEQF8899.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 245 Toho University 3,286,596 TUM15092 38.69 PRJDB8127 SAMD00174839 GCA_008981685.1 SEQF8900.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 251 Toho University 3,471,181 TUM15570 38.96 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175300 GCA_009014175.1 SEQF8901.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 108 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 3,226,826 NBRC 109759 38.69 PRJDB1754 SAMD00019882 GCA_000831735.1 SEQF8902.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 223 Toho University 3,432,053 TUM15337 38.58 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175075 GCA_008999055.1 SEQF8903.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 265 Toho University 3,372,053 TUM15494 38.53 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175229 GCA_009011915.1 SEQF8904.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 44 EMG 3,463,059 MGYG-HGUT-01343 40.89 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850846 GCA_902374105.1 SEQF8905.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 204 Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 3,393,060 SC57 38.68 PRJNA453124 SAMN08974779 GCA_003293735.1 SEQF8906.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 140 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 3,324,854 RS03 38.58 PRJNA453403 SAMN08978049 GCA_004920505.1 SEQF8907.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 142 City university of Hong Kong 3,414,233 T650 38.67 PRJNA734772 SAMN19523434 GCA_021384305.1 SEQF8908.1 282 Acinetobacter junii latest 237 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 3,539,602 KCTC 12416 38.29 PRJDB1754 SAMD00019876 GCA_000830115.1 SEQF1936.2 283 Porphyromonas catoniae latest 18 Washington University 2,101,485 F0037 51.02 PRJNA80249 SAMN02436931 GCA_000318215.2 SEQF2632.1 283 Porphyromonas catoniae latest 25 Baylor College of Medicine 2,040,170 ATCC 51270 50.99 PRJNA52993 SAMN02344579 GCA_000565015.1 SEQF2634.1 286 Tannerella sp._HMT_286 latest 1263 The Ohio State University 2,785,640 Cell 1/3 55.29 PRJNA222525 SAMN02419809 GCA_000510545.1 SEQF2635.1 286 Tannerella sp._HMT_286 latest 501 The Ohio State University 3,038,315 Cell 2 56.19 PRJNA213303 SAMN02264653 GCA_000510385.1 SEQF2636.1 286 Tannerella sp._HMT_286 latest 742 The Ohio State University 3,214,909 Cell 5 55.86 PRJNA222524 SAMN02419806 GCA_000510505.1 SEQF2637.1 286 Tannerella sp._HMT_286 latest 1291 The Ohio State University 3,476,954 Cell 6/7/9 55.15 PRJNA222526 SAMN02419810 GCA_000510525.1 SEQF2638.1 286 Tannerella sp._HMT_286 latest 1618 The Ohio State University 2,665,364 Cell 8/11 54.92 PRJNA222536 SAMN02419815 GCA_000510565.1 SEQF2807.2 286 Tannerella sp._HMT_286 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,973,544 W11667 56.45 PRJNA282954 SAMN05413928 GCA_001717525.2 SEQF3068.1 286 Tannerella sp._HMT_286 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,013,600 W11666 56.43 PRJNA282954 SAMN08743846 GCA_003033925.1 SEQF1691.1 288 Prevotella oulorum latest 16 Broad Institute 2,805,893 F0390 47.11 PRJNA43117 SAMN02463847 GCA_000224615.1 SEQF2684.1 288 Prevotella oulorum latest 138 The University of Tokyo 2,827,758 JCM 14966 46.8 PRJDB584 SAMD00009236 GCA_000613785.1 SEQF9755.1 288 Prevotella oulorum latest 63 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,840,943 ATCC 43324 46.93 PRJEB19556 SAMN02745202 GCA_900167385.1 SEQF2147.1 289 Prevotella maculosa latest 21 Broad Institute 3,151,214 OT 289 47.99 PRJNA64895 SAMN02463943 GCA_000243015.1 SEQF2508.1 289 Prevotella maculosa latest 60 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,314,235 DSM 19339 47.42 PRJNA187117 SAMN02440499 GCA_000382385.1 SEQF2680.1 289 Prevotella maculosa latest 133 The University of Tokyo 3,296,416 JCM 15638 47.39 PRJDB593 SAMD00006259 GCA_000613965.1 SEQF1677.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,937,589 F0289 50.36 PRJNA49293 SAMN00031760 GCA_000193395.1 SEQF2146.2 291 Prevotella denticola latest 121 J. Craig Venter Institute 3,177,783 CRIS 18C-A 49.91 PRJNA61825 SAMN00195201 GCA_000191765.2 SEQF2563.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 57 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,056,806 DSM 20614 50.1 PRJNA195802 SAMN02440901 GCA_000421205.1 SEQF2676.1 291 Prevotella denticola 82 The University of Tokyo 3,111,749 DSM 20614 = JCM 13449 49.99 PRJDB574 SAMD00003335 GCA_000613585.1 SEQF2733.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 126 J. Craig Venter Institute 3,050,207 DNF00960 49.91 PRJNA219676 SAMN02850976 GCA_000759205.1 SEQF3700.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,938,122 F0288 50.36 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352185 GCA_018128165.1 SEQF3701.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,038,072 F0119 49.88 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352183 GCA_018128185.1 SEQF3702.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 3,106,544 F0115 50.1 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352182 GCA_018128205.1 SEQF3711.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,027,740 F0105 49.96 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352179 GCA_018141825.1 SEQF6688.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,893,847 KCOM 1525 50.13 PRJNA485030 SAMN09781058 GCA_003515045.1 SEQF6689.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 3 SC 3,171,703 NCTC13067 49.94 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4535751 GCA_900454835.1 SEQF6690.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 94 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,171,577 SCHI0027.S.12 49.77 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926179 GCA_019375675.1 SEQF6691.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 59 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,100,558 SCHI0042.S.4 49.95 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926192 GCA_019391855.1 SEQF6692.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 47 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,249,566 SCHI0021.S.9 49.37 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926174 GCA_019375865.1 SEQF6693.1 291 Prevotella denticola latest 85 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,098,670 SCHI0027.S.14 49.92 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926181 GCA_019375725.1 SEQF2916.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 9 West China Hospital, Sichuan University 4,081,329 XBB1 41.09 PRJNA387062 SAMN03268929 GCA_001484935.1 SEQF5871.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 3,617,455 FDAARGOS_910 41.4 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450440 GCA_016027055.1 SEQF5872.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 7 US Food and Drug Administration 3,865,781 FDAARGOS_1093 41.27 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357262 GCA_016725945.1 SEQF5873.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 3 California State University San Bernardino 3,655,004 CSUSB1 41.39 PRJNA765017 SAMN21540781 GCA_020162195.1 SEQF5874.2 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 7 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 3,708,233 AJ_082 41.16 PRJNA497126 SAMN10249157 GCA_003939325.2 SEQF5875.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 5 majorbio 3,784,505 AJ413 41.26 PRJNA576279 SAMN12989377 GCA_021496365.1 SEQF5876.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 9 US Food and Drug Administration 4,135,620 FDAARGOS_1092 41.01 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357261 GCA_016728805.1 SEQF5877.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 4 SOUTHWEST MEDICAL UNIVERSITY 3,835,186 Acsw19 41.41 PRJNA561898 SAMN12630603 GCA_008180305.1 SEQF5878.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 4 Shanghai Ocean University 3,631,330 XY27 41.4 PRJNA702880 SAMN17981369 GCA_017068175.1 SEQF5879.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 1 University of Science and Technology Beijing 3,398,706 LXL_C1 41.29 PRJNA480925 SAMN09652504 GCA_003335165.1 SEQF5880.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 10 US Food and Drug Administration 3,524,396 FDAARGOS_1094 41.24 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357263 GCA_016726625.1 SEQF5881.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 1 majorbio 3,343,033 AJ312 41.56 PRJNA576279 SAMN12989376 GCA_021496295.1 SEQF5882.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 2 Shandong First Medical University 3,804,254 M19 41.31 PRJNA525348 SAMN11047491 GCA_004337595.1 SEQF5883.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 2 majorbio 3,594,259 AJ14 41.51 PRJNA576279 SAMN12989374 GCA_021496325.1 SEQF5884.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 2 Zhejiang University School of Medicine 3,369,710 DJ-Red 41.54 PRJNA792292 SAMN24405178 GCA_021432745.1 SEQF5885.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 2 majorbio 3,360,839 AJ210 41.68 PRJNA576279 SAMN12989375 GCA_021496345.1 SEQF5886.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 1 Macquarie University 3,521,987 E10B 41.5 PRJNA645977 SAMN15522025 GCA_015602645.1 SEQF5887.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 5 The University of Tokyo 3,736,232 IC001 41.47 PRJNA392395 SAMN07298690 GCA_003952785.1 SEQF5888.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 8 Broad Institute 3,540,498 ANC 3681 41.59 PRJNA183284 SAMN01087830 GCA_000368805.1 SEQF5889.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 17 National Institute of Public Health 3,525,490 B23 41.37 PRJNA385254 SAMN06885783 GCA_012271875.1 SEQF5890.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 78 China University of Geosciences, Beijing 3,410,145 JH7 41.43 PRJNA565953 SAMN12773519 GCA_009823385.1 SEQF5891.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 186 Translational Genomics Research Institute 3,532,492 TG19605 41.31 PRJNA172711 SAMN02471272 GCA_000301735.1 SEQF5892.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 75 Huazhong Agricultural University 3,357,599 MB44 41.37 PRJNA282556 SAMN03571285 GCA_001483265.1 SEQF5893.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 6 SC 3,655,558 NCTC10308 41.38 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3936795 GCA_900444855.1 SEQF5894.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 118 Faculty of medecine and pharmacy RABAT 3,649,410 AJ01M 41.51 PRJEB21770 SAMEA104166933 GCA_900199565.1 SEQF5895.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 123 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 3,469,574 DSM 6963 41.32 PRJDB1754 SAMD00019881 GCA_000949655.1 SEQF5896.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 204 West China Hospital, Sichuan University 3,824,838 WCHAJo010049 41.27 PRJNA387062 SAMN09499720 GCA_004211815.1 SEQF5897.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 246 Toho University 3,500,986 TUM15505 41.51 PRJDB8127 SAMD00175240 GCA_009012975.1 SEQF5898.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 111 Translational Genomics Research Institute 3,599,471 TG19625 41.31 PRJNA172712 SAMN02471255 GCA_000302335.1 SEQF5899.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 216 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation Biological Resource Center 3,174,461 NBRC 102197 41.48 PRJDB6117 SAMD00166014 GCA_007989645.1 SEQF5900.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 199 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 3,917,432 AJ_385 41.03 PRJNA497126 SAMN10249155 GCA_003940285.1 SEQF5901.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 172 Universidad de Concepcion 3,704,714 UCO-489 41.44 PRJNA595675 SAMN13564663 GCA_009789205.1 SEQF5902.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 470 Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice 3,379,961 RB2-047 41.87 PRJNA668270 SAMN16402263 GCA_021735885.1 SEQF5903.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 47 Broad Institute 3,690,010 SH046 43.07 PRJNA38339 SAMN02463729 GCA_000162055.1 SEQF5904.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 154 CSUF 3,799,071 Aj2199 41.39 PRJNA315996 SAMN04572947 GCA_001632325.1 SEQF5905.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 26 DTU-GE 3,705,435 C6 41.4 PRJEB19208 SAMEA56643418 GCA_900162715.1 SEQF5906.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 11 Broad Institute 3,608,403 CIP 64.6 41.87 PRJNA183324 SAMN01828184 GCA_000368045.1 SEQF5907.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 39 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,236,206 S00116 41.59 PRJNA632094 SAMN14908311 GCA_014204355.1 SEQF5908.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 72 China Agricultural University 3,609,436 18QD2AZ57W 41.46 PRJNA594823 SAMN13531404 GCA_009828985.1 SEQF5909.1 297 Acinetobacter johnsonii latest 157 University of Helsinki 3,256,685 HAMBI_97 41.41 PRJNA476209 SAMN09428650 GCA_003350215.1 SEQF1852.1 298 Prevotella histicola latest 17 Broad Institute 2,992,428 F0411 41.28 PRJNA49883 SAMN02463875 GCA_000234055.1 SEQF2679.1 298 Prevotella histicola latest 55 The University of Tokyo 2,949,807 JCM 15637 41.23 PRJDB591 SAMD00008973 GCA_000613925.1 SEQF3698.1 298 Prevotella histicola latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,999,514 F0411 41.25 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352190 GCA_018128125.1 SEQF8210.1 298 Prevotella histicola latest 52 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,119,736 SCHI0034.S.10 41.11 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926190 GCA_019391885.1 SEQF8211.1 298 Prevotella histicola latest 33 University of the Sunshine Coast 2,969,307 SCHI0028.S.1 41.1 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926182 GCA_019375695.1 SEQF8212.1 298 Prevotella histicola latest 43 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,018,404 SCHI0034.S.5 41.15 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926185 GCA_019375585.1 SEQF8213.1 298 Prevotella histicola latest 132 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,124,769 SCHI0009.S.6 41.06 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926169 GCA_019375895.1 SEQF8214.1 298 Prevotella histicola latest 48 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,023,315 SCHI0028.S.4 41.13 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926183 GCA_019375655.1 SEQF8215.1 298 Prevotella histicola latest 74 University of the Sunshine Coast 2,954,595 SCHI0006.S.13 41.09 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926167 GCA_019375975.1 SEQF8216.1 298 Prevotella histicola latest 78 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,009,370 SCHI0027.S.7 41.26 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926176 GCA_019375835.1 SEQF8217.1 298 Prevotella histicola latest 48 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,019,506 SCHI0034.S.6 41.12 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926186 GCA_019391935.1 SEQF1452.2 299 Prevotella nanceiensis latest 2 Broad Institute 2,480,269 F0039 37.5 PRJNA40047 SAMN02463807 GCA_000163055.2 SEQF6095.1 299 Prevotella nanceiensis latest 11 University of the Sunshine Coast 2,627,131 SCHI0011.S.12 38.58 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926171 GCA_019375915.1 SEQF6096.1 299 Prevotella nanceiensis latest 21 University of the Sunshine Coast 2,593,621 SCHI0042.S.5 38.37 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926193 GCA_019391835.1 SEQF6097.1 299 Prevotella nanceiensis latest 11 University of the Sunshine Coast 2,722,841 SCHI0010.S.3 38.56 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926170 GCA_019375945.1 SEQF1671.1 302 Alloprevotella rava latest 30 Broad Institute 2,593,873 F0323 45.6 PRJNA40691 SAMN02463812 GCA_000234115.1 SEQF8127.1 302 Alloprevotella rava latest 28 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,557,292 DSM 22548 45.32 PRJNA546761 SAMN12025113 GCA_014195585.1 SEQF1935.1 303 Prevotella pleuritidis latest 51 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,709,958 F0068 44.98 PRJNA72901 SAMN02436482 GCA_000468135.1 SEQF7367.1 303 Prevotella pleuritidis latest 49 The University of Tokyo 2,560,108 JCM 14110 44.98 PRJDB581 SAMD00012129 GCA_000613725.1 SEQF1887.1 306 Prevotella sp._HMT_306 latest 74 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,945,767 F0472 41.32 PRJNA75153 SAMN00761833 GCA_000257925.1 SEQF1932.1 307 Prevotella salivae latest 32 The J. Craig Venter Institute 3,099,908 F0493 41.69 PRJNA217512 SAMN02339451 GCA_000477535.1 SEQF2149.1 307 Prevotella salivae latest 40 Baylor College of Medicine 3,274,581 DSM 15606 43.78 PRJNA53199 SAMN00216886 GCA_000185845.1 SEQF7806.1 307 Prevotella salivae latest 53 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,438,557 SCHI0018.S.9 41.71 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926173 GCA_019375795.1 SEQF7807.1 307 Prevotella salivae latest 46 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,275,508 SCHI0034.S.11 41.46 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926191 GCA_019391875.1 SEQF7808.1 307 Prevotella salivae latest 67 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,402,911 SCHI0034.S.8 41.62 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926199 GCA_019391785.1 SEQF7809.1 307 Prevotella salivae latest 40 EMG 3,274,581 MGYG-HGUT-01360 43.78 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850863 GCA_902374235.1 SEQF7810.1 307 Prevotella salivae latest 50 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,273,498 SCHI0047.S.3 41.48 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926188 GCA_019391915.1 SEQF1656.1 311 Prevotella oris latest 18 WUGSC 3,251,636 F0302 43.94 PRJNA38329 SAMN00008848 GCA_000162915.1 SEQF2510.1 311 Prevotella oris latest 46 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,063,215 DSM 18711 43.87 PRJNA178048 SAMN02440460 GCA_000377685.1 SEQF2683.1 311 Prevotella oris latest 94 The University of Tokyo 3,077,999 JCM 12252 43.84 PRJDB568 SAMD00006051 GCA_000613505.1 SEQF6384.1 311 Prevotella oris latest 1 SC 3,168,212 NCTC13071 43.98 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4535752 GCA_900637655.1 SEQF6385.1 311 Prevotella oris latest 57 Broad Institute 3,346,228 C735 44.32 PRJNA42537 SAMN02463839 GCA_000142965.1 SEQF2883.2 312 Aerococcus viridans latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,003,760 FDAARGOS_249 39.57 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875575 GCA_002083135.2 SEQF3882.1 312 Aerococcus viridans latest 1 Slagelse Hospital 2,199,877 CCUG4311 39.38 PRJNA308559 SAMN04419116 GCA_001543285.1 SEQF3883.1 312 Aerococcus viridans latest 51 SC 2,315,448 NCTC7595 40.43 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104338366 GCA_900445105.1 SEQF3884.1 312 Aerococcus viridans latest 31 Zhejiang University 1,994,039 LL1 39.41 PRJNA159617 SAMN02471140 GCA_000262085.1 SEQF3885.1 312 Aerococcus viridans latest 3 SC 2,265,362 NCTC8251 39.39 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4040026 GCA_900445095.1 SEQF3886.1 312 Aerococcus viridans latest 52 Loyola University Chicago 1,921,807 UMB0240 37.11 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511387 GCA_002871935.1 SEQF3063.1 313 Prevotella jejuni latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 3,915,696 F0648 41.66 PRJNA282954 SAMN04435865 GCA_003043935.1 SEQF3696.1 313 Prevotella jejuni latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,944,801 F0697 41.73 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352195 GCA_018128085.1 SEQF3697.1 313 Prevotella jejuni latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 4,115,533 F0106 41.97 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352180 GCA_018128105.1 SEQF7405.1 313 Prevotella jejuni latest 2 Umea university 3,913,006 CD3:33 41.75 PRJNA413878 SAMN07770260 GCA_002849795.1 SEQF7406.1 313 Prevotella jejuni latest 111 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,930,832 SCHI0011.S.13 41.68 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926172 GCA_019375855.1 SEQF7407.1 313 Prevotella jejuni latest 92 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 3,646,938 DSM 26989 41.76 PRJEB21399 SAMN06265364 GCA_900187995.1 SEQF3074.1 314 Prevotella sp._HMT_314 latest 132 Washington University 3,193,725 F0091 41.39 PRJNA173942 SAMN02436813 GCA_000467895.1 SEQF2853.1 316 Haematobacter missouriensis latest 97 CDC 4,323,477 H2381 64.19 PRJNA302795 SAMN04279643 GCA_002196905.1 SEQF3991.1 316 Haematobacter missouriensis latest 129 CDC 4,337,941 H1892 64.23 PRJNA302795 SAMN04279596 GCA_002196895.1 SEQF3992.1 316 Haematobacter missouriensis latest 136 Huazhong Agricultural University 3,958,808 CCUG 52307 64.32 PRJNA239788 SAMN02670966 GCA_000740775.1 SEQF1477.1 317 Prevotella sp._HMT_317 latest 61 Broad Institute 4,099,098 F0108 48.4 PRJNA38521 SAMN02595329 GCA_000162415.1 SEQF2747.1 323 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_323 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,614,527 F0383 39.68 PRJNA282954 SAMN04009744 GCA_001278825.1 SEQF1938.2 324 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_324 latest 63 Washington University 2,739,607 F0483 39.43 PRJNA80241 SAMN02436688 GCA_000318315.2 SEQF1653.1 325 Capnocytophaga granulosa latest 20 Broad Institute 2,746,278 ATCC 51502 41.6 PRJNA41985 SAMN02595375 GCA_000411115.1 SEQF5030.1 325 Capnocytophaga granulosa latest 44 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,723,453 DSM 11449 41.52 PRJEB16575 SAMN05444420 GCA_900106575.1 SEQF5031.1 325 Capnocytophaga granulosa latest 3 SC 2,843,797 NCTC12948 41.53 PRJEB6403 SAMEA44542168 GCA_900446675.1 SEQF1900.1 326 Capnocytophaga endodontalis latest 127 Washington University Genome Center 3,218,123 F0382 38.56 PRJNA67197 SAMN02436687 GCA_000318295.1 SEQF7326.1 326 Capnocytophaga endodontalis latest 1 Chosun University 3,412,686 ChDC OS43 38.24 PRJNA386716 SAMN07125685 GCA_002209445.1 SEQF3083.1 328 Corynebacterium mastitidis latest 39 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,370,005 DSM 44356 69.0 PRJNA169809 SAMN02441393 GCA_000375365.1 SEQF8606.1 328 Corynebacterium mastitidis latest 42 National Eye Institute 2,153,054 RC 69.05 PRJNA758739 SAMN21033600 GCA_022538035.1 SEQF8607.1 328 Corynebacterium mastitidis latest 65 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,264,319 16-1433 69.04 PRJNA421318 SAMN08138579 GCA_002835695.1 SEQF1684.2 329 Capnocytophaga leadbetteri latest 141 Washington University Genome Center 2,536,778 F0087 41.94 PRJNA43127 SAMN00189097 GCA_000213295.2 SEQF5022.1 329 Capnocytophaga leadbetteri latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,504,023 H6253 40.21 PRJNA369395 SAMN06289149 GCA_002302615.1 SEQF5023.1 329 Capnocytophaga leadbetteri latest 40 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,636,893 DSM 22902 39.8 PRJNA443918 SAMN08779108 GCA_003054025.1 SEQF2848.1 330 Micavibrio aeruginosavorus latest 1 University of Virginia, Department of Biology 2,481,983 ARL-13 54.71 PRJNA49751 SAMN02604252 GCA_000226315.1 SEQF6687.1 330 Micavibrio aeruginosavorus latest 1 Weizmann Institute of Science 2,458,610 EPB 54.96 PRJNA163341 SAMN02604326 GCA_000348745.1 SEQF3084.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 54 Harbin Medical University 2,201,708 DSM 20609 37.26 PRJNA298382 SAMN04158717 GCA_001500315.1 SEQF8152.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,216,575 FDAARGOS_882 37.38 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450412 GCA_016028295.1 SEQF8153.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 1 SC 2,216,666 NCTC12101 37.38 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3233547 GCA_900478415.1 SEQF8154.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 1 RIKEN, BDR 2,263,046 JCM 2421 37.35 PRJDB11476 SAMD00294601 GCA_018323945.1 SEQF8155.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 53 Wenzhou-Kean University: Kean University - Wenzhou Campus 2,251,511 1H20 37.13 PRJNA722783 SAMN18793309 GCA_018408075.1 SEQF8156.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 40 NHGRI/NIH 2,274,060 ACRPT 37.19 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729877 GCA_022346665.1 SEQF8157.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 403 BGI 2,416,857 DE0381 37.36 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792541 GCA_008764015.1 SEQF8158.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 103 Modernising Medical Microbiology 2,201,622 NCTC 12101 37.26 PRJNA339206 SAMN05978007 GCA_002902455.1 SEQF8159.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 141 University of Calgary 2,297,511 SNUC 993 37.14 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172840 GCA_003040715.1 SEQF8160.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 108 University of Calgary 2,283,589 SNUC 3034 37.13 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172841 GCA_003040695.1 SEQF8161.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 29 NASA Ames Research Center 2,275,253 s52 37.13 PRJNA486830 SAMN09865988 GCA_016808715.1 SEQF8162.1 331 Staphylococcus auricularis latest 29 ANIWHA 2,195,146 Ani-GT-018 37.22 PRJNA609060 SAMN19114540 GCA_021367585.1 SEQF1937.2 332 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_332 latest 103 Washington University 2,656,035 F0381 38.47 PRJNA80243 SAMN02436794 GCA_000318275.2 SEQF3085.1 333 Corynebacterium massiliense latest 26 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,183,019 DSM 45435 65.0 PRJNA185571 SAMN02441587 GCA_000420605.1 SEQF1906.1 335 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_335 latest 38 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,545,989 F0486 39.59 PRJNA78901 SAMN00792204 GCA_000277665.1 SEQF1970.1 336 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_336 latest 8 Broad Institute 2,788,212 F0502 39.53 PRJNA170347 SAMN02596983 GCA_000411575.1 SEQF1602.1 337 Capnocytophaga gingivalis latest 37 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,667,138 ATCC 33624 40.49 PRJNA31387 SAMN00001917 GCA_000174755.1 SEQF5852.1 337 Capnocytophaga gingivalis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,838,633 H1496 40.09 PRJNA369395 SAMN06289147 GCA_002302415.1 SEQF1687.1 338 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_338 latest 29 Baylor College of Medicine 2,548,422 F0234 38.4 PRJNA53023 SAMN00253971 GCA_000192225.1 SEQF2885.1 339 Janibacter indicus latest 1 The First Affiliated Hospital of NanChang University 3,401,189 YFY001 71.24 PRJNA300616 SAMN04226596 GCA_001889125.1 SEQF6317.1 339 Janibacter indicus latest 1 Changwon National University 3,663,756 TT2 71.02 PRJNA665797 SAMN16268743 GCA_014883915.1 SEQF6318.1 339 Janibacter indicus latest 29 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 3,419,539 CGMCC 1.12511 71.24 PRJEB20331 SAMN06296429 GCA_900176385.1 SEQF3172.1 340 Brevibacterium paucivorans latest 940 Loyola University Chicago 2,999,495 UMB1301 60.88 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511395 GCA_002871875.1 SEQF8796.1 340 Brevibacterium paucivorans latest 1 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,410,104 DSM 13657 58.32 PRJNA695764 SAMN17619979 GCA_016907735.1 SEQF2907.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 75 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,443,105 HMSC11D10 61.74 PRJNA269857 SAMN03287011 GCA_001806995.1 SEQF2945.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 63 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,423,872 HMSC034E11 61.72 PRJNA296297 SAMN04498648 GCA_001835905.1 SEQF2957.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 74 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,413,488 HMSC08F01 61.62 PRJNA269908 SAMN03434245 GCA_001807545.1 SEQF2962.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 52 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,390,226 HMSC05C01 61.72 PRJNA269882 SAMN03609716 GCA_001807155.1 SEQF2968.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 101 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,519,128 HMSC034B08 61.77 PRJNA296263 SAMN04498630 GCA_001835805.1 SEQF3003.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 62 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,396,802 HMSC055D05 61.64 PRJNA296342 SAMN04477562 GCA_001810365.1 SEQF3004.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 79 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,411,300 HMSC070H05 61.72 PRJNA296224 SAMN04498609 GCA_001837615.1 SEQF3007.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 77 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,468,155 HMSC036E10 61.5 PRJNA296344 SAMN04498667 GCA_001836265.1 SEQF3008.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 72 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,390,972 HMSC067D03 61.74 PRJNA299939 SAMN04477600 GCA_001811185.1 SEQF3038.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 93 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,461,261 HMSC075D04 61.59 PRJNA300191 SAMN04480462 GCA_001815635.1 SEQF9469.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,510,261 FDAARGOS 1425 61.39 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357567 GCA_019048165.1 SEQF9470.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,582,814 FDAARGOS_1492 61.19 PRJNA231221 SAMN21218848 GCA_020097655.1 SEQF9471.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 41 Loyola University Chicago 2,436,985 UMB0147 61.52 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193655 GCA_002861365.1 SEQF9472.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 62 Loyola University Chicago 2,483,223 UMB8490 61.42 PRJNA316969 SAMN14478497 GCA_012030345.1 SEQF9473.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 2 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,568,936 DSM 44184 61.32 PRJEB16385 SAMN04488531 GCA_900105505.1 SEQF9474.1 341 Corynebacterium coyleae latest 38 Loyola University Chicago 2,481,760 UMB0989 61.44 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193656 GCA_002861345.1 SEQF3086.1 342 Novosphingobium panipatense latest 99 North-Eastern Hill University 5,735,120 P5:ABC 64.72 PRJNA358440 SAMN06174115 GCA_002149965.1 SEQF1926.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 3 Institute of Molecular Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 7,359,146 A8 65.78 PRJNA48393 SAMN02603404 GCA_000165835.1 SEQF2029.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 13 Laboratory of Bacteriology - Faculty of Medecine Dijon 6,860,805 AXX-A 68.9 PRJNA65117 SAMN02471472 GCA_000219745.1 SEQF2030.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans 262 Broad Institute 6,514,720 C54 68.5 PRJNA38739 SAMN02463749 GCA_000186185.1 SEQF2546.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 Department of Clinical Microbiology, University Hospital of Copenhagen, Denmark 6,916,670 NH44784-1996 67.45 PRJNA40627 SAMEA3283131 GCA_000967095.1 SEQF2610.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 6,683,584 NBRC 15126 67.53 PRJNA209573 SAMN02641513 GCA_000508285.1 SEQF5378.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases 6,402,982 AX1 67.71 PRJNA563576 SAMN12683688 GCA_008432465.1 SEQF5379.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 SC 6,813,182 NCTC10807 67.38 PRJEB6403 SAMEA2517358 GCA_001457475.1 SEQF5380.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 6,813,185 PartM-Axylosoxidans-RM8376 67.38 PRJNA605254 SAMN14078804 GCA_022870085.1 SEQF5381.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 6,806,438 FDAARGOS_789 67.37 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056504 GCA_013343135.1 SEQF5382.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 2 Northwest University 6,222,121 DN002 65.46 PRJNA577771 SAMN13037504 GCA_009363015.1 SEQF5383.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 University of Minnesota 5,876,049 MN001 67.72 PRJNA288995 SAMN03840637 GCA_001051055.1 SEQF5384.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 Medical College of Wisconsin 6,452,474 GN050 67.72 PRJNA604252 SAMN13961776 GCA_013282235.1 SEQF5385.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 6,812,921 FDAARGOS_915 67.38 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450445 GCA_016027035.1 SEQF5386.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 Medical College of Wisconsin 6,608,203 GN008 67.61 PRJNA604252 SAMN13961775 GCA_013282255.1 SEQF5387.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL 6,501,194 AX_NCIMB_11015_WG 67.49 PRJEB11308 SAMEA3610973 GCA_900009115.1 SEQF5388.2 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 6,268,754 FDAARGOS_150 67.84 PRJNA231221 SAMN03996294 GCA_001559195.2 SEQF5389.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL 6,626,924 R4 67.66 PRJEB11387 SAMEA3614068 GCA_900009125.1 SEQF5390.2 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 2 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 6,565,735 FDAARGOS_162 67.56 PRJNA231221 SAMN03996305 GCA_001558915.2 SEQF5391.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 6,761,376 GD03 66.02 PRJNA659873 SAMN15929548 GCA_014490035.1 SEQF5392.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 6,901,970 FDAARGOS_1091 67.48 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357260 GCA_016728825.1 SEQF5393.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL 6,690,584 R8 67.56 PRJEB11392 SAMEA3614070 GCA_900010105.1 SEQF5394.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 SC 6,735,421 NCTC10808 67.41 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3867441 GCA_900475575.1 SEQF5395.2 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 2 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 6,886,958 FDAARGOS_147 68.27 PRJNA231221 SAMN03996290 GCA_001558755.2 SEQF5396.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 2 UFSC 6,520,871 SOLR10 67.63 PRJNA391768 SAMN07274546 GCA_003293615.1 SEQF5397.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 6,894,935 FDAARGOS_984 67.5 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357153 GCA_016403305.1 SEQF5398.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 713 University Hospital Muenster 6,391,394 2017Y71053325 67.76 PRJNA782431 SAMN23379565 GCA_022524625.1 SEQF5399.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 29 University Laval 6,302,120 CF304 67.69 PRJNA287154 SAMN03776898 GCA_001038045.1 SEQF5400.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 85 Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 6,730,982 YYS001 66.05 PRJNA659862 SAMN15929350 GCA_014529725.1 SEQF5401.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 60 VU University Amsterdam 6,098,154 BT1 10.2 67.58 PRJNA587043 SAMN13175248 GCA_017745625.1 SEQF5402.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 578 University of Queensland 6,510,129 A9 67.76 PRJNA285410 SAMN03753629 GCA_001276025.1 SEQF5403.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 758 University Hospital Muenster 6,748,671 2010Ycf408V 67.54 PRJNA782431 SAMN23379537 GCA_022525285.1 SEQF5404.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 37 Laboratory Bacteriology Research (LBR) 6,497,721 1;LBR-1215157 67.45 PRJEB39103 SAMEA7283641 GCA_904067195.1 SEQF5405.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 132 Georgia Institute of Technology 7,212,414 B_1 66.14 PRJNA184698 SAMN06009451 GCA_002192695.1 SEQF5406.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 315 University Hospital Muenster 6,817,940 2017Y71057280IX 67.5 PRJNA782431 SAMN23379567 GCA_022524575.1 SEQF5407.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 55 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 6,223,353 41726/4 67.64 PRJNA799738 SAMN25207522 GCA_022325135.1 SEQF5408.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 128 Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro 6,361,404 5146 67.87 PRJNA453449 SAMN08981476 GCA_003177325.1 SEQF5409.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 23 SC 6,425,467 2789STDY5663429 67.94 PRJEB4659 SAMEA2258936 GCA_001299415.1 SEQF5410.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 116 Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 7,048,698 X02736 67.26 PRJNA209574 SAMN02597371 GCA_000517225.1 SEQF5411.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 43 Laboratory Bacteriology Research (LBR) 6,446,872 4;LBR-1215359 67.54 PRJEB39103 SAMEA7283645 GCA_904067265.1 SEQF5412.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 482 University Hospital Muenster 6,584,584 2009Ycf429 67.79 PRJNA782431 SAMN23379532 GCA_022525375.1 SEQF5413.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 723 University Hospital Muenster 6,600,402 2015Y70661661I 67.3 PRJNA782431 SAMN23379554 GCA_022524945.1 SEQF5414.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 229 University Hospital Muenster 6,573,071 2011Ycf922II 67.67 PRJNA782431 SAMN23379544 GCA_022525145.1 SEQF5415.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 567 University Hospital Muenster 6,749,665 2012Ycf490IX 67.56 PRJNA782431 SAMN23379546 GCA_022525125.1 SEQF5416.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 107 Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 6,733,702 YYS002 66.06 PRJNA659866 SAMN15929420 GCA_014353695.1 SEQF5417.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 36 Laboratory Bacteriology Research (LBR) 6,443,446 3;LBR-1215181 67.54 PRJEB39103 SAMEA7283643 GCA_904067255.1 SEQF5418.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 56 SC 7,030,916 2789STDY5608606 67.32 PRJEB4659 SAMEA2247571 GCA_001299055.1 SEQF5419.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 80 SC 6,529,137 2789STDY5663426 67.8 PRJEB4659 SAMEA2258935 GCA_001298895.1 SEQF5420.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 49 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 6,654,928 74/3 67.66 PRJNA799738 SAMN25207509 GCA_022321165.1 SEQF5421.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 609 University Hospital Muenster 6,557,350 2014Y70533463 67.7 PRJNA782431 SAMN23379551 GCA_022524985.1 SEQF5422.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 31 SC 6,451,873 2789STDY5608618 67.91 PRJEB4659 SAMEA2247583 GCA_001299115.1 SEQF5423.1 343 Achromobacter xylosoxidans latest 450 University Hospital Muenster 6,513,274 2015Y70753104 67.82 PRJNA782431 SAMN23379557 GCA_022524875.1 SEQF3076.1 344 Pseudomonas luteola latest 65 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 5,418,185 PL_378 55.35 PRJNA497126 SAMN10248956 GCA_003936815.1 SEQF7361.1 344 Pseudomonas luteola latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 5,901,383 FDAARGOS_637 55.42 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056352 GCA_008693965.1 SEQF7362.1 344 Pseudomonas luteola latest 30 NHGRI/NIH 4,707,544 ACRSF 55.37 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729935 GCA_022346805.1 SEQF7363.1 344 Pseudomonas luteola latest 231 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4,626,799 XLDN4-9 54.22 PRJNA170105 SAMN02470941 GCA_000282775.1 SEQF7364.1 344 Pseudomonas luteola latest 132 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 5,474,549 PL_137 55.14 PRJNA497126 SAMN10248950 GCA_003936185.1 SEQF7365.1 344 Pseudomonas luteola latest 16 SC 6,089,776 NCTC11842 54.77 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3711441 GCA_900455515.1 SEQF7366.1 344 Pseudomonas luteola latest 104 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 5,395,279 NBRC 103146 55.3 PRJDB214 SAMD00046930 GCA_002091675.1 SEQF3730.1 346 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_346 latest 77 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 754,164 TM7_HOT_346-SAG3 47.51 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782553 GCA_007845535.1 SEQF3731.1 346 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_346 latest 61 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 464,187 TM7_HOT_346-SAG1 46.83 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782551 GCA_007845555.1 SEQF3732.1 346 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_346 latest 22 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 978,051 TM7_HOT_346-SAG2 47.6 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782552 GCA_007845545.1 SEQF1468.1 348 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_348 latest 85 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 112,753 TM7 single-cell isolate TM7b 37.0 PRJNA19083 SAMN02441781 Metagenomic effort on single cell. Marcy et al PNAS 2007 GCA_000170655.1 SEQF1469.1 348 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_348 latest 129 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 474,179 TM7 single-cell isolate TM7c 39.1 PRJNA19085 SAMN02441782 Metagenomic effort on single cell. Marcy et al PNAS 2007 GCA_000170675.1 SEQF6699.1 348 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_348 latest 50 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 498,828 TM7_HOT_348-SAG1 40.81 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782554 GCA_007845495.1 SEQF6700.1 348 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_348 latest 17 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 260,853 TM7_HOT_348-SAG4 37.84 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782557 GCA_007845445.1 SEQF6701.1 348 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_348 latest 16 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 252,833 TM7_HOT_348-SAG3 37.82 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782556 GCA_007845435.1 SEQF6702.1 348 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_348 latest 19 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 890,301 TM7_HOT_348-SAG2 39.56 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782555 GCA_007845485.1 SEQF3678.1 349 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_349 1 The Forsyth Institute 1,021,750 strain=PM007 46.79 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352202 GCA_018127705.1 SEQF5375.1 349 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_349 latest 145 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 993,263 TM7_HOT_349-SAG1 47.47 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782558 GCA_007845455.1 SEQF6952.1 350 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_350 latest 38 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 523,632 TM7_HOT_350-SAG1 34.01 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782568 GCA_007845205.1 SEQF6053.1 351 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_351 latest 58 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 622,110 TM7_HOT_351-SAG4 41.68 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782572 GCA_007845135.1 SEQF6054.1 351 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_351 latest 71 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 807,401 TM7_HOT_351-SAG1 41.7 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782569 GCA_007845195.1 SEQF6055.1 351 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_351 latest 40 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 307,085 TM7_HOT_351-SAG2 42.11 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782570 GCA_007845185.1 SEQF6056.1 351 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_351 latest 53 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 620,127 TM7_HOT_351-SAG3 41.14 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782571 GCA_007845165.1 SEQF9458.1 352 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 771,907 TM7-001 43.26 PRJNA784561 SAMN23492223 GCA_022819385.1 SEQF9459.1 352 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 718,383 TM7-037 43.25 PRJNA784561 SAMN23492216 GCA_022819345.1 SEQF9460.1 352 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 733,310 TM7-072 43.31 PRJNA784561 SAMN23492220 GCA_022819365.1 SEQF9461.1 352 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 latest 28 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 703,325 TM7_HOT_352-SAG8 43.34 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782566 GCA_007845265.1 SEQF9462.1 352 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 latest 45 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 605,890 TM7_HOT_352-SAG7 43.47 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782565 GCA_007845275.1 SEQF9463.1 352 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 latest 46 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 640,268 TM7_HOT_352-SAG5 43.35 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782563 GCA_007845325.1 SEQF9464.1 352 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 latest 110 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 855,006 TM7_HOT_352-SAG1 42.51 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782559 GCA_007845395.1 SEQF9465.1 352 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 latest 57 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 322,648 TM7_HOT_352-SAG6 43.53 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782564 GCA_007845295.1 SEQF9466.1 352 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 latest 53 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 720,013 TM7_HOT_352-SAG2 43.99 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782560 GCA_007845365.1 SEQF9467.1 352 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 latest 56 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 543,054 TM7_HOT_352-SAG4 43.54 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782562 GCA_007845345.1 SEQF9468.1 352 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 latest 38 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 635,951 TM7_HOT_352-SAG3 43.26 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782561 GCA_007845355.1 SEQF3720.1 353 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_353 latest 65 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 628,606 TM7_HOT_353-SAG1 46.35 PRJNA472398 SAMN10782567 GCA_007845255.1 SEQF2887.1 354 Dermabacter hominis latest 26 Bielefeld University 2,510,630 1368 62.79 PRJNA235370 SAMN02614628 GCA_000775415.1 SEQF3077.1 354 Dermabacter hominis latest 17 Loyola University Chicago 2,281,917 UMB0490 62.91 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193659 GCA_002847685.1 SEQF7473.1 354 Dermabacter hominis latest 28 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 2,155,270 NBRC 106157 63.18 PRJDB1334 SAMD00046478 GCA_001570785.1 SEQF1611.1 357 Pyramidobacter piscolens latest 140 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,562,014 W5455 59.84 PRJNA34581 SAMN00002506 GCA_000177335.1 SEQF9334.1 357 Pyramidobacter piscolens latest 1 Laboratory for Microbiome Sciences, Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, RIKEN 2,686,623 CE91-St28 59.69 PRJDB11902 SAMD00389908 GCA_022846135.1 SEQF1674.1 363 Fretibacterium fastidiosum latest 1 metaHIT 2,728,333 SGP1 66.68 PRJNA45959 SAMEA3138377 GCA_000210715.1 SEQF2890.2 368 Dietzia cinnamea latest 428 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 3,555,295 P4 70.96 PRJNA59501 SAMN02471383 GCA_000186325.2 SEQF3071.1 368 Dietzia cinnamea latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 3,679,573 W5195 70.77 PRJNA282954 SAMN08439030 GCA_002999155.1 SEQF7615.1 368 Dietzia cinnamea latest 160 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 3,598,827 NBRC 102147 70.77 PRJDB449 SAMD00046472 GCA_001571065.1 SEQF7616.1 368 Dietzia cinnamea latest 407 Institute of Microbial Technology 4,139,970 CD11_5 67.64 PRJNA312284 SAMN04496896 GCA_001643175.1 SEQF7617.1 368 Dietzia cinnamea latest 156 ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY 3,590,735 BP-168 70.71 PRJNA701491 SAMN17884709 GCA_016905945.1 SEQF7618.1 368 Dietzia cinnamea latest 80 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,549,427 55 71.01 PRJNA500537 SAMN10363100 GCA_004346635.1 SEQF1879.1 370 Fusobacterium sp._HMT_370 latest 133 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 2,093,299 F0437 27.9 PRJNA50399 SAMN02299438 GCA_000235465.1 SEQF1855.2 375 Peptoniphilus sp._HMT_375 latest 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,950,550 F0436 41.39 PRJNA52051 SAMN00116783 GCA_000221565.2 SEQF3055.1 376 Prevotella sp._HMT_376 latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 3,017,058 F0043 49.47 PRJNA282954 SAMN08743843 GCA_003043945.1 SEQF1912.1 377 Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-7] [Eubacterium]_yurii latest 14 Baylor College of Medicine 2,511,030 ATCC 43715 33.46 PRJNA50511 SAMN00120458 GCA_000146855.1 SEQF1863.1 378 Prevotella micans latest 12 Broad Institute 2,487,950 F0438 45.96 PRJNA52087 SAMN02463881 GCA_000243035.1 SEQF2509.1 378 Prevotella micans latest 50 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,435,292 DSM 21469 45.52 PRJNA169761 SAMN02441704 GCA_000373705.1 SEQF2682.1 378 Prevotella micans latest 108 The University of Tokyo 2,426,740 JCM 16134 45.49 PRJDB598 SAMD00008960 GCA_000614105.1 SEQF1950.2 380 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_380 latest 76 Washington University 2,634,285 F0488 39.51 PRJNA80245 SAMN02436932 GCA_000318255.2 SEQF1472.1 386 Peptoniphilus sp._HMT_386 latest 11 Broad Institute 1,569,385 F0131 31.81 PRJNA41969 SAMN02463827 GCA_000090945.1 SEQF1595.2 389 Abiotrophia defectiva latest 4 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,043,439 ATCC 49176 47.02 PRJNA33011 SAMN02436801 GCA_000160075.2 SEQF5317.1 389 Abiotrophia defectiva latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,046,826 FDAARGOS_785 47.0 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056500 GCA_013267415.1 SEQF1857.2 393 Parvimonas sp._HMT_393 latest 5 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,483,165 F0440 28.17 PRJNA61837 SAMN00195327 GCA_000223315.2 SEQF1999.2 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 66 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,020,730 SK95 40.8 PRJNA64679 SAMN00621712 GCA_000222705.2 SEQF2767.2 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 2 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,916,998 F0392 41.23 PRJNA49439 SAMN02415617 GCA_000221165.2 SEQF6409.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,931,547 FDAARGOS_1020 41.51 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357189 GCA_016127555.1 SEQF6410.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,876,737 1648 41.47 PRJNA817585 SAMN06040933 GCA_022749195.1 SEQF6411.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 1,969,104 SF100 41.49 PRJNA685325 SAMN17082796 GCA_016549395.1 SEQF6412.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,913,782 FDAARGOS_886 41.3 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450416 GCA_016028175.1 SEQF6413.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,905,756 FDAARGOS_1021 41.3 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357190 GCA_016127915.1 SEQF6414.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 Osaka University 1,889,005 osk_001 41.15 PRJDB5718 SAMD00078884 GCA_002356415.1 SEQF6415.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 Shandong University 1,944,085 SOT 41.05 PRJNA592835 SAMN13440952 GCA_021497945.1 SEQF6416.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 University of California San Francisco 1,966,910 S.MIT/ORALIS-351 40.98 PRJNA358614 SAMN06179980 GCA_001983955.1 SEQF6417.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 Ohio State University 1,920,884 34 41.31 PRJNA746546 SAMN20209571 GCA_019334565.1 SEQF6418.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 Shandong University 1,938,840 SOD 41.19 PRJNA592835 SAMN13440953 GCA_021497885.1 SEQF6419.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 2 University of California San Francisco 1,985,912 SF100 41.5 PRJNA358614 SAMN07428910 GCA_016888845.1 SEQF6420.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,053,209 FDAARGOS_367 40.94 PRJNA231221 SAMN07312411 GCA_002386345.1 SEQF6421.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine 2,063,152 HP01 40.95 PRJNA841414 SAMN28592655 GCA_023611505.1 SEQF6422.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,898,954 1643 41.23 PRJNA542100 SAMN06040852 GCA_006228325.1 SEQF6423.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,994,899 FDAARGOS_1075 41.41 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357244 GCA_016127735.1 SEQF6424.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 The Research Institute at Nationwide Childrens Hospital 1,926,555 F0392 41.25 PRJNA508968 SAMN10534501 GCA_007475365.1 SEQF6425.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,024,323 FDAARGOS_885 41.04 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450415 GCA_016028255.1 SEQF6426.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 Abigail Wexner Research Institute at NCH 2,113,832 SN51445 40.97 PRJNA635656 SAMN15048516 GCA_013488045.1 SEQF6427.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 Abigail Wexner Research Institute at NCH 1,995,690 ATCC 10557 41.42 PRJNA635656 SAMN15049614 GCA_013488065.1 SEQF6428.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 15 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,880,091 S44 41.06 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876588 GCA_023109405.1 SEQF6429.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 26 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,063,266 S07-2 40.89 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876552 GCA_023110135.1 SEQF6430.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 9 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,903,756 34 41.24 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399936 GCA_019929405.1 SEQF6431.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 31 Slagelse Hospital 1,972,487 B_19836_11 41.28 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705616 GCA_002096605.1 SEQF6432.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 30 Genomic Research Laboratory (GRL) 2,126,774 AZ_8 40.89 PRJNA302885 SAMN04283921 GCA_002093545.1 SEQF6433.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 15 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,870,517 SK141 41.07 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399943 GCA_019929265.1 SEQF6434.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 14 Genomic Research Laboratory (GRL) 2,036,380 859 40.9 PRJNA302888 SAMN04283924 GCA_002093575.1 SEQF6435.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 19 Slagelse Hospital 1,933,556 B_003802_10 40.9 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705630 GCA_002096365.1 SEQF6436.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 149 University of Washington 2,043,176 727_SORA 40.88 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197932 GCA_001074055.1 SEQF6437.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 174 Newcastle University 2,061,228 NU43 40.97 PRJNA454893 SAMN09060969 GCA_004127215.1 SEQF6438.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 15 Geneva University Hospitals, Genomic Research Laboratory 1,871,835 2425 40.95 PRJNA202967 SAMN02469816 GCA_000442155.1 SEQF6439.2 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 81 Los Alamos National Laboratory 2,033,272 GMD3S 41.13 PRJNA157415 SAMN02470258 GCA_000298695.2 SEQF6440.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 49 Clemson University 1,944,205 BCC58 41.39 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631738 GCA_003942805.1 SEQF6441.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 20 University of Kaiserslautern 2,017,572 DD30 41.4 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325061 GCA_001579095.1 SEQF6442.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 54 University of Kaiserslautern 2,278,733 DD21 47.91 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325033 GCA_001579015.1 SEQF6443.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 30 Clemson University 1,947,561 BCC26 41.06 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631695 GCA_003943385.1 SEQF6444.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 480 Los Alamos National Laboratory 2,099,008 GMD1S 40.63 PRJNA157411 SAMN02470271 GCA_000296875.1 SEQF6445.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 47 Slagelse Hospital 2,013,163 RH_5486_10 41.07 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705614 GCA_002096205.1 SEQF6446.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 139 University of Kaiserslautern 2,052,376 DD16 44.8 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325028 GCA_001578945.1 SEQF6447.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 21 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,048,158 O4-3 41.11 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876539 GCA_023110325.1 SEQF6448.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 10 University at Buffalo 1,835,325 UC5873 41.19 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334904 GCA_000960105.1 SEQF6449.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 59 University of Chicago 2,016,828 DFI.4.21 41.07 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167611 GCA_020554745.1 SEQF6450.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 111 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,039,974 E628 41.04 PRJNA729452 SAMN19116393 GCA_018448725.1 SEQF6451.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 6 CSISP 1,884,389 7747 41.66 PRJEB1510 SAMEA2272194 GCA_000382825.1 SEQF6452.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 18 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,902,441 O1-3 41.15 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876530 GCA_023110555.1 SEQF6453.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 9 Slagelse Hospital 1,946,464 OD_332610_07 41.27 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705619 GCA_002096515.1 SEQF6454.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 10 Slagelse Hospital 1,951,174 OD_311844-09 41.13 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705617 GCA_002096595.1 SEQF6455.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 21 The University of Queensland 1,928,943 89a 41.27 PRJNA297767 SAMN04123206 GCA_001411485.1 SEQF6456.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 10 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 2,054,678 A72_64_SM_DSS 41.03 PRJEB45232 SAMEA8801406 GCA_910575295.1 SEQF6457.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 25 Slagelse Hospital 1,999,772 Y_11577_11 41.15 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705626 GCA_002096435.1 SEQF6458.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 23 Newcastle University 1,911,766 34 41.3 PRJNA734901 SAMN19548337 GCA_018791825.1 SEQF6459.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 63 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,038,810 E619 41.09 PRJNA723877 SAMN18836304 GCA_018195655.1 SEQF6460.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 26 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,015,254 S57 41.14 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876600 GCA_023109155.1 SEQF6461.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 20 Slagelse Hospital 1,834,212 RH_55407_11 41.42 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705609 GCA_002096675.1 SEQF6462.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 12 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,912,810 CCUG 71758 41.21 PRJNA302716 SAMN10587707 GCA_011714815.1 SEQF6463.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 44 University of Malaya 1,885,767 DGIIBVI 41.06 PRJNA280661 SAMN03480631 GCA_001588825.1 SEQF6464.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 59 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,958,325 HMSC066F01 41.31 PRJNA296262 SAMN04498629 GCA_001837335.1 SEQF6465.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 15 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,944,845 J22 41.08 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399939 GCA_019929325.1 SEQF6466.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 129 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,989,576 CCUG 35754 41.39 PRJNA302716 SAMN04623586 GCA_001639355.1 SEQF6467.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 11 Aarhus University 1,873,971 SK141 41.15 PRJNA242575 SAMN02836942 GCA_000722675.1 SEQF6468.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 37 University of Malaya 1,792,852 JPIBVI 41.25 PRJNA280674 SAMN03480682 GCA_001588695.1 SEQF6469.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 18 Slagelse Hospital 1,990,764 RH_8610_08 41.11 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705625 GCA_002096375.1 SEQF6470.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 88 University of Mississippi Medical Center 1,904,690 E728 41.05 PRJNA729432 SAMN19116191 GCA_018448765.1 SEQF6471.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 25 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,929,692 S10 40.82 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876555 GCA_023110065.1 SEQF6472.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 11 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,910,194 CCUG 13229 41.44 PRJNA302716 SAMN06299363 GCA_002014885.1 SEQF6473.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 59 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,130,639 HMSC072D07 41.03 PRJNA300145 SAMN04480412 GCA_001814835.1 SEQF6474.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 29 Genomic Research Laboratory (GRL) 1,964,273 AZ_14 40.86 PRJNA302886 SAMN04283922 GCA_002093515.1 SEQF6475.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 8 CSISP 1,981,087 CECT 7746 41.13 PRJEB1503 SAMEA2272693 GCA_000382805.1 SEQF6476.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 22 Slagelse Hospital 1,929,173 Y_052157_08 41.14 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705607 GCA_002096695.1 SEQF6477.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 17 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,951,473 O5 41.27 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876541 GCA_023110385.1 SEQF6478.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 48 Clemson University 1,957,686 KLC05 41.41 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631742 GCA_003942785.1 SEQF6479.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 25 Geneva University Hospitals, Genomic Research Laboratory 1,882,877 2426 40.89 PRJNA202968 SAMN02469815 GCA_000442175.1 SEQF6480.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 53 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,013,862 E697 40.93 PRJNA726981 SAMN18987061 GCA_018310275.1 SEQF6481.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 30 University of Washington 1,962,640 201_SPSE 41.23 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197394 GCA_001071715.1 SEQF6482.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 76 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,167,014 E707 40.84 PRJNA735246 SAMN19573263 GCA_018985485.1 SEQF6483.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 20 Abigail Wexner Research Institute at NCH 2,039,911 SN63707 41.0 PRJNA635656 SAMN18027873 GCA_017154185.1 SEQF6484.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 41 Clemson University 1,928,411 BCC12 41.08 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631694 GCA_003943395.1 SEQF6485.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 12 Slagelse Hospital 1,967,066 OD_336064_07 41.27 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705620 GCA_002096495.1 SEQF6486.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 79 University of Washington 2,034,339 1212_SMIT 41.14 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197175 GCA_001070335.1 SEQF6487.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 31 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,014,183 CR135 40.61 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399937 GCA_019929385.1 SEQF6488.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 10 Slagelse Hospital 1,847,293 OD_326128_08 41.27 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705629 GCA_002096355.1 SEQF6489.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 7 Slagelse Hospital 1,936,849 RH_34706_11 41.4 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705622 GCA_002096525.1 SEQF6490.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 20 Clemson University 2,011,128 BCA17 41.08 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631785 GCA_003944395.1 SEQF6491.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 3 BIOFABRICATION for NIFE 1,881,450 ATCC 9811 41.38 PRJNA532510 SAMN11401878 GCA_006175905.1 SEQF6492.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 706 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,101,270 E665 41.11 PRJNA726988 SAMN18987037 GCA_019458035.1 SEQF6493.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 52 Clemson University 1,991,903 BCA2 40.92 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631697 GCA_003944205.1 SEQF6494.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 123 Clemson University 1,988,226 BCC38 41.27 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631751 GCA_003942675.1 SEQF6495.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 28 Clemson University 1,961,225 BCC35 41.41 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631760 GCA_003943805.1 SEQF6496.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 8 Slagelse Hospital 1,921,370 RH_50443_09 41.5 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705623 GCA_002096455.1 SEQF6497.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 55 University of Kaiserslautern 2,031,029 DD14 42.91 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325021 GCA_001578855.1 SEQF6498.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 19 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,923,156 S02 41.18 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876546 GCA_023110265.1 SEQF6499.2 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 77 Los Alamos National Laboratory 2,027,048 GMD5S 41.12 PRJNA157419 SAMN02470267 GCA_000298715.2 SEQF6500.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 25 University of Kaiserslautern 1,965,030 DD05 41.59 PRJNA304333 SAMN04324324 GCA_001578705.1 SEQF6501.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 32 Slagelse Hospital 1,955,353 RH_70047_11 41.1 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705610 GCA_002096655.1 SEQF6502.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 601 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,239,686 E734 40.8 PRJNA735250 SAMN19573350 GCA_018985495.1 SEQF6503.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 74 University of Malaya 1,989,687 JPIIBV3 41.0 PRJNA280673 SAMN03480681 GCA_001588645.1 SEQF6504.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 13 National Medicines Institute 1,822,865 5905 41.36 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665912 GCA_013276505.1 SEQF6505.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 7 Aarhus University 2,043,121 SK143 41.25 PRJNA242576 SAMN02836943 GCA_000722845.1 SEQF6506.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 49 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,023,377 CR140 40.6 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399938 GCA_019929345.1 SEQF6507.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 34 Clemson University 1,834,575 BCC02 41.3 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631727 GCA_003942985.1 SEQF6508.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 20 Broad Institute 2,024,600 C300 41.56 PRJNA38753 SAMN02463754 GCA_000187645.1 SEQF6509.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 25 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,897,448 KK26 41.25 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399940 GCA_019929365.1 SEQF6510.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 14 Slagelse Hospital 1,852,323 OD_348934_12 41.36 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705632 GCA_002096215.1 SEQF6511.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 47 Clemson University 1,941,958 BCA1 41.12 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631696 GCA_003944215.1 SEQF6512.2 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 2 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 1,995,178 FDAARGOS_256 41.48 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875582 GCA_002289235.2 SEQF6513.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 230 University of Kaiserslautern 2,148,846 DD17 45.38 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325029 GCA_001579625.1 SEQF6514.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 24 Slagelse Hospital 2,032,500 OD_338919_11 41.1 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705613 GCA_002096175.1 SEQF6515.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 74 University of Chicago 1,924,921 MSK.15.92 41.13 PRJNA737800 SAMN22165199 GCA_020733065.1 SEQF6516.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 28 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,973,370 O8-3 41.24 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876544 GCA_023110235.1 SEQF6517.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 40 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,913,574 CCUG 24891 41.43 PRJNA302716 SAMN04625306 GCA_001639375.1 SEQF6518.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 46 Clemson University 1,934,756 BCC10 41.14 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631693 GCA_003943415.1 SEQF6519.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 60 University of Washington 1,884,524 918_SORA 41.22 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198130 GCA_001075675.1 SEQF6520.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 36 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,948,865 CCUG 62648 41.17 PRJNA302716 SAMN04625404 GCA_001639395.1 SEQF6521.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 53 Clemson University 2,021,798 BCC19 41.08 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631750 GCA_003943835.1 SEQF6522.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 11 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,964,791 J1101437_171009_E6 40.94 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533002 GCA_015553015.1 SEQF6523.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 33 Slagelse Hospital 1,941,235 RH_9883_08 41.18 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705611 GCA_002096615.1 SEQF6524.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 30 Slagelse Hospital 1,987,577 B_007274_11 41.17 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705615 GCA_002096195.1 SEQF6525.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 66 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,926,674 HMSC077F03 41.24 PRJNA300007 SAMN04477662 GCA_001812375.1 SEQF6526.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 13 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,868,427 S33 41.25 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876577 GCA_023109655.1 SEQF6527.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 99 University of Washington 1,982,721 1314_SORA 41.12 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197291 GCA_001069675.1 SEQF6528.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 26 University of Kaiserslautern 1,956,555 DD27 42.09 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325058 GCA_001579025.1 SEQF6529.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 19 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,854,420 O3-1 41.18 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876535 GCA_023110435.1 SEQF6530.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 18 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,005,270 S50 40.96 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876593 GCA_023109315.1 SEQF6531.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 15 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,026,813 S56 41.07 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876599 GCA_023109195.1 SEQF6532.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 22 Geneva University Hospitals 2,184,662 AZ_3a 40.34 PRJNA188401 SAMN02469808 GCA_000344275.1 SEQF6533.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 12 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,961,621 KK42 41.05 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399942 GCA_019929305.1 SEQF6534.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 7 Slagelse Hospital 1,913,032 RH_49702_11 41.23 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705634 GCA_002096255.1 SEQF6535.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 13 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,903,378 102 41.24 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399934 GCA_019929425.1 SEQF6536.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 68 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,984,663 HMSC072D05 41.49 PRJNA300200 SAMN04480466 GCA_001815805.1 SEQF6537.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 39 University of Mississippi Medical Center 1,971,377 E684 41.16 PRJNA735205 SAMN19572113 GCA_018985475.1 SEQF6538.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 41 Slagelse Hospital 1,887,959 RH_13585_10 41.3 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705608 GCA_002096685.1 SEQF6539.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 30 Slagelse Hospital 1,977,550 Y_5914_11 40.77 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705612 GCA_002096335.1 SEQF6540.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 32 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,994,072 S09 41.1 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876554 GCA_023110095.1 SEQF6541.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 18 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,901,479 O1-4 41.15 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876531 GCA_023110535.1 SEQF6542.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 2 SC 1,949,061 NCTC10232 41.29 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3662923 GCA_901543815.1 SEQF6543.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 2 Abigail Wexner Research Institute at NCH 2,107,069 SN64428 40.95 PRJNA635656 SAMN15048629 GCA_013592015.1 SEQF6544.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 41 Clemson University 1,836,062 BCC59 41.17 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631754 GCA_003942585.1 SEQF6545.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 14 Loyola University Chicago 1,999,792 UMB0008 41.08 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193727 GCA_002860885.1 SEQF6546.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 28 University of Washington 2,043,091 206_SPSE 41.05 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197399 GCA_001071755.1 SEQF6547.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 9 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,909,643 1001095IJ_161003_A5 41.07 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532657 GCA_015561235.1 SEQF6548.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 18 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,961,798 10557 41.35 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399935 GCA_019929465.1 SEQF6549.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 14 Geneva University Hospitals 1,871,850 1366 40.95 PRJNA188400 SAMN02469809 GCA_000344255.1 SEQF6550.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 139 Clemson University 2,117,662 BCC63 41.03 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631755 GCA_003943825.1 SEQF6551.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 13 Public Health Agency of Canada 1,934,082 SC15-3744 41.06 PRJNA328451 SAMN05371533 GCA_001885595.1 SEQF6552.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 47 Slagelse Hospital 2,092,376 OD_339823_10 40.89 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705631 GCA_002096285.1 SEQF6553.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 9 Slagelse Hospital 1,934,840 RH_48720_11 41.11 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705633 GCA_002096295.1 SEQF6554.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 399 Arctic University of Norway 2,005,747 SO62 41.1 PRJNA559655 SAMN12548844 GCA_016617455.1 SEQF6555.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 38 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,998,154 HMSC076C08 41.3 PRJNA299920 SAMN04477605 GCA_001810825.1 SEQF6556.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 12 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,001,251 S51 41.22 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876594 GCA_023109275.1 SEQF6557.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 14 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,958,801 KK38 41.05 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399941 GCA_019929285.1 SEQF6558.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 20 Clemson University 1,951,779 BCA21 41.25 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631756 GCA_003942565.1 SEQF6559.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 34 Clemson University 2,056,467 BCC11 41.15 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631749 GCA_003943875.1 SEQF6560.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 13 Broad Institute 1,880,978 M143 41.48 PRJNA38755 SAMN02463755 GCA_000162495.1 SEQF6561.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 21 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,947,688 S66 40.88 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876607 GCA_023109005.1 SEQF6562.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 18 Slagelse Hospital 1,951,470 OD_314165_09 40.91 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705628 GCA_002096275.1 SEQF6563.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 8 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,990,034 S14 41.25 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876558 GCA_023110055.1 SEQF6564.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 22 Clemson University 2,089,314 BCC52 40.93 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631736 GCA_003942875.1 SEQF6565.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 17 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,858,462 BS35b 41.23 PRJNA78577 SAMN00828789 GCA_000286475.1 SEQF6566.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 29 University of Kaiserslautern 2,001,295 DD15 42.32 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325027 GCA_001578935.1 SEQF6567.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 5 University at Buffalo 1,859,497 SK141 41.07 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334901 GCA_000960035.1 SEQF6568.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 65 Clemson University 2,059,939 BCC50 41.03 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631752 GCA_003942635.1 SEQF6569.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 11 Slagelse Hospital 1,905,664 OD_311286_11 41.16 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705627 GCA_002096415.1 SEQF6570.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 23 Abigail Wexner Research Institute at NCH 1,996,786 SN31376 40.91 PRJNA635656 SAMN18027872 GCA_017154175.1 SEQF6571.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 10 Slagelse Hospital 2,016,848 OD_321121_09 41.28 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705618 GCA_002096575.1 SEQF6572.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 13 Slagelse Hospital 1,988,397 RH_57980_07 41.0 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705624 GCA_002096445.1 SEQF6573.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 10 University at Buffalo 1,844,175 OP51 41.43 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334898 GCA_000959975.1 SEQF6574.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 51 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2,019,356 MER TA 112 41.35 PRJNA832800 SAMN27922023 GCA_023713415.1 SEQF6575.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 9 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,974,383 D6t1_180914_D8 41.01 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533234 GCA_015548965.1 SEQF6576.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 27 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,041,030 S12 40.99 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876556 GCA_023110025.1 SEQF6577.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 40 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,911,372 S40 41.05 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876584 GCA_023109465.1 SEQF6578.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 11 Slagelse Hospital 2,004,683 RH_1735_08 41.03 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705621 GCA_002096535.1 SEQF6579.1 398 Streptococcus oralis latest 41 Clemson University 1,989,062 BCA18 41.16 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631786 GCA_003942285.1 SEQF1702.1 411 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 16 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,050,302 F0405 41.98 PRJNA53565 SAMN00115113 GCA_000180035.1 SEQF1909.1 412 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_412 latest 62 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,590,781 F0487 39.45 PRJNA78903 SAMN00792225 GCA_000271925.1 SEQF2745.1 414 Actinomyces sp._HMT_414 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,836,419 F0588 71.94 PRJNA282954 SAMN04009745 GCA_001278845.1 SEQF3706.1 416 Fannyhessea sp._HMT_416 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,004,013 W9116 55.74 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352207 GCA_018128285.1 SEQF3178.1 417 Leptotrichia sp._HMT_417 latest 5 The Forsyth Institute 2,528,148 F0703 29.94 PRJNA282954 SAMN15358621 GCA_013394865.1 SEQF10105.1 418 Lentilactobacillus parafarraginis latest 89 Agroscope 2,963,205 FAM 1079 45.58 PRJNA543085 SAMN11653943 GCA_005864225.1 SEQF10106.1 418 Lentilactobacillus parafarraginis latest 212 EMG 2,852,137 MGYG-HGUT-02542 45.6 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5852047 GCA_902388245.1 SEQF1862.1 418 Lentilactobacillus parafarraginis latest 165 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 2,854,910 F0439 45.65 PRJNA49691 SAMN02299435 GCA_000238835.1 SEQF2481.1 419 Stomatobaculum longum latest 5 Broad Institute 2,313,632 ACC2 55.15 PRJNA49875 SAMN02463871 GCA_000242235.1 SEQF1883.1 420 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 4 Broad Institute 2,424,697 OT 420 27.32 PRJNA64879 SAMN02463936 GCA_000242975.1 SEQF2065.1 420 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 465 Baylor College of Medicine 2,476,543 ATCC 51191 33.59 PRJNA64727 SAMN02299446 GCA_000220825.1 SEQF2530.2 420 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 1 Broad Institute 2,154,007 21_1A 27.03 PRJNA32475 SAMN02463708 GCA_000218645.2 SEQF2531.1 420 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 37 Broad Institute 2,721,023 11_3_2 27.45 PRJNA39559 SAMN02595348 GCA_000218655.1 SEQF2539.1 420 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 2 Broad Institute 2,275,461 4_8 27.09 PRJNA32481 SAMN02603674 GCA_000400875.1 SEQF2815.1 420 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 1 Chosun University 2,310,804 KCOM 1325 27.05 PRJNA270152 SAMN03263585 GCA_001296145.1 SEQF2816.1 420 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 1 Chosun University 2,549,353 KCOM 1279 26.94 PRJNA270143 SAMN03263149 GCA_001296085.1 SEQF2817.2 420 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 2 Broad Institute 2,514,029 7_1 26.96 PRJNA32483 SAMN02463711 GCA_000158275.2 SEQF2959.1 420 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 56 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,127,181 HMSC065F01 27.06 PRJNA300085 SAMN04480360 GCA_001813745.1 SEQF2973.1 420 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 155 JCVI 2,442,599 CM1 26.72 PRJNA165905 SAMN02641565 GCA_000524215.1 SEQF5323.1 422 Cloacibacterium normanense latest 1 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,759,562 NRS-1 33.06 PRJNA498697 SAMN05731713 GCA_003860565.1 SEQF5324.1 422 Cloacibacterium normanense latest 82 The Jackson Laboratory 2,727,353 NRS-1 33.04 PRJNA342010 SAMN05731713 GCA_001747495.1 SEQF5325.1 422 Cloacibacterium normanense latest 19 INSTITUTE OF MARINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY 2,841,428 IMET F 33.03 PRJNA432718 SAMN08457632 GCA_002943105.1 SEQF5326.1 422 Cloacibacterium normanense latest 43 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,736,266 DSM 15886 33.06 PRJEB16271 SAMN04489756 GCA_900104195.1 SEQF1861.1 424 Lentilactobacillus kisonensis latest 86 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 2,987,059 F0435 41.99 PRJNA49693 SAMN02299436 GCA_000242275.1 SEQF2786.1 431 Streptococcus infantis latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,177,905 F0610 (5-114) 39.65 PRJNA282954 SAMN04435859 GCA_001553685.1 SEQF2641.1 439 Anaerolineae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_439 latest 113 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1,160,015 Chl2 53.86 PRJNA194442 SAMN02470748 GCA_000406805.1 SEQF2921.1 439 Anaerolineae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_439 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,945,494 W11661 54.86 PRJNA282954 SAMN05505093 GCA_001717545.1 SEQF1701.1 448 Actinomyces sp._HMT_448 latest 12 Baylor College of Medicine 2,828,172 F0400 69.97 PRJNA53017 SAMN02299443 GCA_000220835.1 SEQF1607.1 457 Oribacterium sinus latest 43 Baylor College of Medicine 2,706,954 F0268 44.68 PRJNA34635 SAMN00002241 GCA_000160635.1 SEQF7736.1 457 Oribacterium sinus latest 25 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,727,810 DSM 17245 42.66 PRJNA632210 SAMN14908368 GCA_014202695.1 SEQF2445.1 458 Aggregatibacter sp._HMT_458 latest 45 Washington University 2,016,624 W10330 43.17 PRJNA198875 SAMN02436891 GCA_000466335.1 SEQF2852.1 461 Lactobacillus ultunensis latest 48 BCM 2,248,406 DSM 16047 38.27 PRJNA31505 SAMN00001484 GCA_000159415.1 SEQF7327.1 461 Lactobacillus ultunensis latest 2 North Carolina State University 2,246,389 Kx293C1 36.05 PRJNA649755 SAMN15678306 GCA_016647595.1 SEQF7328.1 461 Lactobacillus ultunensis latest 105 Shanghai Majorbio 2,161,766 DSM 16047 35.95 PRJNA222257 SAMN02369416 GCA_001436305.1 SEQF7329.1 461 Lactobacillus ultunensis latest 48 EMG 2,248,406 MGYG-HGUT-01335 38.27 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850838 GCA_902374155.1 SEQF3051.1 465 Bacteroides zoogleoformans latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,361,794 ATCC 33285 47.46 PRJNA282954 SAMN08472433 GCA_002998435.1 SEQF3717.1 465 Bacteroides zoogleoformans latest 65 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,258,213 ATCC 33285 47.44 PRJNA257869 SAMN02983002 GCA_007830715.1 SEQF1597.1 466 Alloprevotella tannerae latest 6 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,585,719 ATCC 51259 46.62 PRJNA33153 SAMN00008849 GCA_000159995.1 SEQF7700.1 466 Alloprevotella tannerae latest 85 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,593,442 66-3 46.41 PRJNA689928 SAMN17221977 GCA_022014035.1 SEQF7701.1 466 Alloprevotella tannerae latest 78 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,497,228 45-2 46.65 PRJNA689928 SAMN17221974 GCA_022014115.1 SEQF7702.1 466 Alloprevotella tannerae latest 61 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,529,871 49-1 46.53 PRJNA689928 SAMN17221975 GCA_022014095.1 SEQF7703.1 466 Alloprevotella tannerae latest 120 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,684,346 51-1 46.4 PRJNA689928 SAMN17221976 GCA_022014045.1 SEQF2744.1 467 Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-1] [Eubacterium]_sulci latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 1,739,380 ATCC 35585 39.92 PRJNA282954 SAMN03704030 GCA_001189495.1 SEQF1173.1 468 Bacillus subtilis 1 State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Huazhong Agricultural University 4,093,599 strain=BSn5 43.85 PRJNA61191 SAMN02603875 GCA_000186745.1 SEQF2039.2 468 Bacillus subtilis 2 Keio University 4,111,218 BEST195 43.5 PRJDA38027 SAMD00016353 GCA_000209795.2 SEQF2289.1 468 Bacillus subtilis 1 Bacillus Genetic Stock Center 4,027,676 str. W23 43.89 PRJNA38713 SAMN02602993 GCA_000146565.1 SEQF2290.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences 4,207,222 TU-B-10 43.82 PRJNA68561 SAMN02603352 GCA_000227465.1 SEQF2291.1 468 Bacillus subtilis 1 Institute for Genome Sciences 4,011,949 str. RO-NN-1 43.87 PRJNA68559 SAMN02603351 GCA_000227485.1 SEQF2293.1 468 Bacillus subtilis 37 Department of Microbiology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 3,978,576 ATCC 6633 = JCM 2499 43.82 PRJNA43011 SAMN02471820 GCA_000177595.1 SEQF2324.2 468 Bacillus subtilis 17 Chung-Ang University 4,138,818 strain=SC-8 43.46 PRJNA73499 SAMN02469591 GCA_000230755.2 SEQF5036.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 BSNR 4,215,606 168 43.51 PRJNA76 SAMEA3138188 GCA_000009045.1 SEQF5037.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 4,045,538 ATCC 6633 43.94 PRJNA513392 SAMN10712292 GCA_006094475.1 SEQF5038.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 2 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 4,295,477 NCIB 3610 43.34 PRJNA509107 SAMN10537431 GCA_006088795.1 SEQF5039.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 2 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 4,299,822 NCIB 3610 43.35 PRJNA377766 SAMN06472805 GCA_002055965.1 SEQF5040.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 2 Biological Resource Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NBRC) 4,295,305 NBRC 13719 43.34 PRJDB8042 SAMD00169822 GCA_006741845.1 SEQF5041.2 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Dansk: Universitet 4,227,167 168 43.49 PRJNA626600 SAMN14645746 GCA_012931705.2 SEQF5042.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Dansk: Universitet 4,316,079 168 43.25 PRJNA626600 SAMN14645747 GCA_013009385.1 SEQF5043.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Georg-August-University Goettingen, Genomic and Applied Microbiology, Goettingen Genomics Laboratory 4,215,610 6051-HGW 43.51 PRJNA82795 SAMN02603273 GCA_000344745.1 SEQF5044.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Medical University of Gdansk 4,215,619 168 43.51 PRJNA268543 SAMN03222589 GCA_000789275.1 SEQF5045.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 NODAI Genome Research Center, Tokyo University of Agriculture 4,217,110 BEST3145 43.52 PRJDB8028 SAMD00163116 GCA_019704475.1 SEQF5046.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Shiraz University 4,108,293 MJ01 43.93 PRJNA326460 SAMN05231882 GCA_001889625.1 SEQF5047.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 2 National Institute of Agricultural Sciences 4,223,820 CMIN-4 43.35 PRJNA668852 SAMN16424893 GCA_014961985.1 SEQF5048.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Institute of Microbial Technology 4,090,708 TO-A JPC 43.8 PRJNA285352 SAMN03744308 GCA_001037985.1 SEQF5049.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 University of Pretoria 4,059,834 UCMB5121 43.85 PRJNA616328 SAMN14479758 GCA_012648205.1 SEQF5050.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) 4,214,174 WB800N 43.5 PRJNA490410 SAMN10036094 GCA_003610955.1 SEQF5051.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 ProxEnRem Inc. 4,288,724 pb2441 43.46 PRJNA694795 SAMN17574687 GCA_023612315.1 SEQF5052.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Kyungpook National University 4,110,138 ATCC 11774 43.51 PRJNA397501 SAMN07460133 GCA_004101945.1 SEQF5053.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 MIT 4,193,640 AG1839 43.48 PRJNA172448 SAMN02841094 GCA_000699525.1 SEQF5054.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 2 National Institute of Agricultural Sciences 4,172,713 N1-1 43.41 PRJNA495425 SAMN10225190 GCA_003665335.1 SEQF5055.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 2 Technical University of Denmark 4,275,601 MB8_B7 43.38 PRJNA587401 SAMN13190552 GCA_009662215.1 SEQF5056.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 National Institute of Agricultural Sciences 4,199,434 SSJ-1 43.6 PRJNA495416 SAMN10225188 GCA_003665255.1 SEQF5057.2 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Lanzhou University 4,015,360 ZD01 43.84 PRJNA580327 SAMN13155133 GCA_009665145.2 SEQF5058.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 4,215,563 N1282-4at 43.51 PRJNA673045 SAMN16585299 GCA_022700975.1 SEQF5059.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 NODAI Genome Research Center, Tokyo University of Agriculture 4,190,030 BEST3125 43.55 PRJDB8028 SAMD00163114 GCA_019704435.1 SEQF5060.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 3 National Institute of Agricultural Sciences 4,345,446 2RL2-3 43.07 PRJNA495414 SAMN10225147 GCA_003665275.1 SEQF5061.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Technical University of Denmark 4,105,407 MB9_B4 43.79 PRJNA587401 SAMN13190554 GCA_009662155.1 SEQF5062.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Assam University 3,593,163 SR-7 44.14 PRJNA787727 SAMN23839730 GCA_021233235.1 SEQF5063.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 4,129,860 SRCM103629 43.8 PRJNA516729 SAMN10797245 GCA_004119815.1 SEQF5064.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Technical University of Denmark 4,166,516 73 43.66 PRJNA587401 SAMN13190548 GCA_009662275.1 SEQF5065.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Hebei Agricultural University 4,036,899 N2-10 43.88 PRJNA844542 SAMN28827339 GCA_023702085.1 SEQF5066.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Odessa National after I.I. Mechnikov 4,004,302 ONU 559 43.9 PRJNA658161 SAMN15860571 GCA_014298115.1 SEQF5067.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Plant Protection Institute, Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences 4,021,944 BAB-1 43.89 PRJNA192249 SAMN02603719 GCA_000349795.1 SEQF5068.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 2 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 4,302,773 SRCM102754 43.39 PRJNA438180 SAMN08707582 GCA_009913275.1 SEQF5069.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 2 National Institute of Agricultural Sciences 4,186,799 N3-1 43.38 PRJNA495427 SAMN10225269 GCA_003665355.1 SEQF5070.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Ocean University of China 4,242,126 BL-01 44.03 PRJNA448044 SAMN08819054 GCA_013393725.1 SEQF5071.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 NODAI Genome Research Center, Tokyo University of Agriculture 4,192,623 BEST3106 43.55 PRJDB8028 SAMD00163112 GCA_019704395.1 SEQF5072.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 National research centre 4,083,694 MENO2 43.83 PRJNA487139 SAMN09874175 GCA_009497795.1 SEQF5073.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 4 Chunlab 4,343,160 SRCM103612 43.26 PRJNA516720 SAMN10796306 GCA_004119775.1 SEQF5074.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 3 Shaanxi Normal University 4,193,748 CGMCC 2108 43.37 PRJNA309599 SAMN04437026 GCA_001565875.1 SEQF5075.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Institute of Microbiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 4,080,024 BIM B-569G 43.89 PRJNA700497 SAMN17832981 GCA_016894165.1 SEQF5076.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 4,012,178 SRCM103576 43.5 PRJNA516537 SAMN10790877 GCA_004119615.1 SEQF5077.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 2 Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research 4,111,102 Miz-8 43.5 PRJNA736843 SAMN19667020 GCA_018986855.1 SEQF5078.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 3 National Institute of Agricultural Sciences 4,350,274 2KL1 43.07 PRJNA495409 SAMN10225133 GCA_003665395.1 SEQF5079.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 4,218,183 N4 43.5 PRJNA826691 SAMN27578149 GCA_023078435.1 SEQF5080.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 2 Kyungpook National University 4,226,648 ATCC 21228 43.34 PRJNA378318 SAMN06544785 GCA_002982175.1 SEQF5081.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources 4,126,713 ms-2 43.79 PRJNA563138 SAMN12669139 GCA_008831405.1 SEQF5082.1 468 Bacillus subtilis latest 1 Chonbuk National University 4,010,416 BS38 43.59 PRJNA341310 SAMN05717668 GCA_001746575.1 SEQF1142.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 2 J. Craig Venter Institute 3,168,282 ATCC 25845 40.98 PRJNA31383 SAMN00001916 sputum, South Carolina Dept. of Health and Environmental Control GCA_000144405.1 SEQF1800.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 46 Broad Institute 3,292,341 D18 42.28 PRJNA40045 SAMN02463806 GCA_000163035.1 SEQF2734.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 553 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,976,254 DNF00666 41.36 PRJNA219671 SAMN02850972 GCA_000759305.1 SEQF3687.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,168,321 F0695 40.92 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352194 GCA_018127885.1 SEQF3688.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,169,665 F0692 40.92 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352193 GCA_018127905.1 SEQF3689.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,360,806 F0516 41.17 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352191 GCA_018127925.1 SEQF3690.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 3,334,355 F0300 40.84 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352187 GCA_018127945.1 SEQF3691.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,218,481 F0301 40.86 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352188 GCA_018127965.1 SEQF3693.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 3,619,436 F0299 41.04 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352186 GCA_018128005.1 SEQF3694.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,358,299 F0054 41.1 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352174 GCA_018128045.1 SEQF3695.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,342,898 F0091 41.31 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352176 GCA_018128065.1 SEQF8909.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 3,168,227 FDAARGOS_1566 40.98 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091663 GCA_020735785.1 SEQF8910.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 3,306,754 FDAARGOS_1567 40.71 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091664 GCA_020735905.1 SEQF8911.2 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 2 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 3,168,230 FDAARGOS_306 40.98 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173319 GCA_002208725.2 SEQF8912.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 3,352,987 FDAARGOS_760 40.87 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056475 GCA_013267595.1 SEQF8913.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 3 Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 3,090,326 GAI 07411 40.77 PRJDB5703 SAMD00078755 GCA_003609775.1 SEQF8914.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 63 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,422,092 SCHI0027.S.6 40.78 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926175 GCA_019375815.1 SEQF8915.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 242 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,256,297 SCHI0034.S.7 41.02 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926187 GCA_019391945.1 SEQF8916.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 44 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,265,850 SCHI0043.S.2 40.82 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926195 GCA_019375605.1 SEQF8917.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 74 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,307,101 SCHI0027.S.11 40.85 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926178 GCA_019375745.1 SEQF8918.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 36 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,309,181 SCHI0044.S.1 40.75 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926197 GCA_019391775.1 SEQF8919.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 42 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,112,350 SCHI0047.S.2 40.98 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926189 GCA_019375575.1 SEQF8920.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 40 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,280,014 SCHI0043.S.1 40.82 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926194 GCA_019391815.1 SEQF8921.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 69 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,349,000 SCHI0009.S.5 40.65 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926168 GCA_019375935.1 SEQF8922.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 57 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 3,192,247 Prevotella_melaninogenica_BgEED24 40.52 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664368 GCA_901875335.1 SEQF8923.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 52 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,473,651 SCHI0034.S.9 40.78 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926198 GCA_019375485.1 SEQF8924.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 62 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,285,599 SCHI0049.S.1 40.65 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926201 GCA_019391735.1 SEQF8925.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 86 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,421,699 SCHI0027.S.13 40.8 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926180 GCA_019375715.1 SEQF8926.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 43 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,293,085 SCHI0043.S.3 40.79 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926196 GCA_019375525.1 SEQF8927.1 469 Prevotella melaninogenica latest 97 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,348,634 SCHI0027.S.9 40.83 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926177 GCA_019375775.1 SEQF1617.1 472 Prevotella sp._HMT_472 latest 39 Baylor College of Medicine 3,635,499 F0295 47.69 PRJNA38731 SAMN00216890 GCA_000163495.1 SEQF1899.2 473 Alloprevotella sp._HMT_473 latest 24 Washington University Genome Center 2,553,017 F0040 46.16 PRJNA67205 SAMN02436797 GCA_000318095.2 SEQF3683.1 475 Prevotella sp._HMT_475 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,560,308 F0059 50.02 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352175 GCA_018127805.1 SEQF1165.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 63 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,292,986 NJ9703 49.01 PRJNA30483 SAMN00008843 GCA_000173955.1 SEQF5131.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 1 Kings College London 2,195,659 ATCC 49275 49.48 PRJNA533546 SAMN11461056 GCA_005221305.1 SEQF5132.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,321,871 M18660 48.98 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704641 GCA_003351665.1 SEQF5133.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 46 Jeju National University 2,361,490 MA3-1 49.28 PRJNA756409 SAMN20865412 GCA_019815145.1 SEQF5134.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 28 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,422,689 C2011020198 48.92 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299217 GCA_003044925.1 SEQF5135.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 9 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,159,006 C2012011976 49.2 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299220 GCA_003044935.1 SEQF5136.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 4 Nanyang Technological University 2,457,335 HP0001 49.51 PRJNA714914 SAMN18320763 GCA_023635105.1 SEQF5137.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 32 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,170,564 C2008002238 49.18 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299207 GCA_003044845.1 SEQF5138.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 23 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,231,960 C2014021188 49.02 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299232 GCA_003045025.1 SEQF5139.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 21 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,176,785 C2009010520 49.14 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299208 GCA_003044525.1 SEQF5140.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 2 Nanyang Technological University 2,277,765 TT0074 49.33 PRJNA714914 SAMN18320764 GCA_023635065.1 SEQF5141.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 23 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,313,531 C2011009653 48.99 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299216 GCA_003044645.1 SEQF5142.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 20 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,226,776 C2011004960 49.1 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299215 GCA_003044585.1 SEQF5143.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 51 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 2,274,583 Neisseria_subflava_BgEED23 49.33 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664367 GCA_901875325.1 SEQF5144.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 5 Nanyang Technological University 2,420,185 SG0010 48.74 PRJNA714914 SAMN18320762 GCA_023635085.1 SEQF5145.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 36 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,156,548 C2011033015 49.17 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299219 GCA_003044665.1 SEQF5146.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 34 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,262,420 C2008001664 49.48 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299206 GCA_003044505.1 SEQF5147.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 38 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,286,423 C2007002879 49.05 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299200 GCA_003044385.1 SEQF5148.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 3 Nanyang Technological University 2,250,070 HP0076 49.47 PRJNA714914 SAMN18320770 GCA_023635035.1 SEQF5149.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 42 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,355,736 C2005001510 49.12 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299198 GCA_003044355.1 SEQF5150.1 476 Neisseria subflava latest 31 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,291,329 C2011020199 49.21 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299218 GCA_003044965.1 SEQF1303.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 The Biotechnology Research Institute,The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 4,567,418 A1501 63.88 PRJNA16817 SAMN02603910 GCA_000013785.1 SEQF2170.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 4,547,930 CGMCC 1.1803 63.93 PRJNA68131 SAMN02603041 GCA_000219605.1 SEQF2171.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Key Laboratory of Crop Biotechnology. 4,689,946 DSM 4166 64.03 PRJNA63543 SAMN02603042 GCA_000195105.1 SEQF2333.2 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 130 University of Balearic Islands 4,525,589 CCUG 16156 61.38 PRJNA74687 SAMN02471579 GCA_000237885.2 SEQF2382.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 MICROGEN: Microbial Comparative Genomics 4,709,064 CCUG 29243 62.67 PRJNA167996 SAMN02603608 GCA_000267545.1 SEQF2513.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 78 Huazhong Agricultural University 4,278,818 TS44 64.35 PRJNA162447 SAMN02469903 GCA_000263395.1 SEQF2521.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Universitat de les Illes Balears 4,174,118 DSM 10701 63.21 PRJNA78211 SAMN02604107 GCA_000279165.1 SEQF8249.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Laboratory of Applied Molecular Microbiology, Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University 4,545,686 F2a 64.3 PRJDB11796 SAMD00327673 GCA_019704535.1 SEQF8250.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 4,535,380 FDAARGOS_875 63.93 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450405 GCA_016028655.1 SEQF8251.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 University of Arizona 4,731,359 28a24 60.58 PRJNA240232 SAMN02673421 GCA_000590475.1 SEQF8252.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 2 Univesitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) 4,833,395 19SMN4 62.25 PRJNA242326 SAMN02692943 GCA_000661915.1 SEQF8253.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 4 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,600,489 RCH2 62.49 PRJNA60029 SAMN02232046 GCA_000327065.1 SEQF8254.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 4,394,686 FDAARGOS_877 63.55 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450407 GCA_016028515.1 SEQF8255.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 4 Shandong University 4,550,314 TPA3 63.36 PRJNA714762 SAMN18317231 GCA_017577085.1 SEQF8256.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Northwest University 4,488,441 YWX-1 63.98 PRJNA741826 SAMN19906550 GCA_019203165.1 SEQF8257.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 NJAU 4,591,234 2020WEIHUA_G 64.14 PRJNA666038 SAMN16277186 GCA_022647185.1 SEQF8258.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 SC 4,426,240 NCTC10475 63.05 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104016179 GCA_900638035.1 SEQF8259.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 2 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology 4,948,328 PM101005 61.89 PRJNA595440 SAMN13555502 GCA_009789555.1 SEQF8260.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Peking University 4,650,155 SLG510A3-8 63.99 PRJNA286160 SAMN03765687 GCA_001038645.1 SEQF8261.2 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Nanyang Technological University 4,524,655 SGAir0442 64.03 PRJNA388547 SAMN07980969 GCA_003047145.2 SEQF8262.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 2 The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University 4,588,580 ZDHY95 63.96 PRJNA669156 SAMN16439930 GCA_015680045.1 SEQF8263.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 5,030,940 273 60.28 PRJNA321299 SAMN04979180 GCA_001648195.1 SEQF8264.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 4,042,123 FDAARGOS_876 64.4 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450406 GCA_016028635.1 SEQF8265.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Yangtze university 4,400,660 DW2-1 62.98 PRJNA437220 SAMN08644040 GCA_003001655.1 SEQF8266.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Yangtze university 4,454,378 1W1-1A 64.23 PRJNA437196 SAMN08643206 GCA_003008495.1 SEQF8267.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 SC 4,438,731 NCTC10450 64.13 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3881056 GCA_900636845.1 SEQF8268.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Max Planck Institute for Biophysik 4,639,098 ATCC 14405 61.31 PRJNA522963 SAMN10961665 GCA_015291885.1 SEQF8269.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 2 Jiangnan University 5,066,586 F2 62.2 PRJNA721585 SAMN18721506 GCA_018138085.1 SEQF8270.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 Nanjing Agricultural University 3,925,175 XL272 64.69 PRJNA593625 SAMN13482974 GCA_009740185.1 SEQF8271.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 2 Hubei University of Technology 4,519,692 XX1 64.03 PRJNA797686 SAMN25027426 GCA_021610005.1 SEQF8272.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 4,426,953 FDAARGOS_1065 63.05 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357234 GCA_016127795.1 SEQF8273.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 4 Zhejiang Ocean University 4,756,665 S116 63.47 PRJNA743140 SAMN19998354 GCA_019264725.1 SEQF8274.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 2 Tsinghua university 4,059,291 PheN2 64.22 PRJNA543196 SAMN11657392 GCA_005844005.1 SEQF8275.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 10 Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) 4,640,509 KOL14.W.20.12 63.43 PRJNA579073 SAMN13075208 GCA_016622345.1 SEQF8276.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 286 Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University 4,717,068 MP4687 63.48 PRJNA598454 SAMN13706309 GCA_014854855.1 SEQF8277.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 91 University of Illinois at Chicago 4,943,564 MF28 62.29 PRJNA202932 SAMN02471812 GCA_000455665.1 SEQF8278.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 6 Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) 4,843,470 KOL14.W.20.2 60.22 PRJNA579073 SAMN13075205 GCA_016622455.1 SEQF8279.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 56 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Scineces 4,838,453 YC-YH1 64.37 PRJNA268715 SAMN03224140 GCA_000828205.1 SEQF8280.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 65 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 4,733,160 PS_366 63.77 PRJNA497126 SAMN10249187 GCA_003935575.1 SEQF8281.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 25 Peking University Shenzhen Institute 4,612,566 DP6Y115-2 63.27 PRJNA682484 SAMN21557918 GCA_020524725.1 SEQF8282.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 37 Norwegian University of Life Sciences 4,768,552 24a75 65.18 PRJNA421699 SAMN08150295 GCA_002890915.1 SEQF8283.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 82 University of Balearic Islands 4,674,667 NF13 63.04 PRJNA170977 SAMN02471580 GCA_000341615.1 SEQF8284.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 585 Lebanese American University 4,808,391 PAH8 63.88 PRJNA699615 SAMN17801811 GCA_018457005.1 SEQF8285.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 47 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 4,423,457 PS_066 64.16 PRJNA497126 SAMN10249001 GCA_003940545.1 SEQF8286.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 69 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 4,528,738 PS_087 63.97 PRJNA497126 SAMN10248965 GCA_003940515.1 SEQF8287.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 7 Norwegian University of Life Sciences 4,380,392 DNSP21 63.59 PRJNA421699 SAMN08149907 GCA_002890935.1 SEQF8288.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 19 Norwegian University of Life Sciences 4,406,761 DSM 50227 63.1 PRJNA421699 SAMN08148592 GCA_002843895.1 SEQF8289.1 477 Pseudomonas stutzeri latest 116 University of Balearic Islands 4,643,775 ST-9 62.72 PRJNA266857 SAMN03174913 GCA_000982865.1 SEQF2752.1 478 Selenomonas sp._HMT_478 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,284,135 F0592 57.11 PRJNA282954 SAMN03704032 GCA_001189555.1 SEQF2490.1 484 Erysipelothrix tonsillarum latest 4 DOE Joint Genome Institute 1,931,022 DSM 14972 36.85 PRJNA169768 SAMN02440433 GCA_000373785.1 SEQF1087.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens 5 Agrobacterium consortium 7,273,300 K84 59.87 PRJNA13402 SAMN02602977 GCA_000016265.1 SEQF1167.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 4 Cereon 5,674,258 C58 59.04 PRJNA283 SAMN02603108 GCA_000092025.1 SEQF2035.2 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens 8 School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 5,465,705 strain=F2 59.47 PRJNA68421 SAMN02469870 GCA_000219665.2 SEQF2321.2 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens 50 University of Arizona 5,743,108 5A 58.58 PRJNA75079 SAMN02472264 GCA_000236125.2 SEQF2322.2 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 49 Northwest A&F University 5,214,870 CCNWGS0286 59.53 PRJNA72949 SAMN02471547 GCA_000233975.2 SEQF2482.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens 112 University of Delhi 5,425,293 strain=Cherry 2E-2-2 59.89 PRJNA186406 SAMN02471712 GCA_000349865.1 SEQF8729.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 3 Academia Sinica 5,446,032 12D1 59.52 PRJNA494485 SAMN10169604 GCA_003667905.1 SEQF8730.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 6 Academia Sinica 5,525,862 CFBP6626 59.42 PRJNA534397 SAMN11489457 GCA_005221445.1 SEQF8731.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 6 Academia Sinica 6,138,594 CFBP5499 59.04 PRJNA534389 SAMN11489449 GCA_005221325.1 SEQF8732.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 5 Academia Sinica 5,985,137 1D1609 59.49 PRJNA383277 SAMN06761040 GCA_002943835.1 SEQF8733.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 4 Academia Sinica 5,870,997 15955 58.45 PRJNA494475 SAMN10169496 GCA_003666465.1 SEQF8734.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 6 Academia Sinica 5,839,776 CFBP6625 59.13 PRJNA534396 SAMN11489456 GCA_005221465.1 SEQF8735.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 3 Academia Sinica 5,526,017 CFBP6624 59.11 PRJNA534395 SAMN11489455 GCA_005221425.1 SEQF8736.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 4 Academia Sinica 5,677,928 EML4 59.3 PRJNA642692 SAMN15395970 GCA_013401495.1 SEQF8737.3 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 4 USDA-ARS 5,720,291 186 59.42 PRJNA394767 SAMN07359232 GCA_002591665.3 SEQF8738.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 4 Academia Sinica 5,515,917 CFBP6623 59.19 PRJNA534394 SAMN11489454 GCA_005221385.1 SEQF8739.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 5 Academia Sinica 5,767,533 1D1108 58.47 PRJNA494481 SAMN10169598 GCA_003666425.1 SEQF8740.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 2 Institute of Microbiology, Belarus National Academy of Sciences 5,109,662 BIM B-1315G 59.51 PRJNA659911 SAMN15930187 GCA_014489975.1 SEQF8741.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 2 Shandong University 5,481,595 S33 59.19 PRJNA309196 SAMN04423123 GCA_001551895.1 SEQF8742.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 6 Academia Sinica 6,469,646 CFBP7129 59.49 PRJNA534399 SAMN11489458 GCA_005221405.1 SEQF8743.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 6 Academia Sinica 5,996,243 CFBP5877 59.06 PRJNA534393 SAMN11489453 GCA_005221345.1 SEQF8744.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 4 Academia Sinica 5,683,743 1D1460 59.3 PRJNA494482 SAMN10169599 GCA_003666445.1 SEQF8745.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 4 Academia Sinica 5,939,134 A6 58.45 PRJNA494487 SAMN10169606 GCA_003667925.1 SEQF8746.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 2 PROIMI - CONICET 5,082,709 6N2 58.94 PRJNA677994 SAMN16786093 GCA_017726655.1 SEQF8747.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 5,932,670 FDAARGOS_1048 58.45 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357217 GCA_016403145.1 SEQF8748.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 4 Henan Agricultural University 5,586,294 LN-1 59.4 PRJNA811390 SAMN26329833 GCA_022760295.1 SEQF8749.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 5 ISBM 5,520,201 183 59.36 PRJNA451187 SAMN08963710 GCA_004023565.1 SEQF8750.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 4 Institut des Sciences du vegetal 5,878,747 WRT31 58.38 PRJNA191529 SAMN02472045 GCA_000439225.1 SEQF8751.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 4 Institute of Biology, Leiden University 5,630,690 LBA4213 (Ach5) 58.5 PRJNA231114 SAMN03081534 GCA_000576515.1 SEQF8752.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 29 Oregon State University 5,768,133 N2/73 58.43 PRJNA319063 SAMN04901299 GCA_001692195.1 SEQF8753.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 29 DOE Joint Genome Institute 5,596,979 DS1976 59.36 PRJNA710679 SAMN18245734 GCA_017877095.1 SEQF8754.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 39 Oregon State University 6,006,437 17-1802-1a 58.38 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165583 GCA_013319145.1 SEQF8755.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 47 Oregon State University 6,257,625 17-1347a 58.31 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165564 GCA_013320455.1 SEQF8756.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 23 Wayne State University 5,297,385 EVA06B 59.49 PRJNA749625 SAMN20394471 GCA_019969875.1 SEQF8757.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 20 DOE Joint Genome Institute 5,524,014 SEMIA 464 59.38 PRJNA581069 SAMN13165477 GCA_014198555.1 SEQF8758.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 48 Oregon State University 6,001,939 17-1345-1a 58.33 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165566 GCA_013320495.1 SEQF8759.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 42 Oregon State University 6,054,965 15-174 58.28 PRJNA319063 SAMN04901305 GCA_001692425.1 SEQF8760.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 46 Oregon State University 6,006,235 17-1804-1a 58.39 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165586 GCA_013319065.1 SEQF8761.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 48 Oregon State University 6,071,360 Y2/73 58.42 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165546 GCA_013317525.1 SEQF8762.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 64 Oregon State University 6,010,666 17-1474-1c 58.39 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165571 GCA_013320405.1 SEQF8763.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 32 Oregon State University 6,039,566 AF82/95 58.4 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165445 GCA_013318215.1 SEQF8764.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 41 Oregon State University 5,628,932 J2/75 58.5 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165484 GCA_013317915.1 SEQF8765.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 38 Oregon State University 6,003,936 15-1187-1-2b 58.38 PRJNA319063 SAMN04901302 GCA_001692365.1 SEQF8766.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 22 Northeast institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 5,491,420 LMG 140 59.35 PRJNA355337 SAMN06074341 GCA_002008215.1 SEQF8767.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 3 USDA-ARS, WRRC 5,162,116 1D1526 59.61 PRJNA546276 SAMN11958781 GCA_008370655.1 SEQF8768.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 68 Wayne State University 5,683,555 GVS04A 59.31 PRJNA749625 SAMN20394472 GCA_019969865.1 SEQF8769.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 36 Oregon State University 6,003,720 17-1474-1e 58.38 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165573 GCA_013320335.1 SEQF8770.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 68 Shandong University 5,376,763 S33 59.57 PRJNA239301 SAMN02666090 GCA_000648215.1 SEQF8771.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 80 Oregon State University 5,632,644 17-713-1iv 59.58 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165601 GCA_013318495.1 SEQF8772.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 39 University of Malaya 5,615,031 LBA4404 59.05 PRJNA246040 SAMN02742263 GCA_000730975.1 SEQF8773.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 37 Oregon State University 5,828,806 ATCC 15955 58.47 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165503 GCA_013318185.1 SEQF8774.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 50 Oregon State University 6,485,591 G 8.3 58.56 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165454 GCA_013318065.1 SEQF8775.1 485 Agrobacterium tumefaciens latest 46 Oregon State University 6,191,257 IL30 58.49 PRJNA607555 SAMN14165460 GCA_013317955.1 SEQF3098.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 889,964 AC001 50.58 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483318 GCA_005697215.1 SEQF3131.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 853,179 FS05P-B 50.74 PRJNA282954 SAMN13876978 GCA_010202845.1 SEQF3132.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 848,784 FS07P 50.79 PRJNA282954 SAMN13876979 GCA_010202645.1 SEQF3133.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 831,234 FS13P 50.94 PRJNA282954 SAMN13876980 GCA_010202465.1 SEQF3134.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 931,438 FS15P 50.78 PRJNA282954 SAMN13876982 GCA_010202115.1 SEQF3137.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 847,999 AC002 50.81 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483319 GCA_013100845.1 SEQF3138.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 856,991 CM001 50.66 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483322 GCA_013099195.1 SEQF3139.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 877,855 CM002 50.74 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483323 GCA_013099015.1 SEQF3141.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 893,660 CM006 50.43 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483320 GCA_013100825.1 SEQF3143.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 839,600 CM010 50.76 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483326 GCA_013098515.1 SEQF3144.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 858,111 FS03P 50.67 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483321 GCA_013100805.1 SEQF3170.1 488 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 847,999 HB001 50.81 PRJNA282954 SAMN15358658 GCA_013394755.1 SEQF2760.1 494 Lachnoanaerobaculum saburreum latest 37 Baylor College of Medicine 3,082,404 DSM 3986 38.77 PRJNA52981 SAMN00216780 GCA_000185385.1 SEQF2761.1 494 Lachnoanaerobaculum saburreum latest 143 J. Craig Venter Institute 3,074,086 F0468 36.42 PRJNA75151 SAMN00761826 GCA_000257705.1 SEQF2920.1 498 Leptotrichia sp._HMT_498 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,152,181 F0590 29.62 PRJNA282954 SAMN05413925 GCA_002240055.1 SEQF3066.1 500 Lachnospiraceae_[G-8] bacterium_HMT_500 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,201,383 W11650 45.33 PRJNA282954 SAMN08439028 GCA_002999035.1 SEQF3707.1 513 Aggregatibacter sp._HMT_513 latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 1,939,696 W11186 42.72 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352203 GCA_018128305.1 SEQF1918.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 70 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,151,913 ACS-134-V-Col7a 38.98 PRJNA51079 SAMN00100747 GCA_000179755.1 SEQF1939.2 524 Veillonella atypica latest 40 Washington University 1,997,160 KON 39.0 PRJNA80237 SAMN02436795 GCA_000318355.2 SEQF2243.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 63 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,053,871 ACS-049-V-Sch6 38.97 PRJNA51075 SAMN00100757 GCA_000179735.1 SEQF6319.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 1 University of Oklahoma HSC 2,071,952 OK5 39.11 PRJNA380512 SAMN06644703 GCA_002082765.1 SEQF6320.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 26 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,042,594 ACP1 38.83 PRJNA78581 SAMN00828793 GCA_000286635.1 SEQF6321.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 326 University of Chicago 2,224,896 DFI.4.11 39.23 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167503 GCA_020559285.1 SEQF6322.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 3 Broad Institute 2,071,607 HPA0037 39.38 PRJNA169494 SAMN02596981 GCA_000411535.1 SEQF6323.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 94 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,098,853 CMW7756B 38.99 PRJNA272125 SAMN03956213 GCA_001546845.1 SEQF6324.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 26 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,060,569 T34266-5 39.14 PRJDB3830 SAMD00090157 GCA_002959815.1 SEQF6325.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 60 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 2,078,559 Veillonella_atypica_BgEED38 38.9 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664382 GCA_901875535.1 SEQF6326.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 63 University of Chicago 2,126,203 DFI.2.97 38.98 PRJNA792599 SAMN24725989 GCA_022137105.1 SEQF6327.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 54 Kyung Hee University 2,189,293 KHUD_V1 39.01 PRJNA488979 SAMN09946802 GCA_003605975.1 SEQF6328.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 8 SC 2,107,942 NCTC11830 39.05 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4475705 GCA_900460235.1 SEQF6329.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 24 BGI 1,992,862 AF36-15BH 38.9 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734641 GCA_003474825.1 SEQF6330.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 239 University of Chicago 2,212,497 DFI.2.98 39.07 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167423 GCA_020560985.1 SEQF6331.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 3 EMG 2,071,607 MGYG-HGUT-01444 39.38 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850947 GCA_902375065.1 SEQF6332.1 524 Veillonella atypica latest 53 JCVI 2,157,029 ICM51a 38.86 PRJNA165917 SAMN02641570 GCA_000524355.1 SEQF8290.1 526 Prevotella koreensis latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,691,540 KCOM 3155 43.88 PRJNA506504 SAMN10461963 GCA_003977605.1 SEQF1073.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 1 Cal Poly. San Luis Obispo 1,993,560 NCFM 34.71 PRJNA82 SAMN02603047 GCA_000011985.1 SEQF1761.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 38 Baylor College of Medicine 2,020,500 ATCC 4796 35.26 PRJNA31477 SAMN00001471 GCA_000159715.1 SEQF2108.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus 3 Korea University 2,097,766 30SC 38.13 PRJNA53145 SAMN02603487 GCA_000191545.1 SEQF2540.2 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 1 DuPont 1,991,579 La-14 34.71 PRJNA196176 SAMN02603216 GCA_000389675.2 SEQF2551.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 19 INRA STLO 1,986,992 CIRM-BIA 442 34.72 PRJEB1530 SAMEA2272381 GCA_000442865.1 SEQF2552.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus 21 INRA STLO 2,047,860 DSM 20242 34.72 PRJEB1533 SAMEA2272474 GCA_000442825.1 SEQF2600.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus 34 INRA STLO 1,951,821 strain=CIP 76.13 34.66 PRJEB1532 SAMEA2272342 GCA_000469705.1 SEQF2601.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 22 INRA STLO 2,002,008 CIRM-BIA 445 34.66 PRJEB1531 SAMEA2272655 GCA_000469765.1 SEQF2602.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 27 INRA STLO 1,991,758 DSM 9126 34.68 PRJEB1839 SAMEA2272239 GCA_000469745.1 SEQF9763.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 1 Kyungpook National University 2,009,973 DSM 20079 34.72 PRJNA379350 SAMN06606133 GCA_003047065.1 SEQF9764.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 1 Fidelity Systems, Inc. 1,991,969 FSI4 34.71 PRJNA271341 SAMN03274004 GCA_000934625.1 SEQF9765.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 1 Shandong First Medical University 2,037,416 NC55 34.76 PRJNA779097 SAMN23011956 GCA_020883435.1 SEQF9766.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 1 Institute of Microbiology, Belarus National Academy of Sciences 1,991,976 LA-G80-111 34.71 PRJNA638040 SAMN15165794 GCA_013342945.1 SEQF9767.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 1 Korea Food Research Institute 2,092,540 YT1 34.67 PRJNA421407 SAMN08142761 GCA_003952845.1 SEQF9768.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 1 Korea Food Research Institute 1,991,195 LA1 34.7 PRJNA340059 SAMN05631052 GCA_002286215.1 SEQF9769.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 1 Kingston University London, United Kingdom 2,030,939 5460 34.72 PRJNA793589 SAMN24563600 GCA_021432145.1 SEQF9770.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 1 Naval Research Laboratory 1,991,906 ATCC 53544 34.71 PRJNA394684 SAMN07357495 GCA_002224305.1 SEQF9771.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 18 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 1,993,969 BCRC 17481 34.56 PRJNA612401 SAMN14371318 GCA_017009655.1 SEQF9772.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 21 Quaid-I-Azam University 1,953,269 QAULAN51 34.59 PRJNA744373 SAMN20114166 GCA_022509485.1 SEQF9773.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 22 China Center of Industrial Culture Collection 1,965,753 s-13 34.57 PRJNA647640 SAMN15579847 GCA_013867605.1 SEQF9774.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 27 Kingston University London, United Kingdom 1,962,738 LA_AVK1 34.56 PRJNA587652 SAMN13198235 GCA_009742735.1 SEQF9775.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 19 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 1,965,390 La-5 34.57 PRJNA613347 SAMN14401351 GCA_017009715.1 SEQF9776.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 28 USFDA 1,968,830 DS5_1A 34.58 PRJNA336518 SAMN05583788 GCA_003061985.1 SEQF9777.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 34 Unique Biotech Limited 1,951,037 UBLA-34 34.6 PRJNA493554 SAMN10136005 GCA_003641085.1 SEQF9778.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 32 USFDA 1,967,572 DS8_1A 34.58 PRJNA336518 SAMN05583791 GCA_003061945.1 SEQF9779.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 24 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 2,003,593 BCRC 17486 34.52 PRJNA612404 SAMN14371319 GCA_017009585.1 SEQF9780.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 16 CDI investments 1,965,665 LMG P-21904 34.57 PRJNA388854 SAMN07187785 GCA_002914945.1 SEQF9781.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 25 Division of Epigenomics and Development, Department of Molecular Genetics 2,009,507 L-55 34.6 PRJDB5198 SAMD00064210 GCA_001950045.1 SEQF9782.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 29 Bioprox 1,969,767 BIO6307 34.58 PRJNA574342 SAMN12856535 GCA_008868625.1 SEQF9783.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 41 USFDA 1,964,272 DS13_1A 34.57 PRJNA336518 SAMN05583782 GCA_003061965.1 SEQF9784.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 27 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 1,969,712 BCRC 12255 34.58 PRJNA612160 SAMN14363914 GCA_017009485.1 SEQF9785.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 21 China Center of Industrial Culture Collection 1,953,269 s-4 34.59 PRJNA647640 SAMN15579838 GCA_013867555.1 SEQF9786.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 20 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 1,950,144 BCRC 16092 34.55 PRJNA612164 SAMN14363928 GCA_017009575.1 SEQF9787.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 17 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 1,977,709 BCRC 17008 34.59 PRJNA612399 SAMN14371317 GCA_017009595.1 SEQF9788.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 21 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 1,987,806 BCRC 14079 34.54 PRJNA612163 SAMN14363926 GCA_017009475.1 SEQF9789.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 27 Kingston University London, United Kingdom 1,962,641 LA_AVK2 34.57 PRJNA587688 SAMN13198280 GCA_009741835.1 SEQF9790.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 34 USFDA 1,970,718 DS10_1A 34.59 PRJNA336518 SAMN05583778 GCA_003053245.1 SEQF9791.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 36 USFDA 1,970,142 DS1_1A 34.58 PRJNA336518 SAMN05583775 GCA_003062045.1 SEQF9792.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 25 EMG 2,009,507 MGYG-HGUT-02379 34.6 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851883 GCA_902386525.1 SEQF9793.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 37 USFDA 1,963,932 DS13_1B 34.57 PRJNA336518 SAMN05583783 GCA_003061905.1 SEQF9794.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 14 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 1,995,761 LA1063 34.59 PRJNA613973 SAMN14422845 GCA_017009725.1 SEQF9795.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 28 USFDA 1,969,008 DS9_1A 34.58 PRJNA336518 SAMN05583792 GCA_003061925.1 SEQF9796.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 70 McGill University 2,046,837 P2 35.68 PRJNA407882 SAMN07665576 GCA_002406675.1 SEQF9797.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 20 Facultad Ciencias Exactas y Naturales-UBA 1,956,698 ATCC 4356 34.59 PRJNA263693 SAMN03105773 GCA_000786395.1 SEQF9798.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 74 Nanjing Agricultural University 1,951,689 WG-LB-IV 34.59 PRJNA317797 SAMN04628015 GCA_001639165.1 SEQF9799.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 32 USFDA 1,968,373 DS24_1 34.58 PRJNA336518 SAMN06464090 GCA_003053135.1 SEQF9800.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 52 ProBiota Inc 1,959,811 PB2021-BA04 34.59 PRJNA714263 SAMN18297454 GCA_023093425.1 SEQF9801.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 43 APC Microbiome Ireland, University College Cork 1,976,704 APC2845 34.66 PRJNA590940 SAMN13342918 GCA_017695935.1 SEQF9802.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 43 Research and Development Center, Biogrowing Co., Ltd. 1,963,371 LA-G80 34.58 PRJNA720781 SAMN18679498 GCA_018252545.1 SEQF9803.1 529 Lactobacillus acidophilus latest 7 key lab of dairy science, ministry of education, northeast agriculture university 1,992,320 KLDS 1.0901 34.92 PRJNA218564 SAMN05949236 GCA_001868765.1 SEQF1014.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,495,334 SK137 60.1 PRJNA31005 SAMN00000718 GCA_000025765.1 SEQF1286.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 Goettingen Genomics Laboratory 2,560,265 KPA171202 60.01 PRJNA12460 SAMN02603281 GCA_000008345.1 SEQF1801.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes 7 JCVI 2,481,963 strain=J139 60.05 PRJNA40679 SAMN00015387 GCA_000177395.1 SEQF2161.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 Georg-August-University Goettingen 2,494,578 266 60.03 PRJNA56091 SAMN02603263 GCA_000213155.1 SEQF2162.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 BAYGEN 2,560,282 6609 60.01 PRJNA66845 SAMN02602996 GCA_000217615.1 SEQF2163.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 BAYGEN 2,488,626 ATCC 11828 60.04 PRJNA73675 SAMN02602997 GCA_000231215.1 SEQF2164.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 BAYGEN 2,522,885 P.acn17 60.07 PRJNA76701 SAMN02602999 GCA_000240035.1 SEQF2165.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 BAYGEN 2,498,766 P.acn31 60.03 PRJNA76703 SAMN02603000 GCA_000240055.1 SEQF2166.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 BAYGEN 2,489,623 P.acn33 60.04 PRJNA76699 SAMN02602998 GCA_000240015.1 SEQF2189.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes 62 JCVI 2,500,083 J165 60.04 PRJNA40681 SAMN00031757 GCA_000178055.1 SEQF2190.2 530 Cutibacterium acnes 14 JCVI 2,477,348 strain=SK182 60.12 PRJNA40675 SAMN00015391 GCA_000221125.2 SEQF2191.2 530 Cutibacterium acnes 50 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,430,672 strain=SK182B-JCVI 60.2 PRJNA68569 SAMN02299458 GCA_000221145.2 SEQF2192.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes 37 JCVI 2,510,934 SK187 59.91 PRJNA41555 SAMN00031756 GCA_000178075.1 SEQF4633.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 2 UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine 2,549,775 HL096PA1 60.16 PRJNA81129 SAMN02604074 GCA_000376705.1 SEQF4634.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 University of Helsinki 2,495,002 DSM 1897 60.03 PRJNA429715 SAMN08348522 GCA_004136195.1 SEQF4635.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 Nanyang Technological University 2,494,216 ATCC 6919 60.03 PRJNA573554 SAMN12816929 GCA_008728435.1 SEQF4636.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 Jinan University Medical School Affiliated Hospital of Dongguan 2,495,001 ATCC 6919 60.03 PRJNA408272 SAMN07660999 GCA_003030305.1 SEQF4637.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 BAYGEN 2,494,562 hdn-1 60.03 PRJNA184921 SAMN03081471 GCA_000709495.1 SEQF4638.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 None 2,560,354 PA_21_1_L1 60.01 PRJNA292488 SAMN03982942 GCA_001469595.1 SEQF4639.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 2,560,907 NBRC 113869 60.02 PRJNA747117 SAMN21163589 GCA_020181495.1 SEQF4640.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 Tokyo Medical and Dental University 2,519,002 C1 60.06 PRJNA175596 SAMN02604070 GCA_000302515.1 SEQF4641.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 Keio University 2,494,525 SZ1 60.03 PRJNA608175 SAMN14167120 GCA_011399315.1 SEQF4642.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 None 2,540,008 PA_15_2_L1 60.12 PRJNA292484 SAMN03982940 GCA_001469615.1 SEQF4643.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 2 Aarhus University 2,547,961 PA_15_1_R1 60.16 PRJNA291008 SAMN03982939 GCA_001469565.1 SEQF4644.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 University of Helsinki 2,560,634 KPA171202 60.01 PRJNA429713 SAMN08348521 GCA_004136215.1 SEQF4645.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 Chosun University 2,522,438 KCOM 1861 ( 59.99 PRJNA270126 SAMN03263080 GCA_001281065.1 SEQF4646.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,560,321 KCOM 1315 60.01 PRJNA484093 SAMN09759490 GCA_003390995.1 SEQF4647.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 Biological Resource Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NBRC) 2,494,738 NBRC 107605 60.03 PRJDB8042 SAMD00169823 GCA_006739385.1 SEQF4648.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 Keio University 2,504,552 SZ2 60.02 PRJNA608176 SAMN14167121 GCA_011399455.1 SEQF4649.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,495,332 FDAARGOS_577 60.1 PRJNA231221 SAMN10228557 GCA_003798465.1 SEQF4650.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 None 2,491,961 PA_12_1_L1 60.03 PRJNA292485 SAMN03982899 GCA_001469655.1 SEQF4651.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 Tokyo University of Pharmacy & Life Sciences 2,494,387 TP-CU389 60.02 PRJDB8192 SAMD00166175 GCA_009177305.1 SEQF4652.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,494,539 FDAARGOS_503 60.03 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163179 GCA_003812785.1 SEQF4653.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) 2,477,993 HKGB2 60.06 PRJNA638345 SAMN15293940 GCA_021496625.1 SEQF4654.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) 2,452,489 HKGB4 60.13 PRJNA638345 SAMN15293942 GCA_021496585.1 SEQF4655.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 None 2,470,017 PA_12_1_R1 60.05 PRJNA292486 SAMN03982937 GCA_001469635.1 SEQF4656.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) 2,478,156 HKGB3 60.05 PRJNA638345 SAMN15293941 GCA_021496605.1 SEQF4657.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 I.N. Blokhina Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology 2,399,738 A1-14 60.08 PRJNA277911 SAMN03398612 GCA_001481615.1 SEQF4658.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) 2,430,894 HKGB1 60.08 PRJNA638345 SAMN15293939 GCA_021496645.1 SEQF4659.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 1 None 2,530,708 PA_30_2_L1 60.03 PRJNA292487 SAMN03982898 GCA_001469555.1 SEQF4660.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 10 University of Washington 2,542,837 P15-113 60.04 PRJNA541974 SAMN11605658 GCA_005774255.1 SEQF4661.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 16 Aarhus University 2,535,867 HOL1 60.06 PRJNA714802 SAMN18318463 GCA_018919005.1 SEQF4662.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 35 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 2,527,934 HL067PA1 60.12 PRJNA49255 SAMN00189233 GCA_000144045.1 SEQF4663.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 44 University of California, Los Angeles 2,482,415 HL202PA1 60.05 PRJNA183892 SAMN02943196 GCA_000735055.1 SEQF4664.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 33 Aarhus University 2,558,468 SPSSDk90C 60.06 PRJNA769547 SAMN22141951 GCA_021010555.1 SEQF4665.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 11 WUGSC 2,520,580 HL097PA1 60.24 PRJNA40715 SAMN02299426 GCA_000194905.1 SEQF4666.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 5 University of Washington 2,536,713 P15-178 60.06 PRJNA393885 SAMN07656239 GCA_003384225.1 SEQF4667.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 31 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 2,523,950 HL072PA2 60.13 PRJNA49181 SAMN00189235 GCA_000145335.1 SEQF4668.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 5 University of Washington 2,484,758 T45496 60.04 PRJNA474022 SAMN09289918 GCA_005937155.1 SEQF4669.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 10 Aarhus University 2,459,382 PSSDk50E 60.05 PRJNA769547 SAMN22141933 GCA_021011005.1 SEQF4670.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 6 University of Washington 2,465,382 P15-207 60.17 PRJNA541974 SAMN11605667 GCA_005774105.1 SEQF4671.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 7 Aarhus University 2,484,292 SASDk57C 60.05 PRJNA769547 SAMN22141937 GCA_021010875.1 SEQF4672.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 16 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 2,470,111 HL005PA4 60.05 PRJNA49231 SAMN00189197 GCA_000144065.1 SEQF4673.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 15 Aarhus University 2,527,814 10-113 60.17 PRJNA373969 SAMN06319229 GCA_002572735.1 SEQF4674.1 530 Cutibacterium acnes latest 7 University of Washington 2,537,190 P15-159 60.06 PRJNA393885 SAMN07414778 GCA_003426665.1 SEQF1074.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center 2,105,503 HK1651 44.38 PRJNA239703 SAMN02673418 Periodontal infection Periodontitis GCA_000604045.1 SEQF1707.4 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 4 Bumgarner Laboratory Department of Microbiology University of Washington 2,204,692 D11S-1 44.29 PRJNA40107 SAMN02604243 GCA_000146265.4 SEQF1845.3 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 University of Washington Department of Microbiology 2,308,962 D7S-1 44.32 PRJNA41903 SAMN02604275 GCA_000163615.3 SEQF1894.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 87 Washington University Genome Center 2,186,501 Y4 44.27 PRJNA67199 SAMN02436929 GCA_000318155.1 SEQF1953.2 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,136,808 ANH9381 44.42 PRJNA47337 SAMN02603044 GCA_000241025.2 SEQF1954.3 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 51 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,187,951 D17P-2 44.88 PRJNA47335 SAMN02471983 GCA_000241005.3 SEQF1955.3 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 123 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,284,348 D17P-3 44.34 PRJNA47331 SAMN02471984 GCA_000240985.3 SEQF2032.3 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 102 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,200,508 H5P1 44.29 PRJNA53925 SAMN02471947 GCA_000226715.3 SEQF2033.3 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 30 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,112,113 I23C 44.5 PRJNA53939 SAMN02471945 GCA_000226835.3 SEQF2034.3 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 34 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,042,853 SCC1398 44.44 PRJNA53937 SAMN02471948 GCA_000226815.3 SEQF2250.3 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 134 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,222,263 I63B 44.87 PRJNA53927 SAMN02471942 GCA_000226735.3 SEQF2294.3 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 114 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,266,108 D18P1 44.32 PRJNA53935 SAMN02471944 GCA_000226795.3 SEQF2295.2 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 54 University of Southern California School of Dentistry 2,137,435 SC1083 44.56 PRJNA53929 SAMN02471943 GCA_000226755.2 SEQF2296.3 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 106 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,254,042 SCC393 44.34 PRJNA53933 SAMN02471949 GCA_000226775.3 SEQF2297.3 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 26 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,034,590 SCC2302 44.49 PRJNA53941 SAMN02471946 GCA_000226855.3 SEQF2436.2 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 118 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,256,834 A160 44.62 PRJNA91101 SAMN02471981 GCA_000332915.2 SEQF2437.2 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 44 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,170,434 S23A 45.54 PRJNA91103 SAMN02471978 GCA_000332955.2 SEQF2438.2 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 31 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,099,572 SCC4092 46.04 PRJNA91105 SAMN02471977 GCA_000332935.2 SEQF2439.2 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 28 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,126,064 AAS4A 46.8 PRJNA91107 SAMN02471982 GCA_000332895.2 SEQF2823.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 11 University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 2,233,070 RhAA1 44.67 PRJNA73527 SAMN02471881 GCA_000259915.1 SEQF2824.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo 2,382,853 NUM 4039 44.34 PRJDB1482 SAMD00061020 GCA_001547775.1 SEQF2825.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 114 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 1,999,823 SA2149 44.66 PRJNA230864 SAMN04573010 GCA_001596225.1 SEQF2826.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 90 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,164,700 SC936 44.51 PRJNA232406 SAMN04573014 GCA_001596235.1 SEQF2827.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 158 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,254,258 SA2876 44.26 PRJNA230865 SAMN04573011 GCA_001596245.1 SEQF2828.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 549 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 1,943,012 SA508 45.54 PRJNA230863 SAMN04573009 GCA_001596255.1 SEQF2829.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 227 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,211,394 SC29R 44.23 PRJNA232407 SAMN04573015 GCA_001596305.1 SEQF2830.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 590 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 1,905,614 ANH9776 45.89 PRJNA230866 SAMN04573004 GCA_001596315.1 SEQF2831.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 436 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,064,962 SA2200 44.17 PRJNA230857 SAMN04573005 GCA_001596325.1 SEQF2832.2 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 510 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,100,438 SA269 44.86 PRJNA230860 SAMN04573006 GCA_001596335.2 SEQF2833.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 127 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,198,607 SA3033 44.26 PRJNA230861 SAMN04573007 GCA_001596385.1 SEQF2834.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans 787 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 1,860,132 strain=SA3733 45.83 PRJNA230862 SAMN04573008 GCA_001596395.1 SEQF2835.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 72 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,029,659 SC383s 44.45 PRJNA232408 SAMN04573012 GCA_001596415.1 SEQF2836.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 127 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,093,980 SA3096 44.83 PRJNA232405 SAMN04573013 GCA_001596425.1 SEQF2837.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 Rutgers School of Dental Medicine 2,291,252 IDH781 44.32 PRJNA328135 SAMN05363964 GCA_001690155.1 SEQF2838.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 The University of Texas at Austin 2,129,092 VT1169 44.39 PRJNA288376 SAMN03799080 GCA_001594245.1 SEQF2839.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 The University of Texas at Austin 2,367,908 624 44.23 PRJNA288377 SAMN03799081 GCA_001594265.1 SEQF3475.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 33 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,085,887 DSM 8324 44.42 PRJNA165361 SAMN02256508 GCA_000372365.1 SEQF3477.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 7 Chosun University 2,291,820 KCOM 1299 44.16 PRJNA270148 SAMN03263581 GCA_002266485.1 SEQF3478.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 67 Rutgers School of Dental Medicine 2,325,391 310b 44.29 PRJNA412894 SAMN07731442 GCA_002701245.1 SEQF3479.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 63 Rutgers School of Dental Medicine 2,326,465 310a 44.29 PRJNA412892 SAMN07731393 GCA_002749175.1 SEQF3480.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 23 Aarhus University 2,032,621 PN_800 44.45 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488441 GCA_003130165.1 SEQF3481.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 77 Aarhus University 2,217,012 HK_1002 44.19 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488440 GCA_003130185.1 SEQF3482.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 39 Aarhus University 2,172,405 HK_961 44.52 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488439 GCA_003130205.1 SEQF3483.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 99 Aarhus University 2,303,141 HK_929 44.29 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488438 GCA_003130245.1 SEQF3484.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 18 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,099,973 SC1000 44.44 PRJNA387021 SAMN07138300 GCA_006547285.1 SEQF3485.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 29 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,038,882 PN_773 44.45 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492029 GCA_008084095.1 SEQF3486.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 28 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,078,207 PN_687 44.42 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492039 GCA_008084115.1 SEQF3487.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 27 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,134,503 PN_738 44.32 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492040 GCA_008084195.1 SEQF3488.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 87 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,245,442 PN_740 44.21 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492047 GCA_008084205.1 SEQF3489.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 35 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,112,895 PN_684 44.36 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492038 GCA_008084215.1 SEQF3490.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 25 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,109,962 PN_708 44.37 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492027 GCA_008084225.1 SEQF3491.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 37 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,107,804 PN_627 44.48 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492035 GCA_008084895.1 SEQF3492.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 32 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,062,382 PN_434 44.39 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492021 GCA_008084915.1 SEQF3493.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 33 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,094,863 PN_796 44.3 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492030 GCA_008084955.1 SEQF3494.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 31 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,101,177 PN_647 44.35 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492036 GCA_008084995.1 SEQF3495.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 2 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,237,318 PN_561 44.46 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492054 GCA_008085015.1 SEQF3496.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 88 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,243,743 PN_563 44.22 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492044 GCA_008085025.1 SEQF3497.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 37 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,065,846 PN_648 44.45 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492037 GCA_008085035.1 SEQF3498.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 80 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,247,465 PN_559 44.21 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492043 GCA_008085065.1 SEQF3499.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 28 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,120,456 PN_435 44.32 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492031 GCA_008085085.1 SEQF3500.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 33 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,103,450 PN_439 44.49 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492034 GCA_008085115.1 SEQF3501.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 89 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,248,516 PN_437 44.25 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492042 GCA_008085125.1 SEQF3502.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 26 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,062,693 PN_438 44.45 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492033 GCA_008085135.1 SEQF3503.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 112 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,180,793 K_51 44.07 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492053 GCA_008085175.1 SEQF3504.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 111 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,114,183 HK_974 44.04 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492051 GCA_008085185.1 SEQF3505.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 26 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,079,715 PN_436 44.4 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492032 GCA_008085215.1 SEQF3506.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 32 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,068,069 PN_756 44.44 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492041 GCA_008085225.1 SEQF3507.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 109 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,113,453 HK_1710 44.08 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492052 GCA_008085255.1 SEQF3508.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 25 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,039,051 PN_694 44.46 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492026 GCA_008085265.1 SEQF3509.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 27 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,036,242 PN_686 44.47 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492025 GCA_008085295.1 SEQF3510.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 41 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,069,548 NCTC_9710 44.44 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492020 GCA_008085305.1 SEQF3511.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 24 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,046,220 PN_728 44.44 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492028 GCA_008085315.1 SEQF3512.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 77 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,246,979 PN_688 44.21 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492046 GCA_008085355.1 SEQF3513.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 27 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,030,108 PN_628 44.43 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492024 GCA_008085365.1 SEQF3514.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 79 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,249,774 PN_567 44.2 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492045 GCA_008085395.1 SEQF3515.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 27 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,041,829 PN_566 44.43 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492023 GCA_008085405.1 SEQF3516.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 26 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,043,562 PN_565 44.44 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492022 GCA_008085415.1 SEQF3517.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,316,234 HK_907 44.02 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492049 GCA_008086365.1 SEQF3518.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,298,901 HK_973 44.09 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492050 GCA_008086385.1 SEQF3519.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Aarhus University Hospital 2,284,248 PN_696 44.0 PRJNA560478 SAMN12492048 GCA_008086405.1 SEQF3520.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 3 SC 2,089,682 NCTC9709 44.53 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104062577 GCA_900445165.1 SEQF4193.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen 2,120,195 30R 44.38 PRJNA767258 SAMN21895065 GCA_023517875.1 SEQF4194.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen 2,110,934 31R 44.36 PRJNA767258 SAMN21895067 GCA_023517835.1 SEQF4195.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen 2,120,195 30S 44.38 PRJNA767258 SAMN21895066 GCA_023517855.1 SEQF4196.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen 2,173,202 23S 44.32 PRJNA767258 SAMN21895064 GCA_023517895.1 SEQF4197.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,105,378 FDAARGOS_948 44.38 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450478 GCA_016026035.1 SEQF4198.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen 2,109,143 4S 44.49 PRJNA767258 SAMN21895060 GCA_023518055.1 SEQF4199.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen 2,102,524 31S 44.39 PRJNA767258 SAMN21895068 GCA_023517815.1 SEQF4200.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen 2,158,238 5S 44.38 PRJNA767258 SAMN21895062 GCA_023517915.1 SEQF4201.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 Rutgers School of Dental Medicine 2,331,529 CU1000N 44.24 PRJNA735719 SAMN19594576 GCA_020809485.1 SEQF4202.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 1 University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen 2,158,228 5R 44.38 PRJNA767258 SAMN21895061 GCA_023517935.1 SEQF4203.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 32 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,108,775 575G 44.38 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969750 GCA_021310075.1 SEQF4204.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 28 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,121,891 1G 44.39 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969736 GCA_021310295.1 SEQF4205.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 13 University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen 2,102,624 4R 44.47 PRJNA767258 SAMN21895059 GCA_023559755.1 SEQF4206.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 83 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,214,200 K4 44.16 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969785 GCA_021309495.1 SEQF4207.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 102 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,223,005 SA2876 44.34 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969791 GCA_021309345.1 SEQF4208.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 26 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,066,755 OMGS 2516 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969788 GCA_021309475.1 SEQF4209.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 28 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,105,953 217G 44.47 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969738 GCA_021309015.1 SEQF4210.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 22 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,067,856 ET19 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969759 GCA_021309955.1 SEQF4211.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 21 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,076,398 443G 44.3 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969744 GCA_021310195.1 SEQF4212.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 41 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,069,548 HK 443 44.44 PRJNA633763 SAMN16365905 GCA_021310955.1 SEQF4213.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 82 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,269,391 DR54501 44.11 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969734 GCA_021310315.1 SEQF4214.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 99 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,324,998 102-A 44.25 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969767 GCA_021309895.1 SEQF4215.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 26 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,078,016 638G 44.29 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969752 GCA_021310035.1 SEQF4216.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 22 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,067,699 488G 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969747 GCA_021310125.1 SEQF4217.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 78 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,237,707 HK 1932 44.24 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969769 GCA_021309855.1 SEQF4218.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 38 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,198,993 PH300 44.58 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969781 GCA_021309605.1 SEQF4219.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 24 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,066,676 654G 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969754 GCA_021308855.1 SEQF4220.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 22 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,067,549 UP14 44.31 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969794 GCA_021309205.1 SEQF4221.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 91 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,264,745 CU1000 44.24 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355022 GCA_017160775.1 SEQF4222.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 99 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,521,830 Gm1104 44.14 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355025 GCA_017160835.1 SEQF4223.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 87 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,187,459 HK 1819 44.27 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969763 GCA_021308725.1 SEQF4224.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 169 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,338,781 SL7464 44.32 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355013 GCA_017161015.1 SEQF4225.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 102 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,223,371 IDH781 44.35 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355023 GCA_017160955.1 SEQF4226.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 80 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,243,118 HK 1822 44.21 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969764 GCA_021308705.1 SEQF4227.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 117 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,213,671 153G 44.15 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969735 GCA_021310335.1 SEQF4228.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 24 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,103,326 486G 44.15 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969746 GCA_021310155.1 SEQF4229.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 82 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,257,680 KO-16 44.16 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969786 GCA_021309545.1 SEQF4230.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 25 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,076,828 HK 978 44.36 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969782 GCA_021309595.1 SEQF4231.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 31 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,137,177 640G 44.48 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969753 GCA_021310045.1 SEQF4232.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 6 University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen 2,164,891 23R 44.35 PRJNA767258 SAMN21895063 GCA_023559725.1 SEQF4233.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 155 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,334,355 SL7466 44.33 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355015 GCA_017160975.1 SEQF4234.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 38 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,244,109 SL7472 44.24 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355021 GCA_017160735.1 SEQF4235.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 22 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,077,434 HK 1659 44.34 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969762 GCA_021308695.1 SEQF4236.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 38 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,134,296 212G 44.47 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969737 GCA_021310255.1 SEQF4237.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 26 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,133,209 744G 44.42 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969757 GCA_021309965.1 SEQF4238.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 82 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,213,493 K3 44.16 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969784 GCA_021309505.1 SEQF4239.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 21 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,070,210 HK 1631 44.31 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969761 GCA_021308715.1 SEQF4240.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 28 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,122,954 467G 44.39 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969745 GCA_021310165.1 SEQF4241.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 38 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,231,552 416M 44.31 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969742 GCA_021310225.1 SEQF4242.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 26 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,071,201 HK 2017 44.31 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969774 GCA_021309715.1 SEQF4243.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 30 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,212,378 HK 1825 44.39 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969765 GCA_021309925.1 SEQF4244.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 167 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,333,461 SL7470 44.26 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355019 GCA_017160755.1 SEQF4245.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 27 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,097,408 311M 44.5 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969739 GCA_021309025.1 SEQF4246.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 28 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,079,354 HG1217 44.28 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969778 GCA_021309675.1 SEQF4247.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 28 University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen 2,121,926 ATCC 29522 44.34 PRJNA767258 SAMN21895069 GCA_023559645.1 SEQF4248.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 25 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,066,325 UP6 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969798 GCA_021309215.1 SEQF4249.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 26 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,122,336 UP50 44.34 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969797 GCA_021309275.1 SEQF4250.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 89 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,510,133 Gm1168 44.11 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355026 GCA_017160875.1 SEQF4251.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 21 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,067,812 UP11 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969793 GCA_021309295.1 SEQF4252.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 25 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,108,730 666G 44.29 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969755 GCA_021309995.1 SEQF4253.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 26 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,077,690 369G 44.29 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969740 GCA_021308875.1 SEQF4254.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 21 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,081,488 362M 44.29 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969773 GCA_021309765.1 SEQF4255.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 29 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,092,586 437G 44.29 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969743 GCA_021310215.1 SEQF4256.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 27 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,130,593 708G 44.48 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969756 GCA_021308795.1 SEQF4257.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 24 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,073,469 HK 1990 44.31 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969770 GCA_021309825.1 SEQF4258.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 22 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,067,092 UP23 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969796 GCA_021309225.1 SEQF4259.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 58 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,343,291 SL7467 44.43 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355016 GCA_017160985.1 SEQF4260.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 24 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,066,090 ET14 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969758 GCA_021308915.1 SEQF4261.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 34 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,152,714 493G 44.38 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969748 GCA_021310115.1 SEQF4262.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 83 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,171,563 SA15 44.36 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969790 GCA_021309365.1 SEQF4263.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 81 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,215,767 K17 44.16 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969783 GCA_021309575.1 SEQF4264.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 30 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,079,435 605G 44.29 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969751 GCA_021310015.1 SEQF4265.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 24 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,028,232 PH541 44.46 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969780 GCA_021309635.1 SEQF4266.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 171 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,337,260 SL7465 44.32 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355014 GCA_017160745.1 SEQF4267.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 21 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,077,138 309M 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969771 GCA_021309815.1 SEQF4268.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 776 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,471,538 333M 44.39 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969772 GCA_021309795.1 SEQF4269.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 22 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,067,892 524G 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969749 GCA_021310095.1 SEQF4270.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 42 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,147,685 HK 1931 44.65 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969768 GCA_021309875.1 SEQF4271.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 29 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,096,147 OMGS 2176 44.29 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969787 GCA_021309535.1 SEQF4272.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 25 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,122,305 HG1229 44.34 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969775 GCA_021309755.1 SEQF4273.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 39 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,238,664 SL7471 44.25 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355020 GCA_017160885.1 SEQF4274.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 21 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,040,431 HG1216 44.46 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969779 GCA_021309645.1 SEQF4275.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 22 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,065,955 HG1183 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969777 GCA_021309735.1 SEQF4276.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 29 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,110,628 102-B 44.42 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969766 GCA_021309915.1 SEQF4277.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 120 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,399,597 SL7468 44.37 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355017 GCA_017160935.1 SEQF4278.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 21 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,068,141 OMZ 678 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969789 GCA_021309315.1 SEQF4279.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 22 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,067,147 UP18 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969795 GCA_021309195.1 SEQF4280.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 38 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,199,553 394M 44.26 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969741 GCA_021310275.1 SEQF4281.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 23 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,135,833 HG1236 44.43 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969776 GCA_021309695.1 SEQF4282.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 21 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,067,863 UP10 44.32 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969792 GCA_021309335.1 SEQF4283.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 23 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,065,593 HK 1630 44.33 PRJNA633763 SAMN14969760 GCA_021308835.1 SEQF4284.1 531 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans latest 84 Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2,496,414 RhAa3 44.36 PRJNA641505 SAMN15355024 GCA_017160845.1 SEQF1605.1 534 Granulicatella adiacens latest 10 Baylor College of Medicine 1,947,166 ATCC 49175 38.42 PRJNA37271 SAMN00139322 GCA_000160675.1 SEQF9505.1 534 Granulicatella adiacens latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,965,420 FDAARGOS_1477 37.78 PRJNA231221 SAMN20888894 GCA_019931005.1 SEQF9506.1 534 Granulicatella adiacens latest 28 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 1,813,364 Granulicatella_adiacens_BgEED15 37.8 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664359 GCA_901873425.1 SEQF9507.1 534 Granulicatella adiacens latest 29 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 1,890,628 A88_80_GA_DSS 37.78 PRJEB45232 SAMEA8801336 GCA_910575195.1 SEQF9508.1 534 Granulicatella adiacens latest 31 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 1,891,969 A88 37.79 PRJEB45232 SAMEA8801466 GCA_910576065.1 SEQF1963.1 535 Haemophilus aegyptius latest 22 Baylor College of Medicine 1,963,583 ATCC 11116 39.61 PRJNA53049 SAMN00260259 GCA_000195005.1 SEQF1295.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 6,588,339 strain=PA7 66.45 PRJNA16720 SAMN02603435 Opportunis GCA_000017205.1 SEQF1297.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 PathoGenesis Corporation 6,264,404 PAO1 66.56 PRJNA331 SAMN02603714 GCA_000006765.1 SEQF1298.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Massachusetts General Hospital 6,537,648 UCBPP-PA14 66.29 PRJNA386 SAMN02603591 GCA_000014625.1 SEQF1619.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 6,601,757 strain=LESB58 66.3 PRJEA31101 SAMEA1705916 GCA_000026645.1 SEQF1991.5 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 23 University of Minho 6,529,310 strain=138244 66.23 PRJNA62723 SAMN02471892 GCA_000215775.5 SEQF1992.5 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 19 University of Minho 6,637,697 HB15 66.24 PRJNA62725 SAMN02471890 GCA_000215795.5 SEQF2167.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, PR China 6,327,754 strain=M18 66.5 PRJNA61423 SAMN02603849 GCA_000226155.1 SEQF2168.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 National Center for Global Health and Medicine 6,764,661 strain=NCGM2.S1 66.14 PRJDA73453 SAMD00061003 GCA_000284555.1 SEQF2193.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 Centre for Genomics Research, University of Liverpool 6,866,064 strain=39016 67.0 PRJNA49667 SAMN02471834 GCA_000148745.1 SEQF2696.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 211 University of Washington 6,378,034 strain=ATCC 14886 66.41 PRJNA89671 SAMN02471996 GCA_000297275.1 SEQF2697.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 600 University of Washington 6,794,802 ATCC 700888 66.12 PRJNA89675 SAMN02471986 GCA_000297315.1 SEQF7737.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 SC 6,316,979 NCTC10332 66.52 PRJEB6403 SAMEA2479570 GCA_001457615.1 SEQF7738.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 FDA/CDC 6,303,875 AR_460 66.55 PRJNA316321 SAMN07291553 GCA_003288335.1 SEQF7739.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 2 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 7,600,543 NDTH9845 65.16 PRJNA721782 SAMN18738583 GCA_018138045.1 SEQF7740.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 University of Otago 6,315,896 E01 66.44 PRJNA588274 SAMN13234648 GCA_021513635.1 SEQF7741.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 6,792,215 FDAARGOS_610 66.17 PRJNA231221 SAMN10346774 GCA_006364795.1 SEQF7742.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 6,263,669 PartH-Paeruginosa-RM8376 66.53 PRJNA605254 SAMN14078799 GCA_022870025.1 SEQF7743.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Institute of Agro-products Processing Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 6,370,730 N17-1 66.41 PRJNA265138 SAMN03145716 GCA_001606045.1 SEQF7744.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 China National Rice Research Institute 6,368,008 F9676 66.47 PRJNA289296 SAMN03852256 GCA_001077475.1 SEQF7745.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 2 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital 6,877,311 AR19640 65.71 PRJNA826241 SAMN27554290 GCA_023101265.1 SEQF7746.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Shanghai Ocean University 6,374,121 A39-1 66.61 PRJNA689362 SAMN17207384 GCA_016743035.1 SEQF7747.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 INSTITUT DE GENETIQUE ET MICROBIOLOGIE 6,288,645 PcyII-10 66.51 PRJEB18612 SAMEA26686918 GCA_900149285.1 SEQF7748.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 University of Siena 6,856,553 Z154 66.17 PRJNA674815 SAMN16675406 GCA_023612335.1 SEQF7749.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Lebanese American University 6,734,601 ZBX-P11 66.15 PRJNA663432 SAMN16132399 GCA_018279305.1 SEQF7750.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Normandie Univ 6,480,192 G-I-1 66.34 PRJNA656414 SAMN15783930 GCA_015697465.1 SEQF7751.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 University of Otago 6,255,746 R05 66.34 PRJNA588274 SAMN13234656 GCA_021513395.1 SEQF7752.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Scientific Center for Anti-infectious Drugs (SCAID) 7,093,992 SCAID WND1-2021 (9/195) 65.9 PRJNA754843 SAMN20982451 GCA_019915445.1 SEQF7753.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 2 Adam Heikals shared submissions 7,042,452 K34-7 65.89 PRJNA450903 SAMN08954392 GCA_003206535.1 SEQF7754.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 6,347,079 UNC_PaerCF17 66.48 PRJNA749299 SAMN20362539 GCA_019434095.1 SEQF7755.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Inselspital 6,634,623 ST167_d68blood1 66.23 PRJNA669568 SAMN16443704 GCA_022811005.1 SEQF7756.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 2 College of Life Science 6,613,026 PAD8 66.1 PRJNA660892 SAMN15963197 GCA_022700635.1 SEQF7757.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 National Center for Global Health and Medicine 6,850,954 NCGM 1984 65.96 PRJDB3032 SAMD00019082 GCA_000829255.1 SEQF7758.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Christian Medical College 6,744,658 B17932 65.94 PRJNA509363 SAMN10579150 GCA_003952325.1 SEQF7759.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 INSTITUT DE GENETIQUE ET MICROBIOLOGIE 6,621,209 PcyII-29;PcyII-29 66.26 PRJEB35547 SAMEA6246860 GCA_902703185.1 SEQF7760.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 7,008,516 Pa124 65.84 PRJNA389181 SAMN05020323 GCA_002192475.1 SEQF7761.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences 6,504,659 PAER4_119 66.37 PRJNA299511 SAMN04209275 GCA_001879525.1 SEQF7762.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 2 Universite Laval 7,077,406 E6130952 65.83 PRJNA376024 SAMN06349407 GCA_002085755.1 SEQF7763.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 3 FDA/CDC 7,086,054 AR_0230 65.88 PRJNA316321 SAMN04901620 GCA_002968695.1 SEQF7764.3 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 VISION RESEARCH FOUNDATION, SANKARA NETHRALAYA. 6,818,030 VRFPA04 66.48 PRJNA219238 SAMN02472098 GCA_000473745.3 SEQF7765.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Inselspital 6,706,887 ST1076_d97burn1 66.15 PRJNA669568 SAMN16443706 GCA_022810965.1 SEQF7766.2 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Universite Laval 6,930,893 PPF-1 65.91 PRJNA378495 SAMN06547042 GCA_002287725.2 SEQF7767.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Southern University of Science and Technology 6,638,980 LYSZa2 66.24 PRJNA712961 SAMN18237922 GCA_017378475.1 SEQF7768.2 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 2 Northwest University 6,959,251 DN1 65.87 PRJNA341318 SAMN05717682 GCA_001722005.2 SEQF7769.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 2 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University 6,588,245 FAHZU40 66.15 PRJNA672835 SAMN19950564 GCA_019857625.1 SEQF7770.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology 6,904,575 F291007 66.01 PRJNA753283 SAMN20821254 GCA_019720875.1 SEQF7771.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 CAU Kiel 6,664,435 H16 66.19 PRJNA810040 SAMN26226225 GCA_022569915.1 SEQF7772.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 2 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University 6,634,556 QZPH41 66.2 PRJNA672835 SAMN16656074 GCA_019857325.1 SEQF7773.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 University of Otago 6,269,726 R06 66.31 PRJNA588274 SAMN13234657 GCA_021513375.1 SEQF7774.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 3 Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology 6,729,633 F092021 66.14 PRJNA753283 SAMN20692924 GCA_019711215.1 SEQF7775.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 7,075,653 AR_0111 65.83 PRJNA292904 SAMN04014952 GCA_003571805.1 SEQF7776.2 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology 6,870,662 YT12746 65.61 PRJNA579258 SAMN13107356 GCA_013305645.2 SEQF7777.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 2 CAU Kiel 7,273,584 H15 65.64 PRJNA810040 SAMN26226224 GCA_022569935.1 SEQF7778.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Wenzhou Medical University 6,549,122 PA1681 66.23 PRJNA793718 SAMN24579863 GCA_023066825.1 SEQF7779.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Nanyang Technological University 6,681,992 PA_D5 66.16 PRJNA294254 SAMN04910061 GCA_001722025.1 SEQF7780.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Division of Immunology, Transplantation and Infectious Diseases, Milano, Italy 6,342,034 RP73 66.46 PRJNA206088 SAMN02603771 GCA_000414035.1 SEQF7781.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 University of Manitoba 6,780,782 PAAK095 66.01 PRJNA513142 SAMN10697224 GCA_013341315.1 SEQF7782.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Agroscope, Molecular diagnostics, Genomics and bioinformatics 6,275,467 MPAO1 66.54 PRJNA438597 SAMN08722738 GCA_016107485.1 SEQF7783.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 1 Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology 6,423,573 NY4605 66.43 PRJNA817025 SAMN26741403 GCA_022699525.1 SEQF7784.1 536 Pseudomonas aeruginosa latest 2 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University 6,833,662 SRRSH1101 65.82 PRJNA672835 SAMN16656077 GCA_019857265.1 SEQF1331.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae 553 TIGR 2,193,092 18RS21 36.95 PRJNA15605 SAMN02435897 GCA_000167715.1 SEQF1332.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 TIGR 2,160,267 2603V/R 35.65 PRJNA330 SAMN02604013 GCA_000007265.1 SEQF1333.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae 255 TIGR 2,088,229 strain=515 35.34 PRJNA15606 SAMN02435850 Septicemia GCA_000167735.1 SEQF1334.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 TIGR 2,127,839 A909 35.62 PRJNA326 SAMN02604011 GCA_000012705.1 SEQF1335.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae 155 TIGR 2,105,032 strain=CJB111 35.59 PRJNA15607 SAMN02435851 Septicemia GCA_000167755.1 SEQF1336.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae 393 TIGR 2,205,442 COH1 35.52 PRJNA15609 SAMN02435877 Septicemia GCA_000167775.1 SEQF1337.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae 345 TIGR 2,201,150 H36B 35.61 PRJNA15608 SAMN02435895 Septicemia GCA_000167795.1 SEQF1338.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae 1 Institut Pasteur 2,211,485 NEM316 35.63 PRJNA334 SAMEA3138330 GCA_000196055.1 SEQF1995.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae 21 Baylor College of Medicine 2,287,892 ATCC 13813 40.16 PRJNA53057 SAMN00217013 GCA_000186445.1 SEQF2209.2 537 Streptococcus agalactiae 8 Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, Cornell University 2,455,848 strain=FSL S3-026 36.1 PRJNA46683 SAMN02428925 GCA_000221325.2 SEQF2516.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae 131 IP 2,024,610 CF01173 35.34 PRJEB1145 SAMEA2272311 GCA_000347435.1 SEQF8976.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 2 Public Health Ontario 2,079,123 NGBS128 35.73 PRJNA293561 SAMN04007140 GCA_001552035.1 SEQF8977.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 2 Jiangsu Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2,290,047 YZ1605 35.79 PRJNA430475 SAMN08374174 GCA_009930895.1 SEQF8978.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 UTHSC/McGovern Medical School 2,075,620 GBS30 35.49 PRJNA556442 SAMN12355383 GCA_014218155.1 SEQF8979.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Singapore Streptococcus agalactiae working group 2,043,851 SGEHI2015-113 35.42 PRJNA293392 SAMN08111303 GCA_002812505.1 SEQF8980.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Tsinghua University 2,032,743 515 35.45 PRJNA594846 SAMN13536106 GCA_012593885.1 SEQF8981.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 SLU-GBC 2,138,694 09mas018883 35.55 PRJEB1693 SAMEA2272272 GCA_000427035.1 SEQF8982.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 IGS 2,013,842 CNCTC 10/84 35.44 PRJNA229124 SAMN03178022 GCA_000782855.1 SEQF8983.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,065,678 FDAARGOS_669 35.43 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056384 GCA_008693505.1 SEQF8984.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Singapore Streptococcus agalactiae working group 2,054,713 SGEHI2015-25 35.42 PRJNA293392 SAMN08111300 GCA_002812465.1 SEQF8985.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,134,138 FDAARGOS_512 35.6 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163206 GCA_003812805.1 SEQF8986.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Hunter College of City University of New York 2,273,717 B105 35.73 PRJNA388485 SAMN07178057 GCA_003288035.1 SEQF8987.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Griffith University 2,153,937 874391 35.49 PRJNA395243 SAMN07374522 GCA_002289205.1 SEQF8988.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 UTHSC/McGovern Medical School 2,140,995 GBS11 35.56 PRJNA556442 SAMN12355365 GCA_014218095.1 SEQF8989.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 IP 2,065,074 COH1 35.4 PRJEB5232 SAMEA3139000 GCA_000689235.1 SEQF8990.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Jiangsu Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2,136,438 NJ1606 35.73 PRJNA430486 SAMN08374240 GCA_009930915.1 SEQF8991.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 SC 2,052,456 NCTC8187 35.47 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3856681 GCA_900475355.1 SEQF8992.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 INSTITUT PASTEUR 2,275,139 SA111 35.91 PRJEB12926 SAMEA3888151 GCA_900078265.1 SEQF8993.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,157,002 FDAARGOS_521 35.62 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163215 GCA_003812465.1 SEQF8994.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Public Health Ontario 2,061,426 NGBS572 35.46 PRJNA246096 SAMN02741688 GCA_000730255.1 SEQF8995.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Hunter College of City University of New York 2,150,631 B111 35.45 PRJNA388485 SAMN07178058 GCA_003288075.1 SEQF8996.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 UTHSC/McGovern Medical School 2,136,182 SS111 35.56 PRJNA556442 SAMN03329878 GCA_021496945.1 SEQF8997.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 SLU-GBC 2,109,759 ILRI005 35.43 PRJEB1694 SAMEA2272371 GCA_000427075.1 SEQF8998.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 University of Nottingham 2,105,299 01173 35.66 PRJNA627590 SAMN14677105 GCA_013000945.1 SEQF8999.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Singapore Streptococcus agalactiae working group 2,116,810 SG-M50 35.48 PRJNA293392 SAMN05384208 GCA_002197245.1 SEQF9000.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 College of Veterinary Medicine, Nanjing Agricultural University 2,063,112 GD201008-001 35.65 PRJNA169338 SAMN02603155 GCA_000299135.1 SEQF9001.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 UTHSC/McGovern Medical School 2,114,033 GBS68 35.35 PRJNA556442 SAMN12355421 GCA_021496885.1 SEQF9002.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 GUANGXI ACADEMY OF FISHERY SCIENCES 2,121,372 C001 35.65 PRJNA252450 SAMN02850626 GCA_002214425.1 SEQF9003.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,231,475 GBS6 35.75 PRJNA244773 SAMN05771129 GCA_000831105.1 SEQF9004.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Singapore Streptococcus agalactiae working group 2,116,769 SGEHI2015-95 35.48 PRJNA293392 SAMN08111301 GCA_002812445.1 SEQF9005.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Londrina State University 2,059,915 S73 35.38 PRJNA479809 SAMN09606624 GCA_003319215.1 SEQF9006.1 537 Streptococcus agalactiae latest 1 Guangdong Ocean University 2,064,943 ZQ0910 35.66 PRJNA611468 SAMN14331836 GCA_011383065.1 SEQF1993.1 538 Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus latest 42 Baylor College of Medicine 2,362,882 ATCC 23263 52.36 PRJNA52995 SAMN00260151 GCA_000185505.1 SEQF1018.2 539 Filifactor alocis latest 1 Broad Institute 1,931,012 ATCC 35896 35.45 PRJNA30485 SAMN02463683 Human Gingival Sulcus GCA_000163895.2 SEQF1860.1 540 Cardiobacterium valvarum latest 98 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 2,553,535 F0432 58.33 PRJNA49689 SAMN02299434 GCA_000239355.1 SEQF9761.1 540 Cardiobacterium valvarum latest 2 SC 2,755,518 NCTC13294 57.98 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4412709 GCA_900460955.1 SEQF9762.1 540 Cardiobacterium valvarum latest 198 EMG 2,547,857 MGYG-HGUT-02541 58.24 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5852046 GCA_902388165.1 SEQF1895.1 542 Peptostreptococcus anaerobius latest 91 Washington University Genome Center 1,988,451 VPI 4330 36.02 PRJNA67203 SAMN02436860 GCA_000318115.1 SEQF1921.1 542 Peptostreptococcus anaerobius latest 73 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,083,092 653-L 35.88 PRJNA34105 SAMN00002160 GCA_000178095.1 SEQF2506.1 542 Peptostreptococcus anaerobius latest 68 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,106,935 DSM 2949 35.74 PRJNA183057 SAMN02441325 GCA_000381525.1 SEQF5024.1 542 Peptostreptococcus anaerobius latest 60 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,116,810 C 35.71 PRJEB17122 SAMN05660467 GCA_900115025.1 SEQF5025.1 542 Peptostreptococcus anaerobius latest 114 University of Chicago 2,079,750 DFI.6.4 35.81 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167541 GCA_020558055.1 SEQF5026.1 542 Peptostreptococcus anaerobius latest 5 SC 2,256,756 NCTC11460 35.73 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4504051 GCA_900454605.1 SEQF5027.1 542 Peptostreptococcus anaerobius latest 65 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,023,341 MJR8628A 35.95 PRJNA272087 SAMN03854410 GCA_001563595.1 SEQF5028.1 542 Peptostreptococcus anaerobius latest 43 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,077,187 BSD2780120874b_170522_E5 35.79 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532383 GCA_015548685.1 SEQF5029.1 542 Peptostreptococcus anaerobius latest 88 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,002,682 KA00810 35.98 PRJNA272075 SAMN03854409 GCA_001553145.1 SEQF1692.2 543 Streptococcus anginosus 63 Washington University Genome Center 1,993,709 F0211 38.44 PRJNA43129 SAMN00189158 GCA_000184365.2 SEQF1996.2 543 Streptococcus anginosus 109 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,892,386 strain=SK52 38.65 PRJNA64677 SAMN00621698 GCA_000214555.2 SEQF2210.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus 7 Broad Institute 1,821,055 strain=1_2_62CV 38.99 PRJNA46427 SAMN02463868 GCA_000186545.1 SEQF2334.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus 83 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,294,730 strain=CCUG 39159 38.5 PRJNA75125 SAMN00761791 GCA_000257765.1 SEQF2397.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 13 JCVI 1,958,191 SK1138 38.61 PRJNA89617 SAMN00829139 GCA_000287595.1 SEQF2587.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada 1,911,706 C1051 38.97 PRJNA50423 SAMN02603662 GCA_000463465.1 SEQF2588.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada 2,233,640 C238 38.23 PRJNA50425 SAMN02603663 GCA_000463505.1 SEQF2609.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 Pediatric Dentistry, Tokyo Dental College 2,122,284 MAS624 38.34 PRJDB81 SAMD00061060 GCA_000478925.1 SEQF6860.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 1,924,513 J4211 38.99 PRJNA282763 SAMN03577772 GCA_001412635.1 SEQF6861.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 SC 1,953,654 NCTC10713 38.71 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3614267 GCA_900636475.1 SEQF6862.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,876,334 FDAARGOS_1569 38.69 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091666 GCA_020735765.1 SEQF6863.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 Department of Infectious Diseases, National Center for Global Health and Medicine 1,955,308 CCUG 27928 38.71 PRJDB6808 SAMD00114172 GCA_023169525.1 SEQF6864.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,036,353 SA1 38.86 PRJNA243855 SAMN05771128 GCA_000831165.1 SEQF6865.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 SC 1,904,537 NCTC11064 38.66 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3597592 GCA_901542485.1 SEQF6866.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 2,001,352 J4206 38.62 PRJNA270893 SAMN03271571 GCA_001697145.1 SEQF6867.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (KCDC) 1,951,018 KS 6 39.0 PRJNA556118 SAMN12340926 GCA_014844995.1 SEQF6868.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,284,041 FDAARGOS_1155 38.04 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357324 GCA_016725185.1 SEQF6869.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,981,414 FDAARGOS_1357 38.79 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357499 GCA_016903355.1 SEQF6870.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 42 Loyola University Chicago 2,104,786 UMB0839 38.75 PRJNA316969 SAMN14478479 GCA_012030555.1 SEQF6871.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 56 Loyola University Chicago 1,948,733 UMB567 38.71 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797000 GCA_008727045.1 SEQF6872.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 44 JCVI 2,016,050 ACC21 38.53 PRJNA165927 SAMN02641572 GCA_000524375.1 SEQF6873.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 45 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,086,248 1001285H_161024_F1 38.69 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532861 GCA_015669745.1 SEQF6874.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 31 Loyola University Chicago 1,949,858 UMB1353-1Y 38.66 PRJNA316969 SAMN19595174 GCA_018919275.1 SEQF6875.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 86 Oregon Health and Science University 1,962,788 OUP25 38.69 PRJNA436026 SAMN08611359 GCA_002999575.1 SEQF6876.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 3 SC 1,863,433 NCTC10707 39.03 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3597583 GCA_901542375.1 SEQF6877.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 83 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,869,479 HMSC034A12 39.11 PRJNA296217 SAMN04498604 GCA_001835825.1 SEQF6878.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 47 BGI 2,180,686 AF18-38 38.55 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734365 GCA_003460205.1 SEQF6879.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 35 Oregon Health and Science University 1,806,763 gc 38.89 PRJNA436026 SAMN08611362 GCA_002999485.1 SEQF6880.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 49 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 1,934,591 Streptococcus_anginosus_BgEED29 38.86 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664374 GCA_901875545.1 SEQF6881.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 27 Oregon Health and Science University 1,936,371 gl 38.61 PRJNA436026 SAMN08611363 GCA_002999525.1 SEQF6882.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 91 Loyola University Chicago 2,261,348 UMB248 38.59 PRJNA316969 SAMN12796999 GCA_008727075.1 SEQF6883.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 31 Loyola University Chicago 2,066,150 UMB4683 38.55 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797027 GCA_008726565.1 SEQF6884.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 108 BGI 1,855,820 AM27-1LB 38.92 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736348 GCA_003469625.1 SEQF6885.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 87 Loyola University Chicago 2,155,037 UMB8390 38.54 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797036 GCA_008726415.1 SEQF6886.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 10 URMITE 2,230,759 Marseille-P7375 42.05 PRJEB29560 SAMEA5894163 GCA_902460365.1 SEQF6887.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 44 Loyola University Chicago 2,022,327 UMB972 38.71 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797013 GCA_008726835.1 SEQF6888.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 71 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,958,630 HMSC057E02 38.71 PRJNA299915 SAMN04477579 GCA_001810745.1 SEQF6889.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 26 Oregon Health and Science University 1,997,328 OUP21 38.34 PRJNA436026 SAMN08611358 GCA_002999555.1 SEQF6890.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 59 Loyola University Chicago 1,960,871 UMB0142 38.57 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193725 GCA_002848085.1 SEQF6891.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 43 Loyola University Chicago 2,026,560 UMB8710 38.58 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797042 GCA_008726305.1 SEQF6892.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 22 Oregon Health and Science University 2,036,387 OUP19 38.66 PRJNA436026 SAMN08611357 GCA_002999635.1 SEQF6893.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 38 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,981,527 D40t1_170626_B7 38.94 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532920 GCA_015669245.1 SEQF6894.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 23 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,916,995 HMSC034B03 38.94 PRJNA296241 SAMN04498855 GCA_001838575.1 SEQF6895.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 77 RCEID, Khon Kaen University 2,055,672 VA01-10AN 38.64 PRJNA604905 SAMN14086703 GCA_011029125.1 SEQF6896.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 37 BGI 1,982,541 TF09-3AT 38.68 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736928 GCA_003436905.1 SEQF6897.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 59 JCVI 1,994,811 AC15 38.52 PRJNA165925 SAMN02344614 GCA_000565055.1 SEQF6898.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 73 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,021,947 HMSC056D07 38.68 PRJNA300124 SAMN04480393 GCA_001814455.1 SEQF6899.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 11 Heilongjiang bayi agricultural university 1,847,941 K27 38.77 PRJNA612981 SAMN14389548 GCA_019733875.1 SEQF6900.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 60 University of Washington 1,974,848 1043_SSUI 38.83 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197009 GCA_001069165.1 SEQF6901.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 54 Loyola University Chicago 2,106,325 UMB4708 38.82 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797030 GCA_008726525.1 SEQF6902.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 58 RCEID, Khon Kaen University 2,060,518 VA01-14AN 38.63 PRJNA604905 SAMN14086908 GCA_011029135.1 SEQF6903.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 26 CEBITEC 2,014,025 BVI 38.87 PRJEB15456 SAMEA4462041 GCA_900096985.1 SEQF6904.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 28 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,963,056 S26 38.58 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876570 GCA_023109795.1 SEQF6905.1 543 Streptococcus anginosus latest 11 Heilongjiang bayi agricultural university 1,950,501 K20 38.66 PRJNA612981 SAMN14389540 GCA_019733995.1 SEQF1457.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 6 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 5,205,777 ATCC 49188 56.13 PRJNA19485 SAMN02598421 GCA_000017405.1 SEQF2673.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 43 Tianjin University 5,277,818 W13P3 56.34 PRJNA238403 SAMN02644454 GCA_000585655.1 SEQF3893.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 3 The Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 4,858,647 PBO 56.11 PRJNA673670 SAMN16619790 GCA_015326295.1 SEQF3894.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 4 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,901,165 OAB 56.08 PRJNA244571 SAMN02873951 GCA_000742955.1 SEQF3895.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 2 National Institute of Agricultural Sciences 4,736,879 T16R-87 55.96 PRJNA559402 SAMN12541229 GCA_009017375.1 SEQF3896.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 4 City University of Hong Kong 5,061,032 T210003 56.44 PRJNA784751 SAMN23500291 GCA_021165815.1 SEQF3897.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 5,173,962 FDAARGOS_1039 56.14 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357208 GCA_016128015.1 SEQF3898.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 31 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 4,797,768 DSM 14396 55.96 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821276 GCA_008932785.1 SEQF3899.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 72 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 5,119,314 CCUG 12415 56.35 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821272 GCA_008932875.1 SEQF3900.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 1004 University of Georgia 4,590,021 60a 56.07 PRJNA169004 SAMN02471780 GCA_000409625.1 SEQF3901.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 41 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 4,912,846 LMG 3307 56.12 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821279 GCA_008932725.1 SEQF3902.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 17 University of Houston 4,538,068 FRAF13 55.98 PRJNA312205 SAMN04495806 GCA_001575075.1 SEQF3903.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 12 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 4,806,735 LMG 7991 56.13 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821286 GCA_008932585.1 SEQF3904.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 76 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 5,191,372 LMG 3329 56.31 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821281 GCA_008932685.1 SEQF3905.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 161 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 5,313,857 LMG 3313 56.49 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821280 GCA_008932705.1 SEQF3906.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 26 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,808,005 RH4WT86 55.91 PRJNA547127 SAMN12024925 GCA_014138145.1 SEQF3907.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 65 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 5,179,000 CCUG 33786 56.39 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821274 GCA_008932835.1 SEQF3908.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 33 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 4,958,302 LMG 3298 56.17 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821278 GCA_008932745.1 SEQF3909.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 17 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 4,813,838 ALM4 56.12 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821270 GCA_008932905.1 SEQF3910.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 37 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 4,904,887 LMG 2136 56.36 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821277 GCA_008932765.1 SEQF3911.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 5 SC 5,239,764 NCTC12168 56.12 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3146533 GCA_900454235.1 SEQF3912.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 20 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 4,854,606 LMG 371 56.26 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821284 GCA_008932635.1 SEQF3913.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 41 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 5,066,712 OA_392 56.45 PRJNA497126 SAMN10249151 GCA_003937425.1 SEQF3914.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 10 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 4,808,150 LMG 34 56.13 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821283 GCA_008932625.1 SEQF3915.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 27 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 5,142,012 CCUG 25934 56.13 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821273 GCA_008932825.1 SEQF3916.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 74 Goethe University 4,904,177 ML7 56.02 PRJNA274439 SAMN03328791 GCA_000878465.1 SEQF3917.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 26 Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 4,904,693 DE2010 56.52 PRJNA475095 SAMN09379566 GCA_003325675.1 SEQF3918.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 70 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 4,978,335 LMG 5140 56.21 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821285 GCA_008932615.1 SEQF3919.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 28 Peking University Shenzhen Institute 4,975,062 GN15-21 56.07 PRJNA682484 SAMN21557939 GCA_020524305.1 SEQF3920.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 15 Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, CAS 4,726,982 CTS-325 56.15 PRJNA85133 SAMN02469799 GCA_000251205.1 SEQF3921.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 6 Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning 4,975,830 SOA01 56.29 PRJNA698411 SAMN17717947 GCA_016887905.1 SEQF3922.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 79 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 5,020,564 OA_244 56.06 PRJNA497126 SAMN10249178 GCA_003937445.1 SEQF3923.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 51 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 5,446,543 CCUG 34461 56.51 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821275 GCA_008932815.1 SEQF3924.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 23 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 5,007,797 LMG 3333 56.4 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821282 GCA_008932675.1 SEQF3925.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 54 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 4,640,821 Isolate5 56.27 PRJEB44171 SAMEA8533645 GCA_907163095.1 SEQF3926.1 544 Brucella anthropi latest 21 INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 4,839,150 CCM 4352 56.14 PRJNA573682 SAMN12821271 GCA_008932885.1 SEQF1221.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 1 American Museum of Natural History 2,313,035 NJ8700 42.23 PRJNA36579 SAMN02602980 GCA_000022985.1 SEQF1675.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 12 Broad Institute 2,262,693 F0387 42.37 PRJNA40689 SAMN02463811 GCA_000231255.1 SEQF1956.3 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 48 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,267,213 ATCC 33389 42.18 PRJNA62995 SAMN02471993 GCA_000226495.3 SEQF4330.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 1 Bumgarner laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington 2,313,256 NJ8700 42.23 PRJNA258126 SAMN02988840 GCA_001188835.1 SEQF4331.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 1 SC 2,290,909 NCTC11096 42.15 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3207622 GCA_900478265.1 SEQF4332.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 16 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,329,796 C2008001782 42.59 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011131 GCA_003252805.1 SEQF4333.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 19 Menzies School of Health Research 2,364,377 ATCC 7901 42.14 PRJNA327277 SAMN05327896 GCA_001680805.1 SEQF4334.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 48 Aarhus University 2,421,966 HK_319 42.22 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488443 GCA_003130365.1 SEQF4335.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 31 Aarhus University 2,264,950 PN_444 42.23 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488444 GCA_003130145.1 SEQF4336.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 18 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,450,473 C2010020251 42.52 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011126 GCA_003252835.1 SEQF4337.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 33 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,288,398 C2008001229 42.18 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011133 GCA_003252965.1 SEQF4338.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 35 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,452,137 C2009017515 42.66 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011128 GCA_003253035.1 SEQF4339.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 18 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,346,261 C2008003249 42.69 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011130 GCA_003252995.1 SEQF4340.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 33 Aarhus University 2,368,867 CCUG 11575 42.2 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488442 GCA_003130375.1 SEQF4341.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 121 Umea University 2,375,403 HK83 42.22 PRJNA475894 SAMN09405372 GCA_003703745.1 SEQF4342.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 30 Aarhus University 2,346,714 PN_517 42.2 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488445 GCA_003130125.1 SEQF4343.2 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 5 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,406,785 FDAARGOS_248 42.24 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875574 GCA_002083125.2 SEQF4344.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 33 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,268,540 C2008000870 42.06 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011134 GCA_003252955.1 SEQF4345.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 6 SC 2,332,869 NCTC5908 42.37 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4552887 GCA_900445195.1 SEQF4346.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 26 Aarhus University 2,308,908 PN_521 42.22 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488446 GCA_003130195.1 SEQF4347.1 545 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus latest 32 Menzies School of Health Research 2,268,672 ATCC 19415 42.18 PRJNA327278 SAMN05327945 GCA_001680765.1 SEQF2145.2 547 Porphyromonas asaccharolytica latest 58 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,199,119 PR426713P-I 52.32 PRJNA59515 SAMN00116777 GCA_000183605.2 SEQF2160.1 547 Porphyromonas asaccharolytica latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 2,186,370 DSM 20707 52.47 PRJNA51745 SAMN00713611 GCA_000212375.1 SEQF3154.1 548 Peptoniphilus asaccharolyticus latest 17 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,232,586 DSM 20463 32.29 PRJEB20240 SAMN00017477 GCA_900176115.1 SEQF8291.1 548 Peptoniphilus asaccharolyticus latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 2,320,207 FDAARGOS_1135 32.39 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357304 GCA_016791605.1 SEQF1310.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 1 Univ. Minnesota 2,742,531 strain=RF122 32.78 PRJNA63 SAMEA3138186 GCA_000009005.1 SEQF1311.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 2 TIGR 2,813,862 COL 32.81 PRJNA238 SAMN02603996 GCA_000012045.1 SEQF1312.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 2 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,936,936 strain=JH1 32.92 PRJNA15758 SAMN02598344 GCA_000017125.1 SEQF1313.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 2 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,937,129 JH9 32.92 PRJNA15757 SAMN02598343 GCA_000016805.1 SEQF1314.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 1 Sanger Institute 2,902,619 MRSA252 32.81 PRJNA265 SAMEA1705935 GCA_000011505.1 SEQF1315.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 2 Sanger Institute 2,820,454 strain=MSSA476 32.82 PRJNA266 SAMEA1705922 GCA_000011525.1 SEQF1316.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 2 Juntendo Univ. 2,903,636 Mu50 32.84 PRJNA263 SAMD00061098 GCA_000009665.1 SEQF1317.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 1 NITE 2,820,462 strain=MW2 32.83 PRJNA306 SAMD00061104 GCA_000011265.1 SEQF1318.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 2 Juntendo Univ. 2,839,469 strain=N315 32.81 PRJNA264 SAMD00061099 GCA_000009645.1 SEQF1319.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 2,821,361 NCTC 8325 32.87 PRJNA237 SAMN02604235 GCA_000013425.1 SEQF1320.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 4 University of California, San Francisco 2,917,469 USA300_FPR3757 32.69 PRJNA16313 SAMN02604150 GCA_000013465.1 SEQF1431.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 1 Juntendo University School of Medicine, Department of Bacteriology 2,878,897 strain=Newman 32.89 PRJDA18801 SAMD00060913 GCA_000010465.1 SEQF1488.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 736 University of Central Florida 2,923,460 strain=930918-3 32.67 PRJNA20007 SAMN02471355 GCA_000171435.1 SEQF1489.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 463 University of Central Florida 2,775,621 strain=D30 32.65 PRJNA19993 SAMN02471356 GCA_000171455.1 SEQF1490.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 1 Juntendo Universit 2,880,168 strain=Mu3 32.88 PRJDA18509 SAMD00060910 GCA_000010445.1 SEQF1491.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 174 Baylor College of Medicine 2,845,480 USA300_TCH959 33.27 PRJNA19921 SAMN00001491 GCA_000153665.1 SEQF1492.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 3 Baylor College of Medicine 2,903,081 strain=TCH1516 32.73 PRJNA19489 SAMN00253845 GCA_000017085.1 SEQF1620.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 1 Monash University 2,924,344 strain=JKD6008 32.89 PRJNA29567 SAMN02603619 GCA_000145595.1 SEQF1725.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 4 University of Edinburgh 2,847,542 strain=ED98 32.81 PRJNA39547 SAMN02604165 GCA_000024585.1 SEQF1803.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 45 Broad Institute 2,820,632 strain=A10102 32.77 PRJNA39223 SAMN02595337 GCA_000175495.1 SEQF1804.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 32 Broad Institute 2,827,272 A5937 32.75 PRJNA36465 SAMN02595317 GCA_000174455.1 SEQF1805.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 65 Broad Institute 2,846,107 A5948 32.58 PRJNA36467 SAMN02595318 GCA_000174475.1 SEQF1806.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 49 Broad Institute 2,870,228 strain=A6224 32.78 PRJNA36469 SAMN02595319 GCA_000174495.1 SEQF1807.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 49 Broad Institute 2,816,649 strain=A6300 32.8 PRJNA36471 SAMN02595320 GCA_000174515.1 SEQF1808.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 38 Broad Institute 2,746,960 A8115 32.71 PRJNA36473 SAMN02595321 GCA_000174535.1 SEQF1809.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 32 Broad Institute 2,715,851 strain=A8117 32.73 PRJNA40181 SAMN02595361 GCA_000175955.1 SEQF1810.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 48 Broad Institute 2,782,181 A9299 32.76 PRJNA36475 SAMN02595322 GCA_000174555.1 SEQF1811.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 40 Broad Institute 2,731,263 strain=A9635 32.79 PRJNA36477 SAMN02595323 GCA_000174575.1 SEQF1812.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 60 Broad Institute 2,856,961 strain=A9719 32.76 PRJNA36479 SAMN02595324 GCA_000174595.1 SEQF1813.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 41 Broad Institute 2,769,858 strain=A9763 32.75 PRJNA36481 SAMN02595325 GCA_000174615.1 SEQF1814.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 86 Broad Institute 2,887,954 strain=A9765 32.69 PRJNA39221 SAMN02595336 GCA_000175475.1 SEQF1815.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 50 Broad Institute 2,822,169 A9781 32.71 PRJNA36483 SAMN02595326 GCA_000174635.1 SEQF1830.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 1 BCM 2,899,588 strain=MN8 33.14 PRJNA31533 SAMN00001499 GCA_000160195.1 SEQF1831.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 248 BCM 2,779,997 strain=TCH130 33.38 PRJNA31541 SAMN00001490 GCA_000159555.1 SEQF1832.2 550 Staphylococcus aureus 2 Baylor College of Medicine 2,827,166 strain=TCH60 32.83 PRJNA31539 SAMN00002240 GCA_000159535.2 SEQF1833.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 5 Baylor College of Medicine 2,818,925 TCH70 32.82 PRJNA31543 SAMN00001489 GCA_000149015.1 SEQF1835.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 36 Broad Institute 2,804,748 strain=WW2703/97 34.17 PRJNA39243 SAMN02595345 GCA_000162735.1 SEQF2173.2 550 Staphylococcus aureus 1 Robert Koch Institut 2,821,452 04-02981 32.9 PRJNA34809 SAMN02603764 GCA_000025145.2 SEQF2199.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 98 Broad Institute 2,968,236 strain=A8796 32.84 PRJNA43715 SAMN02595393 GCA_000178015.1 SEQF2200.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 48 Broad Institute 2,916,471 strain=A8819 32.78 PRJNA43719 SAMN02595394 GCA_000178035.1 SEQF2201.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus 59 Broad Institute 2,930,317 strain=A9754 32.58 PRJNA43713 SAMN02595392 GCA_000177995.1 SEQF9660.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 2,782,561 ATCC 12600 32.84 PRJNA514950 SAMN10739543 GCA_006094915.1 SEQF9661.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 Okinawa Institute of Advanced Sciences 2,782,562 DSM 20231 32.84 PRJNA283471 SAMN03651231 GCA_001027105.1 SEQF9662.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 2,782,561 PartF-Saureus-RM8376 32.84 PRJNA605254 SAMN14078797 GCA_022869625.1 SEQF9663.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 2,787,057 FDAARGOS_773 32.83 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056488 GCA_006364675.1 SEQF9664.2 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 Northwest A&F University 2,885,865 BA01611 32.85 PRJNA293604 SAMN04008874 GCA_001298325.2 SEQF9665.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 Helmholtz Center Munich 2,766,978 N6 32.91 PRJNA732579 SAMN19550066 GCA_020386595.1 SEQF9666.2 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 University of Calgary 3,038,845 M92 32.81 PRJNA319679 SAMN04903357 GCA_002097595.2 SEQF9667.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 Department of Microbiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University 2,754,388 KUH140331 32.84 PRJDB8599 SAMD00180474 GCA_008619795.1 SEQF9668.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 4 University Medical Centre Utrecht 2,885,367 type strain:ST398;S0385 32.91 PRJEA29427 SAMEA2272644 GCA_000009585.1 SEQF9669.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 South American MRSA Consortium 2,864,278 CA15 32.77 PRJNA246386 SAMN02767179 GCA_001021895.1 SEQF9670.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 Icahn School of Medicine 2,892,907 165 32.9 PRJNA393749 SAMN07340906 GCA_003354665.1 SEQF9671.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 University of Melbourne 2,832,165 JKD6159 32.77 PRJNA50759 SAMN02604217 GCA_000144955.1 SEQF9672.2 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 Huazhong Agricultural University 2,740,664 JL28 32.92 PRJNA660925 SAMN15964463 GCA_020702615.2 SEQF9673.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 University of central Florida 2,821,889 NAS_AN_009 32.79 PRJNA626345 SAMN15567909 GCA_022405595.1 SEQF9674.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 University of central Florida 2,755,455 NAS_AN_099 32.84 PRJNA626345 SAMN15567923 GCA_022405435.1 SEQF9675.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 University Hospital Duesseldorf 2,892,590 UP_1654 32.78 PRJNA528186 SAMN11175645 GCA_009912075.1 SEQF9676.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 University Hospital Duesseldorf 2,746,804 UP_1539 32.82 PRJNA528186 SAMN11175639 GCA_009912295.1 SEQF9677.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 UFMG 2,841,948 O268 32.91 PRJNA528119 SAMN11174937 GCA_004772215.1 SEQF9678.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 Guangzhou Medical University 2,844,011 199 32.9 PRJNA783074 SAMN23416073 GCA_022494545.1 SEQF9679.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2,854,518 UNC_SaCF35 32.86 PRJNA749299 SAMN23701160 GCA_021172825.1 SEQF9680.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 FDA/CFSAN 2,757,659 CFSAN007894 32.84 PRJNA243331 SAMN03763989 GCA_002633865.1 SEQF9681.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 Wadsworth Center - NYS DOH 2,897,139 VRMSSA-WC111 32.9 PRJNA808078 SAMN26026639 GCA_022693225.1 SEQF9682.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT) 2,904,556 RGB-095930 32.86 PRJNA739061 SAMN19770946 GCA_019653615.1 SEQF9683.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 National Center for Toxicological Research 2,905,879 MN8 32.87 PRJNA802579 SAMN25556620 GCA_022163365.1 SEQF9684.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 University of central Florida 2,801,757 NAS_AN_270 32.85 PRJNA626345 SAMN15567958 GCA_022404775.1 SEQF9685.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,776,467 FDAARGOS_1086 32.8 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357255 GCA_016727585.1 SEQF9686.2 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,764,708 NRS149 32.92 PRJNA231221 SAMN03255453 GCA_001018775.2 SEQF9687.2 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 3 Huazhong Agricultural University 2,842,451 0610-H-2A 32.85 PRJNA660925 SAMN15964195 GCA_020702545.2 SEQF9688.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 University Hospital Duesseldorf 2,712,116 UP_1484 32.83 PRJNA528186 SAMN11175636 GCA_009912415.1 SEQF9689.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology 2,965,586 NY2010 32.82 PRJNA821321 SAMN27065448 GCA_022832835.1 SEQF9690.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 FDA/CDC 2,963,657 AR_0470 32.87 PRJNA316321 SAMN07291563 GCA_003193745.1 SEQF9691.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 Helmholtz Center Munich 2,732,780 282 32.87 PRJNA732579 SAMN19550033 GCA_020388965.1 SEQF9692.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 Eastern Regional Research Center -ARS-USDA 2,804,759 SJTUF_J27 32.91 PRJNA353940 SAMN06200256 GCA_001956755.1 SEQF9693.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 LNCC 2,746,829 ST20130939 32.86 PRJNA298748 SAMN04166389 GCA_001611425.1 SEQF9694.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 Newcastle University 2,742,047 RN6390 32.86 PRJNA789916 SAMN24173961 GCA_021390135.1 SEQF9695.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 University Hospital Munster 2,910,878 12_LA_293 32.98 PRJEB25220 SAMEA104710496 GCA_900324315.1 SEQF9696.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 Wadsworth Center - NYS DOH 2,844,400 MRSA-WC061 32.83 PRJNA808078 SAMN26026629 GCA_022691405.1 SEQF9697.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 Department of Microbiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University 2,969,682 KUH180062 32.85 PRJDB8599 SAMD00180476 GCA_008620055.1 SEQF9698.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 The University of Tokyo 2,804,030 TF3198 32.75 PRJNA411362 SAMN07684573 GCA_003031285.1 SEQF9699.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 University Hospital Duesseldorf 2,896,381 UP_818 32.87 PRJNA528186 SAMN11175617 GCA_009912715.1 SEQF9700.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 Yonsei University College of medicine 2,785,564 E16SA093 32.88 PRJNA481439 SAMN09668080 GCA_003342735.1 SEQF9701.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 Helmholtz Center Munich 2,766,975 L4 32.91 PRJNA732579 SAMN19550061 GCA_020388155.1 SEQF9702.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition 2,754,985 CFSAN007894 32.84 PRJNA541975 SAMN03763989 GCA_009650155.1 SEQF9703.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 2 RIVM 2,771,015 RIVM1607 32.93 PRJNA305475 SAMN04325938 GCA_001465675.1 SEQF9704.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 University of Calgary 2,955,000 JK3137 32.82 PRJNA384212 SAMN06830443 GCA_004614315.1 SEQF9705.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 TEDA School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Nankai University 2,913,900 T0131 32.8 PRJNA65323 SAMN02603905 GCA_000204665.1 SEQF9706.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 University Hospital Duesseldorf 2,840,057 UP_551 32.84 PRJNA528186 SAMN11175609 GCA_009912935.1 SEQF9707.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 Helmholtz Center Munich 2,764,236 327 32.96 PRJNA732579 SAMN19550040 GCA_020388825.1 SEQF9708.1 550 Staphylococcus aureus latest 1 University Hospital Munster 2,891,669 3_LA_115 33.01 PRJEB25220 SAMEA104710487 GCA_900324215.1 SEQF1990.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 7 Baylor College of Medicine 2,553,960 ATCC 25577 63.72 PRJNA64741 SAMN02299449 GCA_000227295.1 SEQF2522.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 1 BAYGEN 2,526,138 44067 63.48 PRJNA157751 SAMN02603001 GCA_000367205.1 SEQF4983.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 1 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences 2,616,193 TP-CV4 63.49 PRJDB10833 SAMD00260202 GCA_019704095.1 SEQF4984.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 1 University College Cork 2,729,848 DPC 6544 63.43 PRJNA339124 SAMN05579890 GCA_001714705.1 SEQF4985.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 1 korea research institute of bioscience and biotechnology 2,554,716 KCTC 5339 63.4 PRJNA545582 SAMN17320327 GCA_016834535.1 SEQF4986.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 1 korea research institute of bioscience and biotechnology 2,609,136 KGMB02810 63.41 PRJNA545582 SAMN17320314 GCA_016766735.1 SEQF4987.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 1 korea research institute of bioscience and biotechnology 2,812,988 KGMB09337 63.49 PRJNA545582 SAMN17320317 GCA_016766755.1 SEQF4988.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 1 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences 2,618,726 TPCV-14 63.34 PRJDB10832 SAMD00260203 GCA_019704115.1 SEQF4989.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 26 Aarhus University 2,628,607 HS8 63.48 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186355 GCA_024105015.1 SEQF4990.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 15 University of Washington 2,667,416 T19584 63.33 PRJNA474022 SAMN09289908 GCA_005937655.1 SEQF4991.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 20 NHGRI/NIH 2,563,643 ACRSE 63.31 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729934 GCA_022346865.1 SEQF4992.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 22 Aarhus University 2,580,831 HS2 63.46 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186351 GCA_024105095.1 SEQF4993.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 51 University of California, Los Angeles 2,541,663 CI855 63.49 PRJNA380511 SAMN06644705 GCA_002578705.1 SEQF4994.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 41 University of California, Los Angeles 2,532,456 CI853 63.47 PRJNA380511 SAMN06644704 GCA_002578765.1 SEQF4995.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 49 Aarhus University 2,728,527 HS4 63.41 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186352 GCA_024105075.1 SEQF4996.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 73 University of California, Los Angeles 2,541,539 CI878 63.4 PRJNA380511 SAMN06644708 GCA_002578695.1 SEQF4997.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 15 Aarhus University 2,463,971 T13 63.43 PRJNA298214 SAMN04156671 GCA_001866575.1 SEQF4998.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 39 Aarhus University 2,576,103 FJD262 63.4 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186357 GCA_024104975.1 SEQF4999.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 31 Aarhus University 2,572,090 ESL7 63.39 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186364 GCA_024104815.1 SEQF5000.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 23 Aarhus University 2,512,250 ZH9 63.49 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186360 GCA_024104955.1 SEQF5001.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 19 Aarhus University 2,643,900 HS6 63.43 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186353 GCA_024105055.1 SEQF5002.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 26 Aarhus University 2,646,334 HS1 63.43 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186350 GCA_024105125.1 SEQF5003.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 51 UC Davis 2,667,287 UCD-PD2 63.36 PRJNA323590 SAMN05181546 GCA_001692965.1 SEQF5004.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 30 University of California, Los Angeles 2,476,142 CI828 63.42 PRJNA380511 SAMN06644706 GCA_002578835.1 SEQF5005.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 29 Aarhus University 2,595,783 ZH12 63.34 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186361 GCA_024104915.1 SEQF5006.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 48 ETH Zurich 2,630,617 P313 63.46 PRJNA524452 SAMN11026534 GCA_005796055.1 SEQF5007.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 22 Aarhus University 2,605,641 HOL4 63.4 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186358 GCA_024104925.1 SEQF5008.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 20 University of Washington 2,693,320 P16-029 63.31 PRJNA393885 SAMN07414774 GCA_003426585.1 SEQF5009.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 37 Aarhus University 2,686,855 HS9 63.41 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186356 GCA_024104995.1 SEQF5010.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 20 Aarhus University 2,506,714 ESL6 63.41 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186363 GCA_024104855.1 SEQF5011.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 16 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,467,154 MJR7694 63.45 PRJNA272115 SAMN03948577 GCA_001546875.1 SEQF5012.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 17 Aarhus University 2,512,404 ESL2 63.36 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186362 GCA_024104875.1 SEQF5013.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 2 EMG 2,741,290 MGYG-HGUT-01446 63.6 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850949 GCA_902375045.1 SEQF5014.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 20 Aarhus University 2,501,297 ESL12 63.43 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186365 GCA_024104825.1 SEQF5015.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 420 Aarhus University 2,539,715 TM16 63.35 PRJNA189036 SAMN02393703 GCA_000463645.1 SEQF5016.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 16 Aarhus University 2,471,868 HOL5 63.39 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186359 GCA_024104895.1 SEQF5017.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 14 Aarhus University 2,462,788 T15 63.43 PRJNA298219 SAMN04156673 GCA_001866585.1 SEQF5018.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 66 University of California, Los Angeles 2,497,070 CI882 63.38 PRJNA380511 SAMN06644707 GCA_002578825.1 SEQF5019.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 9 Aarhus University 2,522,071 T14 63.39 PRJNA298218 SAMN04156672 GCA_001866625.1 SEQF5020.1 552 Cutibacterium avidum latest 42 Aarhus University 2,691,232 HS7 63.4 PRJNA729908 SAMN19186354 GCA_024105025.1 SEQF1934.1 553 Prevotella baroniae latest 44 J. Craig Venter Institute 3,024,338 F0067 53.25 PRJNA78601 SAMN00828753 GCA_000468635.1 SEQF2582.1 553 Prevotella baroniae latest 47 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,128,717 DSM 16972 53.04 PRJNA195801 SAMN02440845 GCA_000426585.1 SEQF2675.1 553 Prevotella baroniae latest 94 The University of Tokyo 3,116,148 JCM 13447 53.02 PRJDB571 SAMD00009302 GCA_000613565.1 SEQF1161.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii 4 Genoscope 3,477,996 strain=SDF 39.12 PRJNA13001 SAMEA3138277 GCA_000069205.1 SEQF1164.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii 5 Genoscope 4,048,735 AYE 39.32 PRJNA28921 SAMEA3138279 Nosocomial GCA_000069245.1 SEQF1384.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii 3 Yale University 4,001,457 ATCC 17978 38.92 PRJNA17477 SAMN02604331 GCA_000015425.1 SEQF1398.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii 3 CNR - National Research Council 3,996,761 strain=ACICU 38.93 PRJNA17827 SAMN02603140 GCA_000018445.1 SEQF1485.2 554 Acinetobacter baumannii 2 Case Western Reserve University 4,063,879 strain=AB0057 39.19 PRJNA21111 SAMN02603051 GCA_000021245.2 SEQF1486.2 554 Acinetobacter baumannii 1 State Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Treatment for Infectious Disease, the First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 4,022,275 MDR-ZJ06 39.1 PRJNA28333 SAMN02603878 GCA_000226275.2 SEQF1622.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii 1 SUNY-Buffalo-CoE 3,760,981 strain=AB307-0294 39.04 PRJNA30993 SAMN02603889 GCA_000021145.1 SEQF9008.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Nanyang Technological University 3,980,230 K09-14 38.99 PRJNA565663 SAMN12769618 GCA_008632635.1 SEQF9009.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 3 University of Technology Sydney 3,999,136 ATCC 19606 39.15 PRJNA557095 SAMN12389466 GCA_009035845.1 SEQF9010.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Monash University 3,990,388 ATCC 19606 39.16 PRJNA577968 SAMN13045090 GCA_009759685.1 SEQF9011.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 1 EPFL 3,980,852 ATCC 19606 39.17 PRJNA645521 SAMN15507635 GCA_014672755.1 SEQF9012.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 3,980,879 PartI-Abaumannii-RM8376;ATCC isolate 39.17 PRJNA605254 SAMN14078800 GCA_022870045.1 SEQF9013.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 University of Georgia 3,999,499 ATCC 19606 39.15 PRJNA729114 SAMN19110717 GCA_020911985.1 SEQF9014.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 4 Christian Medical College 4,172,366 CIAT758 39.04 PRJNA530138 SAMN11298775 GCA_004758865.1 SEQF9015.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 1 Public Health Agency of Canada 3,935,331 11A1213CRGN064 39.05 PRJNA390934 SAMN07258648 GCA_008244865.1 SEQF9016.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 1 Vrije Universiteit Brussel 4,103,179 AB181-VUB 39.11 PRJNA798866 SAMN25131652 GCA_022548575.1 SEQF9017.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 3 Walter Reed Army Institute of Research 4,179,318 CFSAN093710 39.16 PRJNA300270 SAMN12391854 GCA_014705805.1 SEQF9018.2 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 4 Peking University Peoples Hospital 4,231,195 2014LNAB1 39.02 PRJNA646312 SAMN15538702 GCA_017096425.2 SEQF9019.3 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 3 Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin 3,935,134 AC29 38.86 PRJNA238628 SAMN02714232 GCA_000695855.3 SEQF9020.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Korea Basic Science Institute 4,054,434 KAB07 38.97 PRJNA339690 SAMN05601672 GCA_001806465.1 SEQF9021.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 1 Vrije Universiteit Brussel 3,980,154 ATCC19606-VUB 39.17 PRJNA798866 SAMN25131676 GCA_022466975.1 SEQF9022.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 4 Zhejiang University School of Medicine 3,966,915 DETAB-E227 39.2 PRJNA716893 SAMN18498586 GCA_017753625.1 SEQF9023.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 5 Christian Medical College 4,357,638 KSK1 38.96 PRJNA716155 SAMN18396008 GCA_017639875.1 SEQF9024.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,060,325 AR_0102 39.12 PRJNA292904 SAMN04014943 GCA_003010655.1 SEQF9025.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University 4,221,037 XH386 39.12 PRJNA273343 SAMN07135565 GCA_003264275.1 SEQF9026.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Jinan University 3,932,611 AB4451 39.06 PRJNA823506 SAMN27303889 GCA_022921035.1 SEQF9027.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 5 The University of Sydney 4,053,664 MRSN 56 39.17 PRJNA742487 SAMN19955388 GCA_019458485.1 SEQF9028.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 1 Vrije Universiteit Brussel 4,058,269 AB21-VUB 39.22 PRJNA798866 SAMN25131637 GCA_022460295.1 SEQF9029.2 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 1 Korea Basic Science Institute 4,178,958 DU202 39.27 PRJNA213256 SAMN02470137 GCA_000498375.2 SEQF9030.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Christian Medical College 4,057,956 VB35435 38.93 PRJNA540773 SAMN11557585 GCA_005280415.1 SEQF9031.4 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Macquarie University 3,711,700 D1279779 38.98 PRJNA61919 SAMN02603576 GCA_000186665.4 SEQF9032.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Peking University Peoples Hospital 4,140,180 5670 39.11 PRJNA789460 SAMN24114656 GCA_023362075.1 SEQF9033.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 4 Christian Medical College 3,796,961 SP304 38.88 PRJNA541077 SAMN11571814 GCA_005280675.1 SEQF9034.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 3 Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University 4,095,067 DT-Ab003 39.02 PRJNA612123 SAMN14308849 GCA_012272795.1 SEQF9035.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 5 University of Technology Sydney 4,324,770 D46 38.91 PRJNA602058 SAMN13874778 GCA_018831125.1 SEQF9036.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 wenzhou medical university 4,078,195 BM2333 39.04 PRJNA799658 SAMN25185246 GCA_021725415.1 SEQF9037.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Texas A&M University 3,879,291 TP2 39.07 PRJNA641163 SAMN15735522 GCA_015870765.1 SEQF9038.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 3 Peking University Peoples Hospital 4,248,484 5388 39.1 PRJNA789460 SAMN24114644 GCA_023362275.1 SEQF9039.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 7 Christian Medical College 4,207,397 VB958 38.98 PRJNA540743 SAMN11554497 GCA_005280355.1 SEQF9040.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Yonsei University College of medicine 4,108,454 CBA7 39.19 PRJNA380857 SAMN06650245 GCA_002082645.1 SEQF9041.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 3 Beijing Institute of Biotechnology 3,906,303 SHOU-Ab01 39.0 PRJNA781087 SAMN23235066 GCA_020985285.1 SEQF9042.2 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 4 Peking University Peoples Hospital 4,117,240 2016LNAB1 38.96 PRJNA646312 SAMN15538701 GCA_017096385.2 SEQF9043.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 3 Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine 3,923,146 CAM180-1 39.0 PRJNA573751 SAMN12825295 GCA_008802935.1 SEQF9044.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 University of Birmingham 4,072,975 DETAB-P65 38.88 PRJNA738868 SAMN19774628 GCA_023517235.1 SEQF9045.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 4 University of Texas at Dallas 4,005,822 BJAB0868 38.96 PRJNA74425 SAMN02604246 GCA_000419425.1 SEQF9046.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 1 Vrije Universiteit Brussel 3,913,930 AB216-VUB 39.04 PRJNA798866 SAMN25131663 GCA_022468295.1 SEQF9047.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 1 Vrije Universiteit Brussel 3,638,126 AB179-VUB 39.04 PRJNA798866 SAMN25131650 GCA_022459075.1 SEQF9048.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 3 Peking University Peoples Hospital 4,140,946 5689 39.06 PRJNA789460 SAMN24114663 GCA_023361955.1 SEQF9049.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Peking University Peoples Hospital 4,003,190 5656 39.06 PRJNA789460 SAMN24114649 GCA_023362175.1 SEQF9050.2 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Texas A&M University 3,873,271 TP1 39.05 PRJNA641163 SAMN15344688 GCA_013376855.2 SEQF9051.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 3 Yonsei University College of medicine 4,088,238 G20AB010 38.97 PRJNA684975 SAMN17073617 GCA_016350065.1 SEQF9052.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine 4,058,089 SMC_Paed_Ab_BL01 39.02 PRJNA419431 SAMN08054861 GCA_002843665.1 SEQF9053.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 1 Peking University Peoples Hospital 4,103,762 abA1 39.04 PRJNA640471 SAMN15778733 GCA_015732435.1 SEQF9054.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 3 Zhejiang University 3,810,701 A1296;A1296 39.15 PRJNA355911 SAMN06099024 GCA_002504145.1 SEQF9055.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 South China Agricultural University 4,032,777 YC103 39.11 PRJNA638186 SAMN15182649 GCA_021729465.1 SEQF9056.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 Center for Genomic Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 4,066,829 9102 38.96 PRJNA311558 SAMN07520232 GCA_003522845.1 SEQF9057.1 554 Acinetobacter baumannii latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 3,898,281 FDAARGOS_1359 39.12 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357501 GCA_016903215.1 SEQF2460.1 555 Gemella bergeri latest 89 Washington University 1,604,508 ATCC 700627 30.36 PRJNA198886 SAMN02436752 GCA_000469465.1 SEQF1797.1 556 Prevotella bivia latest 121 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,424,432 JCVIHMP010 39.77 PRJNA31377 SAMN00008342 GCA_000177315.1 SEQF2380.1 556 Prevotella bivia latest 3 JGI 2,521,238 DSM 20514 39.89 PRJNA50753 SAMN02261368 GCA_000262545.1 SEQF2728.1 556 Prevotella bivia latest 158 JCVI 2,527,024 DNF00188 39.85 PRJNA187523 SAMN02850947 GCA_000759045.1 SEQF2729.1 556 Prevotella bivia latest 179 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,584,224 DNF00320 40.0 PRJNA219665 SAMN02850966 GCA_000759245.1 SEQF2730.1 556 Prevotella bivia latest 173 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,408,181 DNF00650 39.74 PRJNA219670 SAMN02850971 GCA_000759165.1 SEQF4857.1 556 Prevotella bivia latest 114 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,579,172 GED7880 39.97 PRJNA272094 SAMN03854509 GCA_001574405.1 SEQF4858.1 556 Prevotella bivia latest 354 University of Washington 2,386,762 700_PDEN 39.52 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197905 GCA_001065995.1 SEQF4859.2 556 Prevotella bivia latest 127 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,459,295 GED7760C 39.68 PRJNA272110 SAMN03854476 GCA_001546565.2 SEQF2787.1 557 Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-9] [Eubacterium]_brachy latest 19 Washington University 1,544,525 ATCC 33089 37.94 PRJNA198877 SAMN02436867 GCA_000488855.1 SEQF1252.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 3 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI), The Lactic Acid Bacteria Genome Consortium and Fidelity Systems Inc. 2,340,228 ATCC 367 46.06 PRJNA404 SAMN02598532 GCA_000014465.1 SEQF1638.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis 106 Baylor College of Medicine 3,144,656 ATCC 27305 41.27 PRJNA31481 SAMN00001468 GCA_000159175.1 SEQF2565.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 10 KAGOME CO., LTD., Research Institute 2,587,877 KB290 45.59 PRJDA64661 SAMD00060986 GCA_000359625.1 SEQF5633.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 1 The University of Hong Kong 2,552,671 NPS-QW-145 45.81 PRJNA318996 SAMN04871683 GCA_001676805.1 SEQF5634.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 1 SC 2,494,328 NCTC13768 46.0 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3919799 GCA_900475625.1 SEQF5635.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 8 Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources 2,616,331 NSMJ23 45.59 PRJNA614607 SAMN14433864 GCA_014905055.1 SEQF5636.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 6 Technische Universitaet Muenchen 2,673,552 TMW 1.2112 45.7 PRJNA313253 SAMN04517633 GCA_002117225.1 SEQF5637.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 6 Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 2,655,087 ZLB004 45.65 PRJNA362271 SAMN06237125 GCA_003184305.1 SEQF5638.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 1 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2,785,111 BDGP6 45.57 PRJNA397225 SAMN07965606 GCA_002762175.1 SEQF5639.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 9 Technische Universitaet Muenchen 2,917,978 TMW 1.2108 45.29 PRJNA313253 SAMN04517635 GCA_002117345.1 SEQF5640.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 5 Microbial Institiue for Fermentation Industry 2,554,125 SRCM101106 45.63 PRJNA386758 SAMN07125941 GCA_002174235.1 SEQF5641.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 6 Microbial Institiue for Fermentation Industry 2,571,249 SRCM101174 45.64 PRJNA386759 SAMN07125942 GCA_002173555.1 SEQF5642.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 8 University College Cork 2,561,981 UCCLB556 45.71 PRJNA429619 SAMN08354485 GCA_006228245.1 SEQF5643.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 5 University College Cork 2,728,238 UCCLBBS124 45.58 PRJNA429576 SAMN08351564 GCA_006228205.1 SEQF5644.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 3 University College Cork 2,508,862 SA-C12 45.74 PRJNA429626 SAMN08354551 GCA_006228225.1 SEQF5645.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 4 Gyeonsang National University 2,477,732 100D8 45.75 PRJNA318943 SAMN04870420 GCA_002138395.1 SEQF5646.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 5 Technische Universitaet Muenchen 2,667,873 TMW 1.2113 45.74 PRJNA313253 SAMN04517634 GCA_002117325.1 SEQF5647.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 8 Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2,546,891 YSJ3 45.76 PRJNA804971 SAMN25819437 GCA_022350025.1 SEQF5648.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 7 Technische Universitaet Muenchen 2,882,014 TMW 1.2111 45.32 PRJNA313253 SAMN04517636 GCA_002117375.1 SEQF5649.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 6 University College Cork 2,416,054 UCCLB521 45.89 PRJNA429624 SAMN08354550 GCA_006228305.1 SEQF5650.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 10 University College Cork 2,775,071 UCCLBBS449 45.42 PRJNA429617 SAMN08354482 GCA_006228285.1 SEQF5651.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 3 University College Cork 2,528,774 UCCLB95 45.87 PRJNA429618 SAMN08354483 GCA_006228265.1 SEQF5652.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 3 Medytox 2,529,623 LMT1-73 45.87 PRJNA505393 SAMN10417161 GCA_003813165.1 SEQF5653.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 8 Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences 2,601,702 HQ1-1 45.7 PRJNA592416 SAMN13425666 GCA_015238595.1 SEQF5654.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 9 University of Saskatchewan 2,723,202 BSO 464 45.61 PRJNA203088 SAMN03273225 GCA_000807975.1 SEQF5655.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 11 Technische Universitaet Muenchen 2,735,295 TMW 1.313 47.95 PRJNA264952 SAMN03144671 GCA_000833405.1 SEQF5656.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 28 Cork Institute of Technology 2,477,403 TR055 45.96 PRJNA470672 SAMN09099484 GCA_006382065.1 SEQF5657.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 125 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 2,313,728 NBRC 3960 46.12 PRJDB6016 SAMD00093697 GCA_006538845.1 SEQF5658.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 92 Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava 2,356,510 KMB_620 46.01 PRJNA474823 SAMN09398952 GCA_003346245.1 SEQF5659.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 20 Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA 2,479,725 DRD-198 45.84 PRJNA847016 SAMN28910718 GCA_023744425.1 SEQF5660.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 19 Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA 2,479,458 DRD-35 45.83 PRJNA847016 SAMN28910710 GCA_023743475.1 SEQF5661.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 198 Microbiology and Fermentation 2,751,982 Q 45.42 PRJEB17528 SAMEA4527925 GCA_900117045.1 SEQF5662.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 56 Cork Institute of Technology 2,569,807 TR052 45.65 PRJNA470672 SAMN09099483 GCA_006381935.1 SEQF5663.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 199 USDA-ARS 2,559,005 7.2.12 45.45 PRJNA674638 SAMN22818098 GCA_021384395.1 SEQF5664.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 10 Korea University 2,736,171 G101 45.3 PRJNA369571 SAMN06240354 GCA_002017995.1 SEQF5665.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 90 USFDA 2,242,019 DS1_5 46.08 PRJNA336518 SAMN05942004 GCA_003053125.1 SEQF5666.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 117 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 2,374,280 NBRC 12005 45.84 PRJDB6017 SAMD00097152 GCA_006538905.1 SEQF5667.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 37 Kingston University London, United Kingdom 2,381,065 LB_AVK 46.0 PRJNA587694 SAMN13198567 GCA_009741845.1 SEQF5668.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 68 The Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 2,510,684 N38 45.71 PRJNA733006 SAMN19374075 GCA_018916925.1 SEQF5669.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 61 Bioprox 2,347,105 BIO5542 45.97 PRJNA574342 SAMN14848235 GCA_013249075.1 SEQF5670.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 213 USDA-ARS 2,542,145 7.2.13 45.57 PRJNA674638 SAMN22818102 GCA_021384495.1 SEQF5671.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 173 Microbiology and Fermentation 2,692,906 A 45.43 PRJEB17528 SAMEA4527921 GCA_900116975.1 SEQF5672.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 138 Vavilov Institute of General Genetics 2,621,559 47f 45.47 PRJNA280953 SAMN03470252 GCA_001010995.1 SEQF5673.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 205 USDA-ARS 2,601,264 14.2.10 45.45 PRJNA674638 SAMN18988756 GCA_018991505.1 SEQF5674.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 123 Helsinki University 2,591,675 D6 45.59 PRJNA308170 SAMN04387838 GCA_001541605.1 SEQF5675.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 47 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation Biological Resource Center 2,494,980 NBRC 3345 45.93 PRJDB6042 SAMD00093684 GCA_002933755.1 SEQF5676.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 53 Cornell University 2,720,196 Dm-2019-57 45.2 PRJNA687492 SAMN17146142 GCA_018257295.1 SEQF5677.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 192 Microbiology and Fermentation 2,716,655 HF01 45.44 PRJEB17528 SAMEA4527922 GCA_900116995.1 SEQF5678.1 558 Levilactobacillus brevis latest 21 Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA 2,479,479 DRD-139 45.84 PRJNA847016 SAMN28910716 GCA_023744105.1 SEQF2411.2 559 Afipia broomeae latest 4 Broad Institute 5,261,968 ATCC 49717 61.35 PRJNA52155 SAMN02596753 GCA_000314675.2 SEQF1798.1 560 Prevotella buccae latest 84 Broad Institute 3,357,950 D17 51.83 PRJNA38737 SAMN02463748 GCA_000162455.1 SEQF1985.1 560 Prevotella buccae latest 21 Baylor College of Medicine 3,284,105 ATCC 33574 51.93 PRJNA51491 SAMN00216833 GCA_000184945.1 SEQF7576.1 560 Prevotella buccae latest 3 SC 3,122,366 NCTC13063 51.41 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104224811 GCA_900454855.1 SEQF7577.1 560 Prevotella buccae latest 970 University of Washington 3,109,032 1205_PDEN 51.2 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197167 GCA_001062315.1 SEQF7578.1 560 Prevotella buccae latest 45 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,253,748 SCHI0047.S.4 50.84 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926200 GCA_019391755.1 SEQF1799.1 562 Prevotella buccalis latest 118 JCVI 3,033,961 ATCC 35310 45.31 PRJNA40669 SAMN00003363 GCA_000177075.1 SEQF2731.1 562 Prevotella buccalis latest 97 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,954,213 DNF00853 45.56 PRJNA219672 SAMN02850973 GCA_000759185.1 SEQF2732.1 562 Prevotella buccalis latest 102 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,756,480 DNF00985 45.69 PRJNA219677 SAMN02850977 GCA_000759265.1 SEQF5995.1 562 Prevotella buccalis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 3,308,411 FDAARGOS_1588 45.3 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091685 GCA_020735565.1 SEQF5996.1 562 Prevotella buccalis latest 40 Loyola University Chicago 3,231,435 UMB0536 45.35 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511427 GCA_002884635.1 SEQF5997.1 562 Prevotella buccalis latest 163 University of Chicago 3,152,030 DFI.7.71 45.36 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167563 GCA_020555745.1 SEQF1287.1 563 Leptotrichia buccalis latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 2,465,610 DSM 1135 29.65 PRJNA29445 SAMN00002593 Supragingival Calculus GCA_000023905.1 SEQF1481.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 10 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 4,638,653 ATCC 35316 55.92 PRJNA28663 SAMN00000733 GCA_000155995.1 SEQF2604.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus 11 BGI Research Institution 4,808,813 strain=YZ1 55.54 PRJNA180988 SAMN02469365 GCA_000478345.1 SEQF4285.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 4,821,734 FDAARGOS 1428 55.73 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357570 GCA_019047785.1 SEQF4286.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 2 GMGM 4,935,357 UPC1 55.59 PRJEB40359 SAMEA7311505 GCA_904425455.1 SEQF4287.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 3 Nanjing Agricultural University 5,194,378 HAEC1 55.01 PRJNA640255 SAMN16176831 GCA_019880465.1 SEQF4288.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 2 FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition 4,992,573 MiY-F 55.59 PRJNA541977 SAMN10574725 GCA_009648915.1 SEQF4289.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 1 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) 4,796,512 CR-Eb1 55.78 PRJNA420145 SAMN08107552 GCA_002850575.1 SEQF4290.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 1 Northeast Forestry University 4,736,684 JY65 55.93 PRJNA753314 SAMN20693820 GCA_019665745.1 SEQF4291.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 7 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 5,179,590 FDAARGOS_232 55.33 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875569 GCA_002891235.1 SEQF4292.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 45 Bacterial Genomics and Evolution Laboratory, CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39-A, Chandigarh, India 4,869,467 NS31 55.59 PRJNA278420 SAMN03401388 GCA_001475985.1 SEQF4293.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 10 EMG 4,638,653 MGYG-HGUT-01318 55.92 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850821 GCA_902373965.1 SEQF4294.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 49 Bacterial Genomics and Evolution Laboratory, CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39-A, Chandigarh, India 4,874,699 NS111 55.58 PRJNA278225 SAMN03401390 GCA_001475965.1 SEQF4295.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 142 JUSTUS LIEBIG UNIVERSITY 4,879,939 Enterobacter cancerogenus ATCC33241 55.63 PRJEB9821 SAMEA104113916 GCA_900185905.1 SEQF4296.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 62 Bacterial Genomics and Evolution Laboratory, CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39-A, Chandigarh, India 4,889,753 NS188 55.57 PRJNA278239 SAMN03401404 GCA_001475565.1 SEQF4297.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 37 INRA 4,901,530 CFBP13530 55.59 PRJNA459499 SAMN09064920 GCA_005233655.1 SEQF4298.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 54 UMR9198, Universite Paris Saclay 4,654,149 ECH19 55.97 PRJNA770343 SAMN22215355 GCA_021649995.1 SEQF4299.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 52 Bacterial Genomics and Evolution Laboratory, CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39-A, Chandigarh, India 4,884,126 NS104 55.58 PRJNA278227 SAMN03401392 GCA_001475535.1 SEQF4300.1 565 Enterobacter cancerogenus latest 64 South China Agricultural University 4,958,116 EY24 55.56 PRJNA578490 SAMN13064471 GCA_009648455.1 SEQF2204.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 14 Broad Institute 2,473,608 C87 33.14 PRJNA38749 SAMN02463752 GCA_000183705.1 SEQF8585.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 1 Division of Bacteriology, Department of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University 2,598,513 JMUB898 33.62 PRJDB6943 SAMD00115875 GCA_003966625.1 SEQF8586.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 2 Sao Paulo State University (Unesp), School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Jaboticabal 2,691,499 26D 33.62 PRJNA482667 SAMN09714418 GCA_007814385.1 SEQF8587.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 1 Division of Bacteriology, Department of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University 2,629,173 JMUB590 33.61 PRJDB6943 SAMD00115876 GCA_003966605.1 SEQF8588.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 6 Wenzhou Medical University 2,764,332 SY333 33.48 PRJNA626385 SAMN14639260 GCA_012851115.1 SEQF8589.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 1 Division of Bacteriology, Department of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University 2,618,380 JMUB145 33.66 PRJDB6943 SAMD00115877 GCA_003966585.1 SEQF8590.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 20 Wenzhou-Kean University: Kean University - Wenzhou Campus 2,672,556 1H22 33.37 PRJNA722783 SAMN18793311 GCA_018407965.1 SEQF8591.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 30 LAPOA-Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB) 2,610,590 78/2016 33.53 PRJNA593524 SAMN14789684 GCA_019685475.1 SEQF8592.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 141 University of Calgary 2,580,743 SNUC 4023 33.43 PRJNA342349 SAMN06172864 GCA_003578345.1 SEQF8593.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 85 The First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,747,651 9557 33.34 PRJNA273366 SAMN03290999 GCA_000931485.1 SEQF8594.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 49 LAPOA-Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB) 2,589,900 76/2016 33.42 PRJNA593524 SAMN14783929 GCA_019685855.1 SEQF8595.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 145 LAPOA-Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB) 2,476,032 28/2016 33.59 PRJNA593524 SAMN14783899 GCA_019685795.1 SEQF8596.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 6 SC 2,652,349 NCTC12196 33.64 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3233549 GCA_900458385.1 SEQF8597.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 193 SysMilk 2,659,121 OG2-2 33.86 PRJNA375758 SAMN06718492 GCA_002276615.1 SEQF8598.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 12 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2,636,914 F5_7S_P12B 33.49 PRJNA690512 SAMN17570224 GCA_017167785.1 SEQF8599.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 44 NHGRI/NIH 2,629,195 acrog 33.42 PRJNA546603 SAMN11962562 GCA_022690585.1 SEQF8600.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 13 The Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 2,645,395 N99 33.43 PRJNA733006 SAMN19374072 GCA_018916935.1 SEQF8601.1 567 Staphylococcus caprae latest 101 Modernising Medical Microbiology 2,606,761 NCTC 12196 33.52 PRJNA339206 SAMN05977978 GCA_002902725.1 SEQF1246.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei 1 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (C.N.R.S) 3,079,196 BL23 46.34 PRJEA30359 SAMEA2272724 GCA_000026485.1 SEQF1493.3 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei 2 The Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Education Ministry of P. R. China, Department of Food Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China 2,898,456 strain=Zhang 46.43 PRJNA28537 SAMN02603933 GCA_000019245.3 SEQF2109.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei 2 State Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology, Technology Center of Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd,China 3,127,288 strain=BD-II 46.29 PRJNA64431 SAMN02603876 GCA_000194765.1 SEQF2110.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei 2 State Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology, Technology Center of Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd,China 3,077,434 LC2W 46.31 PRJNA64433 SAMN02603877 GCA_000194785.1 SEQF2493.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei 57 University of Wisconsin-Madison and Utah State University 3,036,548 CRF28 46.28 PRJNA68467 SAMN02472005 GCA_000309645.1 SEQF2494.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 76 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Utah State University, and Danisco USA Inc. 2,951,397 Lc-10 46.38 PRJNA68485 SAMN02472012 GCA_000309765.1 SEQF2495.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 150 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Utah State University, and Danisco USA Inc. 3,075,253 Lpc-37 46.27 PRJNA68487 SAMN02472013 GCA_000309785.1 SEQF2496.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 78 University of Wisconsin-Madison and Utah State University 3,152,126 M36 46.28 PRJNA68469 SAMN02472000 GCA_000309665.1 SEQF2566.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 2 IBB PAS 3,143,369 LOCK919 46.22 PRJNA196824 SAMN02603330 GCA_000418515.1 SEQF8777.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 1 Korea Food Research Institute 3,132,867 LC5 47.92 PRJNA340077 SAMN05631198 GCA_002192215.1 SEQF8778.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 1 World Institute of Kimchi 2,940,907 MGB0470 47.9 PRJNA674460 SAMN16657552 GCA_015476095.1 SEQF8779.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 1 Kyung Hee University 3,138,294 FBL6 47.92 PRJNA727399 SAMN19017040 GCA_018363095.1 SEQF8780.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 1 Central Food Technological Research Institute 2,999,953 N 48.04 PRJNA741117 SAMN19855027 GCA_019107585.1 SEQF8781.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 182 ProBiota Inc 2,819,213 PB2021-BA03 47.68 PRJNA714253 SAMN18296552 GCA_023093355.1 SEQF8782.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 147 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 2,829,905 BCRC 80156 47.73 PRJNA542771 SAMN11638125 GCA_005795975.1 SEQF8783.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 137 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 2,820,150 BCRC 17487 47.72 PRJNA542768 SAMN11638122 GCA_005795995.1 SEQF8784.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 25 City University of Hong Kong 2,848,043 L.cR4 50.43 PRJNA611685 SAMN14342362 GCA_011754305.1 SEQF8785.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 26 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR 3,001,027 N87 47.89 PRJNA282947 SAMN03580836 GCA_001013375.1 SEQF8786.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 238 CORPOICA 3,026,190 B900021 47.81 PRJNA305625 SAMN04330102 GCA_001940585.1 SEQF8787.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 21 Bioprox 3,084,211 BIO5773 47.94 PRJNA574342 SAMN12856536 GCA_008868595.1 SEQF8788.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 176 Howard University 2,759,364 HUL 5 47.77 PRJNA714415 SAMN18308041 GCA_017498335.1 SEQF8789.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 147 Agroscope 2,946,858 FAM 20446 47.73 PRJNA543085 SAMN11653936 GCA_005864085.1 SEQF8790.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 186 Unique Biotech Limited 2,813,108 UBLC-42 47.69 PRJNA493554 SAMN16793265 GCA_016307185.1 SEQF8791.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 199 USFDA 2,841,380 DS1_13 47.69 PRJNA336518 SAMN05942027 GCA_003052865.1 SEQF8792.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 175 Howard University 2,760,455 HUL 12 47.77 PRJNA714415 SAMN18335326 GCA_017573685.1 SEQF8793.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 161 USFDA 2,782,240 DS13_13 47.73 PRJNA336518 SAMN05942028 GCA_003052855.1 SEQF8794.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 152 Beijing Technology and Business University 2,780,372 YNF-5 47.77 PRJNA513828 SAMN10790306 GCA_004123005.1 SEQF8795.1 568 Lacticaseibacillus casei latest 200 University of Washington 3,092,420 867_LCAS 47.93 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198075 GCA_001066695.1 SEQF2477.1 569 Eggerthia catenaformis latest 8 Broad Institute 1,945,158 OT 569 33.1 PRJNA64881 SAMN02596729 GCA_000340375.1 SEQF5496.1 569 Eggerthia catenaformis latest 621 University College London 2,358,916 MAR1 36.11 PRJNA382630 SAMN06711194 GCA_002148845.1 SEQF2408.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia 2 U Malaya 6,467,321 GG4 66.68 PRJNA66091 SAMN02604072 GCA_000292915.1 SEQF2716.2 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 3 Kyungpook national university 8,481,212 JBK9 66.82 PRJNA217842 SAMN02680268 GCA_000701165.2 SEQF4072.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 5 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 8,574,389 ATCC 25416 66.59 PRJNA509990 SAMN10591700 GCA_006094315.1 SEQF4073.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 4 Los Alamos National Laboratory 8,567,011 ATCC 25416 66.61 PRJNA244016 SAMN02795966 GCA_003546465.1 SEQF4074.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 3 Northern Arizona University 8,003,631 MSMB1184WGS 66.39 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449447 GCA_001718835.1 SEQF4075.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 3 University of Nevada, Reno 8,403,907 39628 66.8 PRJNA438725 SAMN08724754 GCA_014854795.1 SEQF4076.2 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 4 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 8,569,854 FDAARGOS_345 66.6 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173358 GCA_002209085.2 SEQF4077.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 2 University Hospital Muenster 8,499,470 2017Y70952565VI 66.66 PRJNA748922 SAMN20348603 GCA_023374475.1 SEQF4078.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 3 University Hospital Muenster 8,502,540 2011Ycf427V 66.66 PRJNA748922 SAMN20348580 GCA_023374715.1 SEQF4079.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 3 School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences 8,366,868 BC16 66.75 PRJNA561256 SAMN12612766 GCA_009586235.1 SEQF4080.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 2 Northern Arizona University 7,337,382 INT3-BP177 66.81 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449179 GCA_001718395.1 SEQF4081.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 4 Monash University 7,944,011 MINF_4A-sc-2280433 67.14 PRJNA646837 SAMEA3357501 GCA_904865725.1 SEQF4082.3 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 4 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 8,569,824 FDAARGOS_388 66.6 PRJNA231221 SAMN07312432 GCA_002407525.3 SEQF4083.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 8,147,114 DDS 7H-2 67.05 PRJNA244017 SAMN02797514 GCA_000755805.1 SEQF4084.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 3 chemical drug testing 8,636,651 CMCC(B)23005 66.69 PRJNA794967 SAMN24665687 GCA_021484945.1 SEQF4085.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 3 Jiangxi Academy of Agriculture Science 8,745,840 BRDJ 66.66 PRJNA825821 SAMN27545478 GCA_023053515.1 SEQF4086.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 3 University Hospital Muenster 8,513,808 2011Ycf793I 66.66 PRJNA748922 SAMN20348582 GCA_023374675.1 SEQF4087.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 201 Cardiff University 9,523,234 b84 66.12 PRJNA527181 SAMN11130387 GCA_004377815.1 SEQF4088.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 434 Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering 8,641,314 BCC4135 66.37 PRJNA602382 SAMN13893469 GCA_011140355.1 SEQF4089.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 118 Northern Arizona University 8,786,301 MSMB616WGS 66.56 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449614 GCA_001532125.1 SEQF4090.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 75 Northern Arizona University 8,372,192 MSMB593WGS 66.83 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449608 GCA_001532235.1 SEQF4091.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 99 University of Michigan 8,506,981 AU7278 66.66 PRJNA720893 SAMN21855325 GCA_020421215.1 SEQF4092.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 69 Northern Arizona University 8,379,989 MSMB1332WGS 66.83 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449469 GCA_001530055.1 SEQF4093.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 100 Northern Arizona University 8,517,856 FL-4-2-10-S1-D0 66.74 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449237 GCA_001523985.1 SEQF4094.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 67 Northern Arizona University 8,585,029 MSMB1339WGS 66.68 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449474 GCA_001529525.1 SEQF4095.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 80 Northern Arizona University 8,326,735 MSMB2165WGS 66.93 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449571 GCA_001532555.1 SEQF4096.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 181 J.Craig Venter Institute 8,967,090 101110067-1 66.32 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001563 GCA_019643155.1 SEQF4097.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 27 Jeonbuk National University 8,931,439 JK11 66.48 PRJNA792752 SAMN24462211 GCA_021344035.1 SEQF4098.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 195 J.Craig Venter Institute 8,955,703 121220003-1 66.33 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001586 GCA_019642685.1 SEQF4099.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 43 Northern Arizona University 7,101,349 MSMB1331WGS 66.84 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449468 GCA_001530805.1 SEQF4100.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 3 JGI 7,423,806 Bu72 66.9 PRJNA61371 SAMN02597170 GCA_000504665.1 SEQF4101.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 168 J.Craig Venter Institute 8,677,083 113330051-1 66.5 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001583 GCA_019642755.1 SEQF4102.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 146 Northern Arizona University 8,719,486 INT3-BP120 66.5 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449169 GCA_001522805.1 SEQF4103.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 60 SC 8,503,150 NCTC10661 66.69 PRJEB6403 SAMEA103980421 GCA_900446185.1 SEQF4104.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 53 CARDIFF SCHOOL OF BIOSCIENCES 8,526,080 BCC0196 66.58 PRJEB35318 SAMEA6503290 GCA_902830615.1 SEQF4105.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 40 CARDIFF SCHOOL OF BIOSCIENCES 8,821,522 BCC0233 66.5 PRJEB35318 SAMEA6503292 GCA_902830645.1 SEQF4106.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 132 University of Michigan 8,858,756 AU3129 66.53 PRJNA720893 SAMN20858497 GCA_019795675.1 SEQF4107.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 59 University of Michigan 8,337,354 AU36411 66.94 PRJNA720893 SAMN21855372 GCA_020419635.1 SEQF4108.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 176 J.Craig Venter Institute 8,681,810 101120021-2 66.5 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001560 GCA_019643165.1 SEQF4109.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 163 University of Michigan 8,750,698 AU2212 66.49 PRJNA720893 SAMN20858489 GCA_019795815.1 SEQF4110.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 54 Northern Arizona University 8,144,615 MSMB0859 67.1 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449282 GCA_001524665.1 SEQF4111.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 134 Northern Arizona University 8,695,473 INT3-BP108 66.51 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449167 GCA_001522785.1 SEQF4112.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 129 Northern Arizona University 8,737,864 INT3-BP157 66.49 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449177 GCA_001522985.1 SEQF4113.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 71 Northern Arizona University 8,298,932 MSMB1829WGS 66.87 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449378 GCA_001526785.1 SEQF4114.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 78 Northern Arizona University 8,384,588 MSMB1333WGS 66.82 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449470 GCA_001530045.1 SEQF4115.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 207 Cardiff University 9,486,314 b212 66.15 PRJNA527181 SAMN11131171 GCA_004377825.1 SEQF4116.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 102 Northern Arizona University 8,504,295 Bp9003 66.73 PRJNA451205 SAMN09073255 GCA_003858205.1 SEQF4117.1 571 Burkholderia cepacia latest 73 Northern Arizona University 8,384,190 MSMB1338WGS 66.82 PRJNA279182 SAMN03449473 GCA_001530135.1 SEQF1663.1 572 Prevotella veroralis latest 26 WUGSC 2,993,935 F0319 42.07 PRJNA38331 SAMN00008850 GCA_000162935.1 SEQF2511.1 572 Prevotella veroralis latest 28 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,845,746 DSM 19559 41.87 PRJNA178044 SAMN02441351 GCA_000377625.1 SEQF2688.1 572 Prevotella veroralis latest 65 The University of Tokyo 2,834,450 JCM 6290 41.8 PRJDB555 SAMD00011136 GCA_000613325.1 SEQF3681.1 572 Prevotella veroralis latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 2,990,547 F0319 41.92 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352189 GCA_018127765.1 SEQF1137.1 574 Escherichia coli 2 J Craig Venter Institute 5,671,197 TW14588 50.47 PRJNA28847 SAMN02436234 GCA_000155125.1 SEQF1186.1 574 Escherichia coli 91 TIGR 4,979,767 strain=101-1 50.63 PRJNA16193 SAMN02435838 GCA_000168095.1 SEQF1188.2 574 Escherichia coli 4 TIGR 5,371,790 strain=53638 50.99 PRJNA15639 SAMN02435879 Dysenteria GCA_000167915.2 SEQF1189.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 Institut Pasteur and Genoscope 5,154,862 55989 50.66 PRJNA33413 SAMEA3138229 Diarrhea GCA_000026245.1 SEQF1191.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 International E. coli B Consortium 4,629,812 strain=REL606 50.77 PRJNA18281 SAMN02603421 GCA_000017985.1 SEQF1192.3 574 Escherichia coli 265 TIGR 5,654,428 strain=B171 50.45 PRJNA15630 SAMN02435887 Diarrhea GCA_000167895.3 SEQF1193.1 574 Escherichia coli 289 TIGR 5,300,242 B7A 50.69 PRJNA15572 SAMN02435852 Diarrhea GCA_000167815.1 SEQF1194.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 Univ. Wisconsin 5,231,428 CFT073 50.48 PRJNA313 SAMN02604094 GCA_000007445.1 SEQF1196.1 574 Escherichia coli 137 TIGR 5,376,211 E110019 50.72 PRJNA15578 SAMN02435896 Diarrhea GCA_000167875.1 SEQF1197.1 574 Escherichia coli 127 TIGR 5,528,238 strain=E22 50.63 PRJNA15577 SAMN02435878 Diarrhea GCA_000167855.1 SEQF1198.1 574 Escherichia coli 7 TIGR 5,249,288 strain=E24377A 50.56 PRJNA13960 SAMN02604038 GCA_000017745.1 SEQF1199.1 574 Escherichia coli 2 Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 5,355,323 042 50.54 PRJEA40647 SAMEA2272277 Diarrhea GCA_000027125.1 SEQF1200.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 Genoscope 5,209,548 strain=ED1a 50.73 PRJNA33409 SAMEA3138232 GCA_000026305.1 SEQF1203.1 574 Escherichia coli 119 TIGR 5,215,961 strain=F11 50.49 PRJNA15576 SAMN02435853 Human cyst GCA_000167835.1 SEQF1205.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 TIGR 4,643,538 HS 50.82 PRJNA13959 SAMN02604037 Diarrhea GCA_000017765.1 SEQF1206.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 Genoscope 4,700,560 strain=IAI1 50.79 PRJNA33373 SAMEA3138230 GCA_000026265.1 SEQF1207.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 1 Genoscope 5,132,068 IAI39 50.63 PRJNA33411 SAMEA3138234 Urinary in GCA_000026345.1 SEQF1208.2 574 Escherichia coli latest 1 Univ. Wisconsin 4,641,652 K-12 substr. MG1655 50.79 PRJNA225 SAMN02604091 GCA_000005845.2 SEQF1213.1 574 Escherichia coli 2 Univ. Wisconsin 5,620,522 strain=EDL933 50.46 PRJNA259 SAMN02604092 GCA_000006665.1 SEQF1217.2 574 Escherichia coli 2 Genoscope 5,166,121 strain=S88 50.65 PRJNA33375 SAMEA3138231 Meningitis GCA_000026285.2 SEQF1218.2 574 Escherichia coli 3 Genoscope 5,358,200 UMN026 50.66 PRJNA33415 SAMEA3138233 GCA_000026325.2 SEQF1219.1 574 Escherichia coli 2 Washington University (WashU) 5,179,971 UTI89 50.61 PRJNA16259 SAMN00000110 GCA_000013265.1 SEQF1220.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 Nara Institute of Science and Technology 4,646,332 str. K-12 substr. W3110 50.8 PRJNA16351 SAMD00061081 Intestinal GCA_000010245.1 SEQF1247.1 574 Escherichia coli 2 University of Washington 5,622,737 strain=TW14359 50.46 PRJNA30045 SAMN02604255 GCA_000022225.1 SEQF1376.1 574 Escherichia coli 7 Kitasato Institute for Life Sciences 5,155,626 SE11 50.74 PRJNA18057 SAMD00061087 GCA_000010385.1 SEQF1408.2 574 Escherichia coli latest 3 GIRC 5,594,605 Sakai substr. RIMD 0509952 50.48 PRJNA226 SAMN01911278 GCA_000008865.2 SEQF1429.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 4,746,218 ATCC 8739 50.87 PRJNA18083 SAMN02598405 GCA_000019385.1 SEQF1430.1 574 Escherichia coli 3 Iowa State University 5,497,653 strain=APEC O1 50.34 PRJNA16718 SAMN02603424 GCA_000014845.1 SEQF1433.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 University of Goettingen 4,938,920 536 50.52 PRJNA16235 SAMN02604181 GCA_000013305.1 SEQF1503.2 574 Escherichia coli 1 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology 4,558,953 strain=BL21(DE3) 50.83 PRJNA20713 SAMN02603478 GCA_000022665.2 SEQF1504.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 University of Wisconsin-Madison 4,686,137 strain=K-12 substr. DH10B 50.78 PRJNA20079 SAMN02604262 GCA_000019425.1 SEQF1507.1 574 Escherichia coli 4 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,617,728 strain=EC4042 50.46 PRJNA27737 SAMN02436173 GCA_000181775.1 SEQF1508.1 574 Escherichia coli 8 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,634,850 EC4045 50.47 PRJNA27733 SAMN02436319 GCA_000181755.1 SEQF1509.1 574 Escherichia coli 135 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,705,645 EC4076 50.56 PRJNA27745 SAMN02436230 GCA_000171955.1 SEQF1510.1 574 Escherichia coli 231 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,655,847 EC4113 50.6 PRJNA27743 SAMN02436229 GCA_000171935.1 SEQF1511.1 574 Escherichia coli 3 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,704,171 EC4115 50.41 PRJNA27739 SAMN02603441 GCA_000021125.1 SEQF1512.1 574 Escherichia coli 186 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,620,606 strain=EC4196 50.55 PRJNA27741 SAMN02436280 GCA_000171915.1 SEQF1513.1 574 Escherichia coli 7 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,629,932 EC4206 50.47 PRJNA27735 SAMN02436318 GCA_000181735.1 SEQF1514.1 574 Escherichia coli 186 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,733,133 strain=EC4401 50.46 PRJNA27749 SAMN02436281 GCA_000171975.1 SEQF1515.1 574 Escherichia coli 165 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,933,166 strain=EC4486 50.42 PRJNA27751 SAMN02436174 GCA_000171995.1 SEQF1516.1 574 Escherichia coli 250 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,677,181 strain=EC4501 50.58 PRJNA27753 SAMN02436282 GCA_000172015.1 SEQF1517.1 574 Escherichia coli 272 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,656,666 EC508 50.65 PRJNA27755 SAMN02436284 GCA_000172055.1 SEQF1518.1 574 Escherichia coli 147 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,731,065 EC869 50.54 PRJNA27757 SAMN02436283 GCA_000172035.1 SEQF1519.1 574 Escherichia coli 5 TIGR 5,215,377 SMS-3-5 50.49 PRJNA19469 SAMN02604066 GCA_000019645.1 SEQF1572.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 4,570,938 strain=BL21-Gold(DE3)pLysS AG 50.84 PRJNA30681 SAMN00002656 GCA_000023665.1 SEQF1624.1 574 Escherichia coli 3 Sanger Institute 5,069,678 strain=E2348/69 50.52 PRJEA32571 SAMEA1705959 GCA_000026545.1 SEQF1639.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 Genoscope 4,773,108 strain=LF82 50.7 PRJNA33825 SAMEA3138414 GCA_000284495.1 SEQF1710.1 574 Escherichia coli 6 University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences 5,766,081 11128 50.44 PRJDA32513 SAMD00060957 GCA_000010765.1 SEQF1711.1 574 Escherichia coli 5 University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences 5,855,531 strain=11368 50.65 PRJDA32509 SAMD00060955 GCA_000091005.1 SEQF1712.1 574 Escherichia coli 2 University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences 5,524,860 12009 50.63 PRJDA32511 SAMD00060956 GCA_000010745.1 SEQF1713.1 574 Escherichia coli 1 TEDA School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Nankai University 4,578,159 strain=K-12 substr. BW2952 50.79 PRJNA33775 SAMN02603900 GCA_000022345.1 SEQF1754.1 574 Escherichia coli 105 Baylor College of Medicine 5,106,156 strain=83972 50.96 PRJNA31467 SAMN00001495 GCA_000159295.1 SEQF5800.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 5 Chiang Mai University 5,261,183 CRE10 50.74 PRJNA508865 SAMN10531954 GCA_004135815.1 SEQF5801.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 1 University of Texas at Austin 4,651,793 6A 50.8 PRJNA430697 SAMN08380015 GCA_002952895.1 SEQF5802.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 8 university of fribourg, Faculty of scienec and medicine 5,614,810 SUISSEKPC3NDM5 50.83 PRJNA762038 SAMN21369264 GCA_020149465.1 SEQF5803.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 7 University of Bergen 5,186,063 PC-NDM34 50.67 PRJNA756167 SAMN20857175 GCA_019843995.1 SEQF5804.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 6 Santa Clara University 5,358,643 SF-468 50.65 PRJNA294467 SAMN04026228 GCA_001280345.1 SEQF5805.2 574 Escherichia coli latest 6 University of Minnesota 5,666,764 UMNK88 50.76 PRJNA42137 SAMN02604221 GCA_000212715.2 SEQF5806.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 3 The University of Hong Kong 4,901,615 13TMH22 50.78 PRJNA361032 SAMN06219549 GCA_002951755.1 SEQF5807.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 4 National Chung Cheng University 5,384,690 elppa2 50.23 PRJNA610462 SAMN21169125 GCA_020827895.1 SEQF5808.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 3 Nanjing Agricultural University 5,247,683 D10 50.73 PRJNA269191 SAMN03252428 GCA_001900735.1 SEQF5809.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 2 CDC 5,327,959 90-3040 50.64 PRJNA218110 SAMN08579586 GCA_003019075.1 SEQF5810.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 1 MASSEY UNIVERSITY 4,715,938 SC467 50.87 PRJEB36951 SAMEA6595238 GCA_902825205.1 SEQF5811.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 5 microbial pathogenic ecology group 5,480,964 M172-1 50.45 PRJNA643913 SAMN15437880 GCA_022368895.1 SEQF5812.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 2 Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention 5,113,749 STEC379 50.66 PRJNA755469 SAMN21841568 GCA_021534985.1 SEQF5813.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 4 South China Agricultural University 5,386,204 TH9F11 50.43 PRJNA636005 SAMN15062838 GCA_021498045.1 SEQF5814.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 4 Laboratory of Bacterial Genomics, Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 5,064,465 WP3-S18-ESBL-08 50.83 PRJDB6962 SAMD00194427 GCA_014168955.1 SEQF5815.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 6 FDA/CDC 4,952,550 AR437 50.67 PRJNA316321 SAMN07291530 GCA_003073815.1 SEQF5816.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 2 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,172,258 1162T7 50.76 PRJNA625950 SAMN14611937 GCA_021496425.1 SEQF5817.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 6 Government of Canada 5,113,439 Res13-Sevr-PER06-05-b-A 50.62 PRJNA662792 SAMN16304267 GCA_015571555.1 SEQF5818.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 5 University of Bern 5,441,892 PF9285 50.67 PRJNA530748 SAMN11333172 GCA_004771235.1 SEQF5819.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 2 Yonsei University College of medicine 5,097,300 E17EC0036 50.78 PRJNA782071 SAMN23391661 GCA_021131305.1 SEQF5820.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 4 National Yang Ming University 5,468,903 EC1515 50.55 PRJNA389338 SAMN07192704 GCA_002196495.1 SEQF5821.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 1 Dutch CPE surveillance study group 5,262,226 RIVM_C037884 50.56 PRJNA774636 SAMN22569034 GCA_020883295.1 SEQF5822.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 1 Beijing Institute of Genomics, CAS 5,129,598 A24 50.64 PRJNA293615 SAMN04100047 GCA_022493435.1 SEQF5823.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 4 University of Maryland, School of Medicine 5,169,235 503025 50.55 PRJNA421191 SAMN08161306 GCA_003956465.1 SEQF5824.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 4 ETH Zurich 5,099,245 ESBL 15 50.64 PRJNA554638 SAMN12275742 GCA_008370755.1 SEQF5825.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 6 Agricultural Research Service 5,424,193 210205630;210205630 50.59 PRJNA323357 SAMN05177221 GCA_001679985.1 SEQF5826.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 1 Chung Shan Medical University 5,203,972 UPEC_U013 50.43 PRJNA643643 SAMN15421091 GCA_014522245.1 SEQF5827.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 11 US Food and Drug Administration 5,058,561 FDAARGOS_1250 50.64 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357392 GCA_016890005.1 SEQF5828.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 11 West China Hospital, Sichuan University 5,230,482 WCHEC025985 50.59 PRJNA418674 SAMN12158048 GCA_022559025.1 SEQF5829.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 3 Laboratory of Bacterial Genomics, Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 5,125,148 WP8-S18-ESBL-07 50.5 PRJDB6962 SAMD00194629 GCA_014169775.1 SEQF5830.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 4 Yonsei University College of medicine 5,528,719 A16EC0305 50.52 PRJNA782071 SAMN23391542 GCA_021133455.1 SEQF5831.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 9 University of Oxford 5,597,549 Ecol_881 50.46 PRJNA316786 SAMN05511150 GCA_002012225.1 SEQF5832.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 1 SC 4,635,216 NCTC11121 50.87 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3368339 GCA_900636055.1 SEQF5833.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 3 CDC 5,564,973 08-3918 50.41 PRJNA218110 SAMN04504881 GCA_004010615.1 SEQF5834.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 1 Beijing Institute of Genomics, CAS 4,830,597 A31 50.71 PRJNA293615 SAMN04100054 GCA_022493295.1 SEQF5835.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 3 South China Sea Institute of Oceanology 5,145,882 14EC020 50.7 PRJNA414689 SAMN07807401 GCA_002853715.1 SEQF5836.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 3 National Chung Cheng University 5,063,468 elppa10 50.82 PRJNA610462 SAMN21169133 GCA_020827555.1 SEQF5837.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 1 Quadram Institute Biosciences 4,866,137 PapM-32-1 50.57 PRJNA604701 SAMN13978645 GCA_011045235.1 SEQF5838.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 3 Nanjing Agricultural University 4,826,576 H1 50.89 PRJNA269191 SAMN03252429 GCA_001900775.1 SEQF5839.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 1 Tsinghua University 4,690,878 11202 50.78 PRJNA708159 SAMN18220292 GCA_017338715.1 SEQF5840.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 2 Scientific Center for Anti-infectious Drugs (SCAID) 5,636,010 SCAID WND1-2021 (1/128) 50.61 PRJNA754843 SAMN20982447 GCA_019915525.1 SEQF5841.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 6 FDA/CFSAN 5,492,302 CFSAN064035 50.58 PRJNA230969 SAMN08663441 GCA_003342715.1 SEQF5842.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 4 Laboratory of Bacterial Genomics, Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 5,426,707 KY 1497 50.54 PRJDB8512 SAMD00178070 GCA_023169585.1 SEQF5843.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 2 USDA 4,726,450 RM14721 50.88 PRJNA341281 SAMN08581173 GCA_003013205.1 SEQF5844.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 2 Yonsei University College of medicine 5,148,498 Z0117EC0098 50.64 PRJNA843104 SAMN28703753 GCA_023657995.1 SEQF5845.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 3 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,169,622 1162invT2 50.82 PRJNA625950 SAMN14611936 GCA_021496445.1 SEQF5846.1 574 Escherichia coli latest 2 Laboratory of Bacterial Genomics, Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 5,254,652 WP5-S18-ESBL-09 50.57 PRJDB6962 SAMD00194535 GCA_014169435.1 SEQF1177.2 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 3 TIGR 2,099,413 13826 39.27 PRJNA17159 SAMN02604054 Gingivitis GCA_000017725.2 SEQF2326.1 575 Campylobacter concisus 86 University of New South Wales 1,778,912 UNSWCD 39.79 PRJNA60429 SAMN02471189 GCA_000259315.1 SEQF2578.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 69 The University of New South Wales 1,995,701 ATCC 51561 39.64 PRJNA177641 SAMN02471186 GCA_000466705.1 SEQF2579.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 21 The University of New South Wales 1,841,750 ATCC 51562 37.69 PRJNA177556 SAMN02471191 GCA_000466745.1 SEQF2580.1 575 Campylobacter concisus 72 The University of New South Wales 1,937,132 strain=UNSW1 39.51 PRJNA177554 SAMN02471188 GCA_000466665.1 SEQF4494.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 1 Olivier Vandenberg 1,840,041 ATCC 33237 37.62 PRJNA275352 SAMN03342362 GCA_001298465.1 SEQF4495.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 3 University of New South Wales 1,946,644 P15UCO-S2 39.46 PRJNA348396 SAMN05908162 GCA_015679945.1 SEQF4496.2 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 2 University of New South Wales 2,002,415 P13UCO-S1 39.39 PRJNA388128 SAMN08042490 GCA_003048835.2 SEQF4497.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 2 University of New South Wales 2,095,236 P2CDO4 39.23 PRJNA388128 SAMN07160232 GCA_003048375.1 SEQF4498.2 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 1 University of New South Wales 2,031,332 P1CDO2 39.42 PRJNA388128 SAMN08042482 GCA_003048675.2 SEQF4499.2 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 1 University of New South Wales 1,987,364 H16O-S1 39.28 PRJNA388128 SAMN08042471 GCA_003048615.2 SEQF4500.2 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 2 University of New South Wales 2,028,838 P11CDO-S1 39.47 PRJNA388128 SAMN08042489 GCA_003048875.2 SEQF4501.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 1 University of New South Wales 1,831,655 P3UCB1 37.61 PRJNA348396 SAMN05908158 GCA_015680005.1 SEQF4502.2 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 1 University of New South Wales 2,051,359 P1CDO3 39.44 PRJNA388128 SAMN08042483 GCA_003048685.2 SEQF4503.2 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 2 University of New South Wales 1,897,765 P26UCO-S2 37.74 PRJNA388128 SAMN08042497 GCA_003048595.2 SEQF4504.2 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 1 University of New South Wales 1,932,636 P10CDO-S2 37.39 PRJNA388128 SAMN08042488 GCA_003048695.2 SEQF4505.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 2 University of New South Wales 2,028,901 H9O-S2 39.68 PRJNA348396 SAMN05908146 GCA_015680025.1 SEQF4506.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 1 University of New South Wales 1,861,371 H1O1 37.68 PRJNA348396 SAMN05908145 GCA_015679965.1 SEQF4507.2 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 2 University of New South Wales 1,834,912 P27CDO-S2 37.6 PRJNA388128 SAMN08042499 GCA_003048775.2 SEQF4508.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 1 University of New South Wales 1,800,519 P3UCO1 37.69 PRJNA348396 SAMN05908159 GCA_015679985.1 SEQF4509.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 13 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,104,638 2010-36743 40.73 PRJEB22351 SAMEA5905259 GCA_902460745.1 SEQF4510.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 14 University of New South Wales 1,803,340 H34O-S1 37.59 PRJNA388128 SAMN14122380 GCA_015229985.1 SEQF4511.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 84 University of Bath 1,851,742 AAUH-2010376221 37.66 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200444 GCA_002912895.1 SEQF4512.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 46 University of Bath 2,003,321 AAUH-11UCsig-a 39.49 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200399 GCA_002913525.1 SEQF4513.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 143 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,288,052 B124_Slimy-large 42.68 PRJEB22351 SAMEA5905277 GCA_902460825.1 SEQF4514.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 97 University of Bath 2,003,790 AAUH-2HCtra 39.42 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200471 GCA_002912505.1 SEQF4515.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 13 University of New South Wales 1,835,588 H10O-S1 37.63 PRJNA388128 SAMN08042466 GCA_003048575.1 SEQF4516.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 11 University of Bath 1,811,622 AAUH-12CDti2-a 37.56 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200385 GCA_002913715.1 SEQF4517.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 16 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,032,479 2012-164712 38.74 PRJEB22351 SAMEA5905266 GCA_902460845.1 SEQF4518.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 55 University of Bath 2,004,369 AAUH-10UCf2 39.58 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200390 GCA_002914345.1 SEQF4519.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 39 University of New South Wales 2,013,281 H32O-S2 39.61 PRJNA388128 SAMN14122378 GCA_015230015.1 SEQF4520.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 29 University of Bath 2,034,805 AAUH-10UCil-a 39.44 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200382 GCA_002913765.1 SEQF4521.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 98 University of Bath 1,900,837 AAUH-10HCdes4 39.64 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200448 GCA_002912805.1 SEQF4522.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 7 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,051,300 2010-131105 39.98 PRJEB22351 SAMEA5905247 GCA_902460675.1 SEQF4523.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 203 University of Bath 2,073,774 AAUH-15UCdp-a 39.48 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200389 GCA_002913665.1 SEQF4524.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 30 EMG 1,937,734 MGYG-HGUT-02428 37.73 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851933 GCA_902387055.1 SEQF4525.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 52 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,145,119 2009-75775 40.89 PRJEB22351 SAMEA5905233 GCA_902460465.1 SEQF4526.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 44 ESR 2,105,146 CCUG 19995 39.38 PRJNA280463 SAMN03457015 GCA_002165815.1 SEQF4527.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 133 University of Bath 1,887,759 AAUH-9UCpp 39.49 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200398 GCA_002913545.1 SEQF4528.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 54 University of Bath 1,766,858 AAUH-9UCdp 39.68 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200432 GCA_002914085.1 SEQF4529.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 47 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,133,743 2010-112708 44.61 PRJEB22351 SAMEA5905238 GCA_902460455.1 SEQF4530.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 39 EMG 1,891,545 MGYG-HGUT-02430 37.63 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851935 GCA_902387015.1 SEQF4531.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 43 University of Bath 1,497,187 AAUH-12CDo 37.73 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200438 GCA_002913015.1 SEQF4532.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 73 University of Bath 1,800,093 AAUH-12CDdes3 37.6 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200386 GCA_002914355.1 SEQF4533.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 15 Univeristy of Aberdeen 1,913,489 2010-112825 40.4 PRJEB22351 SAMEA5905240 GCA_902460535.1 SEQF4534.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 212 University of Bath 1,928,844 AAUH-48UCdp-a 39.76 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200463 GCA_002913895.1 SEQF4535.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 177 The University of New South Wales 2,108,730 UNSWCS 39.25 PRJNA177555 SAMN02471190 GCA_000466685.1 SEQF4536.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 206 University of Bath 2,036,019 AAUH-43UCce-a 39.92 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200391 GCA_002913635.1 SEQF4537.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 37 University of Bath 1,821,668 AAUH-12CDti5-a 37.6 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200434 GCA_002913065.1 SEQF4538.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 93 University of Bath 1,923,545 AAUH-47UCil-a 39.8 PRJNA395841 SAMN08200458 GCA_002912675.1 SEQF4539.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 12 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,030,392 2010-112100-O 40.1 PRJEB22351 SAMEA5905237 GCA_902460505.1 SEQF4540.1 575 Campylobacter concisus latest 19 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,051,445 2013-42088 41.27 PRJEB22351 SAMEA5905271 GCA_902460755.1 SEQF2211.2 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 10 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,963,771 SK1060 37.99 PRJNA67177 SAMN00621704 GCA_000223295.2 SEQF2589.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 1 National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada 1,991,156 C1050 38.13 PRJNA50421 SAMN02603661 GCA_000463425.1 SEQF2590.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 1 National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada 1,935,414 C232 38.18 PRJNA42135 SAMN02603657 GCA_000463395.1 SEQF2591.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 1 National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada 1,935,662 C818 38.18 PRJNA50419 SAMN02603660 GCA_000463445.1 SEQF2643.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 54 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,840,061 SK53 37.92 PRJNA75127 SAMN00761792 GCA_000257785.1 SEQF5597.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,903,262 FDAARGOS_1156 38.08 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357325 GCA_016725005.1 SEQF5598.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 1 National Center for Global Health and Medicine 1,901,581 CCUG 24889 38.07 PRJDB3105 SAMD00019675 GCA_023167545.1 SEQF5599.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,038,583 FDAARGOS_1015 37.84 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357184 GCA_016127875.1 SEQF5600.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,978,680 FDAARGOS_1208 38.02 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357350 GCA_016889885.1 SEQF5601.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 1 WFCC-MRCEN World Data Centre for Microoganisms(WDCM) 2,014,404 NSJ-72 38.0 PRJNA656402 SAMN15806945 GCA_014334035.1 SEQF5602.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 17 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,927,926 S54 38.06 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876597 GCA_023109215.1 SEQF5603.2 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 1,930,245 FDAARGOS_146 38.09 PRJNA231221 SAMN03996291 GCA_001471735.2 SEQF5604.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 69 University of Washington 1,913,462 783_SANG 37.9 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197994 GCA_001074375.1 SEQF5605.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 15 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,818,626 S34 38.17 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876578 GCA_023109615.1 SEQF5606.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 26 University of Kaiserslautern 1,856,848 DD09 38.81 PRJNA304333 SAMN04324328 GCA_001579115.1 SEQF5607.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 6 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,755,446 1001254J_160919_C10 38.04 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533195 GCA_015559305.1 SEQF5608.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 13 Sunstar Inc. 1,914,344 15-01-28 38.06 PRJDB7095 SAMD00149551 GCA_008633405.1 SEQF5609.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 1,885,802 KCOM 1039 37.96 PRJNA485033 SAMN09781071 GCA_003570855.1 SEQF5610.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 89 Pediatric Dentistry, Tokyo Dental College 1,855,617 SK53 37.94 PRJDB76 SAMD00036759 GCA_000474075.1 SEQF5611.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 124 University of Washington 2,043,273 925_SCON 37.92 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198143 GCA_001075725.1 SEQF5612.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 48 University of Washington 1,853,071 317_SINT 38.02 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197507 GCA_001072275.1 SEQF5613.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 23 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,993,590 S55 37.78 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876598 GCA_023109295.1 SEQF5614.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 66 Pediatric Dentistry, Tokyo Dental College 1,950,566 CCUG 46377 37.94 PRJDB79 SAMD00036762 GCA_000474135.1 SEQF5615.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 16 Sunstar Inc. 1,800,973 13-11-14 38.17 PRJDB7095 SAMD00149545 GCA_008633025.1 SEQF5616.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 2 SC 1,906,855 NCTC11325 38.08 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4076719 GCA_900459125.1 SEQF5617.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 42 Sunstar Inc. 1,867,902 ATCC 27823 37.95 PRJDB7095 SAMD00149544 GCA_008633005.1 SEQF5618.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 85 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,863,546 D6t1_180914_C10 37.87 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532404 GCA_015555235.1 SEQF5619.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 5 Chosun University 1,965,746 KCOM 1650 38.04 PRJNA270120 SAMN03263055 GCA_000814045.1 SEQF5620.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 50 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,901,829 HMSC034B05 37.87 PRJNA296149 SAMN04495797 GCA_001809055.1 SEQF5621.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 45 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,804,950 HMSC067A03 37.89 PRJNA300117 SAMN04480386 GCA_001814295.1 SEQF5622.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 14 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,892,624 S60 37.9 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876601 GCA_023109175.1 SEQF5623.1 576 Streptococcus constellatus latest 70 University of Mississippi Medical Center 1,869,421 11-6117 37.92 PRJNA748382 SAMN20327117 GCA_019336935.1 SEQF1016.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 12 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,171,245 ATCC 23834 56.55 PRJNA30493 SAMN00008822 Sputum GCA_000158615.1 SEQF2615.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 9 Broad Institute 2,214,907 CC92I 55.66 PRJNA71555 SAMN00103446 GCA_000504685.1 SEQF4004.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 1 SC 2,192,577 NCTC10596 55.65 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4412678 GCA_900187105.1 SEQF4005.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,192,571 FDAARGOS_1474 55.65 PRJNA231221 SAMN20888891 GCA_019930845.1 SEQF4006.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,458,478 KCOM 3110 56.03 PRJNA511136 SAMN10622481 GCA_003990355.1 SEQF4007.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 35 Public Health Agency of Canada 2,258,481 NML01-0040 55.7 PRJNA310649 SAMN04931629 GCA_001648255.1 SEQF4008.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 138 Haukeland University Hospital 2,362,358 EI_08 55.35 PRJNA566316 SAMN12777675 GCA_009650845.1 SEQF4009.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 6 Chosun University 2,227,855 KCOM 1378 55.66 PRJNA386423 SAMN06947081 GCA_002204395.1 SEQF4010.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 106 University of Washington 2,361,428 491_NMEN 55.67 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197684 GCA_001076785.1 SEQF4011.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 12 Public Health Agency of Canada 2,203,048 NML01-0328 55.92 PRJNA310649 SAMN04931630 GCA_001648235.1 SEQF4012.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 55 Public Health Agency of Canada 2,197,973 NML140207 55.66 PRJNA310649 SAMN04931634 GCA_001648335.1 SEQF4013.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 50 Public Health Agency of Canada 2,423,039 NML04-0072 55.48 PRJNA310649 SAMN04931631 GCA_001648245.1 SEQF4014.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 193 Haukeland University Hospital 2,461,924 EI_06 55.4 PRJNA566316 SAMN12777673 GCA_009650835.1 SEQF4015.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 100 Haukeland University Hospital 2,185,166 EI_03 55.88 PRJNA566316 SAMN12777670 GCA_009650905.1 SEQF4016.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 68 Haukeland University Hospital 2,239,719 EI_01 55.79 PRJNA566316 SAMN12777668 GCA_009650945.1 SEQF4017.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 60 Haukeland University Hospital 2,224,963 EI_09 55.35 PRJNA566316 SAMN12777676 GCA_009650815.1 SEQF4018.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 13 Public Health Agency of Canada 2,188,187 NML130388 55.87 PRJNA310649 SAMN04931633 GCA_001648315.1 SEQF4019.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 120 Haukeland University Hospital 2,246,558 EI_04 55.29 PRJNA566316 SAMN12777671 GCA_009650925.1 SEQF4020.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 95 Haukeland University Hospital 2,331,998 EI_05 55.47 PRJNA566316 SAMN12777672 GCA_009650825.1 SEQF4021.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 81 Haukeland University Hospital 2,412,728 EI_07 55.87 PRJNA566316 SAMN12777674 GCA_009650805.1 SEQF4022.1 577 Eikenella corrodens latest 35 Public Health Agency of Canada 2,408,287 NML120819 55.67 PRJNA310649 SAMN04931632 GCA_001648265.1 SEQF1997.1 578 Streptococcus cristatus latest 5 Baylor College of Medicine 1,982,490 ATCC 51100 43.07 PRJNA53203 SAMN00216974 GCA_000187855.1 SEQF3078.1 578 Streptococcus cristatus latest 7 University at Buffalo 2,026,543 CC5A 42.68 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334893 GCA_000959885.1 SEQF3091.1 578 Streptococcus cristatus latest 69 University of Washington 2,079,706 142_SOLI 42.44 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197332 GCA_001069775.1 SEQF3092.1 578 Streptococcus cristatus latest 107 University of Washington 2,015,766 1014_SOLI 42.36 PRJNA267549 SAMN03196976 GCA_001069055.1 SEQF3093.1 578 Streptococcus cristatus latest 105 University of Washington 2,019,516 1015_SOLI 42.36 PRJNA267549 SAMN03196977 GCA_001069915.1 SEQF1480.1 579 Cryptobacterium curtum latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 1,617,804 DSM 15641 50.91 PRJNA20739 SAMN02598434 Periodontal Pocket (periodontal Disease) GCA_000023845.1 SEQF1178.2 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 1 TIGR 1,971,270 525.92 44.54 PRJNA17161 SAMN02604055 Gastroente GCA_000017465.2 SEQF2488.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 8 DOE Joint Genome Institute 1,954,904 DSM 6644 44.27 PRJNA174983 SAMN02441382 GCA_000376325.1 SEQF5426.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 1 USDA, ARS, WRRC 1,974,918 ATCC 35224 44.26 PRJNA633569 SAMN14886871 GCA_013372125.1 SEQF5427.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,974,909 FDAARGOS_1547 44.26 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091644 GCA_020736225.1 SEQF5428.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 1 EMG 1,971,264 MGYG-HGUT-01706 44.54 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851210 GCA_902381815.1 SEQF5429.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 31 USDA, ARS, WRRC 2,018,414 17503 44.29 PRJNA293846 SAMN04010552 GCA_012978995.1 SEQF5430.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 28 USDA, ARS, WRRC 1,962,220 SS167074 44.47 PRJNA293842 SAMN04010548 GCA_012978915.1 SEQF5431.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 31 USDA, ARS, WRRC 2,026,710 15500 44.31 PRJNA293850 SAMN04010555 GCA_012979055.1 SEQF5432.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 24 USDA, ARS, WRRC 1,950,242 ATCC 35224 44.28 PRJNA293840 SAMN04010546 GCA_012978875.1 SEQF5433.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 35 USDA, ARS, WRRC 2,023,950 370.96 43.88 PRJNA293841 SAMN04010547 GCA_012978895.1 SEQF5434.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 39 USDA, ARS, WRRC 2,009,544 SS174371 44.22 PRJNA293845 SAMN04010551 GCA_012978975.1 SEQF5435.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 32 USDA, ARS, WRRC 1,903,081 13570 44.57 PRJNA293848 SAMN04010553 GCA_012979015.1 SEQF5436.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 23 USDA, ARS, WRRC 1,947,544 13153 44.49 PRJNA293849 SAMN04010554 GCA_012979035.1 SEQF5437.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 27 USDA, ARS, WRRC 1,928,073 SS119296 44.49 PRJNA293844 SAMN04010550 GCA_012978955.1 SEQF5438.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 21 SA Pathology 2,028,928 2017609248 44.28 PRJNA678133 SAMN16789033 GCA_017170235.1 SEQF5439.1 580 Campylobacter curvus latest 28 USDA, ARS, WRRC 1,933,223 SS177624 44.56 PRJNA293843 SAMN04010549 GCA_012978935.1 SEQF2079.1 582 Kingella denitrificans latest 12 Baylor College of Medicine 2,220,455 ATCC 33394 54.79 PRJNA53051 SAMN00253309 GCA_000190695.1 SEQF5320.1 582 Kingella denitrificans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,220,058 FDAARGOS_1060 54.02 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357229 GCA_016127355.1 SEQF5321.1 582 Kingella denitrificans latest 80 LSHTM 2,030,828 GC77 54.6 PRJEB19887 SAMEA103894054 GCA_900169325.1 SEQF5322.1 582 Kingella denitrificans latest 2 SC 2,243,142 NCTC10995 54.01 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4412662 GCA_900451365.1 SEQF2022.1 583 Prevotella dentalis latest 25 Baylor College of Medicine 3,286,469 DSM 3688 56.69 PRJNA64735 SAMN00262626 GCA_000220215.1 SEQF8776.3 583 Prevotella dentalis latest 4 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,350,206 DSM 3688 55.85 PRJNA56077 SAMN02232045 GCA_000242335.3 SEQF1061.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 1 TIGR 2,843,201 ATCC 35405 37.87 PRJNA4 SAMN02603967 periodontitis GCA_000008185.1 SEQF1679.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 12 Broad Institute 2,742,634 F0402 37.96 PRJNA42551 SAMN02463845 GCA_000191825.1 SEQF1864.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 1 Broad Institute 2,771,508 ATCC 35404 38.44 PRJNA64911 SAMN02596720 GCA_000340685.1 SEQF1865.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 2 Broad Institute 2,886,890 ATCC 33520 38.2 PRJNA64907 SAMN02596718 GCA_000338615.1 SEQF1866.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 1 Broad Institute 2,857,526 OTK 37.87 PRJNA64919 SAMN02596724 GCA_000340705.1 SEQF1867.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 2 Broad Institute 2,823,766 SP37 38.3 PRJNA64927 SAMN02596726 GCA_000338455.1 SEQF1868.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 1 Broad Institute 2,929,700 H1-T 38.13 PRJNA64913 SAMN02596722 GCA_000340605.1 SEQF1869.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 1 Broad Institute 2,757,856 H-22 38.17 PRJNA64915 SAMN02596721 GCA_000340645.1 SEQF1870.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 2 Broad Institute 2,935,848 MYR-T 38.08 PRJNA64917 SAMN02596723 GCA_000338515.1 SEQF1871.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 2 Broad Institute 2,765,731 US-Trep 38.26 PRJNA64933 SAMN02596727 GCA_000340745.1 SEQF1872.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 2 Broad Institute 2,768,236 ASLM 38.39 PRJNA64905 SAMN02596717 GCA_000338635.1 SEQF1873.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 1 Broad Institute 2,843,090 AL-2 38.24 PRJNA64903 SAMN02596716 GCA_000340725.1 SEQF1874.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 3 Broad Institute 2,825,999 SP23 38.03 PRJNA64921 SAMN02596779 GCA_000413115.1 SEQF1875.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 6 Broad Institute 2,990,277 SP32 38.37 PRJNA64923 SAMN02596780 GCA_000413095.1 SEQF1876.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 4 Broad Institute 2,933,485 SP33 38.07 PRJNA64925 SAMN02596725 GCA_000338475.1 SEQF1877.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 8 Broad Institute 2,824,736 SP44 38.11 PRJNA64929 SAMN02596781 GCA_000413075.1 SEQF1878.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 3 Broad Institute 2,762,110 ATCC 33521 38.32 PRJNA64909 SAMN02596719 GCA_000338595.1 SEQF3549.1 584 Treponema denticola latest 46 URMITE 2,795,521 Marseille-5-CSURP7640 38.1 PRJEB27762 SAMEA4789892 GCA_900497605.1 SEQF1655.1 586 Parascardovia denticolens latest 9 Broad Institute 1,897,118 F0305 58.44 PRJNA42549 SAMN02463844 GCA_000163835.1 SEQF2021.1 586 Parascardovia denticolens latest 1 Baylor College of Medicine 1,891,448 DSM 10105 58.32 PRJNA50509 SAMN02299441 GCA_000191785.1 SEQF2391.1 586 Parascardovia denticolens latest 38 IPLA-CSIC 2,003,311 IPLA 20019 58.51 PRJNA167218 SAMN02470079 GCA_000269845.1 SEQF1925.2 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 1 Baylor College of Medicine 2,506,025 ATCC 17931 53.69 PRJNA48447 SAMN00120582 GCA_000164695.2 SEQF1994.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 6 Broad Institute 2,532,787 M567 53.94 PRJNA42539 SAMN02463840 GCA_000143585.1 SEQF6835.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,533,415 FDAARGOS_752 53.8 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056467 GCA_013267735.1 SEQF6836.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 1 Korea University 2,434,262 LPB0409 53.94 PRJNA744675 SAMN20114930 GCA_019297775.1 SEQF6837.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 1 SC 2,501,750 NCTC10918 53.62 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104224799 GCA_900638535.1 SEQF6838.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 68 SysMilk 2,446,762 OG2-2 53.86 PRJNA375758 SAMN07759903 GCA_002554715.1 SEQF6839.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 35 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,416,608 HMSC069C01 53.88 PRJNA300135 SAMN04480453 GCA_001814655.1 SEQF6840.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 121 University of Washington 2,476,244 1233_RDEN 53.82 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197198 GCA_001062425.1 SEQF6841.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 2 SC 2,490,333 NCTC10917 53.74 PRJEB6403 SAMEA44521918 GCA_900455895.1 SEQF6842.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 11 Loyola University Chicago 2,494,324 UMB0083 53.75 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193714 GCA_002861025.1 SEQF6843.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 17 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,459,656 HMSC064D08 53.96 PRJNA296232 SAMN04477514 GCA_001809525.1 SEQF6844.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 51 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,547,863 HMSC071F11 53.9 PRJNA296161 SAMN04495786 GCA_001809115.1 SEQF6845.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 29 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,512,257 HMSC065G12 53.79 PRJNA299958 SAMN04477617 GCA_001811455.1 SEQF6846.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 76 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2,448,390 MSL 004.1.2 53.94 PRJNA832800 SAMN27922043 GCA_023713025.1 SEQF6847.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 36 Northwestern University 2,597,203 TB22-02 53.65 PRJNA559375 SAMN12537708 GCA_012641675.1 SEQF6848.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 36 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,486,809 HMSC08A08 53.95 PRJNA269901 SAMN03434238 GCA_001808385.1 SEQF6849.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 85 SysMilk 2,469,903 OG2-1 53.67 PRJNA375758 SAMN06718484 GCA_002276695.1 SEQF6850.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 85 University of Washington 2,425,579 694_RDEN 53.84 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197898 GCA_001066935.1 SEQF6851.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 11 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 2,453,562 Rothia_dentocariosa_BgEED26 53.7 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664370 GCA_901875315.1 SEQF6852.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 93 University of Washington 2,491,306 1234_RDEN 53.81 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197199 GCA_001061305.1 SEQF6853.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 47 University of Washington 2,504,054 316_RDEN 53.75 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197506 GCA_001064485.1 SEQF6854.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 35 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,478,701 HMSC065D02 53.92 PRJNA300169 SAMN04480436 GCA_001815285.1 SEQF6855.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 1275 BGI 2,843,268 DE0479 51.04 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792639 GCA_007667355.1 SEQF6856.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 47 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,439,224 HMSC058E10 53.77 PRJNA296216 SAMN04477506 GCA_001809415.1 SEQF6857.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 49 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,490,080 HMSC067H10 53.78 PRJNA299910 SAMN04477573 GCA_001810635.1 SEQF6858.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 46 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,491,181 HMSC036D11 53.76 PRJNA300112 SAMN04480381 GCA_001814205.1 SEQF6859.1 587 Rothia dentocariosa latest 97 University of New Hampshire 2,536,666 1C11 53.81 PRJNA480027 SAMN11249661 GCA_004563855.1 SEQF1385.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 1 Department of Genetics, Anthropology and Evolution, University of Parma, Parma, Italy 2,636,367 Bd1 58.54 PRJNA17583 SAMN02603177 GCA_000024445.1 SEQF1497.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 2 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,642,081 ATCC 27678 58.52 PRJNA20555 SAMN00000021 GCA_000172135.1 SEQF1911.2 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 35 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,636,584 JCVIHMP022 58.44 PRJNA31395 SAMN00115044 GCA_000149165.2 SEQF2053.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 10 Baylor College of Medicine 2,645,781 ATCC 27679 58.64 PRJNA51373 SAMN00210789 GCA_000146775.1 SEQF7198.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 1 SC 2,635,828 NCTC11816 58.54 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4076722 GCA_900637175.1 SEQF7199.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 1 Northeast Agricultural University 2,552,511 E7 58.29 PRJNA718012 SAMN18520779 GCA_017743215.1 SEQF7200.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 1 Northeast Agricultural University 2,535,489 N8 58.52 PRJNA718011 SAMN18520778 GCA_017743195.1 SEQF7201.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 14 University of Parma 2,531,372 2075B 58.64 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287913 GCA_015700625.1 SEQF7202.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 24 University of Parma 2,459,079 898B 58.49 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287911 GCA_015700645.1 SEQF7203.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 26 Yakult Central Institute 2,552,693 DE-29 58.53 PRJDB4597 SAMD00047615 GCA_001686085.1 SEQF7204.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 25 University of Bologna 2,513,129 BRDF 24 58.64 PRJNA566312 SAMN12785274 GCA_010667545.1 SEQF7205.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 15 University of Parma 2,456,361 924B 58.5 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287912 GCA_015703775.1 SEQF7206.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 19 Broad Institute 2,589,878 cx_0004 58.46 PRJNA496358 SAMN10239586 GCA_004167735.1 SEQF7207.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 88 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,752,113 BIOML-A1 58.22 PRJNA544527 SAMN11944619 GCA_009160725.1 SEQF7208.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 34 University of Parma 2,537,119 2091B 58.68 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287915 GCA_015700605.1 SEQF7209.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 37 University of Parma 2,472,493 77T2 58.43 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287903 GCA_015703935.1 SEQF7210.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 35 University of Parma 2,487,785 70T2 58.31 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287901 GCA_015703975.1 SEQF7211.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 23 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,575,310 BSD2780061688_150302_D2 58.34 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533055 GCA_015559405.1 SEQF7212.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 13 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,590,214 BIOML-A3 58.46 PRJNA544527 SAMN11944621 GCA_009160675.1 SEQF7213.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 14 China CDC 2,481,403 EYE_60 58.5 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899811 GCA_023147995.1 SEQF7214.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 2 EMG 2,642,081 MGYG-HGUT-01354 58.52 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850857 GCA_902374185.1 SEQF7215.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 100 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,868,671 BIOML-A2 58.09 PRJNA544527 SAMN11944620 GCA_009160735.1 SEQF7216.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 10 University of Parma 2,523,858 181B 58.45 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287905 GCA_015703885.1 SEQF7217.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 19 University of Bologna 2,630,103 BRDF 5 58.59 PRJNA566312 SAMN12785272 GCA_010667605.1 SEQF7218.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 17 University of Parma 2,468,941 78T4 58.41 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287904 GCA_015703905.1 SEQF7219.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 14 University of Parma 2,431,695 VB29 58.46 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287917 GCA_015700555.1 SEQF7220.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 21 University of Parma 2,582,570 848B 58.35 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287910 GCA_015703785.1 SEQF7221.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 13 University of Parma 2,467,165 68T9 58.43 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287900 GCA_015704005.1 SEQF7222.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 29 The University of Texas at Austin 2,538,385 UT_Austin_Bifido_FMT_C1 58.49 PRJNA622788 SAMN14529726 GCA_012310535.1 SEQF7223.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 19 University of Parma 2,605,010 793B 58.7 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287907 GCA_015703845.1 SEQF7224.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 15 University of Bologna 2,557,428 BRDF 23 58.5 PRJNA566312 SAMN12785273 GCA_010667555.1 SEQF7225.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 33 The University of Texas at Austin 2,539,231 UT_Austin_Bifido_FMT_C3 58.49 PRJNA622788 SAMN14529804 GCA_012310525.1 SEQF7226.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 18 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,543,894 1001270B_150601_C3 58.39 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532764 GCA_015555105.1 SEQF7227.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 15 University of Parma 2,697,950 679B 58.46 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287906 GCA_015703875.1 SEQF7228.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 20 University of Parma 2,612,221 2078B 58.57 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287914 GCA_015700595.1 SEQF7229.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 25 University of Parma 2,580,247 841B 58.38 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287909 GCA_015703805.1 SEQF7230.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 21 Kyung Hee University 2,625,535 ATCC 15424 58.48 PRJNA529663 SAMN11280666 GCA_004683745.1 SEQF7231.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 15 University of Parma 2,627,689 2124B 58.59 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287916 GCA_015700575.1 SEQF7232.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 24 University of Parma 2,571,068 1893B 58.22 PRJNA379831 SAMN06621713 GCA_002075955.1 SEQF7233.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 14 University of Parma 2,479,317 831B 58.38 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287908 GCA_015703835.1 SEQF7234.1 588 Bifidobacterium dentium latest 15 University of Parma 2,469,902 74T1 58.43 PRJNA666310 SAMN16287902 GCA_015703945.1 SEQF1892.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta 80 Washington University Genome Center 3,337,682 strain=470-4 66.97 PRJNA67195 SAMN02436690 GCA_000318405.1 SEQF2056.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 8 Indiana University 3,369,316 ATCC 11568 68.33 PRJNA46229 SAMN02469913 GCA_000204035.1 SEQF4737.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 3,549,082 FDAARGOS_1026 67.43 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357195 GCA_016127655.1 SEQF4738.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 1 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 3,551,819 ATCC(B) 19146 67.43 PRJNA514930 SAMN10737780 GCA_004102925.1 SEQF4739.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 1 CAAS 3,385,620 BZC3 67.38 PRJNA390478 SAMN07236578 GCA_002205555.1 SEQF4740.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 84 INAIL-DIT, Research Area 3,440,390 TVB1 67.4 PRJNA509565 SAMN10584550 GCA_014748375.1 SEQF4741.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 89 MICALIS 3,250,103 3F5N 66.99 PRJEB19169 SAMEA80388418 GCA_900163625.1 SEQF4742.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 12 SC 3,408,470 NCTC11164 67.38 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104338351 GCA_900445915.1 SEQF4743.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 73 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 3,503,101 NBRC 14213 67.47 PRJDB5994 SAMD00097246 GCA_006539485.1 SEQF4744.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 2 SC 3,438,815 NCTC8545 67.26 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4040024 GCA_900445995.1 SEQF4745.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 57 CAAS 3,402,991 ACCC10507 67.32 PRJNA390480 SAMN07236627 GCA_002205925.1 SEQF4746.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 51 SC 3,349,074 NCTC11165 67.3 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104167223 GCA_900445895.1 SEQF4747.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 31 Xcelris labs Ltd 3,180,321 XGC1 67.38 PRJNA280891 SAMN03480409 GCA_000988015.1 SEQF4748.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 50 PASTEUR INSTITUTE OF IRAN 3,341,181 IR165 67.06 PRJNA689668 SAMN17214355 GCA_016598945.1 SEQF4749.1 590 Brevundimonas diminuta latest 43 PASTEUR INSTITUTE OF IRAN 3,161,680 IR18 67.23 PRJNA689668 SAMN17214354 GCA_016598955.1 SEQF1184.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Sanger Institute 2,488,635 NCTC 13129 53.48 PRJNA87 SAMEA1705951 GCA_000195815.1 SEQF2048.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,426,551 241 53.43 PRJNA42407 SAMN02603070 GCA_000241895.1 SEQF2267.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,535,346 31A 53.62 PRJNA42399 SAMN02603066 GCA_000241875.1 SEQF2268.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,485,519 BH8 53.56 PRJNA42423 SAMN02603077 GCA_000241935.1 SEQF2269.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,499,189 C7 (beta) 53.5 PRJNA42401 SAMN02603067 GCA_000255175.1 SEQF2270.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,433,326 CDCE 8392 53.59 PRJNA42405 SAMN02603069 GCA_000255215.1 SEQF2271.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,427,149 HC01 53.43 PRJNA42409 SAMN02603071 GCA_000255235.1 SEQF2272.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,468,612 HC02 53.71 PRJNA42411 SAMN02603072 GCA_000255155.1 SEQF2273.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,478,364 HC03 53.5 PRJNA42415 SAMN02603073 GCA_000242775.1 SEQF2274.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,484,332 HC04 53.45 PRJNA42417 SAMN02603074 GCA_000255195.1 SEQF2275.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,449,071 INCA 402 53.65 PRJNA42419 SAMN02603075 GCA_000241915.1 SEQF2276.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,530,683 PW8 53.7 PRJNA42403 SAMN02603068 GCA_000255275.1 SEQF2277.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 2,395,441 VA01 53.44 PRJNA42421 SAMN02603076 GCA_000255255.1 SEQF2388.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae 34 Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science, University of Strathclyde 2,380,361 strain=NCTC 5011 53.6 PRJNA120127 SAMN02471953 GCA_000263415.1 SEQF2703.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae 140 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK 2,141,743 DSM 43988 53.32 PRJNA169861 SAMN02471956 GCA_000455785.1 SEQF2704.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae 38 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK 2,367,453 str. Aberdeen 53.45 PRJNA169862 SAMN02471951 GCA_000455805.1 SEQF5518.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 INSTITUT PASTEUR 2,463,666 NCTC11397 53.52 PRJEB22103 SAMEA6566652 GCA_902809765.1 SEQF5519.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 SC 2,463,666 NCTC11397 53.52 PRJEB6403 SAMEA2517360 GCA_001457455.1 SEQF5520.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,463,627 FDAARGOS_1554 53.52 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091651 GCA_020736085.1 SEQF5521.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,474,411 CD1008 53.55 PRJNA541851 SAMN11612661 GCA_021560315.1 SEQF5522.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,369,432 FDAARGOS_1552 53.47 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091649 GCA_020736125.1 SEQF5523.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,457,803 CD1032 53.6 PRJNA541851 SAMN11612663 GCA_021560295.1 SEQF5524.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 SRCAMB 2,406,631 SCPM-O-B-4453 53.54 PRJNA269675 SAMN23378278 GCA_021052705.1 SEQF5525.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 SC 2,528,716 NCTC3529 53.57 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104318197 GCA_900638705.1 SEQF5526.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 SC 2,435,114 NCTC7838 53.47 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104318198 GCA_900638715.1 SEQF5527.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,403,985 CD1075 53.47 PRJNA541851 SAMN11612667 GCA_021560215.1 SEQF5528.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Christian Medical College 2,504,185 TH1526 53.5 PRJNA530107 SAMN05615426 GCA_004758745.1 SEQF5529.2 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,489,049 FDAARGOS_197 53.48 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875534 GCA_002073375.2 SEQF5530.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 2 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,407,586 CD1009 53.32 PRJNA541851 SAMN11612662 GCA_021560115.1 SEQF5531.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 The University of Queensland 2,557,381 BQ11 53.61 PRJNA473263 SAMN09269643 GCA_003194045.1 SEQF5532.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,530,672 CD1033 53.64 PRJNA541851 SAMN11612664 GCA_021560275.1 SEQF5533.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,564,229 CD1036 53.58 PRJNA541851 SAMN11612665 GCA_021560255.1 SEQF5534.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,532,323 CD1040 53.64 PRJNA541851 SAMN11612666 GCA_021560235.1 SEQF5535.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Divison of Bacterial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control 2,474,408 CD1005 53.55 PRJNA541851 SAMN11612660 GCA_021560335.1 SEQF5536.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 University of Malaya 2,474,151 B-D-16-78 53.56 PRJNA355958 SAMN06099113 GCA_001902275.1 SEQF5537.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,491,204 FDAARGOS_1553 53.73 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091650 GCA_020736105.1 SEQF5538.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Serum Institute of India 2,530,683 CN2000 53.71 PRJNA514973 SAMN10740117 GCA_004916755.1 SEQF5539.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 Serum Institute of India 2,530,683 CN2000 53.71 PRJNA514973 SAMN10739869 GCA_004916775.1 SEQF5540.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,552,990 FDAARGOS_1592 53.69 PRJNA231221 SAMN22365121 GCA_020736385.1 SEQF5541.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 42 INSTITUT PASTEUR 2,401,685 YE-NCPHL-90 53.43 PRJEB34206 SAMEA5926712 GCA_902497465.1 SEQF5542.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 26 National Microbiology Laboratory 2,397,995 NML170013 53.63 PRJNA798684 SAMN25124796 GCA_023652455.1 SEQF5543.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 21 National Microbiology Laboratory 2,393,607 NML160206 53.61 PRJNA798684 SAMN25124793 GCA_023652475.1 SEQF5544.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 23 National Microbiology Laboratory 2,391,900 NML190535 53.61 PRJNA798684 SAMN25124817 GCA_023651975.1 SEQF5545.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 42 INSTITUT PASTEUR 2,402,208 YEM0026 53.43 PRJEB34206 SAMEA7052172 GCA_903986075.1 SEQF5546.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 146 Institut Pasteur, Paris, France 2,439,838 47/F 53.55 PRJNA355988 SAMN06158912 GCA_003004415.1 SEQF5547.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 91 National Institute for Communicable Diseases 2,218,671 ST378-KZN-2015-45463 53.62 PRJNA341832 SAMN05729422 GCA_001875905.1 SEQF5548.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 29 Institute for Medical Research 2,488,098 rz597 53.61 PRJNA345527 SAMN06311216 GCA_002115185.1 SEQF5549.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 45 INSTITUT PASTEUR 2,379,680 YEM0035 53.57 PRJEB34206 SAMEA7052202 GCA_903986475.1 SEQF5550.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 74 National Institute for Communicable Diseases 2,453,791 ST378-KZN-2015-45788 53.6 PRJNA341832 SAMN05729428 GCA_001876115.1 SEQF5551.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 76 CMC, Vellore 2,437,129 TH1337 53.49 PRJNA342907 SAMN05771005 GCA_001742085.1 SEQF5552.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 42 INSTITUT PASTEUR 2,402,172 YEM0070 53.43 PRJEB34206 SAMEA7052189 GCA_903986335.1 SEQF5553.1 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 41 INSTITUT PASTEUR 2,401,485 YEM0008 53.43 PRJEB34206 SAMEA7052168 GCA_903986175.1 SEQF5554.2 591 Corynebacterium diphtheriae latest 45 Institute for Medical Research 2,461,203 c488 53.58 PRJNA345527 SAMN05877648 GCA_001833005.2 SEQF3053.1 593 Mogibacterium diversum latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 1,815,831 CCUG 47132 40.96 PRJNA282954 SAMN08567286 GCA_002998925.1 SEQF1846.1 594 Streptococcus downei latest 17 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,239,421 F0415 43.39 PRJNA53567 SAMN00115114 GCA_000180055.1 SEQF3714.1 594 Streptococcus downei latest 3 SC 2,232,110 NCTC 11391 43.7 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4534871 GCA_900459175.1 SEQF1897.1 595 Corynebacterium durum latest 20 Washington University Genome Center 2,809,576 F0235 56.85 PRJNA67201 SAMN02436928 GCA_000318135.1 SEQF5021.1 595 Corynebacterium durum latest 1 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,800,016 DSM 45333 57.15 PRJNA632267 SAMN14908451 GCA_013410305.1 SEQF1608.2 596 Granulicatella elegans latest 1 Broad Institute 1,743,361 ATCC 700633 33.43 PRJNA38745 SAMN02595330 GCA_000162475.2 SEQF4301.1 596 Granulicatella elegans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,890,620 FDAARGOS_1559 33.66 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091656 GCA_020735385.1 SEQF2325.2 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii 2430 INCT of Biological Nitgrogen Fixation 8,673,157 587 63.64 PRJNA86995 SAMN02471378 GCA_000257685.2 SEQF2487.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 2 JGI 9,484,767 USDA 76 63.73 PRJNA162247 SAMN02261261 GCA_000379145.1 SEQF6035.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 2 Kyoto Sangyo University 9,649,995 USDA 61 63.69 PRJDB717 SAMD00067082 GCA_012871055.1 SEQF6036.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 2 VEIL Bradyrhizobium group 9,518,205 USDA 76 63.71 PRJNA686128 SAMN17108307 GCA_023278185.1 SEQF6037.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 118 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 8,713,111 SZCCT0424 64.01 PRJNA698083 SAMN17708010 GCA_018131045.1 SEQF6038.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 90 Kagoshima University 9,198,916 BLY3-8 63.81 PRJNA319747 SAMN04903904 GCA_001718205.1 SEQF6039.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 325 UFRGS 9,522,904 SEMIA 587 63.71 PRJNA534482 SAMN11491112 GCA_013392765.1 SEQF6040.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 85 DOE Joint Genome Institute 8,979,722 USDA 3254 63.79 PRJNA165319 SAMN02441448 GCA_000472765.1 SEQF6041.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 289 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 9,260,234 NBRC 14791 63.75 PRJDB5987 SAMD00097547 GCA_006539665.1 SEQF6042.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 48 Brazil 9,196,354 BR29 63.84 PRJNA520827 SAMN10868506 GCA_004152955.1 SEQF6043.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 164 DOE Joint Genome Institute 9,558,895 USDA 94 63.77 PRJNA165317 SAMN02584917 GCA_000519225.1 SEQF6044.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 3 DOE Joint Genome Institute 9,664,136 USDA 130 63.68 PRJNA696469 SAMN17673373 GCA_017876705.1 SEQF6045.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 654 China Agricultural University 9,347,700 CCBAU 43297 63.75 PRJNA77219 SAMN02469464 GCA_000261525.1 SEQF6046.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 101 DOE Joint Genome Institute 8,722,461 USDA 3259 63.91 PRJNA162999 SAMN02440775 GCA_000473005.1 SEQF6047.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 2 DOE Joint Genome Institute 9,929,849 USDA 406 63.69 PRJNA696470 SAMN17673241 GCA_017834125.1 SEQF6048.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 751 China Agricultural University 9,773,178 CCBAU 05737 63.51 PRJNA77219 SAMN02469485 GCA_000261505.1 SEQF6049.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 79 Kagoshima University 9,202,572 BLY6-1 63.81 PRJNA319747 SAMN04903903 GCA_001718185.1 SEQF6050.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 1002 Univ Estadual Paulista UNESP/FCAV 9,529,806 TnphoA 33 63.68 PRJNA351286 SAMN05948933 GCA_001868735.1 SEQF6051.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 80 Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria 8,780,064 Semia 938 63.87 PRJNA541436 SAMN11585296 GCA_005298095.1 SEQF6052.1 597 Bradyrhizobium elkanii latest 232 UFRGS 9,394,046 SEMIA 5019 63.76 PRJNA534477 SAMN11491066 GCA_013392745.1 SEQF1166.2 598 Neisseria elongata 153 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,275,949 strain=ATCC 29315 54.02 PRJNA30471 SAMN00008838 GCA_000176755.2 SEQF4617.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,397,276 M15911 53.86 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704973 GCA_003351545.1 SEQF4618.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 1 INRS-Institut Armand Frappier 2,256,647 ATCC 29315 54.26 PRJNA247711 SAMN02797820 GCA_000818035.1 SEQF4619.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 1 SC 2,249,415 NCTC11050 54.28 PRJEB6403 SAMEA53328418 GCA_900475815.1 SEQF4620.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,534,634 M15910 53.91 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704972 GCA_003351685.1 SEQF4621.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 78 University of Washington 2,404,281 404_NMEN 53.83 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197594 GCA_001064875.1 SEQF4622.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 2 SC 2,406,516 NCTC10660 53.85 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3672883 GCA_900453895.1 SEQF4623.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 35 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,399,453 C2014003241 54.02 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299229 GCA_003044785.1 SEQF4624.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 114 University of Washington 2,365,781 1279_NMEN 54.23 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197249 GCA_001061435.1 SEQF4625.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 35 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,469,171 C2013018262 54.1 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299226 GCA_003044725.1 SEQF4626.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 23 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,360,727 ATCC 25295 53.87 PRJEB17337 SAMN05421815 GCA_900113545.1 SEQF4627.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 31 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,320,322 C2011003085 54.16 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299214 GCA_003044625.1 SEQF4628.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 26 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 2,595,012 Nel_M001 54.04 PRJNA682193 SAMN16979883 GCA_018437425.1 SEQF4629.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 94 Rochester Institute of Technology 2,586,963 AR-0945 53.79 PRJNA701003 SAMN17843089 GCA_016900855.1 SEQF4630.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 48 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,489,623 C2010010207 53.86 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299212 GCA_003044605.1 SEQF4631.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 53 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,509,681 C2013010062 53.45 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299223 GCA_003044985.1 SEQF4632.1 598 Neisseria elongata latest 77 University of Washington 2,398,408 431_NMEN 53.84 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197625 GCA_001064935.1 SEQF2677.1 600 Prevotella enoeca latest 117 The University of Tokyo 2,784,020 JCM 12259 46.51 PRJDB563 SAMD00011231 GCA_000613405.1 SEQF2792.1 600 Prevotella enoeca latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,861,432 F0113 46.47 PRJNA282954 SAMN04260158 GCA_001444445.1 SEQF1322.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis 7 Chinese National HGC, Shanghai 2,564,615 strain=ATCC 12228 32.05 PRJNA279 SAMN02603126 GCA_000007645.1 SEQF1324.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 TIGR 2,643,840 RP62A 32.15 PRJNA64 SAMN02603975 GCA_000011925.1 SEQF1640.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis 46 Baylor College of Medicine 2,606,024 strain=BCM-HMP0060 33.32 PRJNA31545 SAMN00001492 GCA_000159575.1 SEQF1836.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis 26 Baylor College of Medicine 2,629,570 strain=M23864 33.96 PRJNA34647 SAMN00002222 GCA_000160215.1 SEQF1837.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis 33 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,518,045 strain=SK135 32.24 PRJNA34077 SAMN00008358 GCA_000177115.1 SEQF1838.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis 91 Baylor College of Medicine 2,646,585 W23144 33.58 PRJNA34655 SAMN00002221 GCA_000160235.1 SEQF2205.2 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis 131 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,555,725 14.1.R1.SE 32.2 PRJNA64683 SAMN00761790 GCA_000239515.2 SEQF2206.2 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis 56 University at Buffalo/Center of Excellence/Infectious Disease and Genomics 2,541,845 strain=FRI909 31.83 PRJNA48603 SAMN00138731 GCA_000186205.2 SEQF2207.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis 13 Baylor College of Medicine 2,523,347 strain=M23864 33.11 PRJNA34643 SAMN02299424 GCA_000164075.1 SEQF2383.2 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis 61 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,449,850 VCU028 32.04 PRJNA53717 SAMN00116866 GCA_000205405.2 SEQF4023.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 2,491,058 ATCC 14990 32.22 PRJNA515334 SAMN10738425 GCA_006094375.1 SEQF4024.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 Biological Resource Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NBRC) 2,427,041 NBRC 100911 32.29 PRJDB8042 SAMD00169832 GCA_006742205.1 SEQF4025.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 1 Statens Serum Institut 2,449,132 E73 32.19 PRJNA518762 SAMN10857478 GCA_011038575.1 SEQF4026.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Hospital Muenster 2,745,603 B1264787 31.89 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699878 GCA_019329545.1 SEQF4027.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Hospital Muenster 2,732,705 V1949610 31.91 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699900 GCA_019330225.1 SEQF4028.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 2,536,358 HD66-6 32.23 PRJNA546129 SAMN14732905 GCA_016855405.1 SEQF4029.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 2,475,319 HD69-1 32.19 PRJNA546129 SAMN14732906 GCA_016855305.1 SEQF4030.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 4 LOreal 2,431,849 PH1-4 32.2 PRJNA721837 SAMN18740291 GCA_021484865.1 SEQF4031.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 University of Melbourne 2,751,032 IRL01 31.98 PRJNA532483 SAMN09103952 GCA_009685135.1 SEQF4032.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 1 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,727,549 DAR1907 32.09 PRJNA308322 SAMN07444319 GCA_002850315.1 SEQF4033.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 LOreal 2,447,700 45A6 32.17 PRJNA721843 SAMN18740296 GCA_021496075.1 SEQF4034.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 5 LOreal 2,521,740 BC1190 32.15 PRJNA721847 SAMN18740299 GCA_021513115.1 SEQF4035.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 University Hospital Muenster 2,726,233 B1276296 31.92 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699887 GCA_019329725.1 SEQF4036.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 2,448,657 FDAARGOS_1364 32.22 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357506 GCA_016903575.1 SEQF4037.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 7 Curtin University 2,541,647 C100 32.15 PRJNA821968 SAMN27161489 GCA_022832915.1 SEQF4038.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE 2,541,041 none;Se_BPH0704 32.1 PRJEB35032 SAMEA3712735 GCA_902509495.1 SEQF4039.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 University Hospital Muenster 2,726,249 B1276219 31.92 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699886 GCA_019329705.1 SEQF4040.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 7 LOreal 2,590,689 45A5 32.07 PRJNA721842 SAMN18740295 GCA_021496035.1 SEQF4041.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 1 University of Tuebingen 2,518,181 O47 32.11 PRJNA546513 SAMN11960487 GCA_013317125.1 SEQF4042.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Hospital Muenster 2,732,693 B1200343 31.91 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699871 GCA_019329325.1 SEQF4043.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 University Hospital Muenster 2,733,502 B1266875 31.91 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699880 GCA_019329585.1 SEQF4044.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 University Hospital Muenster 2,726,253 B1264454 31.92 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699877 GCA_019329525.1 SEQF4045.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 4 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 2,520,735 NBRC 113846 32.15 PRJNA747117 SAMN21163584 GCA_020181395.1 SEQF4046.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 Curtin University 2,634,259 C019 32.0 PRJNA821968 SAMN28460870 GCA_023547085.1 SEQF4047.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Hospital Muenster 2,732,704 B1266911 31.91 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699881 GCA_019329605.1 SEQF4048.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 2,488,708 HD15-1 32.09 PRJNA546129 SAMN14734460 GCA_016856245.1 SEQF4049.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 2,659,528 HD25-1 32.09 PRJNA546129 SAMN14732892 GCA_016855625.1 SEQF4050.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 2,502,060 HD39-1 32.16 PRJNA546129 SAMN14732899 GCA_016855525.1 SEQF4051.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 6 Curtin University 2,540,715 C99 32.15 PRJNA821968 SAMN27160588 GCA_022832895.1 SEQF4052.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 2,509,593 FDAARGOS_1363 32.24 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357505 GCA_016903555.1 SEQF4053.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Hospital Muenster 2,754,755 V1950266 31.87 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699901 GCA_019330245.1 SEQF4054.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 Faculty of Science, Masaryk University 2,232,213 SE48 32.15 PRJNA684900 SAMN17071899 GCA_016406225.1 SEQF4055.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Hospital Muenster 2,732,697 V1933625 31.91 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699895 GCA_019330125.1 SEQF4056.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 7 Curtin University 2,541,905 C101 32.15 PRJNA821968 SAMN27161490 GCA_022832935.1 SEQF4057.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,526,403 ATCC 12228 32.1 PRJNA564724 SAMN12721478 GCA_009873455.1 SEQF4058.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 Walter Reed Army Institute of Research 2,470,071 1457 32.25 PRJNA377759 SAMN02640609 GCA_002085695.1 SEQF4059.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE 2,547,194 none;Se_BPH0697 32.08 PRJEB35032 SAMEA3712729 GCA_902509485.1 SEQF4060.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Hospital Muenster 2,735,368 B1262351 31.92 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699876 GCA_019329505.1 SEQF4061.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,557,837 NCCP 16828 32.05 PRJNA564725 SAMN12721499 GCA_009769125.1 SEQF4062.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 1 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 2,471,562 HD43-1 32.17 PRJNA546129 SAMN14732901 GCA_016855485.1 SEQF4063.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 2,521,481 HD27N1 32.24 PRJNA546129 SAMN14732894 GCA_016859435.1 SEQF4064.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 2 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 2,561,687 HD29-1 32.17 PRJNA546129 SAMN14732895 GCA_016855585.1 SEQF4065.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 2,682,778 HD21-2 32.08 PRJNA546129 SAMN14734464 GCA_016855945.1 SEQF4066.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 2,498,394 HD26-2 32.22 PRJNA546129 SAMN14732893 GCA_016855605.1 SEQF4067.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 1 Jeonbuk National University 2,521,618 Z0118SE0132 32.26 PRJNA660487 SAMN15950888 GCA_014490515.1 SEQF4068.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 4 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 2,654,929 HD31-1 32.01 PRJNA546129 SAMN14732896 GCA_016855565.1 SEQF4069.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 LOreal 2,401,799 44 32.24 PRJNA721841 SAMN18740294 GCA_021496015.1 SEQF4070.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 3 University Hospital Muenster 2,754,745 V1933793 31.87 PRJNA721097 SAMN18699896 GCA_019330145.1 SEQF4071.1 601 Staphylococcus epidermidis latest 5 Curtin University 2,513,271 C066 32.14 PRJNA821968 SAMN28461093 GCA_023547125.1 SEQF1599.1 602 Slackia exigua latest 2 WUGSC 2,096,289 ATCC 700122 62.18 PRJNA38335 SAMN00008861 GCA_000162875.1 SEQF5853.1 602 Slackia exigua latest 2 SC 2,102,748 NCTC12994 62.16 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4521473 GCA_900450505.1 SEQF5854.1 602 Slackia exigua latest 12 China CDC 2,108,470 EYE_27 62.0 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899805 GCA_023148135.1 SEQF1730.1 603 Bulleidia extructa latest 16 JCVI 1,419,583 W1219 36.28 PRJNA40673 SAMN00003365 GCA_000177375.1 SEQF1080.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis 4 TIGR 3,359,974 V583 37.38 PRJNA70 SAMN02603978 Bacteremia Endocarditis GCA_000007785.1 SEQF1260.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis 95 Baylor College of Medicine 3,156,478 TX0104 38.26 PRJNA30623 SAMN00002243 GCA_000159255.1 SEQF1449.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis 103 Baylor College of Medicine 3,129,930 EnGen0297 38.8 PRJNA31457 SAMN00002227 GCA_000160155.1 SEQF1495.2 604 Enterococcus faecalis 1 Baylor College of Medicine 2,739,625 OG1RF 37.75 PRJNA20843 SAMN02603002 GCA_000172575.2 SEQF1736.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis 64 Baylor College of Medicine 2,973,369 strain=ATCC 29200 38.28 PRJNA31459 SAMN00001464 GCA_000159655.1 SEQF1751.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis 11 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,836,650 TUSoD Ef11 37.68 PRJNA31415 SAMN00000720 GCA_000175015.1 SEQF1752.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis 40 Baylor College of Medicine 2,974,288 strain=TX1322 38.28 PRJNA31461 SAMN00001498 GCA_000159275.1 SEQF2278.2 604 Enterococcus faecalis 5 Laboratory of Microbial Gene Technology and Food Microbiology, Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences 3,130,818 62 37.34 PRJNA61185 SAMN02603509 GCA_000211255.2 SEQF6119.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 2,866,948 PartL-Efaecalis-RM8376 37.59 PRJNA605254 SAMN14078803 GCA_022869705.1 SEQF6120.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 1 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,904,384 28099_2#73 37.53 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491293 GCA_905123675.1 SEQF6121.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,336,254 27725_1#262 37.25 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491172 GCA_905121555.1 SEQF6122.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,010,390 28157_4#72 37.42 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491260 GCA_905122275.1 SEQF6123.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,924,045 28157_4#191 37.54 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491242 GCA_905122205.1 SEQF6124.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,227,477 26975_2#206 37.12 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491127 GCA_905121085.1 SEQF6125.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,048,823 26975_2#26 37.35 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491046 GCA_905123285.1 SEQF6126.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 5 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,802,499 26975_2#198 37.65 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491122 GCA_905120955.1 SEQF6127.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,025,354 26975_2#19 37.29 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491040 GCA_905123265.1 SEQF6128.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,960,944 28157_4#171 37.47 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491233 GCA_905123525.1 SEQF6129.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,186,991 26975_2#115 37.1 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491164 GCA_905121385.1 SEQF6130.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 4 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,282,143 26975_1#246 37.1 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491137 GCA_905121205.1 SEQF6131.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 5 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,922,609 28157_4#153 37.43 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491276 GCA_905123685.1 SEQF6132.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,094,970 27688_1#382 37.3 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491358 GCA_905123065.1 SEQF6133.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 4 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,190,198 28157_4#356 37.04 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491282 GCA_905122485.1 SEQF6134.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,107,693 26975_2#69 37.26 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491155 GCA_905121345.1 SEQF6135.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 3,048,131 ATCC 29212 37.35 PRJNA244550 SAMN02870637 GCA_000742975.1 SEQF6136.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,117,365 26975_2#231 37.05 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491154 GCA_905121425.1 SEQF6137.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 1 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,912,080 28157_4#255 37.41 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491310 GCA_905123535.1 SEQF6138.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 1 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,032,764 28157_4#306 37.17 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491320 GCA_905123815.1 SEQF6139.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,084,957 27688_1#192 37.28 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491341 GCA_905122815.1 SEQF6140.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 1 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,766,034 28099_2#118 37.68 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491294 GCA_905122595.1 SEQF6141.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 5 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 3,292,143 UAMS_EL54 37.36 PRJNA735268 SAMN19573780 GCA_022648425.1 SEQF6142.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,783,956 27725_1#11 37.64 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491342 GCA_905122805.1 SEQF6143.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,210,571 28157_4#42 37.08 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491317 GCA_905123835.1 SEQF6144.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 1 SC 2,719,199 NCTC8745 37.7 PRJEB6403 SAMEA1046663 GCA_900636775.1 SEQF6145.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,229,106 26975_2#83 37.03 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491157 GCA_905121455.1 SEQF6146.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 4 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,921,529 28099_2#314 37.48 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491275 GCA_905122365.1 SEQF6147.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,987,577 26975_1#45 37.39 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491086 GCA_905120605.1 SEQF6148.3 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 USP 2,981,602 L8 37.48 PRJNA352597 SAMN12272102 GCA_009498175.3 SEQF6149.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,318,034 27688_1#266 37.32 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491197 GCA_905121755.1 SEQF6150.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 3,159,864 FDAARGOS_324 37.32 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173337 GCA_003030425.1 SEQF6151.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,108,064 26975_1#381 37.3 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491150 GCA_905121275.1 SEQF6152.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,106,181 27688_1#208 37.18 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491329 GCA_905122725.1 SEQF6153.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 5 Wadsworth Center - NYS DOH 3,245,651 VRE-WC031 37.32 PRJNA808078 SAMN26026624 GCA_022691485.1 SEQF6154.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,281,907 27688_1#256 36.98 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491347 GCA_905122905.1 SEQF6155.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 4 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,092,841 26975_2#74 37.2 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491156 GCA_905121335.1 SEQF6156.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 4 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,840,934 26975_1#33 37.61 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491083 GCA_905120615.1 SEQF6157.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,007,575 28157_4#263 37.47 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491312 GCA_905123735.1 SEQF6158.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 USP 2,812,497 L18 37.59 PRJNA352597 SAMN18063036 GCA_017280235.1 SEQF6159.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 University of Texas at Dallas 3,022,333 152 37.34 PRJNA800580 SAMN25249822 GCA_022212845.1 SEQF6160.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,053,305 27688_1#341 37.27 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491346 GCA_905122945.1 SEQF6161.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 Henan Agricultural University 2,818,965 E512-TC2 37.67 PRJNA778193 SAMN22929993 GCA_020882055.1 SEQF6162.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 3 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,830,045 26975_2#242 37.59 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491067 GCA_905123445.1 SEQF6163.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,948,398 26975_2#190 37.4 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491117 GCA_905120945.1 SEQF6164.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 1 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 2,909,565 27688_1#353 37.42 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491331 GCA_905122825.1 SEQF6165.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 5 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,186,089 28099_2#233 37.38 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491297 GCA_905122575.1 SEQF6166.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 6 Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities 3,183,730 FC 37.2 PRJNA445927 SAMN08803040 GCA_005158025.1 SEQF6167.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 4 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,239,248 26975_2#21 37.1 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491042 GCA_905123245.1 SEQF6168.1 604 Enterococcus faecalis latest 2 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER UTRECHT 3,163,770 26975_2#38 37.18 PRJEB40976 SAMEA7491058 GCA_905123355.1 SEQF2793.1 605 Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,699,310 CCUG 45958 60.9 PRJNA282954 SAMN04435860 GCA_001553605.1 SEQF1263.1 607 Mycoplasmopsis fermentans latest 1 Yang-Ming University 1,118,751 M64 26.86 PRJNA13415 SAMN02604339 Respirator GCA_000186005.1 SEQF1265.1 607 Mycoplasmopsis fermentans latest 1 M Bio Technology Incorporation 1,004,014 PG18 27.02 PRJDA28473 SAMD00060938 Urogenital GCA_000209735.1 SEQF1928.1 607 Mycoplasmopsis fermentans latest 1 Georg-August-University Goettingen 977,524 JER 26.95 PRJNA36551 SAMN02603257 GCA_000148625.1 SEQF9196.1 607 Mycoplasmopsis fermentans latest 48 IGS 928,572 MF-I1 26.86 PRJNA205184 SAMN07730986 GCA_003704055.1 SEQF9197.1 607 Mycoplasmopsis fermentans latest 46 IGS 921,097 MF-I2 26.9 PRJNA205185 SAMN07730985 GCA_003704075.1 SEQF1533.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Kitasato Institute for Life Sciences 2,098,685 IFO 3956 51.47 PRJDA18979 SAMD00060917 GCA_000010145.1 SEQF1766.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum 74 Baylor College of Medicine 1,867,005 strain=ATCC 14931 54.55 PRJNA31485 SAMN00001473 GCA_000159215.1 SEQF1964.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2,100,449 CECT 5716 51.57 PRJNA43533 SAMN02604100 GCA_000210515.1 SEQF2541.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 The Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Education Ministry of P. R. China, Department of Food Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China 2,064,620 F-6 51.67 PRJNA49143 SAMN02603935 GCA_000397165.1 SEQF2605.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum 116 Madurai Kamaraj University 2,566,297 MTCC 8711 49.71 PRJNA212396 SAMN02470291 GCA_000477515.1 SEQF9198.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 South China Agricultural University 2,016,236 SCB0035 51.81 PRJNA818844 SAMN26885050 GCA_022819245.1 SEQF9199.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Seoul National University 2,046,196 LDTM 7301 51.7 PRJNA340350 SAMN05712721 GCA_003346795.1 SEQF9200.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 National Chung Hsing University 2,227,144 GR1009 51.03 PRJNA702613 SAMN17976238 GCA_017134335.1 SEQF9201.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Universiti Sains Malaysia 2,239,921 FTDC 8312 50.99 PRJNA382300 SAMN06703219 GCA_002119645.1 SEQF9202.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Technology Center of Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd,China 2,110,953 B44 51.57 PRJNA689682 SAMN17214540 GCA_016617695.1 SEQF9203.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 china agricultural university 1,908,534 YL-11 51.94 PRJNA507070 SAMN10484493 GCA_003860425.1 SEQF9204.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Agricultural University of Athens 2,149,913 ACA-DC 179 51.15 PRJNA759200 SAMN21157785 GCA_019890875.1 SEQF9205.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Riddet Institute 2,226,862 AGR1485 51.15 PRJNA588334 SAMN13241836 GCA_011032765.1 SEQF9206.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 South China University of Technology 2,032,186 M4 51.75 PRJNA787400 SAMN23798833 GCA_023612195.1 SEQF9207.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Chunlab 2,146,888 SRCM103285 51.26 PRJNA514921 SAMN10737529 GCA_004063515.1 SEQF9208.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Universita degli Studi di Catania 2,063,606 LAC FRN-92 51.79 PRJNA389240 SAMN07192734 GCA_002192435.1 SEQF9209.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL 2,089,202 IMDO 130101 51.47 PRJEB24519 SAMEA104224050 GCA_900205745.1 SEQF9210.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 CSIR-CFTRI Mysore 2,267,305 2760 51.37 PRJNA566331 SAMN12786154 GCA_008802915.1 SEQF9211.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Nestle Research Center 1,949,874 NCC2970 52.21 PRJNA336464 SAMN05510874 GCA_001742205.1 SEQF9212.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Dankook University 2,092,273 SK152 51.94 PRJNA318540 SAMN04858206 GCA_002242615.1 SEQF9213.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Kazan Federal University 2,101,878 HFD1 51.75 PRJNA615901 SAMN14470504 GCA_012273035.1 SEQF9214.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 2 Medytox 2,327,464 LMT2-75 50.49 PRJNA505388 SAMN10417155 GCA_003855655.1 SEQF9215.3 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 2 Kingston University 2,330,492 3872 50.61 PRJNA213970 SAMN02314197 GCA_000466785.3 SEQF9216.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Chunlab 2,120,877 SRCM 103290 51.37 PRJNA514937 SAMN10738354 GCA_004063635.1 SEQF9217.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 2 Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine 2,012,416 MTCC 25067 51.14 PRJDB5494 SAMD00073748 GCA_002356135.1 SEQF9218.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 National Chung Hsing University 2,238,385 GR1007 50.99 PRJNA702613 SAMN17976236 GCA_017134375.1 SEQF9219.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 National Chung Hsing University 2,237,764 GR1008 50.99 PRJNA702613 SAMN17976237 GCA_017134355.1 SEQF9220.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 National Chung Hsing University 2,234,899 GR1103 51.0 PRJNA702615 SAMN17976243 GCA_017068315.1 SEQF9221.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 2 Yunnan Agricultural University 2,022,749 L1 51.8 PRJNA735609 SAMN19589998 GCA_018866265.1 SEQF9222.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 4 KoBioLabs, Inc. 2,272,328 SNUV175 51.02 PRJNA358449 SAMN06174220 GCA_001941785.1 SEQF9223.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Korea Food Research Institute 2,042,277 CBA7106 51.66 PRJNA390215 SAMN07224244 GCA_003255875.1 SEQF9224.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Universiti Sains Malaysia 2,238,401 USM 8633 50.99 PRJNA312743 SAMN04531192 GCA_009676625.1 SEQF9225.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Guangxi University 2,085,632 9-4 51.25 PRJNA721242 SAMN18711544 GCA_018732245.1 SEQF9226.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Huazhong agricultural university 2,094,354 YLF016 51.46 PRJNA682291 SAMN16987128 GCA_018884205.1 SEQF9227.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Riddet Institute 1,939,032 AGR1487 52.17 PRJNA596816 SAMN13639333 GCA_011032745.1 SEQF9228.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 5 Universiti Sains Malaysia 2,356,987 DR9 50.45 PRJNA482260 SAMN09701875 GCA_003710225.1 SEQF9229.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 2 Lactobacillus fermentum 2,002,993 ike38 52.02 PRJDB10981 SAMD00268105 GCA_016861955.1 SEQF9230.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 North Carolina State University 1,887,974 DSM 20052 52.52 PRJNA545488 SAMN11893902 GCA_013394085.1 SEQF9231.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Weill Cornell Medicine 1,905,587 B1 28 52.3 PRJNA477598 SAMN09475314 GCA_005341425.1 SEQF9232.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute 2,098,685 MTCC 5898 59.62 PRJNA520814 SAMN10868412 GCA_004208815.1 SEQF9233.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Erciyes University 2,001,184 AGA52 51.83 PRJNA797952 SAMN25042641 GCA_021582915.1 SEQF9234.2 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Quorum Innovations 2,098,510 LfQi6 59.08 PRJNA276297 SAMN03372370 GCA_000966835.2 SEQF9235.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 1 Khon Kaen University 2,098,685 47-7 58.58 PRJNA347617 SAMN05893390 GCA_001854105.1 SEQF9236.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 129 Quaid-I-Azam University 1,966,551 QAULFN54 52.89 PRJNA744373 SAMN20114171 GCA_022509455.1 SEQF9237.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 426 Guru Nanak Dev University 2,113,188 L18 51.98 PRJNA521583 SAMN10906314 GCA_012070625.1 SEQF9238.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 190 USFDA 2,016,004 DS19_7 51.65 PRJNA336518 SAMN05942014 GCA_003053105.1 SEQF9239.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 42 Broad Institute 2,026,518 28-3-CHN 53.77 PRJNA38517 SAMN02463745 GCA_000162395.1 SEQF9240.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 229 Bioprox 2,127,042 BIO6529 51.35 PRJNA574342 SAMN12856542 GCA_008868475.1 SEQF9241.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 93 Federal State Scientific-Industrial Company MICROGEN 1,822,484 90 TC-4 51.88 PRJNA279953 SAMN03452288 GCA_001010245.1 SEQF9242.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 82 MICALIS 1,911,362 S6 52.27 PRJEB19181 SAMEA80264668 GCA_900163585.1 SEQF9243.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 344 university of ljubljana, biotechnical faculty 2,129,416 IM863 51.42 PRJEB49530 SAMEA11998734 GCA_925284415.1 SEQF9244.1 608 Limosilactobacillus fermentum latest 415 Institute for Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis 2,091,502 CVM-347 52.55 PRJNA610980 SAMN14329897 GCA_011290755.1 SEQF1195.1 610 Neisseria flavescens latest 117 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,205,588 NRL30031/H210 49.2 PRJNA30473 SAMN00008839 GCA_000173935.1 SEQF1790.1 610 Neisseria flavescens latest 31 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,204,114 SK114 49.26 PRJNA34085 SAMN00001913 GCA_000175275.1 SEQF3993.1 610 Neisseria flavescens latest 1 Kings College London 2,231,882 ATCC 13120 49.05 PRJNA533546 SAMN11461057 GCA_005221285.1 SEQF3994.1 610 Neisseria flavescens latest 79 URMITE 2,194,968 N78 49.44 PRJEB30649 SAMEA5208241 GCA_900654195.1 SEQF3995.1 610 Neisseria flavescens latest 38 CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate s.c.a r.l., via Gaetano Salvatore 486-80145-Napoli 2,253,927 CD-NF1 49.29 PRJNA274665 SAMN03329000 GCA_001618015.1 SEQF3996.1 610 Neisseria flavescens latest 34 URMITE 2,207,472 N13 49.25 PRJEB30649 SAMEA5208238 GCA_900654165.1 SEQF3997.1 610 Neisseria flavescens latest 67 CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate s.c.a r.l., via Gaetano Salvatore 486-80145-Napoli 2,316,621 CNF 48.9 PRJNA274665 SAMN03329021 GCA_001618085.1 SEQF3998.1 610 Neisseria flavescens latest 37 CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate s.c.a r.l., via Gaetano Salvatore 486-80145-Napoli 2,333,017 CD-NF3 48.83 PRJNA274665 SAMN03329002 GCA_001618075.1 SEQF3999.1 610 Neisseria flavescens latest 73 CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate s.c.a r.l., via Gaetano Salvatore 486-80145-Napoli 2,345,024 CD-NF2 48.75 PRJNA274665 SAMN03329001 GCA_001618065.1 SEQF4000.1 610 Neisseria flavescens latest 4 SC 2,291,788 NCTC8263 49.05 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3936792 GCA_900453805.1 SEQF4001.1 610 Neisseria flavescens latest 36 URMITE 2,268,952 N57 49.05 PRJEB30649 SAMEA5208240 GCA_900654185.1 SEQF1300.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens 1 TIGR 7,074,893 strain=Pf-5 63.3 PRJNA327 SAMN02604012 GCA_000012265.1 SEQF1301.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 DOE Joint Genome Institute 6,438,405 Pf0-1 60.52 PRJNA12 SAMN02598267 GCA_000012445.1 SEQF1302.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 6,722,539 SBW25 60.5 PRJEA31229 SAMEA2272316 GCA_000009225.1 SEQF2169.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 6,845,832 F113 60.78 PRJNA76715 SAMN02604099 GCA_000237065.1 SEQF2196.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Oregon State University 6,270,867 WH6 60.69 PRJNA46613 SAMN02470777 GCA_000166515.1 SEQF2332.2 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 2 USDA-ARS 6,019,547 A506 59.95 PRJNA67529 SAMN02604280 GCA_000262325.2 SEQF2381.2 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 USDA - Agricultural Research Service, USA 6,179,543 SS101 60.02 PRJNA67539 SAMN02436383 GCA_000263675.2 SEQF3763.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 SC 6,515,171 NCTC10038 59.98 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3649026 GCA_900475215.1 SEQF3764.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 NJAU 6,410,071 2020WEIHUA_J 60.13 PRJNA647632 SAMN15595110 GCA_022023875.1 SEQF3765.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Yonsei University 6,418,441 DR397 60.56 PRJNA604478 SAMN13972462 GCA_010448615.1 SEQF3766.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Institute of Technology Carlow 6,641,144 L321 60.77 PRJNA320923 SAMN04992557 GCA_001708445.1 SEQF3767.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 2 Yonsei University 6,847,892 DR133 60.78 PRJNA604478 SAMN13972922 GCA_010668965.1 SEQF3768.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 7,119,102 FW300-N2C3 61.29 PRJNA295937 SAMN04094107 GCA_001307275.1 SEQF3769.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 kunming university of science and technology 6,109,123 W-6 59.79 PRJNA642329 SAMN15393973 GCA_013401475.1 SEQF3770.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) 6,791,087 SIK_W1 61.67 PRJNA484288 SAMN09762565 GCA_003612935.1 SEQF3771.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences 6,207,556 MS82 60.56 PRJNA449586 SAMN08912468 GCA_003055645.1 SEQF3772.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 6,391,871 FW300-N2E3 58.8 PRJNA295937 SAMN04094105 GCA_001307155.1 SEQF3773.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 University of Tuebingen 6,498,941 YK-310 60.57 PRJNA705218 SAMN18079027 GCA_017498465.1 SEQF3774.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 CHONNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. 6,790,443 JNU01 61.67 PRJNA720244 SAMN18643063 GCA_017948385.1 SEQF3775.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Victoria University of Wellington 6,957,239 KF1 60.52 PRJNA669298 SAMN16450755 GCA_015074865.1 SEQF3776.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 6,134,597 FDAARGOS_1088 59.93 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357257 GCA_016728065.1 SEQF3777.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Aalborg University 6,064,456 UK4 60.13 PRJNA254192 SAMN02900729 GCA_000730425.1 SEQF3778.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 6,610,571 2P24 60.79 PRJNA427257 SAMN08225789 GCA_002865505.1 SEQF3779.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Huazhong Agricultural University 6,336,169 G7 60.42 PRJNA437216 SAMN08644036 GCA_012974785.1 SEQF3780.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Universite de Moncton 6,140,320 LBUM677 60.32 PRJNA529600 SAMN11279263 GCA_004683905.1 SEQF3781.3 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 University of North Texas 6,998,154 NCIMB 11764 59.01 PRJNA172562 SAMN01112396 GCA_000293885.3 SEQF3782.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 University of Copenhagen 6,481,491 G20-18 59.08 PRJNA731023 SAMN19250171 GCA_018502625.1 SEQF3783.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Dalian Minzu University of China 6,030,573 PF08 60.67 PRJNA493704 SAMN10141492 GCA_003626995.1 SEQF3784.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Chonbuk National University 6,610,362 Pf275 60.91 PRJNA485852 SAMN09829193 GCA_003410335.1 SEQF3785.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Institute of Technology Carlow 6,606,606 L111 60.78 PRJNA320923 SAMN04992704 GCA_001708465.1 SEQF3786.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 SC 6,033,966 NCTC9428 58.96 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3881054 GCA_900636825.1 SEQF3787.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 University of Delhi 5,841,722 Pt14 60.26 PRJNA343408 SAMN05787338 GCA_001747385.1 SEQF3788.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 6,511,547 ATCC 13525 59.99 PRJEB22404 SAMN04488487 GCA_900215245.1 SEQF3789.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 UFSC 6,313,875 NEP1 60.59 PRJNA392819 SAMN07310584 GCA_003352875.1 SEQF3790.2 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 USDA - Agricultural Research Service, USA 6,602,611 Q8r1-96 60.96 PRJNA67537 SAMN02436384 GCA_000263695.2 SEQF3791.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 6,921,098 FW300-N2E2 60.55 PRJNA273571 SAMN03294340 GCA_001623525.1 SEQF3792.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel 6,342,345 MYb115 60.47 PRJNA743218 SAMN20014182 GCA_019212185.1 SEQF3793.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 CREA 5,758,958 CREA-C16 63.2 PRJNA345279 SAMN05860393 GCA_001878715.1 SEQF3794.3 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique 7,033,070 BBc6R8 60.98 PRJNA20583 SAMN02304079 GCA_000297195.3 SEQF3795.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 1 USDA - Agricultural Research Service, USA 6,368,168 Q2-87 60.63 PRJNA67535 SAMN02436465 GCA_000281895.1 SEQF3796.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 2 Northern Kentucky University 6,300,486 R124 60.51 PRJNA68653 SAMN02471518 GCA_000292795.1 SEQF3797.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 64 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 6,204,691 AU11114 58.81 PRJNA283460 SAMN03650329 GCA_001020875.1 SEQF3798.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 66 Nofima 5,974,117 MF2830 60.21 PRJNA685056 SAMN17076029 GCA_016405335.1 SEQF3799.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 101 New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food research 6,591,031 ICMP3636 60.93 PRJNA296741 SAMN04102827 GCA_001466915.1 SEQF3800.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 607 New England College 6,151,231 SC1 60.16 PRJNA394120 SAMN07349398 GCA_002263675.1 SEQF3801.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 44 INRAE 6,020,185 CFBP13700 60.36 PRJNA665156 SAMN16237051 GCA_014842575.1 SEQF3802.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 48 Technische Universitaet Muenchen 6,247,579 WS 5037 60.27 PRJNA612806 SAMN14381912 GCA_012986955.1 SEQF3803.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 49 JOHN INNES CENTRE, NORWICH, UK. 6,106,923 PS847 59.8 PRJEB34261 SAMEA5944716 GCA_902498125.1 SEQF3804.1 612 Pseudomonas fluorescens latest 130 Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology 6,954,842 HKI0874 58.93 PRJNA544448 SAMN11840292 GCA_005938625.1 SEQF1072.1 613 Tannerella forsythia latest 1 TIGR 3,405,521 92A2 46.98 PRJNA319 SAMN02604009 Periodontal Infection
(human periodontal pocket) GCA_000238215.1 SEQF2738.1 613 Tannerella forsythia latest 141 BOKU Vienna 3,281,748 ATCC 43037 47.14 PRJNA266975 SAMN03176940 GCA_001006485.1 SEQF6630.1 613 Tannerella forsythia latest 1 Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Section of Bacterial Phathogenesis 3,393,002 KS16 47.18 PRJDB1008 SAMD00061005 GCA_001547855.1 SEQF6631.1 613 Tannerella forsythia latest 1 Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Section of Bacterial Phathogenesis 3,350,939 3313 47.07 PRJDB1007 SAMD00061004 GCA_001547875.1 SEQF6632.1 613 Tannerella forsythia latest 71 UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD 3,233,032 UB4;UB4 47.21 PRJEB15383 SAMEA4441422 GCA_900096725.1 SEQF6633.1 613 Tannerella forsythia latest 87 Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien 3,296,274 ATCC 43037 47.26 PRJNA548889 SAMN12058270 GCA_006385365.1 SEQF6634.1 613 Tannerella forsythia latest 93 UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD 3,252,894 UB20;UB20 47.06 PRJEB15383 SAMEA4441423 GCA_900096735.1 SEQF6635.1 613 Tannerella forsythia latest 140 University of Leicester 3,300,179 WW11663 47.09 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602664 GCA_002529085.1 SEQF6636.1 613 Tannerella forsythia latest 98 UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD 3,272,368 UB22;UB22 47.07 PRJEB15383 SAMEA4441424 GCA_900096715.1 SEQF6637.1 613 Tannerella forsythia latest 98 University of Leicester 3,312,685 WW10960 47.16 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602663 GCA_002529295.1 SEQF6638.1 613 Tannerella forsythia latest 79 University of Washington 3,201,941 9610 47.29 PRJNA340021 SAMN05629351 GCA_001938785.1 SEQF1920.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 113 University of Arizona 4,649,417 ZC1 37.29 PRJNA43687 SAMN02472185 GCA_000178135.1 SEQF2422.2 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 58 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 4,549,529 ZB2 37.33 PRJNA174998 SAMN02471427 GCA_000313955.2 SEQF7240.3 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 1 University of Malaya 4,843,789 RB-21 37.62 PRJNA253769 SAMN02892976 GCA_000724775.3 SEQF7241.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 1 NEB 5,011,085 NEB1292 37.84 PRJNA622823 SAMN17843035 GCA_016925635.1 SEQF7242.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 1 Shenzhen University 4,514,433 Cu1-5 37.72 PRJNA486101 SAMN09837228 GCA_007923505.1 SEQF7243.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 30 University Of Verona 5,154,758 S4C11 38.06 PRJNA659982 SAMN15929972 GCA_015161405.1 SEQF7244.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 558 Broad Institute 4,727,318 D2A1_S4 37.56 PRJNA824890 SAMN27484126 GCA_023502555.1 SEQF7245.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 64 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 4,796,895 ATCC 7055 37.34 PRJNA445714 SAMN08796437 GCA_003049525.1 SEQF7246.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 452 Broad Institute 4,705,394 D3B2_S11 37.56 PRJNA824890 SAMN27484134 GCA_023502725.1 SEQF7247.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 29 Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 4,618,112 Au-Lys23 37.45 PRJNA792316 SAMN24405743 GCA_021341755.1 SEQF7248.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 71 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 4,763,064 NBRC 15717 37.31 PRJDB6026 SAMD00097594 GCA_006540205.1 SEQF7249.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 36 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 4,715,237 SG8 37.35 PRJEB16041 SAMN02787108 GCA_900101005.1 SEQF7250.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 34 University of Udine 4,643,302 Aquil_B2 37.5 PRJNA811801 SAMN26363629 GCA_022603255.1 SEQF7251.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 17 Kazan Federal University 4,681,260 GM 37.49 PRJNA406962 SAMN07635132 GCA_002358065.1 SEQF7252.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 39 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 4,692,812 BC-43 37.34 PRJEB17553 SAMN02787099 GCA_900116155.1 SEQF7253.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 51 Florida A&M University 4,615,850 ATCC 55673 37.47 PRJNA396211 SAMN07422334 GCA_008795865.1 SEQF7254.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 36 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 4,718,637 BC-14 37.39 PRJEB16223 SAMN02787070 GCA_900104275.1 SEQF7255.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 43 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 4,773,303 SG45 37.37 PRJEB16915 SAMN02787103 GCA_900110175.1 SEQF7256.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 36 NHGRI/NIH 4,564,883 ACRRR 37.49 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729922 GCA_022347025.1 SEQF7257.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 97 Huazhong Agriculture university 4,396,219 OR-15 37.33 PRJNA685590 SAMN17088148 GCA_016308375.1 SEQF7258.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 52 Institute of Life Sciences and Technology 4,634,076 G25-113 37.21 PRJNA283731 SAMN03654321 GCA_015845625.1 SEQF7259.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 73 BGI 4,685,186 DE0175 37.3 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792335 GCA_007678325.1 SEQF7260.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 3 Seqomics Ltd 4,892,467 M5 37.43 PRJNA340959 SAMN05715906 GCA_001726065.1 SEQF7261.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 36 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 4,718,225 SG53 37.4 PRJEB17365 SAMN02787080 GCA_900113785.1 SEQF7262.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 46 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 4,775,123 LD79 37.36 PRJEB15842 SAMN02787081 GCA_900102355.1 SEQF7263.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 22 Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 4,709,211 SW-B9 37.38 PRJNA259505 SAMN03014286 GCA_000755455.1 SEQF7264.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 26 University of Kansas 4,579,812 Juneja 37.76 PRJNA413816 SAMN07767709 GCA_002845985.1 SEQF7265.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 822 Broad Institute 4,801,822 D2A2_S5 37.57 PRJNA824890 SAMN27484131 GCA_023502865.1 SEQF7266.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 60 University of Malaya 4,817,834 H1k 37.26 PRJNA226204 SAMN02729845 GCA_000633275.1 SEQF7267.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 82 NCAUR-ARS-USDA 4,788,243 NRRL NRS-350 37.35 PRJNA437719 SAMN08683513 GCA_003367495.1 SEQF7268.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 44 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 4,772,094 TC-13 37.36 PRJEB16968 SAMN02787113 GCA_900110625.1 SEQF7269.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 41 University of Zurich 4,701,708 L2 37.37 PRJNA631021 SAMN14850331 GCA_013112215.1 SEQF7270.1 614 Lysinibacillus fusiformis latest 907 Broad Institute 4,829,754 D3B1_S10 37.58 PRJNA824890 SAMN27484129 GCA_023502515.1 SEQF1255.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI), The Lactic Acid Bacteria Genome Consortium and Fidelity Systems Inc. 1,894,360 ATCC 33323 35.26 PRJNA84 SAMN02598542 GCA_000014425.1 SEQF1767.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri 70 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,820,250 strain=202-4 34.89 PRJNA36379 SAMN00002206 GCA_000175055.1 SEQF1768.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 37 JCVI 2,005,522 224-1 35.03 PRJNA40683 SAMN00009758 GCA_000177415.1 SEQF1769.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 8 Baylor College of Medecine 2,011,855 JV-V03 34.63 PRJNA31487 SAMN00001501 GCA_000143645.1 SEQF2497.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 85 Era7 Bioinformatics 1,907,790 CECT 5714 35.02 PRJNA163367 SAMN02471361 GCA_000283135.1 SEQF2557.2 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 2 Kingston University 1,892,784 2016 35.33 PRJNA208361 SAMN02470136 GCA_000439915.2 SEQF2558.2 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 8 Institute of Dairy Science and Probiotics, Department of Animal Science, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana 1,994,163 K7 34.82 PRJNA203137 SAMN02178496 GCA_000406345.2 SEQF4548.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 2 University of Texas at Dallas 1,819,909 Lg1266 35.11 PRJNA761982 SAMN23313748 GCA_020991185.1 SEQF4549.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 1 KHEPRIOME 2,111,859 EJL 34.99 PRJNA635692 SAMN15049686 GCA_013363915.1 SEQF4550.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 2 University of Texas at Dallas 1,941,578 Lg637 34.87 PRJNA761982 SAMN23313746 GCA_020991205.1 SEQF4551.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 1 EMG 2,129,370 MGYG-HGUT-02387 35.23 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851891 GCA_902386655.1 SEQF4552.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 1 Wonkwang University 2,129,370 4M13 35.23 PRJNA387642 SAMN07160387 GCA_002158885.1 SEQF4553.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 3 Karolinska Institutet 1,951,552 DSM 14869 35.02 PRJNA213723 SAMN07605139 GCA_002287905.1 SEQF4554.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 1 Hallym University 1,988,235 HL75 34.97 PRJNA712291 SAMN18236560 GCA_017498665.1 SEQF4555.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 3 Hallym University 2,176,460 HL70 35.0 PRJNA718155 SAMN18524018 GCA_017840575.1 SEQF4556.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 3 Hallym University 1,989,082 HL20 35.03 PRJNA712290 SAMN18236559 GCA_017638885.1 SEQF4557.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 4 University of Texas at Dallas 2,081,630 Lg1199 34.67 PRJNA761982 SAMN23313747 GCA_020995385.1 SEQF4558.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 1 University of Alberta 1,792,418 L5 34.97 PRJNA609246 SAMN14239244 GCA_022642475.1 SEQF4559.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 87 Western University 1,966,973 7135 34.74 PRJNA530717 SAMN11332831 GCA_006982025.1 SEQF4560.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 38 North Carolina State University 2,042,985 JG141 34.81 PRJNA432740 SAMN08457806 GCA_003315575.1 SEQF4561.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 28 BGI 1,974,590 TF08-1 34.8 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736911 GCA_003437055.1 SEQF4562.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 72 University of Washington 2,079,641 459_LHEL 34.88 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197652 GCA_001064985.1 SEQF4563.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 328 Loyola University Chicago 1,535,805 UMB1196 35.65 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277456 GCA_007785965.1 SEQF4564.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 12 National Institure of Genetics 1,863,012 JCM 1025 34.68 PRJDB6495 SAMD00099063 GCA_003307315.1 SEQF4565.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 28 EMG 1,974,590 MGYG-HGUT-03690 34.8 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5853196 GCA_902399865.1 SEQF4566.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 59 Loyola University Chicago 1,912,550 UMB0045b 34.86 PRJNA316969 SAMN07580855 GCA_002940965.1 SEQF4567.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 59 Loyola University Chicago 1,913,573 UMB0045 34.86 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193698 GCA_002863425.1 SEQF4568.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 46 Interdisciplinary Group for Advanced Research on Birth Outcomes – A DBT India Initiative (GARBH-Ini) 1,561,168 216 34.98 PRJNA723235 SAMN18809437 GCA_019277985.1 SEQF4569.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 180 Loyola University Chicago 1,805,358 UMB2965 34.81 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277457 GCA_007785975.1 SEQF4570.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 47 University of Washington 2,095,509 497_LGAS 34.78 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197689 GCA_001063505.1 SEQF4571.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 21 North Carolina State University 1,969,150 FR2 34.77 PRJNA309865 SAMN04441124 GCA_018389265.1 SEQF4572.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 40 University of Washington 1,792,929 770_LJOH 34.9 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197980 GCA_001066235.1 SEQF4573.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 3 SC 1,899,682 NCTC13722 35.17 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3856682 GCA_900452355.1 SEQF4574.2 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 2 Broad Institute 1,930,436 MV-22 35.05 PRJNA31203 SAMN02463684 GCA_000155935.2 SEQF4575.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 49 University of Washington 1,794,482 249_LKEF 34.93 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197439 GCA_001063065.1 SEQF4576.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 85 R&D Center, Seoul Dairy Cooperative 2,090,951 505 34.73 PRJNA324721 SAMN05185313 GCA_001676665.1 SEQF4577.2 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 8 Broad Institute 1,784,458 SJ-9E-US 35.0 PRJNA42535 SAMN02463838 GCA_000176995.2 SEQF4578.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 36 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,009,525 1001285H_161024_C10 34.76 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533201 GCA_015546835.1 SEQF4579.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 10 Loyola University Chicago 1,920,159 UMB3077 34.66 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277448 GCA_007786195.1 SEQF4580.2 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 10 Broad Institute 2,001,744 SV-16A-US 35.33 PRJNA42543 SAMN02463842 GCA_000177035.2 SEQF4581.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 11 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,868,797 1001175B_160314_D8 35.16 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532626 GCA_015550315.1 SEQF4582.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 25 Quadram Institute Bioscience and Teagasc 1,971,357 LM19 34.88 PRJNA531839 SAMN11388075 GCA_018728605.1 SEQF4583.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 33 University of Washington 1,796,140 240_LCRI 34.91 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197430 GCA_001063045.1 SEQF4584.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 15 Bioprox 1,873,142 BIO6369 35.06 PRJNA574342 SAMN12856538 GCA_008868535.1 SEQF4585.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 97 Interdisciplinary Group for Advanced Research on Birth Outcomes – A DBT India Initiative (GARBH-Ini) 1,456,649 221 35.12 PRJNA723235 SAMN18809441 GCA_019277975.1 SEQF4586.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 14 Loyola University Chicago 1,945,820 UMB0099 34.95 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193696 GCA_002863455.1 SEQF4587.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 52 Loyola University Chicago 1,886,450 UMB0607 34.91 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277452 GCA_007785995.1 SEQF4588.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 53 Interdisciplinary Group for Advanced Research on Birth Outcomes – A DBT India Initiative (GARBH-Ini) 1,527,106 218 34.95 PRJNA723235 SAMN18809439 GCA_019277945.1 SEQF4589.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 64 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,914,452 PSS7772D 35.0 PRJNA272102 SAMN03854352 GCA_001546525.1 SEQF4590.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 52 Loyola University Chicago 1,932,169 UMB0670 34.86 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193697 GCA_002863445.1 SEQF4591.1 615 Lactobacillus gasseri latest 36 The Edison Family Center of Genome Sciences and Systems Biology 2,041,703 Lactobacillus_gasseri_SV_Bg7063_mod2 34.87 PRJEB26419 SAMEA5771509 GCA_902167745.1 SEQF1267.1 616 Mycoplasma genitalium latest 1 TIGR 580,076 G-37 31.69 PRJNA97 SAMN02603983 isolated as a urethral specimen GCA_000027325.1 SEQF2375.1 616 Mycoplasma genitalium latest 1 LSU Health Sciences Center 579,558 M2288 31.67 PRJNA39707 SAMN02603574 GCA_000292505.1 SEQF2376.1 616 Mycoplasma genitalium latest 1 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center 579,977 M2321 31.67 PRJNA39739 SAMN02603571 GCA_000292405.1 SEQF2377.1 616 Mycoplasma genitalium latest 1 LSU Health Sciences Center 579,504 M6282 31.67 PRJNA39705 SAMN02603573 GCA_000292445.1 SEQF2378.1 616 Mycoplasma genitalium latest 1 LSU Health Sciences Center 579,796 M6320 31.68 PRJNA39703 SAMN02603572 GCA_000292485.1 SEQF2779.1 616 Mycoplasma genitalium 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 582,970 strain=JCVI-1.0 31.67 PRJNA25337 GCA_000019105.1 SEQF1902.1 617 Schaalia georgiae latest 306 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,477,360 F0490 69.84 PRJNA78895 SAMN00792232 GCA_000277685.1 SEQF2574.1 617 Schaalia georgiae latest 23 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,498,023 DSM 6843 69.93 PRJNA185530 SAMN02441198 GCA_000429245.1 SEQF9971.1 617 Schaalia georgiae latest 339 Kyung Hee University 2,652,059 KHUD_A1 67.58 PRJNA506357 SAMN10458457 GCA_003933715.1 SEQF2575.1 618 Actinomyces gerencseriae latest 28 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,420,019 DSM 6844 70.75 PRJNA185531 SAMN02441199 GCA_000429265.1 SEQF1064.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Porphyromonas gingivalis Genome Project 2,343,476 W83 48.29 PRJNA48 SAMN02603720 Periodontal infection Dental Plaque GCA_000007585.1 SEQF1538.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Kitasato University 2,354,886 ATCC 33277 48.36 PRJDA19051 SAMD00060922 Dental plaque GCA_000010505.1 SEQF1975.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Tokyo Medical and Dental University 2,339,898 TDC60 48.34 PRJDA66755 SAMD00060990 GCA_000270225.1 SEQF2355.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 111 Washington University 2,249,227 F0569 48.58 PRJNA173938 SAMN02436724 GCA_000467815.1 SEQF2356.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 117 Washington University 2,282,791 F0570 48.58 PRJNA173939 SAMN02436747 GCA_000467835.1 SEQF2366.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 154 Washington University 2,334,744 F0568 48.55 PRJNA173937 SAMN02436723 GCA_000467795.1 SEQF2392.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 104 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,242,062 W50 48.33 PRJNA78905 SAMN00792205 GCA_000271945.1 SEQF2447.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 114 Washington University 2,216,597 W4087 48.56 PRJNA198893 SAMN02436749 GCA_000467995.1 SEQF2457.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 113 Washington University 2,246,368 F0185 48.68 PRJNA198891 SAMN02436815 GCA_000467955.1 SEQF2458.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 192 Washington University 2,306,092 F0566 48.53 PRJNA198892 SAMN02436881 GCA_000467975.1 SEQF2507.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 The J. Craig Venter Institute 2,426,396 JCVI SC001 48.91 PRJNA167667 SAMN02436407 GCA_000380305.1 SEQF2616.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 117 Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine 2,329,548 SJD2 48.39 PRJNA205615 SAMN02470968 GCA_000503975.1 SEQF2740.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 University of Louisville 2,441,780 HG66 48.11 PRJNA245225 SAMN02732406 GCA_000739415.1 SEQF2741.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 University of Florida 2,367,029 A7436 48.33 PRJNA276132 SAMN03366764 GCA_001263815.1 SEQF2742.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 University of Florida 2,372,492 AJW4 48.27 PRJNA276132 SAMN03372093 GCA_001274615.1 SEQF2743.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 112 Lab. of Plant Genomics and Genetics, Department of Plant Genome Research, Kazusa DNA Research Institute 2,229,994 Ando 48.53 PRJDB4201 SAMD00040429 GCA_001297745.1 SEQF2797.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 University of Florida 2,378,872 381 48.36 PRJNA276132 SAMN03656156 GCA_001314265.1 SEQF2798.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 University of Florida 2,249,024 A7A1-28 48.58 PRJNA276132 SAMN03653671 GCA_001444325.1 SEQF2799.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 92 University of Washington 2,373,453 MP4-504 48.28 PRJNA305025 SAMN04309157 GCA_001553795.1 SEQF3182.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 44 Chosun University 2,394,377 KCOM 2797 48.73 PRJNA386726 SAMN07125718 GCA_002204455.1 SEQF3183.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 194 Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine 2,275,493 SJD5 48.52 PRJNA205614 SAMN07255460 GCA_002206065.1 SEQF3184.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 147 Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine 2,249,706 SJD4 48.44 PRJNA205613 SAMN07255461 GCA_002206085.1 SEQF3185.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 156 Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine 2,298,088 SJD11 48.41 PRJNA205616 SAMN07255459 GCA_002206105.1 SEQF3186.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 146 Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine 2,264,936 SJD12 48.36 PRJNA205617 SAMN07255458 GCA_002208045.1 SEQF3187.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 119 University of Leicester 2,367,137 WW5127 48.2 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602662 GCA_002529125.1 SEQF3188.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 132 University of Leicester 2,334,097 WW3039 48.33 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602660 GCA_002529145.1 SEQF3189.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 115 University of Leicester 2,377,665 WW2903 48.29 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602655 GCA_002529155.1 SEQF3190.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 123 University of Leicester 2,314,500 WW2866 48.51 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602652 GCA_002529185.1 SEQF3191.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 149 University of Leicester 2,307,097 WW5019 48.51 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602661 GCA_002529205.1 SEQF3192.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 484 University of Leicester 2,478,925 WW2881 48.18 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602653 GCA_002529215.1 SEQF3193.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 122 University of Leicester 2,218,119 WW3040 48.5 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602658 GCA_002529235.1 SEQF3194.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 103 University of Leicester 2,319,756 WW2931 48.4 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602656 GCA_002529285.1 SEQF3195.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 162 University of Leicester 2,314,846 WW2952 48.49 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602657 GCA_002529345.1 SEQF3196.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 196 University of Leicester 2,402,406 WW2885 48.46 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602654 GCA_002529355.1 SEQF3197.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 149 University of Leicester 2,293,608 WW3102 48.47 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602659 GCA_002529365.1 SEQF3198.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 95 University of Leicester 2,250,271 WW2842 48.57 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602651 GCA_002529375.1 SEQF3199.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 116 University of Leicester 2,333,958 WW2096 48.39 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602650 GCA_002529425.1 SEQF3200.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,359,159 KCOM 3131 48.22 PRJNA416024 SAMN07840095 GCA_002753935.1 SEQF3201.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,469,365 KCOM 2799 48.42 PRJNA415884 SAMN07836928 GCA_002753955.1 SEQF3202.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,478,317 KCOM 2801 48.27 PRJNA416018 SAMN07840081 GCA_002753975.1 SEQF3203.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,374,087 KCOM 2802 48.53 PRJNA416019 SAMN07840090 GCA_002754015.1 SEQF3204.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,353,912 KCOM 2803 48.42 PRJNA416020 SAMN07840091 GCA_002754035.1 SEQF3205.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,463,791 KCOM 2804 48.25 PRJNA416021 SAMN07840092 GCA_002754055.1 SEQF3206.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,482,917 KCOM 2805 48.24 PRJNA416023 SAMN07840094 GCA_002754075.1 SEQF3207.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,353,520 KCOM 3001 48.36 PRJNA416025 SAMN07840097 GCA_002754095.1 SEQF3208.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,476,166 KCOM 2796 48.15 PRJNA415687 SAMN07831761 GCA_002754115.1 SEQF3209.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,410,673 KCOM 2798 48.32 PRJNA415867 SAMN07836904 GCA_002754135.1 SEQF3210.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,254,720 KCOM 2800 48.44 PRJNA415885 SAMN07836934 GCA_002754155.1 SEQF3211.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 CNRS - Universite de Rennes 1 2,334,880 TDC 60 48.35 PRJNA393092 SAMN07315161 GCA_002892555.1 SEQF3212.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis 70 University of Queensland 1,783,976 UBA8864 49.22 PRJNA417962 SAMN08019346 GCA_003514485.1 SEQF3213.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 127 Rutgers School of Dental Medicine 2,325,530 381OKJP 48.47 PRJNA475798 SAMN09403941 GCA_003862255.1 SEQF3214.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 165 Castro Lab 2,311,066 H3 48.35 PRJNA521311 SAMN10882880 GCA_004214925.1 SEQF3215.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 118 Castro Lab 2,251,246 CP3 48.47 PRJNA521311 SAMN10882879 GCA_004214945.1 SEQF3216.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 72 Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne 2,312,663 3_3;3_3 48.3 PRJEB10280 SAMEA3505341 GCA_900157215.1 SEQF3217.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 72 Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne 2,248,982 7BTORR;7BTORR 48.56 PRJEB10280 SAMEA3505343 GCA_900157225.1 SEQF3218.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 53 Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne 2,257,351 SU60;YH522 48.57 PRJEB10280 SAMEA3505351 GCA_900157235.1 SEQF3219.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 68 Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne 2,252,483 15_9;15_9 48.42 PRJEB10280 SAMEA3505346 GCA_900157245.1 SEQF3220.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 77 Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne 2,424,225 ATCC 49417;49417 48.51 PRJEB10280 SAMEA3505348 GCA_900157255.1 SEQF3221.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 22 Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne 2,222,676 A7A1_28;A7A1_28 48.58 PRJEB10280 SAMEA3505349 GCA_900157265.1 SEQF3222.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 50 Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne 2,325,183 84_3;84_3 48.35 PRJEB10280 SAMEA3505347 GCA_900157275.1 SEQF3223.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 68 Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne 2,341,110 13_1;13_1 48.36 PRJEB10280 SAMEA3505345 GCA_900157285.1 SEQF3224.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 89 Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne 2,304,118 11A;11A 48.53 PRJEB10280 SAMEA3505344 GCA_900157295.1 SEQF3225.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 56 Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne 2,343,280 3A1;3A1 48.26 PRJEB10280 SAMEA3505342 GCA_900157325.1 SEQF3226.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 88 Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne 2,290,524 AFR5B1;AFR5B1 48.6 PRJEB10280 SAMEA3505350 GCA_900157345.1 SEQF5292.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 CNRS - Universite de Rennes 1 2,379,874 ATCC 33277 48.36 PRJNA393092 SAMN07315160 GCA_002892575.1 SEQF5293.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Guangzhou Medical University 2,375,739 GMU202011 48.36 PRJNA722373 SAMN18753385 GCA_018141805.1 SEQF5294.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Kings College London 2,332,345 W50/BR1 48.29 PRJNA804142 SAMN25704871 GCA_023822465.1 SEQF5295.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Henan University of Science and Technology Affiliated First Hospital 2,411,440 LyG-1 48.3 PRJNA722847 SAMN18805165 GCA_018141765.1 SEQF5296.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Henan University of Science and Technology Affiliated First Hospital 2,411,481 LyG-2 48.3 PRJNA722847 SAMN18805464 GCA_018141745.1 SEQF5297.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 CNRS - Universite de Rennes 1 2,343,999 W83 48.29 PRJNA393092 SAMN07315163 GCA_002892595.1 SEQF5298.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Kings College London 2,333,418 W50/BE1 48.29 PRJNA804142 SAMN25704870 GCA_023822445.1 SEQF5299.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 1 Kings College London 2,345,841 W50 48.28 PRJNA804142 SAMN25704869 GCA_023822425.1 SEQF5300.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 113 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,395,514 TV14 48.15 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134858 GCA_021406705.1 SEQF5301.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 107 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,247,019 Kyudai-4 48.62 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134857 GCA_021406735.1 SEQF5302.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 97 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,382,938 JKG9 48.37 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134863 GCA_021406655.1 SEQF5303.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 116 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,424,555 Kyudai-3 48.56 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134856 GCA_021406725.1 SEQF5304.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 112 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,366,674 JKG10 48.16 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134864 GCA_021406605.1 SEQF5305.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 89 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,282,399 B42 48.4 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134860 GCA_021406745.1 SEQF5306.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 115 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,332,868 EM3 48.51 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134862 GCA_021406625.1 SEQF5307.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 110 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,331,307 1436 48.3 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134854 GCA_021406785.1 SEQF5308.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 85 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,265,994 B158 48.34 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134861 GCA_021406645.1 SEQF5309.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 90 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,333,098 222 48.4 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134853 GCA_021406845.1 SEQF5310.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 87 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,253,658 1439 48.41 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134859 GCA_021406685.1 SEQF5311.1 619 Porphyromonas gingivalis latest 134 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 2,440,602 D83T3 48.33 PRJNA687123 SAMN17134855 GCA_021406795.1 SEQF1109.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 2 Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,236,178 strain=NCCP11945 52.36 PRJNA29335 SAMN02603475 GCA_000020105.1 SEQF1272.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Univ. Oklahoma 2,153,922 FA 1090 52.69 PRJNA23 SAMN02604088 GCA_000006845.1 SEQF1794.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 38 Broad Institute 2,175,771 strain=DGI2 54.29 PRJNA34705 SAMN02595308 GCA_000159935.1 SEQF4886.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 Toho University 2,171,755 TUM19854 52.6 PRJDB9563 SAMD00217348 GCA_013030075.1 SEQF4887.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Griffith University 2,172,572 98D159 52.6 PRJNA743132 SAMN19998460 GCA_019211845.1 SEQF4888.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 The University of Queensland 2,225,974 TFG-A2 52.4 PRJNA451379 SAMN10035124 GCA_004332535.2 SEQF4889.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 JCVI 2,222,999 FQ36 52.42 PRJNA504608 SAMN10395916 GCA_003855195.1 SEQF4890.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 3 JCVI 2,261,700 FQ01 52.39 PRJNA504608 SAMN10395998 GCA_003855435.1 SEQF4891.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 4 WTSI 2,227,109 WHO M 52.47 PRJEB14020 SAMEA2448464 GCA_900087615.2 SEQF4892.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,173,235 35/02 52.6 PRJNA278367 SAMN03459417 GCA_001047275.1 SEQF4893.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 3 Zhejiang University 2,257,932 SRRSH207 52.34 PRJNA606927 SAMN14116990 GCA_016802385.1 SEQF4894.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 3 WTSI 2,213,572 WHO G 52.52 PRJEB14020 SAMEA2448461 GCA_900087785.2 SEQF4895.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 3 Zhejiang University 2,260,643 SRRSH205 52.35 PRJNA606927 SAMN14116989 GCA_016802405.1 SEQF4896.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,212,454 FDAARGOS_204 52.45 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875541 GCA_002073535.2 SEQF4897.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 SC 2,226,638 NCTC13800 52.36 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4076768 GCA_900186915.1 SEQF4898.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 4 Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University 2,216,438 CT532 52.54 PRJNA600334 SAMN13812695 GCA_023611765.1 SEQF4899.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Griffith University 2,173,187 SK92679 52.58 PRJNA743132 SAMN19998457 GCA_019212025.1 SEQF4900.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Public Health Agency of Canada 2,218,818 32867 52.41 PRJNA301053 SAMN04233132 GCA_001661085.1 SEQF4901.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 4 Department of Bacteriology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 2,264,014 FC460 52.32 PRJDB5915 SAMD00092837 GCA_004001165.1 SEQF4902.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,168,698 FA6140 52.59 PRJNA278367 SAMN03459416 GCA_001047255.1 SEQF4903.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 JCVI 2,234,150 FQ48 52.35 PRJNA504608 SAMN10395915 GCA_003855215.1 SEQF4904.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 3 Department of Bacteriology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 2,259,403 FC498 52.34 PRJDB5915 SAMD00092841 GCA_004001185.1 SEQF4905.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Griffith University 2,177,032 1291 52.56 PRJNA743132 SAMN19998455 GCA_019211825.1 SEQF4906.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 JCVI 2,236,884 FQ20 52.38 PRJNA504608 SAMN10396003 GCA_003855355.1 SEQF4907.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Institute of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College 2,185,626 NJ189125 52.38 PRJNA553854 SAMN12252303 GCA_007107365.1 SEQF4908.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 JCVI 2,236,437 FQ35 52.38 PRJNA504608 SAMN10395917 GCA_003855295.1 SEQF4909.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 RIVM 2,230,041 RIVM0640 52.36 PRJNA362986 SAMN06251594 GCA_003571465.1 SEQF4910.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 WTSI 2,233,133 WHO_Y 52.35 PRJEB14020 SAMEA2448469 GCA_900087685.2 SEQF4911.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 WTSI 2,292,467 WHO F 52.12 PRJEB14020 SAMEA2448460 GCA_900087635.2 SEQF4912.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 JCVI 2,221,636 FQ84 52.45 PRJNA504608 SAMN10395918 GCA_003855175.1 SEQF4913.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 WTSI 2,178,068 WHO P 52.57 PRJEB14020 SAMEA2448467 GCA_900087735.2 SEQF4914.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 Toho University 2,254,766 TUM15748 52.54 PRJDB9563 SAMD00220608 GCA_013030095.1 SEQF4915.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 3 WTSI 2,232,864 WHO_V 52.33 PRJEB14020 SAMEA2796328 GCA_900087795.2 SEQF4916.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 3 WTSI 2,265,593 WHO_W 52.32 PRJEB14020 SAMEA2448470 GCA_900087645.2 SEQF4917.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 RIVM 2,229,240 RIVM0610 52.36 PRJNA362986 SAMN06251593 GCA_003571445.1 SEQF4918.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Griffith University 2,234,079 MS11 52.37 PRJNA743132 SAMN19998456 GCA_019212165.1 SEQF4919.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 4 Faculty of Science, Mahidol University 2,218,399 NG250 52.48 PRJNA609415 SAMN13151449 GCA_018798905.1 SEQF4920.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 Toho University 2,171,348 TUM16691 52.6 PRJDB9563 SAMD00220610 GCA_013030135.1 SEQF4921.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 3 Zhejiang University 2,263,203 SRRSH229 52.34 PRJNA606927 SAMN14116992 GCA_016802335.1 SEQF4922.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Institute of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College 2,215,121 NJ1711654 52.41 PRJNA553852 SAMN12252293 GCA_007107165.1 SEQF4923.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,189,300 FDAARGOS_207 52.37 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875544 GCA_002073655.2 SEQF4924.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 4 Department of Bacteriology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 2,267,581 FC428 52.29 PRJDB5915 SAMD00092833 GCA_004001105.1 SEQF4925.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 JCVI 2,222,042 FQ82 52.44 PRJNA504608 SAMN10395914 GCA_003855415.1 SEQF4926.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 JCVI 2,221,735 FQ04 52.45 PRJNA504608 SAMN10396000 GCA_003855235.1 SEQF4927.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Griffith University 2,215,052 O1G1370 52.45 PRJNA743132 SAMN19998459 GCA_019211865.1 SEQF4928.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 JCVI 2,232,553 FQ02 52.35 PRJNA504608 SAMN10395999 GCA_003855375.1 SEQF4929.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 4 Mahidol University 2,269,843 NG290 52.3 PRJNA563548 SAMN12676040 GCA_011058635.1 SEQF4930.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 3 Department of Microbiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health 2,258,219 SS3160 52.35 PRJDB8572 SAMD00179626 GCA_008065015.2 SEQF4931.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 3 Zhejiang University 2,260,603 SRRSH214 52.35 PRJNA606927 SAMN14116991 GCA_016802355.1 SEQF4932.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 1 Public Health Agency of Canada 2,220,340 34769 52.43 PRJNA301053 SAMN05210257 GCA_001661135.1 SEQF4933.2 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 2 WTSI 2,238,422 WHO_U 52.35 PRJEB14020 SAMEA2796327 GCA_900087905.2 SEQF4934.1 621 Neisseria gonorrhoeae latest 3 Orebro University Hospital 2,278,965 AT159 52.31 PRJNA839941 SAMN28560617 GCA_023822665.1 SEQF1066.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 TIGR 2,196,662 Challis substr. CH1 40.51 PRJNA66 SAMN02603977 GCA_000017005.1 SEQF9573.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 SC 2,185,555 NCTC10231 40.56 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3662936 GCA_901544385.1 SEQF9574.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 SC 2,187,611 NCTC7865 40.59 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3594362 GCA_900475015.1 SEQF9575.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,187,618 FDAARGOS 1454 40.59 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357596 GCA_019046945.1 SEQF9576.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,196,595 FDAARGOS_683 40.51 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056398 GCA_009730535.1 SEQF9577.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 SC 2,154,796 NCTC3165 40.5 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3714881 GCA_900475385.1 SEQF9578.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 SC 2,223,915 NCTC9124 40.37 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3643307 GCA_901543415.1 SEQF9579.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 Chosun University 2,283,306 KCOM 1506 ( 40.58 PRJNA270133 SAMN03263085 GCA_001281105.1 SEQF9580.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,154,796 FDAARGOS 1455 40.5 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357597 GCA_019047505.1 SEQF9581.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,121,309 FDAARGOS_371 40.68 PRJNA231221 SAMN07312415 GCA_002386285.1 SEQF9582.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 SC 2,196,660 NCTC7868 40.51 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3649040 GCA_900636555.1 SEQF9583.2 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,222,706 FDAARGOS_257 40.42 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875583 GCA_002073435.2 SEQF9584.2 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1 University of Madras 2,190,105 IE35 40.49 PRJNA279321 SAMN03445771 GCA_000970665.2 SEQF9585.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 51 University of Kaiserslautern 2,232,624 DD07 42.68 PRJNA304333 SAMN04324326 GCA_001578795.1 SEQF9586.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 33 University of Malaya 2,233,494 Channon 40.64 PRJNA280660 SAMN03480628 GCA_001588795.1 SEQF9587.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 17 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,227,230 CR01 40.43 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399909 GCA_019929905.1 SEQF9588.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 9 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,164,419 38 40.52 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399908 GCA_019929945.1 SEQF9589.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 8 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,240,646 BSD2780120874_150323_D6 40.23 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532595 GCA_015666945.1 SEQF9590.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 45 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,290,184 HMSC062B01 40.41 PRJNA299934 SAMN04477596 GCA_001811085.1 SEQF9591.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 28 University of Malaya 2,164,760 SK120 40.39 PRJNA280687 SAMN03480740 GCA_001589055.1 SEQF9592.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 18 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,231,477 CR134 40.44 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399910 GCA_019929925.1 SEQF9593.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 16 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,236,480 CR53 40.43 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399911 GCA_019929885.1 SEQF9594.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 10 University at Buffalo 2,228,772 I141 40.43 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334909 GCA_000963345.1 SEQF9595.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 17 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,174,351 DL1 40.42 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399912 GCA_019929865.1 SEQF9596.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 50 University of Malaya 2,164,498 Blackburn 40.47 PRJNA280654 SAMN03480626 GCA_001588775.1 SEQF9597.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 11 BGI 2,231,694 AM27-4 40.48 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736360 GCA_003469915.1 SEQF9598.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 74 University of Chicago 2,215,581 DFI.1.43 40.48 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167384 GCA_020561985.1 SEQF9599.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 19 Clemson University 2,225,347 A8 40.34 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631709 GCA_003943215.1 SEQF9600.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 12 Clemson University 2,155,301 A10 40.45 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631705 GCA_003944105.1 SEQF9601.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 52 University of Chicago 2,236,381 DFI.4.104 40.26 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167633 GCA_020554345.1 SEQF9602.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 79 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,181,005 D6t1_180914_F1 40.4 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532892 GCA_015552565.1 SEQF9603.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 41 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,166,763 CCUG 33482 40.51 PRJNA302716 SAMN04395146 GCA_001553855.1 SEQF9604.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 65 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,249,747 14-4065 40.29 PRJNA728738 SAMN19102748 GCA_019449375.1 SEQF9605.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 61 Clemson University 2,280,671 A11 40.2 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631706 GCA_003943285.1 SEQF9606.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 20 Clemson University 2,306,361 BCC62 40.37 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631703 GCA_003944115.1 SEQF9607.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 17 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,147,000 SK9 40.63 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399921 GCA_019929705.1 SEQF9608.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 11 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,200,426 S36 40.61 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876580 GCA_023109545.1 SEQF9609.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 17 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,198,505 SK33 40.45 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399920 GCA_019929745.1 SEQF9610.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 73 Clemson University 2,170,067 BCC32 40.59 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631701 GCA_003943305.1 SEQF9611.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 126 University of Washington 1,890,154 1116_SGOR 39.49 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197070 GCA_001070265.1 SEQF9612.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 106 Clemson University 2,241,345 KLC06 40.53 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631704 GCA_003943295.1 SEQF9613.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 382 University of Malaya 2,308,242 FSS3 40.24 PRJNA280668 SAMN03481560 GCA_001589135.1 SEQF9614.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 8 Heilongjiang bayi agricultural university 2,266,473 K19 40.36 PRJNA612981 SAMN14389539 GCA_019733955.1 SEQF9615.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 8 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,092,254 S18 40.58 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876562 GCA_023109935.1 SEQF9616.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 4 SC 2,275,545 NCTC7869 40.76 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3649041 GCA_901543645.1 SEQF9617.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 41 University of Malaya 2,151,860 FSS8 40.61 PRJNA280670 SAMN03480641 GCA_001588615.1 SEQF9618.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 26 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,154,315 M5 40.57 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399916 GCA_019929765.1 SEQF9619.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 67 University of Malaya 2,157,804 M5 40.56 PRJNA280676 SAMN03480683 GCA_001588935.1 SEQF9620.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 53 University of Malaya 2,255,061 SK184 40.51 PRJNA280688 SAMN03480741 GCA_001589095.1 SEQF9621.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 8 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,205,158 SK186 40.26 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399919 GCA_019929725.1 SEQF9622.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 15 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,249,499 S21 40.35 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876565 GCA_023109885.1 SEQF9623.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 7 University at Buffalo 2,188,318 UB10712 40.59 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334897 GCA_000959965.1 SEQF9624.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 27 University of Malaya 2,186,113 MW10 40.48 PRJNA280680 SAMN03480689 GCA_001588975.1 SEQF9625.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 1297 University of Chicago 2,600,559 DFI.4.80 43.08 PRJNA792599 SAMN24726005 GCA_022136725.1 SEQF9626.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 16 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,250,098 S19 40.37 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876563 GCA_023109865.1 SEQF9627.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 56 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,266,218 KK1 40.53 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399915 GCA_019929835.1 SEQF9628.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 22 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,255,498 K4 40.42 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399913 GCA_019929785.1 SEQF9629.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 22 Clemson University 2,136,640 BCA22 40.49 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631715 GCA_003944065.1 SEQF9630.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 816 University of Chicago 2,429,993 DFI.3.93 40.49 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167479 GCA_020559805.1 SEQF9631.2 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 5 Broad Institute 2,231,411 2_1_36FAA 40.53 PRJNA37947 SAMN02463724 GCA_000161955.2 SEQF9632.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 38 University of Chicago 2,217,339 DFI.4.79 40.31 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167636 GCA_020554325.1 SEQF9633.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 20 University of Malaya 2,307,982 MB666 40.3 PRJNA280679 SAMN03480688 GCA_001588985.1 SEQF9634.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 136 Clemson University 2,151,963 A7 40.73 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631708 GCA_003943245.1 SEQF9635.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 13 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,165,874 10558 40.51 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399907 GCA_019929985.1 SEQF9636.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 25 Clemson University 2,199,820 BCA14 40.49 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631714 GCA_003944075.1 SEQF9637.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 36 Clemson University 2,150,535 BCA7 40.47 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631711 GCA_003943195.1 SEQF9638.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 26 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,264,331 MA6 40.22 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399917 GCA_020729705.1 SEQF9639.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 125 Clemson University 2,228,843 BCC09 40.61 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631698 GCA_003943345.1 SEQF9640.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 5 EMG 2,231,411 MGYG-HGUT-01342 40.53 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850845 GCA_902374085.1 SEQF9641.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 16 Clemson University 2,239,661 BCA10 40.46 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631713 GCA_003943175.1 SEQF9642.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 13 Clemson University 2,194,129 BCC27 40.37 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631699 GCA_003943355.1 SEQF9643.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 3 SC 2,336,084 NCTC7870 40.45 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3714882 GCA_901542355.1 SEQF9644.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 168 University of Chicago 2,274,423 DFI.4.19 40.18 PRJNA792599 SAMN24725998 GCA_022136825.1 SEQF9645.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 18 University of Malaya 2,185,691 FSS2 40.48 PRJNA280667 SAMN03481559 GCA_001589145.1 SEQF9646.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 13 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,183,661 S35 40.39 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876579 GCA_023109575.1 SEQF9647.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 30 Clemson University 2,137,816 BCC29 40.53 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631700 GCA_003944135.1 SEQF9648.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 60 University of Chicago 2,206,294 DFI.4.55 40.57 PRJNA792599 SAMN24726001 GCA_022136765.1 SEQF9649.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 24 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,170,492 HMSC10A01 40.65 PRJNA269845 SAMN03287006 GCA_001807785.1 SEQF9650.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 27 University of Malaya 2,145,819 SK12 40.63 PRJNA280686 SAMN03480703 GCA_001589065.1 SEQF9651.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 12 Slagelse Hospital 2,164,016 ATCC 10558 40.75 PRJNA304678 SAMN04306534 GCA_001469295.1 SEQF9652.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 13 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,146,685 SK12 40.63 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399918 GCA_019929805.1 SEQF9653.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 43 University of Malaya 2,190,985 PV40 40.48 PRJNA280650 SAMN03480623 GCA_001588735.1 SEQF9654.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 169 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,266,455 KK17 40.63 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399914 GCA_019929815.1 SEQF9655.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 24 Clemson University 2,182,769 A9 40.51 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631707 GCA_003943255.1 SEQF9656.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 27 Clemson University 2,243,946 BCC57 40.36 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631702 GCA_003944155.1 SEQF9657.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 45 University of Malaya 2,166,946 M99 40.48 PRJNA280677 SAMN03480687 GCA_001588955.1 SEQF9658.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 2 University at Buffalo 2,197,447 G9B 40.5 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334895 GCA_000959925.1 SEQF9659.1 622 Streptococcus gordonii latest 46 University of Malaya 2,202,674 PK488 40.4 PRJNA280683 SAMN03480700 GCA_001589035.1 SEQF2434.1 623 Campylobacter gracilis latest 33 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,255,573 RM3268 46.62 PRJNA31021 SAMN00000715 GCA_000175875.1 SEQF9965.1 623 Campylobacter gracilis latest 1 USDA, ARS, WRRC 2,281,652 ATCC 33236 46.56 PRJNA290037 SAMN03862076 GCA_001190745.1 SEQF9966.1 623 Campylobacter gracilis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,281,730 FDAARGOS_1548 46.56 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091645 GCA_020736185.1 SEQF9967.1 623 Campylobacter gracilis latest 2 SC 2,268,496 NCTC12738 46.56 PRJEB6403 SAMEA80446918 GCA_900446335.1 SEQF1019.1 626 Gemella haemolysans latest 15 Human Microbiome Project 1,916,192 ATCC 10379 30.88 PRJNA30487 SAMN00000721 GCA_000173915.1 SEQF2070.1 626 Gemella haemolysans latest 27 Broad Institute 2,053,439 M341 31.33 PRJNA38763 SAMN02595331 GCA_000204355.1 SEQF7973.1 626 Gemella haemolysans latest 1 SC 1,926,227 NCTC10459 30.87 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104016177 GCA_900638055.1 SEQF7974.1 626 Gemella haemolysans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,928,240 FDAARGOS_1500 30.88 PRJNA231221 SAMN21218856 GCA_020097455.1 SEQF7975.1 626 Gemella haemolysans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,081,429 FDAARGOS_740 30.83 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056455 GCA_012273215.1 SEQF7976.1 626 Gemella haemolysans latest 77 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 1,922,556 Gemella_haemolysans_BgEED14 30.66 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664358 GCA_901873445.1 SEQF7977.1 626 Gemella haemolysans latest 20 University of Gothenburg - CCUG 1,905,342 CCUG 37985T 30.71 PRJNA563568 SAMN12771124 GCA_008692995.1 SEQF7978.1 626 Gemella haemolysans latest 83 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,892,523 DNF01167 30.85 PRJNA272078 SAMN03851017 GCA_001553035.1 SEQF2788.1 627 Capnocytophaga haemolytica latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,688,484 CCUG 32990 44.23 PRJNA282954 SAMN04435862 GCA_001553545.1 SEQF7193.1 627 Capnocytophaga haemolytica latest 1 SC 2,688,499 NCTC12947 44.23 PRJEB6403 SAMEA44541418 GCA_900187255.1 SEQF7194.1 627 Capnocytophaga haemolytica latest 39 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,655,673 DSM 11385 44.25 PRJEB17163 SAMN05444369 GCA_900115315.1 SEQF3056.1 630 Bacteroides heparinolyticus latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,608,975 F0111 47.25 PRJNA282954 SAMN08439035 GCA_002998535.1 SEQF7518.1 630 Bacteroides heparinolyticus latest 69 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,643,328 DSM 23917 47.19 PRJNA519314 SAMN10864733 GCA_004342845.1 SEQF7519.1 630 Bacteroides heparinolyticus latest 7 SC 3,685,643 3012STDY7078512 47.21 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104281640 GCA_900683665.1 SEQF1722.1 632 Mycoplasma hominis latest 1 Genoscope 665,445 ATCC 23114 27.12 PRJEA53147 SAMEA2272593 GCA_000085865.1 SEQF2524.1 632 Mycoplasma hominis latest 22 DOE Joint Genome Institute 684,158 LBD-4 26.83 PRJNA183041 SAMN02440501 GCA_000385075.1 SEQF1604.1 633 Cardiobacterium hominis latest 26 Baylor College of Medicine 2,642,494 ATCC 15826 60.3 PRJNA37269 SAMN00120585 GCA_000160655.1 SEQF9804.1 633 Cardiobacterium hominis latest 1 SC 2,670,755 NCTC10426 59.23 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4412685 GCA_900637305.1 SEQF9805.1 633 Cardiobacterium hominis latest 192 University of Washington 2,541,982 612_ETAR 59.5 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197813 GCA_001057555.1 SEQF9806.1 633 Cardiobacterium hominis latest 178 University of Washington 2,561,486 598_FBAL 59.47 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197797 GCA_001057485.1 SEQF9807.1 633 Cardiobacterium hominis latest 151 University of Washington 2,565,097 599_SSED 59.46 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197798 GCA_001063785.1 SEQF9808.1 633 Cardiobacterium hominis latest 88 CHUV-UNIL 2,646,022 CHUV0807;CHUV0807 59.01 PRJEB13157 SAMEA3920025 GCA_900079085.1 SEQF1960.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei 14 Baylor College of Medicine 4,860,996 strain=ATCC 49162 55.74 PRJNA53031 SAMN00259689 GCA_000213995.1 SEQF8804.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 4,762,440 FDAARGOS 1435 54.97 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357577 GCA_019048625.1 SEQF8805.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 1 JCVI 4,661,849 LMG27195 55.28 PRJNA259658 SAMN05581746 GCA_001729785.1 SEQF8806.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 4,731,597 FDAARGOS_1533 55.58 PRJNA231221 SAMN21402700 GCA_020097195.1 SEQF8807.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 2 JCVI 4,678,566 DSM 14563 55.33 PRJNA259658 SAMN05581748 GCA_001729745.1 SEQF8808.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 1 JCVI 4,724,316 DSM 16687 55.58 PRJNA259658 SAMN05581749 GCA_001729705.1 SEQF8809.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 4,915,930 FDAARGOS 1433 55.14 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357575 GCA_019048245.1 SEQF8810.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 1 JCVI 4,782,480 DSM 16691 55.55 PRJNA259658 SAMN05581751 GCA_001729725.1 SEQF8811.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 2 Northwest A&F University 4,950,674 GX4-8L 54.88 PRJNA714529 SAMN18311225 GCA_021497625.1 SEQF8812.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 7 Charles University in Prague 5,217,738 49589CZ 54.87 PRJNA772913 SAMN22377414 GCA_020695685.1 SEQF8813.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 4 Inner Mongolia Medical University 5,245,007 FY-1 55.14 PRJNA794006 SAMN24596081 GCA_021491615.1 SEQF8814.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 6 FDA/CDC 5,286,422 AR_038 55.31 PRJNA316321 SAMN04014879 GCA_003288475.1 SEQF8815.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 4 Charles University in Prague 5,132,301 ENCL48880 54.66 PRJNA647548 SAMN15589926 GCA_013873515.1 SEQF8816.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 5 Osaka Institute of Public Health 4,990,877 OIPH-N069 54.9 PRJDB8177 SAMD00167169 GCA_010319625.1 SEQF8817.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 4 Fujita Health University School of Medicine 5,421,530 FUJ80146 54.83 PRJDB13518 SAMD00490875 GCA_023735615.1 SEQF8818.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 3 Fujita Health University School of Medicine 5,132,580 FUJ80064 54.65 PRJDB13518 SAMD00490855 GCA_023735275.1 SEQF8819.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 4 Fujita Health University School of Medicine 5,424,276 FUJ80152 54.78 PRJDB13518 SAMD00490878 GCA_023735715.1 SEQF8820.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 4 The REHAB Consortium 4,808,935 RHBSTW-00217 55.58 PRJNA605147 SAMN15148546 GCA_013743755.1 SEQF8821.4 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 7 JCVI 5,160,986 34978 55.04 PRJNA259658 SAMN03067415 GCA_000807405.4 SEQF8822.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 7 Public Health Ontario 5,061,026 Eho-7 54.73 PRJNA599404 SAMN13747513 GCA_022023955.1 SEQF8823.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 4 The REHAB Consortium 4,849,166 RHBSTW-00916 55.36 PRJNA605147 SAMN15148743 GCA_013726395.1 SEQF8824.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 4 Fujita Health University School of Medicine 5,436,371 FUJ80376 54.79 PRJDB13518 SAMD00490888 GCA_023735915.1 SEQF8825.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 7 Public Health Ontario 5,064,196 Eho-8 54.73 PRJNA599404 SAMN13747514 GCA_022023915.1 SEQF8826.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 7 Public Health Ontario 5,620,529 Eho-E1 54.49 PRJNA599404 SAMN13747518 GCA_022023895.1 SEQF8827.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 3 University of Oxford 4,973,529 CAV1669 55.39 PRJNA246471 SAMN03733830 GCA_001022255.1 SEQF8828.2 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 2 University of Florida 4,925,235 KCJ3K13 55.26 PRJNA539918 SAMN11514785 GCA_005217155.2 SEQF8829.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 2 Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikro 5,014,615 EC-TO80 55.6 PRJEB27480 SAMEA4785257 GCA_900497145.1 SEQF8830.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 7 Ausgem 5,096,894 C15117 54.99 PRJNA494598 SAMN10174734 GCA_003660125.1 SEQF8831.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 5 South valley university 5,188,211 EGYMCRVIM 54.68 PRJNA630061 SAMN14534668 GCA_013046845.1 SEQF8832.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 7 Public Health Ontario 5,066,589 Eho-6 54.73 PRJNA599404 SAMN13747512 GCA_015910245.1 SEQF8833.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 5 The REHAB Consortium 4,981,985 RHBSTW-00492 54.98 PRJNA605147 SAMN15148635 GCA_013740655.1 SEQF8834.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 2 Fujita Health University School of Medicine 5,156,234 FUJ80023 54.56 PRJDB13518 SAMD00490845 GCA_023735075.1 SEQF8835.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 8 The REHAB Consortium 5,215,023 RHBSTW-00333 54.93 PRJNA605147 SAMN15148580 GCA_013738375.1 SEQF8836.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 3 Fujita Health University School of Medicine 5,166,306 FUJ80002 54.54 PRJDB13518 SAMD00490830 GCA_023734815.1 SEQF8837.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 2 Dutch CPE surveillance Study Group 5,021,207 RIVM_C012369 54.64 PRJNA695145 SAMN17615669 GCA_017161865.1 SEQF8838.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 6 Shenzhen Peoples Hospital 5,123,225 Eh65 54.8 PRJNA633449 SAMN14943921 GCA_023547485.1 SEQF8839.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 5 The REHAB Consortium 5,117,671 RHBSTW-00668 54.99 PRJNA605147 SAMN15148676 GCA_013739595.1 SEQF8840.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 4,782,529 FDAARGOS 1434 55.55 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357576 GCA_019047945.1 SEQF8841.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 4 Fujita Health University School of Medicine 5,405,365 FUJ80156 54.8 PRJDB13518 SAMD00490880 GCA_023735755.1 SEQF8842.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 5 The REHAB Consortium 4,916,079 RHBSTW-00059 54.9 PRJNA605147 SAMN15148465 GCA_013629235.1 SEQF8843.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 4 Fujita Health University School of Medicine 5,438,385 FUJ80153 54.79 PRJDB13518 SAMD00490879 GCA_023735735.1 SEQF8844.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 3 1971 5,215,377 OSUVMCKPC4-2 54.64 PRJNA417482 SAMN09071586 GCA_003382725.1 SEQF8845.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 1 University Medical Center Groningen 4,583,965 14320055602 55.76 PRJNA576640 SAMN12999995 GCA_016864155.1 SEQF8846.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 5 FDA/CDC 5,334,198 AR_0365 54.62 PRJNA316321 SAMN07291508 GCA_002968455.1 SEQF8847.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 7 Charles University in Prague 4,803,420 54569CZ 55.17 PRJNA772913 SAMN22377422 GCA_020695605.1 SEQF8848.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 5 University of Birmingham 5,038,853 S11_16 55.11 PRJNA515436 SAMN10755318 GCA_004118875.1 SEQF8849.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 5 The First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng Zhou University 4,983,830 YQ13422hy 55.03 PRJNA847058 SAMN28918927 GCA_023805415.1 SEQF8850.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 2 Dutch CPE surveillance Study Group 5,053,669 RIVM_C017834 54.59 PRJNA695145 SAMN17615671 GCA_017161845.1 SEQF8851.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 5 The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University 5,417,742 189 55.16 PRJNA600798 SAMN13832016 GCA_015238615.1 SEQF8852.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 2 Fujita Health University School of Medicine 5,128,492 FUJ80060 54.54 PRJDB13518 SAMD00490852 GCA_023735235.1 SEQF8853.1 634 Enterobacter hormaechei latest 4 The REHAB Consortium 5,000,039 RHBSTW-00114 54.96 PRJNA605147 SAMN15148493 GCA_013625115.1 SEQF1672.1 635 Johnsonella ignava latest 43 Broad Institute 2,687,075 ATCC 51276 36.09 PRJNA40693 SAMN02463813 GCA_000235445.1 SEQF3148.1 636 Bosea vestrisii 19 DOE Joint Genome Institute 5,893,227 3192 66.38 PRJNA547149 SAMN12025610 GCA_006717005.1 SEQF1924.1 638 Streptococcus infantis 21 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 1,925,187 strain=ATCC BAA-102 37.58 PRJNA20527 SAMN00000017 GCA_000154985.1 SEQF2212.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 10 Baylor College of Medicine 1,905,984 ATCC 700779 39.67 PRJNA53205 SAMN00216972 GCA_000187465.1 SEQF2213.2 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 30 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,744,061 SK1076 39.47 PRJNA65583 SAMN00621697 GCA_000215385.2 SEQF2214.2 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 148 University of Maryland 1,792,252 SK1302 39.24 PRJNA50779 SAMN02435821 GCA_000148975.2 SEQF2215.2 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 9 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,945,605 SK970 39.44 PRJNA67191 SAMN00621709 GCA_000223255.2 SEQF2216.2 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 16 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,869,505 X 39.57 PRJNA64693 SAMN00255230 GCA_000223335.2 SEQF2398.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 10 Institute for Genome Sciences 1,758,646 SPAR10 39.39 PRJNA89127 SAMN00811524 GCA_000279535.1 SEQF6170.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 1 Shandong University 1,707,667 SO 39.54 PRJNA592835 SAMN13440951 GCA_021497965.1 SEQF6171.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 6 SC 2,023,648 NCTC13771 38.9 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3905383 GCA_900459415.1 SEQF6172.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 18 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,753,374 HMSC062D07 39.31 PRJNA300111 SAMN04480380 GCA_001814215.1 SEQF6173.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 7 Univ. of Maryland 1,716,789 PA11599CN2 39.6 PRJNA731113 SAMN19268615 GCA_018499575.1 SEQF6174.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 46 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,718,317 D6t1_180914_B1 39.53 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532988 GCA_015546995.1 SEQF6175.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 189 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,987,066 STn442 39.93 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399923 GCA_019929685.1 SEQF6176.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 99 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,969,673 SY98 39.74 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399927 GCA_019929575.1 SEQF6177.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 23 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,831,482 STn450 39.29 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399924 GCA_019929625.1 SEQF6178.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 53 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,857,230 ATCC 700779 39.0 PRJNA158721 SAMN00761850 GCA_000260755.1 SEQF6179.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 71 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,914,292 SY115 39.64 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399925 GCA_019929605.1 SEQF6180.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 11 University at Buffalo 1,791,991 UC921A 39.2 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334903 GCA_000960085.1 SEQF6181.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 20 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,829,592 STn400 39.29 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399922 GCA_019929665.1 SEQF6182.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 139 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,997,894 SY96 39.89 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399926 GCA_019929565.1 SEQF6183.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 56 University of Kaiserslautern 2,111,724 DD18 41.34 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325030 GCA_001579645.1 SEQF6184.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 29 University at Buffalo 2,024,688 UC6950A 39.77 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334905 GCA_000963255.1 SEQF6185.1 638 Streptococcus infantis latest 18 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,720,476 HMSC34B10 38.94 PRJNA274508 SAMN04498864 GCA_001839505.1 SEQF1673.1 639 Selenomonas infelix latest 30 Broad Institute 2,413,634 ATCC 43532 56.07 PRJNA40695 SAMN02463814 GCA_000234095.1 SEQF1111.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 28 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,912,236 strain=6P18H1 38.16 PRJNA29317 SAMN02393767 GCA_000173335.1 SEQF1112.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 19 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,827,667 7P49H1 37.91 PRJNA29319 SAMN02393768 GCA_000173315.1 SEQF1223.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 18 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,888,582 strain=22.1-21 38.04 PRJNA16398 SAMN02393738 Meningitis GCA_000169735.1 SEQF1224.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 44 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,851,097 22.4-21 38.04 PRJNA16396 SAMN02393803 Meningitis GCA_000169855.1 SEQF1226.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 23 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,878,368 3655 38.02 PRJNA16395 SAMN02393737 Meningitis GCA_000169775.1 SEQF1227.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Columbus Childrens Research Institute and The Ohio State University, Pediatrics, USA 1,914,490 86-028NP 38.16 PRJNA11752 SAMN02603157 GCA_000012185.1 SEQF1228.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 40 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,876,892 strain=PittAA 38.12 PRJNA16399 SAMN02393739 Meningitis GCA_000169795.1 SEQF1231.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,813,033 PittEE 38.04 PRJNA16400 SAMN02603084 Meningitis GCA_000016465.1 SEQF1232.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,887,192 PittGG 38.01 PRJNA16401 SAMN02603085 Meningitis GCA_000016485.1 SEQF1233.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 59 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,837,347 strain=PittHH 38.01 PRJNA16403 SAMN02393740 Meningitis GCA_000169815.1 SEQF1234.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 25 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,954,291 strain=PittII 38.01 PRJNA16404 SAMN02393741 Meningitis GCA_000169835.1 SEQF1235.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 1 University of Washington; Seattle Biomedical Research Institute 1,819,370 strain=R2846 38.02 PRJNA9620 SAMN02604260 Meningitis GCA_000165575.1 SEQF1236.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 University of Washington Genome Center; Seattle Biomedical Research Institute 1,932,306 R2866 38.08 PRJNA9621 SAMN02604259 Meningitis GCA_000165525.1 SEQF1237.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 46 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,875,614 R3021 37.96 PRJNA16423 SAMN02393742 Meningitis GCA_000169755.1 SEQF1238.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 1,981,535 10810 38.14 PRJNA50409 SAMEA3138383 GCA_000210875.1 SEQF1487.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 1262 J. Craig Venter Institute 859,497 HK1212 39.91 PRJNA20115 SAMN02436241 GCA_000171475.1 SEQF1758.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 41 Broad Institute 1,865,669 NT127 38.02 PRJNA39125 SAMN02595334 GCA_000175435.1 SEQF1759.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 32 Broad Institute 1,802,170 RdAW 37.99 PRJNA39127 SAMN02595335 GCA_000175455.1 SEQF2050.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 1 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 1,985,832 strain=F3031 38.22 PRJNA50729 SAMEA3138342 GCA_000197875.1 SEQF2051.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Wellcome Trust Sanger insititute 2,007,018 F3047 38.22 PRJEA61001 SAMEA2272570 GCA_000200475.1 SEQF2052.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 1 TIGR 1,830,138 Rd KW20 38.15 PRJNA219 SAMN02603991 GCA_000027305.1 SEQF2906.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 1 Public Health Agency of Canada 1,829,217 NML-Hia-1 38.02 PRJNA328024 SAMN05714732 GCA_001856725.1 SEQF2965.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 66 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,888,237 HMSC066A11 38.02 PRJNA299967 SAMN04477628 GCA_001811665.1 SEQF3016.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae 60 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,807,370 HMSC071C11 38.07 PRJNA296251 SAMN04498622 GCA_001837655.1 SEQF5327.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Griffith University 1,846,259 477 38.16 PRJNA235929 SAMN02595602 GCA_000931575.1 SEQF5328.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 SC 1,890,645 NCTC8143 38.23 PRJEB6403 SAMEA2498480 GCA_001457655.1 SEQF5329.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,890,662 FDAARGOS_1560 38.23 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091657 GCA_020736045.1 SEQF5330.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Griffith University 1,846,503 C486 38.16 PRJNA235929 SAMN02595604 GCA_000931605.1 SEQF5331.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,901,558 6P24H2 38.11 PRJNA358390 SAMN06203655 GCA_002966695.1 SEQF5332.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Department of Bacteriology II, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 1,809,645 TAMBA230 38.03 PRJDB9304 SAMD00204789 GCA_014701215.1 SEQF5333.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute of Agrobiotechnology 1,858,634 P679-2791 38.15 PRJNA282520 SAMN07421955 GCA_003425565.1 SEQF5334.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Drexel University College of Medicine 1,850,897 Hi375 38.16 PRJNA263041 SAMN03093440 GCA_000767075.1 SEQF5335.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute of Agrobiotechnology 1,848,210 P617-9224 38.15 PRJNA282520 SAMN07421894 GCA_003425715.1 SEQF5336.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute of Agrobiotechnology 1,838,740 P621-7028 38.2 PRJNA282520 SAMN07421898 GCA_003425445.1 SEQF5337.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,860,196 M21460 38.14 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704917 GCA_003351445.1 SEQF5338.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Chiba University 1,853,393 CHBN-II-3 38.09 PRJDB7052 SAMD00119527 GCA_019703405.1 SEQF5339.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 SC 1,948,880 NCTC11873 38.11 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104200675 GCA_900638105.1 SEQF5340.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Chiba University 1,979,718 CHBN-II-1 38.37 PRJDB7052 SAMD00119525 GCA_019703365.1 SEQF5341.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,887,933 M13034 38.05 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704896 GCA_003352365.1 SEQF5342.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,817,261 M21384 38.12 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704916 GCA_003351425.1 SEQF5343.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Lund University 1,856,176 KR494;necrotizing myositis 38.05 PRJNA203127 SAMN02603575 GCA_000465255.1 SEQF5344.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute of Agrobiotechnology 1,811,303 P652-8881 38.04 PRJNA282520 SAMN07421929 GCA_003425485.1 SEQF5345.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,857,048 48P153H1 38.03 PRJNA358390 SAMN06203603 GCA_002966595.1 SEQF5346.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Chiba University 1,902,536 CHBN-II-8 38.13 PRJDB7052 SAMD00119532 GCA_019703545.1 SEQF5347.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,886,411 5P54H1 38.15 PRJNA358390 SAMN06203639 GCA_002966635.1 SEQF5348.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 SC 2,044,007 NCTC11931 38.03 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3867450 GCA_900475535.1 SEQF5349.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute of Agrobiotechnology 1,833,864 P595-8370 38.07 PRJNA282520 SAMN07421872 GCA_003425765.1 SEQF5350.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 1,842,606 FDAARGOS_1562 38.07 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091659 GCA_020735825.1 SEQF5351.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Chiba University 1,886,480 CHBN-II-7 38.16 PRJDB7052 SAMD00119531 GCA_019703525.1 SEQF5352.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Chiba University 1,953,394 CHBN-V-1 38.09 PRJDB7052 SAMD00119542 GCA_019703755.1 SEQF5353.2 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 1,830,681 FDAARGOS_199 38.14 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875536 GCA_002073475.2 SEQF5354.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 SC 1,915,356 NCTC12194 38.21 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3207620 GCA_900478325.1 SEQF5355.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,919,901 M15895 38.18 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704905 GCA_003352405.1 SEQF5356.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute of Agrobiotechnology 1,840,062 P615-8618 38.19 PRJNA282520 SAMN07421892 GCA_003425815.1 SEQF5357.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 SC 1,834,484 NCTC11426 38.06 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3893456 GCA_900475755.1 SEQF5358.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,813,865 11P6H 38.03 PRJNA358390 SAMN06203483 GCA_002966735.1 SEQF5359.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Chiba University 1,832,515 CHBN-II-4 38.07 PRJDB7052 SAMD00119528 GCA_019703425.1 SEQF5360.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 SC 1,876,886 NCTC8468 38.15 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3222080 GCA_901472485.1 SEQF5361.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Chiba University 1,819,364 CHBN-II-6 38.06 PRJDB7052 SAMD00119530 GCA_019703495.1 SEQF5362.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Griffith University 2,025,527 84P36H1 38.41 PRJNA473038 SAMN09258517 GCA_003184405.1 SEQF5363.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute of Agrobiotechnology 1,833,710 P650-8603 38.07 PRJNA282520 SAMN07421927 GCA_003425465.1 SEQF5364.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 SC 1,865,137 NCTC8455 38.05 PRJEB6403 SAMEA2822163 GCA_900478735.1 SEQF5365.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,823,172 67P56H1 38.05 PRJNA358390 SAMN06203650 GCA_002966675.1 SEQF5366.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Chiba University 1,791,343 CHBN-III-8 38.0 PRJDB7052 SAMD00119540 GCA_019703715.1 SEQF5367.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Chiba University 1,816,076 CHBN-III-1 38.01 PRJDB7052 SAMD00119533 GCA_019703575.1 SEQF5368.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 The Research Institute at Nationwide Childrens Hospital and The Ohio State University, Department of Microbiology and DNA Facility, The University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine and State 1,969,659 2019 38.31 PRJNA175345 SAMN03450976 GCA_000968335.1 SEQF5369.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Institute of Agrobiotechnology 1,908,143 P665-7858 38.11 PRJNA282520 SAMN07421940 GCA_003425645.1 SEQF5370.1 641 Haemophilus influenzae latest 1 Chiba University 1,810,977 CHBN-III-3 38.05 PRJDB7052 SAMD00119535 GCA_019703615.1 SEQF1654.1 642 Scardovia inopinata latest 9 Broad Institute 1,804,013 F0304 48.68 PRJNA41979 SAMN02463832 GCA_000163755.1 SEQF8111.1 642 Scardovia inopinata latest 1 Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo 1,797,862 JCM 12537 48.63 PRJDB65 SAMD00061049 GCA_001042695.1 SEQF8112.1 642 Scardovia inopinata latest 7 SC 1,830,728 NCTC12937 48.59 PRJEB6403 SAMEA101158168 GCA_900445765.1 SEQF1065.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 TIGR 2,699,437 17 43.48 PRJNA175 SAMN02603988 Periodontal Infection GCA_000261025.1 SEQF2554.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 21 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,564,533 DSM 20706 43.36 PRJNA185645 SAMN02440707 GCA_000439065.1 SEQF3521.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 168 Bio-X Institutes, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2,790,340 ZT 43.33 PRJNA208776 SAMN02212661 GCA_000955645.1 SEQF3522.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 osaka dental university 2,737,273 17-2 43.46 PRJDB4034 SAMD00034934 GCA_001548195.1 SEQF3523.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 55 Kyung Hee University 2,673,161 ATCC 49046 43.51 PRJNA281562 SAMN03494306 GCA_001594285.1 SEQF3524.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 13 Chosun University 2,781,500 KCOM 1107 43.46 PRJNA386728 SAMN07125721 GCA_002204405.1 SEQF3525.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 Nagasaki University 3,148,117 OMA14 43.84 PRJDB2896 SAMD00017481 GCA_002355195.1 SEQF3526.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 126 University of Leicester 2,804,910 WW2834 43.29 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602649 GCA_002529225.1 SEQF3527.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 137 University of Leicester 2,688,123 WW855 43.46 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602648 GCA_002529305.1 SEQF3528.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 62 University of Leicester 2,620,156 WW414 43.43 PRJNA401301 SAMN07602647 GCA_002529435.1 SEQF3529.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,951,033 KCOM 1653 43.42 PRJNA416232 SAMN07945748 GCA_002753835.1 SEQF3530.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 4 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,905,571 KCOM 1101 43.43 PRJNA416230 SAMN07945742 GCA_002753855.1 SEQF3531.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 3 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,730,073 KCOM 2069 43.48 PRJNA417213 SAMN07980961 GCA_002762425.1 SEQF3532.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,777,805 KCOM 2033 43.71 PRJNA416397 SAMN07955957 GCA_002763535.1 SEQF3533.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 1 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,760,702 KCOM 2836 43.24 PRJNA416409 SAMN07956007 GCA_002763575.1 SEQF3534.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,764,740 KCOM 1949 43.4 PRJNA416391 SAMN07955952 GCA_002763715.1 SEQF3535.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,890,050 KCOM 2837 43.44 PRJNA416410 SAMN07956008 GCA_002763745.1 SEQF3536.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,775,833 KCOM 2838 43.4 PRJNA416411 SAMN07956010 GCA_002763785.1 SEQF3537.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,737,112 KCOM 1933 43.5 PRJNA416381 SAMN07955950 GCA_002763845.1 SEQF3538.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,928,459 KCOM 1741 43.58 PRJNA417202 SAMN07980911 GCA_002763955.1 SEQF3539.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,813,841 KCOM 1944 43.53 PRJNA417207 SAMN07980959 GCA_002763975.1 SEQF3540.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 3 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,798,400 KCOM 1779 43.29 PRJNA417205 SAMN07980927 GCA_002794335.1 SEQF3541.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 3,027,672 KCOM 1945 43.35 PRJNA416382 SAMN07955951 GCA_002797135.1 SEQF3542.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,730,832 KCOM 2698 43.47 PRJNA416399 SAMN07955958 GCA_002797155.1 SEQF3543.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 4 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,871,118 KCOM 2833 43.45 PRJNA416406 SAMN07955964 GCA_002797175.1 SEQF3544.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 3 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 3,016,889 KCOM 2832 43.89 PRJNA416405 SAMN07955963 GCA_002797185.1 SEQF3545.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,949,063 KCOM 2734 43.56 PRJNA416401 SAMN07955960 GCA_003265025.1 SEQF3546.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 58 Kyung Hee University 2,848,426 ATCC 15032 43.47 PRJNA488694 SAMN09939779 GCA_003838285.1 SEQF3547.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 58 Kyung Hee University 2,849,281 ATCC 15033 43.46 PRJNA488694 SAMN09939780 GCA_003861325.1 SEQF3548.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 SC 2,607,163 NCTC13070 43.38 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4412688 GCA_900455005.1 SEQF9972.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,736,315 strain 17 43.45 PRJNA313956 SAMN04529095 GCA_001953935.1 SEQF9973.1 643 Prevotella intermedia latest 52 China CDC 2,635,238 EYE_26 43.38 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899804 GCA_023148185.1 SEQF1703.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 8 Broad Institute 1,922,374 F0413 37.67 PRJNA52089 SAMN02463882 GCA_000234035.1 SEQF1706.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 11 Broad Institute 1,934,050 F0395 38.16 PRJNA49885 SAMN02463876 GCA_000234015.1 SEQF2336.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 17 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,910,718 SK54 37.58 PRJNA75155 SAMN00761834 GCA_000258445.1 SEQF2361.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 1 Juntendo University School of Medicine 1,933,610 JTH08 37.71 PRJDA33443 SAMD00060960 GCA_000306805.1 SEQF2363.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 10 Broad Institute 1,951,449 ATCC 27335 37.66 PRJNA197004 SAMN02596988 GCA_000413475.1 SEQF2424.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 48 Institute for Genome Sciences 1,965,880 BA1 37.73 PRJNA178554 SAMN02222948 GCA_000313655.1 SEQF2592.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 1 National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada 1,996,214 B196 37.56 PRJNA50415 SAMN02603659 GCA_000463355.1 SEQF2593.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 1 National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada 1,960,728 C270 37.65 PRJNA50413 SAMN02603658 GCA_000463385.1 SEQF7586.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 1 SC 1,932,951 NCTC11324 37.71 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4012327 GCA_900475975.1 SEQF7587.2 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 1,914,006 FDAARGOS_233 37.66 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875570 GCA_002073355.2 SEQF7588.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 1 Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 2,006,877 TYG1620 37.55 PRJDB3973 SAMD00031898 GCA_002356055.1 SEQF7589.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,933,377 FDAARGOS_769 37.72 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056484 GCA_013267515.1 SEQF7590.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 33 Clemson University 1,993,716 BCC01 37.54 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631716 GCA_003943155.1 SEQF7591.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 15 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,907,506 S42 37.64 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876586 GCA_023109435.1 SEQF7592.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 12 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,041,358 S30 37.39 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876574 GCA_023109685.1 SEQF7593.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 13 McMaster University 1,911,852 GC1825 37.63 PRJNA818008 SAMN26814094 GCA_022699185.1 SEQF7594.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 26 Clemson University 2,001,461 A2 37.62 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631721 GCA_003943095.1 SEQF7595.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 5 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,917,252 S45 37.67 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876589 GCA_023109395.1 SEQF7596.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 23 Clemson University 1,953,433 BCC34 37.43 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631717 GCA_003944025.1 SEQF7597.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 19 University of Washington 1,968,891 631_SCON 37.78 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197832 GCA_001073635.1 SEQF7598.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 31 Lebanese American University 1,949,554 LAU_SINT 37.72 PRJNA476485 SAMN09435561 GCA_003284685.1 SEQF7599.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 41 Clemson University 1,912,153 A3 37.64 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631722 GCA_003943085.1 SEQF7600.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 34 Clemson University 1,993,372 A6 37.54 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631725 GCA_003943035.1 SEQF7601.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 15 zhejiang University 1,914,382 LC4 37.76 PRJNA428930 SAMN08324743 GCA_002879755.1 SEQF7602.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 26 Sunstar Inc. 1,860,124 14-04-18 37.79 PRJDB7095 SAMD00149550 GCA_008975305.1 SEQF7603.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 7 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,091,190 S01 37.39 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876545 GCA_023110255.1 SEQF7604.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 12 zhejiang University 1,956,646 30309 37.51 PRJNA428930 SAMN08324741 GCA_002879585.1 SEQF7605.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 56 Clemson University 1,876,885 KLC09 37.65 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631720 GCA_003944015.1 SEQF7606.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 26 Clemson University 2,003,880 KLC02 37.53 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631719 GCA_003943125.1 SEQF7607.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 8 Sunstar Inc. 1,845,697 14-03-17 37.74 PRJDB7095 SAMD00149549 GCA_008633305.1 SEQF7608.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 18 Clemson University 1,889,067 BCC47 37.74 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631718 GCA_003943145.1 SEQF7609.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 6 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,945,664 S23 37.56 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876567 GCA_023109915.1 SEQF7610.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 15 zhejiang University 1,971,034 32811 37.68 PRJNA428930 SAMN08324742 GCA_002879575.1 SEQF7611.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 26 Clemson University 1,992,918 A4 37.54 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631723 GCA_003944005.1 SEQF7612.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 14 Clemson University 1,968,232 A5 37.63 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631724 GCA_003943045.1 SEQF7613.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 6 Sunstar Inc. 1,946,261 13-12-18 37.7 PRJDB7095 SAMD00149546 GCA_008633045.1 SEQF7614.1 644 Streptococcus intermedius latest 7 Sunstar Inc. 1,813,578 15-03-11 37.75 PRJDB7095 SAMD00149552 GCA_008633485.1 SEQF2705.1 645 Actinomyces israelii latest 102 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,025,772 DSM 43320 71.45 PRJNA215659 SAMN02745698 GCA_000711965.1 SEQF2080.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 20 Baylor College of Medicine 1,975,353 ATCC 23330 48.36 PRJNA52985 SAMN00259690 GCA_000213535.1 SEQF2327.1 646 Kingella kingae 94 Los Alamos National Laboratory 2,097,547 PYKK081 47.61 PRJNA85111 SAMN02470276 GCA_000255635.1 SEQF6786.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Sante Biotechnologie 2,006,535 4177/66 46.57 PRJNA788950 SAMN24043407 GCA_022871005.1 SEQF6787.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 SC 2,006,553 NCTC10529 46.57 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4076727 GCA_900475905.1 SEQF6788.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 Forsyth Institute 2,058,531 ATCC 23332 46.42 PRJNA549513 SAMN14365913 GCA_011612385.1 SEQF6789.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 Forsyth Institute 2,018,460 ATCC 23331 46.53 PRJNA549513 SAMN14365914 GCA_011612705.1 SEQF6790.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 Canterbury Health Laboratories 2,014,880 F41215CHC 46.55 PRJNA577516 SAMN13028224 GCA_011045755.1 SEQF6791.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 INSERM, IAME, UMR 1137 2,140,065 KWG1 46.48 PRJEB9502 SAMEA3477627 GCA_001458475.1 SEQF6792.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,945 AA068 49.37 PRJEB1647 SAMEA2272648 GCA_000469845.1 SEQF6793.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,068 KK93 50.02 PRJEB4186 SAMEA2272080 GCA_000477275.1 SEQF6794.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,991,016 KK12 48.46 PRJEB1638 SAMEA2272103 GCA_000470255.1 SEQF6795.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,991,453 KK411 48.78 PRJEB1629 SAMEA2272158 GCA_000470615.1 SEQF6796.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,179 KK113 48.96 PRJEB1634 SAMEA2272104 GCA_000470005.1 SEQF6797.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,193 KK245 49.3 PRJEB4192 SAMEA2272537 GCA_000470195.1 SEQF6798.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,881 KK141 50.49 PRJEB1621 SAMEA2272192 GCA_000477335.1 SEQF6799.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 95 Canterbury Health Laboratories 1,965,870 chl2764 46.64 PRJNA644230 SAMN15454877 GCA_014762915.1 SEQF6800.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,845 KK190 50.52 PRJEB1631 SAMEA2272399 GCA_000470555.1 SEQF6801.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,042 BB060 49.45 PRJEB1635 SAMEA2271957 GCA_000469925.1 SEQF6802.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,089 KK88 49.67 PRJEB1614 SAMEA2272459 GCA_000477355.1 SEQF6803.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,991,234 AA417 48.56 PRJEB1646 SAMEA2272445 GCA_000469905.1 SEQF6804.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,991,368 KK101 48.74 PRJEB1613 SAMEA2272086 GCA_000477375.1 SEQF6805.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,005 KK56 49.69 PRJEB1623 SAMEA2271982 GCA_000470395.1 SEQF6806.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,793 D7330 49.27 PRJEB1633 SAMEA2272369 GCA_000470035.1 SEQF6807.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,142 KK238 49.82 PRJEB4185 SAMEA2272582 GCA_000477315.1 SEQF6808.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,812 KK158 49.96 PRJEB4189 SAMEA2272610 GCA_000470635.1 SEQF6809.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,564 AA255 48.94 PRJEB1640 SAMEA2272731 GCA_000469825.1 SEQF6810.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,122 BB016 49.48 PRJEB1648 SAMEA2271962 GCA_000469885.1 SEQF6811.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,051 KK242 50.67 PRJEB1624 SAMEA2272297 GCA_000470215.1 SEQF6812.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,991,194 KK145 48.46 PRJEB1617 SAMEA2272028 GCA_000470155.1 SEQF6813.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,034 CC254 50.5 PRJEB1653 SAMEA2272661 GCA_000470095.1 SEQF6814.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,980 KK60 49.89 PRJEB1627 SAMEA2271998 GCA_000470575.1 SEQF6815.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,991,029 KK83 48.5 PRJEB1616 SAMEA2272003 GCA_000470475.1 SEQF6816.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 5 SC 2,092,391 NCTC10746 46.39 PRJEB6403 SAMEA103924409 GCA_900451155.1 SEQF6817.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,991,357 KK156 48.5 PRJEB1618 SAMEA2272055 GCA_000470275.1 SEQF6818.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,001 KK189 50.09 PRJEB4188 SAMEA2272164 GCA_000470295.1 SEQF6819.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,015 AA105 49.36 PRJEB1639 SAMEA2271943 GCA_000469865.1 SEQF6820.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 59 URMITE 1,953,889 ATCC 23330 46.64 PRJEB17081 SAMEA4526462 GCA_900111845.1 SEQF6821.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,631 Vir5453 48.95 PRJEB1637 SAMEA2272475 GCA_000470375.1 SEQF6822.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 33 URMITE 2,128,528 46.56 PRJEB6199 SAMEA2618372 GCA_000751135.1 SEQF6823.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 65 Université Aix-Marseille 2,016,589 11220434 48.35 PRJNA88539 SAMN02472055 GCA_000283375.1 SEQF6824.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,991,254 KK199 48.5 PRJEB1628 SAMEA2272761 GCA_000470115.1 SEQF6825.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 89 Canterbury Health Laboratories 1,965,646 chl3548 46.65 PRJNA644230 SAMN15454875 GCA_014762925.1 SEQF6826.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 URMITE 1,992,934 KK171 49.79 PRJEB1625 SAMEA3146255 GCA_001050895.1 SEQF6827.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,143 PV1748 49.41 PRJEB1652 SAMEA2272527 GCA_000470175.1 SEQF6828.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,018 BB114 48.92 PRJEB1632 SAMEA2272120 GCA_000455465.1 SEQF6829.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 100 Canterbury Health Laboratories 1,964,801 chl4475 46.64 PRJNA644230 SAMN15454876 GCA_014762905.1 SEQF6830.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,992,809 KK75 49.92 PRJEB1626 SAMEA2272652 GCA_000470335.1 SEQF6831.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,049 KK97 50.51 PRJEB4187 SAMEA2272792 GCA_000470235.1 SEQF6832.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,012 KK128 50.05 PRJEB1630 SAMEA2272776 GCA_000470515.1 SEQF6833.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,991,285 KK107 48.61 PRJEB1645 SAMEA2272676 GCA_000470415.1 SEQF6834.1 646 Kingella kingae latest 1 ebi 1,993,144 BB631 49.88 PRJEB1654 SAMEA2272212 GCA_000477295.1 SEQF1261.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 101 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,171,992 ATCC 23970 52.22 PRJNA30475 SAMN00008840 GCA_000173995.1 SEQF2141.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 44 Health Protection Agency, Porton Down 2,023,964 Y92-1009 52.39 PRJEA50739 SAMEA2272069 GCA_000180595.1 SEQF2159.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 1 Sanger Institute 2,220,606 020-06 52.28 PRJNA13472 SAMEA3138337 GCA_000196295.1 SEQF5960.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,200,224 M17106 52.63 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704838 GCA_003351565.1 SEQF5961.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 1 SC 2,198,889 NCTC10617 52.12 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3867448 GCA_901482445.1 SEQF5962.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 1 University of Southampton 2,146,723 Y92-1009 52.34 PRJNA331097 SAMN05437355 GCA_002022745.1 SEQF5963.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 45 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,177,704 M37078 52.19 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704841 GCA_003492765.1 SEQF5964.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 37 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,174,338 M37146 52.1 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704856 GCA_003493855.1 SEQF5965.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 43 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,194,397 M37179 52.29 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704863 GCA_003495405.1 SEQF5966.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 34 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,260,405 M37110 52.21 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704847 GCA_003492155.1 SEQF5967.2 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 132 University of Maryland, College Park 2,138,393 NS19 52.29 PRJNA60867 SAMN02471876 GCA_000193795.2 SEQF5968.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 20 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,227,184 M37073 52.31 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704840 GCA_003492345.1 SEQF5969.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 40 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,137,233 M37164 52.21 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704860 GCA_003495575.1 SEQF5970.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 71 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,182,710 M17105 52.28 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704837 GCA_003496665.1 SEQF5971.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 60 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 2,123,177 NlUS07x1 52.32 PRJNA384053 SAMN06827272 GCA_002318615.1 SEQF5972.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 31 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,202,297 M37094 52.28 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704844 GCA_003492465.1 SEQF5973.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 49 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,172,334 M37107 52.33 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704846 GCA_003493045.1 SEQF5974.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 31 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,138,875 M37131 52.31 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704850 GCA_003492845.1 SEQF5975.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 27 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,226,877 M37136 52.25 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704852 GCA_003492775.1 SEQF5976.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 46 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,198,057 M37079 52.41 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704842 GCA_003493215.1 SEQF5977.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 42 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,160,444 M37167 52.25 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704861 GCA_003496195.1 SEQF5978.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 36 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,240,538 M37142 51.99 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704855 GCA_003492145.1 SEQF5979.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 19 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,128,602 M37177 52.37 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704862 GCA_003495565.1 SEQF5980.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 33 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,173,500 M37084 52.32 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704843 GCA_003496485.1 SEQF5981.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 34 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,272,111 M37137 52.1 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704853 GCA_003492625.1 SEQF5982.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 17 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,168,597 M37132 52.26 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704851 GCA_003493185.1 SEQF5983.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 33 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,213,525 M37157 52.3 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704858 GCA_003492555.1 SEQF5984.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 3 SC 2,185,892 NCTC10616 52.32 PRJEB6403 SAMEA103980413 GCA_900454145.1 SEQF5985.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 33 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,185,479 M37119 52.09 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704848 GCA_003492955.1 SEQF5986.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 2 SC 2,106,061 NCTC10618 52.44 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3174296 GCA_900454095.1 SEQF5987.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 48 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,192,826 M37101 52.0 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704845 GCA_003492865.1 SEQF5988.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 33 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,189,734 M37155 52.26 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704857 GCA_003492385.1 SEQF5989.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 26 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,224,996 M37163 52.28 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704859 GCA_003495835.1 SEQF5990.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 1 Los Alamos National Laboratory 2,182,033 ATCC 23970 52.18 PRJNA244570 SAMN02870721 GCA_000741965.1 SEQF5991.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 40 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,153,695 M37058 52.28 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704839 GCA_003492195.1 SEQF5992.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 19 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,194,463 M37140 52.41 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704854 GCA_003496425.1 SEQF5993.1 649 Neisseria lactamica latest 50 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,303,282 M37130 52.13 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704849 GCA_003492425.1 SEQF2462.1 653 Treponema lecithinolyticum latest 21 Washington University 2,340,885 ATCC 700332 43.84 PRJNA198879 SAMN02436727 GCA_000468055.1 SEQF10018.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 2 Unversity College Cork 3,467,966 APC055-529-1D 64.05 PRJNA787074 SAMN23789010 GCA_021378605.1 SEQF10019.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 1 University of Illinois 3,593,204 C592 64.3 PRJNA384908 SAMN06853954 GCA_002148255.1 SEQF10020.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 1 University College Cork 3,266,279 APC055-928-H3-3 64.03 PRJNA787247 SAMN23789279 GCA_021378625.1 SEQF10021.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 1 University College Cork 3,803,864 APC055-924-7B 63.97 PRJNA787245 SAMN23789262 GCA_021378705.1 SEQF10022.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 1 University College Cork 3,383,173 APC055-920-1E 63.97 PRJNA787239 SAMN23789160 GCA_021378685.1 SEQF10023.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 1 University College Cork 3,504,888 APC055-943-4 64.19 PRJNA787249 SAMN23789285 GCA_021378645.1 SEQF10024.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 1 Unversity College Cork 3,567,447 APC055-539-5C 64.07 PRJNA787237 SAMN23789061 GCA_021378665.1 SEQF10025.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 1 Laboratory for Microbiome Sciences, Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, RIKEN 3,378,174 CE91-St33 63.98 PRJDB11902 SAMD00389876 GCA_022845935.1 SEQF10026.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 3 University College Cork 3,258,764 APC-F2-3 64.12 PRJNA787250 SAMN23789468 GCA_021378725.1 SEQF10027.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 13 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3,571,251 BSD2780120875_150330_C12 64.12 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533227 GCA_015558765.1 SEQF10028.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 969 University of Chicago 3,952,848 SL.3.13 63.14 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167645 GCA_020554205.1 SEQF10029.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 125 UCSF 3,482,371 SECO-MT75m2 63.79 PRJNA412637 SAMN12004410 GCA_006351165.1 SEQF10030.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 19 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3,392,682 1001095IJ_161003_H5 64.19 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533071 GCA_015547345.1 SEQF10031.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 154 Max Rubner-Institut 3,501,112 ResAG-145 64.01 PRJNA591748 SAMN13387017 GCA_009755135.1 SEQF10032.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 66 UCSF 3,738,413 16A 64.26 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365962 GCA_003340225.1 SEQF10033.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 38 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3,270,679 1001136B_160425_H2 64.09 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532527 GCA_015557185.1 SEQF10034.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 49 UCSF 3,360,196 22C 63.85 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365964 GCA_003340195.1 SEQF10035.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 61 UCSF 3,424,579 AN51LG 64.22 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365970 GCA_003340155.1 SEQF10036.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 57 UCSF 3,517,789 CC8/2 BHI2 64.27 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365973 GCA_003340075.1 SEQF10037.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 117 University of Chicago 3,327,340 DFI.2.80 64.08 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167416 GCA_020561205.1 SEQF10038.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 39 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3,485,560 D33t1_170424_B8 64.09 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533037 GCA_015557295.1 SEQF10039.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 44 University of Chicago 3,340,357 MSK.15.90 64.14 PRJNA737800 SAMN19731891 GCA_019130955.1 SEQF10040.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 82 UCSF 3,673,805 DSM 11767 64.07 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365975 GCA_003340045.1 SEQF10041.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 1502 University of Chicago 3,870,766 DFI.6.2 62.08 PRJNA792599 SAMN24726026 GCA_022136225.1 SEQF10042.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 83 BGI 3,376,081 TF05-26B-4 64.05 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736880 GCA_003438525.1 SEQF10043.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 56 UCSF 3,450,565 RC4/6F 64.18 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365982 GCA_003339915.1 SEQF10044.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 56 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3,459,061 J1101437_171009_A1 64.07 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533284 GCA_015554835.1 SEQF10045.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 75 UCSF 3,596,161 ATCC 25559 64.19 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365971 GCA_003340105.1 SEQF10046.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 45 University of Chicago 3,345,720 MSK.14.3 64.11 PRJNA737800 SAMN19731872 GCA_019131375.1 SEQF10047.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 57 UCSF 3,323,948 CC8/6 D5 4 64.03 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365974 GCA_003340065.1 SEQF10048.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 49 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3,166,292 1001095H_141210_C9 64.03 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533319 GCA_015552345.1 SEQF10049.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 863 University of Chicago 3,544,893 MSK.23.99 63.33 PRJNA737800 SAMN22165335 GCA_020537545.1 SEQF10050.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 56 UCSF 3,343,725 AB8 #2 64.14 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365969 GCA_003340145.1 SEQF10051.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 37 University of Chicago 3,445,098 DFI.6.45 64.13 PRJNA792599 SAMN24726028 GCA_022136145.1 SEQF10052.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 63 EMG 3,738,151 MGYG-HGUT-02544 64.26 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5852049 GCA_902388285.1 SEQF10053.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 40 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3,385,464 1001311H_170123_F12 64.07 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532967 GCA_015556435.1 SEQF10054.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 149 University College Cork 3,677,625 DSM 2243_R211 63.79 PRJNA787266 SAMN23794843 GCA_021397965.1 SEQF10055.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 63 UCSF 3,458,472 28B 63.98 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365965 GCA_003340165.1 SEQF10056.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 59 UCSF 3,291,816 W1 BHI 6 63.9 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365984 GCA_003339875.1 SEQF10057.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 81 Max Rubner-Institut 3,472,506 ResAG-88 64.02 PRJNA591748 SAMN13387015 GCA_009755205.1 SEQF10058.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 72 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3,346,104 J1100102_180507_B8 64.01 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532427 GCA_015668575.1 SEQF10059.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 45 University of Chicago 3,345,726 MSK.15.110 64.11 PRJNA737800 SAMN19731875 GCA_019131175.1 SEQF10060.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 31 The Edison Family Center of Genome Sciences and Systems Biology 3,189,767 Eggerthella_lenta_SV_Bg7063_mod2 64.06 PRJEB26419 SAMEA5771504 GCA_902167675.1 SEQF10061.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 82 University of Chicago 3,338,818 DFI.7.11 64.2 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167548 GCA_020557775.1 SEQF10062.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 149 University of Chicago 3,525,483 SL.3.08 63.91 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167642 GCA_020709135.1 SEQF10063.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 85 UCSF 3,537,099 Valencia 64.09 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365983 GCA_003339885.1 SEQF10064.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 108 UCSF 3,666,235 FAA1-1-60AUCSF 64.24 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365980 GCA_003340395.1 SEQF10065.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 42 Broad Institute 3,748,291 1_1_60AFAA 64.75 PRJNA46413 SAMN00103544 GCA_000763035.1 SEQF10066.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 56 UCSF 3,396,445 CC7/5 D5 2 63.82 PRJNA412637 SAMN08365972 GCA_003340405.1 SEQF1498.1 654 Eggerthella lenta latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 3,632,260 DSM 2243 64.2 PRJNA21093 SAMN00002594 GCA_000024265.1 SEQF1927.2 655 Eubacterium limosum latest 1 Computational and Synthetic Biology Laboratory 4,316,707 KIST612 47.5 PRJNA52281 SAMN02603161 GCA_000152245.2 SEQF4134.2 655 Eubacterium limosum latest 1 Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 4,422,837 ATCC 8486 47.19 PRJNA270275 SAMN03265381 GCA_000807675.2 SEQF4135.1 655 Eubacterium limosum latest 1 AgResearch, Grasslands Research Institute 4,150,332 SA11 47.43 PRJNA280903 SAMN03480621 GCA_001481725.1 SEQF4136.1 655 Eubacterium limosum latest 1 INSA Toulouse 4,421,327 B2 47.19 PRJNA837804 SAMN28232032 GCA_023520755.1 SEQF4137.1 655 Eubacterium limosum latest 1 Keio University, School of Medicine 4,740,532 Eubacterium limosum 81C1 46.86 PRJEB29940 SAMEA5128835 GCA_900683775.1 SEQF4138.1 655 Eubacterium limosum latest 107 University of Chicago 4,743,605 DFI.6.107 47.01 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167486 GCA_020559625.1 SEQF4139.1 655 Eubacterium limosum latest 28 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,366,305 8486cho 47.18 PRJNA441676 SAMN08777811 GCA_003182515.1 SEQF2461.1 658 Prevotella loescheii latest 31 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,508,589 DSM 19665 46.67 PRJNA181369 SAMN02441341 GCA_000378085.1 SEQF1025.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 3 Kazusa 7,596,297 MAFF 303099 62.51 PRJNA18 SAMD00061086 GCA_000009625.1 SEQF2763.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 1 JGI 7,462,792 NZP2037 62.77 PRJNA81803 SAMN02261298 GCA_000384055.1 SEQF2764.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 50 DOE Joint Genome Institute 7,023,073 USDA 3471 62.68 PRJNA165327 SAMN02441124 GCA_000472705.1 SEQF5225.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 1 Curtin University 6,530,403 R7A 62.94 PRJNA627051 SAMN02597167 GCA_012913625.1 SEQF5226.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 1 Curtin University 6,530,403 R7Astar 62.94 PRJNA627051 SAMN14650140 GCA_012913645.1 SEQF5227.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 1 Curtin University 6,028,604 R7ANSstar 63.24 PRJNA627051 SAMN14677145 GCA_012972145.1 SEQF5228.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 1 Curtin University 6,530,396 R7AstarV2 62.94 PRJNA627051 SAMN14677114 GCA_012972105.1 SEQF5229.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 1 University of Otago 6,529,994 R7A 62.94 PRJNA496338 SAMN02597167 GCA_009761735.1 SEQF5230.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 38 ARRIAM 7,357,801 Opo-235 62.59 PRJNA329489 SAMN09378957 GCA_003722235.1 SEQF5231.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 27 Curtin University 6,495,621 R7ANSxWSM3873 63.02 PRJNA592317 SAMN13420655 GCA_009737285.1 SEQF5232.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 26 Curtin University 6,432,040 R7ANSxCC1192 excon 2 62.96 PRJNA399611 SAMN16131503 GCA_014878195.1 SEQF5233.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 33 Curtin University 6,405,562 R7ANSxAA23 63.06 PRJNA592315 SAMN13420652 GCA_009737235.1 SEQF5234.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 19 Curtin University 6,449,722 R7ANSxCC1192 excon 1 62.94 PRJNA399611 SAMN16131502 GCA_014878205.1 SEQF5235.1 659 Mesorhizobium japonicum latest 1 JGI 6,529,530 R7A 62.93 PRJNA74389 SAMN02597167 GCA_000504265.1 SEQF5624.1 660 Aquamicrobium lusatiense latest 13 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,389,592 DSM 11099 62.6 PRJNA632322 SAMN14908351 GCA_014201615.1 SEQF1641.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 1 Baylor College of Medicine 1,916,301 ATCC 53516 32.56 PRJNA31469 SAMN00001509 GCA_000159695.1 SEQF2061.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 30 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,828,755 ACS-171-V-Col3 32.04 PRJNA49435 SAMN00100752 GCA_000179495.1 SEQF2062.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 50 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,995,204 BVS033A4 31.74 PRJNA51069 SAMN00100737 GCA_000179695.1 SEQF2063.2 662 Finegoldia magna latest 39 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,032,717 SY403409CC001050417 32.03 PRJNA51081 SAMN00031758 GCA_000221585.2 SEQF2435.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 2 Kitasato Institute for Life Sciences 1,986,740 ATCC 29328 32.07 PRJDA18981 SAMD00060918 GCA_000010185.1 SEQF2642.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 54 Lund University 1,918,748 ALB8 31.86 PRJNA237489 SAMN02628374 GCA_000582635.1 SEQF6721.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 1,984,762 FDAARGOS_1557 32.06 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091654 GCA_020735625.1 SEQF6722.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,090,058 FDAARGOS_764 31.99 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056479 GCA_013267535.1 SEQF6723.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,738,818 FDAARGOS_1556 32.37 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091653 GCA_020736065.1 SEQF6724.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 44 Aarhus University 1,807,683 09T408 32.09 PRJNA383659 SAMN06769903 GCA_002243155.1 SEQF6725.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 56 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1,862,826 BIOML-A1 31.93 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946095 GCA_009679655.1 SEQF6726.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 67 Aarhus University 1,990,025 CCUG 54800 31.79 PRJNA383659 SAMN06769908 GCA_002243095.1 SEQF6727.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 62 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1,862,241 BIOML-A2 31.88 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946096 GCA_009678335.1 SEQF6728.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 40 Aarhus University 1,679,308 T151023 32.08 PRJNA383659 SAMN06769909 GCA_002243115.1 SEQF6729.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 34 Aarhus University 1,904,197 08T492 31.89 PRJNA383659 SAMN06769902 GCA_002243075.1 SEQF6730.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 35 Aarhus University 1,761,623 T160124 32.08 PRJNA383659 SAMN06769910 GCA_002243035.1 SEQF6731.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,063,084 FDAARGOS_1593 31.85 PRJNA231221 SAMN22365122 GCA_020731325.1 SEQF6732.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 33 Aarhus University 1,822,508 07T609 32.03 PRJNA383659 SAMN06769901 GCA_002243235.1 SEQF6733.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 33 Loyola University Chicago 1,895,612 UMB0115 31.95 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511404 GCA_002871675.1 SEQF6734.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 34 Aarhus University 1,926,935 12T273 31.84 PRJNA383659 SAMN06769906 GCA_002243195.1 SEQF6735.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 20 Aarhus University 1,913,853 09T494 31.78 PRJNA383659 SAMN06769904 GCA_002243215.1 SEQF6736.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 45 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,829,690 GED7760A 32.29 PRJNA272109 SAMN03850950 GCA_001546385.1 SEQF6737.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 1,900,068 FDAARGOS_1521 32.28 PRJNA231221 SAMN21218877 GCA_020297555.1 SEQF6738.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 2 EMG 1,986,740 MGYG-HGUT-01291 32.07 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850794 GCA_902373555.1 SEQF6739.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 42 Aarhus University 1,838,801 12T306 31.94 PRJNA383659 SAMN06769907 GCA_002243135.1 SEQF6740.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 21 Aarhus University 1,872,257 12T272 31.92 PRJNA383659 SAMN06769905 GCA_002243175.1 SEQF6741.1 662 Finegoldia magna latest 59 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,021,781 DSM 20470 31.91 PRJNA456021 SAMN09064769 GCA_003182075.1 SEQF1329.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 4,851,126 K279a 66.32 PRJNA30351 SAMEA1705934 GCA_000072485.1 SEQF1330.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,573,969 R551-3 66.3 PRJNA17107 SAMN00623065 Nosocomial GCA_000020665.1 SEQF2174.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 1 JGI 4,544,477 JV3 66.89 PRJNA53943 SAMN02261377 GCA_000223885.1 SEQF2300.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 University of Valencia 4,769,156 D457 66.75 PRJEA89665 SAMEA2272378 GCA_000284595.1 SEQF2395.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 6 Broad Institute 4,918,930 Ab55555 66.15 PRJNA164599 SAMN02596924 GCA_000287935.1 SEQF2478.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 1 Universita degli Studi di Milano 4,787,769 strain=EPM1 66.38 PRJNA165731 SAMN02471395 GCA_000344215.1 SEQF2515.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 125 Griffith University 4,547,300 AU12-09 66.4 PRJNA174752 SAMN02469852 GCA_000346445.1 SEQF4348.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 SC 4,481,118 NCTC10258 66.63 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3856672 GCA_900475405.1 SEQF4349.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 SC 5,004,261 NCTC10257 66.12 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4076705 GCA_900186865.1 SEQF4350.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 SC 4,592,627 NCTC13014 66.29 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3724090 GCA_900636655.1 SEQF4351.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 NODAI Culture Collection Center, Tokyo University of Agriculture 4,578,300 KMM 349 66.21 PRJDB8843 SAMD00190103 GCA_009618035.1 SEQF4352.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH 4,495,508 PEG-305 67.2 PRJNA543082 SAMN11652194 GCA_009676545.1 SEQF4353.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Northwest University 4,913,676 WGB211 66.03 PRJNA792952 SAMN24492124 GCA_021441865.1 SEQF4354.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 shandong University 4,391,471 ZT1 66.51 PRJNA713928 SAMN18275197 GCA_021378335.1 SEQF4355.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,612,229 2013-SM12 66.99 PRJNA783655 SAMN23441567 GCA_021117235.1 SEQF4356.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH 4,854,802 PEG-42 66.08 PRJNA543082 SAMN11652196 GCA_009676525.1 SEQF4357.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,575,852 2013-SM4 66.35 PRJNA783655 SAMN23441566 GCA_021117255.1 SEQF4358.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Laboratory of Bacterial Genomics, Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 4,923,943 WP1-W18-CRE-01 66.22 PRJDB6962 SAMD00194327 GCA_014156975.1 SEQF4359.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Ocean University of China 4,668,743 OUC_Est10 66.25 PRJNA321363 SAMN04992827 GCA_002138415.1 SEQF4360.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 The Independent Schools Foundation Academy 4,574,660 PSKL2 66.48 PRJNA801912 SAMN25416139 GCA_022014735.1 SEQF4361.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,533,092 2013-SM24 66.4 PRJNA783655 SAMN23441570 GCA_021117175.1 SEQF4362.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 4,509,724 ISMMS2 66.45 PRJNA277366 SAMN03389647 GCA_001274655.1 SEQF4363.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Harvard University 4,663,337 AA1 67.38 PRJNA357031 SAMN06130959 GCA_002025605.1 SEQF4364.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 South China Agricultural University 4,635,432 JZL8 66.32 PRJNA656644 SAMN15794714 GCA_020132085.1 SEQF4365.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 4,820,221 FDAARGOS_92 66.26 PRJNA231221 SAMN03996266 GCA_002951115.1 SEQF4366.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 4,509,724 ISMMS2R 66.45 PRJNA277366 SAMN03389649 GCA_001274675.1 SEQF4367.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 NEB 4,785,515 NEB515 66.43 PRJNA622823 SAMN14591332 GCA_012647025.1 SEQF4368.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Nanjing Agricultural University 4,630,138 XL133 66.42 PRJNA762715 SAMN21404530 GCA_020080085.1 SEQF4369.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH 4,554,024 PEG-390 66.44 PRJNA543082 SAMN11652195 GCA_009676505.1 SEQF4370.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Genetique Moleculaire, Genomique, Microbiologie (GMGM), Universite de Strasbourg 4,837,108 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 1800 66.19 PRJEB48474 SAMEA10558844 GCA_918593995.1 SEQF4371.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 SC 4,661,352 NCTC10498 66.45 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3956094 GCA_900475685.1 SEQF4372.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 4,625,884 FDAARGOS_649 66.53 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056364 GCA_008693985.1 SEQF4373.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 University of Technology Sydney 4,591,696 CF13 66.46 PRJNA558844 SAMN12500624 GCA_012971765.1 SEQF4374.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH 5,007,582 sm-RA9 65.63 PRJNA543082 SAMN11652199 GCA_009676445.1 SEQF4375.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Wenzhou Medical University 4,830,983 142 66.2 PRJNA846054 SAMN28867336 GCA_023702495.1 SEQF4376.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology 5,086,181 SM 866 66.03 PRJNA481303 SAMN09665072 GCA_007833655.1 SEQF4377.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Center for Genomic Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 4,739,049 CSM2 66.59 PRJNA421960 SAMN08161503 GCA_002847385.1 SEQF4378.2 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Curtin University 4,943,426 AB550 66.51 PRJNA381518 SAMN06678536 GCA_002189545.2 SEQF4379.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 4,577,568 FDAARGOS_507 66.55 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163201 GCA_003812985.1 SEQF4380.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Nanfang Hospital 4,928,653 NCTC10498 66.25 PRJNA608662 SAMN14206046 GCA_011386925.1 SEQF4381.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Nanjing Agricultural University 4,444,327 CPBW01 66.55 PRJNA596917 SAMN13642261 GCA_009857175.1 SEQF4382.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Shanghai Jiaotong University 4,932,325 SJTH1 65.94 PRJNA437214 SAMN08643285 GCA_003006435.1 SEQF4383.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH 4,769,515 PEG-173 66.11 PRJNA543082 SAMN11652193 GCA_009676565.1 SEQF4384.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences 4,777,699 T50-20 66.05 PRJNA563306 SAMN12671355 GCA_014076535.1 SEQF4385.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 SC 4,563,878 NCTC10259 66.84 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4537264 GCA_900636905.1 SEQF4386.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Beijing Normal University 4,554,224 X28 66.52 PRJNA524726 SAMN11032470 GCA_006974125.1 SEQF4387.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Donghua University 4,682,909 DHHJ 66.33 PRJNA690648 SAMN17255814 GCA_016659185.1 SEQF4388.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH 4,635,025 PEG-68 66.7 PRJNA543082 SAMN11652197 GCA_009676485.1 SEQF4389.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH 4,675,446 SKK55 66.25 PRJNA543082 SAMN11652198 GCA_009676465.1 SEQF4390.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,613,698 2013-SM13 66.99 PRJNA783655 SAMN23441568 GCA_021117215.1 SEQF4391.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,702,572 2013-SM15 66.29 PRJNA783655 SAMN23441569 GCA_021117195.1 SEQF4392.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Poznan University of Technology 4,817,124 FZD2 66.37 PRJNA752031 SAMN20569879 GCA_023277525.1 SEQF4393.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH 4,685,439 sm454 66.32 PRJNA543082 SAMN11652200 GCA_009676425.1 SEQF4394.1 663 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia latest 1 Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH 4,682,439 Sm53 66.34 PRJNA543082 SAMN11652201 GCA_009676405.1 SEQF1941.1 664 Treponema maltophilum latest 1 Broad Institute 2,530,388 ATCC 51939 47.95 PRJNA169489 SAMN02596987 GCA_000413055.1 SEQF1915.1 665 Prevotella marshii latest 11 Baylor College of Medicine 2,559,358 DSM 16973 48.33 PRJNA50531 SAMN00117235 GCA_000146675.1 SEQF2681.1 665 Prevotella marshii latest 80 The University of Tokyo 2,518,161 JCM 13450 47.45 PRJDB576 SAMD00009951 GCA_000613625.1 SEQF1013.1 666 Corynebacterium matruchotii latest 8 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,855,988 ATCC 14266 57.09 PRJNA31011 SAMN00001942 GCA_000175375.1 SEQF1648.1 666 Corynebacterium matruchotii latest 10 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,992,255 ATCC 33806 57.34 PRJNA30771 SAMN00008817 GCA_000158635.1 SEQF5847.2 666 Corynebacterium matruchotii latest 1 Forsyth Institute 2,866,540 ATCC 14266 57.08 PRJNA549513 SAMN14365915 GCA_011612265.2 SEQF5848.1 666 Corynebacterium matruchotii latest 1 SC 2,878,842 NCTC10206 57.17 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104167201 GCA_900638255.1 SEQF5849.1 666 Corynebacterium matruchotii latest 36 SC 2,854,659 NCTC10254 57.05 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4504044 GCA_900447555.1 SEQF5850.1 666 Corynebacterium matruchotii latest 50 Signature Science, LLC 2,850,841 ATCC 14265 57.1 PRJNA573690 SAMN12822022 GCA_008868665.1 SEQF1940.1 667 Treponema medium latest 1 Broad Institute 2,727,508 ATCC 700293 44.5 PRJNA169490 SAMN02596986 GCA_000413035.1 SEQF6784.1 667 Treponema medium latest 1 University of Liverpool 2,721,998 ATCC 700293 44.26 PRJNA482935 SAMN09721498 GCA_017161265.1 SEQF6785.1 667 Treponema medium latest 1 University of Liverpool 2,886,632 T19 44.25 PRJNA434540 SAMN08563942 GCA_017161225.1 SEQF1100.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis 1 Microbial Genome Center of ChMPH 2,153,416 053442 51.7 PRJNA16393 SAMN02603605 GCA_000014105.1 SEQF1275.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis 1 Sanger Institute 2,194,961 strain=FAM18 51.62 PRJNA255 SAMEA1705939 Meningitis GCA_000009465.1 SEQF1276.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis 1 TIGR 2,272,360 strain=MC58 51.53 PRJNA251 SAMN02603997 GCA_000008805.1 SEQF1277.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 INSERM 2,277,550 8013 51.43 PRJEA34687 SAMEA2272745 Meningitis GCA_000026965.1 SEQF1283.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis 1 Sanger Institute 2,184,406 strain=Z2491 51.81 PRJNA252 SAMEA1705949 GCA_000009105.1 SEQF1723.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis 1 Bielefeld University 2,145,295 alpha14 51.95 PRJNA39689 SAMEA3138289 GCA_000083565.1 SEQF1916.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis 27 Baylor College of Medicine 2,262,611 ATCC 13091 54.06 PRJNA50525 SAMN00117532 GCA_000146655.1 SEQF2284.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis 1 Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology, Wuerzburg University, Germany 2,242,947 alpha710 51.69 PRJNA36319 SAMN02603384 GCA_000152165.1 SEQF2285.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine 2,184,862 G2136 51.68 PRJNA61085 SAMN02604201 GCA_000191425.1 SEQF2286.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine 2,240,883 strain=H44/76 51.45 PRJNA61079 SAMN02604200 GCA_000191445.1 SEQF2287.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine 2,248,966 strain=NZ-05/33 51.33 PRJNA61065 SAMN02604197 GCA_000191525.1 SEQF2288.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis 1 Bielefeld Univeristy - Center for Biotechnology (CeBiTec) 2,227,255 WUE 2594 51.84 PRJEA61527 SAMEA2272690 GCA_000253215.1 SEQF2329.2 669 Neisseria meningitidis 166 University of Maryland School of Medicine 2,227,211 strain=961-5945 51.67 PRJNA61083 SAMN02470732 GCA_000191325.2 SEQF7811.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Orebro University Hospital 2,157,444 11-7 51.77 PRJNA386981 SAMN07137410 GCA_008330805.1 SEQF7812.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 SC 2,186,098 NCTC10025 51.88 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104307683 GCA_900638555.1 SEQF7813.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 2,181,327 PartJ-Nmeningitidis-RM8376 51.89 PRJNA605254 SAMN14078801 GCA_022869645.1 SEQF7814.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Orebro University Hospital 2,179,010 15-236 51.71 PRJNA476247 SAMN09429010 GCA_015679795.1 SEQF7815.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,168,191 M25476 51.73 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883451 GCA_001697945.1 SEQF7816.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Orebro University Hospital 2,168,615 12-176 51.67 PRJNA386981 SAMN07137412 GCA_008330765.1 SEQF7817.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Griffith University 2,324,822 M0579 51.37 PRJNA235933 SAMN02595591 GCA_001029835.1 SEQF7818.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 University of Pittsburgh 2,199,215 NM3683 51.64 PRJNA260444 SAMN03022885 GCA_000800355.1 SEQF7819.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,174,042 M25462 51.73 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883441 GCA_001697745.1 SEQF7820.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Orebro University Hospital 2,167,920 06-178 51.69 PRJNA386981 SAMN07137408 GCA_008330845.1 SEQF7821.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Orebro University Hospital 2,179,401 16-579 51.7 PRJNA476247 SAMN09429014 GCA_015679665.1 SEQF7822.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,223,855 M18755 51.42 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704671 GCA_003355375.1 SEQF7823.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,173,879 M12752 51.73 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883372 GCA_001697325.1 SEQF7824.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese CDC 2,191,116 331401 51.86 PRJNA294349 SAMN04023208 GCA_001750825.1 SEQF7825.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Orebro University Hospital 2,170,095 13-600 51.68 PRJNA386981 SAMN07137415 GCA_008330925.1 SEQF7826.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,239,545 M22425 51.47 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704694 GCA_003355395.1 SEQF7827.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,155,494 M22191 51.82 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883375 GCA_001698105.1 SEQF7828.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 JLU 2,206,847 WUE2121 51.82 PRJNA291332 SAMN03944751 GCA_001697205.1 SEQF7829.2 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,181,232 FDAARGOS_209 51.89 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875546 GCA_002073575.2 SEQF7830.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Institute of Pathogen Biology, CAMS 2,188,020 510612 51.83 PRJNA239655 SAMN02709031 GCA_000626595.1 SEQF7831.2 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,305,805 FDAARGOS_211 51.43 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875548 GCA_002073555.2 SEQF7832.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,173,607 M22772 51.73 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883385 GCA_001697525.1 SEQF7833.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Orebro University Hospital 2,165,984 95-134 51.71 PRJNA386981 SAMN07137406 GCA_008330885.1 SEQF7834.2 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,305,818 FDAARGOS_215 51.43 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875552 GCA_002073275.2 SEQF7835.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,174,791 M22804 51.65 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883390 GCA_001697625.1 SEQF7836.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,188,300 M21717 51.67 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704687 GCA_003355255.1 SEQF7837.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,185,698 M22811 51.62 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883392 GCA_001697505.1 SEQF7838.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Griffith University 2,187,672 B6116/77 51.66 PRJNA235933 SAMN02595590 GCA_001029815.1 SEQF7839.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,181,976 M25964 51.7 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704705 GCA_003355235.1 SEQF7840.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,280,611 M18727 51.29 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704670 GCA_003355435.1 SEQF7841.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,169,790 M07161 51.75 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883364 GCA_001697925.1 SEQF7842.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Orebro University Hospital 2,179,025 15-198 51.71 PRJNA476247 SAMN09429008 GCA_015679845.1 SEQF7843.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,172,899 M22740 51.73 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883378 GCA_001698005.1 SEQF7844.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,190,201 M22814 51.81 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704698 GCA_003355295.1 SEQF7845.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,162,199 M08001 51.78 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883369 GCA_001697465.1 SEQF7846.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,195,573 COL-201504-11 51.65 PRJNA319252 SAMN05560575 GCA_002075815.1 SEQF7847.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,182,171 M22809 51.63 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883391 GCA_001697365.1 SEQF7848.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,173,408 M22718 51.73 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883376 GCA_001697305.1 SEQF7849.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 University of Liverpool 2,206,600 S4 51.6 PRJNA739446 SAMN19789151 GCA_019048825.1 SEQF7850.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,177,343 M22160 51.73 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883373 GCA_001697905.1 SEQF7851.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,175,832 M24705 51.66 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883402 GCA_001698085.1 SEQF7852.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,162,376 M08000 51.77 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883368 GCA_001698065.1 SEQF7853.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,161,510 M09293 51.78 PRJNA319252 SAMN04883371 GCA_001697385.1 SEQF7854.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,207,023 M21374 51.58 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704682 GCA_003355335.1 SEQF7855.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Microbiological Diagnostic Unit 2,166,248 AUSMDU00005726 51.76 PRJNA556438 SAMN13191641 GCA_009664675.1 SEQF7856.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Microbiological Diagnostic Unit 2,185,677 AUSMDU00010537 51.66 PRJNA556438 SAMN13191640 GCA_009664695.1 SEQF7857.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 Orebro University Hospital 2,171,562 12-208 51.72 PRJNA476247 SAMN09429003 GCA_015679905.1 SEQF7858.1 669 Neisseria meningitidis latest 1 University of Pittsburgh 2,195,266 NM3686 51.65 PRJNA260345 SAMN03020302 GCA_000800235.1 SEQF2739.1 671 Schaalia meyeri latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,049,088 W712 65.51 PRJNA282954 SAMN03704036 GCA_001262055.1 SEQF9509.1 671 Schaalia meyeri latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,033,037 FDAARGOS_985 65.57 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357154 GCA_016127995.1 SEQF9510.1 671 Schaalia meyeri latest 15 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,026,407 DSM 20733 65.58 PRJEB16398 SAMN04489715 GCA_900105015.1 SEQF3052.1 673 Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-6] [Eubacterium]_minutum latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 1,906,764 ATCC 700079 46.78 PRJNA282954 SAMN03897724 GCA_003433295.1 SEQF2483.1 674 Atopobium minutum latest 2 Broad Institute 1,706,966 10063974 48.96 PRJNA64799 SAMN02596754 GCA_000364325.1 SEQF9087.1 674 Atopobium minutum latest 46 Shanghai Majorbio 1,719,821 DSM 20586 48.69 PRJNA222257 SAMN02797803 GCA_001437015.1 SEQF9088.1 674 Atopobium minutum latest 3 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 1,779,562 DSM 20586 48.69 PRJEB16473 SAMN04489746 GCA_900105895.1 SEQF1289.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 2 Sanger Institute 4,099,895 HI4320 38.88 PRJNA12624 SAMEA1705945 GCA_000069965.1 SEQF1802.1 676 Proteus mirabilis 54 BCM 4,027,100 strain=ATCC 29906 39.4 PRJNA31523 SAMN00001486 GCA_000160755.1 SEQF2393.1 676 Proteus mirabilis 2 Broad Institute 3,960,485 WGLW4 39.37 PRJNA169467 SAMN02463960 GCA_000297835.1 SEQF2394.1 676 Proteus mirabilis 8 Broad Institute 4,101,891 WGLW6 39.82 PRJNA169468 SAMN02463961 GCA_000297815.1 SEQF2572.1 676 Proteus mirabilis 1 Harvard University 3,846,754 strain=BB2000 38.59 PRJNA183065 SAMN02603303 GCA_000444425.1 SEQF8666.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 2 South China Agricultural University 4,086,189 JPM24 38.95 PRJNA634613 SAMN15002270 GCA_013255765.1 SEQF8667.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Faculte de Medecine, Universite Paris-Sud 4,090,308 VAC 39.01 PRJNA521327 SAMN12566310 GCA_008041895.1 SEQF8668.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Jan Kochanowski University 3,957,207 S1959 38.63 PRJNA506729 SAMN12734738 GCA_008630655.1 SEQF8669.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 University of Siena 4,272,433 AOUC-001 39.42 PRJNA318385 SAMN04849770 GCA_001640985.1 SEQF8670.2 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 3 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 4,044,233 FDAARGOS_80 38.85 PRJNA231221 SAMN02934535 GCA_000783595.2 SEQF8671.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 The University of Hong Kong 3,936,031 STIN_74 38.92 PRJNA603241 SAMN13925540 GCA_022353845.1 SEQF8672.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Sichuan University 4,115,975 STP3 39.16 PRJNA623736 SAMN14558572 GCA_012516515.1 SEQF8673.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 University Hospital Reina Sofia, Cordoba, Spain 4,278,183 HURS-181823 39.12 PRJNA825519 SAMN27518677 GCA_023242175.1 SEQF8674.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 2 Southwest Medical University 4,312,705 FZP3105 39.67 PRJNA843513 SAMN28745244 GCA_023702535.1 SEQF8675.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Jan Kochanowski University 4,017,079 K817 38.73 PRJNA506729 SAMN12770272 GCA_008705195.1 SEQF8676.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 4,055,574 MPE0734 38.85 PRJNA633229 SAMN14938213 GCA_013357405.1 SEQF8677.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 4,029,664 S74-1(++)-2 39.04 PRJNA631894 SAMN14896267 GCA_013357445.1 SEQF8678.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,191,021 AR_0059 38.94 PRJNA292904 SAMN04014900 GCA_002055685.1 SEQF8679.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 3 USP 4,087,423 PmBR607 39.03 PRJNA576511 SAMN12995602 GCA_011149675.1 SEQF8680.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Sichuan University 4,021,165 BC11-24 38.83 PRJNA432494 SAMN08450188 GCA_002944495.1 SEQF8681.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 2 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4,158,835 1035 39.12 PRJNA719276 SAMN18593959 GCA_017901195.1 SEQF8682.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 National University Hospital 4,105,149 ENT1157 38.98 PRJNA540912 SAMN11567705 GCA_009684665.1 SEQF8683.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Center for Disease Prevention and Control of PLA 3,919,144 PmBJ012-2 38.8 PRJNA678945 SAMN16816126 GCA_015693965.1 SEQF8684.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 3 Charles University in Prague 4,296,295 PM52260 39.52 PRJNA700516 SAMN16933295 GCA_016939715.1 SEQF8685.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,216,982 AR_0159 39.46 PRJNA292902 SAMN04015000 GCA_002180115.1 SEQF8686.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 2 Sichuan University 4,180,427 SNYG35 39.24 PRJNA600292 SAMN13812099 GCA_018336495.1 SEQF8687.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Jilin Agricultural University 4,031,742 CC15031 38.99 PRJNA596082 SAMN14074148 GCA_010692865.1 SEQF8688.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 3 Universidad El Bosque 4,189,249 6Pmi283 39.25 PRJNA736086 SAMN19608370 GCA_019192645.1 SEQF8689.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Northwest Minzu University 4,013,382 Yak 2019 39.05 PRJNA670828 SAMN16521237 GCA_015169015.1 SEQF8690.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 2 Jinan University 4,241,081 PM1162 38.93 PRJNA787444 SAMN23803107 GCA_021228935.1 SEQF8691.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 3,814,885 N639-2X 38.65 PRJNA722609 SAMN18781106 GCA_018138985.1 SEQF8692.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 3,970,133 S74-3-2 38.88 PRJNA722608 SAMN18781105 GCA_018139105.1 SEQF8693.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Sichuan University 4,183,869 C74 39.11 PRJNA574564 SAMN12859943 GCA_016772355.1 SEQF8694.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Consortium of Clinical Bacterial Genomics 3,793,000 CYPM1 38.78 PRJNA292344 SAMN03968924 GCA_001281545.1 SEQF8695.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology 4,012,640 GN2 38.73 PRJNA432858 SAMN08463802 GCA_002945235.1 SEQF8696.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,440,469 AR_0156 39.43 PRJNA292902 SAMN04014997 GCA_002197405.1 SEQF8697.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 3,952,956 S62-3-2-2 38.95 PRJNA722612 SAMN18781108 GCA_018139005.1 SEQF8698.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 4,120,711 MPE0027 39.15 PRJNA632465 SAMN14910118 GCA_013357505.1 SEQF8699.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 4,104,163 MPE5139 39.05 PRJNA633016 SAMN14930506 GCA_013357545.1 SEQF8700.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Sichuan University 4,038,038 ChSC1905 39.03 PRJNA601609 SAMN13870809 GCA_014931585.1 SEQF8701.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 3 Yangzhou University 4,108,293 ZA25 39.44 PRJNA599042 SAMN13738061 GCA_011045855.1 SEQF8702.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 2 Zhejiang Provincial Peoples Hospital 4,204,856 CRPM10 38.95 PRJNA562190 SAMN12636071 GCA_008195605.1 SEQF8703.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 3,970,204 MPE0156 38.88 PRJNA632462 SAMN14909848 GCA_013357485.1 SEQF8704.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 4,055,965 MPE4069 39.0 PRJNA632650 SAMN14916645 GCA_013357525.1 SEQF8705.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 City University of Hong Kong 4,001,374 T1010 39.03 PRJNA674484 SAMN27177301 GCA_023093855.1 SEQF8706.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 University Hospital Reina Sofia, Cordoba, Spain 4,278,169 HURS-186083 39.12 PRJNA825519 SAMN27518675 GCA_023242195.1 SEQF8707.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Southwest Medical University 4,026,988 FZP2826 38.99 PRJNA843520 SAMN28745298 GCA_023702555.1 SEQF8708.2 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 4,105,573 FDAARGOS_60 38.91 PRJNA231221 SAMN02934509 GCA_000784015.2 SEQF8709.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 3,924,008 N292 38.71 PRJNA722615 SAMN18781111 GCA_018138945.1 SEQF8710.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 microbial pathogenic ecology group 3,970,238 M3-1-17 38.88 PRJNA632453 SAMN14909661 GCA_013357465.1 SEQF8711.2 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Zhejiang University 4,113,628 XH1653 39.17 PRJNA679136 SAMN16824307 GCA_018972025.2 SEQF8712.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Center for Disease Prevention and Control of PLA 3,912,751 PmBJ024-1 38.77 PRJNA678945 SAMN16816180 GCA_015693985.1 SEQF8713.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Sichuan University 4,216,749 C55 39.21 PRJNA574562 SAMN12859940 GCA_016772335.1 SEQF8714.1 676 Proteus mirabilis latest 1 Consortium of Clinical Bacterial Genomics 3,794,983 CYPV1 38.78 PRJNA292343 SAMN03968923 GCA_001281565.1 SEQF1067.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 1 Department of Microbiology, University of Kaiserslautern 2,146,611 B6 39.98 PRJNA16302 SAMEA3138244 GCA_000027165.1 SEQF2001.2 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 40 University of Maryland Institute for Genome Sciences 1,873,702 SK321 40.05 PRJNA33353 SAMN00001433 GCA_000148505.2 SEQF2002.2 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 35 University of Maryland Institute for Genome Sciences 2,026,898 SK564 39.73 PRJNA33355 SAMN00001434 GCA_000148525.2 SEQF2003.2 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 108 University of Maryland Institute for Genome Sciences 2,029,198 SK597 39.54 PRJNA33357 SAMN00001435 GCA_000148545.2 SEQF2217.2 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 54 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,114,708 SK1073 39.97 PRJNA66111 SAMN00621702 GCA_000220045.2 SEQF2218.2 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 34 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,943,752 SK1080 40.33 PRJNA66113 SAMN00621705 GCA_000220085.2 SEQF2219.2 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 54 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,975,266 SK569 40.22 PRJNA67187 SAMN00621701 GCA_000222785.2 SEQF2337.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 90 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,018,798 SK575 39.75 PRJNA75135 SAMN00761799 GCA_000257865.1 SEQF2338.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 82 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,979,452 SK579 39.95 PRJNA75157 SAMN00761835 GCA_000257905.1 SEQF2339.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 126 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,986,919 SK616 39.76 PRJNA75129 SAMN00761793 GCA_000257805.1 SEQF3169.3 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 1 TIGR 1,868,883 NCTC 12261 40.45 PRJNA173 SAMN02435817 GCA_000148585.3 SEQF3553.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 69 Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russia 1,875,248 11/5 40.3 PRJNA176680 SAMN02470837 GCA_000385815.1 SEQF3554.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 153 Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russia 2,058,881 13/39 39.65 PRJNA176681 SAMN02470854 GCA_000385835.1 SEQF3555.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 51 Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russia 1,873,245 17/34 40.24 PRJNA206048 SAMN02470848 GCA_000430305.1 SEQF3556.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 86 Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russia 1,923,089 18/56 40.18 PRJNA206049 SAMN02470843 GCA_000430345.1 SEQF3557.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 43 Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russia 1,943,773 29/42 40.17 PRJNA206050 SAMN02470852 GCA_000430365.1 SEQF3558.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 48 Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russia 1,986,223 21/39 39.91 PRJNA225878 SAMN02470846 GCA_000506725.1 SEQF3559.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 54 Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russia 1,923,145 27/7 40.31 PRJNA225879 SAMN02470839 GCA_000506765.1 SEQF3560.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 15 Aarhus University 2,136,987 SK667 39.88 PRJNA242573 SAMN02836937 GCA_000722685.1 SEQF3561.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 27 Aarhus University 2,213,700 SK629 39.42 PRJNA242570 SAMN02836936 GCA_000722695.1 SEQF3562.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 11 Aarhus University 1,989,639 SK642 39.79 PRJNA242572 SAMN02836938 GCA_000722705.1 SEQF3563.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 16 Aarhus University 2,080,791 SK578 39.95 PRJNA242567 SAMN02836940 GCA_000722755.1 SEQF3564.2 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 1 Aarhus University 1,942,107 SK637 40.28 PRJNA242571 SAMN02836939 GCA_000722765.2 SEQF3565.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 15 Aarhus University 2,127,862 SK608 39.97 PRJNA242555 SAMN02836941 GCA_000722775.1 SEQF3566.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 9 Aarhus University 1,932,472 SK1126 40.37 PRJNA242574 SAMN02836935 GCA_000722815.1 SEQF3567.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 7 University at Buffalo 1,984,405 SK137 40.21 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334900 GCA_000960025.1 SEQF3568.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 14 Aarhus University 1,944,576 SK271 40.3 PRJNA242568 SAMN02698681 GCA_000724165.1 SEQF3569.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 3 University at Buffalo 1,915,198 OT25 40.12 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334899 GCA_000960005.1 SEQF3571.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 8 University at Buffalo 1,973,165 SK145 40.0 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334902 GCA_000960065.1 SEQF3572.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 79 University of Washington 1,888,158 1042_SPSE 40.26 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197008 GCA_001070035.1 SEQF3573.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 178 University of Washington 2,025,600 1111_SMIT 39.98 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197065 GCA_001070205.1 SEQF3574.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 83 University of Washington 2,000,889 1217_SPSE 40.04 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197181 GCA_001070375.1 SEQF3575.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 38 University of Washington 1,868,664 168_SPSE 40.66 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197359 GCA_001070705.1 SEQF3576.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 39 University of Washington 1,933,623 38_SPSE 40.35 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197571 GCA_001070985.1 SEQF3577.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 250 University of Washington 2,084,604 850_SMIT 39.66 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198060 GCA_001074635.1 SEQF3578.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 1 Chosun University 1,906,344 KCOM 1350 ( 40.21 PRJNA270122 SAMN03263069 GCA_001281025.1 SEQF3579.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 55 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,902,827 CMW7705B 40.16 PRJNA272120 SAMN03956209 GCA_001546795.1 SEQF3580.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 1 MD Anderson 2,167,922 SVGS_061 39.97 PRJNA311086 SAMN04461788 GCA_001560895.1 SEQF3581.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 85 University of Kaiserslautern 2,122,552 DD26 42.74 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325055 GCA_001579035.1 SEQF3582.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 24 University of Kaiserslautern 2,169,250 DD28 40.47 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325060 GCA_001579045.1 SEQF3583.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 170 University of Kaiserslautern 2,246,399 DD22 42.49 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325048 GCA_001579665.1 SEQF3584.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 154 University of Kaiserslautern 2,015,269 M3-1 39.96 PRJNA308844 SAMN04432975 GCA_001588595.1 SEQF3585.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 61 University of Kaiserslautern 1,999,166 M3-4 40.06 PRJNA308844 SAMN04432976 GCA_001588605.1 SEQF3586.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 44 University of Kaiserslautern 1,840,663 10712 40.32 PRJNA308845 SAMN04432941 GCA_001588625.1 SEQF3587.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 51 None 1,992,136 0123W_40_11 39.83 PRJNA327106 SAMN05509312 GCA_001914195.1 SEQF3588.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 6 Xinqiao Hospital of Third military medical university 2,110,680 321A 40.44 PRJNA268403 SAMN03219950 GCA_002005545.1 SEQF3589.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 14 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,847,883 CCUG 31611 40.38 PRJNA302716 SAMN06286552 GCA_002014755.1 SEQF3590.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 9 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,039,754 CCUG 63687 39.9 PRJNA302716 SAMN06286559 GCA_002014795.1 SEQF3591.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 26 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,989,191 CCUG 61082 39.93 PRJNA302716 SAMN06302341 GCA_002014875.1 SEQF3592.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 17 Slagelse Hospital 1,888,936 RH_8961_10 40.19 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705606 GCA_002096735.1 SEQF3593.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 26 Slagelse Hospital 2,057,130 RH_50275_09 39.85 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705603 GCA_002096755.1 SEQF3594.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 51 Slagelse Hospital 2,107,278 RH_777_07 39.81 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705605 GCA_002096765.1 SEQF3595.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 29 Slagelse Hospital 1,974,146 RH_50738_11 39.79 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705604 GCA_002096775.1 SEQF3596.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 21 Slagelse Hospital 1,984,277 RH_12363_08 40.22 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705599 GCA_002096815.1 SEQF3597.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 23 Slagelse Hospital 1,849,671 RH_43861_09 40.15 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705602 GCA_002096835.1 SEQF3598.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 60 Slagelse Hospital 2,063,983 OD_317805_11 39.79 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705598 GCA_002096845.1 SEQF3599.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 33 Slagelse Hospital 1,908,049 RH_17439_08 40.28 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705601 GCA_002096855.1 SEQF3600.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 20 Slagelse Hospital 1,819,806 RH_17024_08 40.39 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705600 GCA_002096895.1 SEQF3601.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 57 Slagelse Hospital 2,008,414 OD_310347_11 40.08 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705597 GCA_002096915.1 SEQF3602.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 85 Slagelse Hospital 2,038,108 B_009152_10 39.71 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705595 GCA_002096925.1 SEQF3603.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 27 Slagelse Hospital 1,896,604 B_5756_13 40.26 PRJNA304678 SAMN06705596 GCA_002096935.1 SEQF3604.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 25 Loyola University Chicago 1,964,794 UMB0079 40.0 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193729 GCA_002860825.1 SEQF3605.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 26 Loyola University Chicago 2,081,765 UMB1341 39.97 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193728 GCA_002860865.1 SEQF3606.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 44 Clemson University 2,238,870 BCC15 39.55 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631757 GCA_003942575.1 SEQF3607.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 53 Clemson University 1,999,487 BCA16 40.77 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631748 GCA_003942665.1 SEQF3608.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 58 Clemson University 2,082,315 BCA12 39.88 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631747 GCA_003942685.1 SEQF3609.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 38 Clemson University 1,958,291 strain=KLC11 41.13 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631744 GCA_003942695.1 SEQF3610.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 62 Clemson University 2,005,267 strain=KLC07 40.94 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631743 GCA_003942715.1 SEQF3611.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 31 Clemson University 2,046,314 KLC01 39.96 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631741 GCA_003942765.1 SEQF3612.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 34 Clemson University 2,064,589 BCC65 39.86 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631740 GCA_003942775.1 SEQF3613.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 64 Clemson University 2,020,862 strain=BCC60 40.64 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631739 GCA_003942795.1 SEQF3614.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 37 Clemson University 2,005,002 BCC55 39.82 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631737 GCA_003942865.1 SEQF3615.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 43 Clemson University 1,857,898 BCC44 40.3 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631733 GCA_003942885.1 SEQF3616.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 51 Clemson University 1,896,964 BCC40 41.15 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631732 GCA_003942915.1 SEQF3617.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 50 Clemson University 1,920,734 BCC36 41.27 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631731 GCA_003942945.1 SEQF3618.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 96 Clemson University 1,868,924 BCC07 40.04 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631729 GCA_003942965.1 SEQF3619.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 54 Clemson University 2,071,912 BCC06 39.68 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631728 GCA_003942995.1 SEQF3620.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 25 Clemson University 1,975,714 BCC30 39.98 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631681 GCA_003943555.1 SEQF3621.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 52 Clemson University 2,013,870 BCC22 39.94 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631680 GCA_003943575.1 SEQF3622.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 48 Clemson University 2,072,613 BCC08 39.9 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631678 GCA_003943605.1 SEQF3623.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 18 Clemson University 1,943,341 BCA11 41.03 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631746 GCA_003943905.1 SEQF3624.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 45 Clemson University 2,065,414 KLC12 39.85 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631745 GCA_003943915.1 SEQF3625.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 59 Clemson University 1,996,351 BCC45 40.11 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631734 GCA_003943935.1 SEQF3626.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 32 Clemson University 1,953,246 strain=BCC33 40.99 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631730 GCA_003943955.1 SEQF3627.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 66 Clemson University 2,028,967 BCC49 39.88 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631735 GCA_003943965.1 SEQF3628.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 123 Clemson University 2,247,624 BCC17 39.43 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631679 GCA_003944325.1 SEQF3629.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 54 maclea_lab 1,978,546 ColumbLawn 39.9 PRJNA534484 SAMN11491145 GCA_005144795.1 SEQF3630.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 117 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,170,860 1001175st1_H6 39.57 PRJNA518912 SAMN10863253 GCA_005844455.1 SEQF3631.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 40 BGI 2,167,837 DE0498 40.08 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792658 GCA_008763935.1 SEQF3632.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 127 Loyola University Chicago 2,015,562 SM39 39.66 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105965 GCA_009495695.1 SEQF3633.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 55 Loyola University Chicago 2,000,635 SM20 39.98 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105960 GCA_009495705.1 SEQF3634.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 25 Loyola University Chicago 2,002,001 SM45 39.98 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105966 GCA_009495735.1 SEQF3635.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 25 Loyola University Chicago 2,007,565 SM35 39.97 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105989 GCA_009495895.1 SEQF3636.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 46 Loyola University Chicago 2,095,125 SM12 39.89 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105959 GCA_009495945.1 SEQF3637.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 31 Loyola University Chicago 2,006,587 SM47 39.96 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105983 GCA_009495955.1 SEQF3638.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 30 Loyola University Chicago 2,007,541 SM28 39.96 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105977 GCA_009496035.1 SEQF3639.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 28 Loyola University Chicago 2,007,955 SM30 39.97 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105963 GCA_009496045.1 SEQF3640.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 24 Loyola University Chicago 2,005,875 SM29 39.95 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105978 GCA_009496065.1 SEQF3641.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 28 Loyola University Chicago 2,007,012 SM46 39.97 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105982 GCA_009496075.1 SEQF3642.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 120 Loyola University Chicago 2,152,221 SM13 39.92 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105973 GCA_009496085.1 SEQF3643.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 55 Loyola University Chicago 2,093,429 SM33 39.89 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105964 GCA_009496135.1 SEQF3644.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 49 Loyola University Chicago 2,168,718 SM10 39.59 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105971 GCA_009496155.1 SEQF3645.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 18 Loyola University Chicago 1,996,012 SM08 39.96 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105970 GCA_009496165.1 SEQF3646.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 124 Loyola University Chicago 2,015,048 SM40 39.67 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105980 GCA_009496185.1 SEQF3647.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 113 Loyola University Chicago 2,014,392 SM11 39.68 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105972 GCA_009496205.1 SEQF3648.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 27 Loyola University Chicago 2,032,459 SM41 39.75 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105981 GCA_009496235.1 SEQF3649.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 46 Loyola University Chicago 2,091,923 SM34 39.9 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105979 GCA_009496255.1 SEQF3650.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 45 Loyola University Chicago 2,094,194 SM48 39.89 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105967 GCA_009496275.1 SEQF3651.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 67 Loyola University Chicago 2,017,910 SM16 39.55 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105976 GCA_009496285.1 SEQF3652.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 21 Loyola University Chicago 2,016,502 SM15 39.89 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105975 GCA_009496295.1 SEQF3653.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 27 Loyola University Chicago 2,002,890 SM07 40.0 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105957 GCA_009496335.1 SEQF3654.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 27 Loyola University Chicago 2,001,505 SM27 39.98 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105962 GCA_009496355.1 SEQF3655.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 15 Loyola University Chicago 1,973,655 SM09 39.75 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105958 GCA_009496375.1 SEQF3656.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 27 Loyola University Chicago 2,060,956 SM26 39.87 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105961 GCA_009496385.1 SEQF3657.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 23 Loyola University Chicago 2,001,354 SM05 39.97 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105956 GCA_009496395.1 SEQF3658.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 21 Loyola University Chicago 2,000,773 SM04 39.97 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105968 GCA_009496435.1 SEQF3659.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 58 Loyola University Chicago 2,094,407 SM14 39.89 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105974 GCA_009496445.1 SEQF3660.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 27 Loyola University Chicago 2,002,705 SM06 39.98 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105969 GCA_009496505.1 SEQF3661.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 23 Loyola University Chicago 2,000,125 SM44 39.98 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105994 GCA_009496725.1 SEQF3662.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 26 Loyola University Chicago 2,000,668 SM43 39.98 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105993 GCA_009496735.1 SEQF3663.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 33 Loyola University Chicago 2,007,726 SM42 39.97 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105992 GCA_009496755.1 SEQF3664.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 29 Loyola University Chicago 2,006,041 SM37 39.97 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105991 GCA_009496795.1 SEQF3665.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 27 Loyola University Chicago 2,006,191 SM19 39.96 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105988 GCA_009496805.1 SEQF3666.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 25 Loyola University Chicago 2,005,820 SM36 39.96 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105990 GCA_009496815.1 SEQF3667.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 450 Loyola University Chicago 1,869,157 SM17 40.46 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105986 GCA_009496825.1 SEQF3668.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 30 Loyola University Chicago 2,000,922 SM18 39.98 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105987 GCA_009496835.1 SEQF3669.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 30 Loyola University Chicago 1,996,076 SM49 39.96 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105984 GCA_009496895.1 SEQF3670.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 18 Loyola University Chicago 1,894,166 SM50 40.1 PRJNA316969 SAMN13105985 GCA_009496905.1 SEQF3671.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,868,857 FDAARGOS_684 40.45 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056399 GCA_009730515.1 SEQF3672.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 1 Universita di Siena 2,086,958 S022-V3-A4 39.75 PRJNA208927 SAMN11382546 GCA_013305725.1 SEQF3673.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 1 Department of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, Tokushima University 2,085,837 Nm-65 40.05 PRJDB10372 SAMD00239187 GCA_014467095.1 SEQF3674.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 3 SC 1,879,851 NCTC12261 40.49 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3597588 GCA_900459425.1 SEQF3675.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 4 SC 2,155,387 NCTC11189 39.93 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3594356 GCA_901542415.1 SEQF3676.1 677 Streptococcus mitis 11 SC 1,709,483 4928STDY7071560 38.93 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567666 GCA_902159415.1 SEQF6235.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 1 Department of Oral Microbiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Matsumoto Dental University 1,943,757 116-D4 40.24 PRJDB8589 SAMD00180331 GCA_009731465.1 SEQF6236.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,868,859 FDAARGOS 1456 40.45 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357598 GCA_019047825.1 SEQF6237.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 1 University of Siena 2,033,396 S022-V7-A3 40.24 PRJNA690734 SAMN17258151 GCA_016658865.1 SEQF6238.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 48 National Medicines Institute 2,245,160 4886 39.83 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665911 GCA_013276485.1 SEQF6239.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 57 National Medicines Institute 1,943,039 k-90 40.12 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665858 GCA_013277565.1 SEQF6240.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 31 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,860,312 SK643 39.04 PRJNA75171 SAMN00761857 GCA_000259505.1 SEQF6241.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 47 National Medicines Institute 2,039,600 959 39.77 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665883 GCA_013277075.1 SEQF6242.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 25 National Medicines Institute 2,097,898 68 40.07 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665865 GCA_013277415.1 SEQF6243.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 23 National Medicines Institute 1,986,227 2342 40.07 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665897 GCA_013276795.1 SEQF6244.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 154 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON 1,944,804 Streptococcus mitis 40.09 PRJEB42564 SAMEA7845140 GCA_905187495.1 SEQF6245.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 44 National Medicines Institute 2,104,009 428 40.0 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665893 GCA_013276875.1 SEQF6246.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 9 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,871,204 O4-1 40.38 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876537 GCA_023110415.1 SEQF6247.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 32 Broad Institute 2,207,013 M334 39.46 PRJNA38757 SAMN02463756 GCA_000187745.1 SEQF6248.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 108 National Medicines Institute 2,193,402 202 39.83 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665874 GCA_013277205.1 SEQF6249.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 132 University of Mississippi Medical Center 1,941,891 E647 39.97 PRJNA748383 SAMN20327602 GCA_019336965.1 SEQF6250.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 630 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,259,404 11-4097 39.93 PRJNA721732 SAMN18737296 GCA_018215285.1 SEQF6251.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 30 National Medicines Institute 2,080,860 k-402 39.91 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665861 GCA_013277515.1 SEQF6252.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 9 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,871,377 O4-2 40.38 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876538 GCA_023110445.1 SEQF6253.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 21 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,988,240 S25 39.9 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876569 GCA_023109755.1 SEQF6254.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 26 Shenyang Medical College 2,021,360 D2 39.94 PRJNA548652 SAMN12045516 GCA_006385825.1 SEQF6255.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 75 Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 2,027,143 IMAU 99674 40.12 PRJNA751407 SAMN20518879 GCA_019448285.1 SEQF6256.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 45 National Medicines Institute 2,102,583 k-432 39.9 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665862 GCA_013277495.1 SEQF6257.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 17 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,849,168 SK142 40.37 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399930 GCA_019929505.1 SEQF6258.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 24 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,845,105 S53 40.43 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876596 GCA_023109235.1 SEQF6259.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 117 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,170,860 1001175B_160314_H6 39.57 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532968 GCA_015556575.1 SEQF6260.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 30 University Hospital Dresden 1,858,685 SM11 40.44 PRJNA782624 SAMN24466632 GCA_021893145.1 SEQF6261.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 76 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON 2,004,166 Streptococcus mitis 39.71 PRJEB42564 SAMEA7845137 GCA_905187535.1 SEQF6262.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 34 National Medicines Institute 1,936,640 k-163 40.1 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665859 GCA_013277555.1 SEQF6263.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 75 Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 2,027,143 IMAU 99125 40.12 PRJNA744280 SAMN20086817 GCA_019448275.1 SEQF6264.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 92 National Medicines Institute 2,208,600 4094 39.85 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665880 GCA_013277125.1 SEQF6265.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 36 National Medicines Institute 1,989,154 3473 40.1 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665887 GCA_013276995.1 SEQF6266.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 32 National Medicines Institute 2,110,954 2785 40.01 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665898 GCA_013276775.1 SEQF6267.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 36 University of Chicago 1,909,534 DFI.2.96 40.22 PRJNA792599 SAMN24725988 GCA_022137125.1 SEQF6268.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 65 National Medicines Institute 2,206,907 563 39.8 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665875 GCA_013277235.1 SEQF6269.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 14 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,983,600 O2-1 40.01 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876532 GCA_023110515.1 SEQF6270.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 12 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,987,690 S39 40.09 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876583 GCA_023109515.1 SEQF6271.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 48 National Medicines Institute 1,990,771 3705 40.06 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665879 GCA_013277145.1 SEQF6272.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 109 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,930,048 SY88 40.09 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399932 GCA_019929485.1 SEQF6273.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 66 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,952,431 CR124 40.2 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399929 GCA_019929615.1 SEQF6274.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 126 National Medicines Institute 2,146,880 k-628 39.9 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665863 GCA_013277475.1 SEQF6275.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 56 National Medicines Institute 2,103,462 53 40.0 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665908 GCA_013276565.1 SEQF6276.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 362 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,037,084 14-4881 40.31 PRJNA732646 SAMN19328792 GCA_018603945.1 SEQF6277.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 103 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,920,506 SY89 40.08 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399933 GCA_019929445.1 SEQF6278.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 47 Ming Chuan University 1,963,039 DM3B3 40.18 PRJNA741551 SAMN19878276 GCA_019218685.1 SEQF6279.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 28 National Medicines Institute 2,029,262 5346 39.8 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665864 GCA_013277455.1 SEQF6280.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 34 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,925,886 S04 40.11 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876548 GCA_023110215.1 SEQF6281.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 43 University of Chicago 1,874,563 DFI.1.23 40.21 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167361 GCA_020594155.1 SEQF6282.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 39 National Medicines Institute 2,036,181 5004 40.04 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665899 GCA_013276755.1 SEQF6283.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 65 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,911,981 CR123 40.17 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399928 GCA_019929545.1 SEQF6284.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 27 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,903,742 CCUG 70037 40.17 PRJNA302716 SAMN07645354 GCA_020640935.1 SEQF6285.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 49 University of Mississippi Medical Center 1,947,544 E651 40.12 PRJNA732655 SAMN19330134 GCA_018603625.1 SEQF6286.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 37 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,027,470 O1-2 39.7 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876529 GCA_023110595.1 SEQF6287.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 88 National Medicines Institute 2,111,477 8854 40.0 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665904 GCA_013276645.1 SEQF6288.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 42 National Medicines Institute 2,152,614 544 39.81 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665868 GCA_013277385.1 SEQF6289.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 45 National Medicines Institute 2,118,514 9903 40.0 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665906 GCA_013276625.1 SEQF6290.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 225 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON 1,925,012 Streptococcus mitis 40.25 PRJEB42564 SAMEA7845138 GCA_905187515.1 SEQF6291.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 70 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,967,008 S03 40.01 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876547 GCA_023110245.1 SEQF6292.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 27 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,048,309 S62 39.98 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876603 GCA_023109075.1 SEQF6293.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 37 National Medicines Institute 2,109,602 3109 39.97 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665890 GCA_013276905.1 SEQF6294.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 23 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,013,829 O7-2 40.04 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876543 GCA_023110315.1 SEQF6295.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 21 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,875,576 HMSC073F11 40.56 PRJNA299918 SAMN04477582 GCA_001810785.1 SEQF6296.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 36 National Medicines Institute 2,138,888 1453 40.0 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665889 GCA_013276955.1 SEQF6297.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 50 National Medicines Institute 1,960,436 714 40.0 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665881 GCA_013277115.1 SEQF6298.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 76 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,964,572 SY76 40.19 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399931 GCA_019929525.1 SEQF6299.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 49 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,928,655 CCUG 49591 40.17 PRJNA302716 SAMN04575401 GCA_001650315.1 SEQF6300.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 60 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,017,442 HMSC063B03 40.03 PRJNA296235 SAMN04498613 GCA_001836965.1 SEQF6301.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 68 University of Mississippi Medical Center 1,894,874 E689 40.14 PRJNA735211 SAMN19572279 GCA_018985535.1 SEQF6302.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 29 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,969,298 O7-1 39.99 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876542 GCA_023110375.1 SEQF6303.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 51 inki 2,217,677 596553 40.01 PRJEB26772 SAMEA4665895 GCA_900411395.1 SEQF6304.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 35 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,951,981 S61 39.95 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876602 GCA_023109105.1 SEQF6305.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 54 National Medicines Institute 2,110,972 1449 40.04 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665886 GCA_013277005.1 SEQF6306.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 31 National Medicines Institute 2,093,513 2579 40.01 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665876 GCA_013277195.1 SEQF6307.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 116 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,094,169 HMSC077D04 39.74 PRJNA296308 SAMN04477544 GCA_001808785.1 SEQF6308.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 47 National Medicines Institute 2,107,534 3894 39.98 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665892 GCA_013276885.1 SEQF6309.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 16 Sichuan University 1,935,194 LQJ-218 39.98 PRJNA482524 SAMN09708544 GCA_003428885.1 SEQF6310.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 100 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON 1,926,076 Streptococcus mitis 40.26 PRJEB42564 SAMEA7845139 GCA_905187545.1 SEQF6311.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 93 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,103,277 HMSC070B10 40.11 PRJNA296220 SAMN04477508 GCA_001808665.1 SEQF6312.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 45 National Medicines Institute 2,213,981 1032 39.8 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665885 GCA_013277015.1 SEQF6313.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 40 Aarhus University 1,956,867 SK137 40.13 PRJNA242740 SAMN02836934 GCA_000722835.1 SEQF6314.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 39 National Medicines Institute 2,116,078 3851 39.97 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665891 GCA_013276925.1 SEQF6315.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 41 Loyola University Chicago 2,270,705 UMB0029 39.48 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511435 GCA_002871495.1 SEQF6316.1 677 Streptococcus mitis latest 63 National Medicines Institute 2,108,232 1621 40.07 PRJNA556140 SAMN11665905 GCA_013276615.1 SEQF1683.2 678 Solobacterium moorei latest 33 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,008,072 F0204 36.8 PRJNA43121 SAMN00189155 GCA_000186945.2 SEQF2585.1 678 Solobacterium moorei latest 169 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,335,946 DSM 22971 37.03 PRJNA188328 SAMN02441153 GCA_000425005.1 SEQF9563.1 678 Solobacterium moorei latest 7 EMG 1,989,891 MGYG-HGUT-00173 36.92 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5849675 GCA_902364015.1 SEQF9564.1 678 Solobacterium moorei latest 7 BGI 1,989,891 AF18-46 36.92 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734367 GCA_003459805.1 SEQF1039.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 25 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,255,158 ATCC 25296 59.54 PRJNA31405 SAMN00001919 Pharynx GCA_000175615.1 SEQF1724.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 1 Department of Bacteriology, Osaka Dental University 2,264,603 DY-18 59.62 PRJDA38547 SAMD00060968 GCA_000011025.1 SEQF2197.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 8 Broad Institute 2,313,271 M508 59.46 PRJNA38789 SAMN02463763 GCA_000231235.1 SEQF6639.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 1 osaka dental university 2,292,716 NUM-Rm6536 59.56 PRJDB4139 SAMD00036190 GCA_001548235.1 SEQF6640.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 1 Korea University 2,283,079 LPB0405 59.66 PRJNA744669 SAMN20114750 GCA_019334805.1 SEQF6641.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 2 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,408,770 FDAARGOS_369 59.5 PRJNA231221 SAMN07312413 GCA_002386365.1 SEQF6642.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 1 FISABIO 2,316,433 CECT30005 59.44 PRJNA658327 SAMN15866159 GCA_015240415.1 SEQF6643.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 13 University of Washington 2,323,428 207_RMUC 59.45 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197400 GCA_001063995.1 SEQF6644.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 36 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,269,450 HMSC072B04 59.59 PRJNA300082 SAMN04480359 GCA_001813725.1 SEQF6645.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 38 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,299,565 HMSC062H08 59.65 PRJNA299919 SAMN04477583 GCA_001810775.1 SEQF6646.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 224 University of Washington 2,337,099 328_RMUC 59.53 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197517 GCA_001064575.1 SEQF6647.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 33 University of Washington 2,277,731 1211_RMUC 59.46 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197174 GCA_001060545.1 SEQF6648.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 23 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,312,383 HMSC078H08 59.7 PRJNA296135 SAMN04456733 GCA_001808955.1 SEQF6649.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 19 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,235,828 HMSC072B03 62.04 PRJNA296237 SAMN04477516 GCA_001809565.1 SEQF6650.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 45 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,421,074 HMSC071B01 59.47 PRJNA296134 SAMN04456732 GCA_001808945.1 SEQF6651.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 26 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,321,240 HMSC076D04 59.58 PRJNA300134 SAMN04480404 GCA_001814645.1 SEQF6652.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 14 University of Washington 2,275,643 268_RMUC 59.48 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197461 GCA_001064265.1 SEQF6653.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 42 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,352,774 HMSC065C03 59.59 PRJNA296212 SAMN04498657 GCA_001837295.1 SEQF6654.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 23 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,239,545 HMSC068F09 62.1 PRJNA300028 SAMN04480042 GCA_001812775.1 SEQF6655.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 46 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,272,208 HMSC073B08 59.63 PRJNA300038 SAMN04480051 GCA_001812975.1 SEQF6656.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 17 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,274,293 HMSC065C12 59.61 PRJNA299990 SAMN04477648 GCA_001812085.1 SEQF6657.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 66 University of Washington 2,264,347 902_RMUC 59.63 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198110 GCA_001067855.1 SEQF6658.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 65 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,314,459 HMSC069C04 59.67 PRJNA300033 SAMN04480055 GCA_001812895.1 SEQF6659.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 31 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,269,254 HMSC066G02 59.61 PRJNA300048 SAMN04480060 GCA_001813145.1 SEQF6660.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 42 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,271,942 HMSC062F03 61.85 PRJNA296281 SAMN04498642 GCA_001836905.1 SEQF6661.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 23 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,331,353 HMSC065D09 59.55 PRJNA300161 SAMN04480428 GCA_001815155.1 SEQF6662.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 38 University of Washington 2,308,239 138_RMUC 59.56 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197327 GCA_001061655.1 SEQF6663.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 12 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,267,615 HMSC064F07 59.59 PRJNA296319 SAMN04498655 GCA_001837265.1 SEQF6664.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 9 Loyola University Chicago 2,258,154 UMB0024 59.55 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193715 GCA_002861015.1 SEQF6665.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 35 University of Washington 2,374,318 509_RMUC 59.34 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197702 GCA_001063545.1 SEQF6666.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 43 University of Washington 2,271,708 473_RMUC 61.99 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197666 GCA_001065135.1 SEQF6667.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 10 University of Washington 2,244,809 470_RMUC 59.59 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197665 GCA_001065115.1 SEQF6668.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 23 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,298,993 HMSC066G07 59.65 PRJNA300125 SAMN04480395 GCA_001814485.1 SEQF6669.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 102 University of Washington 2,359,913 329_RMUC 59.48 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197518 GCA_001064585.1 SEQF6670.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 26 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,237,336 HMSC061E04 59.39 PRJNA300081 SAMN04480354 GCA_001813685.1 SEQF6671.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 14 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,319,336 HMSC065B04 59.53 PRJNA299999 SAMN04477657 GCA_001812285.1 SEQF6672.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 25 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,245,099 HMSC072E10 62.11 PRJNA300098 SAMN04480370 GCA_001813965.1 SEQF6673.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 36 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,346,201 HMSC069D01 59.63 PRJNA296317 SAMN04477547 GCA_001810135.1 SEQF6674.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 237 University of Washington 2,257,570 788_RMUC 59.64 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197999 GCA_001067345.1 SEQF6675.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 28 University of Washington 2,292,653 175_RMUC 59.48 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197366 GCA_001062855.1 SEQF6676.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 22 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,331,455 HMSC066H02 59.53 PRJNA300153 SAMN04480419 GCA_001814995.1 SEQF6677.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 37 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,353,068 HMSC071C12 59.5 PRJNA300096 SAMN04480369 GCA_001813895.1 SEQF6678.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 167 University of Washington 2,232,412 574_RMUC 61.85 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197777 GCA_001065485.1 SEQF6679.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 9 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 2,236,411 Rothia_mucilaginosa_BgEED27 60.18 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664371 GCA_901875305.1 SEQF6680.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 16 University of Washington 2,236,745 141_RMUC 61.99 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197331 GCA_001061665.1 SEQF6681.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 35 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,296,639 HMSC068E02 59.58 PRJNA300073 SAMN04480346 GCA_001813565.1 SEQF6682.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 25 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,285,914 HMSC069C10 59.66 PRJNA299996 SAMN04477654 GCA_001812205.1 SEQF6683.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 52 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,282,454 HMSC061C12 59.59 PRJNA300198 SAMN04480464 GCA_001815755.1 SEQF6684.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 26 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,217,530 HMSC069C03 59.42 PRJNA299933 SAMN04477597 GCA_001811075.1 SEQF6685.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 13 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,336,535 HMSC061D12 59.69 PRJNA296289 SAMN04498645 GCA_001836735.1 SEQF6686.1 681 Rothia mucilaginosa latest 42 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,309,498 HMSC075F09 59.62 PRJNA299903 SAMN04477587 GCA_001810515.1 SEQF1175.1 682 Neisseria mucosa latest 67 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,578,748 ATCC 25996 51.1 PRJNA30477 SAMN00008841 GCA_000173875.1 SEQF2142.1 682 Neisseria mucosa latest 7 Broad Institute 2,169,437 C102 49.82 PRJNA38747 SAMN02463751 GCA_000186165.1 SEQF9875.1 682 Neisseria mucosa latest 1 Korea University 2,688,408 ATCC 19696 51.1 PRJNA445206 SAMN08770273 GCA_003028315.1 SEQF9876.2 682 Neisseria mucosa latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,783,943 FDAARGOS_260 50.95 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875586 GCA_002073715.2 SEQF9877.1 682 Neisseria mucosa latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,224,757 FDAARGOS_758 49.66 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056473 GCA_013267835.1 SEQF9878.1 682 Neisseria mucosa latest 455 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2,492,646 CCH7-A10 51.16 PRJNA299404 SAMN04299442 GCA_001556335.1 SEQF9879.1 682 Neisseria mucosa latest 56 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,464,790 C2008000159 51.16 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299202 GCA_003044445.1 SEQF9880.1 682 Neisseria mucosa latest 123 URMITE 2,541,217 N32 51.02 PRJEB30649 SAMEA5208239 GCA_900654175.1 SEQF9881.1 682 Neisseria mucosa latest 134 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,600,550 C2004002444 50.84 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299197 GCA_003044395.1 SEQF9882.1 682 Neisseria mucosa latest 34 University of Malaya 2,138,952 C6A 49.69 PRJNA246622 SAMN02996611 GCA_000763635.1 SEQF9883.1 682 Neisseria mucosa latest 6 SC 2,654,294 NCTC 10774 51.1 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104062571 GCA_900454435.1 SEQF1652.2 683 Simonsiella muelleri latest 29 Broad Institute 2,372,614 ATCC 29453 42.2 PRJNA41981 SAMN02463833 GCA_000163775.2 SEQF7273.1 683 Simonsiella muelleri latest 1 INRS-Institut Armand Frappier 2,469,862 ATCC 29453 41.53 PRJNA361301 SAMN06230011 GCA_002951835.1 SEQF7274.1 683 Simonsiella muelleri latest 1 University of Vienna 2,482,394 DSM 2579 41.54 PRJNA687218 SAMN17137620 GCA_020162275.1 SEQF1092.1 684 Mitsuokella multacida latest 6 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,577,056 DSM 20544 58.11 PRJNA28653 SAMN00000736 GCA_000155955.1 SEQF8582.1 684 Mitsuokella multacida latest 43 Veterinary Research Institute 2,357,375 An892 58.41 PRJNA658263 SAMN15872559 GCA_021531445.1 SEQF8583.1 684 Mitsuokella multacida latest 24 BGI 2,505,597 AM25-21AC 58.24 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736308 GCA_003470225.1 SEQF8584.1 684 Mitsuokella multacida latest 6 EMG 2,577,056 MGYG-HGUT-01316 58.11 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850819 GCA_902373875.1 SEQF1986.1 685 Prevotella multiformis latest 25 Baylor College of Medicine 3,057,407 DSM 16608 51.98 PRJNA53055 SAMN00253307 GCA_000191065.1 SEQF3692.1 685 Prevotella multiformis latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,025,491 F0096 51.84 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352177 GCA_018127985.1 SEQF1069.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 Univ. Oklahoma 2,032,925 UA159 36.83 PRJNA333 SAMN02604090 Dental Caries GCA_000007465.2 SEQF1382.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 The Institute of Medical Science, Tokyo University 2,013,587 NN2025 36.85 PRJDA28997 SAMD00060939 GCA_000091645.1 SEQF3228.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 141 JCVI 1,816,188 TCI-101 36.97 PRJNA71977 SAMN02436614 GCA_000228745.2 SEQF3229.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 146 JCVI 1,801,671 TCI-109 37.03 PRJNA71979 SAMN02436443 GCA_000228765.2 SEQF3230.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 141 JCVI 1,799,918 TCI-11 37.01 PRJNA71953 SAMN02436346 GCA_000228785.2 SEQF3231.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 135 JCVI 1,809,107 TCI-110 36.97 PRJNA71981 SAMN02436598 GCA_000228805.2 SEQF3232.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 60 JCVI 1,929,685 TCI-116 36.72 PRJNA71983 SAMN02436347 GCA_000228825.2 SEQF3233.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 159 JCVI 1,776,899 TCI-120 37.02 PRJNA71987 SAMN02436599 GCA_000228845.2 SEQF3234.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 109 JCVI 1,890,503 TCI-123 36.8 PRJNA71989 SAMN02436600 GCA_000228865.2 SEQF3235.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 96 JCVI 1,861,689 TCI-125 36.85 PRJNA71991 SAMN02436444 GCA_000228885.2 SEQF3236.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 131 JCVI 1,805,076 TCI-138 36.99 PRJNA71993 SAMN02436445 GCA_000228905.2 SEQF3237.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 157 JCVI 1,776,306 TCI-143 37.02 PRJNA71995 SAMN02436446 GCA_000228925.2 SEQF3238.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 99 JCVI 1,877,792 TCI-145 36.83 PRJNA71997 SAMN02436447 GCA_000228945.2 SEQF3239.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 143 JCVI 1,785,489 TCI-146 37.02 PRJNA71999 SAMN02436345 GCA_000228965.2 SEQF3240.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 120 JCVI 1,819,408 TCI-148 36.98 PRJNA72001 SAMN02436531 GCA_000228985.2 SEQF3241.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 117 JCVI 1,822,635 TCI-149 36.99 PRJNA72003 SAMN02436512 GCA_000229005.2 SEQF3242.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 121 JCVI 1,820,468 TCI-151 36.99 PRJNA72005 SAMN02436601 GCA_000229025.2 SEQF3243.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 101 JCVI 1,851,396 TCI-152 36.88 PRJNA72007 SAMN02436602 GCA_000229045.2 SEQF3244.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 55 JCVI 1,927,654 TCI-153 36.74 PRJNA72009 SAMN02436348 GCA_000229065.2 SEQF3245.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 120 JCVI 1,818,945 TCI-154 36.98 PRJNA72011 SAMN02436448 GCA_000229085.2 SEQF3246.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 130 JCVI 1,817,871 TCI-162 36.98 PRJNA72017 SAMN02436603 GCA_000229105.2 SEQF3247.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 92 JCVI 1,897,877 TCI-163 36.81 PRJNA72019 SAMN02436449 GCA_000229125.2 SEQF3248.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 115 JCVI 1,829,200 TCI-164 37.0 PRJNA72021 SAMN02436604 GCA_000229145.2 SEQF3249.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 59 JCVI 1,927,770 TCI-169 36.75 PRJNA72023 SAMN02436349 GCA_000229165.2 SEQF3250.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 86 JCVI 1,899,487 TCI-170 36.77 PRJNA72025 SAMN02436605 GCA_000229185.2 SEQF3251.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 112 JCVI 1,872,679 TCI-173 36.82 PRJNA72029 SAMN02436513 GCA_000229205.2 SEQF3252.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 128 JCVI 1,794,749 TCI-176 37.02 PRJNA72033 SAMN02436514 GCA_000229225.2 SEQF3253.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 110 JCVI 1,882,948 TCI-177 36.81 PRJNA72035 SAMN02436606 GCA_000229245.2 SEQF3254.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 126 JCVI 1,818,201 TCI-179 36.98 PRJNA72037 SAMN02436350 GCA_000229265.2 SEQF3255.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 127 JCVI 1,765,562 TCI-187 37.01 PRJNA72039 SAMN02436351 GCA_000229285.2 SEQF3256.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 120 JCVI 1,832,015 TCI-191 36.97 PRJNA72041 SAMN02436352 GCA_000229305.2 SEQF3257.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 90 JCVI 1,898,193 TCI-196 36.77 PRJNA72045 SAMN02436353 GCA_000229325.2 SEQF3258.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 146 JCVI 1,770,853 TCI-201 37.03 PRJNA72049 SAMN02436450 GCA_000229345.2 SEQF3259.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 115 JCVI 1,820,309 TCI-202 36.95 PRJNA72051 SAMN02436515 GCA_000229365.2 SEQF3260.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 136 JCVI 1,847,156 TCI-204 36.96 PRJNA72053 SAMN02436354 GCA_000229385.2 SEQF3261.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 135 JCVI 1,809,350 TCI-210 36.97 PRJNA72055 SAMN02436451 GCA_000229405.2 SEQF3262.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 194 JCVI 1,771,432 TCI-212 37.02 PRJNA72057 SAMN02436452 GCA_000229425.2 SEQF3263.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 136 JCVI 1,789,375 TCI-218 36.98 PRJNA72061 SAMN02436516 GCA_000229445.2 SEQF3264.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 131 JCVI 1,809,266 TCI-219 37.02 PRJNA72063 SAMN02436607 GCA_000229465.2 SEQF3265.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 145 JCVI 1,790,639 TCI-220 36.98 PRJNA72065 SAMN02436453 GCA_000229485.2 SEQF3266.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 101 JCVI 1,861,625 TCI-222 36.85 PRJNA72067 SAMN02436454 GCA_000229505.2 SEQF3267.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 134 JCVI 1,809,565 TCI-223 36.97 PRJNA72069 SAMN02436517 GCA_000229525.2 SEQF3268.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 133 JCVI 1,797,735 TCI-224 37.03 PRJNA72071 SAMN02436355 GCA_000229545.2 SEQF3269.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 130 JCVI 1,802,905 TCI-227 37.0 PRJNA72073 SAMN02436356 GCA_000229565.2 SEQF3270.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 109 JCVI 1,859,995 TCI-228 36.85 PRJNA72075 SAMN02436518 GCA_000229585.2 SEQF3271.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 106 JCVI 1,854,930 TCI-234 36.82 PRJNA72077 SAMN02436608 GCA_000229605.2 SEQF3272.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 86 JCVI 1,898,217 TCI-239 36.77 PRJNA72079 SAMN02436609 GCA_000229625.2 SEQF3273.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 61 JCVI 1,914,397 TCI-242 36.78 PRJNA72081 SAMN02436455 GCA_000229645.2 SEQF3274.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 66 JCVI 1,914,702 TCI-243 36.78 PRJNA72083 SAMN02436519 GCA_000229665.2 SEQF3275.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 143 JCVI 1,771,140 TCI-244 37.04 PRJNA72085 SAMN02436436 GCA_000229685.2 SEQF3276.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 98 JCVI 1,879,409 TCI-249 36.81 PRJNA72087 SAMN02436437 GCA_000229705.2 SEQF3277.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 110 JCVI 1,881,106 TCI-256 36.81 PRJNA72089 SAMN02436520 GCA_000229725.2 SEQF3278.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 141 JCVI 1,799,001 TCI-260 37.01 PRJNA72091 SAMN02436357 GCA_000229745.2 SEQF3279.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 137 JCVI 1,824,597 TCI-264 36.98 PRJNA72093 SAMN02436438 GCA_000229765.2 SEQF3280.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 127 JCVI 1,819,735 TCI-267 36.98 PRJNA72095 SAMN02436439 GCA_000229785.2 SEQF3281.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 92 JCVI 1,855,678 TCI-268 36.86 PRJNA72097 SAMN02436521 GCA_000229805.2 SEQF3282.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 98 JCVI 1,856,336 TCI-278 36.86 PRJNA72099 SAMN02436358 GCA_000229825.2 SEQF3283.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 136 JCVI 1,809,821 TCI-279 36.96 PRJNA72101 SAMN02436440 GCA_000229845.2 SEQF3284.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 119 JCVI 1,818,786 TCI-280 36.95 PRJNA72103 SAMN02436610 GCA_000229865.2 SEQF3285.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 140 JCVI 1,798,201 TCI-289 37.01 PRJNA72105 SAMN02436611 GCA_000229885.2 SEQF3286.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 137 JCVI 1,810,877 TCI-292 36.98 PRJNA72107 SAMN02436522 GCA_000229905.2 SEQF3287.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 109 JCVI 1,891,335 TCI-294 36.8 PRJNA72109 SAMN02436441 GCA_000229925.2 SEQF3288.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 136 JCVI 1,743,498 TCI-298 37.04 PRJNA72111 SAMN02436523 GCA_000229945.2 SEQF3289.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 103 JCVI 1,880,026 TCI-30 36.83 PRJNA72115 SAMN02436612 GCA_000229965.2 SEQF3290.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 53 JCVI 1,935,728 TCI-399 36.73 PRJNA71947 SAMN02436613 GCA_000229985.2 SEQF3291.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 93 JCVI 1,869,620 TCI-400 36.82 PRJNA71949 SAMN02436359 GCA_000230005.2 SEQF3292.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 57 JCVI 1,936,890 TCI-51 36.71 PRJNA71955 SAMN02436360 GCA_000230025.2 SEQF3293.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 135 JCVI 1,804,833 TCI-62 36.99 PRJNA71957 SAMN02436361 GCA_000230045.2 SEQF3294.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 109 JCVI 1,855,602 TCI-70 36.83 PRJNA71959 SAMN02436362 GCA_000230065.2 SEQF3295.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 108 JCVI 1,879,483 TCI-75 36.83 PRJNA71961 SAMN02436363 GCA_000230085.2 SEQF3296.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 110 JCVI 1,883,089 TCI-78 36.82 PRJNA71963 SAMN02436596 GCA_000230105.2 SEQF3297.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 48 JCVI 1,941,227 TCI-82 36.71 PRJNA71965 SAMN02436524 GCA_000230125.2 SEQF3298.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 64 JCVI 1,921,849 TCI-85 36.76 PRJNA71967 SAMN02436442 GCA_000230145.2 SEQF3299.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 128 JCVI 1,820,007 TCI-86 36.98 PRJNA71969 SAMN02436525 GCA_000230165.2 SEQF3300.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 49 JCVI 1,941,392 TCI-92 36.71 PRJNA71971 SAMN02436597 GCA_000230185.2 SEQF3301.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 121 JCVI 1,800,548 TCI-96 37.03 PRJNA71973 SAMN02436526 GCA_000230205.2 SEQF3302.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 132 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,814,786 TCI-99 36.96 PRJNA71975 SAMN02436527 GCA_000230225.2 SEQF3303.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 KUMC 2,027,088 GS-5 36.84 PRJNA168469 SAMN02603489 GCA_000271865.1 SEQF3304.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences 2,015,626 LJ23 37.05 PRJDB67 SAMD00061051 GCA_000284575.1 SEQF3305.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 132 Cornell University 2,006,359 S1B 36.81 PRJNA49853 SAMN02428982 GCA_000339055.1 SEQF3306.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 104 Cornell University 1,952,324 SA41 36.77 PRJNA49859 SAMN02429080 GCA_000339075.1 SEQF3307.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 107 Cornell University 1,925,888 SF12 36.89 PRJNA49861 SAMN02429033 GCA_000339095.1 SEQF3308.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 109 Cornell University 1,983,724 R221 36.77 PRJNA49863 SAMN02429034 GCA_000339115.1 SEQF3309.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 139 Cornell University 1,917,450 M230 36.93 PRJNA49865 SAMN02428927 GCA_000339135.1 SEQF3310.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 87 Cornell University 1,932,974 15JP3 36.87 PRJNA49759 SAMN02429081 GCA_000339155.1 SEQF3311.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 97 Cornell University 2,005,341 4SM1 36.72 PRJNA49763 SAMN02429083 GCA_000339175.1 SEQF3312.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 111 Cornell University 1,965,562 2ST1 36.7 PRJNA49767 SAMN02428984 GCA_000339195.1 SEQF3313.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 127 Cornell University 2,008,731 4VF1 36.63 PRJNA49771 SAMN02429085 GCA_000339215.1 SEQF3314.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 117 Cornell University 2,021,665 15VF2 36.65 PRJNA49773 SAMN02429086 GCA_000339235.1 SEQF3315.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 155 Cornell University 1,861,960 11VS1 36.56 PRJNA49777 SAMN02428928 GCA_000339255.1 SEQF3316.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 86 Cornell University 1,943,643 5SM3 36.83 PRJNA49779 SAMN02428985 GCA_000339275.1 SEQF3317.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 115 Cornell University 1,990,978 NFSM2 36.59 PRJNA49781 SAMN02428986 GCA_000339295.1 SEQF3318.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 105 Cornell University 1,868,494 A9 36.82 PRJNA49785 SAMN02429025 GCA_000339315.1 SEQF3319.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 110 Cornell University 1,965,509 N29 36.79 PRJNA49787 SAMN02429072 GCA_000339335.1 SEQF3320.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 97 Cornell University 1,926,604 NMT4863 36.78 PRJNA49789 SAMN02429073 GCA_000339355.1 SEQF3321.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 113 Cornell University 1,966,047 T4 36.69 PRJNA49799 SAMN02429026 GCA_000339375.1 SEQF3322.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 131 Cornell University 2,002,107 NFSM1 36.85 PRJNA49803 SAMN02429027 GCA_000339395.1 SEQF3323.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 130 Cornell University 2,015,161 NV1996 36.84 PRJNA49817 SAMN02429029 GCA_000339415.1 SEQF3324.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 97 Cornell University 1,944,789 SF14 36.79 PRJNA49823 SAMN02429031 GCA_000339435.1 SEQF3325.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 112 Cornell University 1,960,471 SM6 36.78 PRJNA49825 SAMN02429032 GCA_000339455.1 SEQF3326.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 163 Cornell University 2,099,425 U2A 36.79 PRJNA49831 SAMN02428977 GCA_000339475.1 SEQF3327.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 135 Cornell University 1,963,147 NLML8 36.83 PRJNA49833 SAMN02429068 GCA_000339495.1 SEQF3328.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 102 Cornell University 1,969,096 14D 36.65 PRJNA49837 SAMN02429069 GCA_000339515.1 SEQF3329.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 120 Cornell University 1,990,074 21 36.69 PRJNA49839 SAMN02428978 GCA_000339535.1 SEQF3330.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 111 Cornell University 1,948,124 B 36.71 PRJNA49843 SAMN02429070 GCA_000339555.1 SEQF3331.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 114 Cornell University 1,994,929 SM1 36.75 PRJNA49847 SAMN02428981 GCA_000339575.1 SEQF3332.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 100 Cornell University 1,908,740 8ID3 36.86 PRJNA49757 SAMN02429079 GCA_000339595.1 SEQF3333.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 91 Cornell University 1,992,890 SA38 36.68 PRJNA49855 SAMN02428983 GCA_000339615.1 SEQF3334.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 130 Cornell University 2,003,229 OMZ175 36.85 PRJNA49867 SAMN02429035 GCA_000339635.1 SEQF3335.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 102 Cornell University 2,068,485 1SM1 36.65 PRJNA49761 SAMN02429082 GCA_000339655.1 SEQF3336.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 142 Cornell University 2,034,346 3SN1 36.79 PRJNA49765 SAMN02429036 GCA_000339675.1 SEQF3337.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 111 Cornell University 1,921,647 11A1 36.86 PRJNA49753 SAMN02429037 GCA_000339695.1 SEQF3338.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 105 Cornell University 1,969,615 11SSST2 36.67 PRJNA49769 SAMN02429084 GCA_000339715.1 SEQF3339.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 98 Cornell University 1,970,005 2VS1 36.64 PRJNA49775 SAMN02429071 GCA_000339735.1 SEQF3340.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 102 Cornell University 1,944,173 NVAB 36.84 PRJNA49783 SAMN02428929 GCA_000339755.1 SEQF3341.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 108 Cornell University 1,984,020 A19 36.68 PRJNA49791 SAMN02428930 GCA_000339775.1 SEQF3342.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 153 Cornell University 1,991,956 U138 36.71 PRJNA49793 SAMN02429074 GCA_000339795.1 SEQF3343.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 122 Cornell University 1,977,039 G123 36.7 PRJNA49795 SAMN02428931 GCA_000339815.1 SEQF3344.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 106 Cornell University 1,961,974 M21 36.76 PRJNA49797 SAMN02429075 GCA_000339835.1 SEQF3345.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 102 Cornell University 1,962,026 N34 36.84 PRJNA49801 SAMN02428987 GCA_000339855.1 SEQF3346.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 116 Cornell University 1,968,630 NLML4 36.67 PRJNA49805 SAMN02429028 GCA_000339875.1 SEQF3347.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 105 Cornell University 1,941,389 NLML5 36.82 PRJNA49807 SAMN02428932 GCA_000339895.1 SEQF3348.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 99 Cornell University 1,996,009 NLML9 36.67 PRJNA49809 SAMN02429076 GCA_000339915.1 SEQF3349.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 115 Cornell University 1,930,238 M2A 36.88 PRJNA49811 SAMN02428988 GCA_000339935.1 SEQF3350.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 113 Cornell University 1,953,403 N3209 36.75 PRJNA49813 SAMN02429077 GCA_000339955.1 SEQF3351.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 113 Cornell University 2,006,044 N66 36.79 PRJNA49815 SAMN02428933 GCA_000339975.1 SEQF3352.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 114 Cornell University 1,991,361 W6 36.62 PRJNA49819 SAMN02429078 GCA_000339995.1 SEQF3353.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 185 Cornell University 2,081,419 SF1 36.76 PRJNA49821 SAMN02429030 GCA_000340015.1 SEQF3354.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 131 Cornell University 1,980,457 ST1 36.74 PRJNA49827 SAMN02429067 GCA_000340035.1 SEQF3355.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 121 Cornell University 1,925,853 ST6 36.88 PRJNA49829 SAMN02428976 GCA_000340055.1 SEQF3356.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 139 Cornell University 2,036,028 NLML1 36.58 PRJNA49835 SAMN02429023 GCA_000340075.1 SEQF3357.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 90 Cornell University 1,872,370 1ID3 36.94 PRJNA49755 SAMN02429024 GCA_000340095.1 SEQF3358.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 113 Cornell University 1,953,006 66-2A 36.86 PRJNA49841 SAMN02428979 GCA_000340115.1 SEQF3359.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 152 Cornell University 1,977,578 SM4 36.91 PRJNA49845 SAMN02428980 GCA_000340135.1 SEQF3360.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 119 Cornell University 2,013,675 24 36.73 PRJNA49849 SAMN02428934 GCA_000340155.1 SEQF3361.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 103 Cornell University 1,960,144 U2B 36.88 PRJNA49851 SAMN02428989 GCA_000340175.1 SEQF3362.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 9 Institute of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2,010,949 5DC8 36.9 PRJNA179252 SAMN02469959 GCA_000347795.1 SEQF3363.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 2 Institute of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2,034,595 KK21 36.81 PRJNA179253 SAMN02469962 GCA_000347815.1 SEQF3364.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 38 Institute of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 1,976,204 KK23 36.71 PRJNA179254 SAMN02469955 GCA_000347835.1 SEQF3365.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 42 Institute of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2,003,697 AC4446 36.93 PRJNA179255 SAMN02469957 GCA_000347855.1 SEQF3366.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 10 Institute of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 1,999,673 ATCC 25175 36.88 PRJNA179256 SAMN02469958 GCA_000347875.1 SEQF3367.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 36 Institute of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2,021,313 NCTC 11060 37.01 PRJNA179257 SAMN02469960 GCA_000347895.1 SEQF3368.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 20 DOE Joint Genome Institute 1,988,767 DSM 20523 36.71 PRJNA169765 SAMN02441733 GCA_000375505.1 SEQF3369.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 12 Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2,002,612 PKUSS-HG01 36.6 PRJNA219430 SAMN02469427 GCA_000496535.1 SEQF3370.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 14 Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 2,001,391 PKUSS-LG01 36.66 PRJNA221218 SAMN02469428 GCA_000496555.1 SEQF3371.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 53 New York University College of Dentistry 2,036,366 B05Sm11 36.98 PRJNA173247 SAMN02641534 GCA_000522565.1 SEQF3372.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 46 New York University College of Dentistry 2,151,929 B13Sm1 36.77 PRJNA173248 SAMN02641535 GCA_000522585.1 SEQF3373.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 91 New York University College of Dentistry 2,173,582 B12Sm1 36.92 PRJNA173249 SAMN02641536 GCA_000522605.1 SEQF3374.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 61 New York University College of Dentistry 2,048,211 B084SM-A 36.9 PRJNA173250 SAMN02641537 GCA_000522625.1 SEQF3375.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 57 New York University College of Dentistry 2,102,707 B107SM-B 36.82 PRJNA173251 SAMN02641538 GCA_000522645.1 SEQF3376.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 49 New York University College of Dentistry 2,222,263 B07Sm2 36.75 PRJNA173252 SAMN02641539 GCA_000522665.1 SEQF3377.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 106 New York University College of Dentistry 2,154,480 B09Sm1 37.01 PRJNA173254 SAMN02641540 GCA_000522685.1 SEQF3378.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 63 New York University College of Dentistry 2,289,140 B24Sm2 36.78 PRJNA173255 SAMN02641541 GCA_000522705.1 SEQF3379.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 104 New York University College of Dentistry 2,095,204 B102SM-B 36.78 PRJNA173256 SAMN02641542 GCA_000522725.1 SEQF3380.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 44 New York University College of Dentistry 2,259,163 B112SM-A 37.09 PRJNA173257 SAMN02641543 GCA_000522745.1 SEQF3381.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,011,542 B04Sm5 36.91 PRJNA661123 SAMN16014813 GCA_014621675.1 SEQF3382.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 53 New York University College of Dentistry 2,126,752 B082SM-A 37.0 PRJNA173259 SAMN02641545 GCA_000522785.1 SEQF3383.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 65 New York University College of Dentistry 2,214,549 B06Sm2 36.94 PRJNA173260 SAMN02641546 GCA_000522805.2 SEQF3384.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 46 New York University College of Dentistry 2,101,922 B85SM-B 36.94 PRJNA173261 SAMN02641547 GCA_000522825.1 SEQF3385.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 75 New York University College of Dentistry 2,061,948 B88SM-A 36.74 PRJNA173262 SAMN02641548 GCA_000522845.1 SEQF3386.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 58 New York University College of Dentistry 2,329,852 B16 P Sm1 36.89 PRJNA173263 SAMN02641549 GCA_000522865.1 SEQF3387.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 87 New York University College of Dentistry 2,095,411 B23Sm1 37.07 PRJNA173265 SAMN02641550 GCA_000522885.1 SEQF3388.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 39 New York University College of Dentistry 2,124,986 B111SM-A 36.86 PRJNA173268 SAMN02641551 GCA_000522905.1 SEQF3389.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 53 New York University College of Dentistry 2,110,426 B114SM-A 36.99 PRJNA173269 SAMN02641552 GCA_000522925.1 SEQF3390.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 49 New York University College of Dentistry 2,283,584 B115SM-A 36.95 PRJNA173270 SAMN02641553 GCA_000522945.1 SEQF3391.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 Jilin University 2,031,692 UA159-FR 36.83 PRJNA231968 SAMN03278343 GCA_000817065.1 SEQF3392.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 62 University of Washington 2,026,153 1006_SMUT 36.73 PRJNA267549 SAMN03196968 GCA_001068415.1 SEQF3393.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 49 University of Washington 2,035,965 1002_SMUT 36.8 PRJNA267549 SAMN03196964 GCA_001069835.1 SEQF3394.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 30 University of Washington 2,007,546 503_SMUT 36.8 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197696 GCA_001073145.1 SEQF3395.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 University of Florida 1,984,441 NG8;Dental Plaque 36.89 PRJNA298029 SAMN04155244 GCA_001558215.1 SEQF3396.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 24 Texas A&M 2,050,195 ATCC 55676 36.64 PRJNA309131 SAMN04420782 GCA_001625005.1 SEQF3397.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 37 University of Camerino 2,066,006 AD01 36.75 PRJNA288626 SAMN03835255 GCA_001703615.1 SEQF3398.2 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,144,124 FDAARGOS_258 36.74 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875584 GCA_002083175.2 SEQF3399.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 Chosun University 2,098,341 KCOM 1054 ( 36.77 PRJNA270154 SAMN03263582 GCA_002155285.1 SEQF3400.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 2,003,112 HM 37.56 PRJDB5660 SAMD00078033 GCA_002157665.1 SEQF3401.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 68 Madurai kamaraj university 1,985,972 B14 36.85 PRJNA385680 SAMN06920495 GCA_002179995.1 SEQF3402.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 57 Peking University School of Stomatology 2,012,978 PKUSS-6 36.82 PRJNA377637 SAMN06464160 GCA_002212845.1 SEQF3403.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 40 Peking University School of Stomatology 1,990,377 PKUSS-2 36.77 PRJNA377637 SAMN06464156 GCA_002212855.1 SEQF3404.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 42 Peking University School of Stomatology 1,998,996 PKUSS-4 36.66 PRJNA377637 SAMN06464158 GCA_002212885.1 SEQF3405.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 37 Peking University School of Stomatology 1,984,238 PKUSS-5 36.7 PRJNA377637 SAMN06464159 GCA_002212905.1 SEQF3406.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 65 Peking University School of Stomatology 2,024,471 PKUSS-8 36.87 PRJNA377637 SAMN06464162 GCA_002212925.1 SEQF3407.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 40 Peking University School of Stomatology 2,084,933 PKUSS-9 38.55 PRJNA377637 SAMN06464163 GCA_002212935.1 SEQF3408.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 54 Peking University School of Stomatology 2,004,353 PKUSS-11 36.6 PRJNA377637 SAMN06464165 GCA_002212965.1 SEQF3409.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 52 Peking University School of Stomatology 2,001,751 PKUSS-7 36.79 PRJNA377637 SAMN06464161 GCA_002212995.1 SEQF3410.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 52 Peking University School of Stomatology 1,980,074 PKUSS-3 36.74 PRJNA377637 SAMN06464157 GCA_002213005.1 SEQF3411.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 52 Peking University School of Stomatology 2,003,657 PKUSS-10 36.66 PRJNA377637 SAMN06464164 GCA_002213035.1 SEQF3412.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 36 Peking University School of Stomatology 1,995,598 PKUSS-1 36.58 PRJNA377637 SAMN06464155 GCA_002213065.1 SEQF3413.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 University of Florida 2,088,369 LAR01 36.96 PRJNA407965 SAMN07671786 GCA_002995555.1 SEQF3414.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 12 BGI 2,020,615 AM44-1 36.74 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736576 GCA_003466855.1 SEQF3415.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 University of Toronto 2,076,490 LAB761 36.74 PRJNA497888 SAMN10268792 GCA_003691695.1 SEQF3416.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 39 Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1,929,542 35 36.74 PRJNA541201 SAMN11579665 GCA_006386535.1 SEQF3417.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 Biological Resource Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NBRC) 2,018,796 NBRC 13955 36.87 PRJDB8042 SAMD00169830 GCA_006739205.1 SEQF3418.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 2 KUMC 2,022,536 MD 36.94 PRJNA525085 SAMN12440940 GCA_008831325.1 SEQF3419.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 KUMC 1,976,303 T8 37.04 PRJNA525085 SAMN12440949 GCA_008831345.1 SEQF3420.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 21 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,001,996 UA140 36.91 PRJNA470728 SAMN12529701 GCA_012641085.1 SEQF3421.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 3 UConn Health 2,028,032 NCH105 36.85 PRJNA573065 SAMN12797732 GCA_009738105.1 SEQF3422.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 University of Florida 2,085,365 S4 36.87 PRJNA613248 SAMN14397576 GCA_011765485.1 SEQF3423.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 University of Florida 2,080,705 S1 36.86 PRJNA613248 SAMN14397575 GCA_011765505.1 SEQF3424.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 University of Florida 2,085,254 P6 36.87 PRJNA613248 SAMN14397574 GCA_011765525.1 SEQF3425.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 University of Florida 2,085,371 P1 36.87 PRJNA613248 SAMN14397573 GCA_011765545.1 SEQF3426.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,054,143 FDAARGOS_685 36.89 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056400 GCA_012273155.1 SEQF3428.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 16 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,044,568 UAB-23 36.68 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101762 GCA_012641545.1 SEQF3429.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 61 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,026,999 UAB-16 36.68 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101755 GCA_012641565.1 SEQF3430.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 11 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,977,024 UAB-15 36.79 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101754 GCA_012641575.1 SEQF3431.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 41 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,031,959 UAB-13 36.89 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101752 GCA_012641605.1 SEQF3432.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 31 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,073,321 UAB-14 36.81 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101753 GCA_012641615.1 SEQF3433.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 19 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,964,397 UAB-12 36.74 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101751 GCA_012641625.1 SEQF3434.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 23 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,961,863 UAB-11 36.7 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101750 GCA_012641665.1 SEQF3435.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 43 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,089,832 UAB-38 36.9 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101777 GCA_012641765.1 SEQF3436.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 36 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,004,916 UAB-39 36.68 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101778 GCA_012641775.1 SEQF3437.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 19 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,992,196 UAB-40 36.77 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101779 GCA_012641805.1 SEQF3438.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 52 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,054,294 UAB-36 36.58 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101775 GCA_012641825.1 SEQF3439.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 53 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,981,474 UAB-37 36.84 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101776 GCA_012641845.1 SEQF3440.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 11 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,986,924 UAB-34 36.71 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101773 GCA_012641855.1 SEQF3441.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 18 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,984,708 UAB-35 36.73 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101774 GCA_012641885.1 SEQF3442.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 14 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,050,803 UAB-33 36.55 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101772 GCA_012641905.1 SEQF3443.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 36 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,041,059 UAB-32 36.78 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101771 GCA_012641925.1 SEQF3444.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 16 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,990,492 UAB-31 36.71 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101770 GCA_012641935.1 SEQF3445.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 16 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,014,838 UAB-30 36.75 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101769 GCA_012641965.1 SEQF3446.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 13 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,011,414 UAB-29 36.81 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101768 GCA_012641975.1 SEQF3447.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 15 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,073,407 UAB-28 36.65 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101767 GCA_012642005.1 SEQF3448.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 4 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,014,513 UAB-27 36.91 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101766 GCA_012642015.1 SEQF3449.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 23 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,009,530 UAB-26 36.6 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101765 GCA_012642035.1 SEQF3450.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 21 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,035,011 UAB-25 36.56 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101764 GCA_012642055.1 SEQF3451.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 18 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,967,929 UAB-24 36.77 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101763 GCA_012642085.1 SEQF3452.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 19 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,030,863 UAB-22 36.62 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101761 GCA_012642105.1 SEQF3453.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 17 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,030,630 UAB-21 36.62 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101760 GCA_012642125.1 SEQF3454.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 7 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,981,025 UAB-20 36.79 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101759 GCA_012642145.1 SEQF3455.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 12 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,039,165 UAB-19 36.77 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101758 GCA_012642165.1 SEQF3456.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 12 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,051,174 UAB-18 36.7 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101757 GCA_012642185.1 SEQF3457.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 12 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,011,891 UAB-17 36.69 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101756 GCA_012642205.1 SEQF3458.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 38 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,077,181 UAB-10 36.87 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101749 GCA_012642225.1 SEQF3459.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 13 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,114,820 UAB-9 36.65 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101748 GCA_012642235.1 SEQF3460.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 23 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,981,226 UAB-8 36.79 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101747 GCA_012642265.1 SEQF3461.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 24 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,958,306 UAB-7 36.76 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101746 GCA_012642275.1 SEQF3462.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 16 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,968,640 UAB-6 36.83 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101745 GCA_012642305.1 SEQF3463.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 22 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,020,767 UAB-5 36.59 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101744 GCA_012642325.1 SEQF3464.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 18 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,988,846 UAB-3 36.73 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101743 GCA_012642345.1 SEQF3465.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 23 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,990,785 UAB-4 36.74 PRJNA470728 SAMN09925026 GCA_012642355.1 SEQF3466.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 32 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,012,907 UAB-2 36.65 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101742 GCA_012642365.1 SEQF3467.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 25 University of Alabama at Birmingham 1,985,422 UAB-1 36.87 PRJNA470728 SAMN09101741 GCA_012642405.1 SEQF3469.3 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 LSU health Sciences Center 1,978,522 27-3 37.03 PRJNA665774 SAMN16268312 GCA_014842815.3 SEQF3470.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 2 SC 2,022,743 NCTC10923 37.05 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3307891 GCA_900459345.1 SEQF3471.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 SC 2,019,343 NCTC10449 36.87 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3614266 GCA_900475095.1 SEQF3472.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 SC 2,005,322 NCTC10832 36.92 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3871790 GCA_900636835.1 SEQF3473.1 686 Streptococcus mutans 1 SC 2,097,914 NCTC10920 40.91 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104062575 GCA_900638045.1 SEQF3474.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 12 EMG 2,020,615 MGYG-HGUT-00277 36.74 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5849779 GCA_902365065.1 SEQF6961.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,019,345 FDAARGOS 1458 36.87 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357600 GCA_019048645.1 SEQF6962.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 1 KUMC 2,050,049 UA140 37.04 PRJNA525085 SAMN12441283 GCA_008831365.1 SEQF6963.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 26 Hiroshima University 2,017,067 KSM87 36.77 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105895 GCA_020530405.1 SEQF6964.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 25 Hiroshima University 2,036,798 KSM13 36.69 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105860 GCA_020531085.1 SEQF6965.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 18 Hiroshima University 2,007,186 KSM148 36.73 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105931 GCA_020530605.1 SEQF6966.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 36 Hiroshima University 2,016,963 KSM96 36.87 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105900 GCA_020530255.1 SEQF6967.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 34 Hiroshima University 2,006,088 KSM150 36.74 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105932 GCA_020530905.1 SEQF6968.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 18 Hiroshima University 1,961,429 KSM85 36.91 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105894 GCA_020529345.1 SEQF6969.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 25 Hiroshima University 1,997,327 KSM80 36.76 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105892 GCA_020530355.1 SEQF6970.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 19 Hiroshima University 2,059,215 KSM6 36.81 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105856 GCA_020531345.1 SEQF6971.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 66 Hiroshima University 2,003,212 KSM10 36.67 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105859 GCA_020531125.1 SEQF6972.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 164 Hiroshima University 2,168,688 KSM177 36.79 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105950 GCA_020529845.1 SEQF6973.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 35 Hiroshima University 1,994,238 KSM26 36.89 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105868 GCA_020530965.1 SEQF6974.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 25 Hiroshima University 2,096,346 KSM53 36.75 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105879 GCA_020530075.1 SEQF6975.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 24 Hiroshima University 1,997,326 KSM115 36.79 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105913 GCA_020529325.1 SEQF6976.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 40 Hiroshima University 1,988,815 KSM99 36.65 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105903 GCA_020529415.1 SEQF6977.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 31 Hiroshima University 2,070,733 KSM159 36.73 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105939 GCA_020531545.1 SEQF6978.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 22 Hiroshima University 1,993,925 KSM133 36.71 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105924 GCA_020531605.1 SEQF6979.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 49 Hiroshima University 2,028,741 KSM37 36.77 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105876 GCA_020531045.1 SEQF6980.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 56 Hiroshima University 1,985,181 KSM97 36.67 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105901 GCA_020530205.1 SEQF6981.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 17 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,041,017 S38 36.61 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876582 GCA_023109585.1 SEQF6982.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 15 Hiroshima University 1,970,703 KSM117 36.82 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105914 GCA_020529305.1 SEQF6983.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 25 Hiroshima University 1,968,967 KSM32 36.91 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105874 GCA_020531005.1 SEQF6984.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 22 Hiroshima University 1,997,082 KSM200 36.73 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105964 GCA_020529495.1 SEQF6985.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 25 Hiroshima University 1,981,018 KSM101 36.77 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105904 GCA_020529965.1 SEQF6986.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 55 Hiroshima University 1,952,963 KSM78 36.9 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105891 GCA_020530345.1 SEQF6987.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 24 Hiroshima University 1,974,271 KSM227 36.79 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105972 GCA_020529585.1 SEQF6988.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 61 Hiroshima University 1,970,073 KSM189 36.77 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105958 GCA_020530495.1 SEQF6989.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 31 Hiroshima University 2,006,503 KSM119 36.8 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105915 GCA_020529685.1 SEQF6990.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 51 Hiroshima University 2,006,004 KSM180 36.82 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105952 GCA_020529525.1 SEQF6991.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 45 Hiroshima University 2,001,452 KSM195 36.83 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105961 GCA_020529665.1 SEQF6992.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 17 Hiroshima University 1,993,627 KSM236 36.82 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105975 GCA_020531425.1 SEQF6993.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 26 Hiroshima University 2,000,220 KSM66 36.71 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105886 GCA_020530105.1 SEQF6994.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 29 Hiroshima University 1,995,225 KSM104 36.75 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105906 GCA_020529445.1 SEQF6995.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 68 Hiroshima University 1,971,853 KSM30 36.89 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105872 GCA_020531065.1 SEQF6996.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 39 Hiroshima University 2,009,588 KSM231 36.75 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105974 GCA_020529545.1 SEQF6997.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 48 Hiroshima University 2,074,784 KSM2 36.78 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105854 GCA_020531285.1 SEQF6998.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 56 Hiroshima University 1,973,188 KSM55 36.86 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105880 GCA_020530245.1 SEQF6999.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 173 Hiroshima University 1,971,069 KSM183 37.02 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105954 GCA_020529725.1 SEQF7000.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 18 Hiroshima University 2,029,799 KSM126 36.76 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105920 GCA_020531665.1 SEQF7001.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 24 Hiroshima University 2,018,330 KSM225 36.82 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105971 GCA_020529645.1 SEQF7002.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 40 Hiroshima University 2,064,937 KSM124 36.84 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105919 GCA_020529245.1 SEQF7003.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 193 Hiroshima University 1,907,474 KSM157 37.3 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105938 GCA_020530805.1 SEQF7004.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 133 Hiroshima University 1,912,856 KSM155 37.14 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105937 GCA_020531505.1 SEQF7005.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 60 Hiroshima University 2,076,714 KSM110 36.83 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105910 GCA_020529705.1 SEQF7006.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 19 Hiroshima University 1,987,369 KSM74 36.76 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105888 GCA_020530065.1 SEQF7007.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 26 Hiroshima University 2,018,804 KSM215 36.82 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105968 GCA_020529905.1 SEQF7008.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 29 Hiroshima University 1,987,891 KSM199 36.67 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105963 GCA_020529465.1 SEQF7009.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 19 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,995,468 D40t1_170626_E1 36.72 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532872 GCA_015670285.1 SEQF7010.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 20 Hiroshima University 1,988,627 KSM58 36.71 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105882 GCA_020530145.1 SEQF7011.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 448 Hiroshima University 1,709,188 KSM197 37.72 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105962 GCA_020529745.1 SEQF7012.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 26 Hiroshima University 2,026,462 KSM17 36.68 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105863 GCA_020531205.1 SEQF7013.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 28 Hiroshima University 2,033,991 KSM138 36.64 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105927 GCA_020530585.1 SEQF7014.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 33 Hiroshima University 2,035,314 KSM3 36.66 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105855 GCA_020531355.1 SEQF7015.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 121 Hiroshima University 1,980,095 KSM106 36.98 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105908 GCA_020529945.1 SEQF7016.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 29 Hiroshima University 1,993,719 KSM171 36.92 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105946 GCA_020529565.1 SEQF7017.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 46 Hiroshima University 2,005,948 KSM163 36.67 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105941 GCA_020529795.1 SEQF7018.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 128 Hiroshima University 1,979,584 KSM19 36.94 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105865 GCA_020531245.1 SEQF7019.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 19 Hiroshima University 1,987,413 KSM8 36.68 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105857 GCA_020531385.1 SEQF7020.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 42 Hiroshima University 1,994,649 KSM27 36.89 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105869 GCA_020531185.1 SEQF7021.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 25 Hiroshima University 1,988,968 KSM167 36.85 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105944 GCA_020531525.1 SEQF7022.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 28 Hiroshima University 2,002,003 KSM29 36.72 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105871 GCA_020531145.1 SEQF7023.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 23 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,017,397 1001270H_150608_B10 36.65 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533001 GCA_015668935.1 SEQF7024.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 75 Hiroshima University 2,015,424 KSM172 36.81 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105947 GCA_020529765.1 SEQF7025.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 160 Hiroshima University 1,928,186 KSM92 37.05 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105897 GCA_020529365.1 SEQF7026.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 15 Hiroshima University 2,014,827 KSM120 36.69 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105916 GCA_020530845.1 SEQF7027.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 23 Hiroshima University 2,019,730 KSM95 36.71 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105899 GCA_020530325.1 SEQF7028.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 17 Hiroshima University 2,011,425 KSM98 36.67 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105902 GCA_020529985.1 SEQF7029.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 32 Hiroshima University 2,009,446 KSM151 36.74 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105933 GCA_020530865.1 SEQF7030.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 32 Hiroshima University 2,036,534 KSM94 36.88 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105898 GCA_020530225.1 SEQF7031.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 32 Hiroshima University 2,001,674 KSM182 36.71 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105953 GCA_020529785.1 SEQF7032.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 29 Hiroshima University 2,040,699 KSM164 36.72 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105942 GCA_020530525.1 SEQF7033.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 61 Hiroshima University 2,035,198 KSM203 36.75 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105965 GCA_020529865.1 SEQF7034.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 41 Hiroshima University 2,059,732 KSM131 36.77 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105923 GCA_020531635.1 SEQF7035.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 30 Hiroshima University 2,010,224 KSM83 36.66 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105893 GCA_020530285.1 SEQF7036.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 29 University of Florida 2,007,660 UA159 36.7 PRJNA700622 SAMN17834375 GCA_018588825.1 SEQF7037.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 91 Hiroshima University 2,023,452 KSM77 36.8 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105890 GCA_020530045.1 SEQF7038.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 347 Hiroshima University 1,949,811 KSM108 37.0 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105909 GCA_020529915.1 SEQF7039.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 27 Hiroshima University 2,014,454 KSM105 36.88 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105907 GCA_020529385.1 SEQF7040.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 99 Hiroshima University 2,216,997 KSM153 36.44 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105935 GCA_020530785.1 SEQF7041.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 27 Hiroshima University 2,003,360 KSM9 36.72 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105858 GCA_020531255.1 SEQF7042.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 14 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 1,980,736 Streptococcus_mutans_BgEED33 36.69 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664376 GCA_901875565.1 SEQF7043.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 140 Hiroshima University 1,966,668 KSM219 37.01 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105969 GCA_020530705.1 SEQF7044.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 103 Hiroshima University 2,008,650 KSM112 36.81 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105911 GCA_020529405.1 SEQF7045.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 24 Hiroshima University 1,991,354 KSM34 36.89 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105875 GCA_020530125.1 SEQF7046.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 18 University of Florida 2,011,866 Smu20 36.71 PRJNA700622 SAMN17834376 GCA_018588785.1 SEQF7047.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 20 Hiroshima University 2,027,966 KSM43 36.67 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105877 GCA_020531025.1 SEQF7048.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 27 University of Florida 2,012,417 Smu93 36.76 PRJNA700622 SAMN17834377 GCA_018588765.1 SEQF7049.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 55 Hiroshima University 1,995,492 KSM207 36.86 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105967 GCA_020530725.1 SEQF7050.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 26 Hiroshima University 2,013,563 KSM51 36.84 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105878 GCA_020530165.1 SEQF7051.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 38 Hiroshima University 2,024,703 KSM162 36.84 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105940 GCA_020531465.1 SEQF7052.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 143 Hiroshima University 2,097,037 KSM121 36.82 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105917 GCA_020531625.1 SEQF7053.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 55 Hiroshima University 2,017,361 KSM223 36.81 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105970 GCA_020530765.1 SEQF7054.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 29 Hiroshima University 1,959,437 KSM90 37.0 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105896 GCA_020530365.1 SEQF7055.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 70 Hiroshima University 2,102,570 KSM129 36.94 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105922 GCA_020530645.1 SEQF7056.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 20 Hiroshima University 1,961,069 KSM22 36.84 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105866 GCA_020530985.1 SEQF7057.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 16 Hiroshima University 2,006,001 KSM114 36.67 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105912 GCA_020529255.1 SEQF7058.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 24 Hiroshima University 1,963,630 KSM187 36.93 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105956 GCA_020529485.1 SEQF7059.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 66 Hiroshima University 2,036,894 KSM205 36.69 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105966 GCA_020529595.1 SEQF7060.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 36 Hiroshima University 2,030,762 KSM123 36.69 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105918 GCA_020529225.1 SEQF7061.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 39 Hiroshima University 2,016,011 KSM166 36.72 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105943 GCA_020531445.1 SEQF7062.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 25 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,005,180 1001095IJ_161003_G6 36.69 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533321 GCA_015670115.1 SEQF7063.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 22 Hiroshima University 1,979,951 KSM147 36.85 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105930 GCA_020530565.1 SEQF7064.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 42 Hiroshima University 1,976,748 KSM76 36.77 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105889 GCA_020530305.1 SEQF7065.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 40 Hiroshima University 2,043,389 KSM135 36.67 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105925 GCA_020531585.1 SEQF7066.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 81 New York University College of Dentistry 2,077,621 B04Sm5 37.0 PRJNA173258 SAMN02641544 GCA_000522765.1 SEQF7067.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 21 Hiroshima University 2,010,400 KSM229 36.89 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105973 GCA_020529625.1 SEQF7068.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 55 Hiroshima University 1,979,908 KSM178 36.9 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105951 GCA_020529825.1 SEQF7069.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 22 Hiroshima University 1,995,649 KSM173 36.73 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105948 GCA_020530465.1 SEQF7070.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 22 Hiroshima University 1,974,299 KSM28 36.81 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105870 GCA_020531105.1 SEQF7071.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 20 Hiroshima University 1,985,186 KSM137 36.84 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105926 GCA_020531565.1 SEQF7072.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 37 Hiroshima University 1,990,012 KSM238 36.78 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105976 GCA_020531405.1 SEQF7073.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 29 Hiroshima University 2,066,820 KSM18 36.77 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105864 GCA_020531225.1 SEQF7074.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 156 Hiroshima University 1,999,914 KSM154 37.02 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105936 GCA_020531485.1 SEQF7075.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 29 Hiroshima University 1,995,218 KSM31 36.82 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105873 GCA_020530945.1 SEQF7076.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 115 Hiroshima University 2,029,071 KSM15 36.89 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105861 GCA_020531325.1 SEQF7077.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 20 Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1,963,415 B30 36.9 PRJNA541201 SAMN18353238 GCA_021013185.1 SEQF7078.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 29 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,987,784 D53t1_180928_E8 36.71 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532791 GCA_015669655.1 SEQF7079.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 51 Hiroshima University 2,081,096 KSM62 36.71 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105884 GCA_020529275.1 SEQF7080.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 27 Hiroshima University 1,968,359 KSM185 36.91 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105955 GCA_020530445.1 SEQF7081.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 42 Hiroshima University 2,020,517 KSM191 36.68 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105959 GCA_020530485.1 SEQF7082.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 28 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,990,200 1001287H_170206_C7 36.89 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533142 GCA_015556125.1 SEQF7083.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 31 Hiroshima University 2,025,937 KSM193 36.88 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105960 GCA_020529885.1 SEQF7084.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 41 Hiroshima University 1,983,456 KSM72 36.73 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105887 GCA_020530025.1 SEQF7085.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 65 Hiroshima University 2,069,538 KSM152 36.99 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105934 GCA_020530795.1 SEQF7086.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 41 Hiroshima University 1,996,491 KSM25 36.89 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105867 GCA_020531165.1 SEQF7087.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 106 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,003,248 E681 36.84 PRJNA732902 SAMN19353794 GCA_018619415.1 SEQF7088.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 82 Hiroshima University 2,103,908 KSM175 36.87 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105949 GCA_020530875.1 SEQF7089.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 36 Hiroshima University 2,009,407 KSM170 36.86 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105945 GCA_020530925.1 SEQF7090.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 34 Hiroshima University 1,989,152 KSM56 36.78 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105881 GCA_020530185.1 SEQF7091.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 21 Hiroshima University 2,030,299 KSM65 36.75 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105885 GCA_020530425.1 SEQF7092.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 98 Hiroshima University 1,965,483 KSM103 36.83 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105905 GCA_020529995.1 SEQF7093.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 39 Hiroshima University 2,072,888 KSM140 36.78 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105928 GCA_020530665.1 SEQF7094.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 23 Hiroshima University 2,032,536 KSM16 36.68 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105862 GCA_020531305.1 SEQF7095.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 75 Hiroshima University 2,030,061 KSM60 36.97 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105883 GCA_020530625.1 SEQF7096.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 19 Hiroshima University 1,966,497 KSM146 36.89 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105929 GCA_020530545.1 SEQF7097.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 48 Hiroshima University 1,971,980 KSM188 36.96 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105957 GCA_020530745.1 SEQF7098.1 686 Streptococcus mutans latest 139 Hiroshima University 2,224,503 KSM128 36.69 PRJNA769153 SAMN22105921 GCA_020530685.1 SEQF2689.3 688 Actinomyces viscosus latest 5 Broad Institute 3,134,496 C505 68.68 PRJNA38743 SAMN02463750 GCA_000175315.3 SEQF8715.1 688 Actinomyces viscosus latest 1 SC 3,491,241 NCTC10951 68.91 PRJEB6403 SAMEA101153668 GCA_900637975.1 SEQF8716.1 688 Actinomyces viscosus latest 107 University of Gothenburg - CCUG 3,336,376 CCUG 14476 69.03 PRJNA305687 SAMN11246704 GCA_004525795.1 SEQF3152.1 689 Fusobacterium naviforme latest 23 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,400,574 ATCC 25832 52.82 PRJNA245573 SAMN02745175 GCA_003014445.1 SEQF3163.1 689 Fusobacterium naviforme latest 48 University of Gothenburg - CCUG 2,417,850 CCUG 50052 52.8 PRJNA563568 SAMN12697573 GCA_008801825.1 SEQF3164.1 689 Fusobacterium naviforme latest 2 SC 2,434,506 NCTC13121 52.8 PRJEB6403 SAMEA48405418 GCA_900450945.1 SEQF10000.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 226 Newport Laboratories, A Sanofi company 2,520,807 DJ-2 33.96 PRJNA232682 SAMN02781280 GCA_000691745.1 SEQF10001.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 304 Newport Laboratories, A Sanofi company 2,532,319 BFTR-1 33.95 PRJNA232679 SAMN02781284 GCA_000691685.1 SEQF10002.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 83 Aarhus University 2,099,301 LS_1266 35.09 PRJNA315619 SAMN04569318 GCA_001597315.1 SEQF10003.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 42 Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research 2,054,808 B35 34.98 PRJNA173652 SAMN01983953 GCA_000814775.1 SEQF10004.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 51 Aarhus University 2,139,316 F1309 35.17 PRJNA315619 SAMN04570267 GCA_001597475.1 SEQF10005.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 254 Newport Laboratories, A Sanofi Company 2,520,035 DAB 34.01 PRJNA232680 SAMN02781283 GCA_000691705.1 SEQF10006.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 62 Aarhus University 2,244,163 LS_1260 35.08 PRJNA315619 SAMN04566685 GCA_001596475.1 SEQF10007.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 56 Aarhus University 2,201,834 F1351 34.99 PRJNA315619 SAMN04570270 GCA_001597575.1 SEQF10008.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 112 University of Florida 2,049,610 KG34 35.24 PRJNA513072 SAMN10695580 GCA_004134955.1 SEQF10009.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 181 University of Calgary 2,645,633 DD5 34.09 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729904 GCA_018205295.1 SEQF10010.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 34 EMG 2,094,695 MGYG-HGUT-02362 35.22 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851866 GCA_902386295.1 SEQF10011.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 47 Aarhus University 2,173,839 F1365 35.14 PRJNA315619 SAMN04570273 GCA_001597565.1 SEQF10012.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 26 University of Gothenburg - CCUG 2,124,940 CCUG 42162 34.93 PRJNA563568 SAMN12697574 GCA_008801775.1 SEQF10013.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 72 Aarhus University 2,110,484 F1330 35.25 PRJNA315619 SAMN04570269 GCA_001597545.1 SEQF10014.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 45 Aarhus University 2,112,695 F1353 35.1 PRJNA315619 SAMN04570271 GCA_001597525.1 SEQF10015.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 117 Aarhus University 2,334,503 LS_1264 34.38 PRJNA315619 SAMN04566686 GCA_001596485.1 SEQF10016.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 114 University of Florida 2,078,803 KG35 35.01 PRJNA513072 SAMN10695581 GCA_004134945.1 SEQF10017.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 36 Aarhus University 2,231,951 LS_1195 35.33 PRJNA315619 SAMN04566683 GCA_001597305.1 SEQF2064.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 15 Broad Institute 2,312,695 1_1_36S 34.95 PRJNA46417 SAMN02463865 GCA_000242215.1 SEQF2347.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 45 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,110,802 ATCC 51357 34.92 PRJNA75137 SAMN00761801 GCA_000262225.1 SEQF2389.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 87 JCVI 2,166,823 Fnf 1007 35.05 PRJNA89621 SAMN00829140 GCA_000292975.1 SEQF2532.2 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 17 Broad Institute 1,960,925 D12 35.53 PRJNA32485 SAMN02463712 GCA_000158295.2 SEQF2670.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 40 University of Missouri-Columbia 2,088,497 B35 34.99 PRJNA186622 SAMN02700144 GCA_000600355.1 SEQF9976.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 1 Virginia Tech 2,678,415 ATCC 25286 34.03 PRJNA513186 SAMN10697414 GCA_004006635.1 SEQF9977.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 1 Aarhus University 2,288,480 F1260 35.21 PRJNA354964 SAMN06234847 GCA_003732525.1 SEQF9978.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 1 Aarhus University 2,135,983 F1291 35.27 PRJNA354964 SAMN06055349 GCA_003732505.1 SEQF9979.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 1 Virginia Tech 2,286,018 1_1_36S 34.67 PRJNA433545 SAMN08501105 GCA_003019715.1 SEQF9980.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,678,402 FDAARGOS_565 34.03 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163189 GCA_003812825.1 SEQF9981.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 17 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,033,981 HUN048 35.16 PRJNA223481 SAMN02744026 GCA_000622045.1 SEQF9982.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 56 Aarhus University 2,098,951 LS_1280 35.14 PRJNA315619 SAMN04569319 GCA_001597325.1 SEQF9983.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 70 Aarhus University 2,339,372 F1285 34.98 PRJNA315619 SAMN04570266 GCA_001597405.1 SEQF9984.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 35 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 2,094,200 P1_LM 35.22 PRJNA362951 SAMN07448030 GCA_002762025.1 SEQF9985.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 34 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 2,094,695 P1_CP 35.22 PRJNA362951 SAMN07448029 GCA_002761995.1 SEQF9986.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 35 University of Calgary 2,082,099 DD37 35.2 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729936 GCA_018206505.1 SEQF9987.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 370 Newport Laboratories, A Sanofi company 2,459,939 DJ-1 34.05 PRJNA232678 SAMN02781281 GCA_000691665.1 SEQF9988.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 87 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,550,375 ATCC 25286 34.23 PRJEB16277 SAMN02983009 GCA_900104395.1 SEQF9989.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 46 Aarhus University 2,418,865 F1250 34.94 PRJNA315619 SAMN04570264 GCA_001597445.1 SEQF9990.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 105 Aarhus University 2,084,658 F1314 35.1 PRJNA315619 SAMN04570268 GCA_001597485.1 SEQF9991.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 235 Newport Laboratories, A Sanofi Company 2,458,422 BL 34.07 PRJNA232676 SAMN02781279 GCA_000691645.1 SEQF9992.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 198 University of Calgary 2,775,091 DD16 33.77 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729915 GCA_018205675.1 SEQF9993.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 32 Aarhus University 2,137,371 LS_1272 35.23 PRJNA315619 SAMN04569323 GCA_001597335.1 SEQF9994.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 38 Aarhus University 1,981,459 LS_1197 35.22 PRJNA315619 SAMN04566684 GCA_001596495.1 SEQF9995.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 389 Newport Laboratories, A Sanofi company 2,608,492 BFTR-2 33.84 PRJNA232681 SAMN02781282 GCA_000691725.1 SEQF9996.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 195 University of Calgary 2,775,010 DD41 33.78 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729940 GCA_018206635.1 SEQF9997.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 49 Aarhus University 2,239,285 F1248 34.85 PRJNA315619 SAMN04570262 GCA_001597395.1 SEQF9998.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 71 Aarhus University 2,285,683 F1267 35.08 PRJNA315619 SAMN04570265 GCA_001597465.1 SEQF9999.1 690 Fusobacterium necrophorum latest 37 Aarhus University 2,100,099 LS_1291 35.12 PRJNA315619 SAMN04569320 GCA_001597385.1 SEQF2672.3 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 1 Laboratory of microbiological transformation of organic compounds, G.K.Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences 5,421,267 VKM Ac-1815D 66.89 PRJNA177066 SAMN02641502 GCA_000317305.3 SEQF9734.1 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 1 Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University 5,756,799 MN2019 66.5 PRJNA598292 SAMN18915540 GCA_018363015.1 SEQF9735.1 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 1 MySterI 5,421,338 NRRL B-3805 66.89 PRJNA266535 SAMN03396774 GCA_001580405.1 SEQF9736.1 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 1 Hubei University of Technology 5,421,383 HGMS2 66.88 PRJNA483955 SAMN09754462 GCA_003367335.1 SEQF9737.1 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 47 NJAU 5,811,526 B5-4M 66.33 PRJNA803773 SAMN25687151 GCA_022559965.1 SEQF9738.1 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 33 Jiangxi Normal University 5,390,529 MN4 66.91 PRJNA274592 SAMN03329538 GCA_000959045.1 SEQF9739.1 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 14 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 5,566,563 365MFTsu 66.61 PRJEB15733 SAMN04488581 GCA_900101555.1 SEQF9740.1 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 10 ebi 5,536,033 DSM 44074 66.81 PRJEB1060 SAMEA3139061 GCA_000724065.1 SEQF9741.1 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 27 Uppsala University 5,477,923 DSM 44074 66.68 PRJNA429429 SAMN08339099 GCA_005670605.1 SEQF9742.1 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 75 NJAU 5,943,528 B5-4 66.4 PRJNA803772 SAMN25687150 GCA_022559925.1 SEQF9743.1 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 42 East China University of Science and Technology 5,468,381 ATCC 25795 66.68 PRJNA244824 SAMN02729281 GCA_000691525.1 SEQF9744.1 692 Mycolicibacterium neoaurum latest 43 Jiangxi Normal University 5,383,007 MN2 66.9 PRJNA308070 SAMN04386425 GCA_001510785.1 SEQF1689.1 693 Prevotella nigrescens latest 131 Broad Institute 3,021,735 F0103 42.66 PRJNA43119 SAMN02595377 GCA_000336235.1 SEQF1893.1 693 Prevotella nigrescens latest 24 Baylor College of Medicine 2,669,193 ATCC 33563 43.83 PRJNA64737 SAMN00262639 GCA_000220235.1 SEQF2617.1 693 Prevotella nigrescens latest 35 Broad Institute 2,986,732 CC14M 43.17 PRJNA71565 SAMN01162077 GCA_000507825.1 SEQF3684.1 693 Prevotella nigrescens latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 2,887,107 F0109 42.45 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352181 GCA_018127825.1 SEQF3685.1 693 Prevotella nigrescens latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,928,207 F0630 42.7 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352192 GCA_018127845.1 SEQF3686.1 693 Prevotella nigrescens latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 3,069,220 F0103 42.75 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352178 GCA_018127865.1 SEQF6695.1 693 Prevotella nigrescens latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,673,077 FDAARGOS_1486 42.63 PRJNA231221 SAMN20888903 GCA_019930605.1 SEQF6696.1 693 Prevotella nigrescens latest 8 Chosun University 2,837,965 KCOM 1102 42.62 PRJNA386731 SAMN07125733 GCA_002204475.1 SEQF6697.1 693 Prevotella nigrescens latest 5 SC 2,715,986 NCTC9336 42.6 PRJEB6403 SAMEA103899859 GCA_900454985.1 SEQF6698.1 693 Prevotella nigrescens latest 108 University of the Sunshine Coast 3,147,434 SCHI0028.S.5 42.63 PRJNA742126 SAMN19926184 GCA_019375595.1 SEQF2789.1 694 Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-6] [Eubacterium]_nodatum latest 29 JCVI 1,829,558 ATCC 33099 38.1 PRJNA89653 SAMN00829151 GCA_000510425.1 SEQF1078.1 698 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 1 Integrated Genomics 2,174,500 ATCC 25586 27.15 PRJNA295 SAMN02603417 GCA_000007325.1 SEQF2067.1 698 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 67 BCM 2,237,034 ATCC 23726 27.02 PRJNA31471 SAMN00001497 GCA_000178895.1 SEQF2821.1 698 Fusobacterium nucleatum latest 1 Chosun University 2,227,266 KCOM 1322 27.14 PRJNA270149 SAMN03263583 GCA_001296165.1 SEQF2822.1 698 Fusobacterium nucleatum 1 Chosun University 2,290,405 strain=KCOM 1250 27.04 PRJNA270140 SAMN03263147 GCA_001296185.1 SEQF1006.1 700 Capnocytophaga ochracea latest 9 Baylor College of Medicine 2,663,545 F0287 40.1 PRJNA51493 SAMN00215988 GCA_000183985.1 SEQF1008.1 700 Capnocytophaga ochracea latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 2,612,925 DSM 7271 39.59 PRJNA29403 SAMN00001911 GCA_000023285.1 SEQF2387.1 700 Capnocytophaga ochracea latest 42 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,653,757 Holt 25 39.5 PRJNA78899 SAMN00792203 GCA_000277585.1 SEQF9475.1 700 Capnocytophaga ochracea latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,615,469 FDAARGOS_1468 39.59 PRJNA231221 SAMN20888885 GCA_019930725.1 SEQF9476.1 700 Capnocytophaga ochracea latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,713,235 FDAARGOS_1550 39.43 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091647 GCA_020736165.1 SEQF9477.1 700 Capnocytophaga ochracea latest 44 SC 2,946,791 NCTC11546 39.27 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104210786 GCA_900446705.1 SEQF9478.1 700 Capnocytophaga ochracea latest 2 SC 2,694,690 NCTC11458 39.41 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104210766 GCA_900618145.1 SEQF9479.1 700 Capnocytophaga ochracea latest 12 SC 2,809,526 NCTC11545 39.28 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104210763 GCA_900460915.1 SEQF9480.1 700 Capnocytophaga ochracea latest 72 University of Washington 2,516,120 490_CAPN 39.68 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197683 GCA_001057035.1 SEQF1388.1 701 Schaalia odontolytica latest 2 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,393,958 ATCC 17982 65.45 PRJNA18171 SAMN00627054 DSM 43331 was originally isolated from human dental cavity. GCA_000154225.1 SEQF1657.1 701 Schaalia odontolytica latest 6 WUGSC 2,431,995 F0309 65.38 PRJNA38309 SAMN00008754 GCA_000163415.1 SEQF2804.1 701 Schaalia odontolytica latest 5 University of Washington 2,336,123 XH001 65.94 PRJNA298751 SAMN04166493 GCA_001462375.1 SEQF3096.1 701 Schaalia odontolytica latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,360,133 XH001 65.9 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483329 GCA_005696695.1 SEQF7619.1 701 Schaalia odontolytica latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,432,635 FDAARGOS_732 65.26 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056447 GCA_009730335.1 SEQF7620.1 701 Schaalia odontolytica latest 133 University of Chicago 2,469,193 DFI.1.46 66.98 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167386 GCA_020561905.1 SEQF7621.1 701 Schaalia odontolytica latest 30 Loyola University Chicago 2,341,511 UMB0018 65.49 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193632 GCA_002847525.1 SEQF7622.1 701 Schaalia odontolytica latest 26 SC 2,454,426 NCTC9935 64.86 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4504037 GCA_900445025.1 SEQF2794.1 703 Desulfomicrobium orale latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,783,374 DSM 12838 58.93 PRJNA282954 SAMN04435861 GCA_001553625.1 SEQF2553.1 704 Mycoplasma orale latest 21 DOE Joint Genome Institute 710,549 ATCC 23714 25.36 PRJNA183029 SAMN02441597 GCA_000420105.1 SEQF1988.2 705 Prevotella oralis latest 4 Baylor College of Medicine 2,839,537 ATCC 33269 44.65 PRJNA51495 SAMN00216885 GCA_000185145.2 SEQF2523.1 705 Prevotella oralis latest 7 Broad Institute 2,857,367 HGA0225 44.7 PRJNA169459 SAMN02596991 GCA_000413355.1 SEQF2618.1 705 Prevotella oralis latest 6 Broad Institute 2,990,162 CC98A 44.87 PRJNA71567 SAMN01162055 GCA_000507905.1 SEQF4327.1 705 Prevotella oralis latest 17 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,812,609 DSM 20702 44.52 PRJEB18195 SAMN05444288 GCA_900129435.1 SEQF4328.1 705 Prevotella oralis latest 7 EMG 2,857,367 MGYG-HGUT-01447 44.7 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850950 GCA_902375085.1 SEQF1594.1 706 Kingella oralis latest 5 WUGSC 2,406,675 ATCC 51147 54.34 PRJNA33145 SAMN00008832 GCA_000160435.1 SEQF6169.1 706 Kingella oralis latest 2 INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier 2,420,532 DSM 18271 54.3 PRJNA647881 SAMN15603182 GCA_014054985.1 SEQF1917.2 707 Streptococcus oralis latest 25 University of Maryland 1,884,712 ATCC 35037 41.35 PRJNA50777 SAMN02435816 GCA_000148565.2 SEQF1998.1 707 Streptococcus oralis 8 Baylor College of Medicine 1,915,891 strain=ATCC 6249 41.76 PRJNA50515 SAMN00116813 GCA_000146585.1 SEQF2005.1 707 Streptococcus oralis latest 1 Nano+Bio Center, University of Kaiserslautern 1,958,690 Uo5 41.14 PRJEA60241 SAMEA2272261 GCA_000253155.1 SEQF2023.1 707 Streptococcus oralis latest 10 Baylor College of Medicine 1,913,838 ATCC 35037 41.71 PRJNA38733 SAMN00120580 GCA_000164095.1 SEQF2220.2 707 Streptococcus oralis latest 63 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,005,180 SK255 40.95 PRJNA65581 SAMN00621703 GCA_000215365.2 SEQF2221.2 707 Streptococcus oralis latest 5 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,888,813 SK313 41.45 PRJNA67193 SAMN00621710 GCA_000223235.2 SEQF2340.1 707 Streptococcus oralis latest 39 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,938,353 SK10 41.3 PRJNA75161 SAMN00761853 GCA_000257495.1 SEQF2341.1 707 Streptococcus oralis latest 51 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,920,577 SK100 41.1 PRJNA75163 SAMN00761854 GCA_000257475.1 SEQF2342.1 707 Streptococcus oralis latest 20 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,853,895 SK1074 41.28 PRJNA75133 SAMN00761796 GCA_000257845.1 SEQF2343.1 707 Streptococcus oralis latest 31 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,986,816 SK610 41.1 PRJNA75167 SAMN00761855 GCA_000257455.1 SEQF2399.1 707 Streptococcus oralis latest 25 JCVI 2,020,585 SK304 40.69 PRJNA89615 SAMN00829137 GCA_000287715.1 SEQF3145.1 708 Actinomyces oricola latest 78 Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2,930,686 R5292 68.69 PRJNA510320 SAMN10601821 GCA_004104015.1 SEQF1856.2 709 Limosilactobacillus oris latest 20 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,174,937 F0423 49.73 PRJNA61831 SAMN00195308 GCA_000221505.2 SEQF1910.1 709 Limosilactobacillus oris latest 89 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,115,990 PB013-T2-3 49.77 PRJNA54025 SAMN00116776 GCA_000180015.1 SEQF8726.1 709 Limosilactobacillus oris latest 75 Shanghai Majorbio 2,031,774 DSM 4864 49.98 PRJNA222257 SAMN02369408 GCA_001434465.1 SEQF8727.1 709 Limosilactobacillus oris latest 57 UniKlinik RWTH Aachen 1,969,635 DSM 108973 49.78 PRJNA668258 SAMN16401882 GCA_015234165.1 SEQF8728.1 709 Limosilactobacillus oris latest 85 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 2,130,048 Lactobacillus_oris_BgEED19 49.74 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664363 GCA_901873565.1 SEQF2795.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 5 The Forsyth Institute 2,649,137 CCUG 350 43.54 PRJNA282954 SAMN04435858 GCA_001553955.1 SEQF4592.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,435,828 FDAARGOS_870 43.85 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450400 GCA_016028755.1 SEQF4593.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 2,546,670 FDAARGOS_1130 43.72 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357299 GCA_016726945.1 SEQF4594.2 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 5 Changwon National University 2,725,214 KSH 43.54 PRJNA398108 SAMN07501684 GCA_002752795.2 SEQF4595.2 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 4 Changwon National University 2,821,325 YHS 43.45 PRJNA398105 SAMN07501683 GCA_002752755.2 SEQF4596.2 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 5 Changwon National University 2,818,011 TT16 43.44 PRJNA397939 SAMN07498009 GCA_002786455.2 SEQF4597.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 5 La Trobe University 2,819,707 YV1 43.32 PRJNA598073 SAMN13697796 GCA_009867135.1 SEQF4598.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 4 Kazusa DNA Research Institute 2,621,004 KMC41 43.64 PRJDB4665 SAMD00048857 GCA_002355615.1 SEQF4599.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 1 Clemson University 2,503,420 FLMOS1 43.82 PRJNA760542 SAMN21220453 GCA_020041925.1 SEQF4600.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 6 US Food and Drug Administration 2,759,178 FDAARGOS_1202 43.52 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357344 GCA_016888885.1 SEQF4601.2 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 8 Changwon National University 3,043,784 NP7 43.17 PRJNA398109 SAMN07501685 GCA_002753715.2 SEQF4602.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 32 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,692,181 CCUG 57516 43.41 PRJNA302716 SAMN05214362 GCA_001679205.1 SEQF4603.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 62 China CDC 2,622,771 EYE_771 43.5 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899841 GCA_023147185.1 SEQF4604.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 60 China CDC 2,693,703 EYE_13 43.66 PRJNA741708 SAMN19899802 GCA_023148235.1 SEQF4605.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 60 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,637,244 CCUG 67237 43.35 PRJNA302716 SAMN05219448 GCA_001679275.1 SEQF4606.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 94 BGI 2,625,432 DE0456 43.56 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792616 GCA_007667745.1 SEQF4607.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 76 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,594,948 CCUG 350 43.56 PRJNA302716 SAMN05214315 GCA_001679175.1 SEQF4608.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 112 SysMilk 2,596,010 OG2 43.68 PRJNA375758 SAMN06718506 GCA_002276465.1 SEQF4609.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 172 Child Health Research Foundation 2,867,720 71383 43.12 PRJNA624729 SAMN14582801 GCA_019353005.1 SEQF4610.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 8 US Food and Drug Administration 2,914,484 FDAARGOS_1129 43.49 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357298 GCA_016791645.1 SEQF4611.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 6 SC 2,691,416 NCTC10465 43.5 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4384066 GCA_900453115.1 SEQF4612.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 51 Loyola University Chicago 2,722,158 UMB0416 43.46 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193706 GCA_002863315.1 SEQF4613.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 80 Child Health Research Foundation 2,706,202 8444 43.31 PRJNA624729 SAMN14582800 GCA_019353055.1 SEQF4614.1 711 Moraxella osloensis latest 45 Child Health Research Foundation 2,632,101 200931 43.59 PRJNA624729 SAMN14582799 GCA_019353065.1 SEQF1989.1 714 Prevotella pallens latest 40 Baylor College of Medicine 3,127,600 ATCC 700821 39.07 PRJNA64739 SAMN00262640 GCA_000220255.1 SEQF7275.1 714 Prevotella pallens latest 80 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,053,674 DSM 18710 37.43 PRJNA331400 SAMN05444284 GCA_003269195.1 SEQF7276.1 714 Prevotella pallens latest 7 SC 3,108,714 NCTC13043 37.46 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104224808 GCA_900454935.1 SEQF1254.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI), The Lactic Acid Bacteria Genome Consortium and Fidelity Systems Inc. 2,924,325 ATCC 334 46.58 PRJNA402 SAMN02598528 GCA_000014525.1 SEQF1262.2 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 Broad Institute 3,025,352 8700:2 46.3 PRJNA30077 SAMN02463682 GCA_000155515.2 SEQF1777.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei 73 Baylor College of Medicine 2,991,737 ATCC 25302 = DSM 5622 = JCM 8130 48.42 PRJNA31513 SAMN00001470 GCA_000159495.1 SEQF2526.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei 91 Danone Research 3,089,104 strain=Lpl7 46.25 PRJNA178446 SAMN02469714 GCA_000409835.1 SEQF2527.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei 144 Danone Research 2,892,319 strain=Lpp230 46.32 PRJNA178448 SAMN02469722 GCA_000409815.1 SEQF2528.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei 201 Danone Research 2,801,291 strain=Lpp120 46.45 PRJNA178452 SAMN02469723 GCA_000409935.1 SEQF7099.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 Kyushu University 3,017,804 JCM 8130 46.55 PRJDB478 SAMD00010723 GCA_000829035.1 SEQF7100.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 4 The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization 3,074,406 EG9 46.43 PRJNA472195 SAMN09239981 GCA_003177075.1 SEQF7101.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 4 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 3,080,275 TK-P4A 46.44 PRJNA579198 SAMN13106280 GCA_015377585.1 SEQF7102.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 4 Hallym University 3,141,511 HL182 46.3 PRJNA712632 SAMN18236778 GCA_017638905.1 SEQF7103.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 IBB PAS 3,240,583 IBB3423 46.3 PRJNA388024 SAMN07167770 GCA_009739485.1 SEQF7104.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 5 China Agricultural University 2,973,347 CAUH35 46.31 PRJNA290442 SAMN03892742 GCA_001191565.1 SEQF7105.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 3,014,784 GR0548 46.3 PRJNA716473 SAMN18436391 GCA_019175405.1 SEQF7106.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 1 Kunming University of Science and Technology 3,101,562 401 46.35 PRJNA844480 SAMN28818858 GCA_023674545.1 SEQF7107.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 1 Beijing University of Agriculture 2,918,888 KL1 46.6 PRJNA307294 SAMN04378089 GCA_001514415.1 SEQF7108.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 Stavropol Plague Control Reseach Institute 3,219,033 347-16 46.14 PRJNA588921 SAMN13259076 GCA_012955485.1 SEQF7109.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 Zhejiang Gongshang University 3,048,677 ZFM54 46.34 PRJNA392728 SAMN07305422 GCA_003627255.1 SEQF7110.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 5 National Chung Hsing University 3,070,110 GR0562 46.4 PRJNA799079 SAMN25145123 GCA_021650835.1 SEQF7111.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 9 Southwest University 3,320,114 WX322 46.12 PRJNA563284 SAMN12671281 GCA_022701315.1 SEQF7112.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 1 Huazhong Agricultural University 3,083,412 NJ 46.4 PRJNA555460 SAMN12319598 GCA_007637635.1 SEQF7113.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 Nutrition &Health Technology Center 3,143,553 VHProbi F22 46.28 PRJNA785080 SAMN23765140 GCA_022478075.1 SEQF7114.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 4 Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources 3,196,149 NFFJ04 46.3 PRJNA615038 SAMN14444968 GCA_014905075.1 SEQF7115.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 1 China Agricultural University 3,076,437 L9 46.35 PRJNA289435 SAMN03853751 GCA_001244395.1 SEQF7116.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 Hiroshima University 3,181,204 IJH-SONE68 46.39 PRJDB6382 SAMD00094822 GCA_003966835.1 SEQF7117.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 World Institute of Kimchi 3,145,659 MGB0747 46.27 PRJNA674677 SAMN16668663 GCA_015476175.1 SEQF7118.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 8 Nanjing Agricultural University 3,141,558 S-NA5 46.34 PRJNA692640 SAMN17359331 GCA_016757675.1 SEQF7119.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 South China Agricultural University 2,898,292 SCB0563 46.43 PRJNA818846 SAMN26885627 GCA_022819265.1 SEQF7120.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 5 Shijiazhuang Junlebao Dairy Co., Ltd 3,064,279 N1115 46.45 PRJNA234304 SAMN03081525 GCA_000582665.1 SEQF7121.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 World Institute of Kimchi 3,172,378 MGB0761 46.25 PRJNA674678 SAMN16668817 GCA_015476195.1 SEQF7122.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 7 Northeast Agricultural University 2,867,519 TD 062 46.43 PRJNA568690 SAMN12792675 GCA_009834405.1 SEQF7123.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 4 Universiti Malaysia Sabah 3,246,143 IIA 46.25 PRJNA315936 SAMN04571918 GCA_002079285.1 SEQF7124.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 1 Tianjin University of Science and Tecnology 2,942,538 TK1501 46.54 PRJNA349108 SAMN05921089 GCA_002257625.1 SEQF7125.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 6 University of Bern 2,969,707 FAM18149 46.31 PRJNA343183 SAMN05781319 GCA_002442835.1 SEQF7126.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 Shanghai Institute of Technology 3,144,483 TCS 46.28 PRJNA528226 SAMN11177072 GCA_008807095.1 SEQF7127.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 Northeast Agricultural University 3,143,531 LC355 46.38 PRJNA471936 SAMN09222630 GCA_003268715.1 SEQF7128.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 KyungHee university 3,092,262 Lp02 46.33 PRJNA534358 SAMN11489091 GCA_013307125.1 SEQF7129.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 4 World Institute of Kimchi 3,186,130 MGB0245 46.28 PRJNA674457 SAMN16657550 GCA_015476075.1 SEQF7130.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 World Institute of Kimchi 3,251,147 MGB0625 46.32 PRJNA674676 SAMN16668564 GCA_015476155.1 SEQF7131.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 1 Universidad Nacional de Quilmes 3,052,122 Lpc10 46.31 PRJNA473822 SAMN09283999 GCA_003199005.1 SEQF7132.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University 3,044,908 10266 46.33 PRJNA487125 SAMN09874024 GCA_008329845.1 SEQF7133.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 Nanjing Agricultural University 3,152,144 S-NB 46.33 PRJNA692643 SAMN17359333 GCA_016757695.1 SEQF7134.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 Technische Universitaet Muenchen 3,170,114 TMW 1.1434 46.37 PRJNA327719 SAMN05356834 GCA_002813615.1 SEQF7135.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 Center for Industrialization of Agricultural and Livestock Microorganisms 3,240,202 CACC 566 46.14 PRJNA601660 SAMN13871807 GCA_009931715.1 SEQF7136.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 1 EMG 3,076,437 MGYG-HGUT-02388 46.35 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851892 GCA_902386635.1 SEQF7137.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 5 Nanjing Agricultural University 3,254,229 ZY-1 46.37 PRJNA679905 SAMN16861159 GCA_015693945.1 SEQF7138.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 1 key laboratory of microbiology 3,039,280 HD1.7 46.42 PRJNA420596 SAMN08195363 GCA_002865565.1 SEQF7139.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 7 World Institute of Kimchi 3,300,275 MGB0734 46.19 PRJNA674668 SAMN16667758 GCA_015476135.1 SEQF7140.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 1 key laboratory of microbiology 3,038,767 HDS-01 46.42 PRJNA429854 SAMN08361670 GCA_002902825.1 SEQF7141.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 University of Vienna 3,132,096 W56 46.29 PRJEB219 SAMEA2271945 GCA_000318035.1 SEQF7142.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 Korea Food Research Institute 3,096,558 AO356 46.32 PRJNA422956 SAMN08200884 GCA_003957435.1 SEQF7143.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 1 Howard University 3,042,229 2A 46.35 PRJNA720963 SAMN18869149 GCA_018286435.1 SEQF7144.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 3 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 3,187,447 SRCM103299 46.38 PRJNA517970 SAMN10849469 GCA_004141835.1 SEQF7145.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 2 World Institute of Kimchi 3,102,530 CBA3611 46.3 PRJNA545404 SAMN11890849 GCA_007292115.1 SEQF7146.1 716 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei latest 1 Yuan Ze University 3,029,123 BCRC-16100 46.4 PRJNA773974 SAMN22548461 GCA_022588775.1 SEQF1395.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus 2 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 6,754,997 S110 67.54 PRJNA30453 SAMN02598472 GCA_000023345.1 SEQF2183.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 6,550,056 EPS 66.48 PRJNA43457 SAMN00149467 GCA_000184745.1 SEQF2586.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 2 Georg-August-University Goettingen, Genomic and Applied Microbiology, Goettingen Genomics Laboratory 7,148,516 B4 67.16 PRJNA178088 SAMN02603275 GCA_000463015.1 SEQF3742.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 1 Cal State San Bernardino 5,574,400 CSUSB 65.74 PRJNA593854 SAMN13494298 GCA_009755665.1 SEQF3743.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 1 Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics RAS 7,288,087 5C-2 67.26 PRJNA579941 SAMN13140870 GCA_009498455.1 SEQF3744.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 3 Cal State San Bernardino 9,439,028 VAI-C 69.03 PRJNA667957 SAMN16392950 GCA_016806145.1 SEQF3745.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 2 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) 7,953,776 IPSP_MA_2 67.14 PRJNA799905 SAMN25211992 GCA_022009635.1 SEQF3746.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 138 University of Chicago 6,906,509 MEDvA23 67.13 PRJNA270638 SAMN03267909 GCA_000834655.1 SEQF3747.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 111 Goettingen Genomics Laboratory 7,238,287 TBEA6 67.07 PRJNA270157 SAMN03263608 GCA_001026885.1 SEQF3748.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 16 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 6,664,268 NBRC 15149 67.74 PRJDB1090 SAMD00046749 GCA_001591365.1 SEQF3749.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 116 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) 6,890,215 KB5 67.52 PRJNA314555 SAMN04545447 GCA_001645605.1 SEQF3750.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 67 DOE Joint Genome Institute 7,011,730 4MFCol3.1 67.52 PRJNA178041 SAMN02440458 GCA_000377585.1 SEQF3751.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 397 US EPA 9,627,235 H108 69.13 PRJNA294421 SAMN04146767 GCA_001399625.1 SEQF3752.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 197 US EPA 9,626,070 H061 69.17 PRJNA294421 SAMN04146763 GCA_001401735.1 SEQF3753.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 124 Instituto de Nutricion y Tecnologia de los Alimentos - Universidad de Chile 6,993,677 ISL-79 66.69 PRJNA291433 SAMN18298938 GCA_018614955.1 SEQF3754.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 36 Instituto de Nutricion y Tecnologia de los Alimentos - Universidad de Chile 5,589,483 ISL-81 66.69 PRJNA291433 SAMN18298939 GCA_018614875.1 SEQF3755.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 324 US EPA 9,588,724 H090 69.18 PRJNA294421 SAMN04146765 GCA_001399565.1 SEQF3756.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 335 US EPA 9,487,998 H084 69.16 PRJNA294421 SAMN04146764 GCA_001399545.1 SEQF3757.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 109 Instituto de Nutricion y Tecnologia de los Alimentos - Universidad de Chile 6,590,446 ISL-3 66.89 PRJNA291433 SAMN18298937 GCA_018614915.1 SEQF3758.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 341 US EPA 9,490,631 H112 69.18 PRJNA294421 SAMN04146768 GCA_001399555.1 SEQF3759.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 668 Szent Istvan University 9,421,466 BFB1_13 68.91 PRJNA690206 SAMN17246050 GCA_017595065.1 SEQF3760.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 62 HELMHOLTZ CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH - UFZ. 6,660,857 6 67.73 PRJEB38476 SAMEA6854748 GCA_903797725.1 SEQF3761.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 380 US EPA 9,707,061 H095 69.18 PRJNA294421 SAMN04146766 GCA_001399595.1 SEQF3762.1 717 Variovorax paradoxus latest 48 DOE Joint Genome Institute 7,515,890 110B 67.74 PRJNA185299 SAMN02440495 GCA_000382045.1 SEQF1239.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 2,086,875 T3T1 39.57 PRJNA50411 SAMEA3138384 GCA_000210895.1 SEQF2077.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 10 Baylor College of Medicine 2,124,757 ATCC 33392 39.6 PRJNA53197 SAMN00253308 GCA_000191405.1 SEQF2349.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae 42 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,101,432 HK2019 39.24 PRJNA75175 SAMN00761859 GCA_000261285.1 SEQF2350.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 68 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,107,814 HK262 39.22 PRJNA75173 SAMN00761858 GCA_000259485.1 SEQF2941.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 20 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,091,064 CCUG 60358 39.55 PRJNA302716 SAMN05225442 GCA_001679485.1 SEQF2966.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 34 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,948,914 HMSC061E01 39.58 PRJNA296340 SAMN04477561 GCA_001810345.1 SEQF2974.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 25 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,904,337 HMSC068C11 39.57 PRJNA300173 SAMN04480439 GCA_001815355.1 SEQF2976.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae 39 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,007,726 strain=HMSC073C03 39.35 PRJNA300102 SAMN04480373 GCA_001814055.1 SEQF2982.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 35 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,974,023 HMSC066D03 39.51 PRJNA299930 SAMN04477593 GCA_001811025.1 SEQF2983.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 30 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,976,024 HMSC066D02 39.51 PRJNA299904 SAMN04477568 GCA_001810545.1 SEQF3011.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae 71 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,150,396 strain=HMSC61B11 39.21 PRJNA274534 SAMN04498882 GCA_001838615.1 SEQF3022.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 21 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,024,521 HMSC71H05 39.44 PRJNA274550 SAMN04498897 GCA_001838635.1 SEQF8071.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,141,704 FDAARGOS_1000 39.31 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357169 GCA_016127215.1 SEQF8072.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 Monash University 1,953,198 M1C125_4 39.6 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409233 GCA_014931435.1 SEQF8073.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 Monash University 1,926,530 M1C146_1 39.66 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409265 GCA_014931355.1 SEQF8074.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 Monash University 2,177,054 M1C137_2 39.49 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409249 GCA_014931395.1 SEQF8075.2 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 University of Bern 2,067,650 LC_1315_18 39.57 PRJNA515889 SAMN10774168 GCA_004104465.2 SEQF8076.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,148,960 M27794 39.34 PRJNA428178 SAMN09760371 GCA_003390455.1 SEQF8077.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 Monash University 2,000,745 M1C120_2 39.57 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409231 GCA_014931455.1 SEQF8078.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 3 Monash University 1,981,608 M1C147_1 39.63 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409268 GCA_014931335.1 SEQF8079.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 Monash University 2,022,727 M1C152_1 39.53 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409277 GCA_014931295.1 SEQF8080.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 3 Monash University 2,089,461 M1C113_1 39.47 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409224 GCA_014931475.1 SEQF8081.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 Monash University 2,015,253 M1C149_1 39.71 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409271 GCA_014931315.1 SEQF8082.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 Monash University 2,018,144 M1C160_1 39.57 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409282 GCA_014931275.1 SEQF8083.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 3 Monash University 2,037,540 M1C142_1 39.6 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409259 GCA_014931375.1 SEQF8084.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 Monash University 1,994,590 M1C130_2 39.65 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409239 GCA_014931415.1 SEQF8085.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 1 SC 2,062,405 NCTC10665 39.37 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104062569 GCA_900638025.1 SEQF8086.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 61 Monash University 1,973,866 M1C116_1 39.42 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409227 GCA_014982375.1 SEQF8087.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 105 University of Washington 2,184,270 174_HPAR 39.31 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197365 GCA_001055595.1 SEQF8088.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 81 University of Washington 1,975,962 1209_HPAR 39.3 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197171 GCA_001053035.1 SEQF8089.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 16 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,079,145 C2005004058 39.35 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011137 GCA_003252915.1 SEQF8090.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 19 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,136,084 ATCC 33392 39.26 PRJNA66117 SAMN00621707 GCA_000746485.1 SEQF8091.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 117 University of Washington 2,175,985 137_HINF 39.29 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197326 GCA_001053535.1 SEQF8092.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 26 University of Washington 1,965,853 432_HPAR 39.47 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197626 GCA_001055095.1 SEQF8093.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 15 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,898,682 C2004002729 39.49 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011138 GCA_003252795.1 SEQF8094.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 61 University of Washington 1,968,517 155_HPAR 39.39 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197345 GCA_001054475.1 SEQF8095.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 187 UMCU 2,127,067 COPD-014-E1 O 39.61 PRJNA562164 SAMN12635205 GCA_009914785.1 SEQF8096.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 51 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,100,038 C2008001710 39.31 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011132 GCA_003252775.1 SEQF8097.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 86 University of Washington 1,905,798 901_HPAR 39.58 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198109 GCA_001059815.1 SEQF8098.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 26 Monash University 1,968,590 M1C111_2 39.58 PRJNA668428 SAMN16409219 GCA_014982385.1 SEQF8099.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 25 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,958,906 C2009038101 39.31 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011127 GCA_003253055.1 SEQF8100.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 70 University of Washington 2,111,613 488_HPAR 39.34 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197680 GCA_001057005.1 SEQF8101.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 31 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,129,377 CCUG 62654 39.25 PRJNA302716 SAMN05219282 GCA_001679325.1 SEQF8102.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 21 Loyola University Chicago 2,069,115 UMB0748 39.49 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511415 GCA_002884755.1 SEQF8103.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 18 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,148,389 CCUG 58848 39.22 PRJNA302716 SAMN05219234 GCA_001679405.1 SEQF8104.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 32 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,999,882 C2004000280 39.46 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011140 GCA_003252725.1 SEQF8105.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 21 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,928,811 C2008003258 39.25 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011129 GCA_003253005.1 SEQF8106.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 2 SC 2,236,386 NCTC10672 39.6 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3207621 GCA_900450995.1 SEQF8107.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 18 University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 1,978,346 215035-2-ISO5 39.52 PRJNA288973 SAMN03840570 GCA_001279145.1 SEQF8108.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 41 University of Washington 2,028,731 146_HPAR 39.41 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197335 GCA_001053575.1 SEQF8109.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 56 University of Washington 1,978,251 1128_HPAR 39.45 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197082 GCA_001053915.1 SEQF8110.1 718 Haemophilus parainfluenzae latest 26 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,940,388 C2011020591 39.25 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011124 GCA_003253085.1 SEQF2750.1 720 Aggregatibacter paraphrophilus latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,414,427 W10433 42.34 PRJNA282954 SAMN03704034 GCA_001262035.1 SEQF1885.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 134 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,082,334 F0449 41.94 PRJNA75149 SAMN00761820 GCA_000260695.1 SEQF1919.2 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 1 Baylor College of Medicine 2,153,652 ATCC 15912 41.72 PRJNA48315 SAMN00113608 GCA_000164675.2 SEQF2007.2 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 18 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,988,691 SK236 42.12 PRJNA67179 SAMN00621706 GCA_000222725.2 SEQF2222.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 14 Baylor College of Medicine 2,131,530 ATCC 903 42.26 PRJNA53003 SAMN00253299 GCA_000187505.1 SEQF2344.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 1 Chang Gung University 2,171,609 FW213 41.62 PRJNA76769 SAMN02603112 GCA_000262145.1 SEQF2625.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 6 Broad Institute 2,189,561 CC87K 41.74 PRJNA71579 SAMN01162070 GCA_000507765.1 SEQF9102.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 1 Korea University 2,133,380 LPB0220 42.12 PRJNA565653 SAMN12769544 GCA_008727815.1 SEQF9103.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 1 Top Institute Food and Nutrition (TIFN) 2,334,592 HSISM1 44.34 PRJNA196120 SAMN02471220 GCA_000448565.1 SEQF9104.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 2 University at Buffalo 2,098,457 MGH413 41.99 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334906 GCA_000963275.1 SEQF9105.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 79 University of Malaya 2,039,661 C1A 42.0 PRJNA246621 SAMN02768894 GCA_000724645.1 SEQF9106.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 19 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,193,311 1001254J_160919_B12 41.8 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533206 GCA_015546865.1 SEQF9107.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 24 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,105,612 HMSC057G03 42.15 PRJNA296293 SAMN04477536 GCA_001808745.1 SEQF9108.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 54 University of Washington 2,131,313 349_SPAR 42.09 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197539 GCA_001072435.1 SEQF9109.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 41 Univ. of Maryland 1,965,434 P468302 41.99 PRJNA731113 SAMN19268632 GCA_018499465.1 SEQF9110.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 20 Univ. of Maryland 1,844,091 P430801 41.98 PRJNA731113 SAMN19268629 GCA_018499505.1 SEQF9111.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 13 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,005,283 BIOML-A4 42.04 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946359 GCA_009717805.1 SEQF9112.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 80 University of Washington 2,274,657 540.rep2_SPAR 41.67 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197738 GCA_001076955.1 SEQF9113.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 51 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,189,987 HMSC065C01 41.99 PRJNA300072 SAMN04480358 GCA_001813525.1 SEQF9114.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 173 University of Washington 2,226,853 766_SPAR 41.33 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197975 GCA_001074295.1 SEQF9115.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 33 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,172,075 1001095IJ_161003_H11 41.68 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533141 GCA_015556095.1 SEQF9116.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 13 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,135,087 S15 41.97 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876559 GCA_023109985.1 SEQF9117.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 25 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,022,881 HMSC073D05 41.98 PRJNA299986 SAMN04477645 GCA_001812015.1 SEQF9118.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 22 Clemson University 2,061,849 A1 41.94 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631758 GCA_003942525.1 SEQF9119.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 55 Univ. of Maryland 2,155,463 PA11332C3 41.92 PRJNA731113 SAMN19268627 GCA_018499385.1 SEQF9120.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 16 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,155,801 BIOML-A1 42.03 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946356 GCA_009717855.1 SEQF9121.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 54 University of Washington 2,121,511 512_SPAR 41.71 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197706 GCA_001073155.1 SEQF9122.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 41 BGI 2,036,667 AF42-15 42.33 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734699 GCA_003474485.1 SEQF9123.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 24 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,114,172 BIOML-A7 42.06 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946362 GCA_009717735.1 SEQF9124.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 50 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,235,189 HMSC072G04 41.84 PRJNA300058 SAMN04480066 GCA_001813295.1 SEQF9125.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 114 University of Washington 2,268,674 139.rep2_SPAR 41.54 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197329 GCA_001069785.1 SEQF9126.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 171 University of Chicago 2,136,202 DFI.4.45 41.72 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167512 GCA_020559015.1 SEQF9127.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 17 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,116,342 BIOML-A15 42.05 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946370 GCA_009717595.1 SEQF9128.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 109 University of Malaya 2,122,553 BVME8 41.8 PRJNA280655 SAMN03480630 GCA_001588805.1 SEQF9129.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 120 University of Washington 2,178,909 1287_SPAR 41.64 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197258 GCA_001070445.1 SEQF9130.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 30 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,214,986 HMSC061E03 41.8 PRJNA300071 SAMN04480345 GCA_001813505.1 SEQF9131.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 29 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1,974,799 BIOML-A12 42.19 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946367 GCA_009717635.1 SEQF9132.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 29 University of Queensland 2,138,498 7.1 41.86 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793725 GCA_016648825.1 SEQF9133.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 22 Broad Institute 2,153,313 bf_0095 42.03 PRJNA496358 SAMN10239556 GCA_004166995.1 SEQF9134.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 121 University of Washington 2,105,780 65_SPAR 42.02 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197851 GCA_001073735.1 SEQF9135.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 35 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,235,029 K103 41.49 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399944 GCA_019929235.1 SEQF9136.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 12 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,134,553 BIOML-A16 42.05 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946371 GCA_009717545.1 SEQF9137.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 99 University of Washington 2,276,170 139.rep1_SPAR 41.58 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197328 GCA_001070575.1 SEQF9138.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 21 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,093,215 HMSC074F05 42.11 PRJNA296292 SAMN04477535 GCA_001808725.1 SEQF9139.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 12 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,130,061 BIOML-A14 42.08 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946369 GCA_009717575.1 SEQF9140.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 29 Newcastle University 2,081,775 NU87 41.88 PRJNA454893 SAMN09060971 GCA_004127205.1 SEQF9141.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 40 BGI 2,059,623 AM27-45 41.76 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736362 GCA_003469565.1 SEQF9142.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 24 University of Queensland 2,135,306 6.1 41.87 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793724 GCA_016648855.1 SEQF9143.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 116 University of Kaiserslautern 2,287,057 DD19 44.27 PRJNA304333 SAMN04325031 GCA_001578955.1 SEQF9144.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 98 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,266,699 E669 41.54 PRJNA732901 SAMN19353788 GCA_018619375.1 SEQF9145.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 38 University of Washington 2,196,734 451_SPAR 41.51 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197643 GCA_001071155.1 SEQF9146.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 17 Loyola University Chicago 2,155,650 UMB0216 41.71 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193730 GCA_002860845.1 SEQF9147.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 20 University at Buffalo 2,149,967 VT517 41.56 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334910 GCA_000963285.1 SEQF9148.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,126,216 BIOML-A8 42.05 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946363 GCA_009717715.1 SEQF9149.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 11 BGI 2,066,544 AF30-12BH 42.21 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734566 GCA_003475645.1 SEQF9150.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 31 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,163,570 HMSC078D09 41.75 PRJNA300080 SAMN04480352 GCA_001813675.1 SEQF9151.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 4 BGI 2,083,002 AM25-15 42.24 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736300 GCA_003470855.1 SEQF9152.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 38 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,203,102 S32 41.46 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876576 GCA_023109675.1 SEQF9153.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 141 University of Chicago 2,148,762 DFI.4.43 41.68 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167511 GCA_020559055.1 SEQF9154.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 35 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,166,368 S29 42.0 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876573 GCA_023109715.1 SEQF9155.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 15 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,151,756 BIOML-A5 41.92 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946360 GCA_009717775.1 SEQF9156.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 13 BGI 2,163,223 AM33-3BH 41.99 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736454 GCA_003468585.1 SEQF9157.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 79 University of Chicago 2,129,120 DFI.4.42 41.8 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167634 GCA_020554365.1 SEQF9158.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 180 University of Washington 2,109,313 889_SPAR 41.72 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198095 GCA_001074855.1 SEQF9159.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 3 SC 2,170,501 NCTC12854 41.66 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3594344 GCA_900459355.1 SEQF9160.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 13 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,027,355 BIOML-A2 41.91 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946357 GCA_009717845.1 SEQF9161.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 14 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,115,174 BIOML-A17 42.06 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946372 GCA_009717535.1 SEQF9162.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 114 University of Chicago 2,175,192 DFI.4.109 41.63 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167606 GCA_020554805.1 SEQF9163.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 47 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,195,688 1001283B150304_161114_F10 41.65 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532501 GCA_015669175.1 SEQF9164.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 49 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,102,769 BIOML-A9 42.15 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946364 GCA_009717705.1 SEQF9165.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 85 BGI 2,029,175 TF04-5-2 42.38 PRJNA482748 SAMN09736870 GCA_003437975.1 SEQF9166.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 14 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,168,021 D55t1_190419_F12 41.91 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533108 GCA_015557775.1 SEQF9167.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 84 University of Washington 2,277,808 344_SPAR 41.57 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197535 GCA_001070915.1 SEQF9168.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 17 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,141,457 1001713B170207_170306_F12 42.09 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533253 GCA_015552485.1 SEQF9169.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 66 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,196,561 D53t1_180928_C1 41.65 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532640 GCA_015550715.1 SEQF9170.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 11 EMG 2,135,140 MGYG-HGUT-00023 41.77 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5849524 GCA_902362475.1 SEQF9171.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 47 University of Queensland 2,088,142 12.1 42.05 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793729 GCA_016648735.1 SEQF9172.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 37 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,191,303 S07 41.6 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876551 GCA_023110175.1 SEQF9173.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 18 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,127,529 BIOML-A11 42.02 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946366 GCA_009717665.1 SEQF9174.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,126,190 BIOML-A10 42.05 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946365 GCA_009717675.1 SEQF9175.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 64 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,180,296 D53t1_180928_F4 41.6 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532564 GCA_015555385.1 SEQF9176.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 41 University of Washington 2,277,235 540.rep1_SPAR 41.6 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197737 GCA_001071295.1 SEQF9177.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 35 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,075,709 SK148 42.06 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399945 GCA_019929185.1 SEQF9178.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 13 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,107,852 BIOML-A3 42.15 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946358 GCA_009717815.1 SEQF9179.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 171 University of Washington 2,150,497 392_SPAR 41.69 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197583 GCA_001071035.1 SEQF9180.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 117 University of Malaya 2,042,421 POW10 41.93 PRJNA280685 SAMN03480701 GCA_001588725.1 SEQF9181.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 158 University of Washington 2,185,482 886_SPAR 41.56 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198092 GCA_001074805.1 SEQF9182.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 23 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,071,204 D53t1_180928_H2 42.03 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532487 GCA_015560745.1 SEQF9183.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 48 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,216,453 HMSC076C09 41.57 PRJNA296311 SAMN04498651 GCA_001837905.1 SEQF9184.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 252 University of Chicago 2,204,240 DFI.3.149 41.89 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167429 GCA_020560885.1 SEQF9185.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 46 University of Queensland 2,103,580 1.1 41.99 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793721 GCA_016648925.1 SEQF9186.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 83 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,257,077 D6t1_180914_C2 41.53 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533119 GCA_015551785.1 SEQF9187.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 159 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,311,450 BIOML-A13 43.35 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946368 GCA_009717625.1 SEQF9188.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 70 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,113,234 D43t1_170807_F3 41.91 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533302 GCA_015559215.1 SEQF9189.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 11 EMG 2,066,544 MGYG-HGUT-00199 42.21 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5849701 GCA_902364305.1 SEQF9190.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 109 University of Washington 2,092,032 318_SPAR 42.09 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197508 GCA_001072295.1 SEQF9191.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1,949,143 BIOML-A6 42.27 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946361 GCA_009717765.1 SEQF9192.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 10 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,040,715 BIOML-A18 41.63 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946373 GCA_009717525.1 SEQF9193.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 29 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,170,715 HMSC065E03 42.03 PRJNA300155 SAMN04480422 GCA_001815045.1 SEQF9194.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 27 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,132,498 HMSC072C09 42.11 PRJNA300047 SAMN04480070 GCA_001813105.1 SEQF9195.1 721 Streptococcus parasanguinis latest 38 University of Chicago 2,136,658 DFI.4.105 41.72 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167571 GCA_020555585.1 SEQF1084.1 723 Lancefieldella parvula latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 1,543,805 DSM 20469 45.69 PRJNA29401 SAMN00001907 GCA_000024225.1 SEQF2726.1 723 Lancefieldella parvula latest 43 JCVI 1,527,867 DNF00906 48.43 PRJNA187519 SAMN02850943 GCA_000758945.1 SEQF7195.1 724 Treponema parvum latest 1 The University of Hong Kong 2,658,287 ATCC 700770 43.98 PRJNA284866 SAMN15062831 GCA_017893965.1 SEQF7196.1 724 Treponema parvum latest 1 The University of Hong Kong 2,609,480 OMZ 843 44.37 PRJNA284866 SAMN15391246 GCA_017893985.1 SEQF7197.1 724 Treponema parvum latest 1 The University of Hong Kong 2,626,237 ATCC 700773 44.36 PRJNA284866 SAMN15042356 GCA_017893945.1 SEQF3158.1 725 Treponema pectinovorum latest 6 URMITE 2,319,274 ATCC 700769 36.88 PRJEB29053 SAMEA4955080 GCA_900573895.1 SEQF3165.1 725 Treponema pectinovorum latest 119 URMITE 2,222,979 Marseille-2-CSURP6642 36.94 PRJEB27758 SAMEA4788777 GCA_900497565.1 SEQF3166.1 725 Treponema pectinovorum latest 62 URMITE 2,140,854 Marseille-4-CSURP7639 37.01 PRJEB27761 SAMEA4789891 GCA_900497585.1 SEQF3167.1 725 Treponema pectinovorum latest 10 URMITE 2,224,027 Marseille-3-CSURP7641 37.13 PRJEB27760 SAMEA4789890 GCA_900497595.1 SEQF3168.1 725 Treponema pectinovorum latest 12 URMITE 2,246,732 Marseille-1-CSURP6641 36.78 PRJEB27756 SAMEA4788772 GCA_900566195.1 SEQF1958.1 726 Centipeda periodontii latest 10 Baylor College of Medicine 2,761,262 DSM 2778 56.71 PRJNA53025 SAMN00259653 GCA_000213975.1 SEQF2000.1 728 Streptococcus peroris 3 Baylor College of Medicine 1,639,920 ATCC 700780 39.4 PRJNA53059 SAMN00253298 GCA_000187585.1 SEQF1249.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae 3 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,920,257 342 56.87 PRJNA28471 SAMN02603449 GCA_000019565.1 SEQF1250.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae 6 The Klebsiella pneumoniae Genome Sequencing Project 5,694,894 strain=ATCC 700721; MGH 78578 57.15 PRJNA31 SAMN02603941 GCA_000016305.1 SEQF1715.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae 2 National Health Research Institutes 5,472,672 strain=NTUH-K2044 57.37 PRJDA21069 SAMD00060934 GCA_000009885.1 SEQF1760.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae 51 Baylor College of Medicine 5,450,034 strain=ATCC 13884 58.56 PRJNA40083 SAMN00120581 GCA_000163455.1 SEQF2106.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae 2 Macrogen Inc. 5,462,423 strain=KCTC 2242 57.28 PRJNA67293 SAMN02603582 GCA_000220485.1 SEQF2107.2 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 7 Bioinformatics & Microbial Genomics, State Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism, Shanghai Jiaotong University 5,682,322 HS11286 57.12 PRJNA78789 SAMN02602959 GCA_000240185.2 SEQF6186.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 5 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 5,563,484 PartO-Kpneumoniae-RM8376 56.99 PRJNA605254 SAMN14078806 GCA_022869665.1 SEQF6187.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 5,573,867 FDAARGOS_775 56.98 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056490 GCA_006364295.1 SEQF6188.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 1 Monash University 5,147,378 FF1013 57.63 PRJNA646592 SAMN15547568 GCA_023703975.1 SEQF6189.3 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 4 JCVI 5,620,801 32192 57.24 PRJNA259789 SAMN03067420 GCA_000807395.3 SEQF6190.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 3 Hackensack-Meridian Health Center for Discovery and Innovation 5,625,271 ARLG-4398 57.2 PRJNA658369 SAMN15868171 GCA_022435545.1 SEQF6191.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 7 University of Oxford 5,752,260 CAV1042 56.83 PRJNA246471 SAMN03024576 GCA_001908515.1 SEQF6192.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 9 Christian Medical College 5,593,291 WRC30_AI1547MPCH 57.09 PRJNA745031 SAMN20130732 GCA_019317245.1 SEQF6193.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 4 Institut Pasteur 5,707,999 SB5881 57.06 PRJEB37472 SAMEA6634591 GCA_902827215.1 SEQF6194.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 2 Peking University Peoples Hospital 5,642,913 B12(AN) 57.2 PRJNA430932 SAMN08380949 GCA_004120115.1 SEQF6195.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 5 Walter Reed Army Institute of Research 5,878,206 MRSN752165 56.6 PRJNA725484 SAMN18913859 GCA_018310495.1 SEQF6196.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 4 Hospital Universitario La Paz 5,680,443 Kp11-81 57.13 PRJNA757198 SAMN20953120 GCA_021768325.1 SEQF6197.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 7 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 5,674,521 KP46 57.06 PRJNA553055 SAMN24255899 GCA_021397585.1 SEQF6198.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 2 Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikro 5,387,277 EC-12536 57.4 PRJEB27468 SAMEA4786455 GCA_900497475.1 SEQF6199.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 1 Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology 5,415,895 BJ20 57.53 PRJNA757570 SAMN20967708 GCA_023920045.1 SEQF6200.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 2 Sapienza University of Rome 5,761,820 KP-PA 56.74 PRJNA746592 SAMN20218086 GCA_021057265.1 SEQF6201.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 4 Chengdu Medical College 5,903,938 XJ-K2 56.94 PRJNA489756 SAMN09988182 GCA_009834285.1 SEQF6202.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 6 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 5,872,065 KP20194c5 57.04 PRJNA638288 SAMN15186444 GCA_013348985.1 SEQF6203.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 3 Hackensack-Meridian Health Center for Discovery and Innovation 5,455,116 ARLG-3222 57.33 PRJNA658369 SAMN15868985 GCA_022438625.1 SEQF6204.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 7 Christian Medical College 5,884,616 WRC11_S471PC 56.78 PRJNA744734 SAMN20115539 GCA_019287035.1 SEQF6205.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 4 Christian Medical College 5,881,158 BP327 56.56 PRJNA523082 SAMN10963497 GCA_004319525.1 SEQF6206.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 7 The REHAB Consortium 5,575,790 RHBSTW-00610 57.2 PRJNA605147 SAMN15148664 GCA_013735155.1 SEQF6207.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 6 Monash University 5,323,547 KSB2_6C 57.32 PRJNA646837 SAMEA3357427 GCA_020149825.1 SEQF6208.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 3 National Chung Cheng University 5,702,657 Mrs. Puff 57.22 PRJNA681463 SAMN16872512 GCA_015992385.1 SEQF6209.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 3 University of Bern 5,706,648 7011.62 56.74 PRJNA759850 SAMN21016533 GCA_021137655.1 SEQF6210.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 7 Microbiological Diagnostic Unit Public Health Laboratory, Melbourne 5,702,263 KSB1_9D 57.12 PRJNA351909 SAMN07211282 GCA_002753165.1 SEQF6211.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 7 Monash University 5,548,489 KSB1_9E 56.88 PRJNA646837 SAMEA3357330 GCA_020149895.1 SEQF6212.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 6 USAMRIID 5,941,188 KP30835 56.88 PRJNA311034 SAMN04457966 GCA_003368025.1 SEQF6213.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 2 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology 5,464,719 KC-Pl-HB1 57.25 PRJNA480538 SAMN09638204 GCA_003330945.1 SEQF6214.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 4 Chiang Mai University 5,640,638 NH54 57.1 PRJNA418370 SAMN08026708 GCA_003031345.1 SEQF6215.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 4 Yonsei University College of medicine 5,707,444 E16KP0268 56.85 PRJNA625837 SAMN14609937 GCA_012971625.1 SEQF6216.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 2 Hackensack-Meridian Health Center for Discovery and Innovation 5,422,941 ARLG-4842 57.22 PRJNA658369 SAMN15869020 GCA_022438145.1 SEQF6217.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 4 Chinese PLA General Hospital 5,801,912 IR5726 57.17 PRJNA648010 SAMN15676889 GCA_017310345.1 SEQF6218.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 6 Yonsei University College of medicine 5,603,752 E16KP0224 57.12 PRJNA625837 SAMN14609933 GCA_012964305.1 SEQF6219.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 3 University of Bern 5,703,400 MCL-2017-2-T0 57.07 PRJNA769291 SAMN22108726 GCA_022759705.1 SEQF6220.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 2 microbial pathogenic ecology group 5,399,382 S130-1 57.32 PRJNA671643 SAMN16539459 GCA_015277995.1 SEQF6221.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 6 First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang University 5,923,020 JX-CR-hvKP-9 56.85 PRJNA672246 SAMN16561434 GCA_015355895.1 SEQF6222.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 3 Public Health Agency of Canada 5,616,401 18CPO060 57.11 PRJNA512469 SAMN10678732 GCA_004332075.1 SEQF6223.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 2 Yonsei University College of medicine 5,547,639 B16KP0198 57.2 PRJNA625837 SAMN14609873 GCA_012970465.1 SEQF6224.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 5 Zhengzhou University 6,013,359 KP18-2073 56.9 PRJNA540114 SAMN20928635 GCA_019823935.1 SEQF6225.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 5 University of Oxford 5,990,738 PMK1 56.57 PRJNA253300 SAMN02885365 GCA_000764615.1 SEQF6226.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 5 Hackensack-Meridian Health Center for Discovery and Innovation 5,611,323 ARLG-3215 57.2 PRJNA658369 SAMN15868982 GCA_022438785.1 SEQF6227.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 1 zhengzhou university 5,547,989 KP18-3-8 57.29 PRJNA604666 SAMN13978114 GCA_010450855.1 SEQF6228.2 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 2 Central Research Institute of Epidemiology 5,253,653 CriePir45 57.51 PRJNA580263 SAMN13153738 GCA_009661725.2 SEQF6229.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 4 Zhengzhou University 5,868,085 KP19-3088 56.8 PRJNA668675 SAMN16418314 GCA_014961485.1 SEQF6230.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 5,278,156 FDAARGOS_1317 57.52 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357459 GCA_016903755.1 SEQF6231.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 4 Hackensack-Meridian Health Center for Discovery and Innovation 5,601,225 ARLG-4864 57.19 PRJNA658369 SAMN15869037 GCA_022434975.1 SEQF6232.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 2 NHGRI 5,536,135 Kpn223 57.17 PRJNA279655 SAMN03455975 GCA_001663435.1 SEQF6233.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 10 Monash University 5,357,440 INF321-sc-2280120 57.17 PRJNA646837 SAMEA3357191 GCA_904866395.1 SEQF6234.1 731 Klebsiella pneumoniae latest 6 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 5,871,563 KP20194d 57.04 PRJNA638288 SAMN15186445 GCA_013348945.1 SEQF1271.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 1 Heidelberg Univ. 816,394 strain=M129; ATCC 29342 40.01 PRJNA99 SAMN02603304 GCA_000027345.1 SEQF2156.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 National Institute of Infectious Diseases 817,176 309 39.98 PRJDB8 SAMD00012611 GCA_000283755.1 SEQF2157.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 811,088 FH 40.0 PRJNA49525 SAMN02603455 GCA_000143945.1 SEQF2571.2 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 University of Alabama at Birmingham 816,451 M129-B7 40.01 PRJNA176548 SAMN02604130 GCA_000331085.2 SEQF3834.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 2 SC 823,017 NCTC10119 39.94 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4384307 GCA_900660465.1 SEQF3835.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 University of Alabama at Birmingham 817,207 FH 39.98 PRJNA182276 SAMN03284384 GCA_001272835.1 SEQF3836.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,388 15-215 40.0 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472214 GCA_009941705.1 SEQF3837.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,518 11-473 40.01 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472206 GCA_009944075.1 SEQF3838.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Institute Of Microbiology Chinese Academy of Sciences 816,498 C267 40.01 PRJNA310359 SAMN04451628 GCA_001558175.1 SEQF3839.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Affiliated Hospital of Academy of Military Medical Science 816,433 S34-tet-R 40.01 PRJNA382135 SAMN06699949 GCA_002096015.1 SEQF3840.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 National Institute of Infectious Diseases 817,074 KCH-402 39.98 PRJDB4434 SAMD00044317 GCA_002355695.1 SEQF3841.2 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 University of Alabama at Birmingham 816,496 PI 1428 40.01 PRJNA176271 SAMN02471520 GCA_000319675.2 SEQF3842.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Affiliated Hospital of Academy of Military Medical Science 816,430 S12-tet-R 40.01 PRJNA382145 SAMN06700077 GCA_002096035.1 SEQF3843.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Affiliated Hospital of Academy of Military Medical Science 816,378 FH-tet-R 40.01 PRJNA382066 SAMN06699089 GCA_002090235.1 SEQF3844.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 National Natural Science Foundaton of China 857,799 M29 39.86 PRJNA232505 SAMN02582400 GCA_000733995.1 SEQF3845.2 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 University of Alabama at Birmingham 817,216 PO1 39.98 PRJNA175467 SAMN02471519 GCA_000319655.2 SEQF3846.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Department of Bacteriology II, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 817,099 KCH-405 39.97 PRJDB4435 SAMD00044318 GCA_002355715.1 SEQF3847.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,467 16-118 40.0 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472221 GCA_009939805.1 SEQF3848.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,525 16-462 40.0 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472222 GCA_009939785.1 SEQF3849.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 816,292 685 40.0 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391693 GCA_002127985.1 SEQF3850.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 University of Alabama at Birmingham 816,565 54089 40.01 PRJNA182263 SAMN03284387 GCA_001272755.1 SEQF3851.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Affiliated Hospital of Academy of Military Medical Science 816,435 S63-tet-R 40.01 PRJNA382063 SAMN06699082 GCA_002090215.1 SEQF3852.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 University of Alabama at Birmingham 817,198 M2592 39.98 PRJNA186010 SAMN03284393 GCA_001272895.1 SEQF3853.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Affiliated Hospital of Academy of Military Medical Science 815,909 S55-tet-R 40.0 PRJNA382068 SAMN06699102 GCA_002090295.1 SEQF3854.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 818,772 CO3 39.97 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391741 GCA_002128125.1 SEQF3855.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 University of Alabama at Birmingham 816,402 85138 40.01 PRJNA182272 SAMN03284391 GCA_001272815.1 SEQF3856.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 817,126 1134 39.98 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391714 GCA_002128235.1 SEQF3857.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 816,492 549 40.01 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391698 GCA_002128025.1 SEQF3858.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 818,669 11-1384 39.97 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472210 GCA_009942915.1 SEQF3859.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,681 10-1059 40.01 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472197 GCA_009947575.1 SEQF3860.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,465 10-1048 40.01 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472196 GCA_009947985.1 SEQF3861.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 817,231 1006 39.98 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391712 GCA_002128205.1 SEQF3862.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,346 11-107 40.0 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472202 GCA_009945535.1 SEQF3863.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 817,275 FH 2009 39.98 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391692 GCA_001901705.1 SEQF3864.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 University of Alabama at Birmingham 817,045 M1139 39.98 PRJNA182275 SAMN03284392 GCA_001272855.1 SEQF3865.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 817,191 10-1385 39.98 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472201 GCA_009945865.1 SEQF3866.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 817,125 CO103 39.98 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391709 GCA_002128165.1 SEQF3867.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 815,686 11-174 39.99 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472204 GCA_009944725.1 SEQF3868.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,506 12-060 40.0 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472211 GCA_009942655.1 SEQF3869.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 817,038 K27 39.98 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391708 GCA_002128185.1 SEQF3870.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,522 10-1110 40.01 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472198 GCA_009947205.1 SEQF3871.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Institute Of Microbiology Chinese Academy of Sciences 801,203 S355 39.98 PRJNA306968 SAMN04370656 GCA_001509195.1 SEQF3872.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,304 11-994 40.01 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472209 GCA_009943205.1 SEQF3873.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,530 16-002 40.01 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472218 GCA_009939975.1 SEQF3874.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Affiliated Hospital of Academy of Military Medical Science 816,404 S68-tet-R 40.01 PRJNA382067 SAMN06699090 GCA_002090275.1 SEQF3875.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 University of Alabama at Birmingham 816,404 85084 40.01 PRJNA182274 SAMN03284389 GCA_001272795.1 SEQF3876.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Chungbuk National University Hospital 816,424 10-980 40.01 PRJNA533936 SAMN11472195 GCA_009948395.1 SEQF3877.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 816,491 FL8 40.0 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391700 GCA_002128045.1 SEQF3878.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 817,171 1801 39.98 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391721 GCA_002128105.1 SEQF3879.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 818,603 E57 39.97 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391695 GCA_002128005.1 SEQF3880.1 732 Mycoplasma pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 816,528 M129 2002 40.01 PRJNA328823 SAMN05391744 GCA_002147855.1 SEQF1179.2 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 2 TIGR 1,234,385 AR39 40.58 PRJNA247 SAMN02641564 GCA_000091085.2 SEQF1180.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 1 ChGP 1,230,230 CWL029 40.58 PRJNA248 SAMN02603115 GCA_000008745.1 SEQF1181.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 1 Yamaguchi/Kyushu U. 1,226,565 J138 40.58 PRJNA257 SAMD00061097 GCA_000011165.1 SEQF1182.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 1 ALTANA Pharma 1,225,935 TW-183 40.58 PRJNA420 SAMN02602979 GCA_000007205.1 SEQF1399.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 2 TIGR 1,248,550 LPCoLN 40.5 PRJNA17947 SAMN02604061 GCA_000024145.1 SEQF4729.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 1 University of Vienna 1,228,576 Wien3 40.58 PRJEB8246 SAMEA3212835 GCA_001007085.1 SEQF4730.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 1 University of Vienna 1,228,126 PB2 40.58 PRJEB8246 SAMEA3212830 GCA_001007145.1 SEQF4731.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 1 University of Vienna 1,228,125 Wien1 40.58 PRJEB8246 SAMEA3212833 GCA_001007025.1 SEQF4732.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 1 University of Vienna 1,228,523 K7 40.58 PRJEB8246 SAMEA3212826 GCA_001007045.1 SEQF4733.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 1 University of Vienna 1,228,579 CWL011 40.58 PRJEB8246 SAMEA3212821 GCA_001007065.1 SEQF4734.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 1 University of Vienna 1,229,887 CM1 40.58 PRJEB8246 SAMEA3212818 GCA_001007125.1 SEQF4735.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 1 University of Vienna 1,228,123 CV14 40.58 PRJEB8246 SAMEA3212819 GCA_001007105.1 SEQF4736.1 733 Chlamydia pneumoniae latest 165 Queensland University of Technology 1,231,521 B21 40.49 PRJNA230008 SAMN02422692 GCA_000516655.1 SEQF1059.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,078,953 G54 39.68 PRJNA29047 SAMN02603350 GCA_000019825.1 SEQF1116.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Beijing Institute of Genomics 2,209,198 CGSP14 39.46 PRJNA29179 SAMN02603015 GCA_000019985.1 SEQF1341.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 TIGR 2,240,045 670-6B 39.59 PRJNA292 SAMN02604004 Pneumonia GCA_000147095.1 SEQF1342.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 TIGR 2,046,116 D39 39.71 PRJNA16374 SAMN02604051 Pneumonia GCA_000014365.2 SEQF1343.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 2,142,122 INV104 39.64 PRJNA50735 SAMEA3138388 Pneumonia GCA_000210975.1 SEQF1344.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 2,093,317 INV200 39.62 PRJNA50731 SAMEA3138386 Pneumonia GCA_000210935.1 SEQF1345.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 2,036,867 OXC141 39.81 PRJNA50733 SAMEA3138387 Pneumonia GCA_000210955.1 SEQF1346.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 Eli Lilly and Company 2,038,615 strain=R6 39.72 PRJNA278 SAMN02603218 GCA_000007045.1 SEQF1349.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 TIGR 2,160,842 TIGR4 39.7 PRJNA277 SAMN02604002 GCA_000006885.1 SEQF1400.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 25 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,059,769 SP11-BS70 39.68 PRJNA17963 SAMN02393746 GCA_000170075.1 SEQF1401.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 49 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,146,293 strain=SP14-BS69 39.59 PRJNA17965 SAMN02393747 GCA_000170095.1 SEQF1402.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 28 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,104,549 strain=SP18-BS74 39.73 PRJNA17967 SAMN02393748 GCA_000170115.1 SEQF1403.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 30 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,135,318 SP19-BS75 39.59 PRJNA17969 SAMN02393749 GCA_000170135.1 SEQF1404.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 32 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,102,291 SP23-BS72 39.68 PRJNA17971 SAMN02393750 GCA_000170155.1 SEQF1405.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 24 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,032,681 strain=SP3-BS71 39.76 PRJNA17957 SAMN02393743 GCA_000170015.1 SEQF1406.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 38 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,161,512 strain=SP6-BS73 39.57 PRJNA17959 SAMN02393744 GCA_000170035.1 SEQF1407.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 61 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,115,676 SP9-BS68 39.56 PRJNA17961 SAMN02393745 GCA_000170055.1 SEQF1523.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,184,682 strain=70585 39.73 PRJNA28043 SAMN02603446 GCA_000018965.1 SEQF1524.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 38 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,049,808 CDC0288-04 39.94 PRJNA20545 SAMN00000217 GCA_000171675.1 SEQF1525.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 75 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,187,960 CDC1087-00 39.82 PRJNA20777 SAMN00000219 GCA_000171595.1 SEQF1526.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 53 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,263,323 CDC1873-00 39.58 PRJNA20775 SAMN00000215 GCA_000171575.1 SEQF1527.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 33 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,292,125 strain=CDC3059-06 39.9 PRJNA20543 SAMN00000220 GCA_000171695.1 SEQF1528.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,245,615 strain=Hungary19A-6 39.63 PRJNA28035 SAMN02603442 GCA_000019265.1 SEQF1529.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,120,234 strain=JJA 39.74 PRJNA28039 SAMN02603444 GCA_000018985.1 SEQF1530.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 126 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,242,383 strain=MLV-016 39.92 PRJNA20967 SAMN00000218 GCA_000171715.1 SEQF1531.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 41 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,196,854 SP195 39.68 PRJNA20541 SAMN00000216 GCA_000171655.1 SEQF1532.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,112,148 Taiwan19F-14 39.77 PRJNA28037 SAMN02603443 GCA_000019025.1 SEQF1536.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 22 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,070,802 BS397 39.65 PRJNA29075 SAMN02393766 GCA_000173215.1 SEQF1587.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 97 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,053,197 BS457 39.6 PRJNA29067 SAMN02393764 GCA_000173195.1 SEQF1588.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 109 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,063,728 strain=BS458 39.54 PRJNA29069 SAMN02393765 GCA_000173175.1 SEQF1589.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 25 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,100,368 SP14-BS292 39.53 PRJNA28511 SAMN02393762 GCA_000173275.1 SEQF1590.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 30 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,065,452 SP-BS293 39.63 PRJNA28513 SAMN02393763 GCA_000173295.1 SEQF1642.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 2,221,315 ATCC 700669 39.49 PRJEA31233 SAMEA1705947 GCA_000026665.1 SEQF1726.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,111,882 strain=P1031 39.75 PRJNA28041 SAMN02603445 GCA_000019005.1 SEQF1840.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 Baylor College of Medicine 2,088,772 TCH8431/19A 39.84 PRJNA34659 SAMN00002223 GCA_000196595.1 SEQF1929.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Istituto di Teconologie Biomediche, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche 2,130,580 AP200 39.51 PRJNA32641 SAMN02603428 GCA_000146975.1 SEQF2226.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 113 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,084,124 BS455 39.6 PRJNA33845 SAMN02393772 GCA_000177775.1 SEQF2227.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 9 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,061,399 GA04375 39.9 PRJNA48649 SAMN00792717 GCA_000194885.2 SEQF2228.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 11 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,103,456 GA17545 39.77 PRJNA52475 SAMN00792759 GCA_000211875.2 SEQF2229.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 9 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,119,821 GA17570 39.66 PRJNA48739 SAMN00792760 GCA_000211895.2 SEQF2230.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 17 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,156,995 GA41301 39.57 PRJNA48777 SAMN00792778 GCA_000211915.2 SEQF2231.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 6 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,090,801 strain=GA41317 39.73 PRJNA48779 SAMN00792779 GCA_000212555.2 SEQF2232.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 8 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,177,227 GA47368 39.6 PRJNA48859 SAMN00792663 GCA_000212535.2 SEQF2233.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 6 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,086,317 GA47901 39.69 PRJNA48915 SAMN00792680 GCA_000212515.2 SEQF2241.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 2,129,934 A45 39.79 PRJNA50805 SAMEA3138306 GCA_000180515.2 SEQF2302.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 47 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 2,169,192 strain=459-5 39.38 PRJNA28525 SAMN02393736 GCA_000256665.1 SEQF2303.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 8 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,087,621 England14-9 39.63 PRJNA70983 SAMN00718798 GCA_000252225.2 SEQF2304.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 8 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,049,637 GA02506 39.8 PRJNA70985 SAMN00722746 GCA_000252205.2 SEQF2305.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 7 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,107,559 strain=GA05578 39.8 PRJNA70979 SAMN00722745 GCA_000252245.2 SEQF2306.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 10 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,103,417 strain=GA08825 39.81 PRJNA70989 SAMN00723186 GCA_000252185.2 SEQF2307.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae 17 Institute for Genome Sciences 2,098,711 strain=GA17457 39.67 PRJNA48731 SAMN02471185 GCA_000251525.2 SEQF2308.2 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Tsinghua University 2,150,813 ST556 39.74 PRJNA80663 SAMN02604071 GCA_000251085.2 SEQF9381.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 SC 2,110,968 NCTC7465 39.73 PRJEB6403 SAMEA2479568 GCA_001457635.1 SEQF9382.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Childrens Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University 2,159,119 19A-19087 39.8 PRJNA715031 SAMN18323756 GCA_021398235.1 SEQF9383.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,052,119 TVO_1901940 39.9 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734527 GCA_022069505.1 SEQF9384.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,050,463 TVO_1901941 39.89 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734528 GCA_022069485.1 SEQF9385.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Department of Infectious Diseases, Keio University School of Medicine 2,148,476 KK0981 39.64 PRJDB5486 SAMD00073590 GCA_002357995.1 SEQF9386.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 WTSI 2,202,359 2245STDY6178787 39.41 PRJEB31141 SAMEA3713867 GCA_900693025.1 SEQF9387.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 University of Lausanne 2,151,943 SN75752 39.67 PRJNA789167 SAMN24060680 GCA_024089355.1 SEQF9388.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Harvard University 2,062,088 CH2241 39.7 PRJNA437292 SAMN08647361 GCA_022318405.1 SEQF9389.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 SC 2,157,682 4041STDY6583227 39.57 PRJEB20737 SAMEA4469815 GCA_900476475.1 SEQF9390.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 WashU 2,064,154 gamPNI0373 39.81 PRJNA42247 SAMN02299431 GCA_000299015.1 SEQF9391.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,071,654 TVO_1901944 39.66 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734565 GCA_022075645.1 SEQF9392.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,116,633 FDAARGOS_1508 39.67 PRJNA231221 SAMN21218864 GCA_020097335.1 SEQF9393.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,169,584 M26365 39.45 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704657 GCA_003351705.1 SEQF9394.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,118,571 TVO_1901927 39.76 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734516 GCA_022068285.1 SEQF9395.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,000,117 TVO_1901925 39.8 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734514 GCA_022068525.1 SEQF9396.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,001,615 TVO_1901948 39.77 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734533 GCA_022069005.1 SEQF9397.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research 2,073,113 SP64 39.85 PRJNA353116 SAMN06009955 GCA_001896085.1 SEQF9398.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Asia Pacific Foundation for Infectious Diseases 2,057,144 SPN XDR SMC1710-32 39.83 PRJNA428885 SAMN08323709 GCA_003354825.1 SEQF9399.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,150,845 TVO_1902276 39.57 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734539 GCA_022070545.1 SEQF9400.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 SC 2,200,529 4041STDY6836166 39.71 PRJEB20737 SAMEA104042952 GCA_900476505.1 SEQF9401.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 American University of Beirut 2,141,347 521 39.51 PRJNA590750 SAMN13321472 GCA_015839235.1 SEQF9402.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,108,520 TVO_1902277 39.59 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734540 GCA_022070485.1 SEQF9403.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,098,679 TVO_1901945 39.63 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734530 GCA_022069325.1 SEQF9404.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 American University of Beirut 2,180,123 475 39.5 PRJNA590750 SAMN13321471 GCA_015839035.1 SEQF9405.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 SC 2,039,982 NCTC13276 39.72 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3649044 GCA_900475515.1 SEQF9406.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Bioplatforms Australia 2,109,624 947;947 39.61 PRJEB29727 SAMEA5092021 GCA_900618555.1 SEQF9407.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital 2,125,517 BHN97x 39.62 PRJNA420094 SAMN08105887 GCA_002813535.1 SEQF9408.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Harvard University 2,003,723 LE4448 39.81 PRJNA437292 SAMN08647548 GCA_022318425.1 SEQF9409.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,075,570 TVO_1901939 39.64 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734526 GCA_022069545.1 SEQF9410.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Department of Infectious diseases, Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki 2,058,492 HU-OH 39.72 PRJDB7410 SAMD00137664 GCA_003966505.1 SEQF9411.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,139,846 TVO_1901936 39.81 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734563 GCA_022075545.1 SEQF9412.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,103,577 TVO_1902282 39.64 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734538 GCA_022070565.1 SEQF9413.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 American University of Beirut 2,140,016 563 39.51 PRJNA590750 SAMN13321475 GCA_015840115.1 SEQF9414.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 UCL 2,134,668 BVJ1JL 39.73 PRJNA695191 SAMN17602804 GCA_017569245.1 SEQF9415.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Korea Basic Science Institute 2,041,494 521 39.72 PRJNA524762 SAMN11032549 GCA_004331935.1 SEQF9416.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,219,840 6A-10 39.74 PRJNA629524 SAMN14779717 GCA_013047165.1 SEQF9417.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Harvard University 2,062,504 NP7536 39.7 PRJNA437292 SAMN08647838 GCA_022318505.1 SEQF9418.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Boston College 2,084,495 TVO_1901920 39.71 PRJNA514780 SAMN10734509 GCA_022070465.1 SEQF9419.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research 2,206,644 SP49 39.86 PRJNA352462 SAMN05981365 GCA_001896045.1 SEQF9420.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 American University of Beirut 2,121,469 310 39.51 PRJNA590750 SAMN13321470 GCA_015838875.1 SEQF9421.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research 2,071,812 SP61 39.85 PRJNA353112 SAMN06009945 GCA_001896065.1 SEQF9422.1 734 Streptococcus pneumoniae latest 1 SC 2,093,242 NCTC11902 39.71 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3956100 GCA_900475805.1 SEQF2855.1 736 Dialister pneumosintes latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 1,274,073 F0677 35.19 PRJNA282954 SAMN05413926 GCA_001717505.1 SEQF3833.1 736 Dialister pneumosintes latest 3 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 1,247,407 KCOM 1685 35.16 PRJNA484675 SAMN09767654 GCA_003570845.1 SEQF1183.1 737 Neisseria polysaccharea latest 139 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,030,958 ATCC 43768 52.0 PRJNA30479 SAMN00008844 GCA_000176735.1 SEQF7235.1 737 Neisseria polysaccharea latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,024,930 M18661 52.13 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704642 GCA_003355195.1 SEQF7236.2 737 Neisseria polysaccharea latest 288 University of Maryland, College Park 2,169,528 NS342 51.39 PRJNA60865 SAMN02471878 GCA_000193775.2 SEQF7237.1 737 Neisseria polysaccharea latest 60 Washington University School of Medicine 2,087,788 ind_11 51.64 PRJNA643774 SAMN15425246 GCA_015711285.1 SEQF7238.1 737 Neisseria polysaccharea latest 16 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,057,444 M38962 52.01 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704643 GCA_003495225.1 SEQF7239.1 737 Neisseria polysaccharea latest 46 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,124,254 C2013011231 51.53 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299224 GCA_003045035.1 SEQF1083.1 738 Anaerococcus prevotii latest 2 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 1,998,633 DSM 20548 35.64 PRJNA29533 SAMN00001908 GCA_000024105.1 SEQF2036.2 738 Anaerococcus prevotii 35 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,697,099 ACS-065-V-Col13 32.96 PRJNA52025 SAMN00138207 GCA_000191725.2 SEQF7704.1 738 Anaerococcus prevotii latest 2 SC 2,004,977 NCTC11806 35.64 PRJEB6403 SAMEA44529418 GCA_900445285.1 SEQF1678.1 739 Arachnia propionica latest 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 3,449,360 F0230a 66.06 PRJNA49291 SAMN02415616 GCA_000277715.1 SEQF3097.1 739 Arachnia propionica latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,437,242 F0700 66.08 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483328 GCA_005696855.1 SEQF3709.1 739 Arachnia propionica latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,404,402 F0231 66.16 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352184 GCA_018128345.1 SEQF3710.1 739 Arachnia propionica latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,448,470 F0714 66.06 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352198 GCA_018128365.1 SEQF5629.1 739 Arachnia propionica latest 1 SC 3,402,349 NCTC12967 66.12 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4475699 GCA_900637725.1 SEQF5630.1 739 Arachnia propionica latest 1 SC 3,405,117 NCTC11666 66.31 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104307713 GCA_900638645.1 SEQF5631.1 739 Arachnia propionica latest 26 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 3,385,209 NBRC 14587 66.15 PRJDB282 SAMD00047213 GCA_001592325.1 SEQF5632.1 739 Arachnia propionica latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 3,467,615 FDAARGOS_578 66.06 PRJNA231221 SAMN10228558 GCA_003797385.1 SEQF2352.3 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 229 Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Biotecnologie e Scienze Farmacologiche 6,678,055 KF707 65.38 PRJNA83639 SAMN02471394 GCA_000262065.3 SEQF2423.2 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 1 CeBiTec, Bielefeld University 4,686,340 CECT5344 62.34 PRJEB27 SAMEA4532340 GCA_000297075.2 SEQF2714.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 198 University of Minnesota 5,392,257 AD6 62.51 PRJNA236303 SAMN02673383 GCA_000626735.1 SEQF9896.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 1 CEBITEC 4,696,984 62.34 PRJEB5292 SAMEA2536150 GCA_000953455.1 SEQF9897.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 4 SC 4,884,695 NCTC10860 62.18 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3711431 GCA_900455635.1 SEQF9898.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 131 BGI-SZ 6,889,991 S1 62.39 PRJNA264940 SAMN03144565 GCA_000962895.1 SEQF9899.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 239 National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 4,876,105 YKJ 62.52 PRJNA434488 SAMN08560525 GCA_002941105.1 SEQF9900.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 227 Queens College 4,472,213 East River isolate A passage control 62.3 PRJNA287665 SAMN03785065 GCA_017168055.1 SEQF9901.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 118 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 4,784,556 RS1 62.12 PRJEB16811 SAMN05216280 GCA_900109155.1 SEQF9902.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 231 Queens College 4,405,839 East River isolate A planktonic 62.3 PRJNA287668 SAMN03785118 GCA_017168015.1 SEQF9903.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 241 CUNY Queens College 4,471,021 East River isolate A 62.3 PRJNA287663 SAMN03785063 GCA_017168035.1 SEQF9904.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 17 DOE Joint Genome Institute 5,567,139 E1205 62.39 PRJNA463053 SAMN09075458 GCA_003550255.1 SEQF9905.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 5 SC 5,049,026 NCTC10692 61.99 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3871776 GCA_900455615.1 SEQF9906.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 105 85303 5,201,587 MGY01 64.93 PRJNA251508 SAMN02834833 GCA_000732445.1 SEQF9907.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 109 Goettingen Genomics Laboratory 4,852,859 DSM 1045 62.07 PRJNA390074 SAMN07213127 GCA_002197815.1 SEQF9908.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 123 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 4,870,767 NBRC 13583 62.08 PRJDB245 SAMD00046935 GCA_002091815.1 SEQF9909.1 740 Pseudomonas oleovorans latest 170 Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 4,661,176 PO_271 62.19 PRJNA497126 SAMN10249212 GCA_003936775.1 SEQF2857.1 742 Mogibacterium pumilum latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 1,862,768 ATCC 700696 41.72 PRJNA282954 SAMN03897725 GCA_002243385.1 SEQF2771.1 743 Treponema putidum latest 2 The University of Hong Kong 2,800,562 OMZ 758 37.29 PRJNA257943 SAMN02980915 GCA_000755145.1 SEQF5851.1 743 Treponema putidum latest 40 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,772,337 ATCC 700334 37.28 PRJNA257861 SAMN02983005 GCA_007830595.1 SEQF1355.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Sanger Institute 1,841,271 str. Manfredo 38.63 PRJNA270 SAMEA1705956 Rheumatic GCA_000009385.1 SEQF1356.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Lab of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis 1,928,252 strain=MGAS10270 38.43 PRJNA16364 SAMN02603502 GCA_000013505.1 SEQF1357.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Lab of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis 1,899,877 MGAS10394 38.69 PRJNA12469 SAMN02603497 GCA_000011665.1 SEQF1358.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Lab of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis 1,937,111 MGAS10750 38.32 PRJNA16366 SAMN02603504 GCA_000013545.1 SEQF1359.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Lab of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis 1,860,355 strain=MGAS2096 38.73 PRJNA16365 SAMN02603503 GCA_000013525.1 SEQF1360.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Lab of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis 1,900,521 MGAS315 38.59 PRJNA311 SAMN02603496 GCA_000007425.1 SEQF1361.2 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Lab of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis 1,838,562 strain=MGAS5005 38.54 PRJNA13888 SAMN02603500 GCA_000011765.2 SEQF1362.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Lab of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis 1,897,573 strain=MGAS6180 38.35 PRJNA13887 SAMN02603499 GCA_000012165.1 SEQF1363.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Lab of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis 1,895,017 strain=MGAS8232 38.55 PRJNA286 SAMN02603495 GCA_000007285.1 SEQF1364.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Lab of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis 1,836,467 strain=MGAS9429 38.54 PRJNA16363 SAMN02603501 GCA_000013485.1 SEQF1365.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Osaka Univ. 1,894,275 SSI-1 38.55 PRJNA301 SAMD00061102 GCA_000011285.1 SEQF1380.2 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Univ. Oklahoma 1,852,433 M1 GAS 38.51 PRJNA269 SAMN02604089 GCA_000006785.2 SEQF1494.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 1,815,785 NZ131 38.57 PRJNA20707 SAMN02604236 GCA_000018125.1 SEQF2181.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 Institute for Genome Sciences 1,827,308 strain=Alab49 38.58 PRJNA73399 SAMN02603353 GCA_000230295.1 SEQF2242.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 29 Baylor College of Medicine 1,917,082 strain=ATCC 10782 40.87 PRJNA50517 SAMN00189880 GCA_000146715.1 SEQF2301.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 1 The Methodist Hospital Research Institute 1,750,832 strain=MGAS15252 38.48 PRJNA49669 SAMN02603944 GCA_000250905.1 SEQF2384.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes 298 University of Wollongong 1,720,933 NS88.2 38.52 PRJEA84331 SAMEA2272718 GCA_000263315.1 SEQF7424.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,746,380 NCTC12064 38.55 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3594357 GCA_900475035.1 SEQF7425.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 1,914,863 PartK-Spyogenes-RM8376 38.5 PRJNA605254 SAMN14078802 GCA_022869605.1 SEQF7426.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,914,862 FDAARGOS_774 38.5 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056489 GCA_006364235.1 SEQF7427.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,914,862 CCUG 4207 38.5 PRJNA302716 SAMN08915690 GCA_004028355.1 SEQF7428.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,914,862 NCTC8198 38.5 PRJEB6403 SAMEA2479569 GCA_002055535.1 SEQF7429.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 University of Melbourne 1,835,714 emm25 38.49 PRJNA454341 SAMN10793312 GCA_005164705.1 SEQF7430.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 UTHSC/McGovern Medical School 1,976,011 TSPY453 38.42 PRJNA494557 SAMN10172674 GCA_004124075.1 SEQF7431.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,891,258 NCTC13751 38.6 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4017721 GCA_900475985.1 SEQF7432.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 UTHSC/McGovern Medical School 1,890,384 TSPY1026 38.44 PRJNA657283 SAMN15824163 GCA_020827075.1 SEQF7433.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 university of rennes1 1,846,347 STAB090229 38.57 PRJNA377855 SAMN06473357 GCA_002238295.1 SEQF7434.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Department of Microbiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University 1,900,555 NIH34 38.59 PRJDB10330 SAMD00238717 GCA_014191695.1 SEQF7435.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 University of Sheffield 1,909,430 BSAC_bs1802;Invasive disease 38.53 PRJNA660931 SAMN15964728 GCA_014495965.1 SEQF7436.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,786,462 NCTC8316 38.61 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3597580 GCA_900474945.1 SEQF7437.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 UTHSC/McGovern Medical School 1,878,218 TSPY141 38.41 PRJNA657283 SAMN15824172 GCA_020826915.1 SEQF7438.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Bioplatforms Australia 1,943,295 HKU419;HKU419 38.45 PRJEB29800 SAMEA5096235 GCA_900619605.1 SEQF7439.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,756,874 NCTC12044 38.55 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3956097 GCA_900475925.1 SEQF7440.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 University of Melbourne 1,809,631 emm11 38.58 PRJNA454341 SAMN10793322 GCA_005163565.1 SEQF7441.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Washington University School of Medicine 1,811,968 D471 38.63 PRJNA283214 SAMN03610015 GCA_001014305.1 SEQF7442.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,785,880 NCTC13739 38.58 PRJEB6403 SAMEA53434918 GCA_900475865.1 SEQF7443.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 University of Queensland 1,943,415 HKU488 38.45 PRJNA289181 SAMN03846812 GCA_001051095.1 SEQF7444.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,744,145 NCTC12066 38.57 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3542449 GCA_900474775.1 SEQF7445.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 University of Glasgow 1,897,111 iGAS426 38.6 PRJNA685009 SAMN17141635 GCA_016549335.1 SEQF7446.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Houston Methodist Research Institute 1,907,750 MGAS11052 38.24 PRJNA434389 SAMN08555770 GCA_004154385.1 SEQF7447.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,858,171 NCTC8193 38.65 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3222082 GCA_901472475.1 SEQF7448.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Kitasato Institute of Life Sciences 1,744,827 MTB314 38.51 PRJDB1668 SAMD00000332 GCA_001547835.1 SEQF7449.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,921,169 NCTC5164 38.56 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3542433 GCA_900474795.1 SEQF7450.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,808,803 NCTC13744 38.64 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3879490 GCA_900475705.1 SEQF7451.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 National University of Singapore and Genome Institute of Singapore 1,810,283 JS12 38.46 PRJNA388295 SAMN07174848 GCA_002844355.1 SEQF7452.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services 1,862,424 emm9ST603 38.54 PRJNA684347 SAMN17054563 GCA_016126835.1 SEQF7453.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 UTHSC/McGovern Medical School 1,890,992 ABC25 38.49 PRJNA609136 SAMN14234425 GCA_019343065.1 SEQF7454.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Public Health Ontario 1,790,938 NGAS979 38.53 PRJNA434749 SAMN08569881 GCA_003203475.1 SEQF7455.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Houston Methodist Research Institute 1,940,684 MGAS29326 38.27 PRJNA434389 SAMN08563018 GCA_004154045.1 SEQF7456.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 National Center for Global Health and Medicine 1,893,821 M3-b 38.54 PRJDB1740 SAMD00000355 GCA_002355175.1 SEQF7457.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 University of Sheffield 1,932,413 BSAC_bs1388;Invasive disease 38.5 PRJNA660931 SAMN15964727 GCA_014495945.1 SEQF7458.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Houston Methodist Research Institute 1,851,876 MGAS28650 38.34 PRJNA434389 SAMN08562449 GCA_004154145.1 SEQF7459.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,851,237 NCTC12050 38.59 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3572435 GCA_900474925.1 SEQF7460.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,795,272 NCTC10085 38.55 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3881058 GCA_900475645.1 SEQF7461.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 UTHSC/McGovern Medical School 1,841,971 TSPY210 38.52 PRJNA657283 SAMN15824169 GCA_020826975.1 SEQF7462.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Houston Methodist Research Institute 1,835,779 MGAS2221 38.54 PRJNA562873 SAMN12657656 GCA_012572265.1 SEQF7463.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 UTHSC/McGovern Medical School 1,866,583 ABC208 38.56 PRJNA609136 SAMN14234602 GCA_019342945.1 SEQF7464.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 University of Melbourne 1,826,467 emm70 38.47 PRJNA454341 SAMN10793306 GCA_005162565.1 SEQF7465.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 University of Melbourne 1,756,622 emm57 38.59 PRJNA454341 SAMN10793328 GCA_005160445.1 SEQF7466.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 1,841,346 FDAARGOS_668 38.52 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056383 GCA_008694005.1 SEQF7467.2 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 National Center for Global Health and Medicine 1,831,128 M1 476 38.5 PRJDB141 SAMD00061013 GCA_000349925.2 SEQF7468.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,751,353 NCTC12068 38.53 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3594352 GCA_900475155.1 SEQF7469.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,827,653 NCTC12062 38.52 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3594349 GCA_900475005.1 SEQF7470.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh 2,010,300 1085 38.4 PRJNA596618 SAMN13632409 GCA_009832845.1 SEQF7471.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,921,448 NCTC5163 38.56 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3539724 GCA_900474645.1 SEQF7472.1 745 Streptococcus pyogenes latest 1 SC 1,875,632 NCTC12046 38.56 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3572427 GCA_900474885.1 SEQF2781.1 746 Actinomyces radicidentis latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,051,613 CCUG 36733 72.58 PRJNA282954 SAMN04435863 GCA_001553565.1 SEQF10210.1 747 Erythrobacter ramosus latest 10 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,342,622 DSM 8510 64.14 PRJNA546753 SAMN12025528 GCA_014195675.1 SEQF3151.1 747 Erythrobacter ramosus latest 10 Zhejiang Sci-Tech University 3,240,350 JCM 10282 64.3 PRJNA481858 SAMN13631596 GCA_009828055.1 SEQF1575.1 748 Campylobacter rectus latest 89 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,513,107 RM3267 44.85 PRJNA31017 SAMN00000716 GCA_000174175.1 SEQF6953.1 748 Campylobacter rectus latest 1 USDA, ARS, WRRC 2,571,679 ATCC 33238 44.72 PRJNA284987 SAMN03737987 GCA_004803795.1 SEQF6954.1 748 Campylobacter rectus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,571,801 FDAARGOS_1549 44.72 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091646 GCA_020736205.1 SEQF6955.1 748 Campylobacter rectus latest 91 UC Davis 2,491,340 OH2158 44.93 PRJNA506243 SAMN10478675 GCA_003859865.1 SEQF1257.2 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus 96 Fonterra Research Centre 2,914,408 strain=HN001 46.7 PRJNA29219 SAMN02469790 GCA_000173255.2 SEQF1717.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland 3,010,111 GG (ATCC 53103) 46.69 PRJEA32195 SAMEA2272375 GCA_000026505.1 SEQF1718.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 2 Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland 3,033,106 Lc 705 46.68 PRJEA32197 SAMEA2272728 GCA_000026525.1 SEQF1781.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus 55 Baylor College of Medicine 3,159,402 LMS2-1 47.35 PRJNA31497 SAMN00001479 GCA_000160175.1 SEQF2114.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 University of Saskatchewan 2,960,339 ATCC 8530 46.76 PRJNA73355 SAMN02604241 GCA_000233755.1 SEQF2117.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus 42 Washington University Genome Center 2,877,033 strain=ATCC 21052 46.81 PRJNA65127 SAMN02299451 GCA_000235865.1 SEQF2118.2 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus 2543 SMC College of Dairy Science, Anand Agricultural University, Anand 2,524,513 strain=MTCC 5462 46.87 PRJNA62113 SAMN02470978 GCA_000195375.2 SEQF2119.2 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus 10 Institut Rosell Lallemand Inc. 2,900,620 strain=R0011 46.72 PRJNA51799 SAMN02469944 GCA_000235785.2 SEQF2499.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus 50 Westmead Centre for Oral Health and Westmead Millennium Institute, Westmead Hostpital 2,911,110 strain=LRHMDP2 46.57 PRJNA169251 SAMN01737618 GCA_000311945.1 SEQF2500.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 47 Westmead Centre for Oral Health and Westmead Millennium Institute, Westmead Hostpital 2,911,934 LRHMDP3 46.58 PRJNA169313 SAMN01757838 GCA_000311965.1 SEQF2568.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 IBB PAS 2,883,376 LOCK900 46.79 PRJNA196481 SAMN02603328 GCA_000418475.1 SEQF2569.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 IBB PAS 2,990,900 LOCK908 46.76 PRJNA196823 SAMN02603329 GCA_000418495.1 SEQF5756.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Northeast Agricultural University 2,941,522 1.0320 46.75 PRJNA545569 SAMN11896630 GCA_006151905.1 SEQF5757.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 SC 2,988,387 NCTC13764 46.76 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3905380 GCA_900636965.1 SEQF5758.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Guangxi Academy of Sciences, China 2,990,082 ATCC 11443 46.77 PRJNA361426 SAMN07235705 GCA_003433395.1 SEQF5759.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 2 Yangzhou University 3,067,813 hsryfm 1301 46.7 PRJNA572562 SAMN12793868 GCA_008727835.1 SEQF5760.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Chung-Ang University 2,991,039 CAU 1365 46.77 PRJNA757596 SAMN20968817 GCA_019967935.1 SEQF5761.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Shijiazhuang Junlebao Dairy Co., Ltd. 2,991,149 X253 46.76 PRJNA725026 SAMN18868053 GCA_018228745.1 SEQF5762.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Zhejiang University 2,991,153 P118 46.76 PRJNA848987 SAMN29024225 GCA_023913535.1 SEQF5763.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Uni-enterprise (China) Holding, Ltd. 2,923,663 LV108 46.76 PRJNA633420 SAMN14943671 GCA_013167115.1 SEQF5764.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 4 Technology Center of Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd,China 3,251,532 KF7 46.66 PRJNA689681 SAMN17214539 GCA_016653515.1 SEQF5765.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Bioprox 2,989,570 BIO5326 46.76 PRJNA574342 SAMN13344000 GCA_009720565.1 SEQF5766.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 2 AtoGen CO., Ltd. 3,114,755 BFE5264 46.8 PRJNA308635 SAMN04404358 GCA_001988935.1 SEQF5767.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Ferring International Center S.A. 3,024,027 BPL5 46.72 PRJEB12623 SAMEA3879648 GCA_900070175.1 SEQF5768.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 KUMC 2,934,954 LRB 46.78 PRJNA337919 SAMN05513711 GCA_001721925.1 SEQF5769.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Genomed SA 2,884,966 Pen 46.78 PRJNA359638 SAMN06196449 GCA_002076955.1 SEQF5770.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Nutrition &Health Technology Center 2,991,151 VHProbi Y39 46.76 PRJNA785080 SAMN23764977 GCA_022220485.1 SEQF5771.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Howard University 2,935,174 CE1 46.79 PRJNA720963 SAMN18687446 GCA_018141205.1 SEQF5772.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Howard University 2,935,123 AS 46.79 PRJNA720963 SAMN18869154 GCA_018286375.1 SEQF5773.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 SC 2,991,048 NCTC13710 46.76 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3881060 GCA_900636875.1 SEQF5774.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Chungbuk National University 3,010,116 GG 46.69 PRJNA481623 SAMN09685158 GCA_003353455.1 SEQF5775.2 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Technology Center of Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd, China 2,924,491 B6 46.77 PRJNA687329 SAMN17141195 GCA_016599675.2 SEQF5776.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Guangxi Academy of Sciences, China 2,990,071 SCT-10-10-60 46.76 PRJNA361426 SAMN06233708 GCA_002960215.1 SEQF5777.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Bioprox 3,006,715 BIO6870 46.69 PRJNA574342 SAMN12856534 GCA_008831425.1 SEQF5778.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Zhejiang University School of Medicine 3,007,503 LR-B1 46.69 PRJNA422361 SAMN08176627 GCA_004010975.1 SEQF5779.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Karolinska Institutet 3,013,149 DSM 14870 46.67 PRJNA213732 SAMN07605138 GCA_002287945.1 SEQF5780.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Seoul National University 3,007,472 LDTM7511 46.69 PRJNA623728 SAMN14558312 GCA_017795605.1 SEQF5781.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 EMG 3,010,111 MGYG-HGUT-01293 46.69 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850796 GCA_902381635.1 SEQF5782.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 2 Probiotics Microbiome Convergence Center 2,993,122 PMC203 46.69 PRJNA776987 SAMN22826457 GCA_020826335.1 SEQF5783.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Korea Food Research Institute 2,972,590 LR5 46.7 PRJNA340067 SAMN05631078 GCA_002286235.1 SEQF5784.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Wonkwang University 3,047,840 4B15 46.75 PRJNA387641 SAMN07160384 GCA_002158925.1 SEQF5785.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 3 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 3,058,443 TK-F8B 46.63 PRJNA579198 SAMN13106275 GCA_015377485.1 SEQF5786.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 The University of Hong Kong 2,960,737 WQ2 47.5 PRJNA378121 SAMN06479972 GCA_002025085.1 SEQF5787.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 The University of Hong Kong 2,903,890 ASCC 290 46.8 PRJNA314166 SAMN04530063 GCA_001590655.1 SEQF5788.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 1 Research Laboratories, Ildong Pharmaceutical 3,064,363 IDCC 3201 46.69 PRJNA579036 SAMN13091356 GCA_009429065.1 SEQF5789.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 48 USFDA 2,948,889 DS14_11 46.7 PRJNA336518 SAMN05864077 GCA_003061705.1 SEQF5790.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 72 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2,872,742 AMC143 46.64 PRJNA357881 SAMN06161581 GCA_001982425.1 SEQF5791.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 90 Vavilov Institute of General Genetics 2,922,140 24 46.74 PRJNA256139 SAMN02983263 GCA_000743075.1 SEQF5792.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 80 Zhejiang University School of Medicine 2,927,404 LR-S 46.65 PRJNA422361 SAMN08176640 GCA_004125475.1 SEQF5793.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 31 The University of Queensland 2,887,474 ASCC 1521 46.8 PRJNA348789 SAMN05915696 GCA_001831275.1 SEQF5794.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 3 Unique Biotech Limited 2,948,044 UBLR-58 46.74 PRJNA493554 SAMN11370921 GCA_004798455.1 SEQF5795.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 297 UANTW 3,030,894 AMBR3 46.53 PRJEB32716 SAMEA5665499 GCA_901830385.1 SEQF5796.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 88 UVEG 3,259,285 INIA P344;INIA P344 46.56 PRJEB32820 SAMEA5671947 GCA_901971785.1 SEQF5797.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 47 university of ljubljana, biotechnical faculty 2,898,302 IM561 46.73 PRJEB49530 SAMEA12007163 GCA_925285305.1 SEQF5798.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 64 The University of Queensland 2,886,283 3189-SD0197 46.75 PRJNA684919 SAMN17109604 GCA_022802735.1 SEQF5799.1 749 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus latest 72 ETH Zurich 2,915,846 RI-004 46.63 PRJNA343164 SAMN05717709 GCA_001981725.1 SEQF1003.1 750 Lancefieldella rimae latest 9 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,626,291 ATCC 49626 49.26 PRJNA30999 SAMN00000717 Gingival crevice GCA_000174015.1 SEQF2780.1 750 Lancefieldella rimae latest 9 Shanghai Majorbio 1,629,936 DSM 7090 49.34 PRJNA222257 SAMN02797791 GCA_001438885.1 SEQF1185.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 3 The Enterobacter sakazakii Genome Sequencing Project 4,530,777 ATCC BAA-894 56.73 PRJNA12720 SAMN02603913 GCA_000017665.1 SEQF2669.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii 201 LifeTech 4,362,758 680 56.81 PRJEB153 SAMEA2272711 GCA_000319615.1 SEQF2690.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 3 the National Institutes for food and drug Control,China 4,559,945 CMCC45402 56.82 PRJNA217377 SAMN02641531 GCA_000504545.1 SEQF2691.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 1 Seoul National University 4,268,675 ES15 57.11 PRJNA81953 SAMN02603850 GCA_000263215.1 SEQF2692.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 4 University College Dublin 4,518,784 Sp291 56.82 PRJNA62201 SAMN02604116 GCA_000339015.1 SEQF4811.3 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 3 Center for Genomic Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 4,437,993 CS-931 56.91 PRJNA399551 SAMN07540307 GCA_003516125.3 SEQF4812.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 4 Food-borne Pathogen Omics Research Center 4,663,565 ATCC 29544 56.64 PRJNA276173 SAMN03371468 GCA_000982825.1 SEQF4813.2 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 3 FDA/CFSAN 4,569,540 MOD1-H322 56.73 PRJNA258403 SAMN06124518 GCA_002071765.2 SEQF4814.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 3 Utah Public Health Laboratory Infectious Disease submission group 4,500,898 70402496 56.9 PRJNA812593 SAMN26420280 GCA_022648965.1 SEQF4815.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 1 National Medicines Institute 4,315,383 5563_17 56.96 PRJNA645121 SAMN15493123 GCA_013425995.1 SEQF4816.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 2 Center for Genomic Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 4,432,553 C105731 56.91 PRJNA399551 SAMN14112903 GCA_018884125.1 SEQF4817.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 3 Center for Genomic Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 4,501,378 C79 56.89 PRJNA399551 SAMN14112906 GCA_018884105.1 SEQF4818.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 4 Center for Genomic Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 4,591,950 C757 56.67 PRJNA399551 SAMN14112904 GCA_018884145.1 SEQF4819.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 3 Center for Genomic Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 4,585,350 C767 56.67 PRJNA399551 SAMN14112905 GCA_018884085.1 SEQF4820.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 4 Nestle Institute of Health Sciences 4,610,566 NCTC 8155 56.75 PRJNA291037 SAMN03938714 GCA_001277275.1 SEQF4821.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 3 Wuhan Polytechnic University 4,478,755 JXES-28 56.98 PRJNA847696 SAMN28951057 GCA_023805435.1 SEQF4822.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 3 Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou city, China 4,908,057 GZcsf-1 56.3 PRJNA450456 SAMN08928172 GCA_003955925.1 SEQF4823.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 4 Nankai Universigy 4,773,132 G4023 56.6 PRJNA508228 SAMN10518520 GCA_020869275.1 SEQF4824.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 415 Nottingham Trent University, UK 4,597,975 4 56.84 PRJNA246712 SAMN02769636 GCA_001972225.1 SEQF4825.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 32 Nankai Universigy 4,558,641 wls2225 56.87 PRJNA508822 SAMN10531438 GCA_022607475.1 SEQF4826.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 345 FDA/CFSAN 4,411,405 MOD1_Jor109 56.98 PRJNA258403 SAMN07205634 GCA_002532525.1 SEQF4827.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 124 Nottingham Trent University, UK 4,572,305 711 56.86 PRJNA251639 SAMN02837661 GCA_001309415.1 SEQF4828.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 27 FDA/CFSAN 4,464,581 MOD1_LR713 56.95 PRJNA258403 SAMN08397396 GCA_003062265.1 SEQF4829.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 55 Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 4,606,738 CS-13 56.69 PRJNA473381 SAMN09273062 GCA_003207375.1 SEQF4830.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 455 Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou city, China 4,526,928 cro1489B1 57.03 PRJNA397666 SAMN07483953 GCA_002977865.1 SEQF4831.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 30 Nankai Universigy 4,397,177 wls2176 57.0 PRJNA508822 SAMN10531416 GCA_022607865.1 SEQF4832.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 29 Henan Center for Diease Control and Prevention 4,689,824 HA18040 56.66 PRJNA608803 SAMN14218532 GCA_011605595.1 SEQF4833.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 120 FDA/CFSAN 4,584,609 MOD1-Md5g 56.64 PRJNA258403 SAMN06100275 GCA_002075425.1 SEQF4834.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 145 FDA/CFSAN 4,500,734 MOD1-cr2 56.71 PRJNA258403 SAMN06712283 GCA_002107815.1 SEQF4835.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 187 Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou city, China 4,392,439 cro881W2 56.99 PRJNA397666 SAMN07484001 GCA_002976935.1 SEQF4836.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 170 FDA/CFSAN 4,345,627 MOD1_Jor183 56.95 PRJNA258403 SAMN07205631 GCA_002532455.1 SEQF4837.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 31 China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment 4,327,190 Crono14-YL 57.06 PRJNA715051 SAMN18354328 GCA_017845295.1 SEQF4838.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 430 Guangdong Institute of Microbiology 4,398,006 cro2810A3 57.26 PRJNA329459 SAMN05413004 GCA_002094725.1 SEQF4839.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 120 Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety 4,758,344 CH84 56.59 PRJNA727616 SAMN19026512 GCA_018348495.1 SEQF4840.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 41 China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment 4,502,936 Crono06-YL 56.88 PRJNA715051 SAMN18346765 GCA_017845035.1 SEQF4841.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 26 Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 4,383,969 CS-47 56.97 PRJNA473381 SAMN09273084 GCA_003207595.1 SEQF4842.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 49 Capital Institute of Pediatrics,Beijing, China 4,360,599 LN01 57.12 PRJNA498360 SAMN10273132 GCA_009938835.1 SEQF4843.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 34 FDA/CFSAN 4,519,278 MOD1_GK800 56.6 PRJNA258403 SAMN06697623 GCA_002101515.1 SEQF4844.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 450 Guangdong Institute of Microbiology 4,541,371 cro1537W 57.2 PRJNA329459 SAMN05413001 GCA_002094645.1 SEQF4845.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 30 Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 4,583,444 CS-4 56.71 PRJNA473381 SAMN09273056 GCA_003206395.1 SEQF4846.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 35 FDA/CFSAN 4,407,588 MOD1_O21_16 57.03 PRJNA258403 SAMN08623774 GCA_002999875.1 SEQF4847.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 147 Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou city, China 4,336,599 458G 56.95 PRJNA397666 SAMN07483957 GCA_002977785.1 SEQF4848.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 62 Nottingham Trent University, UK 4,538,002 694 56.86 PRJNA251804 SAMN02840782 GCA_001309135.1 SEQF4849.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 142 Nottingham Trent University, UK 4,547,447 701 56.86 PRJNA283440 SAMN03650261 GCA_001309435.1 SEQF4850.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 62 Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou city, China 4,412,964 cro3114A2 57.01 PRJNA397666 SAMN07483975 GCA_002977445.1 SEQF4851.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 48 FDA/CFSAN 4,427,709 MOD1_LR703 57.06 PRJNA258403 SAMN08611377 GCA_002974695.1 SEQF4852.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 25 Northeast Agricultural University 4,483,304 CE56 56.72 PRJNA515775 SAMN11465899 GCA_013186205.1 SEQF4853.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 119 FDA/CFSAN 4,471,974 MOD1_LR712 56.88 PRJNA258403 SAMN08611291 GCA_002975035.1 SEQF4854.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 101 FDA/CFSAN 4,431,772 MOD1_LR654 57.03 PRJNA258403 SAMN08397397 GCA_002942185.1 SEQF4855.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 29 Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 4,457,150 CS-33 56.9 PRJNA473381 SAMN09273074 GCA_003207235.1 SEQF4856.1 753 Cronobacter sakazakii latest 30 Nankai Universigy 4,382,704 wls2200 56.84 PRJNA508822 SAMN10531423 GCA_022607725.1 SEQF2607.1 754 Mycoplasma salivarium latest 17 DOE Joint Genome Institute 713,526 ATCC 23064 26.44 PRJNA183034 SAMN02441084 GCA_000485555.1 SEQF1366.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) 2,210,574 JIM8777 40.07 PRJEA67171 SAMEA2272047 GCA_000253315.1 SEQF1367.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) 2,217,184 CCHSS3 39.87 PRJEA67173 SAMEA2272545 GCA_000253335.1 SEQF1843.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 101 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,128,332 SK126 40.06 PRJNA34091 SAMN00002153 GCA_000174715.1 SEQF2006.2 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 2 Chang Gung University 2,179,563 57.I 39.95 PRJNA68129 SAMN02603111 GCA_000305335.2 SEQF2345.2 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 6 University of Otago 2,325,981 M18 39.44 PRJNA71499 SAMN02471912 GCA_000225385.2 SEQF2346.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 56 Era7 Bioinformatics 2,051,527 PS4 39.8 PRJNA87019 SAMN02471358 GCA_000257585.1 SEQF2400.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 7 Nestle Research Center 2,426,359 K12 39.52 PRJNA168659 SAMN02470675 GCA_000286295.1 SEQF2913.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 Xintai People Hospital 2,191,044 JF 40.19 PRJNA308383 SAMN04395122 GCA_001543085.1 SEQF8387.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 SC 2,206,150 NCTC8618 40.13 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3614264 GCA_900636435.1 SEQF8388.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 University of Otago 2,188,923 NCTC 8618 40.15 PRJNA266841 SAMN03174835 GCA_000785515.1 SEQF8389.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 2 University of Toronto 2,426,257 LAB813 39.71 PRJNA546007 SAMN11947030 GCA_008305695.1 SEQF8390.2 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 Top Institute Food and Nutrition (TIFN) 2,100,988 HSISS4 40.22 PRJNA196127 SAMN02471219 GCA_000448685.2 SEQF8391.2 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,259,318 FDAARGOS_259 40.14 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875585 GCA_002073835.2 SEQF8392.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,999,501 FDAARGOS_771 40.15 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056486 GCA_013267495.1 SEQF8393.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 2 Illinois Institute of Technology 2,326,348 ATCC 25975 39.67 PRJNA227252 SAMN02401019 GCA_002094975.1 SEQF8394.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,318,817 FDAARGOS_1045 39.58 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357214 GCA_016127535.1 SEQF8395.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 2 University of Toronto 2,261,408 SALI-10 39.9 PRJNA789885 SAMN24172469 GCA_022936265.1 SEQF8396.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 4 Dose Biosystems 2,343,299 DB-B5 39.9 PRJNA635659 SAMN15048692 GCA_013822985.1 SEQF8397.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC 2,193,178 ICDC1 39.83 PRJNA355044 SAMN06066182 GCA_009738205.1 SEQF8398.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC 2,193,173 ICDC3 39.83 PRJNA355057 SAMN06066191 GCA_009738245.1 SEQF8399.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 2 National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC 2,442,990 ICDC2 39.53 PRJNA355056 SAMN06066184 GCA_009738225.1 SEQF8400.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 SC 2,184,782 NCTC7366 39.95 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3649030 GCA_900475225.1 SEQF8401.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 Illinois Institute of Technology 2,108,274 ATCC 27945 40.24 PRJNA264747 SAMN03140396 GCA_002094955.1 SEQF8402.2 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 3 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,435,494 FDAARGOS_192 39.61 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875529 GCA_002073815.2 SEQF8403.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 Top Institute Food and Nutrition (TIFN) 2,128,142 HSISS1 41.61 PRJNA196124 SAMN02471216 GCA_000448645.1 SEQF8404.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 Top Institute Food and Nutrition (TIFN) 2,399,857 HSISS3 41.35 PRJNA196126 SAMN02471218 GCA_000448605.1 SEQF8405.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 Top Institute Food and Nutrition (TIFN) 2,360,910 HSISS2 46.41 PRJNA196125 SAMN02471217 GCA_000448665.1 SEQF8406.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 29 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,089,069 BIOML-A35 39.82 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946408 GCA_009716765.1 SEQF8407.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 307 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,830,726 O3-2 40.22 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876536 GCA_023110575.1 SEQF8408.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 162 Unique Biotech Limited 2,264,655 UBSS01 40.18 PRJNA493554 SAMN11479476 GCA_006227745.1 SEQF8409.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 30 Texas A&M 2,437,080 HS0302 39.38 PRJNA400312 SAMN07563134 GCA_003231475.1 SEQF8410.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 13 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,134,163 BIOML-A22 39.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946395 GCA_009717115.1 SEQF8411.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 79 UANTW 2,188,383 AMBR074 39.76 PRJEB32716 SAMEA7510347 GCA_905071895.1 SEQF8412.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 80 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,243,564 HMSC064H09 40.1 PRJNA300021 SAMN04480035 GCA_001812625.1 SEQF8413.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 469 State University of Campinas 2,264,513 39-09 S16 39.56 PRJNA320256 SAMN04933563 GCA_001907005.1 SEQF8414.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 35 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,095,073 BIOML-A18 39.85 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946391 GCA_009717155.1 SEQF8415.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,200,590 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Tours Hospital 40.51 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647169 GCA_902859035.1 SEQF8416.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,318,966 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Limoges Hospital 42.95 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647164 GCA_902858995.1 SEQF8417.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 46 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,192,445 1001254J_160919_F11 39.72 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532864 GCA_015555465.1 SEQF8418.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 47 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,138,470 BIOML-A8 39.91 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946381 GCA_009717365.1 SEQF8419.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 90 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,179,910 HMSC068F04 39.73 PRJNA296178 SAMN04498582 GCA_001837455.1 SEQF8420.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 INRA Toulouse 2,190,275 commensal strain from anonymous patient (individual 1) 40.84 PRJEB37543 SAMEA6647155 GCA_903909965.1 SEQF8421.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 262 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,170,919 1001283B150209_150212_H2 39.87 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532919 GCA_015547085.1 SEQF8422.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 24 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,211,514 D53t1_180928_G12 39.95 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532541 GCA_015551585.1 SEQF8423.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 58 USFDA 2,320,947 DS85_40B 39.39 PRJNA336518 SAMN15078926 GCA_020076235.1 SEQF8424.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 52 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,284,714 HMSC065H07 39.62 PRJNA296244 SAMN04498619 GCA_001837325.1 SEQF8425.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 224 State University of Campinas 2,369,292 39-07 S15 39.33 PRJNA320256 SAMN04933505 GCA_001907045.1 SEQF8426.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 87 State University of Campinas 2,361,568 39-01 S14 39.4 PRJNA320256 SAMN04942658 GCA_002094035.1 SEQF8427.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 INRA Toulouse 2,208,353 commensal strain from anonymous patient (individual 7) 39.88 PRJEB37543 SAMEA6647158 GCA_903910355.1 SEQF8428.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 57 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,112,584 BIOML-A9 40.05 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946382 GCA_009717335.1 SEQF8429.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 30 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,091,603 BIOML-A34 39.83 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946407 GCA_009716785.1 SEQF8430.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 115 University of Washington 2,217,529 1270_SSAL 39.7 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197239 GCA_001069445.1 SEQF8431.2 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 University of Oxford, Oxford, England, UK 2,174,336 clinical strain from anonymous patient from Besancon hospital 40.68 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647150 GCA_902850275.2 SEQF8432.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 43 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,104,212 BIOML-A27 39.89 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946400 GCA_009716945.1 SEQF8433.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 40 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,409,907 S52 39.31 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876595 GCA_023109245.1 SEQF8434.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 25 Oregon State University 2,152,518 E32 39.93 PRJNA767413 SAMN21924260 GCA_020404345.1 SEQF8435.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,264,732 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Limoges Hospital 39.95 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647160 GCA_902858925.1 SEQF8436.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 4 State University of Campinas 2,177,169 20-12 S2 39.84 PRJNA320256 SAMN04931542 GCA_001659645.1 SEQF8437.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 43 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,178,991 1001175st1_H3 39.65 PRJNA518912 SAMN10863254 GCA_005844475.1 SEQF8438.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 24 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,065,453 BIOML-A1 39.99 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946374 GCA_009717495.1 SEQF8439.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 48 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,440,595 D6t1_180914_C4 39.35 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532531 GCA_015555345.1 SEQF8440.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 25 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,066,814 BIOML-A2 39.99 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946375 GCA_009717465.1 SEQF8441.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 23 University at Buffalo 2,164,807 UC3162 40.09 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334908 GCA_000963265.1 SEQF8442.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 22 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,345,253 BIOML-A4 39.65 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946377 GCA_009717435.1 SEQF8443.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 14 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,135,103 BIOML-A25 39.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946398 GCA_009717055.1 SEQF8444.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 37 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,187,798 D55t1_190419_H2 39.88 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533036 GCA_015670805.1 SEQF8445.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,260,709 clinical strain from anonymous patient at Besancon hospital 43.26 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647153 GCA_902850305.1 SEQF8446.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,214,583 commensal strain from anonymous patient (individual 1) 40.63 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647154 GCA_903172975.1 SEQF8447.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 71 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,111,233 HMSC064D12 39.94 PRJNA296304 SAMN04498650 GCA_001837205.1 SEQF8448.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 INRA Toulouse 2,220,027 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Limoges Hospital 40.34 PRJEB37543 SAMEA6647159 GCA_903910465.1 SEQF8449.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 48 University of Malaya 2,345,259 YU10 39.45 PRJNA243896 SAMN02720831 GCA_000714455.1 SEQF8450.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 97 State University of Campinas 2,331,037 37-09 S13 39.39 PRJNA320256 SAMN04933504 GCA_001906995.1 SEQF8451.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 61 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,221,783 BIOML-A12 39.76 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946385 GCA_009717305.1 SEQF8452.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 53 University of Chicago 2,360,543 MSK.15.125 39.68 PRJNA737800 SAMN22165289 GCA_020538165.1 SEQF8453.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,288,276 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Besancon hospital 39.94 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647151 GCA_902850315.1 SEQF8454.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,184,790 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Limoges Hospital 40.6 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647162 GCA_902858945.1 SEQF8455.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 15 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,109,985 BIOML-A10 40.05 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946383 GCA_009717325.1 SEQF8456.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 35 University of Queensland 2,127,272 9.1 39.98 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793726 GCA_016648815.1 SEQF8457.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 21 Broad Institute 2,142,483 C150 40.32 PRJNA38751 SAMN02463753 GCA_000187445.1 SEQF8458.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 39 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,096,637 BIOML-A28 39.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946401 GCA_009717005.1 SEQF8459.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 87 State University of Campinas 2,321,251 34-24 S10 39.51 PRJNA320256 SAMN04933464 GCA_001906915.1 SEQF8460.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 14 Loyola University Chicago 2,431,001 UMB0028 43.01 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193733 GCA_002860765.1 SEQF8461.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 51 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,137,834 D6t1_180914_F9 39.75 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532863 GCA_015555495.1 SEQF8462.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 19 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,134,979 BIOML-A19 39.88 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946392 GCA_009717165.1 SEQF8463.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 51 BGI 2,128,339 AF23-9AC 39.71 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734456 GCA_003458645.1 SEQF8464.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 18 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,134,050 BIOML-A21 39.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946394 GCA_009717105.1 SEQF8465.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 55 University of Queensland 2,393,850 22.1 39.43 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793734 GCA_016648645.1 SEQF8466.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 28 University of Queensland 2,198,129 11.1 39.81 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793728 GCA_016648745.1 SEQF8467.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 38 University of Queensland 2,128,554 10.1 39.98 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793727 GCA_016648765.1 SEQF8468.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 48 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,128,418 BIOML-A31 39.86 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946404 GCA_009716865.1 SEQF8469.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 52 BGI 2,127,908 AF10-23 39.89 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734201 GCA_003465885.1 SEQF8470.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 190 State University of Campinas 2,149,192 20-02 S1 39.78 PRJNA320256 SAMN04931506 GCA_001659655.1 SEQF8471.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 19 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,343,979 BIOML-A5 39.64 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946378 GCA_009717425.1 SEQF8472.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 39 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,095,876 BIOML-A30 39.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946403 GCA_009716955.1 SEQF8473.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 58 University of Queensland 2,393,909 2.1 39.46 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793722 GCA_016648865.1 SEQF8474.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 47 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,163,169 O2-3 40.07 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876534 GCA_023110475.1 SEQF8475.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 56 BGI 2,344,452 AF29-16 39.72 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734554 GCA_003457695.1 SEQF8476.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 22 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,147,103 BIOML-A13 39.89 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946386 GCA_009717265.1 SEQF8477.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 26 Broad Institute 2,112,364 bf_0095 40.06 PRJNA496358 SAMN10239557 GCA_004166915.1 SEQF8478.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 26 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,345,487 S49 39.49 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876592 GCA_023109355.1 SEQF8479.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 36 University of Queensland 2,160,243 23.2 39.8 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793735 GCA_016648665.1 SEQF8480.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 52 Univ. of Maryland 2,209,369 PA11332C3 39.75 PRJNA731113 SAMN19268626 GCA_018499525.1 SEQF8481.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 51 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 2,181,748 Streptococcus_salivarius_BgEED36 39.65 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664379 GCA_901875525.1 SEQF8482.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 40 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,368,239 D55t1_190419_H11 39.43 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532776 GCA_015559905.1 SEQF8483.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 51 University of Queensland 2,222,225 17.1 39.88 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793732 GCA_016648655.1 SEQF8484.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 30 University of Queensland 2,114,671 21.1 39.99 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793733 GCA_016648635.1 SEQF8485.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 69 University of Queensland 2,215,680 16.1 39.91 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793731 GCA_016648675.1 SEQF8486.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 27 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,200,669 S48 39.95 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876591 GCA_023109335.1 SEQF8487.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 18 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 2,162,983 ATCC 7073 40.24 PRJEB18413 SAMN05421814 GCA_900143035.1 SEQF8488.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 188 University of Washington 2,271,663 726_SSAL 39.46 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197931 GCA_001074945.1 SEQF8489.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 55 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,134,256 HMSC078H03 40.1 PRJNA296214 SAMN04477505 GCA_001808655.1 SEQF8490.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 49 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,343,397 D40t1_170626_E6 39.39 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532532 GCA_015552895.1 SEQF8491.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 31 University of Washington 2,095,754 449_SSPC 40.09 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197641 GCA_001073005.1 SEQF8492.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,238,090 clinical strain from anonymous patient at Besancon hospital 40.91 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647152 GCA_902850285.1 SEQF8493.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 78 University of Newcastle 2,052,967 AGIRA0003 40.0 PRJNA730991 SAMN19249663 GCA_019391315.1 SEQF8494.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 21 University at Buffalo 2,293,898 KB005 39.63 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334907 GCA_000963335.1 SEQF8495.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 34 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,094,279 BIOML-A14 39.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946387 GCA_009717255.1 SEQF8496.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 33 UANTW 2,320,709 AMBR024 39.61 PRJEB32716 SAMEA7510346 GCA_905071825.1 SEQF8497.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 63 University College Cork 2,104,938 MCC742 40.03 PRJNA548918 SAMN12147431 GCA_018783915.1 SEQF8498.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 149 University of Chicago 2,179,585 DFI.1.41 39.86 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167383 GCA_020562065.1 SEQF8499.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 22 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,163,566 BIOML-A23 39.78 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946396 GCA_009717065.1 SEQF8500.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 40 UANTW 2,125,226 AMBR047 40.0 PRJEB32716 SAMEA7510350 GCA_905071915.1 SEQF8501.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 58 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,087,418 BIOML-A33 39.91 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946406 GCA_009716875.1 SEQF8502.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 38 Heilongjiang bayi agricultural university 2,116,529 K56 39.83 PRJNA612981 SAMN14389583 GCA_019731335.1 SEQF8503.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 50 University of Chicago 2,015,289 DFI.4.50 40.0 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167635 GCA_020554375.1 SEQF8504.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 84 University of Queensland 2,228,268 15.1 39.87 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793730 GCA_016648795.1 SEQF8505.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 27 Loyola University Chicago 2,377,669 UMB0051 39.56 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193732 GCA_002860785.1 SEQF8506.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 56 BGI 2,313,188 AF13-49B 39.58 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734241 GCA_003465325.1 SEQF8507.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 59 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,138,006 BIOML-A32 39.85 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946405 GCA_009716845.1 SEQF8508.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 34 Northeast Agricultural University 2,166,453 JCM 5707 40.04 PRJDB7793 SAMD00393676 GCA_019972895.1 SEQF8509.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 53 State University of Campinas 2,295,542 40-02 S18 39.55 PRJNA320256 SAMN04934527 GCA_001907055.1 SEQF8510.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,185,075 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Limoges Hospital 40.19 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647161 GCA_902858935.1 SEQF8511.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 97 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,242,094 HMSC072D03 39.65 PRJNA300031 SAMN04480045 GCA_001812855.1 SEQF8512.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 49 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,272,605 D40t1_170626_C11 39.86 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533038 GCA_015670715.1 SEQF8513.2 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 University of Oxford, Oxford, England, UK 2,190,275 commensal strain from anonymous patient (individual 1) 40.84 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647155 GCA_902850335.2 SEQF8514.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 42 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 2,310,024 Streptococcus_thermophilus_BgEED37 39.36 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664381 GCA_901875595.1 SEQF8515.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 36 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,378,423 BIOML-A3 39.62 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946376 GCA_009717475.1 SEQF8516.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 242 State University of Campinas 2,319,860 84-12 S20 39.46 PRJNA320256 SAMN04934534 GCA_001906975.1 SEQF8517.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 49 UANTW 2,183,891 AMBR075 39.84 PRJEB32716 SAMEA7510348 GCA_905071855.1 SEQF8518.2 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 University of Oxford, Oxford, England, UK 2,220,027 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Limoges Hospital 40.34 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647159 GCA_902850355.2 SEQF8519.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 45 MIT 2,355,730 MIT 14-1770-C1 39.32 PRJNA412393 SAMN07710846 GCA_002417605.1 SEQF8520.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 131 University of Mississippi Medical Center 2,176,614 E636 39.86 PRJNA732651 SAMN19328836 GCA_018599045.1 SEQF8521.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 38 Univ. of Maryland 2,282,108 P468301 39.8 PRJNA731113 SAMN19268635 GCA_018499415.1 SEQF8522.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 INRA Toulouse 2,212,121 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Limoges Hospital 40.95 PRJEB37543 SAMEA6647163 GCA_903932585.1 SEQF8523.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 166 University of Washington 2,262,337 140_SSAL 39.83 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197330 GCA_001070595.1 SEQF8524.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 26 EMG 2,252,077 MGYG-HGUT-00113 39.75 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5849614 GCA_902363415.1 SEQF8525.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 22 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,113,391 BIOML-A7 40.06 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946380 GCA_009717375.1 SEQF8526.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 89 State University of Campinas 2,239,681 85-05 S23 39.82 PRJNA320256 SAMN04934536 GCA_001907105.1 SEQF8527.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 387 Ares Genetics 2,250,043 AS012762 40.11 PRJNA553678 SAMN12251081 GCA_010604065.1 SEQF8528.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 34 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,094,880 BIOML-A26 39.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946399 GCA_009716965.1 SEQF8529.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 207 State University of Campinas 2,320,006 37-08 S12 39.19 PRJNA320256 SAMN04933466 GCA_001906965.1 SEQF8530.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 INRA Toulouse 2,135,405 commensal strain from anonymous patient (individual 4) 40.54 PRJEB37543 SAMEA6647157 GCA_903910225.1 SEQF8531.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 191 State University of Campinas 2,219,834 85-02 s21 39.85 PRJNA320256 SAMN04942659 GCA_002094045.1 SEQF8532.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 39 BGI 2,325,570 DE0578 39.47 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792738 GCA_007665725.1 SEQF8533.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,223,477 commensal strain from anonymous patient (individual 4) 40.24 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647156 GCA_903557885.1 SEQF8534.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 3 State University of Campinas 2,185,520 2202 S3 39.93 PRJNA320256 SAMN04931570 GCA_001657895.1 SEQF8535.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 17 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,134,102 BIOML-A29 39.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946402 GCA_009716995.1 SEQF8536.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 144 University of Washington 2,095,569 1003_SOLI 40.02 PRJNA267549 SAMN03196965 GCA_001069855.1 SEQF8537.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,356,309 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Limoges Hospital 43.24 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647165 GCA_902859045.1 SEQF8538.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 18 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,108,549 1001713B170131_170501_D3 40.03 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532810 GCA_015556225.1 SEQF8539.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 43 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,178,991 1001175B_160314_H3 39.65 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532680 GCA_015553245.1 SEQF8540.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 61 State University of Campinas 2,243,773 85-04 S22 39.84 PRJNA320256 SAMN04934535 GCA_001907065.1 SEQF8541.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1137 University of Chicago 2,526,680 DFI.1.40 40.37 PRJNA737800 SAMN22167382 GCA_020562075.1 SEQF8542.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 88 NEXARS 2,114,737 GH NEXARS 39.86 PRJNA670337 SAMN16493144 GCA_015159825.1 SEQF8543.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,252,923 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Nancy Hospital 41.71 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647167 GCA_902859015.1 SEQF8544.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 11 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,137,542 BIOML-A24 39.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946397 GCA_009717045.1 SEQF8545.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 14 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,159,533 BIOML-A36 39.83 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946409 GCA_009716755.1 SEQF8546.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 53 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,132,840 D33t1_170424_B11 39.84 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532460 GCA_015550035.1 SEQF8547.2 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 78 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,103,587 GED7778A 39.94 PRJNA272111 SAMN03956211 GCA_001546835.2 SEQF8548.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,285,677 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Limoges Hospital 40.79 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647166 GCA_902859025.1 SEQF8549.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 INRA Toulouse 2,174,336 clinical strain from anonymous patient from Besancon hospital 40.68 PRJEB37543 SAMEA6647150 GCA_903908965.1 SEQF8550.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 180 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,973,743 O2-2 40.28 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876533 GCA_023110495.1 SEQF8551.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 49 University of Queensland 2,395,096 3.1 39.46 PRJNA656387 SAMN15793723 GCA_016648915.1 SEQF8552.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 13 State University of Campinas 2,255,022 85-06 S24 39.86 PRJNA320256 SAMN04942660 GCA_002094005.1 SEQF8553.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 45 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,359,616 1001095IJ_161003_D10 39.69 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532459 GCA_015669325.1 SEQF8554.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 32 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,088,645 BIOML-A17 39.82 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946390 GCA_009717205.1 SEQF8555.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 37 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,420,091 BIOML-A20 39.62 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946393 GCA_009717145.1 SEQF8556.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 122 State University of Campinas 2,173,517 22-08 S7 39.91 PRJNA320256 SAMN04933251 GCA_001906885.1 SEQF8557.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 31 BGI 2,232,352 AF24-6AC 39.69 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734477 GCA_003458505.1 SEQF8558.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 48 UANTW 2,242,771 AMBR158 39.82 PRJEB32716 SAMEA7510351 GCA_905071905.1 SEQF8559.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 20 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,136,037 BIOML-A15 39.88 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946388 GCA_009717245.1 SEQF8560.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 31 UANTW 2,365,112 AMBR055 39.51 PRJEB32716 SAMEA7510345 GCA_905071845.1 SEQF8561.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 49 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,094,305 BIOML-A6 40.02 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946379 GCA_009717395.1 SEQF8562.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 20 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,203,700 D43t1_170807_H4 39.93 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532745 GCA_015668115.1 SEQF8563.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 11 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,135,594 BIOML-A16 39.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11946389 GCA_009717225.1 SEQF8564.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 67 University College Cork 2,254,045 MCC747 39.93 PRJNA548918 SAMN12147432 GCA_018783545.1 SEQF8565.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 63 Univ. of Maryland 2,127,300 P468303 39.8 PRJNA731113 SAMN19268636 GCA_018531105.1 SEQF8566.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 16 UMR1128 DynAMic 2,206,463 F6-1 39.98 PRJNA394657 SAMN07357131 GCA_002925865.1 SEQF8567.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 38 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,092,895 D53t1_180928_H11 39.85 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533060 GCA_015550925.1 SEQF8568.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 58 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,347,668 HMSC10E12 39.87 PRJNA269849 SAMN03287009 GCA_001807855.1 SEQF8569.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 43 UANTW 2,150,933 AMBR037 39.89 PRJEB32716 SAMEA7510349 GCA_905071875.1 SEQF8570.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 388 State University of Campinas 2,251,354 34-19 S9 39.61 PRJNA320256 SAMN04933252 GCA_001906895.1 SEQF8571.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 84 USFDA 2,290,943 DS85_40A 39.37 PRJNA336518 SAMN15078925 GCA_020076165.1 SEQF8572.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 11 State University of Campinas 2,195,835 34-09 S8 39.77 PRJNA320256 SAMN04942601 GCA_002093995.1 SEQF8573.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 45 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,156,648 1001713B170214_170313_A1 39.81 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533194 GCA_015559315.1 SEQF8574.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 51 University of Malaya 2,344,494 NU10 39.45 PRJNA243890 SAMN02720830 GCA_000714445.1 SEQF8575.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 39 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,283,317 1001216B_150713_H8 39.33 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532548 GCA_015667455.1 SEQF8576.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 46 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,124,975 HMSC078H12 40.14 PRJNA300133 SAMN04480405 GCA_001814615.1 SEQF8577.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2,170,832 clinical strain from anonymous patient of Nancy Hospital 40.16 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647168 GCA_902859005.1 SEQF8578.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 89 Clemson University 2,379,873 BCC42 39.25 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631759 GCA_003942515.1 SEQF8579.2 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 1 University of Oxford, Oxford, England, UK 2,208,353 commensal strain from anonymous patient (individual 7) 39.88 PRJEB37539 SAMEA6647158 GCA_902850325.2 SEQF8580.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 57 RCEID, Khon Kaen University 2,147,193 VA08-2AN 39.76 PRJNA604905 SAMN14086913 GCA_011029085.1 SEQF8581.1 755 Streptococcus salivarius latest 26 Oregon State University 2,151,131 E31 39.93 PRJNA767413 SAMN21924259 GCA_020404185.1 SEQF1259.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 4 University College Cork 2,133,977 UCC118 33.04 PRJNA13280 SAMN02604111 GCA_000008925.1 SEQF1782.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius 32 Baylor College of Medicine 2,017,251 strain=ATCC 11741 33.27 PRJNA31503 SAMN00001483 GCA_000159395.1 SEQF1966.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 4 Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2,136,138 CECT 5713 33.1 PRJNA43535 SAMN02604101 GCA_000143435.1 SEQF2120.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius 154 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,044,602 ACS-116-V-Col5a 32.72 PRJNA49443 SAMN00017035 GCA_000179475.1 SEQF2121.2 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius 11 Chung-Ang University, Korea 1,995,968 GJ-24 33.02 PRJNA67679 SAMN02470918 GCA_000217735.2 SEQF2122.2 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius 4 NIAS, Korea 2,046,557 strain=NIAS840 33.03 PRJNA66655 SAMN02470897 GCA_000215465.2 SEQF2328.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 10 Oniris 1,967,690 SMXD51 32.94 PRJNA75261 SAMN02470767 GCA_000260335.1 SEQF2628.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius 89 TGAC 2,156,840 cp400 33.07 PRJEB1226 SAMEA3138854 GCA_000529385.1 SEQF8163.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 2 Wellness Technologies Spa 2,033,361 LPM01 32.9 PRJEB14980 SAMEA4359642 GCA_900094615.1 SEQF8164.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 5 Kunming University of Science and Technology 1,938,418 S01 33.06 PRJNA841269 SAMN28579545 GCA_023573545.1 SEQF8165.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 4 Acadamy of Military Medical Sciences 2,083,592 CICC 23174 32.84 PRJNA326401 SAMN05277751 GCA_001723525.1 SEQF8166.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 3 IBB PAS 2,165,513 IBB3154 32.9 PRJNA434808 SAMN08575814 GCA_011045395.1 SEQF8167.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 7 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2,298,974 BNS11 32.98 PRJNA789063 SAMN24045799 GCA_021266585.1 SEQF8168.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 3 Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 2,177,581 ZLS006 33.21 PRJNA381997 SAMN06698339 GCA_002162055.1 SEQF8169.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 5 University College Cork 2,320,461 JCM1046 32.99 PRJNA242957 SAMN02711722 GCA_000758365.1 SEQF8170.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 5 University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 2,028,711 AR809 32.87 PRJNA770025 SAMN22202533 GCA_020535185.1 SEQF8171.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 3 North Carolina State University 1,983,159 2D 33.18 PRJNA597131 SAMN13624825 GCA_013487885.1 SEQF8172.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 3 Kingston University London, United Kingdom 2,017,204 2102-15 33.05 PRJNA793583 SAMN24563524 GCA_021432185.1 SEQF8173.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 1 Sungkyunkwan University 1,870,629 DJ-sa-01 32.98 PRJNA428127 SAMN08281078 GCA_003316955.1 SEQF8174.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 3 Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute 2,310,004 ZLp4b 32.9 PRJNA665551 SAMN16131617 GCA_014841055.1 SEQF8175.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 4 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 2,049,688 BCRC 12574 32.87 PRJNA414523 SAMN07792363 GCA_002735985.1 SEQF8176.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 4 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 2,117,615 BCRC 14759 32.98 PRJNA414675 SAMN07807134 GCA_002736025.1 SEQF8177.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 72 Jiangnan University 1,911,626 FXJKS25M8 32.77 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616946 GCA_009866115.1 SEQF8178.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 46 university of ljubljana, biotechnical faculty 2,049,463 IM849 32.85 PRJEB49530 SAMEA11998733 GCA_925291425.1 SEQF8179.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 39 BGI 1,888,841 AM09-40 32.83 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734758 GCA_003472615.1 SEQF8180.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 86 Seoul National University 2,071,270 KLW009 32.86 PRJNA321782 SAMN05003812 GCA_002289925.1 SEQF8181.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 51 Jiangnan University 1,902,581 FGDLZ35_2.scaf 32.77 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616906 GCA_009863805.1 SEQF8182.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 41 Jiangnan University 1,882,596 FNMGHLBE11_L1_2 32.68 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616925 GCA_009863465.1 SEQF8183.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 29 Jiangnan University 1,984,562 FNMGHLBE2_L7 32.69 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616927 GCA_009863435.1 SEQF8184.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 30 University of Surrey 1,882,154 C12 32.76 PRJNA544176 SAMN11812293 GCA_008016885.1 SEQF8185.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 43 Jiangnan University 2,009,739 FJLHD18M1 32.63 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616914 GCA_009863585.1 SEQF8186.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 372 CERELA 1,948,639 FFIG60 32.98 PRJNA643821 SAMN15430187 GCA_013402005.1 SEQF8187.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 36 University College Cork 1,829,736 NCIMB8817 32.71 PRJNA357984 SAMN06163275 GCA_002079925.1 SEQF8188.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 50 University College Cork 1,999,521 gul2 32.58 PRJNA357984 SAMN06163263 GCA_002079545.1 SEQF8189.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 134 University College Cork 2,088,618 AH4231 32.98 PRJNA357984 SAMN06163249 GCA_002079845.1 SEQF8190.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 45 University College Cork 1,799,085 JCM 1044 32.65 PRJNA357984 SAMN06163266 GCA_002079485.1 SEQF8191.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 63 UniKlinik RWTH Aachen 2,192,498 DSM 108969 32.67 PRJNA668258 SAMN16401878 GCA_014982915.1 SEQF8192.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 99 USFDA 2,032,091 DS3_12 32.89 PRJNA336518 SAMN05942026 GCA_003052845.1 SEQF8193.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 167 Seoul National University 2,366,896 KLA006 32.93 PRJNA321782 SAMN05003796 GCA_002289675.1 SEQF8194.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 133 University of Georgia 1,927,325 AER35 32.98 PRJNA758413 SAMN21025271 GCA_020026485.1 SEQF8195.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 23 Jiangnan University 1,866,511 NT64_1 32.67 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616971 GCA_009865705.1 SEQF8196.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 42 Jiangnan University 1,984,508 NT15_1 32.81 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616967 GCA_009865785.1 SEQF8197.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 175 Veterinary Research Institute 1,904,200 An787 32.79 PRJNA377666 SAMN14913613 GCA_016900465.1 SEQF8198.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 50 Jiangnan University 1,842,552 FAHBZ_8M2 32.76 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616901 GCA_009863905.1 SEQF8199.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 39 Jiangnan University 1,891,266 FXJCJ7_2 32.79 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616943 GCA_009866185.1 SEQF8200.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 59 Jiangnan University 1,946,742 FJLHD32M4 32.76 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616919 GCA_009863535.1 SEQF8201.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 37 Jiangnan University 1,895,919 FNMGHLBE13_L1 32.65 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616926 GCA_009863415.1 SEQF8202.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 41 Unique Biotech Limited 2,008,315 UBLS-22 32.64 PRJNA493554 SAMN16435603 GCA_015159735.1 SEQF8203.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 107 Seoul National University 2,091,303 KLW002 32.82 PRJNA321782 SAMN05003805 GCA_002289785.1 SEQF8204.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 33 Jiangnan University 1,958,928 FXJCJ9_2.scaf 32.7 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616944 GCA_009866125.1 SEQF8205.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 217 Seoul National University 2,389,395 KLW010 32.68 PRJNA321782 SAMN05003813 GCA_002289935.1 SEQF8206.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 59 Jiangnan University 2,009,108 FJLHD2M8 32.8 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616918 GCA_009863555.1 SEQF8207.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 40 Jiangnan University 1,953,911 HN26_4 32.61 PRJNA561366 SAMN12616965 GCA_009865805.1 SEQF8208.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 143 University of Georgia 1,950,306 AER36 32.97 PRJNA758415 SAMN21025278 GCA_020026555.1 SEQF8209.1 756 Ligilactobacillus salivarius latest 70 Veterinary Research Institute 2,067,641 An813 32.77 PRJNA377666 SAMN14913633 GCA_016900035.1 SEQF2071.2 757 Gemella sanguinis latest 5 Broad Institute 1,756,105 M325 29.81 PRJNA38783 SAMN02595333 GCA_000204335.2 SEQF4140.1 757 Gemella sanguinis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,796,606 FDAARGOS_742 29.88 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056457 GCA_009730295.1 SEQF4141.1 757 Gemella sanguinis latest 118 University of Washington 1,905,481 1094_BTHU 29.65 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197056 GCA_001052115.1 SEQF4142.1 757 Gemella sanguinis latest 36 Loyola University Chicago 1,877,482 UMB0186 29.84 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511414 GCA_002871615.1 SEQF4143.1 757 Gemella sanguinis latest 27 DOE Joint Genome Institute 1,795,494 ATCC 700632 29.61 PRJNA223062 SAMN02841211 GCA_000701685.1 SEQF4144.1 757 Gemella sanguinis latest 28 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 1,795,201 SS1508 29.62 PRJNA622446 SAMN14517840 GCA_012396635.1 SEQF1070.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 1 Virginia Commonwealth University 2,388,435 SK36 43.4 PRJNA13942 SAMN02604299 Endocartitis GCA_000014205.1 SEQF2008.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 10 Baylor College of Medicine 2,429,348 ATCC 29667 42.95 PRJNA64743 SAMN00262642 GCA_000220315.1 SEQF2009.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis 5 Baylor College of Medicine 2,068,336 ATCC 49296 41.55 PRJNA53005 SAMN00260261 GCA_000185265.1 SEQF2010.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 5 Baylor College of Medicine 2,346,734 SK115 43.63 PRJNA53161 SAMN00253314 GCA_000192205.1 SEQF2011.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 5 Baylor College of Medicine 2,324,334 SK150 43.48 PRJNA53163 SAMN02415615 GCA_000192245.1 SEQF2012.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 5 Baylor College of Medicine 2,333,870 SK160 43.5 PRJNA53165 SAMN00253316 GCA_000192275.1 SEQF2013.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 11 Baylor College of Medicine 2,415,674 SK330 43.01 PRJNA53167 SAMN00253320 GCA_000195025.1 SEQF2014.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 4 Baylor College of Medicine 2,408,728 SK340 43.29 PRJNA53169 SAMN00253970 GCA_000220275.1 SEQF2015.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 3 Baylor College of Medicine 2,301,077 SK353 43.54 PRJNA53171 SAMN00253310 GCA_000191085.1 SEQF2016.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 6 Baylor College of Medicine 2,370,432 SK355 43.81 PRJNA53173 SAMN00253324 GCA_000212855.1 SEQF2017.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 5 Baylor College of Medicine 2,279,404 SK49 43.44 PRJNA53157 SAMN00253323 GCA_000212815.1 SEQF2018.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 6 Baylor College of Medicine 2,376,010 SK72 43.63 PRJNA53159 SAMN00253313 GCA_000192185.1 SEQF2479.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 5 Baylor College of Medicine 2,319,451 VMC66 43.48 PRJNA53191 SAMN00253296 GCA_000188275.1 SEQF5679.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 1 SC 2,296,927 NCTC7863 43.32 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3672886 GCA_900475505.1 SEQF5680.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,358,846 FDAARGOS_770 43.32 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056485 GCA_013343115.1 SEQF5681.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 1 SC 2,360,223 NCTC 10904 43.31 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3307890 GCA_900635155.1 SEQF5682.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 1 SC 2,331,387 NCTC11086 43.39 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3649033 GCA_900475275.1 SEQF5683.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 1 SC 2,449,527 NCTC11085 42.96 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3632064 GCA_900475045.1 SEQF5684.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 1 Chang Gung University 2,342,565 CGMH058 42.95 PRJNA541204 SAMN11579693 GCA_013378355.1 SEQF5685.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 21 Clemson University 2,368,126 BCC03 43.13 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631768 GCA_003943755.1 SEQF5686.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 1 IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON 2,308,610 2908 43.34 PRJEB7884 SAMEA3207422 GCA_001078705.1 SEQF5687.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 7 Broad Institute 2,507,043 CC94A 43.12 PRJNA71581 SAMN01162043 GCA_000507745.1 SEQF5688.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 5 Baylor College of Medicine 2,348,778 SK1057 43.57 PRJNA53183 SAMN00253315 GCA_000194965.1 SEQF5689.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 23 Clemson University 2,382,327 BCC23 43.37 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631774 GCA_003943715.1 SEQF5690.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 10 Hangzhou center for disease control and prevention 2,367,753 S28 43.07 PRJNA551103 SAMN12139124 GCA_008329445.1 SEQF5691.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 43 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,486,308 CR29 42.97 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399948 GCA_020729725.1 SEQF5692.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 11 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,394,974 ST249 43.21 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399961 GCA_019928825.1 SEQF5693.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 20 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,355,110 BR3 43.12 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399947 GCA_020729675.1 SEQF5694.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 26 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,410,210 STn373 43.23 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399964 GCA_019928745.1 SEQF5695.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 8 The University of Texas at Dallas 2,328,905 S24 43.09 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876568 GCA_023109815.1 SEQF5696.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 3 Baylor College of Medicine 2,376,689 SK1056 43.4 PRJNA53181 SAMN00253325 GCA_000212835.1 SEQF5697.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 31 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,312,052 KO9 43.44 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399953 GCA_019929145.1 SEQF5698.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 4 Baylor College of Medicine 2,352,829 SK1058 43.39 PRJNA53185 SAMN00253321 GCA_000195125.1 SEQF5699.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 6 Baylor College of Medicine 2,398,571 SK408 42.83 PRJNA53177 SAMN00253319 GCA_000195045.1 SEQF5700.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 14 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,348,989 KO71 43.41 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399952 GCA_019929105.1 SEQF5701.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 17 Hangzhou center for disease control and prevention 2,350,750 S138 43.22 PRJNA608797 SAMN14209003 GCA_012911545.1 SEQF5702.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 128 Clemson University 2,305,822 KLC08 43.6 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631781 GCA_003942305.1 SEQF5703.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 355 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,627,469 STn342 43.01 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399963 GCA_019928805.1 SEQF5704.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 20 Clemson University 2,359,323 BCA13 43.28 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631784 GCA_003944405.1 SEQF5705.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 7 Baylor College of Medicine 2,315,021 SK1087 43.33 PRJNA53189 SAMN00253322 GCA_000204475.1 SEQF5706.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 26 Clemson University 2,471,942 BCC53 42.92 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631753 GCA_003942595.1 SEQF5707.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 15 Clemson University 2,313,364 BCC24 43.13 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631775 GCA_003942265.1 SEQF5708.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 37 Clemson University 2,392,588 BCC04 42.89 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631769 GCA_003943735.1 SEQF5709.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 83 Clemson University 2,363,083 BCC64 43.21 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631767 GCA_003942415.1 SEQF5710.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 143 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,409,296 KO29 43.26 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399951 GCA_019929155.1 SEQF5711.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 68 University of Washington 2,357,426 216_SSAN 43.07 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197408 GCA_001071805.1 SEQF5712.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 61 University of Washington 2,336,029 711_SSAN 43.13 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197916 GCA_001074035.1 SEQF5713.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 31 Clemson University 2,322,617 BCC46 43.36 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631763 GCA_003942475.1 SEQF5714.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 21 Clemson University 2,380,964 BCC28 43.14 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631777 GCA_003942275.1 SEQF5715.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 26 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,424,644 KO16 43.31 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399949 GCA_019929225.1 SEQF5716.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 27 Clemson University 2,386,893 BCC37 43.14 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631761 GCA_003942485.1 SEQF5717.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 31 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,431,618 KO19 43.29 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399950 GCA_019929095.1 SEQF5718.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 12 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,345,415 SK164 43.37 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399957 GCA_019928935.1 SEQF5719.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 27 University of Malaya 2,452,761 MB451 42.86 PRJNA280678 SAMN03480686 GCA_001588715.1 SEQF5720.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 38 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,338,339 SY17 43.41 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399969 GCA_019928725.1 SEQF5721.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 15 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,361,878 ST499 43.17 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399962 GCA_019928845.1 SEQF5722.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 27 Clemson University 2,299,763 BCC25 43.38 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631776 GCA_003942295.1 SEQF5723.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 27 Clemson University 2,375,484 BCC20 43.13 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631773 GCA_003942365.1 SEQF5724.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 4 Baylor College of Medicine 2,298,720 SK678 43.52 PRJNA53179 SAMN00253312 GCA_000191125.1 SEQF5725.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 46 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,468,568 SY10 43.26 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399967 GCA_020729715.1 SEQF5726.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 21 Clemson University 2,470,878 BCC54 42.91 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631765 GCA_003943785.1 SEQF5727.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 116 Clemson University 2,418,355 BCC14 43.1 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631770 GCA_003943705.1 SEQF5728.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 93 Clemson University 2,416,126 BCC39 43.22 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631762 GCA_003942465.1 SEQF5729.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 159 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,546,223 SW02 42.87 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399966 GCA_019928765.1 SEQF5730.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 14 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,346,902 SK162 43.21 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399956 GCA_019929005.1 SEQF5731.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 17 Clemson University 2,338,342 BCA3 43.28 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631783 GCA_003944415.1 SEQF5732.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 39 Clemson University 2,433,726 BCC16 43.0 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631771 GCA_003942385.1 SEQF5733.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 42 Clemson University 2,345,633 KLC10 43.29 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631782 GCA_003944485.1 SEQF5734.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 19 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,404,606 ST02 43.23 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399960 GCA_019928885.1 SEQF5735.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 11 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,280,325 10556 43.27 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399946 GCA_019929205.1 SEQF5736.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 110 University of Malaya 2,302,607 NCTC 7863 43.28 PRJNA280651 SAMN03480625 GCA_001593525.1 SEQF5737.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 13 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,394,702 MA4_6 43.0 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399955 GCA_019929015.1 SEQF5738.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 24 Clemson University 2,303,887 BCA9 42.91 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631712 GCA_003944125.1 SEQF5739.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 28 Clemson University 2,362,223 KLC03 43.13 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631779 GCA_003944475.1 SEQF5740.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 63 University of Malaya 2,312,671 FSS4 43.16 PRJNA280669 SAMN03480635 GCA_001588875.1 SEQF5741.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 18 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,408,145 ST01 43.22 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399959 GCA_020729665.1 SEQF5742.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 95 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,412,822 SW01 43.07 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399965 GCA_020729765.1 SEQF5743.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 59 UC Davis 2,476,917 OH953 42.97 PRJNA506243 SAMN10478698 GCA_003858565.1 SEQF5744.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 67 Clemson University 2,292,169 BCC31 43.44 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631778 GCA_003943655.1 SEQF5745.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 9 Baylor College of Medicine 2,428,274 SK1059 42.94 PRJNA53187 SAMN00253969 GCA_000212795.1 SEQF5746.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 15 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,373,204 SK37 43.37 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399958 GCA_019928915.1 SEQF5747.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 3 University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine 2,454,705 OH0843 43.04 PRJNA192961 SAMN13850658 GCA_009932775.1 SEQF5748.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 162 University of Malaya 2,367,896 PJM8 43.19 PRJNA280681 SAMN03480699 GCA_001589015.1 SEQF5749.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 9 Baylor College of Medicine 2,298,289 SK405 43.29 PRJNA53175 SAMN00253311 GCA_000191105.1 SEQF5750.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 37 Clemson University 2,337,239 BCC18 43.21 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631772 GCA_003942375.1 SEQF5751.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 14 Clemson University 2,379,524 BCC61 43.15 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631766 GCA_003942405.1 SEQF5752.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 76 Clemson University 2,366,195 KLC04 43.12 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631780 GCA_003944465.1 SEQF5753.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 20 University of Malaya 2,429,261 FSS9 43.1 PRJNA280671 SAMN03480643 GCA_001588895.1 SEQF5754.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 24 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,401,827 MA17 43.01 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399954 GCA_019929085.1 SEQF5755.1 758 Streptococcus sanguinis latest 167 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,439,956 SY16 43.42 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399968 GCA_019928775.1 SEQF1017.1 759 Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-5] [Eubacterium]_saphenum latest 1 WUGSC 1,084,901 ATCC 49989 40.58 PRJNA33149 SAMN00008823 Periodontal Pocket GCA_000161975.1 SEQF1957.1 762 Aggregatibacter segnis latest 5 Baylor College of Medicine 2,012,010 ATCC 33393 43.04 PRJNA53019 SAMN00210783 GCA_000185305.1 SEQF6386.1 762 Aggregatibacter segnis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,062,506 FDAARGOS_987 42.55 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357156 GCA_016127115.1 SEQF6387.1 762 Aggregatibacter segnis latest 38 University of Washington 1,934,895 933_AAPH 42.72 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198152 GCA_001059425.1 SEQF6388.1 762 Aggregatibacter segnis latest 22 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,004,096 C2000002669 42.56 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011144 GCA_003252645.1 SEQF6389.1 762 Aggregatibacter segnis latest 12 Aarhus University 1,978,324 CCUG 46700 42.66 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488447 GCA_003130095.1 SEQF6390.1 762 Aggregatibacter segnis latest 13 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,918,287 C2001002503 42.63 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011142 GCA_003252685.1 SEQF6391.1 762 Aggregatibacter segnis latest 16 Aarhus University 1,936,332 PN_450 42.76 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488449 GCA_003130345.1 SEQF6392.1 762 Aggregatibacter segnis latest 20 Aarhus University 1,965,663 PN_651 42.84 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488450 GCA_003130325.1 SEQF6393.1 762 Aggregatibacter segnis latest 19 Aarhus University 1,953,597 HK_296 42.7 PRJNA397823 SAMN07488448 GCA_003130075.1 SEQF1731.1 763 Campylobacter showae latest 33 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,072,007 RM3277 45.69 PRJNA31019 SAMN00000722 GCA_000175655.1 SEQF2416.1 763 Campylobacter showae latest 23 University of New South Wales 2,125,173 CSUNSWCD 45.13 PRJNA177777 SAMN01806160 GCA_000313615.1 SEQF2476.2 763 Campylobacter showae latest 273 BC Cancer Agency 2,187,351 CC57C 45.36 PRJNA189774 SAMN02469328 GCA_000344295.2 SEQF9424.1 763 Campylobacter showae latest 1 USDA, ARS, WRRC 2,097,887 ATCC 51146 45.66 PRJNA284988 SAMN03737988 GCA_004803815.1 SEQF9425.1 763 Campylobacter showae latest 1 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,160,580 B91_SC 46.0 PRJEB17707 SAMEA4535847 GCA_900699785.1 SEQF9426.1 763 Campylobacter showae latest 4 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,138,501 B91_SCBr 46.36 PRJEB17707 SAMEA4535848 GCA_900573945.1 SEQF9427.1 763 Campylobacter showae latest 2 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,592,634 129_VTPP 45.58 PRJEB17707 SAMEA4535851 GCA_900573965.1 SEQF9428.1 763 Campylobacter showae latest 2 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,308,370 B32_SW 44.43 PRJEB17707 SAMEA4535846 GCA_900573925.1 SEQF9429.1 763 Campylobacter showae latest 3 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,502,981 CAM 44.4 PRJEB17707 SAMEA4960295 GCA_900573985.1 SEQF9430.1 763 Campylobacter showae latest 2 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,240,249 129_VTPPs 45.26 PRJEB17707 SAMEA4535852 GCA_900573975.1 SEQF9431.1 763 Campylobacter showae latest 4 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,243,050 129_MSG 44.91 PRJEB17707 SAMEA4535850 GCA_900573995.1 SEQF9432.1 763 Campylobacter showae latest 6 Univeristy of Aberdeen 2,149,118 B91_TPP 46.31 PRJEB17707 SAMEA4535849 GCA_900573955.1 SEQF1264.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 61 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,830,772 ATCC 29256 50.9 PRJNA30481 SAMN00008842 GCA_000174655.1 SEQF2351.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 210 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,638,449 VK64 51.2 PRJNA75141 SAMN00761806 GCA_000260655.1 SEQF8113.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 1 First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,566,407 NS20201025 51.06 PRJNA714501 SAMN18451419 GCA_017753665.1 SEQF8114.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 1 INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier 2,864,419 DSM 17713 50.91 PRJNA647881 SAMN15603184 GCA_014054945.1 SEQF8115.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 1 Korea University 2,291,167 ATCC 29256 49.06 PRJNA744665 SAMN20114574 GCA_019334765.1 SEQF8116.2 764 Neisseria sicca latest 455 University of Maryland, College Park 2,521,351 DS1 51.5 PRJNA60863 SAMN02471880 GCA_000193755.2 SEQF8117.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 124 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,529,169 C2014002478 51.21 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299228 GCA_003044765.1 SEQF8118.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 16 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,782,649 C2010005502 50.72 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299211 GCA_003044565.1 SEQF8119.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 24 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,443,310 C2007003584 51.39 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299201 GCA_003044425.1 SEQF8120.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 198 BGI 2,484,173 DE0496 50.92 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792656 GCA_007667085.1 SEQF8121.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 1815 BGI 2,932,021 DE0367 51.02 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792527 GCA_007673275.1 SEQF8122.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 64 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR GENOME SCIENCES 2,494,758 Neisseria_sicca_BgEED21 51.14 PRJEB32184 SAMEA5664365 GCA_901873385.1 SEQF8123.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 47 Loyola University Chicago 2,466,093 UMB0321 51.16 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193710 GCA_002863285.1 SEQF8124.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 187 BGI 2,480,214 DE0493 50.93 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792653 GCA_007667125.1 SEQF8125.2 764 Neisseria sicca latest 169 University of Maryland, College Park 2,519,401 4320 50.81 PRJNA60861 SAMN02471879 GCA_000193735.2 SEQF8126.1 764 Neisseria sicca latest 123 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,587,278 C2006001571 51.29 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299199 GCA_003044345.1 SEQF2766.1 767 Streptococcus sinensis latest 116 The University of Hong Kong 2,061,843 HKU4 42.16 PRJNA251999 SAMN02848449 GCA_000767835.1 SEQF8220.2 767 Streptococcus sinensis latest 41 University of Nevada, Reno 2,119,737 Forsyth1A 42.02 PRJNA526114 SAMN11268212 GCA_019090945.2 SEQF8221.1 767 Streptococcus sinensis latest 14 Cardiff University 2,206,735 MIN-085 41.99 PRJNA769286 SAMN22108546 GCA_021460765.1 SEQF2247.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 283 JCVI 2,136,893 TCI-107 43.41 PRJNA71901 SAMN02436342 GCA_000228065.2 SEQF2517.1 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 283 Institute of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2,096,203 DSM 20742 43.46 PRJNA179259 SAMN02469963 GCA_000347935.1 SEQF6580.1 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2,145,290 10919 43.6 PRJNA471712 SAMN09214223 GCA_003172975.1 SEQF6581.1 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2,198,571 SL1 43.51 PRJNA471712 SAMN09214222 GCA_003172995.1 SEQF6582.1 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 1 SC 2,198,648 NCTC12279 43.51 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3729942 GCA_900475395.1 SEQF6583.1 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2,144,746 NIDR 6715-15 43.66 PRJNA471712 SAMN09232465 GCA_003176815.1 SEQF6584.1 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 1 SC 2,145,110 NCTC10921 43.66 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3729941 GCA_900475365.1 SEQF6585.1 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2,145,017 NIDR 6715-7 43.66 PRJNA471712 SAMN09232464 GCA_003176795.1 SEQF6586.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 372 JCVI 2,075,737 TCI-56 43.48 PRJNA71887 SAMN02436533 GCA_000227925.2 SEQF6587.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 398 JCVI 2,083,613 TCI-119 43.5 PRJNA71903 SAMN02436621 GCA_000228085.2 SEQF6588.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 359 JCVI 2,072,818 TCI-53 43.49 PRJNA71883 SAMN02436617 GCA_000227885.2 SEQF6589.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 401 JCVI 2,141,775 TCI-2 43.41 PRJNA71951 SAMN02436625 GCA_000228525.2 SEQF6590.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 216 JCVI 2,085,681 TCI-200 43.47 PRJNA72047 SAMN02436529 GCA_000228665.2 SEQF6591.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 393 JCVI 2,140,387 TCI-172 43.4 PRJNA72027 SAMN02436544 GCA_000228605.2 SEQF6592.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 511 JCVI 2,073,661 TCI-349 43.67 PRJNA71915 SAMN02436535 GCA_000228205.2 SEQF6593.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 435 JCVI 2,036,293 TCI-392 43.54 PRJNA71941 SAMN02436541 GCA_000228465.2 SEQF6594.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 255 JCVI 2,076,686 TCI-124 43.48 PRJNA71907 SAMN02436461 GCA_000228125.2 SEQF6595.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 486 JCVI 2,085,051 TCI-374 43.63 PRJNA71931 SAMN02436457 GCA_000228365.2 SEQF6596.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 336 JCVI 2,144,742 TCI-61 43.46 PRJNA71889 SAMN02436339 GCA_000227945.2 SEQF6597.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 220 JCVI 2,094,807 TCI-357 43.49 PRJNA71921 SAMN02436456 GCA_000228265.2 SEQF6598.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 595 JCVI 2,170,496 TCI-98 43.2 PRJNA71899 SAMN02436341 GCA_000228045.2 SEQF6599.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 306 JCVI 2,128,961 TCI-215 43.52 PRJNA72059 SAMN02436530 GCA_000228685.2 SEQF6600.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 854 JCVI 2,122,105 TCI-194 43.52 PRJNA72043 SAMN02436528 GCA_000228645.2 SEQF6601.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 669 JCVI 2,162,719 TCI-175 43.44 PRJNA72031 SAMN02436459 GCA_000228625.2 SEQF6602.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 325 JCVI 2,120,086 TCI-367 43.45 PRJNA71927 SAMN02436539 GCA_000228325.2 SEQF6603.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 224 JCVI 2,107,227 TCI-118 43.5 PRJNA71985 SAMN02436543 GCA_000228545.2 SEQF6604.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 422 JCVI 2,088,764 TCI-54 43.48 PRJNA71885 SAMN02436618 GCA_000227905.2 SEQF6605.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 227 JCVI 2,070,349 TCI-355 43.53 PRJNA71919 SAMN02436536 GCA_000228245.2 SEQF6606.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 298 JCVI 2,070,376 TCI-366 43.57 PRJNA71925 SAMN02436538 GCA_000228305.2 SEQF6607.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 83 Washington University 2,112,484 W1703 43.57 PRJNA173941 SAMN02436725 GCA_000467915.2 SEQF6608.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 414 JCVI 1,996,281 TCI-80 43.66 PRJNA71895 SAMN02436340 GCA_000228005.2 SEQF6609.1 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 4 Chosun University 2,198,106 KCOM 1157 43.45 PRJNA270153 SAMN03263586 GCA_002266475.1 SEQF6610.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 396 JCVI 2,128,118 TCI-381 43.43 PRJNA71937 SAMN02436623 GCA_000228425.2 SEQF6611.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 684 JCVI 2,129,348 TCI-28 43.53 PRJNA71879 SAMN02436616 GCA_000227845.2 SEQF6612.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 379 JCVI 2,038,105 TCI-395 43.53 PRJNA71943 SAMN02436344 GCA_000228485.2 SEQF6613.1 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 53 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2,101,309 1001283B150210_160208_F1 43.54 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533106 GCA_015669055.1 SEQF6614.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 356 JCVI 2,130,636 TCI-363 43.43 PRJNA71923 SAMN02436537 GCA_000228285.2 SEQF6615.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 292 JCVI 2,053,482 TCI-13 43.49 PRJNA71875 SAMN02436627 GCA_000227805.2 SEQF6616.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 384 JCVI 2,144,771 TCI-377 43.41 PRJNA71935 SAMN02436622 GCA_000228405.2 SEQF6617.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 510 JCVI 2,196,447 TCI-342 43.35 PRJNA71909 SAMN02436462 GCA_000228145.2 SEQF6618.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 360 JCVI 2,057,099 TCI-348 43.66 PRJNA71913 SAMN02436463 GCA_000228185.2 SEQF6619.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 511 JCVI 2,073,661 TCI-376 43.67 PRJNA71933 SAMN02436540 GCA_000228385.2 SEQF6620.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 456 JCVI 2,217,583 TCI-345 43.27 PRJNA71911 SAMN02436534 GCA_000228165.2 SEQF6621.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 258 JCVI 2,106,508 TCI-77 43.48 PRJNA71891 SAMN02436619 GCA_000227965.2 SEQF6622.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 355 JCVI 2,098,803 TCI-352 43.48 PRJNA71917 SAMN02436464 GCA_000228225.2 SEQF6623.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 351 JCVI 2,081,813 TCI-160 43.47 PRJNA72015 SAMN02436458 GCA_000228585.2 SEQF6624.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 247 JCVI 2,114,540 TCI-79 43.47 PRJNA71893 SAMN02436460 GCA_000227985.2 SEQF6625.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 320 JCVI 2,060,591 TCI-373 43.52 PRJNA71929 SAMN02436343 GCA_000228345.2 SEQF6626.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 455 JCVI 2,104,944 TCI-9 43.45 PRJNA71871 SAMN02436626 GCA_000227785.2 SEQF6627.2 768 Streptococcus sobrinus latest 366 JCVI 2,077,138 TCI-50 43.49 PRJNA71881 SAMN02436532 GCA_000227865.2 SEQF1942.1 769 Treponema socranskii latest 2 Broad Institute 2,742,149 ATCC 35535 48.47 PRJNA169492 SAMN02596985 GCA_000413015.1 SEQF2757.1 769 Treponema socranskii latest 74 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,804,628 VPI DR56BR1116 49.39 PRJNA78911 SAMN00792340 GCA_000464455.1 SEQF6959.1 769 Treponema socranskii latest 1 URMITE 2,866,542 Marseille-CSURQ0203 48.41 PRJEB38018 SAMEA6803974 GCA_902983995.1 SEQF6960.1 769 Treponema socranskii latest 84 The J. Craig Venter Institute 2,826,695 ATCC 35536 49.16 PRJNA216958 SAMN02344580 GCA_000468115.1 SEQF1576.1 775 Capnocytophaga sputigena latest 65 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,997,845 Capno 38.43 PRJNA30997 SAMN00000681 GCA_000173675.1 SEQF9890.1 775 Capnocytophaga sputigena latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,855,148 D1179 38.78 PRJNA369395 SAMN06754875 GCA_002302495.1 SEQF9891.1 775 Capnocytophaga sputigena latest 1 SC 2,933,908 NCTC11097 38.73 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104200653 GCA_900638125.1 SEQF9892.1 775 Capnocytophaga sputigena latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 3,074,746 KC1668 38.53 PRJNA369395 SAMN06289148 GCA_002302395.1 SEQF9893.1 775 Capnocytophaga sputigena latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 3,098,616 H4486 38.65 PRJNA369395 SAMN06289150 GCA_002302595.1 SEQF9894.1 775 Capnocytophaga sputigena latest 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,963,948 H6490 38.62 PRJNA369395 SAMN06289151 GCA_002312885.1 SEQF9895.1 775 Capnocytophaga sputigena latest 11 SC 3,053,418 NCTC11653 38.47 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4063027 GCA_900446695.1 SEQF3088.1 776 Campylobacter sputorum latest 51 Institut Pasteur Montevideo 1,780,580 INTA08/209 29.14 PRJNA247374 SAMN02777050 GCA_000788295.1 SEQF9884.1 776 Campylobacter sputorum latest 1 USDA, ARS, WRRC 1,681,311 RM8705 29.26 PRJNA284989 SAMN03737992 GCA_002220775.1 SEQF9885.1 776 Campylobacter sputorum latest 30 Yangzhou university 1,704,821 YZU0717 29.56 PRJNA644129 SAMN15445727 GCA_020828825.1 SEQF9886.1 776 Campylobacter sputorum latest 31 Yangzhou university 1,705,795 YZU0716 29.58 PRJNA644129 SAMN15445726 GCA_020828775.1 SEQF9887.1 776 Campylobacter sputorum latest 2 SC 1,767,425 NCTC12474 29.71 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104167200 GCA_900446595.1 SEQF9888.1 776 Campylobacter sputorum latest 34 Yangzhou university 1,694,716 YZU0718 29.59 PRJNA644129 SAMN15445728 GCA_020828765.1 SEQF1612.1 777 Jonquetella anthropi latest 2 WUGSC 1,790,058 E3_33 E1 59.06 PRJNA33111 SAMN00008831 GCA_000161995.1 SEQF2078.1 777 Jonquetella anthropi latest 1 JGI 1,675,934 DSM 22815 59.52 PRJNA63635 SAMN02261412 GCA_000237805.1 SEQF1859.2 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 75 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,731,014 F0422 39.45 PRJNA61835 SAMN00195310 GCA_000221605.2 SEQF4118.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 34 Institut Pasteur 1,738,782 3627 39.27 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465598 GCA_003992195.1 SEQF4119.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 66 Institut Pasteur 1,969,382 VA142 39.08 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465605 GCA_003992135.1 SEQF4120.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 51 Institut Pasteur 1,776,932 CNR 79/14 39.39 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465599 GCA_003992185.1 SEQF4121.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 23 Institut Pasteur 1,822,704 CHU594 39.27 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465593 GCA_003992265.1 SEQF4122.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 69 Institut Pasteur 1,860,088 3960 39.65 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465600 GCA_003991995.1 SEQF4123.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 12 Institut Pasteur 1,806,031 VA141 39.2 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465604 GCA_003992175.1 SEQF4124.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 38 Institut Pasteur 1,890,765 3891 39.44 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465596 GCA_003992315.1 SEQF4125.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 43 Institut Pasteur 1,881,921 CHU110 39.41 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465592 GCA_003992255.1 SEQF4126.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 42 Institut Pasteur 1,972,307 CHU732 39.54 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465594 GCA_003992085.1 SEQF4127.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 27 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,664,293 DNF00869 39.38 PRJNA257378 SAMN04324904 GCA_001553345.1 SEQF4128.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 76 Institut Pasteur 2,172,276 VA139 39.49 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465603 GCA_003992005.1 SEQF4129.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 36 Institut Pasteur 1,902,403 VA137 39.62 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465602 GCA_003992015.1 SEQF4130.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 35 Institut Pasteur 1,893,839 CHU740 39.34 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465595 GCA_003992055.1 SEQF4131.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 16 Institut Pasteur 1,870,378 3310 39.59 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465601 GCA_003999875.1 SEQF4132.1 780 Veillonella sp._HMT_780 latest 15 Institut Pasteur 1,770,519 3913 39.36 PRJNA506647 SAMN10465597 GCA_003992235.1 SEQF1946.2 781 Prevotella saccharolytica latest 71 Washington University 2,853,490 F0055 43.2 PRJNA80251 SAMN02436685 GCA_000318195.2 SEQF2685.1 781 Prevotella saccharolytica latest 82 The University of Tokyo 2,975,513 JCM 17484 43.3 PRJDB604 SAMD00006087 GCA_000614205.1 SEQF2678.1 782 Prevotella fusca latest 116 The University of Tokyo 3,173,817 JCM 17724 43.99 PRJDB605 SAMD00011176 GCA_000614245.1 SEQF2753.1 782 Prevotella fusca latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,261,806 W1435 44.12 PRJNA282954 SAMN03704035 GCA_001262015.1 SEQF3699.1 782 Prevotella fusca latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,261,788 W1435 44.12 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352204 GCA_018128145.1 SEQF1796.1 785 Porphyromonas uenonis latest 250 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,242,885 60-3 52.46 PRJNA34101 SAMN00002220 GCA_000174775.1 SEQF2674.1 785 Porphyromonas uenonis latest 112 The University of Tokyo 2,260,105 JCM 13868 52.73 PRJDB580 SAMD00011592 GCA_000613705.1 SEQF1658.1 786 Paenibacillus phoenicis latest 75 Broad Institute 5,097,411 D14 54.15 PRJNA34703 SAMN02463722 GCA_000159955.1 SEQF2453.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 120 Washington University 3,568,174 F0041 46.54 PRJNA198884 SAMN02436886 GCA_000466505.1 SEQF2665.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 73 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,427,038 DSM 20611 45.76 PRJNA174175 SAMN02441225 GCA_000428105.1 SEQF2666.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes 95 The University of Tokyo 3,379,354 JCM 10003 46.22 PRJDB560 SAMD00016596 GCA_000511775.1 SEQF2667.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes 112 The University of Tokyo 3,405,221 strain=JCM 6292 45.73 PRJDB556 SAMD00013505 GCA_000511735.1 SEQF2668.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes 107 The University of Tokyo 3,404,843 strain=JCM 6294 45.73 PRJDB557 SAMD00016376 GCA_000511755.1 SEQF7383.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 219 University of Calgary 3,595,861 DD8 45.62 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729907 GCA_018205435.1 SEQF7384.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 43 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,394,239 DSM 19673 46.26 PRJNA583266 SAMN13172994 GCA_014196225.1 SEQF7385.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 142 University of Calgary 3,341,593 DD34 46.09 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729933 GCA_018206395.1 SEQF7386.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 143 University of Florida 3,540,646 KG-31 45.79 PRJNA553588 SAMN12240304 GCA_008121385.1 SEQF7387.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 247 University of Calgary 3,525,469 DD36 45.98 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729935 GCA_018206495.1 SEQF7388.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 150 University of Calgary 3,449,834 DD7 45.84 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729906 GCA_018205405.1 SEQF7389.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 132 University of Calgary 3,347,679 DD22 46.09 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729921 GCA_018206015.1 SEQF7390.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 132 Veterinary Research Institute 3,309,443 ET44 45.78 PRJNA658263 SAMN15872580 GCA_021532155.1 SEQF7391.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 115 University of Florida 3,371,970 KG-29 45.98 PRJNA553588 SAMN12240205 GCA_008121405.1 SEQF7392.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 244 University of Calgary 3,633,324 DD52 45.58 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729951 GCA_018206995.1 SEQF7393.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 168 University of Calgary 3,333,633 DD31 46.1 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729930 GCA_018206275.1 SEQF7394.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 168 University of Florida 3,259,329 KG-32 45.88 PRJNA553588 SAMN12240305 GCA_008121325.1 SEQF7395.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 216 University of Calgary 3,639,695 DD35 45.58 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729934 GCA_018206415.1 SEQF7396.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 148 University of Calgary 3,451,069 DD19 45.84 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729918 GCA_018205795.1 SEQF7397.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 132 University of Calgary 3,347,794 DD32 46.09 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729931 GCA_018206305.1 SEQF7398.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 140 University of Calgary 3,372,675 DD42 45.88 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729941 GCA_018206695.1 SEQF7399.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 132 University of Calgary 3,347,772 DD33 46.09 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729932 GCA_018206295.1 SEQF7400.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 137 Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis 3,437,643 BJH_194 45.97 PRJNA745162 SAMN20148158 GCA_021411265.1 SEQF7401.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 170 University of Florida 3,535,094 KG-30 45.72 PRJNA553588 SAMN12240303 GCA_008121415.1 SEQF7402.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 4 SC 3,495,913 NCTC11853 46.19 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4504047 GCA_900445575.1 SEQF7403.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 189 University of Calgary 3,595,288 DD46 45.63 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729945 GCA_018206735.1 SEQF7404.1 787 Bacteroides pyogenes latest 205 University of Calgary 3,593,972 DD9 45.63 PRJNA676053 SAMN16729908 GCA_018205475.1 SEQF1728.1 788 Anaerococcus tetradius latest 100 Baylor College of Medicine 2,145,347 ATCC 35098 35.45 PRJNA31433 SAMN00001448 GCA_000159095.1 SEQF7734.1 788 Anaerococcus tetradius latest 70 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,015,538 MJR8151 34.54 PRJNA272092 SAMN03842091 GCA_001546165.1 SEQF1987.1 794 Prevotella multisaccharivorax latest 3 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 3,388,644 DSM 17128 48.32 PRJNA41513 SAMN02256517 GCA_000218235.1 SEQF2687.1 795 Prevotella shahii latest 142 The University of Tokyo 3,489,881 JCM 12083 44.38 PRJDB565 SAMD00012546 GCA_000613445.1 SEQF1734.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus 19 Broad Institute 3,452,979 strain=EC30 43.14 PRJNA32921 SAMN02595253 GCA_000157215.1 SEQF1961.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 16 Baylor College of Medicine 3,600,801 ATCC 12755 43.12 PRJNA53041 SAMN00253302 GCA_000191365.1 SEQF2549.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus 29 The Genome Institute 3,654,018 14-MB-W-14 42.73 PRJNA179543 SAMN02436705 GCA_000414945.1 SEQF3927.2 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 1 Broad Institute 3,427,276 EC20 42.85 PRJNA32935 SAMN02596921 GCA_000157355.2 SEQF3928.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 3,548,503 FDAARGOS_1120 42.36 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357289 GCA_016727345.1 SEQF3929.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 1 Zhejiang University 3,784,641 ECB140 42.36 PRJNA776552 SAMN22795805 GCA_022870765.1 SEQF3930.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 4 Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases 3,786,868 EC291 41.98 PRJNA580195 SAMN13152475 GCA_009707345.1 SEQF3931.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 3,650,457 FDAARGOS_1121 42.3 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357290 GCA_016727325.1 SEQF3932.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 1 Robert Koch-Institut 3,337,345 SP11 42.87 PRJNA604113 SAMN13955256 GCA_023523715.1 SEQF3933.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 2 wenzhou medical university 3,668,336 EC-369 42.35 PRJNA494612 SAMN10174870 GCA_003641225.1 SEQF3934.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 3,651,004 FDAARGOS_1122 42.31 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357291 GCA_016727305.1 SEQF3935.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 4 United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service 3,612,385 EGM182 42.26 PRJNA613543 SAMN14408961 GCA_014844215.1 SEQF3936.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 3,580,828 FDAARGOS_998 42.44 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357167 GCA_016127635.1 SEQF3937.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 1 SC 3,744,746 4928STDY7387870 57.94 PRJEB22252 SAMEA4623294 GCA_902166785.1 SEQF3938.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 19 University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa 3,847,061 4A2-6 42.2 PRJNA609650 SAMN14257474 GCA_015230435.1 SEQF3939.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 14 University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa 3,513,987 16B1-19 42.35 PRJNA609650 SAMN14347828 GCA_015230945.1 SEQF3940.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 45 University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa 3,505,865 5D2-10 42.42 PRJNA609650 SAMN14257477 GCA_015230375.1 SEQF3941.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 98 BGI 3,585,899 DE0110 42.05 PRJNA543692 SAMN11792270 GCA_007682015.1 SEQF3942.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 28 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 3,686,667 NLAE-zl-G268 42.45 PRJEB17219 SAMN04487887 GCA_900112655.1 SEQF3943.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 54 McGill University and Genome Quebec Innovation Centre 3,436,409 P9 C A21 42.96 PRJNA273513 SAMN10272817 GCA_003796365.1 SEQF3944.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 90 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 3,552,084 B79 42.81 PRJNA524668 SAMN11029903 GCA_009734725.1 SEQF3945.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 18 Broad Institute 3,451,628 EC10 43.0 PRJNA32931 SAMN02595257 GCA_000157295.1 SEQF3946.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 2 SC 3,815,765 NCTC12362 42.26 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3679191 GCA_900447685.1 SEQF3947.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 85 Lethbridge Research Centre 3,483,378 F1129E 107 42.57 PRJNA342049 SAMN05735029 GCA_002077515.1 SEQF3948.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 65 south china agriculture university 3,516,821 64-1 42.22 PRJNA703331 SAMN18018087 GCA_018397135.1 SEQF3949.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 55 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 3,761,146 NBRC 12256 42.2 PRJDB6004 SAMD00097160 GCA_006539045.1 SEQF3950.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 10 Broad Institute 3,590,162 ATCC 49996 42.73 PRJNA88843 SAMN00809112 GCA_000393915.1 SEQF3951.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 44 south china agriculture university 3,385,237 53-1 42.66 PRJNA703331 SAMN18018086 GCA_018397115.1 SEQF3952.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 26 University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa 3,842,337 4A1-53 42.16 PRJNA609650 SAMN14257476 GCA_015230395.1 SEQF3953.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 45 BGI 3,499,862 AM17-31 42.41 PRJNA482748 SAMN09734848 GCA_003471685.1 SEQF3954.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 20 SC 3,634,903 NCTC7179 42.66 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3632055 GCA_901543455.1 SEQF3955.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 25 University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa 3,503,754 3MPK3 42.67 PRJNA523601 SAMN10984511 GCA_017641545.1 SEQF3956.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 46 Sciensano 3,655,613 U1903387 42.08 PRJNA670413 SAMN16495226 GCA_021123865.1 SEQF3957.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 77 Sciensano 3,766,957 U1908577 42.08 PRJNA670413 SAMN16495260 GCA_021123235.1 SEQF3958.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 1 Broad Institute 3,428,870 EC20 42.85 PRJNA32935 SAMN02596921 GCA_000273565.1 SEQF3959.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 4 SC 3,555,408 NCTC12361 42.35 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3881059 GCA_900447665.1 SEQF3960.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 21 Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre 3,884,582 HT1-3 42.23 PRJNA523515 SAMN12370841 GCA_017356305.1 SEQF3961.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 77 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3,729,765 J1100102_180507_H5 42.36 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533223 GCA_015670665.1 SEQF3962.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 72 Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 3,472,622 DSM 20680 42.41 PRJNA270385 SAMN03267167 GCA_001885845.1 SEQF3963.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 44 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 3,564,496 NLAE-zl-C414 42.59 PRJEB16044 SAMN05216513 GCA_900101195.1 SEQF3964.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 59 Polytechnic University of Marche Medical School 3,359,221 V308 42.65 PRJNA761559 SAMN21354880 GCA_020180895.1 SEQF3965.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 36 SC 3,553,403 4928STDY7071625 42.51 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567730 GCA_902162065.1 SEQF3966.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 31 University of Surrey 3,653,134 R95 41.91 PRJNA544254 SAMN11831044 GCA_019583495.1 SEQF3967.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 21 University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa 3,692,956 18C-21 42.28 PRJNA609650 SAMN14347830 GCA_015230955.1 SEQF3968.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 58 Sciensano 3,482,799 U1908659 42.43 PRJNA670413 SAMN16495261 GCA_021123185.1 SEQF3969.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 44 SC 3,442,528 4928STDY7071542 42.48 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567648 GCA_902159285.1 SEQF3970.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 21 SC 3,357,086 4928STDY7071761 42.93 PRJEB22252 SAMEA4608507 GCA_902163985.1 SEQF3971.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 191 Texas Tech University 3,593,376 L5-B 42.72 PRJNA515210 SAMN10744161 GCA_004099805.1 SEQF3972.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 20 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3,544,435 1001270B_150601_E6 42.32 PRJNA637878 SAMN15533262 GCA_015551125.1 SEQF3973.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 33 SC 3,636,449 4928STDY7071762 42.33 PRJEB22252 SAMEA4608508 GCA_902163955.1 SEQF3974.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 23 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 3,635,178 UFMG-H8 42.6 PRJNA615899 SAMN14470506 GCA_012102525.1 SEQF3975.1 801 Enterococcus casseliflavus latest 34 SC 3,534,518 4928STDY7071540 42.54 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567646 GCA_902161305.1 SEQF2060.1 802 Enterococcus saccharolyticus 16 Broad Institute 3,137,657 strain=30_1 41.01 PRJNA46415 SAMN02463864 GCA_000234175.1 SEQF2533.1 802 Enterococcus saccharolyticus latest 4 Broad Institute 2,638,500 ATCC 43076 37.42 PRJNA82535 SAMN02596896 GCA_000407005.1 SEQF3718.1 802 Enterococcus saccharolyticus latest 50 Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 2,557,288 DSM 20726 36.88 PRJNA270385 SAMN03267186 GCA_001886235.1 SEQF3719.1 802 Enterococcus saccharolyticus latest 2 Broad Institute 2,604,038 ATCC 43076 37.2 PRJNA191890 SAMN02596896 GCA_000407285.1 SEQF2019.1 803 Enterococcus italicus latest 55 Baylor College of Medicine 2,415,788 DSM 15952 41.88 PRJNA53039 SAMN00215989 GCA_000185365.1 SEQF4750.1 803 Enterococcus italicus latest 159 university of ljubljana, biotechnical faculty 2,464,751 IM1319 39.18 PRJEB49530 SAMEA11998745 GCA_925293305.1 SEQF4751.1 803 Enterococcus italicus latest 120 Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 2,322,207 DSM 15952 39.03 PRJNA270385 SAMN03267176 GCA_001885995.1 SEQF4752.1 803 Enterococcus italicus latest 29 Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA 2,390,136 DRD-74 39.43 PRJNA847029 SAMN28911229 GCA_023744155.1 SEQF4753.1 803 Enterococcus italicus latest 28 Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA 2,334,547 DRD-111 39.35 PRJNA847029 SAMN28911231 GCA_023743875.1 SEQF4754.1 803 Enterococcus italicus latest 159 university of ljubljana, biotechnical faculty 2,375,692 IM1314 39.39 PRJEB49530 SAMEA11998746 GCA_925282535.1 SEQF1482.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 INRA 2,365,589 IL1403 35.33 PRJNA72 SAMN02603339 GCA_000006865.1 SEQF1500.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 MG1363 Sequencing Consortium 2,529,478 MG1363 35.75 PRJNA18797 SAMEA3138204 GCA_000009425.1 SEQF1501.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 6 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI), The Lactic Acid Bacteria Genome Consortium and Fidelity Systems Inc. 2,598,348 SK11 35.78 PRJNA401 SAMN02598527 GCA_000014545.1 SEQF1719.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 2 Center for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics, Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen, the Netherlands 2,635,654 KF147 34.87 PRJNA41115 SAMN02603087 GCA_000025045.1 SEQF2150.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 5 MICALIS INRA 2,577,104 A76 35.86 PRJNA74685 SAMN02603598 GCA_000236475.1 SEQF2151.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 Department of Biochemistry - University of Groningen (The Netherlands) 2,530,294 NZ9000 35.74 PRJNA46623 SAMN02603175 GCA_000143205.1 SEQF2152.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 6 Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2,518,737 CV56 35.13 PRJNA60377 SAMN02603398 GCA_000192705.1 SEQF2374.1 804 Lactococcus lactis 131 Washington University School of Medicine Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology 2,511,332 strain=CNCM I-1631 34.94 PRJNA67863 SAMN02436934 GCA_000284735.1 SEQF2473.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 Department of Bioscience, Tokyo University of Agriculture 2,421,471 IO-1 35.1 PRJDA68077 SAMD00060995 GCA_000344575.1 SEQF2559.1 804 Lactococcus lactis 370 Top Institute Food and Nutrition 2,634,086 TIFN7 35.61 PRJNA175675 SAMN02472106 GCA_000447965.1 SEQF2560.1 804 Lactococcus lactis 143 Top Institute Food and Nutrition 2,505,069 strain=TIFN2 35.13 PRJNA175670 SAMN02472113 GCA_000447905.1 SEQF2561.1 804 Lactococcus lactis 182 Top Institute Food and Nutrition 2,550,393 TIFN4 35.05 PRJNA175672 SAMN02472114 GCA_000447985.1 SEQF2570.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 9 University College Cork 2,457,347 UC509.9 35.74 PRJNA76597 SAMN02604113 GCA_000312685.1 SEQF6742.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 AgResearch, Grasslands Research Institute 2,427,048 KW2 35.74 PRJNA189982 SAMN02602975 GCA_000468955.1 SEQF6743.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 University of Helsinki 2,426,597 LAC460 34.98 PRJNA645372 SAMN15502559 GCA_020463755.1 SEQF6744.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,577,201 FDAARGOS_865 35.39 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450395 GCA_016028835.1 SEQF6745.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 3 University of Helsinki 2,573,129 N8 35.04 PRJNA645263 SAMN15500618 GCA_014884605.1 SEQF6746.2 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 6 University College Cork 2,716,314 UC77 35.24 PRJNA320718 SAMN04956303 GCA_002078615.2 SEQF6747.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 6 Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences 2,632,948 IBB109 35.23 PRJNA781389 SAMN23247109 GCA_023822185.1 SEQF6748.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 Micalis Institute 2,365,672 IL1403 35.33 PRJNA503975 SAMN10387363 GCA_003722275.1 SEQF6749.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 11 Denmarks Technical University 2,636,203 SD96 35.28 PRJNA558943 SAMN12502795 GCA_008728875.1 SEQF6750.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 2,582,979 FDAARGOS_887 35.19 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450417 GCA_016027975.1 SEQF6751.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 6 University College Cork 2,542,029 UC063 35.27 PRJNA320717 SAMN04956302 GCA_002078495.1 SEQF6752.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 4 University College Cork 2,459,217 UL8 35.29 PRJNA320724 SAMN04956402 GCA_002078855.1 SEQF6753.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 6 US Food and Drug Administration 2,684,902 FDAARGOS_867 35.21 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450397 GCA_020221755.1 SEQF6754.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 5 University College Cork 2,753,892 275 35.34 PRJNA320696 SAMN04955252 GCA_002078435.1 SEQF6755.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 Micalis Institute 2,208,218 IL6288 35.34 PRJNA503975 SAMN10386607 GCA_003722255.1 SEQF6756.2 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 6 University College Cork 2,548,507 UC08 34.91 PRJNA320711 SAMN04956293 GCA_002078995.2 SEQF6757.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 4 Korea Food Research Institute 2,466,849 KF140 35.25 PRJNA699930 SAMN17817055 GCA_023206755.1 SEQF6758.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 Institute of Microbiology 2,488,699 S0 35.23 PRJNA267741 SAMN03200076 GCA_000807375.1 SEQF6759.2 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 2 Rede Paraense de genômica e proteômica 2,592,264 NCDO 2118 34.88 PRJNA196165 SAMN02471376 GCA_000478255.2 SEQF6760.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 Technical University of Denmark 2,409,036 Ge001 35.29 PRJNA699238 SAMN17768877 GCA_017869415.1 SEQF6761.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 8 University College Cork 2,618,227 DRC3 35.06 PRJNA673343 SAMN16604567 GCA_017821195.1 SEQF6762.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 6 University College Cork 2,634,132 229 35.17 PRJNA320695 SAMN04955249 GCA_002078415.1 SEQF6763.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 7 University College Cork 2,530,852 223 35.26 PRJNA486497 SAMN09847869 GCA_016921015.1 SEQF6764.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 6 University College Cork 2,536,054 UC109 35.27 PRJNA320694 SAMN25002609 GCA_023611885.1 SEQF6765.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 World institute of kimchi 2,505,913 WiKim0124 34.82 PRJNA837060 SAMN28188621 GCA_023809745.1 SEQF6766.2 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 7 Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade University 2,702,171 S50 35.13 PRJNA494488 SAMN10167144 GCA_003627395.2 SEQF6767.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 6 University College Cork 2,636,921 WM1 35.29 PRJNA486495 SAMN09847649 GCA_016920995.1 SEQF6768.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 Hirosaki University 2,455,239 L8 35.06 PRJDB12881 SAMD00439154 GCA_023734735.1 SEQF6769.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 Tianjin University 2,432,058 F44 35.12 PRJNA419050 SAMN08048876 GCA_002804185.1 SEQF6770.3 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 7 key lab of dairy science, ministry of education, northeast agriculture university 2,760,872 KLDS 4.0325 35.32 PRJNA218564 SAMN02603468 GCA_000479375.3 SEQF6771.3 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 5 Helmholtz Center Munich 2,706,818 G121 35.03 PRJNA633429 SAMN14943687 GCA_013395015.3 SEQF6772.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 5 South China Agricultural University 2,711,219 SCB469 35.19 PRJNA820483 SAMN27009659 GCA_022809755.1 SEQF6773.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 Hirosaki University 2,489,582 ID-5 35.0 PRJDB12897 SAMD00439257 GCA_023734755.1 SEQF6774.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 3 Seoul National University 2,497,740 JNU 534 35.22 PRJNA826729 SAMN27578898 GCA_023078515.1 SEQF6775.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization 2,346,663 G50 35.03 PRJNA422936 SAMN08200704 GCA_002895225.1 SEQF6776.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 2 World Institute of Kimchi 2,525,433 CBA3619 34.92 PRJNA544551 SAMN11843663 GCA_007954765.1 SEQF6777.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 5 UNIVERSITY TOULOUSE III 2,730,625 A12 35.45 PRJEB14157 SAMEA4005236 GCA_900088425.1 SEQF6778.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 8 Wageningen University & Research 2,509,249 FM03 35.26 PRJNA355067 SAMN06061939 GCA_002148215.1 SEQF6779.2 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 7 University College Cork 2,727,114 UC06 35.15 PRJNA320710 SAMN04956292 GCA_002078975.2 SEQF6780.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 9 Technical University of Denmark 2,640,087 AH1 35.24 PRJNA814528 SAMN26560258 GCA_022670815.1 SEQF6781.1 804 Lactococcus lactis latest 1 Universidade de Sao Paulo 2,398,091 AI06 35.04 PRJNA260691 SAMN03025289 GCA_000761115.1 SEQF1062.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 1,138,011 Nichols 52.78 PRJNA5 SAMN02604348 Syphilis GCA_000008605.1 SEQF1326.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Baylor College of Medicine 1,139,417 Gauthier 52.79 PRJNA30653 SAMN02603004 GCA_000246795.1 SEQF1328.1 805 Treponema pallidum 1 Baylor College of Medicine 1,139,744 strain=CDC2 52.79 PRJNA30651 SAMN02603003 GCA_000246775.1 SEQF1350.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Baylor College of Medecine 1,139,330 SamoaD 52.79 PRJNA30671 SAMN00000317 GCA_000246755.1 SEQF1419.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Baylor College of Medicine 1,139,971 DAL-1 52.8 PRJNA30649 SAMN02603007 GCA_000246815.1 SEQF1499.1 805 Treponema pallidum 1 Baylor College of Medicine 1,139,457 strain=SS14 52.8 PRJNA20067 SAMN00000318 GCA_000017825.1 SEQF2182.1 805 Treponema pallidum 1 University of Washington 1,139,281 strain=Chicago 52.8 PRJNA39981 SAMN02604256 GCA_000024485.1 SEQF2429.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Baylor College of Medicine 1,140,038 Mexico A 52.81 PRJNA41401 SAMN00004588 GCA_000304295.1 SEQF2545.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 The Genome Institute 1,140,481 Fribourg-Blanc 52.8 PRJNA86661 SAMN03081442 GCA_000387485.1 SEQF8027.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 McGovern Medical School, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 1,139,537 TpN-CL2 52.79 PRJNA825109 SAMN27502669 GCA_023016445.1 SEQF8028.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 McGovern Medical School, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 1,139,665 TpN-CL3 52.79 PRJNA825109 SAMN27502670 GCA_023016425.1 SEQF8029.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 McGovern Medical School, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 1,139,539 TpN-CL8 52.79 PRJNA825109 SAMN27502673 GCA_023016345.1 SEQF8030.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 University of Washington 1,139,203 Sea 81-4 52.79 PRJNA74337 SAMN03081438 GCA_000604125.1 SEQF8031.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 McGovern Medical School, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 1,139,647 TpN-CL4 52.79 PRJNA825109 SAMN27502671 GCA_023016405.1 SEQF8032.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 McGovern Medical School, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 1,138,497 TpN-CL1 52.79 PRJNA825109 SAMN27502668 GCA_023016385.1 SEQF8033.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Zhongshan Hospital, Medical College of Xiamen University, Xiamen, China 1,139,838 X-4 52.79 PRJNA544173 SAMN11812273 GCA_005885795.1 SEQF8034.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 McGovern Medical School, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 1,139,582 TpN-CL5 52.79 PRJNA825109 SAMN27502672 GCA_023016365.1 SEQF8035.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University 1,139,510 UZ1974 52.79 PRJNA445953 SAMN08803902 GCA_003055985.1 SEQF8036.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University 1,139,773 CW82 52.8 PRJNA508872 SAMN10534855 GCA_005311105.1 SEQF8037.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine 1,139,526 Haiti B 52.8 PRJNA414170 SAMN07780978 GCA_003627115.1 SEQF8038.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Southern Medical University 1,139,569 SMUTp_08 57.8 PRJNA562373 SAMN12638760 GCA_015239375.1 SEQF8039.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,145 PT_SIF1063 52.78 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150358 GCA_001713015.1 SEQF8040.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,178 PT_SIF1020 52.78 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150357 GCA_001712995.1 SEQF8041.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,139 PT_SIF0877_3 52.78 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150353 GCA_001761565.1 SEQF8042.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University 1,139,445 CW88 52.8 PRJNA508872 SAMN10534861 GCA_005311045.1 SEQF8043.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 University of Washington 1,138,471 Nichols Houston 52.8 PRJNA271237 SAMN03273361 GCA_001655315.1 SEQF8044.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Southern Medical University 1,139,569 SMUTp_02 53.22 PRJNA562373 SAMN12638754 GCA_015239335.1 SEQF8045.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,158 PT_SIF1348 52.78 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150777 GCA_001713335.1 SEQF8046.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,151 PT_SIF1156 52.78 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150625 GCA_001713115.1 SEQF8047.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University 1,139,665 CW86 52.84 PRJNA508872 SAMN10534859 GCA_005311065.1 SEQF8048.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine 1,139,578 CDC-1 52.79 PRJNA416916 SAMN07967415 GCA_003952805.1 SEQF8049.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 University of Washington 1,139,777 UW391B 52.81 PRJNA271237 SAMN03273359 GCA_001655555.1 SEQF8050.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine 1,139,464 Sei Geringging K403 52.79 PRJNA412353 SAMN07709936 GCA_003611315.1 SEQF8051.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Southern Medical University 1,139,633 SMUTp_07 53.77 PRJNA562373 SAMN12638759 GCA_015239415.1 SEQF8052.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,143 PT_SIF0954 52.78 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150355 GCA_001712955.1 SEQF8053.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,185 PT_SIF1140 53.06 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150594 GCA_001713075.1 SEQF8054.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 University of Tuebingen 1,139,772 LMNP-1 52.79 PRJNA343706 SAMN06841355 GCA_003076575.1 SEQF8055.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 University of Washington 1,139,829 UW189B 52.81 PRJNA271237 SAMN03273356 GCA_001655435.1 SEQF8056.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine 1,137,653 Iraq B 52.79 PRJNA428415 SAMN08290048 GCA_004194495.1 SEQF8057.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University 1,139,543 CW83 52.81 PRJNA508872 SAMN10534856 GCA_005311085.1 SEQF8058.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University 1,139,592 CW87 52.84 PRJNA508872 SAMN10534860 GCA_005341485.1 SEQF8059.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,138 PT_SIF1183 52.78 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150627 GCA_001713155.1 SEQF8060.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,184 PT_SIF1135 52.79 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150382 GCA_001713055.1 SEQF8061.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University 1,139,058 Grady 52.79 PRJNA508872 SAMN10581168 GCA_005408405.1 SEQF8062.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,123 PT_SIF1242 52.78 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150648 GCA_001713215.1 SEQF8063.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,130 PT_SIF1200 52.78 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150632 GCA_001713195.1 SEQF8064.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine 1,139,764 Kampung Dalan K363 52.8 PRJNA412353 SAMN07709919 GCA_003611295.1 SEQF8065.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 xiamen university 1,139,223 Amoy 53.29 PRJNA315615 SAMN04556745 GCA_001628695.1 SEQF8066.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,148 PT_SIF0857 52.78 PRJNA322283 SAMN05173064 GCA_001712915.1 SEQF8067.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 URMITE 1,140,446 A10 52.8 PRJEB25146 SAMEA104640492 GCA_900291945.1 SEQF8068.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 Masaryk University 1,139,522 CW85 52.8 PRJNA508872 SAMN10534858 GCA_005311185.1 SEQF8069.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 University of Washington 1,139,722 CDC-A 52.81 PRJNA271237 SAMN03273364 GCA_001655275.1 SEQF8070.1 805 Treponema pallidum latest 1 National Institute of Health, Portugal 1,139,146 PT_SIF1196 52.78 PRJNA322283 SAMN05150628 GCA_001713175.1 SEQF1933.1 806 Olsenella profusa latest 73 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,724,935 F0195 64.17 PRJNA78893 SAMN00792224 GCA_000468755.1 SEQF2751.2 807 Olsenella sp._HMT_807 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,213,585 F0089 62.08 PRJNA282954 SAMN03785053 GCA_001189515.2 SEQF3104.1 808 Tannerella sp._HMT_808 608 The Ohio State University 2,698,296 cell103 57.19 PRJNA342492 SAMN05761448 GCA_002890585.1 SEQF3105.1 808 Tannerella sp._HMT_808 529 The Ohio State University 2,776,130 cell108 57.52 PRJNA342492 SAMN05761449 GCA_002890575.1 SEQF3106.1 808 Tannerella sp._HMT_808 673 The Ohio State University 2,697,694 cell110 57.16 PRJNA342492 SAMN05761462 GCA_002890635.1 SEQF1670.1 809 Olsenella sp._HMT_809 latest 3 Broad Institute 2,163,862 F0356 66.48 PRJNA39743 SAMN02463784 GCA_000233535.1 SEQF2455.1 810 Olegusella massiliensis latest 38 Washington University 1,947,547 F0209 49.2 PRJNA198876 SAMN02436885 GCA_000466405.1 SEQF8218.1 810 Olegusella massiliensis latest 2 EMG 1,806,744 MGYG-HGUT-01545 49.24 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851048 GCA_902376015.1 SEQF8219.1 810 Olegusella massiliensis latest 2 URMITE 1,806,744 KHD7 49.24 PRJEB13207 SAMEA3911737 GCA_900078545.1 SEQF1187.1 811 Arcanobacterium haemolyticum latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 1,986,154 DSM 20595 53.13 PRJNA37925 SAMN02598519 Tonsilitis GCA_000092365.1 SEQF9870.1 811 Arcanobacterium haemolyticum latest 1 SC 1,988,850 NCTC8452 53.13 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4030753 GCA_900475915.1 SEQF9871.1 811 Arcanobacterium haemolyticum latest 1 King Saud University 1,986,154 SCDR 1 55.47 PRJNA497988 SAMN10275032 GCA_006088775.1 SEQF9872.1 811 Arcanobacterium haemolyticum latest 44 SC 1,888,729 NCTC9697 53.11 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104016178 GCA_900445275.1 SEQF10107.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 2 National Cancer Institute 1,624,458 MT5135 39.25 PRJNA715181 SAMN18350190 GCA_017821535.1 SEQF10108.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,680,898 FDAARGOS_298 38.83 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173311 GCA_003050665.1 SEQF10109.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Microbiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University 1,680,829 ATCC 43504 38.83 PRJDB4522 SAMD00051588 GCA_004295525.1 SEQF10110.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 2 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,557,058 Hpfe125 38.94 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675609 GCA_022921215.1 SEQF10111.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 2 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,597,939 Hpfe035 38.73 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675533 GCA_022924515.1 SEQF10112.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 National Cancer Institue 1,653,624 PUNO-008 38.82 PRJNA625094 SAMN14593088 GCA_016749715.1 SEQF10113.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 National Cancer Institue 1,627,715 ASHA-008 38.85 PRJNA625094 SAMN14593074 GCA_016755795.1 SEQF10114.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Yonsei University 1,648,077 J182 38.9 PRJNA419269 SAMN08055036 GCA_007843715.1 SEQF10115.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Penn State University 1,659,060 BM012B 38.88 PRJNA245316 SAMN02736818 GCA_000685705.1 SEQF10116.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 National Cancer Institue 1,651,043 LIM-007 38.77 PRJNA625094 SAMN14593097 GCA_016748925.1 SEQF10117.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,627,796 Hpfe0012 38.7 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675515 GCA_022925775.1 SEQF10118.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 National Cancer Institue 1,619,464 LIM-005 39.01 PRJNA625094 SAMN14593095 GCA_016749085.1 SEQF10119.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology 1,670,384 HE141/09 39.1 PRJEB17945 SAMEA4554835 GCA_900120205.1 SEQF10120.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Pennsylvania State University 1,660,425 BM012A 38.88 PRJNA224090 SAMN02376623 GCA_000498315.1 SEQF10121.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,615,483 Hpfe0002 38.72 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675508 GCA_022925925.1 SEQF10122.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 2 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,566,531 Hpfe080 38.86 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675570 GCA_022922915.1 SEQF10123.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 National Cancer Institue 1,704,243 ASHA-003 38.91 PRJNA624918 SAMN14589656 GCA_016748175.1 SEQF10124.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 1,663,026 FDAARGOS_1563 38.87 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091660 GCA_020735805.1 SEQF10125.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Oita university 1,667,302 26695-1CH 38.87 PRJDB1449 SAMD00061017 GCA_000829135.1 SEQF10126.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Dept. Molec. Microbiology, Washington University Medical School in Saint Louis 1,665,719 Shi417 38.77 PRJNA94345 SAMN02603193 GCA_000277365.1 SEQF10127.3 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 University of Malaya 1,594,569 UM299 38.82 PRJNA196984 SAMN02230259 GCA_000392475.3 SEQF10128.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Max von Pettenkofer-Institut 1,637,783 479-C2-EK2 38.86 PRJNA490474 SAMN10053865 GCA_006338685.1 SEQF10129.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Okinawa Institute of Advanced Sciences 1,600,345 oki828 38.8 PRJNA215153 SAMN03081494 GCA_000600205.1 SEQF10130.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 2 University of California at Santa Cruz 1,624,943 SS1 39.01 PRJNA256258 SAMN03331743 GCA_002005525.1 SEQF10131.3 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 University of Malaya 1,593,537 UM032 38.82 PRJNA196982 SAMN02230257 GCA_000392455.3 SEQF10132.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Oita university 1,667,638 26695-1 38.87 PRJDB1447 SAMD00061015 GCA_000829095.1 SEQF10133.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 2 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,616,207 Hpfe102 38.71 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675591 GCA_022921855.1 SEQF10134.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 National Cancer Institue 1,654,099 PUNO-006 38.85 PRJNA625094 SAMN14593086 GCA_016757555.1 SEQF10135.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,618,823 Hpfe115 38.71 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675603 GCA_022921335.1 SEQF10136.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Kochi University 1,696,917 NY40 38.81 PRJDB1537 SAMD00061026 GCA_000828955.1 SEQF10137.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Oita University 1,639,336 AL04 38.75 PRJNA640973 SAMN15338999 GCA_021729725.1 SEQF10138.2 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 University of Malaya 1,594,544 UM298 38.82 PRJNA196983 SAMN02641597 GCA_000439295.2 SEQF10139.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Oita university 1,667,239 26695-1CL 38.87 PRJDB1448 SAMD00061016 GCA_000829115.1 SEQF10140.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 2 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,580,664 Hpfe057 38.77 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675547 GCA_022923695.1 SEQF10141.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1,698,366 J99 39.05 PRJNA281410 SAMN03487572 GCA_000982695.1 SEQF10142.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,617,425 Hpfe022 38.68 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675525 GCA_022925175.1 SEQF10143.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Max von Pettenkofer-Institut 1,709,363 19-C-EK1 38.72 PRJNA490474 SAMN10053452 GCA_006337405.1 SEQF10144.2 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Baylor College of Medicine 1,566,655 35A 38.87 PRJNA34603 SAMN02299423 GCA_000178935.2 SEQF10145.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,615,068 Hpfe123 38.71 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675607 GCA_022921255.1 SEQF10146.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,609,748 Hpfe120 38.67 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675605 GCA_022921295.1 SEQF10147.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 National Cancer Institute 1,660,636 MT5136 39.1 PRJNA715181 SAMN18350271 GCA_017821655.1 SEQF10148.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Veterinary Medicine University of Vienna 1,614,411 DU15 38.67 PRJNA245115 SAMN02731778 GCA_001653395.1 SEQF10149.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 2 Berg lab, Washington University Medical Shool 1,712,468 Gambia94/24 39.12 PRJNA53317 SAMN02603024 GCA_000185205.1 SEQF10150.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Penn State University 1,604,212 BM013B 38.96 PRJNA245314 SAMN02736816 GCA_000685745.1 SEQF10151.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 Vanderbilt University Medical Center 1,674,026 7.13_R2b 38.79 PRJNA362878 SAMN06216074 GCA_002952635.1 SEQF10152.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,588,133 Hpfe059 38.86 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675549 GCA_022923655.1 SEQF10153.1 812 Helicobacter pylori latest 1 The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China 1,596,715 Hpfe037 38.79 PRJNA816422 SAMN26675535 GCA_022924475.1 SEQF1119.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 1 Washington University Medical School 1,608,548 strain=Shi470 38.91 PRJNA29045 SAMN02604319 GCA_000020245.1 SEQF1240.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 1 TIGR 1,667,867 26695 38.88 PRJNA233 SAMN02603995 GCA_000008525.1 SEQF1243.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 1 Gyeongsang National University College of Medicine and 21c Frontier Human Genome Functional Research Project 1,568,826 52 38.94 PRJNA39507 SAMN02603357 GCA_000023805.1 SEQF1244.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 2 Washington University (WashU) 1,605,736 strain=HPAG1 39.07 PRJNA16183 SAMN02604311 GCA_000013245.1 SEQF1245.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 1 ASTRA 1,643,831 J99 39.19 PRJNA234 SAMN02602990 GCA_000008785.1 SEQF1351.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 51 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 1,571,772 98-10 38.76 PRJNA30395 SAMN02472069 GCA_000172935.1 SEQF1352.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 73 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 1,649,221 strain=B128 38.77 PRJNA30397 SAMN02472068 GCA_000172955.1 SEQF1643.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 2 University of Oregon 1,663,013 strain=G27 38.87 PRJNA31341 SAMN02604237 GCA_000021165.1 SEQF1644.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 2 Max von Pettenkofer-Institut für Hygiene und Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 1,684,038 P12 38.79 PRJNA32291 SAMN02603595 GCA_000021465.1 SEQF1714.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 1 Institut Pasteur 1,576,758 strain=B38 39.16 PRJNA39685 SAMEA3138296 GCA_000091345.1 SEQF2409.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 1 Berg lab, Washington University Medical Shool 1,675,918 India7 38.9 PRJNA53321 SAMN02603026 GCA_000185185.1 SEQF2410.1 812 Helicobacter pylori 2 Berg lab, Washington University Medical School 1,640,673 strain=Lithuania75 38.87 PRJNA53323 SAMN02603023 GCA_000185225.1 SEQF2059.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 2 Broad Institute 1,862,135 ATCC 51524 40.09 PRJNA52171 SAMN02463904 GCA_000245815.1 SEQF7330.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Statens Serum Institut 2,082,055 83VPs-KB5 39.89 PRJNA554245 SAMN12259797 GCA_007197715.1 SEQF7331.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,875,895 KPL3274 39.76 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664205 GCA_017655945.1 SEQF7332.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,878,426 KPL3065 39.82 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664194 GCA_017655845.1 SEQF7333.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,883,862 KPL3070 39.76 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664196 GCA_017655785.1 SEQF7334.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 2,001,464 KPL3052 39.43 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664193 GCA_017655865.1 SEQF7335.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,885,610 KPL3043 39.8 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664191 GCA_017655905.1 SEQF7336.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,900,145 KPL3911 39.59 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664206 GCA_017655965.1 SEQF7337.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,864,691 KPL3086 39.79 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664199 GCA_017655725.1 SEQF7338.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,946,134 KPL3246 39.79 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664201 GCA_017655805.1 SEQF7339.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,958,196 KPL3033 39.55 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664190 GCA_017655925.1 SEQF7340.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,906,822 KPL3084 39.61 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664198 GCA_017655745.1 SEQF7341.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,904,333 KPL3250 39.61 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664202 GCA_017655665.1 SEQF7342.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,977,296 KPL3069 39.58 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664195 GCA_017655825.1 SEQF7343.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 2,043,806 KPL3050 39.3 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664192 GCA_017655885.1 SEQF7344.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 2,009,643 KPL3090 39.74 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664200 GCA_017655685.1 SEQF7345.2 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,890,416 KPL1914 39.54 PRJNA379818 SAMN06621607 GCA_003263915.2 SEQF7346.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,984,755 KPL3264 39.7 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664204 GCA_017655705.1 SEQF7347.2 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,987,888 KPL1934_CDC4709-98 39.68 PRJNA379966 SAMN06624376 GCA_003264015.2 SEQF7348.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,957,024 KPL3077 39.23 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664197 GCA_017655765.1 SEQF7349.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 1 Forsyth Institute 1,941,401 KPL3256 39.73 PRJNA379818 SAMN11664203 GCA_017655645.1 SEQF7350.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 311 UANTW 2,007,485 AMBR11 40.22 PRJEB32716 SAMEA5665505 GCA_901830375.1 SEQF7351.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 82 Forsyth Institute 2,014,679 KPL1931_CDC4294-98 39.56 PRJNA379966 SAMN06624373 GCA_003264085.1 SEQF7352.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 32 UANTW 1,900,920 AMBR12 39.71 PRJEB32716 SAMEA7487701 GCA_905071805.1 SEQF7353.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 65 Forsyth Institute 1,976,602 KPL1937_CDC4199-99 39.91 PRJNA379966 SAMN06624377 GCA_003264005.1 SEQF7354.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 92 Forsyth Institute 1,886,398 KPL1930_CDC2949-98 39.68 PRJNA379966 SAMN06624372 GCA_003264135.1 SEQF7355.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 3 California Department of Public Health 2,121,027 15S00348 39.63 PRJNA362210 SAMN06236401 GCA_002005795.1 SEQF7356.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 64 Forsyth Institute 1,873,869 KPL1938_CDC4791-99 39.66 PRJNA379966 SAMN06624378 GCA_003263975.1 SEQF7357.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 75 Forsyth Institute 1,859,258 KPL1922_CDC39-95 39.77 PRJNA379966 SAMN06624371 GCA_003264145.1 SEQF7358.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 47 Forsyth Institute 1,893,917 KPL1939_CDC4792-99 39.53 PRJNA379966 SAMN06624379 GCA_003263965.1 SEQF7359.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 69 Forsyth Institute 1,934,436 KPL1932_CDC4420-98 39.68 PRJNA379966 SAMN06624374 GCA_003264065.1 SEQF7360.1 813 Dolosigranulum pigrum latest 19 Forsyth Institute 1,861,299 KPL1933_CDC4545-98 39.69 PRJNA379966 SAMN06624375 GCA_003264045.1 SEQF1729.2 814 Fannyhessea vaginae latest 6 Baylor College of Medecine 1,430,526 DSM 15829 42.66 PRJNA31435 SAMN00001474 GCA_000159235.2 SEQF2037.1 814 Fannyhessea vaginae latest 34 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,449,613 PB189-T1-4 48.7 PRJNA51071 SAMN00100753 GCA_000179715.1 SEQF5312.1 814 Fannyhessea vaginae latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,447,017 FDAARGOS_934 42.71 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450464 GCA_016026575.1 SEQF5313.1 814 Fannyhessea vaginae latest 2 SC 1,451,822 NCTC13935 42.79 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104307699 GCA_900445305.1 SEQF5314.1 814 Fannyhessea vaginae latest 52 Stanford Genome Technology Center 1,418,601 DSM 15829 42.66 PRJNA46677 SAMN02471011 GCA_000178335.1 SEQF5315.1 814 Fannyhessea vaginae latest 41 Medical Diagnostic Laboratories 1,483,295 44061 42.66 PRJNA288564 SAMN03801594 GCA_001049775.1 SEQF5316.1 814 Fannyhessea vaginae latest 24 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,504,164 CMW7778A 42.72 PRJNA272124 SAMN03842164 GCA_001562845.1 SEQF2671.1 815 Methanobrevibacter oralis latest 14 URMITE 2,107,831 JMR01 28.61 PRJEB4880 SAMEA3138857 GCA_000529525.1 SEQF3102.1 815 Methanobrevibacter oralis latest 136 Goettingen Genomics Laboratory 2,140,433 DSM 7256 27.71 PRJNA318760 SAMN04867341 GCA_001639275.1 SEQF3103.1 815 Methanobrevibacter oralis latest 106 URMITE 2,124,480 M2 CSUR P5920 27.74 PRJEB24872 SAMEA104570764 GCA_900289035.1 SEQF9759.1 815 Methanobrevibacter oralis latest 60 EMG 2,083,511 MGYG-HGUT-02162 27.77 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851666 GCA_902384065.1 SEQF9760.1 815 Methanobrevibacter oralis latest 14 IHU - Mediterranee Infection 1,953,936 YH 27.85 PRJEB46774 SAMEA9459756 GCA_912073625.1 SEQF1922.1 816 Limosilactobacillus coleohominis latest 12 Broad Institute 1,725,829 101-4-CHN 42.04 PRJNA37949 SAMN02463725 GCA_000161935.1 SEQF5318.1 816 Limosilactobacillus coleohominis latest 240 Veterinary Research Institute 1,690,277 An574 39.1 PRJNA377666 SAMN14913585 GCA_016901675.1 SEQF5319.1 816 Limosilactobacillus coleohominis latest 187 Veterinary Research Institute 1,703,045 An526 39.13 PRJNA377666 SAMN14913575 GCA_016901895.1 SEQF1368.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus 86 Baylor College of Medicine 2,221,719 JV-V01 41.3 PRJNA30641 SAMN00002229 GCA_000160515.1 SEQF1930.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 1 Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland 2,043,161 ST1 36.91 PRJEA46813 SAMEA2272191 GCA_000091765.1 SEQF2084.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus 187 JCVI 2,068,805 strain=214-1 36.87 PRJNA40665 SAMN00003361 GCA_000177575.1 SEQF2420.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus 10 Broad Institute 2,699,381 strain=FB077-07 40.79 PRJNA52105 SAMN02463885 GCA_000301135.1 SEQF2421.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus 5 Broad Institute 2,459,384 FB049-03 39.94 PRJNA52107 SAMN02463886 GCA_000301115.1 SEQF4675.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 2 University of Nottingham 2,039,404 DC21.1 37.0 PRJNA531669 SAMN11372136 GCA_009769205.1 SEQF4676.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 1 University of Siena 2,239,089 ATCC 33820 37.0 PRJNA716945 SAMN18472633 GCA_018987235.1 SEQF4677.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 1 University of Maryland Baltimore 2,345,902 CO3MRSI1 37.09 PRJNA499123 SAMN10343598 GCA_003795065.1 SEQF4678.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 2 KRIBB 2,367,925 AB70 37.26 PRJNA431864 SAMN08409124 GCA_003971565.1 SEQF4679.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 2 University of Texas at Dallas 2,447,242 Lc116 37.16 PRJNA761982 SAMN21367957 GCA_020042225.1 SEQF4680.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 2 North Carolina State University 2,325,084 C25 36.86 PRJNA596732 SAMN13634618 GCA_009933525.1 SEQF4681.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,386,960 FDAARGOS_743 37.12 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056458 GCA_009730275.1 SEQF4682.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 1 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2,039,590 B4 37.02 PRJNA645741 SAMN15516019 GCA_013456995.1 SEQF4683.3 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 2 Kingston Uniiversity 2,516,803 2029 37.09 PRJNA213996 SAMN02298797 GCA_000466885.3 SEQF4684.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 1 University of Parma 2,411,492 PRL2021 37.31 PRJNA641638 SAMN15357510 GCA_016767795.1 SEQF4685.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 1 Anhui Provincial Cancer Hospital 2,321,025 lc31 37.17 PRJNA657456 SAMN15862579 GCA_021278945.1 SEQF4686.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 2 KITII Corporation 2,397,766 KT-11 36.7 PRJDB12298 SAMD00404900 GCA_020887095.1 SEQF4687.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 3 University of Texas at Dallas 2,818,964 Lc1700 36.86 PRJNA761982 SAMN21367959 GCA_020042005.1 SEQF4688.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 1 University of Texas at Dallas 2,526,154 Lc1226 37.12 PRJNA761982 SAMN21367958 GCA_020042125.1 SEQF4689.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 1 North Carolina State University 2,349,358 1D 36.93 PRJNA597131 SAMN13624824 GCA_013487905.1 SEQF4690.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 1 Anhui Provincial Cancer Hospital 2,308,435 lc83 37.0 PRJNA657456 SAMN15862762 GCA_021278925.1 SEQF4691.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 4 Probiotics Microbiome Convergence Center 2,391,600 PMC201 37.27 PRJNA735892 SAMN19601668 GCA_018885325.1 SEQF4692.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 76 Broad Institute 2,437,083 MV-3A-US 40.67 PRJNA38513 SAMN02463743 GCA_000162315.1 SEQF4693.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 96 Loyola University Chicago 2,147,773 C037 36.78 PRJNA316969 SAMN05244202 GCA_001700475.1 SEQF4694.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 387 TNO 2,183,841 RL07 36.99 PRJNA390079 SAMN07213189 GCA_004361355.1 SEQF4695.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 156 Loyola University Chicago 2,004,470 UMB0803 37.01 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193687 GCA_002861765.1 SEQF4696.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 189 University of Parma 2,135,344 LB59 36.77 PRJNA641630 SAMN15357365 GCA_016162165.1 SEQF4697.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 148 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,884,423 CM_A01_S769-bin_1 36.75 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207395 GCA_022455755.1 SEQF4698.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 124 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,841,844 0795_578_1_1_MRS5_S810-bin_1 37.01 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207551 GCA_022456605.1 SEQF4699.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 63 University College Cork 1,829,425 EM-LC1 37.01 PRJNA200566 SAMN02471465 GCA_000497065.1 SEQF4700.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 132 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,888,230 CM_B09_S834-bin_1 36.8 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207407 GCA_022455515.1 SEQF4701.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 139 Massachusetts General Hospital 2,055,073 CM_E08_S829-bin_1 36.97 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207430 GCA_022455155.1 SEQF4702.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 140 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,844,745 Mitchell_12_29_17_F06_S622-bin_1 36.91 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207501 GCA_022454015.1 SEQF4703.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 119 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,757,399 CM_F04_S798-bin_1 37.05 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207434 GCA_022455065.1 SEQF4704.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 132 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,941,745 CM_B01_S770-bin_1 37.09 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207402 GCA_022455635.1 SEQF4705.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 330 TNO 2,550,531 RL03 36.93 PRJNA390079 SAMN07213108 GCA_004361385.1 SEQF4706.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 60 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,128,996 CM2292_MRS1_S784-bin_1 36.95 PRJNA799744 SAMN25207648 GCA_022457275.1 SEQF4707.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 129 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,983,078 CM_F06_S814-bin_1 36.79 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207436 GCA_022455055.1 SEQF4708.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 148 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,924,736 CM_G02_S783-bin_1 37.08 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207442 GCA_022454955.1 SEQF4709.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 143 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,901,501 CM_C05_S803-bin_1 36.97 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207412 GCA_022455475.1 SEQF4710.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 79 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,194,450 0421_295_1_2_MRS3_S780-bin_2 37.06 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207537 GCA_022457465.1 SEQF4711.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 113 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,944,386 CM_A02_S777-bin_1 36.71 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207396 GCA_022455695.1 SEQF4712.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 69 University of Minnesota 2,188,265 UMNLC1 36.92 PRJNA312549 SAMN04498973 GCA_002218615.1 SEQF4713.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 140 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,842,338 CM_H02_S784-bin_1 36.99 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207452 GCA_022454865.1 SEQF4714.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 135 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,948,861 0795_578_1_1_MRS1_S862-bin_1 36.97 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207549 GCA_022456655.1 SEQF4715.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 431 TNO 2,577,199 RL05 36.54 PRJNA390079 SAMN07213187 GCA_004361345.1 SEQF4716.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 81 University of Minnesota 1,988,281 UMNLC14 37.0 PRJNA312549 SAMN04498986 GCA_002218885.1 SEQF4717.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 297 AAT Srl - Advanced Analytical Technologies 2,104,098 M247 36.66 PRJNA739551 SAMN19792047 GCA_020224235.1 SEQF4718.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 138 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,815,935 CM_E04_S797-bin_1 36.91 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207428 GCA_022455175.1 SEQF4719.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 182 North Carolina State University 2,053,518 NCK2488 36.63 PRJNA563077 SAMN12667805 GCA_008694755.1 SEQF4720.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 99 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,933,466 DZD_CM_30_S798-bin_2 36.86 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207484 GCA_022454275.1 SEQF4721.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 255 Vaginal Microbiome Consortium 2,332,118 VMC8 36.83 PRJNA290636 SAMN03893606 GCA_001541585.1 SEQF4722.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 133 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,888,572 CM_H09_S840-bin_1 36.8 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207457 GCA_022454765.1 SEQF4723.1 817 Lactobacillus crispatus latest 319 TNO 2,392,313 RL24 36.77 PRJNA390079 SAMN07213204 GCA_004361185.1 SEQF1095.1 818 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 1,999,618 DSM 20016 38.87 PRJNA15766 SAMN02598351 GCA_000016825.1 SEQF1120.1 818 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 2 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,305,557 100-23 38.73 PRJNA13431 SAMN00623049 GCA_000168255.1 SEQF1121.1 818 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Kitasato Institute for Life Sciences 2,039,414 JCM 1112 38.88 PRJDA19011 SAMD00060920 GCA_000010005.1 SEQF1369.2 818 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 5 Baylor College of Medicine 2,316,838 SD2112 39.04 PRJNA30643 SAMN00001494 GCA_000159455.2 SEQF1778.1 818 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 92 BCM 2,107,903 CF48-3A 40.91 PRJNA31553 SAMN00001503 GCA_000159615.1 SEQF1779.1 818 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 95 Baylor College of Medicine 2,015,721 MM2-3 40.89 PRJNA34627 SAMN00002242 GCA_000160715.1 SEQF1780.2 818 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 7 Human Microbiome Project 2,067,914 MM4-1A 38.88 PRJNA31511 SAMN00001504 GCA_000159475.2 SEQF2544.1 818 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 7 China Agricultural University 2,093,275 I5007 38.93 PRJNA206042 SAMN02603119 GCA_000410995.1 SEQF2567.1 818 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 University of Florida 2,145,445 TD1 38.78 PRJNA211728 SAMN02604178 GCA_000439275.1 SEQF1026.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 1 Nestle Research Center, Switzerland 1,992,676 NCC 533 34.61 PRJNA9638 SAMN02603676 GCA_000008065.1 SEQF1716.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 3 Institute of Food Research 1,785,116 FI9785 34.43 PRJEA36575 SAMEA2272487 GCA_000091405.1 SEQF1776.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii 32 BCM 1,780,499 ATCC 33200 34.74 PRJNA31495 SAMN00001472 GCA_000159355.1 SEQF2103.3 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii 3 chunlab.Inc 1,973,006 strain=pf01 34.66 PRJNA67469 SAMN02469597 GCA_000219475.3 SEQF2111.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 1 Teagasc, Food research centre, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland 1,966,342 DPC 6026 34.78 PRJNA56053 SAMN02603892 GCA_000204985.1 SEQF2611.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 1 University of Florida 1,887,251 N6.2 34.48 PRJNA222774 SAMN02641596 GCA_000498675.1 SEQF7147.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 3 Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute 2,015,225 GHZ10a 35.0 PRJNA665553 SAMN16131614 GCA_014841035.1 SEQF7148.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 3 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,177,933 G2A 34.54 PRJNA542320 SAMN11618738 GCA_010586925.1 SEQF7149.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 3 University of Minnesota 2,042,390 UMNLJ22 35.09 PRJNA316010 SAMN04573146 GCA_002176835.1 SEQF7150.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 1 World Institute of Kimchi 2,198,442 7409N31 35.01 PRJNA766157 SAMN21619988 GCA_022810665.1 SEQF7151.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 5 University of Nottingham 1,937,859 DC22.2 34.53 PRJNA531654 SAMN11371966 GCA_009769185.1 SEQF7152.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 1 North Carolina State University 1,995,616 3DG 34.41 PRJNA597131 SAMN13624827 GCA_013487865.1 SEQF7153.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 1 Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science 1,999,879 ZLJ010 34.91 PRJNA494269 SAMN10160121 GCA_004011315.1 SEQF7154.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 1 Research Laboratories, Ildong Pharmaceutical 1,898,461 IDCC9203 34.72 PRJNA486604 SAMN09858432 GCA_003428395.1 SEQF7155.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 1 North Carolina State University 1,951,416 NCK2677 34.67 PRJNA645941 SAMN15520417 GCA_014058685.1 SEQF7156.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 2 Sichuan Agriculture University 2,159,316 BS15 34.84 PRJNA317663 SAMN04631277 GCA_001714745.1 SEQF7157.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 1 University of Michigan 1,953,837 MR1 34.67 PRJNA791710 SAMN23978983 GCA_022213385.1 SEQF7158.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 3 University of Minnesota 2,010,439 UMNLJ21 35.09 PRJNA316010 SAMN04573145 GCA_002176855.1 SEQF7159.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 1 Sungkyunkwan University 1,959,519 Byun-jo-01 34.71 PRJNA428092 SAMN08281023 GCA_003316915.1 SEQF7160.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 1 University of Alberta 1,786,990 L2 34.43 PRJNA609246 SAMN14239241 GCA_022643205.1 SEQF7161.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 94 University of Georgia 1,799,247 AER105 34.37 PRJNA758405 SAMN21024694 GCA_020026475.1 SEQF7162.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 120 University of Alberta 1,961,762 117c 34.41 PRJNA384810 SAMN06848423 GCA_002253275.1 SEQF7163.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 49 Cornell University 1,898,609 LJ0 34.45 PRJNA376205 SAMN06364931 GCA_002156645.1 SEQF7164.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 142 University of Minnesota 1,883,555 UMNLJ94 34.53 PRJNA316010 SAMN04573218 GCA_002553695.1 SEQF7165.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 15 INRAE 1,774,435 CNCM I-4884 34.44 PRJNA762719 SAMN21406638 GCA_021442345.1 SEQF7166.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 54 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 1,981,965 A31_23.LJ.DSS 34.35 PRJEB45232 SAMEA8801287 GCA_910574385.1 SEQF7167.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 73 University of Alberta 1,945,039 117a 34.34 PRJNA384810 SAMN06848422 GCA_002253285.1 SEQF7168.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 25 The Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 1,918,954 N16 34.47 PRJNA733006 SAMN19374060 GCA_018917265.1 SEQF7169.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 70 Kuban State Agrarian University 1,788,788 PH-2 34.54 PRJNA835350 SAMN28100724 GCA_023483905.1 SEQF7170.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 93 University of Alberta 1,973,409 117k 34.39 PRJNA384810 SAMN06848425 GCA_002253205.1 SEQF7171.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 54 Haruko Takeyama Lab., Waseda University 1,908,042 IMSAGC_010 34.31 PRJDB8805 SAMD00186977 GCA_011959745.1 SEQF7172.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 41 UCI 2,121,247 LL8 34.31 PRJNA589091 SAMN13266521 GCA_009708135.1 SEQF7173.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 37 Shanghai Majorbio 1,773,599 ATCC 33200 34.43 PRJNA222257 SAMN02369381 GCA_001433975.1 SEQF7174.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 3 Kyung Hee University 1,979,358 CH32 34.74 PRJNA507703 SAMN10502285 GCA_004010015.1 SEQF7175.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 88 University of Alberta 1,954,499 117d 34.39 PRJNA384810 SAMN06848424 GCA_002253245.1 SEQF7176.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 55 University of Connecticut Health Center 1,881,001 MT4 34.39 PRJNA787656 SAMN23838460 GCA_021464365.1 SEQF7177.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 156 FASTERIS SA, Switzerland 1,787,772 16 34.63 PRJNA67007 SAMN03995694 GCA_001270785.1 SEQF7178.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 58 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 1,983,534 A53_45.LJ.DSS 34.36 PRJEB45232 SAMEA8801304 GCA_910574655.1 SEQF7179.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 17 UCSF 2,128,461 Q1-7 34.51 PRJNA482000 SAMN11294218 GCA_004684975.1 SEQF7180.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 101 Kings College London 1,925,316 19428wE2_CC3 34.75 PRJNA671681 SAMN16540202 GCA_015235065.1 SEQF7181.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 42 Veterinary Research Institute 1,784,601 An197 34.61 PRJNA377666 SAMN06473658 GCA_002160105.1 SEQF7182.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 39 EMG 1,972,012 MGYG-HGUT-00008 34.35 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5849509 GCA_902362355.1 SEQF7183.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 100 University of Minnesota 1,871,828 UMNLJ95 34.53 PRJNA316010 SAMN04573219 GCA_002270045.1 SEQF7184.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 82 University of Toronto 1,903,213 NM60_B2-8 34.29 PRJNA474907 SAMN10878306 GCA_004793575.1 SEQF7185.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 119 University of Minnesota 1,918,141 UMNLJ54 34.45 PRJNA316010 SAMN04573178 GCA_002269975.1 SEQF7186.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 38 CERELA-CONICET 2,137,413 CRL1647 34.43 PRJNA464349 SAMN09081294 GCA_003122525.1 SEQF7187.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 121 University of Georgia 1,869,983 AER25 34.45 PRJNA758401 SAMN21024527 GCA_020026535.1 SEQF7188.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 75 University of Alberta 1,950,728 117x 34.37 PRJNA384810 SAMN06848427 GCA_002253185.1 SEQF7189.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 65 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 1,986,457 C11 34.37 PRJEB45232 SAMEA8801455 GCA_910576225.1 SEQF7190.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 95 University of Minnesota 1,972,264 UMNLJ114 34.66 PRJNA316010 SAMN04573238 GCA_002269965.1 SEQF7191.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 2 University of California, Los Angeles 2,081,433 LBJ456 34.65 PRJNA472813 SAMN09244623 GCA_007876425.1 SEQF7192.1 819 Lactobacillus johnsonii latest 43 Bioaster 1,906,385 MD006 34.42 PRJNA551571 SAMN12158246 GCA_010206295.1 SEQF3072.1 820 Prevotella sp._HMT_820 latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,198,654 W6195 47.54 PRJNA282954 SAMN08439031 GCA_003043925.1 SEQF1027.1 821 Haemophilus ducreyi latest 1 Univ. Ohio 1,698,955 35000HP 38.22 PRJNA38 SAMN02604087 GCA_000007945.1 SEQF1032.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1 TIGR 4,403,837 CDC1551 65.61 PRJNA223 SAMN02603992 GCA_000008585.1 SEQF1034.2 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Sanger Institute 4,411,532 H37Rv 65.61 PRJNA224 SAMEA3138326 GCA_000195955.2 SEQF1096.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1 Broad Institute 4,424,435 strain=F11 65.62 PRJNA15642 SAMN00103286 GCA_000016925.1 SEQF1129.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1 Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai 4,419,977 H37Ra 65.61 PRJNA18883 SAMN02603128 GCA_000016145.1 SEQF1130.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1 Broad Institute 4,398,250 KZN 1435 65.61 PRJNA21055 SAMN00763683 GCA_000023625.1 SEQF1132.2 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1 The Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform 4,399,120 strain=KZN 605 65.61 PRJNA21057 SAMN00103288 GCA_000154605.2 SEQF2283.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Research Institute for Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russia 4,398,525 CTRI-2 65.6 PRJNA43171 SAMN02603755 GCA_000224435.1 SEQF2299.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1 CNSG, CCITB 4,418,088 UT205 66.63 PRJEA74573 SAMEA2272432 GCA_000304555.1 SEQF5083.2 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 The Broad Institute 4,411,709 H37Rv 65.62 PRJNA37301 SAMN03081436 GCA_000277735.2 SEQF5084.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,408,117 4-0096P6C4 65.62 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325251 GCA_014899785.1 SEQF5085.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,408,229 SEA14333P6C4 65.62 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325273 GCA_014899345.1 SEQF5086.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 4,411,385 SLM088 65.62 PRJNA407834 SAMN07664847 GCA_002447355.1 SEQF5087.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 4,411,337 SLM063 65.62 PRJNA407834 SAMN07664846 GCA_002447335.1 SEQF5088.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Duke University 4,411,469 GG-36-11 65.61 PRJNA422870 SAMN08199267 GCA_002887065.1 SEQF5089.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,405,183 1-0168P6C4 65.61 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325224 GCA_014900335.1 SEQF5090.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 TU Delft 4,386,429 N1201 65.59 PRJNA668291 SAMN16406475 GCA_022870205.1 SEQF5091.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 4,411,338 MDRMA701 65.62 PRJNA407834 SAMN07664874 GCA_002447895.1 SEQF5092.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 TU Delft 4,393,016 N1216 65.61 PRJNA668291 SAMN16406469 GCA_022870325.1 SEQF5093.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University 4,421,197 7199-99 65.62 PRJEA82273 SAMEA2272730 GCA_000331445.1 SEQF5094.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 4,411,414 TBV4952 65.62 PRJNA407834 SAMN07664890 GCA_002448215.1 SEQF5095.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 CETR, HSPH, Megan Murray, director 4,365,724 I0004000-1 65.61 PRJNA343736 SAMN06010122 GCA_001895805.1 SEQF5096.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Duke University 4,411,446 GG-137-10 65.62 PRJNA422870 SAMN08199348 GCA_002887335.1 SEQF5097.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 4,411,327 LN2900 65.62 PRJNA407834 SAMN07664871 GCA_002447835.1 SEQF5098.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,434,707 1-0047P6C4 65.62 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325203 GCA_014900755.1 SEQF5099.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 National Medical Research Center of Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Diseases 4,411,524 120/26CAO 65.64 PRJNA704837 SAMN18056856 GCA_017164035.1 SEQF5100.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Belarusian State Medical University 4,394,156 4860 65.61 PRJNA625312 SAMN14598146 GCA_013010385.1 SEQF5101.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Department of International Health, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University 4,421,540 HN-321 65.62 PRJDB5607 SAMD00076257 GCA_002357955.1 SEQF5102.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,397,139 SEA11020038P6C4 65.61 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325261 GCA_014899585.1 SEQF5103.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 4,411,215 MDRDM627 65.62 PRJNA407834 SAMN07664834 GCA_002447095.1 SEQF5104.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,416,971 1-0045P6C4 65.61 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325202 GCA_014900775.1 SEQF5105.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 TU Delft 4,410,121 N0157 65.62 PRJNA668291 SAMN16406462 GCA_022870445.1 SEQF5106.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 TU Delft 4,399,032 N0031 65.62 PRJNA668291 SAMN16406464 GCA_022870405.1 SEQF5107.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,416,715 1-0066P6C4 65.61 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325208 GCA_014884665.1 SEQF5108.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 4,411,335 LN3672 65.62 PRJNA407834 SAMN07664867 GCA_002447755.1 SEQF5109.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,444,842 1-0107P6C4 65.61 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325214 GCA_014900555.1 SEQF5110.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Beijing Institute of Genomics,Chinese Academy of Sciences 4,426,489 26105 65.63 PRJNA270004 SAMN03257097 GCA_001545055.1 SEQF5111.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,368,671 SEA09167P6C4 65.63 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325260 GCA_014899605.1 SEQF5112.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Seoul National University 4,417,716 MTB2 65.62 PRJNA379898 SAMN06622697 GCA_002208235.1 SEQF5113.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 TU Delft 4,428,969 N1268 65.59 PRJNA668291 SAMN16406474 GCA_022870225.1 SEQF5114.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Korean Institute of Tuberculosis 4,410,788 KIT87190 65.61 PRJNA246436 SAMN02767600 GCA_000706665.1 SEQF5115.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 TU Delft 4,422,216 N0004 65.61 PRJNA668291 SAMN16406466 GCA_022870385.1 SEQF5116.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,420,315 SEA17020024P6C4 65.6 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325278 GCA_014899245.1 SEQF5117.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,407,803 SEA15228P6C4 65.61 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325274 GCA_014899325.1 SEQF5118.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Microbiological Diagnostic Unit 4,414,769 AUSMDU00018547 65.6 PRJNA556438 SAMN13191639 GCA_009664875.1 SEQF5119.2 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Scientific Center for Anti-infectious Drugs (SCAID) 4,411,829 SCAID 187.0 65.6 PRJNA291131 SAMN03921880 GCA_001275565.2 SEQF5120.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,426,614 SEA14318P6C4 65.6 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325272 GCA_014899365.1 SEQF5121.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,416,797 1-0116P6C4 65.61 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325217 GCA_014900475.1 SEQF5122.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,438,366 2-0023P6C4 65.61 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325228 GCA_014900255.1 SEQF5123.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Duke University 4,411,526 GG-37-11 65.62 PRJNA422870 SAMN08199347 GCA_002886685.1 SEQF5124.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,400,007 4-0010P6C4 65.61 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325242 GCA_014899945.1 SEQF5125.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Duke University 4,411,478 GG-186-10 65.61 PRJNA422870 SAMN08199268 GCA_002886865.1 SEQF5126.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,429,476 1-0021P6C4 65.62 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325194 GCA_014901055.1 SEQF5127.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 4,411,394 SLM100 65.62 PRJNA407834 SAMN07664848 GCA_002447375.1 SEQF5128.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 4,411,479 MDRMA2082 65.62 PRJNA407834 SAMN07664878 GCA_002447975.1 SEQF5129.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 4,411,180 LE486 65.62 PRJNA407834 SAMN07664828 GCA_002446975.1 SEQF5130.1 822 Mycobacterium tuberculosis latest 1 San Diego State University 4,413,638 1-0056P6C4 65.59 PRJNA555636 SAMN12325205 GCA_014900715.1 SEQF1035.1 823 Mycobacterium leprae latest 1 Sanger Institute 3,268,203 TN 57.8 PRJNA90 SAMEA1705921 GCA_000195855.1 SEQF1645.1 823 Mycobacterium leprae latest 1 Institut Pasteur 3,268,071 Br4923 57.8 PRJEA31271 SAMEA2271916 GCA_000026685.1 SEQF5593.1 823 Mycobacterium leprae latest 1 National JALMA Institute for Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 3,187,112 MRHRU-235-G 57.81 PRJNA470766 SAMN09104579 GCA_003253775.1 SEQF5594.1 823 Mycobacterium leprae latest 1 Leprosy Research Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 3,268,122 Kyoto-2 57.8 PRJNA65803 SAMD00011899 GCA_003584725.1 SEQF5595.1 823 Mycobacterium leprae latest 107 Eurofins Genomics India Pvt ltd 3,266,556 7935681 57.78 PRJNA316192 SAMN04578110 GCA_001648835.1 SEQF5596.1 823 Mycobacterium leprae latest 107 Eurofins Genomics India Pvt Ltd. 3,266,420 3125609 57.75 PRJNA322730 SAMN05172957 GCA_001653495.1 SEQF1037.1 824 Bacillus anthracis 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,227,293 strain=Ames 35.38 PRJNA309 SAMN02603432 GCA_000007845.1 SEQF1038.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,503,926 Ames Ancestor; A2084 35.24 PRJNA10784 SAMN02603433 GCA_000008445.1 SEQF1041.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 DOE Joint Genome Institute 5,228,663 Sterne 35.38 PRJNA10878 SAMN02598266 GCA_000008165.1 SEQF1139.2 824 Bacillus anthracis 56 J. Craig Venter Institute 5,504,728 strain=Tsiankovskii-I 35.23 PRJNA17709 SAMN02436236 GCA_000181675.2 SEQF1140.1 824 Bacillus anthracis 60 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5,291,908 strain=A0174 35.18 PRJNA27921 SAMN02470265 GCA_000182055.1 SEQF1141.1 824 Bacillus anthracis 60 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5,392,880 A0193 35.14 PRJNA27923 SAMN02470282 GCA_000181915.1 SEQF1143.1 824 Bacillus anthracis 68 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5,420,403 A0389 35.18 PRJNA27917 SAMN02470266 GCA_000219895.1 SEQF1150.1 824 Bacillus anthracis 46 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5,374,836 A0442 35.17 PRJNA27915 SAMN02470279 GCA_000181935.1 SEQF1151.1 824 Bacillus anthracis 57 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5,407,149 A0465 35.16 PRJNA27919 SAMN02470255 GCA_000181995.1 SEQF1153.1 824 Bacillus anthracis 63 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5,392,168 A0488 35.16 PRJNA27913 SAMN02470254 GCA_000181835.1 SEQF1708.1 824 Bacillus anthracis 3 The J. Craig Venter Institute 5,503,926 strain=A0248 35.24 PRJNA33543 SAMN02603932 GCA_000022865.1 SEQF1709.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 The J. Craig Venter Institute 5,506,763 CDC 684 35.25 PRJNA31329 SAMN02603931 GCA_000021445.1 SEQF2323.1 824 Bacillus anthracis 3 Korea Center for Disease Control & Prevention 5,495,471 H9401 35.23 PRJNA49361 SAMN02603474 GCA_000258885.1 SEQF9823.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,506,524 Vollum 35.25 PRJNA695105 SAMN18241461 GCA_022221345.1 SEQF9824.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 National Institute of Infectious Diseases 5,504,652 Shikan-NIID 35.25 PRJDB3549 SAMD00026520 GCA_002356575.1 SEQF9825.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 2 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul 5,410,351 SPV842_15 35.28 PRJNA368680 SAMN06270326 GCA_001990245.1 SEQF9826.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 4 Huazhong Agricultural University 5,732,156 CMF9 35.3 PRJNA770896 SAMN22304411 GCA_023824055.1 SEQF9827.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,480,387 A49 35.26 PRJNA695105 SAMN13164730 GCA_022221065.1 SEQF9828.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr Insitute of Microbiology 5,504,043 Tyrol 4675 35.24 PRJNA309927 SAMN06186720 GCA_001936375.1 SEQF9829.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 Bundeswehr 5,229,919 BUL 14 35.38 PRJNA695105 SAMN13164717 GCA_022220905.1 SEQF9830.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,483,579 A0777 35.22 PRJNA695105 SAMN18241465 GCA_022221265.1 SEQF9831.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,505,061 188678-1 35.25 PRJNA695105 SAMN18241471 GCA_022221145.1 SEQF9832.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5,227,090 PR09-4 35.38 PRJNA295544 SAMN04075685 GCA_001683275.1 SEQF9833.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Disease Investigation Center Wates 5,503,192 P04210076 35.24 PRJNA750666 SAMN20475816 GCA_019693235.1 SEQF9834.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,505,780 A166 35.24 PRJNA695105 SAMN13164734 GCA_022220945.1 SEQF9835.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,505,497 Pollino 3734 35.24 PRJNA695105 SAMN18241467 GCA_022221225.1 SEQF9836.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,486,304 AF039 35.23 PRJNA695105 SAMN18241463 GCA_022221305.1 SEQF9837.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,501,188 A178 35.25 PRJNA695105 SAMN13164747 GCA_022220985.1 SEQF9838.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 2 Beijing Institute of Biotechnology 5,323,031 ChBA30D 35.34 PRJNA801920 SAMN25419190 GCA_022014795.1 SEQF9839.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 5,225,746 FDAARGOS_698 35.38 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056413 GCA_009806595.1 SEQF9840.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr Insitute of Microbiology 5,503,799 Tangail-1 35.24 PRJNA309927 SAMN05003865 GCA_001654475.1 SEQF9841.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5,487,255 BA1035 35.23 PRJNA238135 SAMN03010427 GCA_000832725.1 SEQF9842.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity 5,227,170 Cvac02;blood 35.37 PRJNA252785 SAMN02898388 GCA_000747335.1 SEQF9843.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 2 Beijing Institute of Biotechnology 5,324,225 PNO2D1 35.34 PRJNA801916 SAMN25418999 GCA_022014775.1 SEQF9844.2 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 2 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 5,410,440 FDAARGOS_341 35.28 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173354 GCA_002208785.2 SEQF9845.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 2 Bundeswehr 5,324,563 BUL 32 35.34 PRJNA695105 SAMN13164724 GCA_022221005.1 SEQF9846.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5,498,337 Ohio ACB 35.25 PRJNA238205 SAMN03010429 GCA_000832505.1 SEQF9847.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 2 Bundeswehr 5,323,525 3016 35.33 PRJNA695105 SAMN13164732 GCA_022220545.1 SEQF9848.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,506,216 BUL 31 35.25 PRJNA695105 SAMN13164723 GCA_022220605.1 SEQF9849.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5,227,060 PR09-1 35.38 PRJNA295544 SAMN04075684 GCA_001683255.1 SEQF9850.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 2 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5,331,737 2000031021 35.34 PRJNA243523 SAMN02736984 GCA_000742655.1 SEQF9851.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Institute of Veterinary Bacteriology, University of Bern 5,490,165 17OD930 35.23 PRJNA454788 SAMN09041402 GCA_006088855.1 SEQF9852.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,496,094 SA020 35.24 PRJNA695105 SAMN18241464 GCA_022221285.1 SEQF9853.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,486,317 Tyrol 3520 35.23 PRJNA695105 SAMN13640833 GCA_022220685.1 SEQF9854.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,506,561 4-IZSLT 35.25 PRJNA695105 SAMN13164733 GCA_022220665.1 SEQF9855.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,506,152 A193a 35.24 PRJNA695105 SAMN13164741 GCA_022220925.1 SEQF9856.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5,228,657 PR02 35.38 PRJNA295544 SAMN04075677 GCA_001683155.1 SEQF9857.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,506,261 A87 35.25 PRJNA695105 SAMN13164731 GCA_022220645.1 SEQF9858.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5,504,993 K3 35.24 PRJNA238080 SAMN03010428 GCA_000832465.1 SEQF9859.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,506,410 UR-1 35.25 PRJNA695105 SAMN18241472 GCA_022221125.1 SEQF9860.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5,227,091 PR08 35.38 PRJNA295544 SAMN04075683 GCA_001683235.1 SEQF9861.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 The Third Institute of Oceanography, Key Laboratory of Marine Biogenetic Resources 5,231,857 MCCC 1A02161 35.45 PRJNA485400 SAMN09789251 GCA_003410255.1 SEQF9862.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,506,606 BUL 12 35.25 PRJNA695105 SAMN13164716 GCA_022221025.1 SEQF9863.3 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 RARI 5,229,731 STI1 35.38 PRJNA436480 SAMN08627228 GCA_002980615.3 SEQF9864.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 Heilongjiang University 5,294,779 HDZK-BYSB7 35.43 PRJNA432651 SAMN08456585 GCA_004328845.1 SEQF9865.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5,601,083 2002013094 35.26 PRJNA238050 SAMN03174509 GCA_000832965.1 SEQF9866.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,504,470 A1074 35.24 PRJNA695105 SAMN18241466 GCA_022221245.1 SEQF9867.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5,228,660 Parent1 35.38 PRJNA295544 SAMN04093743 GCA_001683095.1 SEQF9868.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5,228,656 PR01 35.38 PRJNA295544 SAMN04075676 GCA_001683135.1 SEQF9869.1 824 Bacillus anthracis latest 3 Bundeswehr 5,505,637 3-IZSLT 35.24 PRJNA695105 SAMN18241468 GCA_022221205.1 SEQF1050.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 133 TIGR 2,950,285 strain=1/2a F6854 37.85 PRJNA10753 SAMN02415268 GCA_000167135.1 SEQF1051.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 1 TIGR 2,905,187 strain=4b F2365 38.04 PRJNA85 SAMN02603980 GCA_000008285.1 SEQF1052.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 181 TIGR 2,972,254 H7858 37.95 PRJNA10752 SAMN02415269 GCA_000167155.1 SEQF1053.2 825 Listeria monocytogenes 2 Public Health Agency of Canada 3,109,678 strain=08-5578 37.92 PRJNA36361 SAMN02603776 GCA_000093125.2 SEQF1456.2 825 Listeria monocytogenes 1 Broad Institute 2,903,106 10403S 38.03 PRJNA17495 SAMN02641382 GCA_000168695.2 SEQF1459.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 23 Broad Institute 2,968,620 F6900 37.76 PRJNA17321 SAMN00771317 GCA_000168615.1 SEQF1479.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 30 Broad Institute 2,989,818 strain=FSL J1-194 37.84 PRJNA17299 SAMN02415199 GCA_000168395.1 SEQF1543.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 53 Broad Institute 2,853,713 strain=FSL J2-071 38.06 PRJNA17307 SAMN02415202 GCA_000168475.1 SEQF1544.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 79 Broad Institute 3,142,060 FSL N1-017 37.83 PRJNA17311 SAMN02415204 GCA_000168515.1 SEQF1545.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 39 Broad Institute 2,884,080 FSL N3-165 37.82 PRJNA17313 SAMN02415205 GCA_000168535.1 SEQF1546.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 55 Broad Institute 2,991,493 strain=FSL R2-503 37.8 PRJNA17315 SAMN00761062 GCA_000168555.1 SEQF1547.2 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Broad Institute 2,973,801 FSL R2-561 37.96 PRJNA17317 SAMN00013319 GCA_000168575.2 SEQF1548.2 825 Listeria monocytogenes 1 Broad Institute 2,874,431 Finland 1998 38.05 PRJNA17319 SAMN00012880 GCA_000168595.2 SEQF1549.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 79 Broad Institute 2,991,120 strain=HPB2262 37.81 PRJNA17597 SAMN02415241 GCA_000168815.1 SEQF1551.2 825 Listeria monocytogenes 1 Broad Institute 3,000,464 strain=J0161 37.86 PRJNA17493 SAMN00769971 GCA_000168635.2 SEQF1552.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 24 Broad Institute 2,973,040 strain=J2818 37.76 PRJNA17327 SAMN00769972 GCA_000168655.1 SEQF1574.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 1 College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University 2,976,212 HCC23 38.19 PRJNA29409 SAMN02603154 GCA_000021185.1 SEQF1720.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 1 Public Health Agency of Canada 2,999,054 08-5923 37.96 PRJNA36363 SAMN02603721 GCA_000022925.1 SEQF1721.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Institut Pasteur - Unite de Biologie des Bacteries Intracellulaires 2,912,690 Clip80459 38.06 PRJEA32207 SAMEA2272134 GCA_000026705.1 SEQF2123.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 1 Life Technologies Corporation 3,223,176 strain=FSL F2-208 43.89 PRJNA42847 SAMN01125831 GCA_000183845.1 SEQF2153.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 European Consortium 2,944,528 EGD-e 37.98 PRJNA276 SAMEA3138329 GCA_000196035.1 SEQF2154.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes 1 Zhejiang University 2,976,163 M7 38.19 PRJNA66625 SAMN02604342 GCA_000218305.1 SEQF2155.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Justus-Liebig-University Giessen 2,979,198 L99 38.19 PRJEA31327 SAMEA2272406 GCA_000209755.1 SEQF6906.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 SC 2,864,663 NCTC10357 38.06 PRJEB6403 SAMEA44515918 GCA_900187225.1 SEQF6907.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Nofima 2,964,472 S10 37.87 PRJNA609411 SAMN14260707 GCA_018336755.1 SEQF6908.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Cornell University 2,907,486 L2626 38.0 PRJNA243256 SAMN02713641 GCA_001027245.1 SEQF6909.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 2 Nofima 3,093,572 MF4697 37.98 PRJNA419519 SAMN08056487 GCA_002848465.1 SEQF6910.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 ERA-NET / Spatelis 2,951,805 ATCC 19117 37.99 PRJEA51859 SAMEA2271997 GCA_000307025.1 SEQF6911.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 2 Microbiological Diagnostic Unit 2,989,366 AUSMDU00000224 37.93 PRJNA556438 SAMN13191635 GCA_009664775.1 SEQF6912.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 United State Department of Agriculture 2,871,995 52330 38.15 PRJNA493236 SAMN10148445 GCA_008807975.1 SEQF6913.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 2 Nofima 3,035,873 MF4545 37.95 PRJNA419519 SAMN08056483 GCA_002848505.1 SEQF6914.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 ROBERT KOCH INSTITUT 2,986,724 12-05460 37.95 PRJEB24496 SAMEA104485072 GCA_014983945.1 SEQF6915.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 University of Kentucky 2,885,142 UKVDL9 38.24 PRJNA679051 SAMN16822871 GCA_015689035.1 SEQF6916.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 2 FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition 3,094,088 CFSAN008100 37.93 PRJNA541969 SAMN02689388 GCA_009648695.1 SEQF6917.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty 2,989,591 Lm60 38.0 PRJNA255073 SAMN03003922 GCA_000746625.1 SEQF6918.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 N.F.Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology 2,865,353 24618 38.06 PRJNA605697 SAMN14074485 GCA_014304775.1 SEQF6919.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Canadian Food Inspection Agency 2,865,342 GTA-L407 38.06 PRJNA803486 SAMN25653831 GCA_022220745.1 SEQF6920.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 2 Nestle Research Center 3,085,336 PIR00540 37.99 PRJNA420913 SAMN08125515 GCA_003043895.1 SEQF6921.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty 2,927,751 Lm 3163 38.0 PRJNA306210 SAMN04348333 GCA_001483405.1 SEQF6922.2 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 N.F.Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology 2,950,780 VIMVR081 37.99 PRJNA326713 SAMN05291439 GCA_001889585.2 SEQF6923.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency 2,913,085 LM18 38.01 PRJNA683759 SAMN17036357 GCA_016767835.1 SEQF6924.2 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,906,671 FDAARGOS_58 38.03 PRJNA231221 SAMN03255438 GCA_001188025.2 SEQF6925.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Enteric Diseases Laboratory Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,912,199 PNUSAL000144 38.0 PRJNA212117 SAMN02351401 GCA_002105675.1 SEQF6926.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 National Institute for Communicable Diseases 3,013,751 HM00113468 38.04 PRJNA451422 SAMN14364188 GCA_013389395.1 SEQF6927.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 ETH Zurich 2,942,510 WSLC 1018 37.99 PRJNA302838 SAMN04286628 GCA_001454845.1 SEQF6928.3 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 2 FDA/CFSAN 3,057,589 FDA00009448 37.91 PRJNA215355 SAMN04192179 GCA_004638545.3 SEQF6929.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Nofima 3,080,194 CH3K- 37.87 PRJNA609411 SAMN14260851 GCA_018336675.1 SEQF6930.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 2 Nofima 3,032,635 MF4626 37.94 PRJNA419519 SAMN08056486 GCA_002831485.1 SEQF6931.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Food-borne pathogen Omics Research Center, FORC 2,911,466 NCCP 15743 37.98 PRJNA450492 SAMN08939842 GCA_004771195.1 SEQF6932.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Dr. G.M. Taori, Central India Institute of Medical Sciences 2,954,075 CIIMS-NV-3 37.87 PRJNA422425 SAMN08177723 GCA_003409075.1 SEQF6933.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Nofima 2,884,293 3BS29 37.91 PRJNA609411 SAMN14260727 GCA_018604185.1 SEQF6934.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 University of California at Davis 2,943,218 J2-064;BL0117 37.99 PRJNA203445 SAMN02203122 GCA_000438625.1 SEQF6935.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 FDA/CFSAN 2,994,410 CFSAN054108 37.97 PRJNA243331 SAMN08663440 GCA_003030405.1 SEQF6936.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 2 Microbiological Diagnostic Unit 3,007,802 AUSMDU00000235 37.88 PRJNA556438 SAMN13191636 GCA_009664755.1 SEQF6937.2 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 University of California at Davis 2,981,886 J1-108 37.98 PRJNA203445 SAMN02203123 GCA_000438665.2 SEQF6938.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency 2,886,896 LM36 38.02 PRJNA692328 SAMN17320315 GCA_016775725.1 SEQF6939.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Nofima 2,959,738 MB2 37.85 PRJNA609411 SAMN14260762 GCA_018336795.1 SEQF6940.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition 2,942,451 CFSAN002349 37.97 PRJNA541969 SAMN01939119 GCA_009648655.1 SEQF6941.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 2,950,983 PartR-Lmonocytogenes-RM8376 37.99 PRJNA605254 SAMN14078809 GCA_022869685.1 SEQF6942.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Nofima 2,954,315 2BR25 37.9 PRJNA609411 SAMN14261395 GCA_018604205.1 SEQF6943.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 ROBERT KOCH INSTITUT 2,951,169 19-05816 37.96 PRJEB29295 SAMEA7376280 GCA_014987905.1 SEQF6944.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Central India Institute of Medical Sciences 2,941,368 CIIMS-PH-1 37.99 PRJNA401967 SAMN07612368 GCA_003433415.1 SEQF6945.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 United State Department of Agriculture 2,936,760 52873 38.06 PRJNA493236 SAMN10148454 GCA_008807875.1 SEQF6946.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 ERA-NET / Spatelis 2,972,172 SLCC2479 37.95 PRJEA51829 SAMEA2272506 GCA_000307005.1 SEQF6947.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Nofima 2,960,280 S12 37.87 PRJNA609411 SAMN14260686 GCA_018336715.1 SEQF6948.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition 2,939,705 CFSAN023464 37.98 PRJNA541969 SAMN03002784 GCA_009648675.1 SEQF6949.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 ERA-NET / Spatelis 2,882,234 SLCC7179 38.04 PRJEA51733 SAMEA2272571 GCA_000306985.1 SEQF6950.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 Nofima 3,081,000 C3 37.87 PRJNA609411 SAMN14260850 GCA_018336635.1 SEQF6951.1 825 Listeria monocytogenes latest 1 FDA/CFSAN 2,966,603 CFSAN028538 37.96 PRJNA215355 SAMN03285109 GCA_002105615.1 SEQF1054.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,879,836 Antiqua 47.71 PRJNA16645 SAMN02598369 GCA_000013825.1 SEQF1055.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 Sanger Institute 4,829,855 CO92 47.64 PRJNA34 SAMEA1705942 GCA_000009065.1 SEQF1056.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 2 Univ. Wisconsin 4,701,745 strain=KIM 47.7 PRJNA288 SAMN02604093 GCA_000006645.1 SEQF1057.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,646,286 Nepal516 47.64 PRJNA16646 SAMN02598370 GCA_000013805.1 SEQF1082.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 5 Academy of Military Medical Sciences, The Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, China 4,803,217 91001 47.67 PRJNA10638 SAMN02602970 GCA_000007885.1 SEQF1099.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,725,862 Pestoides F 47.73 PRJNA16700 SAMN02598373 GCA_000016445.1 SEQF1555.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 TIGR 4,687,014 Angola 47.61 PRJNA16067 SAMN02604042 GCA_000018805.1 SEQF1556.2 827 Yersinia pestis 10 ERIC 4,825,390 CA88-4125 47.63 PRJNA18241 SAMN02403940 GCA_000181455.2 SEQF1558.1 827 Yersinia pestis 23 ERIC (Enteropathogen Resource Integration Center) 4,629,080 Nepal516 47.61 PRJNA30503 SAMN02403941 GCA_000182485.1 SEQF1559.1 827 Yersinia pestis 37 ERIC (Enteropathogen Resource Integration Center) 4,750,606 Pestoides A 47.63 PRJNA30511 SAMN02403944 GCA_000182545.1 SEQF1560.1 827 Yersinia pestis 69 TIGR 4,841,690 str. B42003004 47.68 PRJNA17685 SAMN02404401 GCA_000169675.1 SEQF1561.1 827 Yersinia pestis 75 TIGR 4,847,813 str. E1979001 47.69 PRJNA17683 SAMN02404400 GCA_000169695.1 SEQF1562.1 827 Yersinia pestis 98 TIGR 4,838,246 str. UG05-0454 47.73 PRJNA17691 SAMN02404404 GCA_000169615.1 SEQF1563.1 827 Yersinia pestis 73 TIGR 4,720,694 strain=K1973002 47.63 PRJNA17687 SAMN02404402 GCA_000169655.1 SEQF1564.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 ERIC (Enteropathogen Resource Integration Center) 4,709,501 Harbin 35 47.6 PRJNA30505 SAMN02603222 GCA_000186725.1 SEQF1565.1 827 Yersinia pestis 107 TIGR 4,892,085 strain=F1991016 47.69 PRJNA17681 SAMN02404399 GCA_000170275.1 SEQF1566.1 827 Yersinia pestis 33 ERIC (Enteropathogen Resource Integration Center) 4,719,608 strain=India 195 47.57 PRJNA30507 SAMN02403942 GCA_000182505.1 SEQF1567.2 827 Yersinia pestis 102 TIGR 5,322,065 str. IP275 48.1 PRJNA16376 SAMN02404398 GCA_000168235.2 SEQF1568.1 827 Yersinia pestis 80 TIGR 4,977,609 strain=MG05-1020 47.61 PRJNA17689 SAMN02404403 GCA_000169635.1 SEQF1569.1 827 Yersinia pestis 5 Enteropathogen Resource Integration Center (ERIC) 4,770,886 strain=PEXU2 47.68 PRJNA30509 SAMN02403943 GCA_000182525.1 SEQF1844.1 827 Yersinia pestis 9 J. Craig Venter Institute 4,681,648 strain=KIM D27 47.6 PRJNA41469 SAMN02404405 GCA_000182705.1 SEQF2184.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 Los Alamos National Lab 4,658,411 A1122 47.63 PRJNA67155 SAMN02603531 GCA_000222975.1 SEQF2185.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention 4,812,922 D106004 47.63 PRJNA36507 SAMN02603871 GCA_000022805.1 SEQF2186.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention 4,802,263 D182038 47.64 PRJNA36545 SAMN02603872 GCA_000022825.1 SEQF2188.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention 4,725,788 Z176003 47.68 PRJNA36547 SAMN02603873 GCA_000022845.1 SEQF6057.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,728,318 Pestoides F 47.73 PRJNA239345 SAMN03121016 GCA_000834315.1 SEQF6058.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 US Food and Drug Administration 4,784,489 FDAARGOS_602 47.67 PRJNA231221 SAMN10228582 GCA_003798345.1 SEQF6059.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RARI 4,610,990 M-1482 47.66 PRJNA673664 SAMN16619716 GCA_015337645.1 SEQF6060.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,674,565 A1122 47.62 PRJNA240102 SAMN03074123 GCA_000834755.1 SEQF6061.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 US Food and Drug Administration 4,930,959 FDAARGOS_601 47.69 PRJNA231221 SAMN10228581 GCA_003798225.1 SEQF6062.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,675,987 8787 47.73 PRJNA208258 SAMN03943569 GCA_001188755.1 SEQF6063.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 SRCAMB 4,614,086 SCPM-O-B-6291 (C-25) 47.65 PRJNA269675 SAMN12991209 GCA_009296005.1 SEQF6064.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,709,246 Harbin35 47.59 PRJNA240100 SAMN02769655 GCA_000834275.1 SEQF6065.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,835,409 Shasta 47.63 PRJNA239341 SAMN03120838 GCA_000834335.1 SEQF6066.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,736,923 1413 47.72 PRJNA208251 SAMN03783058 GCA_001188935.1 SEQF6067.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 5 National institute for communicable disease control and prevention 4,852,443 S19960127 47.67 PRJNA577233 SAMN13021983 GCA_015190655.1 SEQF6068.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,861,517 PBM19 47.64 PRJNA240104 SAMN03074081 GCA_000834235.1 SEQF6069.2 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RusRAPI 4,553,687 EV NIIEG 47.57 PRJNA234351 SAMN02598688 GCA_000590535.2 SEQF6070.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RARI 4,617,857 M2086 47.66 PRJNA673664 SAMN16619723 GCA_015336695.1 SEQF6071.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RARI 4,616,538 I-1252 47.65 PRJNA673664 SAMN16619721 GCA_015336465.1 SEQF6072.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 5 SRCAMB 4,759,144 SCPM-O-DNA-18 (I-3113) 47.61 PRJNA269675 SAMN12991206 GCA_009295945.1 SEQF6073.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 SRCAMB 4,807,288 SCPM-O-B-5935 (I-1996) 47.64 PRJNA269675 SAMN12991208 GCA_009295965.1 SEQF6074.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,884,396 Antiqua 47.71 PRJNA240103 SAMN03174669 GCA_000834825.1 SEQF6075.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 NHGRI/NIH 4,831,198 195/P 47.65 PRJNA357858 SAMN06161235 GCA_002005285.1 SEQF6076.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,736,090 3067 47.71 PRJNA208254 SAMN03943655 GCA_001188795.1 SEQF6077.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,738,644 1522 47.71 PRJNA208252 SAMN03783057 GCA_001188715.1 SEQF6078.2 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RARI 4,636,545 M2085 47.64 PRJNA673664 SAMN16619720 GCA_015338045.2 SEQF6079.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,672,740 2944 47.59 PRJNA208249 SAMN03941711 GCA_001188815.1 SEQF6080.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RARI 4,604,910 C-781 47.65 PRJNA673664 SAMN16619712 GCA_015336085.1 SEQF6081.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RARI 4,499,502 KM 567 47.58 PRJNA673664 SAMN16619715 GCA_015337445.1 SEQF6082.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,735,667 3770 47.72 PRJNA208257 SAMN03943654 GCA_001188775.1 SEQF6083.2 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RARI 4,481,542 C-792 47.69 PRJNA673664 SAMN16619714 GCA_015337085.2 SEQF6084.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,674,610 Angola 47.62 PRJNA240101 SAMN03177051 GCA_000834845.1 SEQF6085.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 USAMRIID 4,778,555 Cadman 47.59 PRJNA326509 SAMN05282282 GCA_001693595.1 SEQF6086.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,738,142 Pestoides G 47.73 PRJNA240082 SAMN03202985 GCA_000834985.1 SEQF6087.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RARI 4,612,708 M-1974 47.66 PRJNA673664 SAMN16619719 GCA_015336865.1 SEQF6088.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 Los Alamos National Laboratory 4,700,481 Nicholisk 41 47.59 PRJNA240108 SAMN03216612 GCA_000834885.1 SEQF6089.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RARI 4,644,349 M2029 47.64 PRJNA673664 SAMN16619718 GCA_015336265.1 SEQF6090.2 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RARI 4,612,530 M-1770 47.66 PRJNA673664 SAMN16619717 GCA_015337825.2 SEQF6091.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 4 SRCAMB 4,806,721 SCPM-O-B-6899 (231) 47.64 PRJNA269675 SAMN12991205 GCA_009295925.1 SEQF6092.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 5 SRCAMB 4,848,320 SCPM-O-B-5942 (I-2638) 47.67 PRJNA269675 SAMN12991207 GCA_009363195.1 SEQF6093.1 827 Yersinia pestis latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 4,929,654 FDAARGOS_603 47.71 PRJNA231221 SAMN10228583 GCA_003798205.1 SEQF6094.2 827 Yersinia pestis latest 1 RARI 4,601,712 14D 47.64 PRJNA669044 SAMN16431992 GCA_015159615.2 SEQF1086.1 828 Bordetella pertussis 1 Sanger Institute 4,086,189 Tohama I) 67.72 PRJNA26 SAMEA1705933 GCA_000195715.1 SEQF2266.1 828 Bordetella pertussis 1 National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products 4,124,236 CS 67.73 PRJNA66287 SAMN02603647 GCA_000212975.1 SEQF7923.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,088,701 H640 67.72 PRJNA279196 SAMN08136977 GCA_004008975.1 SEQF7924.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 4,096,524 FDAARGOS_1543 67.71 PRJNA231221 SAMN22091640 GCA_020736265.1 SEQF7925.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 WTSI 4,043,846 18323 67.69 PRJEB144 SAMEA2272749 GCA_000306945.1 SEQF7926.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,109,543 I271 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN03702649 GCA_001987195.1 SEQF7927.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,102,201 F011 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN03455340 GCA_001985105.1 SEQF7928.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 4,105,436 FDAARGOS_1366 67.7 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357508 GCA_016904375.1 SEQF7929.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,106,491 H775 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN03702624 GCA_001986695.1 SEQF7930.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,104,253 J662 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN08524468 GCA_004636805.1 SEQF7931.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,103,084 J121 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN04383582 GCA_001989055.1 SEQF7932.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,107,428 J296 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN04383599 GCA_001988475.1 SEQF7933.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 University of Bath 4,106,161 NZ18 67.71 PRJNA556977 SAMN12385777 GCA_022409295.1 SEQF7934.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 University of Bath 4,108,152 UK39 67.7 PRJNA478201 SAMN09721535 GCA_003355065.1 SEQF7935.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 University of Bath 4,107,406 NZ6 67.71 PRJNA556977 SAMN12385765 GCA_022409535.1 SEQF7936.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,105,351 H814 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN08164940 GCA_004009015.1 SEQF7937.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,110,587 J152 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN04383586 GCA_002068675.1 SEQF7938.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,108,479 H787 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN03702626 GCA_001986735.1 SEQF7939.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,087,073 J132 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN08524449 GCA_004636965.1 SEQF7940.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,107,558 J019 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN03702675 GCA_001987715.1 SEQF7941.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,106,401 C549 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN04221181 GCA_001988075.1 SEQF7942.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 James Madison University 4,128,711 VA-198 67.7 PRJNA321467 SAMN04867638 GCA_001686485.1 SEQF7943.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,106,548 J024 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN07352194 GCA_004008475.1 SEQF7944.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,100,915 J078 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN07137592 GCA_002240435.1 SEQF7945.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,107,611 I955 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN07352192 GCA_004009735.1 SEQF7946.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,104,580 I238 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN03455363 GCA_001985565.1 SEQF7947.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 National Institute of Infectious Diseases 4,130,169 BP616 67.72 PRJDB7578 SAMD00328237 GCA_019974435.1 SEQF7948.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,105,302 I623 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN08164947 GCA_004009175.1 SEQF7949.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,106,396 H784 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN03455357 GCA_001985445.1 SEQF7950.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,106,392 H382 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN04221186 GCA_001988175.1 SEQF7951.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,108,444 J077 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN07352197 GCA_004007155.1 SEQF7952.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,105,346 J526 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN08471228 GCA_004636305.1 SEQF7953.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,106,349 J582 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN08524455 GCA_004636865.1 SEQF7954.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 University of Bath 4,107,413 NZ58 67.71 PRJNA556977 SAMN12585524 GCA_022406935.1 SEQF7955.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,133,777 C393 67.72 PRJNA266616 SAMN03249373 GCA_001605275.1 SEQF7956.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,102,182 H911 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN03464275 GCA_001986235.1 SEQF7957.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,110,577 J260 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN08395617 GCA_004635185.1 SEQF7958.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,104,386 J171 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN07352209 GCA_004637205.1 SEQF7959.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,108,481 J253 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN08395610 GCA_004635305.1 SEQF7960.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,105,342 H437 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN03702617 GCA_001986555.1 SEQF7961.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. 4,144,451 VS366;Bordetella pertussis 67.71 PRJEB25820 SAMEA1062146 GCA_900327835.1 SEQF7962.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,113,707 J204 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN07352213 GCA_004637185.1 SEQF7963.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,106,490 H559 67.71 PRJNA266616 SAMN03249368 GCA_001605115.1 SEQF7964.3 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 RIVM 4,102,186 B1917 67.71 PRJNA46277 SAMN02470863 GCA_000193595.3 SEQF7965.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,110,578 J334 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN08395633 GCA_004634725.1 SEQF7966.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,111,643 J374 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN08469394 GCA_004636165.1 SEQF7967.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,107,367 J698 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN08524481 GCA_004635665.1 SEQF7968.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,112,699 J603 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN08524459 GCA_004635905.1 SEQF7969.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,107,408 I945 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN08164950 GCA_004009495.1 SEQF7970.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,110,589 H910 67.7 PRJNA279196 SAMN03702636 GCA_001986935.1 SEQF7971.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 University of Bath 4,111,589 NZ66 67.7 PRJNA556977 SAMN12585532 GCA_022409135.1 SEQF7972.1 828 Bordetella pertussis latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,104,277 H915 67.71 PRJNA279196 SAMN03464276 GCA_001986255.1 SEQF1577.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,617,545 409-05 42.02 PRJNA31001 SAMN02299422 GCA_000025205.1 SEQF1757.2 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 Baylor College of Medicine 1,667,350 ATCC 14019 41.36 PRJNA31473 SAMN00001462 GCA_000159155.2 SEQF2049.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,726,519 HMP9231 41.23 PRJNA51067 SAMN00100736 GCA_000213955.1 SEQF2068.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis 117 Center for the Study of Biological Complexity, Virginia Commonwealth University 1,606,758 strain=AMD 42.09 PRJNA40893 SAMN02472072 GCA_000176475.1 SEQF2280.2 829 Gardnerella vaginalis 13 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,653,275 315-A 41.39 PRJNA52049 SAMN00138210 GCA_000214315.2 SEQF2282.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 94 Center for the Study of Biological Complexity, Virginia Commonwealth University 1,672,842 5-1 42.04 PRJNA40895 SAMN02472071 GCA_000176495.1 SEQF2491.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis 27 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,548,244 strain=1500E 42.96 PRJNA42447 SAMN02393780 GCA_000263595.1 SEQF2492.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis 16 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,650,838 strain=284V 41.18 PRJNA42431 SAMN02393773 GCA_000263435.1 SEQF7979.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 SC 1,667,383 NCTC10287 41.36 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4535760 GCA_900637625.1 SEQF7980.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 Shandong University 1,742,450 JNFY4 41.56 PRJNA761238 SAMN21246402 GCA_023277685.1 SEQF7981.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 Shandong University 1,711,437 JNFY1 41.61 PRJNA761238 SAMN21246400 GCA_023277725.1 SEQF7982.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 Shandong University 1,682,566 JNFY13 41.64 PRJNA761238 SAMN21246405 GCA_023277625.1 SEQF7983.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 Shandong University 1,640,523 JNFY9 41.41 PRJNA761238 SAMN21246403 GCA_023277665.1 SEQF7984.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 Shandong University 1,595,814 JNFY17 42.74 PRJNA761238 SAMN21246408 GCA_023277565.1 SEQF7985.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 Shandong University 1,680,963 JNFY14 41.67 PRJNA761238 SAMN21246406 GCA_023277605.1 SEQF7986.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 Shandong University 1,743,456 JNFY11 41.82 PRJNA761238 SAMN21246404 GCA_023277645.1 SEQF7987.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,716,590 FDAARGOS_568 41.26 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163192 GCA_003812765.1 SEQF7988.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 Institute of Biotechnology, Vilnius University 1,746,718 GV37 41.76 PRJNA360037 SAMN06199463 GCA_001953155.1 SEQF7989.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 1,684,415 DSM 4944 41.34 PRJEB16365 SAMN04488545 GCA_900105405.1 SEQF7990.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 18 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,507,903 GED7275B 42.59 PRJNA272096 SAMN03851014 GCA_001546445.1 SEQF7991.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 17 Loyola University Chicago 1,742,219 UMB0061 41.2 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193668 GCA_002861165.1 SEQF7992.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 4 Loyola University Chicago 1,514,739 UMB0170 42.29 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511406 GCA_002884855.1 SEQF7993.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 12 Loyola University Chicago 1,502,805 UMB1350 42.12 PRJNA316969 SAMN15064055 GCA_013315125.1 SEQF7994.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 5 Loyola University Chicago 1,586,334 UMB1698 41.92 PRJNA316969 SAMN15064057 GCA_013315145.1 SEQF7995.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 28 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,716,325 1400E 41.18 PRJNA42445 SAMN02393779 GCA_000263495.1 SEQF7996.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 10 UK Health Security Agency 1,651,935 KC2 41.27 PRJNA783220 SAMN23424279 GCA_023016185.1 SEQF7997.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 139 Washington University 1,573,879 JCP8481B 43.06 PRJNA181325 SAMN02436829 GCA_000414445.1 SEQF7998.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 4 Loyola University Chicago 1,513,612 UMB0913 42.12 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193670 GCA_002861145.1 SEQF7999.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 9 Loyola University Chicago 1,743,554 UMB0775 41.16 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193678 GCA_002861925.1 SEQF8000.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 3 Ghent University 1,470,925 UGent 09.48 42.22 PRJNA474758 SAMN09373176 GCA_003397635.1 SEQF8001.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 3 Ghent University 1,658,566 UGent 25.49 41.23 PRJNA474758 SAMN09373179 GCA_003397605.1 SEQF8002.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 25 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,489,151 GED7760B 43.41 PRJNA272108 SAMN03851015 GCA_001546455.1 SEQF8003.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 439 Ghent University 2,009,583 UGent 09.01 41.29 PRJNA474758 SAMN09373174 GCA_003397755.1 SEQF8004.2 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 2 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 1,770,983 FDAARGOS_296 41.3 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173309 GCA_002206225.2 SEQF8005.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 144 Washington University 1,520,733 JCP8066 42.4 PRJNA181319 SAMN02436710 GCA_000414565.1 SEQF8006.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 181 Washington University 1,535,941 JCP7659 42.03 PRJNA181314 SAMN02436712 GCA_000414665.1 SEQF8007.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 7 University of Saskatchewan 1,542,981 N101 42.37 PRJNA265097 SAMN03145579 GCA_003369895.1 SEQF8008.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 11 Loyola University Chicago 1,647,311 UMB0143 41.27 PRJNA316969 SAMN15064064 GCA_013315005.1 SEQF8009.2 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 43 Virginia Commonwealth University 1,527,495 101 43.36 PRJNA53359 SAMN02472073 GCA_000165615.2 SEQF8010.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 10 Loyola University Chicago 1,695,986 UMB0770 41.21 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193677 GCA_002861945.1 SEQF8011.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 7 Loyola University Chicago 1,510,549 UMB1686 43.32 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511412 GCA_002884775.1 SEQF8012.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 151 Washington University 1,665,594 JCP8108 41.19 PRJNA181321 SAMN02436830 GCA_000414525.1 SEQF8013.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 1 Loyola University Chicago 1,472,679 UMB0742 42.17 PRJNA316969 SAMN15064058 GCA_013315135.1 SEQF8014.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 17 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,708,773 0288E 41.22 PRJNA42437 SAMN02393775 GCA_000263555.1 SEQF8015.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 6 University of Saskatchewan 1,541,756 N153 42.36 PRJNA265102 SAMN03145603 GCA_003369935.1 SEQF8016.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 3 Loyola University Chicago 1,676,015 UMB0298 41.21 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193676 GCA_002861975.1 SEQF8017.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 148 Washington University 1,560,453 JCP8151A 42.19 PRJNA181322 SAMN02436772 GCA_000414505.1 SEQF8018.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 7 University of Washington 1,724,694 DNF01149 41.21 PRJNA338971 SAMN05578253 GCA_002894105.1 SEQF8019.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 138 Washington University 1,479,254 JCP8070 42.35 PRJNA181320 SAMN02436911 GCA_000414545.1 SEQF8020.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 8 UK Health Security Agency 1,657,976 KC4 41.32 PRJNA783220 SAMN23424281 GCA_023016225.1 SEQF8021.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 59 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,596,709 PSS_7772B 43.11 PRJNA272100 SAMN03851016 GCA_001546485.1 SEQF8022.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 11 Medical Diagnostic Laboratories 1,732,251 3549624 41.36 PRJNA288563 SAMN03801593 GCA_001049785.1 SEQF8023.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 16 Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute 1,566,055 00703Bmash 42.28 PRJNA42449 SAMN02393781 GCA_000263615.1 SEQF8024.1 829 Gardnerella vaginalis latest 184 Washington University 1,562,234 JCP7275 41.05 PRJNA181312 SAMN02436832 GCA_000414705.1 SEQF1784.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 55 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,452,380 28-1 55.07 PRJNA34103 SAMN00002501 GCA_000176775.1 SEQF1785.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 15 Baylor College of Medicine 2,435,166 ATCC 35243 55.82 PRJNA34633 SAMN00139192 GCA_000160615.1 SEQF2127.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 24 Baylor College of Medicine 2,533,633 ATCC 35239 56.34 PRJNA51375 SAMN00216800 GCA_000146895.1 SEQF2128.2 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 46 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,384,880 FB024-16 55.06 PRJNA51063 SAMN00100748 GCA_000148485.2 SEQF7408.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 12 SC 2,529,093 NCTC11658 55.05 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4434523 GCA_900453215.1 SEQF7409.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 7 SC 2,661,365 NCTC11497 54.92 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104224798 GCA_900453275.1 SEQF7410.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 87 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,539,527 4 55.13 PRJNA625902 SAMN14611115 GCA_012976725.1 SEQF7411.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 1 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,481,783 DSM 2710 55.02 PRJNA566818 SAMN12793120 GCA_014204735.1 SEQF7412.2 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 5 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 2,662,734 FDAARGOS_303 55.16 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173316 GCA_002206485.2 SEQF7413.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 100 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,566,104 12 54.83 PRJNA625902 SAMN14611120 GCA_012976645.1 SEQF7414.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 80 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,524,671 11 55.14 PRJNA625902 SAMN14611119 GCA_012976665.1 SEQF7415.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 8 SC 2,510,813 NCTC11819 55.0 PRJEB6403 SAMEA44530918 GCA_900450465.1 SEQF7416.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 101 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,541,989 20 55.04 PRJNA625902 SAMN14611123 GCA_012976595.1 SEQF7417.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 71 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,511,356 7 55.17 PRJNA625902 SAMN14611117 GCA_012976695.1 SEQF7418.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 74 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,527,631 5 55.13 PRJNA625902 SAMN14611116 GCA_012976885.1 SEQF7419.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 97 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,564,252 8 55.02 PRJNA625902 SAMN14611118 GCA_012976685.1 SEQF7420.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 83 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,557,245 3 55.0 PRJNA625902 SAMN14611114 GCA_012976865.1 SEQF7421.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 84 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,562,403 23 54.91 PRJNA625902 SAMN14611124 GCA_012976585.1 SEQF7422.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 42 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,593,700 13 54.93 PRJNA625902 SAMN14611121 GCA_012976625.1 SEQF7423.1 830 Mobiluncus mulieris latest 130 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,597,282 16 54.76 PRJNA625902 SAMN14611122 GCA_012976895.1 SEQF2412.1 831 Alloiococcus otitis latest 8 Broad Institute 1,806,596 ATCC 51267 45.29 PRJNA52161 SAMN02463901 GCA_000315445.1 SEQF9086.1 831 Alloiococcus otitis latest 4 SC 1,875,153 NCTC13840 44.71 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4535746 GCA_900445205.1 SEQF2407.1 832 Corynebacterium otitidis latest 6 Broad Institute 2,118,285 ATCC 51513 71.76 PRJNA52203 SAMN02463914 GCA_000296405.1 SEQF6628.1 832 Corynebacterium otitidis latest 148 CDPH 2,144,430 TD1 71.28 PRJNA282675 SAMN03573806 GCA_000988215.1 SEQF6629.2 832 Corynebacterium otitidis latest 32 Center for Biotechnology 2,154,859 ATCC 51513 72.42 PRJEB96 SAMEA2272804 GCA_000297795.2 SEQF1102.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre 1,863,286 BBH18 41.67 PRJNA46869 SAMN02603777 GCA_000092265.1 SEQF1968.2 833 Moraxella catarrhalis 69 Center for Genomic Sciences 1,856,042 strain=46P47B1 41.58 PRJNA49913 SAMN02393787 GCA_000192945.2 SEQF2129.2 833 Moraxella catarrhalis 53 Center for Genomic Sciences 1,814,430 12P80B1 41.7 PRJNA49915 SAMN02393788 GCA_000192965.2 SEQF2130.2 833 Moraxella catarrhalis 26 Center for Genomic Sciences 1,866,092 101P30B1 41.65 PRJNA49925 SAMN02393793 GCA_000193065.2 SEQF2131.2 833 Moraxella catarrhalis 99 Center for Genomic Sciences 1,961,697 strain=103P14B1 41.53 PRJNA49911 SAMN02393786 GCA_000192925.2 SEQF2132.2 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 35 Center for Genomic Sciences 1,903,901 7169 41.65 PRJNA49907 SAMN02393785 GCA_000192905.2 SEQF2133.2 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 43 Center for Genomic Sciences 1,954,090 BC1 41.41 PRJNA49917 SAMN02393789 GCA_000192985.2 SEQF2134.2 833 Moraxella catarrhalis 37 Center for Genomic Sciences 1,904,293 BC7 41.46 PRJNA49919 SAMN02393790 GCA_000193005.2 SEQF2135.2 833 Moraxella catarrhalis 32 Center for Genomic Sciences 1,912,542 strain=BC8 41.56 PRJNA49921 SAMN02393791 GCA_000193025.2 SEQF2136.2 833 Moraxella catarrhalis 25 Center for Genomic Sciences 1,947,635 strain=CO72 41.4 PRJNA49923 SAMN02393792 GCA_000193045.2 SEQF2137.2 833 Moraxella catarrhalis 42 Center for Genomic Sciences 1,776,416 O35E 41.66 PRJNA49927 SAMN02393794 GCA_000193085.2 SEQF2879.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Los Alamos National Laboratory 1,941,566 25240 41.49 PRJNA244569 SAMN02870719 GCA_000740455.1 SEQF2946.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis 46 The Genome Institute at Washington University 1,899,912 strain=HMSC061H09 41.58 PRJNA296180 SAMN04495798 GCA_001809255.1 SEQF4767.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 2 Griffith University 1,994,386 CCRI-195ME 41.56 PRJNA350869 SAMN05949222 GCA_002080125.1 SEQF4768.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 SC 1,907,984 NCTC11020 41.59 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4076728 GCA_900476075.1 SEQF4769.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,832,141 74P58B1 41.75 PRJNA509208 SAMN10536192 GCA_003971345.1 SEQF4770.2 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 1,907,985 FDAARGOS_213 41.59 PRJNA231221 SAMN04875550 GCA_002073215.2 SEQF4771.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,909,077 142P87B1 41.6 PRJNA509208 SAMN10536190 GCA_003971305.1 SEQF4772.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,832,216 74P50B1 41.75 PRJNA509208 SAMN10536191 GCA_003971285.1 SEQF4773.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Griffith University 1,887,974 25239 41.6 PRJNA235932 SAMN02595593 GCA_000766665.1 SEQF4774.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 1,933,669 5P47B2 41.5 PRJNA509208 SAMN10536188 GCA_003971365.1 SEQF4775.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 1,941,980 FDAARGOS_304 41.5 PRJNA231221 SAMN06173317 GCA_002984125.1 SEQF4776.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,045,324 46P58B1 41.55 PRJNA509208 SAMN10536193 GCA_003971325.1 SEQF4777.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Wroclaw University 1,843,517 MC1 41.78 PRJNA272372 SAMN03281022 GCA_003443915.1 SEQF4778.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Wroclaw University 1,852,323 MC5 41.71 PRJNA272372 SAMN03281025 GCA_003443935.1 SEQF4779.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Wroclaw University 1,849,375 MC8 41.77 PRJNA272372 SAMN03281027 GCA_003443975.1 SEQF4780.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 1 Wroclaw University 1,839,052 MC6 41.82 PRJNA272372 SAMN03281026 GCA_003443955.1 SEQF4781.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 56 University of Leicester 1,928,197 COPD_M22 41.66 PRJNA488991 SAMN09947521 GCA_003625735.1 SEQF4782.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 17 University of Western Australia 2,006,492 64/108/1 41.31 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672466 GCA_009378535.1 SEQF4783.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 18 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,885,013 CCUG 353 41.56 PRJNA302716 SAMN04606841 GCA_001632285.1 SEQF4784.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 61 University of Western Australia 1,894,042 3503282R 41.63 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672412 GCA_009378945.1 SEQF4785.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 25 University of Western Australia 1,834,438 BBH18 41.64 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672470 GCA_009378225.1 SEQF4786.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 37 University of Leicester 1,937,011 COPD_M67 41.45 PRJNA488991 SAMN09947538 GCA_003626235.1 SEQF4787.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 44 University of Leicester 1,834,204 COPD_M109 41.72 PRJNA488991 SAMN09947551 GCA_003626035.1 SEQF4788.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 8 SC 2,026,608 NCTC3622 41.49 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4552895 GCA_900453095.1 SEQF4789.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 36 University of Leicester 1,904,835 COPD_M16 41.51 PRJNA488991 SAMN09947519 GCA_003625785.1 SEQF4790.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 26 Drexel University College of Medicine 1,889,361 N12 41.61 PRJNA297370 SAMN04122797 GCA_001656455.1 SEQF4791.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 71 Drexel University College of Medicine 1,942,453 N19 41.54 PRJNA297370 SAMN04122799 GCA_001656205.1 SEQF4792.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 41 Drexel University College of Medicine 1,953,603 R4 41.63 PRJNA297370 SAMN04122802 GCA_001656215.1 SEQF4793.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 26 University of Western Australia 1,969,511 3481088Y 41.39 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672405 GCA_009378925.1 SEQF4794.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 44 University of Leicester 1,910,259 COPD_M94 41.77 PRJNA488991 SAMN09947546 GCA_003626095.1 SEQF4795.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 53 University of Leicester 1,929,113 COPD_M28 41.65 PRJNA488991 SAMN09947522 GCA_003625725.1 SEQF4796.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 44 University of Leicester 1,862,706 COPD_M8 41.78 PRJNA488991 SAMN09947517 GCA_003625835.1 SEQF4797.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 31 University of Western Australia 1,891,472 5/131/1 41.46 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672437 GCA_009378725.1 SEQF4798.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 539 Ares Genetics 2,050,642 AS012769 43.85 PRJNA553678 SAMN12251088 GCA_010612395.1 SEQF4799.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 44 University of Western Australia 1,966,968 120/402/3 41.61 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672443 GCA_009379455.1 SEQF4800.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 29 University of Western Australia 1,994,652 1583718S 41.42 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672423 GCA_009379395.1 SEQF4801.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 20 University of Leicester 1,930,767 COPD_M49 41.65 PRJNA488991 SAMN09947532 GCA_003626335.1 SEQF4802.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 26 University of Western Australia 1,990,466 3753746B 41.49 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672406 GCA_009378915.1 SEQF4803.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 30 University of Western Australia 1,959,709 3331584D 41.49 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672403 GCA_009379015.1 SEQF4804.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 57 University of Western Australia 1,859,556 4840991N 41.63 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672419 GCA_009378795.1 SEQF4805.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 66 University of Western Australia 1,899,072 23/95/1 41.56 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672456 GCA_009379115.1 SEQF4806.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 48 University of Western Australia 1,935,508 3476642E 41.53 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672404 GCA_009378935.1 SEQF4807.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 49 University of Western Australia 1,961,881 78/205/2 41.41 PRJNA408200 SAMN07672462 GCA_009378405.1 SEQF4808.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 43 Andres Bello University 1,855,077 S12N 41.64 PRJNA688249 SAMN17178391 GCA_022341255.1 SEQF4809.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 38 Andres Bello University 1,866,756 P15N 41.72 PRJNA688249 SAMN17178387 GCA_022341395.1 SEQF4810.1 833 Moraxella catarrhalis latest 33 Andres Bello University 1,936,065 P17N 41.41 PRJNA688249 SAMN17178388 GCA_022341345.1 SEQF2695.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 69 Liaoning University 6,296,889 LNU-E-001 66.45 PRJNA241481 SAMN02690695 GCA_000632755.1 SEQF5475.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 6,089,454 MrB4 67.22 PRJDB9285 SAMD00204525 GCA_011397855.1 SEQF5476.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 1 Laboratory of Bacterial Genomics, Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases 6,198,093 WP8-S17-CRE-03 67.14 PRJDB6962 SAMD00194592 GCA_014161995.1 SEQF5477.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 1 The Independent Schools Foundation Academy 6,202,375 CSMC7.1 67.15 PRJNA757914 SAMN20982461 GCA_019879085.1 SEQF5478.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 151 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 6,191,191 10M 66.21 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323025 GCA_011320015.1 SEQF5479.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 110 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,933,870 34M 66.35 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323030 GCA_011319785.1 SEQF5480.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 735 Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul 6,582,512 25_K 66.61 PRJNA594288 SAMN13511246 GCA_009793325.1 SEQF5481.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 111 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,812,363 35M 66.3 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323031 GCA_011319935.1 SEQF5482.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 117 Department of Microbiology, Juntendo University School of Medicine 6,115,390 BML-PP033 67.31 PRJDB10089 SAMD00422626 GCA_021602265.1 SEQF5483.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 787 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 6,479,270 13M 66.32 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323027 GCA_011320035.1 SEQF5484.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 298 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,959,014 12M 66.26 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323026 GCA_011319985.1 SEQF5485.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 127 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,976,943 15M 66.1 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323028 GCA_011319975.1 SEQF5486.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 100 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,885,955 41M 66.29 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323035 GCA_011319865.1 SEQF5487.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 144 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,883,779 32M 66.28 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323029 GCA_011319955.1 SEQF5488.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 50 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 6,344,741 DSM 17224 66.86 PRJEB17072 SAMN05216263 GCA_900111835.1 SEQF5489.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 138 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,877,097 39M 66.28 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323034 GCA_011319855.1 SEQF5490.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 215 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,900,461 9M 66.28 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323024 GCA_011320055.1 SEQF5491.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 178 Department of Microbiology, Juntendo University School of Medicine 6,570,189 BML-PP029 66.82 PRJDB10089 SAMD00422623 GCA_021602085.1 SEQF5492.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 198 Cepheid 5,985,337 15988 67.33 PRJNA701275 SAMN17860429 GCA_017582645.1 SEQF5493.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 115 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,810,702 36M 66.3 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323032 GCA_011319895.1 SEQF5494.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 104 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5,886,289 38M 66.29 PRJNA610893 SAMN14323033 GCA_011319905.1 SEQF5495.1 834 Pseudomonas otitidis latest 381 Lebanese American University 6,124,838 PAM-1 67.08 PRJNA437548 SAMN08667545 GCA_003034155.1 SEQF3150.1 835 Corynebacterium mucifaciens latest 25 Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch (CDC) 2,185,664 ATCC 700355 65.47 PRJNA622446 SAMN14517857 GCA_012396315.1 SEQF1681.1 836 Peptoniphilus lacrimalis latest 145 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,625,156 F0141 30.33 PRJNA49437 SAMN00031762 GCA_000179335.1 SEQF1795.1 836 Peptoniphilus lacrimalis latest 71 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,699,205 315-B 29.91 PRJNA34107 SAMN00008345 GCA_000176955.1 SEQF2505.1 836 Peptoniphilus lacrimalis latest 21 DOE Joint Genome Institute 1,849,203 DSM 7455 30.22 PRJNA182433 SAMN02441667 GCA_000378725.1 SEQF3881.1 836 Peptoniphilus lacrimalis latest 2 SC 1,883,562 NCTC13149 30.34 PRJEB6403 SAMEA48406918 GCA_900454715.1 SEQF3087.1 837 Sneathia sanguinegens latest 32 Robert Koch Institute 1,291,023 CCUG41628 26.75 PRJNA305231 SAMN04320708 GCA_001517935.1 SEQF1770.1 838 Lactobacillus iners 12 BCM 1,277,649 DSM 13335 32.95 PRJNA31491 SAMN00139432 GCA_000160875.1 SEQF2090.1 838 Lactobacillus iners 7 Baylor College of Medicine 1,238,993 strain=ATCC 55195 33.64 PRJNA53061 SAMN00216799 GCA_000185405.1 SEQF2091.2 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 92 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,294,173 LactinV 01V1-a 32.65 PRJNA52033 SAMN00115036 GCA_000149125.2 SEQF2092.2 838 Lactobacillus iners 67 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,303,958 LactinV 03V1-b 32.7 PRJNA52035 SAMN00115037 GCA_000149105.2 SEQF2093.2 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 35 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,312,334 LactinV 09V1-c 32.66 PRJNA52037 SAMN00115038 GCA_000149085.2 SEQF2094.2 838 Lactobacillus iners 27 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,310,250 LactinV 11V1-d 32.62 PRJNA52039 SAMN00115040 GCA_000149065.2 SEQF2095.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 28 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,322,320 LEAF 2052A-d 32.68 PRJNA52043 SAMN00115041 GCA_000179955.1 SEQF2096.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 37 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,368,717 LEAF 2053A-b 32.36 PRJNA52041 SAMN00115039 GCA_000179935.1 SEQF2097.1 838 Lactobacillus iners 24 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,303,868 strain=LEAF 2062A-h1 32.65 PRJNA52045 SAMN00115042 GCA_000179975.1 SEQF2098.1 838 Lactobacillus iners 25 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,273,041 strain=LEAF 3008A-a 32.47 PRJNA52047 SAMN00115043 GCA_000179995.1 SEQF2099.2 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 52 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,281,027 SPIN 1401G 32.53 PRJNA52029 SAMN00115034 GCA_000204435.2 SEQF2100.2 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 31 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,283,897 SPIN 2503V10-D 32.57 PRJNA52031 SAMN00115035 GCA_000149145.2 SEQF2101.2 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 21 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,257,583 UPII 143-D 32.55 PRJNA60373 SAMN00138211 GCA_000191685.2 SEQF2102.2 838 Lactobacillus iners 31 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,323,615 strain=UPII 60-B 32.65 PRJNA60375 SAMN00138212 GCA_000191705.2 SEQF8623.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 1 University of Maryland Baltimore 1,314,822 C0254C1 33.02 PRJNA608123 SAMN14165693 GCA_011058795.1 SEQF8624.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 2 University of Maryland Baltimore 1,474,256 C0094A1 33.19 PRJNA608123 SAMN14165698 GCA_011058695.1 SEQF8625.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 2 University of Maryland Baltimore 1,507,452 C0210C1 33.2 PRJNA608123 SAMN14165695 GCA_011058755.1 SEQF8626.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 1 Seoul National Univerisity 1,339,101 KY 33.35 PRJNA603871 SAMN13943229 GCA_010748955.1 SEQF8627.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 2 University of Maryland Baltimore 1,503,611 C0011D1 33.26 PRJNA608123 SAMN14165696 GCA_011058735.1 SEQF8628.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 1 University of Maryland Baltimore 1,379,123 C0059G1 33.27 PRJNA608123 SAMN14165697 GCA_011058715.1 SEQF8629.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 1 University of Maryland Baltimore 1,318,700 C0322A1 33.09 PRJNA608123 SAMN14165694 GCA_011058775.1 SEQF8630.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 1 Korea University 1,363,099 LI335 33.28 PRJNA579408 SAMN13111368 GCA_009556455.1 SEQF8631.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 14 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,289,041 0998_735_1_CBA_90D_S802-bin_1 32.49 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207581 GCA_022456375.1 SEQF8632.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 10 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,241,067 JKR_12_29_17_D06_S716-bin_1 32.51 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207610 GCA_022456055.1 SEQF8633.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 20 Massachusetts General Hospital 890,472 F2_1463_1084_3_CBA12_S285-bin_1-SPLIT 32.52 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207595 GCA_022458175.1 SEQF8634.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 6 Massachusetts General Hospital 997,950 E2_1697_1278_1_CBA2_S163-bin_2-SPLIT 32.75 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207586 GCA_022458055.1 SEQF8635.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 12 EMG 1,274,722 MGYG-HGUT-01383 32.99 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850886 GCA_902374445.1 SEQF8636.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 4 Massachusetts General Hospital 632,360 0861_630_1_1_MRSI1_rep2_S857-bin_3 32.37 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207568 GCA_022457805.1 SEQF8637.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 12 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,216,500 JKR_12_29_17_A02_rep1_S849-bin_1 32.44 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207605 GCA_022456165.1 SEQF8638.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 7 Massachusetts General Hospital 874,488 A2_UP11_143_D_S143-bin_1-SPLIT 32.55 PRJNA799746 SAMN25207668 GCA_022457305.1 SEQF8639.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 20 Massachusetts General Hospital 911,369 E3_1733_1310_1_BDMRSCQ4_S153-bin_2-SPLIT 32.49 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207588 GCA_022458075.1 SEQF8640.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 10 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,250,988 E2_1697_1278_1_BDMRSCQ11_S183-bin_1-SPLIT 32.53 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207583 GCA_022456315.1 SEQF8641.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 15 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,284,594 JKR_P1_89_A12_rep3_S859-bin_1 32.52 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207623 GCA_022455765.1 SEQF8642.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 15 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,280,132 F4_1630_1235_1_MRS12_S197-bin_2-SPLIT 32.44 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207603 GCA_022456155.1 SEQF8643.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 11 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,233,214 JKR_12_29_17_D06_rep1_S850-bin_1 32.43 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207608 GCA_022456095.1 SEQF8644.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 15 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,276,387 JKR_P1_89_A12_rep1_S847-bin_1 32.55 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207622 GCA_022455815.1 SEQF8645.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 13 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,288,017 0998_735_1_CBA_89B_S798-bin_1 32.5 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207577 GCA_022456425.1 SEQF8646.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 13 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,282,219 JKR_P1_89_A12_S761_001-bin_1 32.5 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207624 GCA_022455795.1 SEQF8647.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 7 University of Western Ontario 1,287,456 AB-1 32.73 PRJNA43549 SAMN02470230 GCA_000177755.1 SEQF8648.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 58 Shanghai Majorbio 1,267,657 DSM 13335 32.52 PRJNA222257 SAMN02369401 GCA_001435015.1 SEQF8649.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 1 Translational Health Science and Technology Institute 1,331,119 Indica1 33.2 PRJNA599052 SAMN13738159 GCA_009857205.1 SEQF8650.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 13 Loyola University Chicago 1,409,948 UMB0033 32.64 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511419 GCA_002871595.1 SEQF8651.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 12 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,218,289 JKR_12_29_17_A02_rep3_S861-bin_1 32.43 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207607 GCA_022456115.1 SEQF8652.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 14 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,301,305 0998_735_1_CBA_90B_S800-bin_1 32.57 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207579 GCA_022456395.1 SEQF8653.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 12 Broad Institute 1,274,722 7_1_47FAA 32.99 PRJNA40031 SAMN02463801 GCA_000227195.1 SEQF8654.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 199 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,004,657 0861_630_1_1_CBA2_S808-bin_1 32.0 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207561 GCA_022457715.1 SEQF8655.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 16 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,259,815 JKR_12_29_17_A02_rep2_S855-bin_1 32.57 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207606 GCA_022456135.1 SEQF8656.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 4 Massachusetts General Hospital 975,460 F3_1503_1114_2_CBA9_S250-bin_2-SPLIT 32.84 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207598 GCA_022458225.1 SEQF8657.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 3 Massachusetts General Hospital 669,124 ATCC_55195_S809-bin_1 32.28 PRJNA799746 SAMN25207672 GCA_022457385.1 SEQF8658.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 4 Massachusetts General Hospital 975,498 E4_1683_1263_1_CBA1_S108-bin_2-SPLIT 32.82 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207590 GCA_022458095.1 SEQF8659.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 13 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,289,328 0998_735_1_CBA_90C_S801-bin_1 32.5 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207580 GCA_022456325.1 SEQF8660.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 14 Loyola University Chicago 1,310,450 UMB0030 32.66 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511418 GCA_002884705.1 SEQF8661.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 34 University of Washington 1,276,905 KA00186 32.69 PRJNA362225 SAMN06236735 GCA_002892385.1 SEQF8662.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 17 Unique Biotech Limited 1,223,932 UBLI-01 32.59 PRJNA493554 SAMN20447908 GCA_019459565.1 SEQF8663.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 8 Massachusetts General Hospital 894,744 ATCC_55195_rep3_S860-bin_2 32.47 PRJNA799746 SAMN25207671 GCA_022457365.1 SEQF8664.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 12 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,238,263 JKR_12_29_17_D06_rep3_S862-bin_1 32.46 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207609 GCA_022456075.1 SEQF8665.1 838 Lactobacillus iners latest 13 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,296,811 0998_735_1_CBA_90E_S803-bin_1 32.52 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207582 GCA_022456355.1 SEQF1104.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 1 Baylor College of Medicine 1,604,632 JV-V16 34.55 PRJNA31493 SAMN00001502 GCA_000159335.1 SEQF1649.2 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 1 Broad Institute 1,746,219 1153 34.86 PRJNA31205 SAMN02463685 GCA_000155915.2 SEQF1773.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 57 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,688,275 269-3 34.44 PRJNA34097 SAMN00001905 GCA_000175035.1 SEQF5178.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 1 KoBioLabs, Inc. 1,672,949 SNUV360 34.44 PRJNA357991 SAMN06163224 GCA_001936235.1 SEQF5179.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,609,019 FDAARGOS_749 34.47 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056464 GCA_009730255.1 SEQF5180.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 99 Shanghai Majorbio 1,610,627 DSM 20557 34.34 PRJNA222257 SAMN02369404 GCA_001436455.1 SEQF5181.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 78 Loyola University Chicago 1,720,813 UMB3442 34.21 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797025 GCA_008726585.1 SEQF5182.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 298 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,355,657 CM_C09_S835-bin_1 33.92 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207414 GCA_022457015.1 SEQF5183.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 56 Loyola University Chicago 1,487,531 UMB0009 34.26 PRJNA316969 SAMN24519003 GCA_021495005.1 SEQF5184.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 91 Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1,614,827 IM11 34.03 PRJNA231005 SAMN02438378 GCA_001012655.1 SEQF5185.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 95 Loyola University Chicago 1,812,968 UMB246 34.42 PRJNA316969 SAMN12796998 GCA_008727085.1 SEQF5186.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 33 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,571,203 0795_578_1_1_MRSIHK11_S855-bin_1 34.29 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207557 GCA_022456535.1 SEQF5187.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 63 Loyola University Chicago 1,662,558 UMB6889 34.17 PRJNA316969 SAMN24519006 GCA_021494985.1 SEQF5188.2 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 4 Broad Institute 1,639,455 27-2-CHN 34.23 PRJNA37953 SAMN02463727 GCA_000161895.2 SEQF5189.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 33 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,457,972 0795_578_1_1_MRSIHK10_S795-bin_1 34.17 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207556 GCA_022456555.1 SEQF5190.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 52 Loyola University Chicago 1,730,238 UMB1355 34.07 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277446 GCA_007786095.1 SEQF5191.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 35 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,467,244 0795_578_1_1_MRS2_S794-bin_1 34.17 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207550 GCA_022456585.1 SEQF5192.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 18 Broad Institute 1,648,660 115-3-CHN 35.4 PRJNA38645 SAMN02463747 GCA_000162435.1 SEQF5193.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 114 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,646,340 Mitchell_12_29_17_G03_S599-bin_1 34.11 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207502 GCA_022453965.1 SEQF5194.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 45 Loyola University Chicago 1,803,482 UMB7846 34.29 PRJNA316969 SAMN24519008 GCA_021495305.1 SEQF5195.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 67 Loyola University Chicago 1,764,943 UMB8651 34.04 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797040 GCA_008726325.1 SEQF5196.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 89 Loyola University Chicago 1,632,283 UMB572 34.33 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797001 GCA_008727025.1 SEQF5197.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 52 Loyola University Chicago 1,690,640 UMB1165 34.26 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277443 GCA_007786155.1 SEQF5198.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 38 Loyola University Chicago 1,657,751 UMB8440 34.24 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797037 GCA_008726405.1 SEQF5199.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 80 RCEID, Khon Kaen University 1,681,537 VA04-2AN 34.35 PRJNA604908 SAMN14087200 GCA_011029225.1 SEQF5200.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 60 Kingston Uniiversity 1,759,880 MD IIE-70(2) 34.35 PRJNA213997 SAMN02298798 GCA_000466805.1 SEQF5201.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 69 CERELA-CONICET 1,675,234 TL2937 34.24 PRJNA339464 SAMN05596977 GCA_001742045.1 SEQF5202.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 39 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,553,626 CM2268_MRS4_S783-bin_1 34.28 PRJNA799744 SAMN25207647 GCA_022456915.1 SEQF5203.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 42 UCSF 1,634,111 M167 34.18 PRJNA498340 SAMN10290265 GCA_011714655.1 SEQF5204.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 70 Loyola University Chicago 1,616,563 UMB0055 34.31 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277451 GCA_007786035.1 SEQF5205.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 107 Loyola University Chicago 1,650,116 UMB639 34.17 PRJNA316969 SAMN12797011 GCA_008728115.1 SEQF5206.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 17 Broad Institute 1,722,751 SJ-7A-US 36.0 PRJNA38515 SAMN02463744 GCA_000162335.1 SEQF5207.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 27 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,379,090 DZD_CM_12_S780-bin_1 34.15 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207468 GCA_022454595.1 SEQF5208.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 45 UCSF 1,669,518 M166 34.14 PRJNA498338 SAMN10290246 GCA_011714625.1 SEQF5209.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 62 Loyola University Chicago 1,677,685 UMB0037 34.25 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277450 GCA_007785915.1 SEQF5210.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 71 Loyola University Chicago 1,756,562 UMB0077 34.27 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193700 GCA_002848045.1 SEQF5211.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 51 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,615,924 CM_F11_S854-bin_1 34.17 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207441 GCA_022454995.1 SEQF5212.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 79 Loyola University Chicago 1,610,679 UMB1307 34.65 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277444 GCA_007786135.1 SEQF5213.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 40 Loyola University Chicago 1,648,234 UMB0836 34.32 PRJNA316969 SAMN14478478 GCA_012029775.1 SEQF5214.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 33 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,516,795 JKR_P1_88_H11_S760_001-bin_1 34.25 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207621 GCA_022455835.1 SEQF5215.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 90 Loyola University Chicago 1,657,936 UMB8489 34.16 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277454 GCA_007785935.1 SEQF5216.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 74 Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1,624,754 IM3 33.99 PRJNA231005 SAMN02438383 GCA_001012745.1 SEQF5217.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 56 Loyola University Chicago 1,608,111 UMB0034 34.25 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277449 GCA_007786085.1 SEQF5218.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 30 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,480,144 F4_1630_1235_1_CBA2_S235-bin_1-SPLIT 34.1 PRJNA799634 SAMN25207600 GCA_022456225.1 SEQF5219.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 80 Loyola University Chicago 1,255,994 UMB1303 35.0 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277445 GCA_007786145.1 SEQF5220.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 41 Loyola University Chicago 1,710,714 UMB7766 34.32 PRJNA316969 SAMN14478489 GCA_012030285.1 SEQF5221.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 40 Unique Biotech Limited 1,624,518 UBLJe-01 34.37 PRJNA493554 SAMN20447906 GCA_019459545.1 SEQF5222.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 254 Loyola University Chicago 1,444,087 UMB0732 34.69 PRJNA316969 SAMN12277459 GCA_007785825.1 SEQF5223.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 112 Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1,541,635 IM1 34.06 PRJNA231005 SAMN02438382 GCA_001012735.1 SEQF5224.1 839 Lactobacillus jensenii latest 28 Massachusetts General Hospital 1,533,158 DZD_CM_36_S804-bin_1 34.16 PRJNA799737 SAMN25207489 GCA_022454235.1 SEQF1974.1 840 Peptoniphilus indolicus latest 98 Baylor College of Medicine 2,237,864 ATCC 29427 35.85 PRJNA64733 SAMN02299448 GCA_000227315.1 SEQF9964.1 840 Peptoniphilus indolicus latest 4 SC 2,247,968 NCTC11088 31.58 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4521465 GCA_900454665.1 SEQF2613.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 7 Broad Institute 1,698,455 ACS-301-V-Sch3b 29.62 PRJNA52129 SAMN02596755 GCA_000413435.1 SEQF2614.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 35 DOE Joint Genome Institute 1,740,590 DSM 20703 28.94 PRJNA174981 SAMN02440444 GCA_000374605.1 SEQF9813.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 1 USDA, ARS, WRRC 1,820,334 LMG 6451 28.99 PRJNA633574 SAMN14887001 GCA_013372225.1 SEQF9814.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 1 USDA, ARS, WRRC 1,641,887 RIGS 9880 29.23 PRJNA66811 SAMN03737995 GCA_001190755.1 SEQF9815.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,826,798 FDAARGOS_1102 29.07 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357271 GCA_016766895.1 SEQF9816.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,559,279 FDAARGOS_673 29.25 PRJNA231221 SAMN11056388 GCA_012273175.1 SEQF9817.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 4 SC 1,589,092 NCTC12015 29.31 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104167216 GCA_900446685.1 SEQF9818.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 2 SC 1,833,655 NCTC10941 28.98 PRJEB6403 SAMEA87358168 GCA_900460885.1 SEQF9819.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 2 Laboratory for Microbiome Sciences, Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, RIKEN 1,863,330 CE91-St25 29.02 PRJDB11902 SAMD00389886 GCA_022835215.1 SEQF9820.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 25 EMG 1,665,702 MGYG-HGUT-02543 29.02 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5852048 GCA_902388215.1 SEQF9821.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 36 Loyola University Chicago 1,577,041 UMB0112 29.3 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193651 GCA_002847805.1 SEQF9822.1 842 Campylobacter ureolyticus latest 25 Cork Institute Of Technology 1,665,702 CIT007 29.02 PRJNA240200 SAMN02673348 GCA_000597825.1 SEQF1959.1 843 Dialister micraerophilus latest 7 Baylor College of Medicine 1,281,836 DSM 19965 36.61 PRJNA53029 SAMN00260258 GCA_000194985.1 SEQF2778.1 844 Sneathia vaginalis latest 1 Vaginal Human Microbiome Consortium 1,330,224 SN35 28.43 PRJNA276758 SAMN03380727 GCA_000973085.1 SEQF1600.1 845 Pseudoleptotrichia goodfellowii latest 208 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,287,284 F0264 31.51 PRJNA34093 SAMN00004572 GCA_000176335.1 SEQF2629.1 845 Pseudoleptotrichia goodfellowii latest 1 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,281,162 DSM 19756 31.64 PRJNA43669 SAMN02597279 GCA_000516535.1 SEQF4727.1 845 Pseudoleptotrichia goodfellowii latest 1 Division of Bacteriology, Department of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University 2,290,729 JCM16774 31.69 PRJDB7856 SAMD00156222 GCA_007990505.1 SEQF2790.1 847 Leptotrichia sp._HMT_847 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,194,935 F0260 29.79 PRJNA282954 SAMN04435855 GCA_001553645.1 SEQF1660.1 848 Peptidiphaga gingivicola latest 4 WUGSC 2,520,418 F0332 64.42 PRJNA38311 SAMN00008757 GCA_000162895.1 SEQF5517.1 848 Peptidiphaga gingivicola latest 3 The Ohio State University 2,524,828 BA112 64.42 PRJNA317166 SAMN04600420 GCA_001652275.1 SEQF1668.1 849 Actinomyces johnsonii latest 76 Broad Institute 3,459,374 F0330 67.8 PRJNA39355 SAMN02463764 GCA_000239715.1 SEQF2317.2 849 Actinomyces johnsonii latest 324 Washington University 3,383,063 F0510 67.53 PRJNA173933 SAMN02436754 GCA_000466205.2 SEQF2449.1 849 Actinomyces johnsonii latest 266 Washington University 3,327,711 F0542 67.5 PRJNA198882 SAMN02436817 GCA_000466245.1 SEQF3738.1 849 Actinomyces johnsonii latest 39 University of Gothenburg - CCUG 3,357,062 CCUG 34287T 67.52 PRJNA563568 SAMN12771117 GCA_008693165.1 SEQF3739.1 849 Actinomyces johnsonii latest 42 University of Gothenburg - CCUG 3,348,294 CCUG 34287 67.53 PRJNA305687 SAMN12142209 GCA_006546835.1 SEQF1667.1 850 Schaalia cardiffensis latest 15 Baylor College of Medicine 2,214,851 F0333 61.95 PRJNA53007 SAMN00260255 GCA_000364865.1 SEQF5376.1 850 Schaalia cardiffensis latest 1 University of Technology Sydney 2,230,588 F0333 61.44 PRJNA543187 SAMN00260255 GCA_005886435.1 SEQF5377.1 850 Schaalia cardiffensis latest 34 Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2,240,847 CCUG 44997 61.57 PRJNA686825 SAMN17125976 GCA_016405145.1 SEQF1850.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 21 Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) at Washington University (WashU) School of Medicine 1,838,618 F0397 38.34 PRJNA48495 SAMN02299433 GCA_000242295.1 SEQF2072.2 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 123 Meningitis and Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,915,087 M19107 38.74 PRJNA66571 SAMN02952883 GCA_000222005.2 SEQF2073.2 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 22 Meningitis and Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,884,911 M19501 38.48 PRJNA66573 SAMN02952884 GCA_000222025.2 SEQF2074.2 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 38 Meningitis and Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,945,624 M21127 38.57 PRJNA66575 SAMN02952885 GCA_000222045.2 SEQF2075.2 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 28 Meningitis and Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,089,205 M21621 38.39 PRJNA66577 SAMN02952886 GCA_000222065.2 SEQF2076.2 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus 53 Meningitis and Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,328,161 M21639 38.59 PRJNA66579 SAMN02952887 GCA_000222085.2 SEQF2348.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 30 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,822,726 HK386 38.54 PRJNA75145 SAMN00761814 GCA_000262285.1 SEQF2997.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus 82 University of Queensland 1,987,290 C1 38.34 PRJNA285410 SAMN03753644 GCA_001276515.1 SEQF7474.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 1 SC 1,934,644 NCTC10839 38.5 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3905387 GCA_900477945.1 SEQF7475.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,916,320 M19345 38.51 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704954 GCA_003351405.1 SEQF7476.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,822,569 M28486 38.59 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704968 GCA_003351625.1 SEQF7477.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,973,061 M19346 38.51 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704955 GCA_003352385.1 SEQF7478.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 1 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences 1,895,310 2019-19 38.51 PRJDB10631 SAMD00251501 GCA_019973675.1 SEQF7479.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 67 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 1,938,749 PN24 38.08 PRJNA644069 SAMN15447168 GCA_013401825.1 SEQF7480.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 36 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,010,365 M19079 38.46 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704942 GCA_003490595.1 SEQF7481.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 2 SC 2,013,929 NCTC10659 39.74 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3729946 GCA_901482425.1 SEQF7482.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 73 University of Iowa 1,836,392 3P5 38.44 PRJNA282678 SAMN03573809 GCA_001008225.1 SEQF7483.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 13 Menzies School of Health Research 1,895,161 60971 B Hi-3 38.17 PRJNA509094 SAMN10537217 GCA_006439235.1 SEQF7484.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 37 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,985,988 M19197 38.43 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704952 GCA_003492365.1 SEQF7485.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 83 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,185,767 S32F2 38.54 PRJNA644069 SAMN15447167 GCA_013401805.1 SEQF7486.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 29 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,795,109 M19187 38.44 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704951 GCA_003493605.1 SEQF7487.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 60 Menzies School of Health Research 1,934,421 CCUG 11096 38.17 PRJNA509094 SAMN10537235 GCA_006439155.1 SEQF7488.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 18 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,827,025 CCUG 12834 38.58 PRJNA302716 SAMN05043237 GCA_001679045.1 SEQF7489.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 21 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,914,164 M19071 38.33 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704941 GCA_003493965.1 SEQF7490.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 40 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,041,693 M19528 38.48 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704956 GCA_003494265.1 SEQF7491.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 45 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,882,562 M19164 38.36 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704950 GCA_003491025.1 SEQF7492.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 42 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,065,162 M26161 38.62 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704961 GCA_003493685.1 SEQF7493.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 38 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,079,674 M19201 38.47 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704953 GCA_003494075.1 SEQF7494.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 67 Menzies School of Health Research 1,938,749 PN24 38.08 PRJNA509094 SAMN10537251 GCA_006439115.1 SEQF7495.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 16 Menzies School of Health Research 1,929,375 65117 B Hi-3 38.21 PRJNA509094 SAMN10537228 GCA_006439285.1 SEQF7496.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 15 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,758,067 M28908 38.55 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704969 GCA_003494545.1 SEQF7497.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 17 Murdoch University 1,848,731 HI2028 38.52 PRJNA268277 SAMN03217745 GCA_004368395.1 SEQF7498.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 13 Menzies School of Health Research 1,897,573 65151 B Hi-4 38.18 PRJNA509094 SAMN10537231 GCA_006439165.1 SEQF7499.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 55 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,915,140 M19161 38.4 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704949 GCA_003494655.1 SEQF7500.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 40 University of Iowa 1,785,806 11P18 38.45 PRJNA282951 SAMN03580969 GCA_001008205.1 SEQF7501.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 14 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,945,186 M19080 38.34 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704943 GCA_003494285.1 SEQF7502.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 80 Menzies School of Health Research 1,892,724 CCUG 31732 38.36 PRJNA509094 SAMN10537238 GCA_006439125.1 SEQF7503.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 12 TAILORED-Treatment project 1,880,185 CCUG 39154 38.33 PRJNA302716 SAMN05225441 GCA_001679445.1 SEQF7504.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 63 University of Iowa 1,876,155 27P25 38.2 PRJNA282658 SAMN03573714 GCA_001008275.1 SEQF7505.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 17 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,961,876 M11818 38.27 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704939 GCA_003494635.1 SEQF7506.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 30 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,904,880 M19155 38.48 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704948 GCA_003490305.1 SEQF7507.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 46 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,026,824 M26176 38.57 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704967 GCA_003493545.1 SEQF7508.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 19 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,945,566 M26173 38.43 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704965 GCA_003490485.1 SEQF7509.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 81 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2,100,773 CCUG30047 38.49 PRJNA644069 SAMN15447166 GCA_013401795.1 SEQF7510.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 50 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,975,598 M26167 38.29 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704964 GCA_003493125.1 SEQF7511.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 20 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,882,180 C2001002324 38.21 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011143 GCA_003252655.1 SEQF7512.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 43 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,992,670 M26166 38.69 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704963 GCA_003492745.1 SEQF7513.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 25 Menzies School of Health Research 1,980,986 60824 B Hi-4 38.31 PRJNA509094 SAMN10537215 GCA_006439315.1 SEQF7514.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 16 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,872,515 M26157 38.27 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704959 GCA_003494105.1 SEQF7515.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 20 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,910,682 M26160 38.42 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704960 GCA_003494485.1 SEQF7516.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 15 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,845,083 M19066 38.47 PRJNA428178 SAMN09704940 GCA_003494695.1 SEQF7517.1 851 Haemophilus haemolyticus latest 49 UMC Utrecht 1,843,335 16-549009 38.47 PRJNA504773 SAMN10405313 GCA_004362455.1 SEQF1903.1 852 Actinomyces massiliensis latest 233 J. Craig Venter Institute 3,416,440 F0489 67.73 PRJNA78897 SAMN00792233 GCA_000296275.1 SEQF2385.1 852 Actinomyces massiliensis latest 13 URMITE 3,371,034 4401292 67.99 PRJNA127369 SAMN02469892 GCA_000269805.1 SEQF10154.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 1 SC 2,377,532 NCTC12011 64.16 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4530651 GCA_900187235.1 SEQF10155.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,384,218 FDAARGOS_994 64.14 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357163 GCA_016127975.1 SEQF10156.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,350,935 FDAARGOS_996 64.14 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357165 GCA_016127095.1 SEQF10157.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,397,283 FDAARGOS_995 64.11 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357164 GCA_016403265.1 SEQF10158.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 4 Federal University of Bahia 2,230,625 VH4248 65.11 PRJNA561598 SAMN12621612 GCA_008180085.1 SEQF10159.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 9 Federal University of Bahia 2,303,392 VH3073 64.46 PRJNA561598 SAMN12621417 GCA_008244525.1 SEQF10160.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 4 Federal University of Bahia 2,402,972 VH4549 64.4 PRJNA561598 SAMN12621707 GCA_008180045.1 SEQF10161.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 5 Federal University of Bahia 2,315,346 VH5913 64.4 PRJNA561598 SAMN12621849 GCA_008180065.1 SEQF1976.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 1 Bielefeld Univ 2,369,219 DSM 7109 64.19 PRJNA29211 SAMEA3138282 GCA_000069945.1 SEQF2440.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 1 Center for Biotechnology 2,316,065 DSM 7111 64.24 PRJNA183484 SAMN02603063 GCA_000338095.1 SEQF2912.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 58 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,193,273 HMSC27B11 65.13 PRJNA269834 SAMN03436214 GCA_001815985.1 SEQF2970.1 853 Corynebacterium urealyticum latest 65 The Genome Institute at Washington University 2,305,457 HMSC22B11 64.88 PRJNA269825 SAMN03436205 GCA_001815965.1 SEQF10162.2 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 3 University of Southampton 4,831,420 K-288 63.91 PRJNA686860 SAMN17126705 GCA_016466415.2 SEQF10163.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 2 University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) - sequencing center 4,818,052 FDAARGOS_410 65.9 PRJNA231221 SAMN07312454 GCA_002393485.1 SEQF10164.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 5,008,012 FDAARGOS_1535 63.81 PRJNA231221 SAMN21402702 GCA_020341455.1 SEQF10165.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 54 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,431,051 110730038-1 63.56 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001570 GCA_019643015.1 SEQF10166.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 80 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,818,597 153490002-2 63.31 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001615 GCA_019641815.1 SEQF10167.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 91 NASA Ames Research Center 5,614,868 s1 63.71 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135481 GCA_014142725.1 SEQF10168.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 68 NASA Ames Research Center 5,813,208 s49 63.31 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135529 GCA_014141745.1 SEQF10169.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 41 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,538,813 092160072-1 63.7 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001568 GCA_019642995.1 SEQF10170.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 59 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,389,165 092950004-1 63.58 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001599 GCA_019642275.1 SEQF10171.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 74 NASA Ames Research Center 5,815,661 s64 63.31 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135540 GCA_014141585.1 SEQF10172.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 70 NASA Ames Research Center 5,814,334 s30 63.31 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135510 GCA_014142165.1 SEQF10173.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 50 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,257,754 121850007-2 63.66 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001588 GCA_019642675.1 SEQF10174.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 37 NASA Ames Research Center 5,351,535 s17 63.76 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135497 GCA_014142445.1 SEQF10175.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 63 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,782,962 092570008-1 63.42 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001590 GCA_019642555.1 SEQF10176.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 928 J.Craig Venter Institute 6,136,903 092160068-1 63.97 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001557 GCA_019643255.1 SEQF10177.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 70 NASA Ames Research Center 5,816,172 s32 63.31 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135512 GCA_014142135.1 SEQF10178.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 78 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,818,822 112060001-1 63.31 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001578 GCA_019642855.1 SEQF10179.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 79 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,818,044 132550021-3 63.31 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001597 GCA_019642335.1 SEQF10180.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 61 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,344,678 093490003-1 63.57 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001617 GCA_019641795.1 SEQF10181.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 63 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,783,836 092570011-1 63.42 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001610 GCA_019642025.1 SEQF10182.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 58 NASA Ames Research Center 5,343,083 s7 63.57 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135487 GCA_014142645.1 SEQF10183.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 37 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,348,773 100540015-2 63.77 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001558 GCA_019643235.1 SEQF10184.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 61 NASA Ames Research Center 5,782,490 s6 63.42 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135486 GCA_014142655.1 SEQF10185.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 59 NASA Ames Research Center 5,696,434 s50 63.45 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135530 GCA_014141805.1 SEQF10186.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 39 NASA Ames Research Center 5,534,060 s14 63.7 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135494 GCA_014142505.1 SEQF10187.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 42 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,539,325 101480035-1 63.7 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001561 GCA_019643215.1 SEQF10188.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 11 Federal University of Amazonas 5,320,276 LB_tupeA 63.65 PRJNA641460 SAMN15353873 GCA_013391365.1 SEQF10189.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 68 NASA Ames Research Center 5,815,866 s34 63.31 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135514 GCA_014142125.1 SEQF10190.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 59 NASA Ames Research Center 5,696,810 s55 63.45 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135535 GCA_014141695.1 SEQF10191.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 63 NASA Ames Research Center 5,342,851 s19 63.57 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135499 GCA_014142405.1 SEQF10192.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 74 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,818,764 153490002-3 63.31 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001616 GCA_019641775.1 SEQF10193.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 13 The First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 5,530,053 52 64.43 PRJNA427543 SAMN08239918 GCA_002849525.1 SEQF10194.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 5 SC 4,810,167 NCTC11149 63.92 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4504058 GCA_900455835.1 SEQF10195.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 69 NASA Ames Research Center 5,814,031 s29 63.31 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135509 GCA_014142195.1 SEQF10196.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 48 Universidade Catolica Portuguesa 4,985,044 T9CP10 63.66 PRJNA335691 SAMN15472765 GCA_013413505.1 SEQF10197.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 17 EMG 5,254,771 MGYG-HGUT-01384 63.73 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850887 GCA_902374465.1 SEQF10198.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 37 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,494,920 110700041-2 63.72 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001575 GCA_019642935.1 SEQF10199.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 32 Belgian Nuclear Research Center 5,490,874 CW2 63.65 PRJNA238509 SAMN02644836 GCA_000607185.1 SEQF10200.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 52 NASA Ames Research Center 5,430,218 s8 63.56 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135488 GCA_014142625.1 SEQF10201.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 68 J.Craig Venter Institute 4,446,362 151470044-3 62.99 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001612 GCA_019641905.1 SEQF10202.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 54 NASA Ames Research Center 5,428,919 s3 63.56 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135483 GCA_014142735.1 SEQF10203.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 56 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,430,524 092160076-1 63.56 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001579 GCA_019642805.1 SEQF10204.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 39 NASA Ames Research Center 5,537,555 s13 63.7 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135493 GCA_014142515.1 SEQF10205.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 46 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,015,890 123250053-1 63.77 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001593 GCA_019642515.1 SEQF10206.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 35 NASA Ames Research Center 5,348,194 s10 63.77 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135490 GCA_014142575.1 SEQF10207.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 61 NASA Ames Research Center 5,696,886 s51 63.45 PRJNA493516 SAMN10135531 GCA_014141735.1 SEQF10208.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 55 NCTR/FDA 5,271,161 NCTR106 63.82 PRJNA732357 SAMN19316816 GCA_018603815.1 SEQF10209.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 40 J.Craig Venter Institute 5,534,649 101480038-1 63.7 PRJNA454304 SAMN09001562 GCA_019643135.1 SEQF1977.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii 5 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 5,685,358 strain=12D 63.3 PRJNA18937 SAMN00000034 GCA_000023425.1 SEQF2172.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii 3 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 5,325,729 12J 63.65 PRJNA17631 SAMN02598396 GCA_000020205.1 SEQF2514.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii latest 46 Oak Ridge National Lab 5,480,587 OR214 63.41 PRJNA189031 SAMN01821533 GCA_000372665.1 SEQF2603.1 854 Ralstonia pickettii 3 Tohoku University 8,125,850 DTP0602 65.91 PRJNA212545 SAMN02259197 GCA_000471925.1 SEQF1978.1 855 Kytococcus sedentarius latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 2,785,024 DSM 20547 71.63 PRJNA21067 SAMN02598443 GCA_000023925.1 SEQF9756.1 855 Kytococcus sedentarius latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,783,568 FDAARGOS_1061 71.63 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357230 GCA_016127495.1 SEQF9757.1 855 Kytococcus sedentarius latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,448,756 FDAARGOS_1200 72.0 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357342 GCA_016889285.1 SEQF9758.1 855 Kytococcus sedentarius latest 2 SC 2,803,893 NCTC11040 71.62 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4076716 GCA_900452405.1 SEQF1979.1 856 Sanguibacter keddieii latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) 4,253,413 DSM 10542 71.89 PRJNA19711 SAMN02598426 GCA_000024925.1 SEQF1980.1 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 2 Univ. Chicago 3,871,920 SB 1003 66.56 PRJNA55 SAMN02604080 GCA_000021865.1 SEQF2619.2 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 113 University of British Columbia 3,805,767 B6 66.48 PRJNA225631 SAMN02471353 GCA_000506425.2 SEQF2620.1 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 40 University of British Columbia 3,760,501 DE442 66.63 PRJNA225629 SAMN02471349 GCA_000505785.1 SEQF2621.2 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 36 University of British Columbia 3,760,694 R121 66.63 PRJNA225632 SAMN02471351 GCA_000506565.2 SEQF2622.2 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 51 University of British Columbia 3,844,355 Y262 66.62 PRJNA225630 SAMN02471354 GCA_000506965.2 SEQF2623.2 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 51 University of British Columbia 3,647,740 YW1 66.73 PRJNA225486 SAMN02471350 GCA_000506525.2 SEQF2624.2 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 62 University of British Columbia 3,771,447 YW2 66.5 PRJNA225628 SAMN02471352 GCA_000506545.2 SEQF4541.1 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 1 Hunan Academy of Agricultural Science 3,616,128 A12 66.47 PRJNA659097 SAMN15897434 GCA_014622665.1 SEQF4542.1 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 41 Bellevue University 3,793,264 SL 66.42 PRJNA551079 SAMN12138058 GCA_006546695.1 SEQF4543.1 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 64 Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science 3,675,736 B41 66.53 PRJNA298686 SAMN04166217 GCA_001402715.1 SEQF4544.1 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 24 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,668,822 DSM 1710 66.56 PRJNA262336 SAMN05660778 GCA_003254295.1 SEQF4545.1 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 70 Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science 3,607,570 A52 66.51 PRJNA298689 SAMN04166236 GCA_001402725.1 SEQF4546.1 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 68 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 3,864,762 DSM 938 66.31 PRJEB15810 SAMN04244550 GCA_900102155.1 SEQF4547.1 857 Rhodobacter capsulatus latest 170 Bellevue University 4,227,650 SP108 66.16 PRJNA535527 SAMN11509942 GCA_005144475.1 SEQF1981.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 1 DOE Joint Genome Institute 6,026,527 KF-1 61.79 PRJNA17465 SAMN02441780 GCA_000168855.1 SEQF2047.2 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 1 Environmental Microbiology Research Center,Institute of Microbiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences 5,373,644 CNB-1 substr. CNB-2 61.44 PRJNA29203 SAMN02603356 GCA_000093145.2 SEQF2057.2 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 63 Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology for Natural Scientists, University Medical School, Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel 5,410,155 ATCC 11996 61.48 PRJNA66095 SAMN02470044 GCA_000241525.2 SEQF2058.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 112 Huazhong Agricultural University 5,534,155 S44 61.42 PRJNA47053 SAMN02471018 GCA_000178915.1 SEQF8608.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 2 Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences 5,975,089 R5-28 61.53 PRJNA563300 SAMN12671332 GCA_014076475.1 SEQF8609.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 2 Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences 5,947,116 T5-67 61.1 PRJNA563294 SAMN12671326 GCA_014076415.1 SEQF8610.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 1 Shizuoka University 6,062,703 TK102 61.87 PRJNA216961 SAMN03081477 GCA_000739375.1 SEQF8611.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 1 Jilin University 5,497,097 G1 61.38 PRJNA678134 SAMN16789038 GCA_016599875.1 SEQF8612.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 129 Huazhong Agricultural University 5,952,523 JL40 61.07 PRJNA217849 SAMN02768805 GCA_000761245.1 SEQF8613.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 65 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 5,406,468 NBRC 14951 61.49 PRJDB2973 SAMD00018645 GCA_000740035.1 SEQF8614.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 110 SCELSE & NTU 5,778,710 I2 61.88 PRJNA232439 SAMN02754402 GCA_001189895.1 SEQF8615.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 40 Nanyang Technological University 5,501,063 WDL7 61.52 PRJNA251509 SAMN02848499 GCA_001266835.1 SEQF8616.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 111 KU Leuven 5,530,061 WDL7 61.54 PRJNA298504 SAMN04159841 GCA_001541245.1 SEQF8617.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 79 Department of Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo 5,707,473 TA441 61.29 PRJDB8590 SAMD00179939 GCA_008326825.1 SEQF8618.2 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 153 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 5,589,358 NBRC 100989 61.9 PRJNA70139 SAMD00041788 GCA_000241245.2 SEQF8619.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 161 University of Oregon 5,924,487 ZNC0007 61.27 PRJNA205594 SAMN03021515 GCA_000801735.1 SEQF8620.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 5 shizuoka University 5,857,727 R2 61.29 PRJDB5621 SAMD00076718 GCA_002157685.1 SEQF8621.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 7 SC 5,523,746 NCTC10698 61.41 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4442462 GCA_900461225.1 SEQF8622.1 858 Comamonas testosteroni latest 97 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) 5,890,323 KF712 61.28 PRJDB3356 SAMD00023462 GCA_001294075.1 SEQF1982.1 859 Anaerococcus lactolyticus latest 251 Baylor College of Medicine 2,206,675 ATCC 51172 35.79 PRJNA30951 SAMN00000626 GCA_000156575.1 SEQF9423.1 859 Anaerococcus lactolyticus latest 44 JCVI 1,936,866 S7-1-13 34.79 PRJNA187461 SAMN02850926 GCA_000758765.1 SEQF1983.2 860 Fusobacterium gonidiaformans latest 6 Broad Institute 1,698,329 ATCC 25563 32.51 PRJNA32419 SAMN02463686 GCA_000158835.2 SEQF2550.1 860 Fusobacterium gonidiaformans latest 28 Broad Institute 1,930,430 3_1_5R 35.15 PRJNA32477 SAMN02463709 GCA_000158235.1 SEQF6782.1 860 Fusobacterium gonidiaformans latest 1 Virginia Tech 1,678,881 ATCC 25563 32.69 PRJNA433545 SAMN08501140 GCA_003019695.1 SEQF6783.1 860 Fusobacterium gonidiaformans latest 28 EMG 1,930,430 MGYG-HGUT-01325 35.15 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850828 GCA_902373895.1 SEQF1965.3 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 4 Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences 3,348,624 WCFS1 44.42 PRJNA356 SAMEA3138345 GCA_000203855.3 SEQF1984.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 9 Baylor College of Medicine 3,212,261 strain=ATCC 14917 44.71 PRJNA31515 SAMN00001478 GCA_000143745.1 SEQF2104.2 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 10 CMBI Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen 3,207,224 NC8 (firmicutes) 44.56 PRJNA67175 SAMN02470702 GCA_000247735.2 SEQF2112.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine 3,197,759 JDM1 44.66 PRJNA32969 SAMN02603864 GCA_000023085.1 SEQF2113.2 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 2 Technology Center of Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd 3,307,936 ST-III 44.48 PRJNA52949 SAMN02603896 GCA_000148815.2 SEQF2441.2 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 4 Zhejiang Gongshang University 3,299,755 strain=ZJ316 44.49 PRJNA186807 SAMN02604341 GCA_000338115.2 SEQF2498.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 68 Universite de Caen Basse-Normandie 3,108,278 UCMA 3037 44.57 PRJNA186734 SAMN02471400 GCA_000347515.1 SEQF2525.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 208 Instituto de Productos Lacteos de Asturias (IPLA-CSIC) 3,254,055 IPLA88 44.43 PRJNA198827 SAMN02470055 GCA_000410795.1 SEQF2542.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 11 University College Cork 3,361,015 strain=16 44.35 PRJNA198762 SAMN02604115 GCA_000412205.1 SEQF2543.2 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 8 The Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Education Ministry of P. R. China, Department of Food Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China 3,246,630 strain=plantarum 44.55 PRJNA49145 SAMN02603936 GCA_000392485.2 SEQF4145.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 Dankook University 3,231,249 SK151 44.56 PRJNA474785 SAMN09373895 GCA_003269405.1 SEQF4146.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 2 Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ 3,250,154 DSM 20174 44.5 PRJNA531377 SAMN11357169 GCA_014131735.1 SEQF4147.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 Jiangnan University 3,198,337 ZS2058 44.66 PRJNA291681 SAMN03952027 GCA_001296095.1 SEQF4148.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 6 University of California Davis 3,216,285 NCIMB 700965 44.53 PRJNA407985 SAMN07672117 GCA_003611015.1 SEQF4149.2 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 2 Copenhagen University 3,294,393 M17 44.5 PRJNA692080 SAMN17313503 GCA_018588615.2 SEQF4150.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 5 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 3,441,456 SRCM103311 44.34 PRJNA515108 SAMN10742279 GCA_004101325.1 SEQF4151.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 Boston University 3,325,676 dm 44.52 PRJNA384998 SAMN06855883 GCA_002220175.1 SEQF4152.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 7 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 3,478,302 SRCM100995 44.25 PRJNA438180 SAMN08707599 GCA_009913675.1 SEQF4153.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 University College Cork 3,206,211 LPIMC513 44.62 PRJNA795972 SAMN24806220 GCA_023348465.1 SEQF4154.2 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 15 Nofima 3,576,440 MF1298 44.22 PRJNA301506 SAMN04251328 GCA_001880185.2 SEQF4155.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 7 School of Biological Engineering 3,407,054 X7021 44.38 PRJNA422175 SAMN08166740 GCA_002943545.1 SEQF4156.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 3 Korea Food Research Institute 3,250,749 DSR_M2 44.54 PRJNA392823 SAMN07280659 GCA_003286955.1 SEQF4157.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 3 National Chung Hsing University 3,305,676 GR1186 44.5 PRJNA799081 SAMN25145130 GCA_021650875.1 SEQF4158.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 Hebei University of Economics and Business 3,211,268 b-2 44.64 PRJNA436423 SAMN08624599 GCA_003352125.1 SEQF4159.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 5 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 3,301,393 SRCM103303 44.25 PRJNA517972 SAMN10849471 GCA_004141895.1 SEQF4160.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 Ocean University of China 3,255,228 W2 44.62 PRJNA797524 SAMN25008410 GCA_021560135.1 SEQF4161.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 2 BGI 3,259,255 LLY-606 44.47 PRJNA403768 SAMN07620857 GCA_006770505.1 SEQF4162.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 3 National Chung Hsing University 3,305,675 GR1184 44.5 PRJNA742937 SAMN19988593 GCA_019211765.1 SEQF4163.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 7 Northeast Agricultural University 3,274,275 KLDS1.0386 44.47 PRJNA715032 SAMN18323758 GCA_017576965.1 SEQF4164.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 3 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 3,097,002 SRCM101187 45.18 PRJNA438180 SAMN08707602 GCA_009913795.1 SEQF4165.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 Nnamdi Azikiwe University/Uzobiogene Genomics 3,206,342 CNEI-KCA5 44.53 PRJNA645633 SAMN15511455 GCA_013694305.1 SEQF4166.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 7 Anhui University 3,392,777 C410L1 44.43 PRJNA352107 SAMN05966974 GCA_001874125.1 SEQF4167.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 6 Beijing Technology and Business University 3,249,304 YW11 44.52 PRJNA513828 SAMN10720278 GCA_004028295.1 SEQF4168.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 3 DuPont Nutrition and Biosciences 3,353,701 ATCC 202195 44.35 PRJNA611725 SAMN14169821 GCA_018351295.1 SEQF4169.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 3 State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC 3,210,111 DOMLa 44.64 PRJNA191579 SAMN05771125 GCA_000604105.1 SEQF4170.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 5 East China University of Science and Technology 3,243,828 X7022 44.54 PRJNA605512 SAMN14069765 GCA_011022295.1 SEQF4171.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 3 Chungbuk National University 3,317,677 PMO08 44.41 PRJNA665544 SAMN16261143 GCA_014840995.1 SEQF4172.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 5 Hiroshima University 3,415,192 SN35N 44.27 PRJDB6423 SAMD00097254 GCA_003966855.1 SEQF4173.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 5 Ocean University of China 2,981,934 Q7 44.87 PRJNA374486 SAMN06324064 GCA_003999605.1 SEQF4174.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 6 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 3,272,716 SRCM101511 44.39 PRJNA438180 SAMN08707604 GCA_009937825.1 SEQF4175.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 3 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 3,210,841 TK-P2A 44.64 PRJNA579198 SAMN13106278 GCA_015377525.1 SEQF4176.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 2 Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences 3,411,020 CXG9 44.45 PRJNA695095 SAMN17601126 GCA_016812075.1 SEQF4177.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 6 Dongduk Womens University 3,418,157 KM2 44.24 PRJNA698422 SAMN17717972 GCA_016838645.1 SEQF4178.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 11 Technische Universitaet Muenchen 3,400,131 TMW 1.277 44.22 PRJNA343197 SAMN05805045 GCA_002117265.1 SEQF4179.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 2 Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University 3,128,783 LY-78 44.74 PRJNA309633 SAMN04437173 GCA_001715615.1 SEQF4180.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 11 Kyunghee University 3,649,371 EM 44.11 PRJNA525556 SAMN11053536 GCA_004337615.1 SEQF4181.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 6 KOOKMIN UNIVERSITY 3,476,011 BLS41 44.19 PRJNA353584 SAMN06016049 GCA_002116955.1 SEQF4182.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 3,223,643 SRCM100442 44.6 PRJNA438180 SAMN08707598 GCA_009913655.1 SEQF4183.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 2 AtoGen Co., Ltd. 3,275,764 ATG-K8 44.5 PRJNA492154 SAMN10094466 GCA_003597615.1 SEQF4184.2 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 11 Copenhagen University 3,510,837 M19 44.35 PRJNA692080 SAMN17313505 GCA_018588605.2 SEQF4185.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 6 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 3,448,313 SRCM103295 44.27 PRJNA515138 SAMN10743307 GCA_004087995.1 SEQF4186.2 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 Advanced Enzyme Technologies Limited 3,234,271 022AE 44.55 PRJNA481183 SAMN09662691 GCA_021279005.2 SEQF4187.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 7 Beijing Technology and Business University 3,273,679 13_3 44.49 PRJNA513828 SAMN10720276 GCA_004028315.1 SEQF4188.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 Hyun Su Kim 3,198,690 LM1004 44.59 PRJNA429501 SAMN08348227 GCA_002895245.1 SEQF4189.2 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 1 University of Reading 3,311,056 10CH 44.51 PRJNA371738 SAMN06311425 GCA_002005385.2 SEQF4190.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 4 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 3,344,317 SRCM101105 44.43 PRJNA438180 SAMN08707600 GCA_009913695.1 SEQF4191.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 7 Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU) 3,412,154 K25 44.38 PRJNA378702 SAMN06560050 GCA_003020005.1 SEQF4192.1 861 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum latest 4 Shandong First Medical University 3,427,633 ZW5 44.31 PRJNA777729 SAMN22871635 GCA_020881935.1 SEQF1952.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum 114 Baylor College of Medicine 2,396,359 ATCC 55813 60.64 PRJNA31437 SAMN00001475 GCA_000003135.1 SEQF2040.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum 2 Nestle Research Center, Switzerland 2,260,266 NCC2705 60.13 PRJNA328 SAMN02603675 GCA_000007525.1 SEQF2041.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum 3 University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences 2,408,831 157F 60.08 PRJDA32051 SAMD00060953 GCA_000196575.1 SEQF2042.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Key Lab of Functional Dairy Science of Chinese Ministry of Education, College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University 2,265,943 BBMN68 59.95 PRJNA53143 SAMN02603469 GCA_000166315.1 SEQF2043.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum 1 metaHIT 2,384,987 F8 60.14 PRJNA45963 SAMEA3138379 GCA_000210755.1 SEQF2044.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences 2,385,164 JCM 1217 60.33 PRJDA32047 SAMD00060951 GCA_000196555.1 SEQF2045.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum 1 Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine 2,477,838 strain=JDM301 59.81 PRJNA47579 SAMN02603181 GCA_000092325.1 SEQF2046.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 3 National Livestock Research Institute, RDA 2,395,764 KACC 91563 59.82 PRJNA66401 SAMN02603656 GCA_000219455.1 SEQF2248.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum 3 Lactic Acid Bacteria Genome Consortium 2,389,526 DJO10A 60.16 PRJNA18773 SAMN02603512 GCA_000008945.1 SEQF2249.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,832,748 ATCC 15697 59.86 PRJNA17189 SAMN02598380 GCA_000020425.1 SEQF2367.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum 171 JCVI 2,686,768 1-6B 59.63 PRJNA89647 SAMN00829154 GCA_000261245.1 SEQF2368.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum 141 JCVI 2,625,697 strain=2-2B 59.72 PRJNA89651 SAMN00829155 GCA_000261205.1 SEQF2369.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum 131 JCVI 2,514,431 35B 60.09 PRJNA89649 SAMN00829158 GCA_000261225.1 SEQF2370.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum 62 JCVI 2,559,217 44B 59.71 PRJNA89645 SAMN00829148 GCA_000261265.1 SEQF8341.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 SC 2,832,748 NCTC11817 59.86 PRJEB6403 SAMEA44530168 GCA_900637215.1 SEQF8342.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea University 2,340,054 JCM 19995 59.61 PRJNA704185 SAMN18034998 GCA_017132755.1 SEQF8343.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences 2,828,958 JCM 1222 59.86 PRJDA32049 SAMD00060952 GCA_000269965.1 SEQF8344.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 SC 2,385,160 NCTC11818 60.33 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4412687 GCA_900637335.1 SEQF8345.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea University 2,403,825 KCTC 3128 60.33 PRJNA704186 SAMN18035029 GCA_017132775.1 SEQF8346.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 University College Cork 2,421,287 AH1206 60.19 PRJNA316119 SAMN04576213 GCA_001725985.1 SEQF8347.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea University 2,387,067 KCTC 3421 59.85 PRJNA688846 SAMN18034898 GCA_017357065.1 SEQF8348.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Evolve Biosystems Inc. 2,612,382 PI_008 59.25 PRJNA636403 SAMN15077332 GCA_023208075.1 SEQF8349.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology 2,433,093 HN001 60.14 PRJNA698753 SAMN17735675 GCA_016838685.1 SEQF8350.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Evolve Biosystems Inc. 2,604,558 PI_004 59.32 PRJNA636403 SAMN15077328 GCA_023205795.1 SEQF8351.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 EMG 2,832,748 MGYG-HGUT-01292 59.86 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5850795 GCA_902381625.1 SEQF8352.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Kagoshima university 2,273,627 JCM 7052 59.89 PRJDB9197 SAMD00200813 GCA_015100215.1 SEQF8353.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea University 2,493,122 JCM 7053 60.1 PRJNA688848 SAMN18034729 GCA_017357345.1 SEQF8354.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Evolve Biosystems Inc. 2,758,198 BB-02 59.87 PRJNA636403 SAMN15077325 GCA_023205855.1 SEQF8355.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 University of Science and Technology of China 2,414,672 ZJ1 60.16 PRJNA539831 SAMN11513273 GCA_005406285.1 SEQF8356.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 3 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Biomedical Research Institute 2,534,372 NBRC 114494 60.11 PRJNA747117 SAMN21163593 GCA_020353915.1 SEQF8357.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Evolve Biosystems Inc. 2,598,286 NLS 59.32 PRJNA636403 SAMN15077324 GCA_023208135.1 SEQF8358.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Center for Industrialization of Agricultural and Livestock Microorganisms 2,281,664 CACC 517 59.8 PRJNA599536 SAMN13865297 GCA_009931635.1 SEQF8359.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea University 2,389,025 JCM 7050 60.09 PRJNA666154 SAMN16365389 GCA_014898215.1 SEQF8360.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Kingston University London, United Kingdom 2,408,132 T1 59.76 PRJNA793588 SAMN24563599 GCA_021432165.1 SEQF8361.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea University 2,339,176 KCTC 15605 59.62 PRJNA745042 SAMN20131632 GCA_019297795.1 SEQF8362.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 BIFIDO Co., LTD 2,311,020 BORI 59.94 PRJNA481853 SAMN09691177 GCA_003342655.1 SEQF8363.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 University College Cork 2,340,989 NCIMB8809 60.11 PRJNA287223 SAMN03785818 GCA_001446255.1 SEQF8364.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Nutrition &Health Technology Center 2,362,026 VHProbi Y08 59.86 PRJNA785080 SAMN23764975 GCA_021228035.1 SEQF8365.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 2 Northeast Agricultrue University 2,561,296 I2-2-3 59.63 PRJNA680189 SAMN16871567 GCA_018141605.1 SEQF8366.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 University of Florida 2,776,348 JRPT 59.77 PRJNA820748 SAMN27022286 GCA_022819225.1 SEQF8367.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Evolve Biosystems Inc. 2,609,031 PI_010 59.28 PRJNA636403 SAMN15077334 GCA_023208035.1 SEQF8368.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 UFMG 2,365,873 51A 60.16 PRJNA432691 SAMN08457432 GCA_004936435.1 SEQF8369.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea University 2,467,500 JCM 11340 60.29 PRJNA667574 SAMN16378287 GCA_015101725.1 SEQF8370.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Chr. Hansen A/S 2,385,558 BB-46 60.33 PRJNA680474 SAMN16881102 GCA_021184065.1 SEQF8371.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Tianjin University of Science and Technology 2,335,916 W13 60.04 PRJNA679440 SAMN16815453 GCA_023242235.1 SEQF8372.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Hunan University of Science and Engineering 2,417,164 D2TC 60.08 PRJNA778036 SAMN22899790 GCA_022701235.1 SEQF8373.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea University 2,371,627 KCTC 5934 59.91 PRJNA661151 SAMN16365385 GCA_014898135.1 SEQF8374.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea University 2,673,222 JCM 7009 59.77 PRJNA688845 SAMN18034992 GCA_017299595.1 SEQF8375.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea University 2,821,460 JCM 11347 59.86 PRJNA666146 SAMN16365393 GCA_015102215.1 SEQF8376.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 stanford university school of medicine 2,708,179 hadza_2261_Bf14 59.59 PRJEB49206 SAMEA14201083 GCA_940588555.1 SEQF8377.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Evolve Biosystems Inc. 2,604,585 PI_007 59.32 PRJNA636403 SAMN15077331 GCA_023208095.1 SEQF8378.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Seoul National University 2,393,285 BCBL-583 59.95 PRJNA747062 SAMN20254318 GCA_020008065.1 SEQF8379.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Yonsei University 2,578,115 BT1 59.39 PRJNA270905 SAMN03271683 GCA_001281305.1 SEQF8380.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Evolve Biosystems Inc. 2,614,802 PI_005 59.22 PRJNA636403 SAMN15077329 GCA_023208115.1 SEQF8381.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Evolve Biosystems Inc. 2,610,477 PI_006 59.22 PRJNA636403 SAMN15077330 GCA_023208155.1 SEQF8382.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Korea University 2,380,033 JCM 11660 60.12 PRJNA666147 SAMN16365394 GCA_015102035.1 SEQF8383.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 The Edison Family Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology 2,832,850 B.longum_ssp_infantis_6 59.86 PRJEB27068 SAMEA5770187 GCA_902167885.1 SEQF8384.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Evolve Biosystems Inc. 2,604,570 PI_009 59.32 PRJNA636403 SAMN15077333 GCA_023208055.1 SEQF8385.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Kyung Hee University 2,360,935 LC67 60.14 PRJNA650278 SAMN15719936 GCA_014334375.1 SEQF8386.1 862 Bifidobacterium longum latest 1 Vavilov Institute of General Genetics 2,337,521 GT15 59.97 PRJNA191592 SAMN03093230 GCA_000772485.1 SEQF2319.1 863 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_863 latest 103 Washington University 2,724,306 F0517 41.81 PRJNA173935 SAMN02436819 GCA_000466425.1 SEQF3058.1 864 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_864 latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,682,541 F0512 39.47 PRJNA282954 SAMN08439036 GCA_002998835.1 SEQF2711.1 865 Kluyvera ascorbata latest 253 UW-GEL 4,932,354 ATCC 33433 54.34 PRJNA65517 SAMN02743264 GCA_000735365.1 SEQF4472.1 865 Kluyvera ascorbata latest 2 First Institute of Oceanography 5,062,542 SK 54.04 PRJNA827918 SAMN27625780 GCA_023195735.1 SEQF4473.1 865 Kluyvera ascorbata latest 6 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences 5,371,308 TP1631 53.98 PRJDB9277 SAMD00204448 GCA_015099135.1 SEQF4474.1 865 Kluyvera ascorbata latest 1 Ministry of Public Health-Thailand 5,005,459 Colony288 58.42 PRJNA668870 SAMN17914378 GCA_023314415.1 SEQF4475.1 865 Kluyvera ascorbata latest 5 SC 5,126,625 NCTC9737 54.15 PRJEB6403 SAMEA103980416 GCA_900452265.1 SEQF4476.1 865 Kluyvera ascorbata latest 227 UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE CIENCIAS DA SAUDE DE PORTO ALEGRE 5,368,186 OT2 53.89 PRJNA497745 SAMN10265530 GCA_003789135.1 SEQF2031.1 866 Actinomyces graevenitzii latest 10 Broad Institute 2,205,725 C83 57.97 PRJNA38761 SAMN02463758 GCA_000239695.1 SEQF2450.1 866 Actinomyces graevenitzii latest 29 Washington University 2,090,952 F0530 57.85 PRJNA198881 SAMN02436719 GCA_000466185.1 SEQF4133.1 866 Actinomyces graevenitzii latest 20 Loyola University Chicago 2,107,861 UMB0286 57.82 PRJNA316969 SAMN07511382 GCA_002871975.1 SEQF2626.1 874 Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_874 latest 62 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1,109,712 MGEHA 35.71 PRJNA189303 SAMN02470745 GCA_000350285.1 SEQF2456.1 876 Clostridiales_[F-3][G-1] bacterium_HMT_876 latest 57 Washington University 4,767,532 F0540 32.98 PRJNA198885 SAMN02436756 GCA_000466585.1 SEQF2313.1 877 Schaalia sp._HMT_877 latest 273 Washington University 2,713,514 F0543 70.78 PRJNA173934 SAMN02436890 GCA_000466305.1 SEQF3059.1 878 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_878 latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,990,835 F0545 37.95 PRJNA282954 SAMN08472925 GCA_002999135.1 SEQF2353.1 879 Leptotrichia sp._HMT_879 latest 79 Washington University 2,415,750 F0557 29.94 PRJNA173936 SAMN02436883 GCA_000469385.1 SEQF2417.1 880 Enterococcus durans 9 Broad Institute 2,725,994 FB129-CNAB4 38.44 PRJNA52125 SAMN02463889 GCA_000315405.1 SEQF2484.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 145 Instituto de Productos Lacteos de Asturias (IPLA-CSIC) 3,059,052 IPLA 655 37.73 PRJNA188163 SAMN02470053 GCA_000350465.1 SEQF2534.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 19 Broad Institute 3,153,755 ATCC 6056 39.1 PRJNA82537 SAMN02596963 GCA_000406985.1 SEQF4935.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 2 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2,988,928 BDGP3 38.04 PRJNA397225 SAMN07510606 GCA_002277935.1 SEQF4936.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 5 US Food and Drug Administration 3,095,709 FDAARGOS 1437 37.91 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357579 GCA_019048325.1 SEQF4937.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 3 Northeast Agricultural University 3,071,879 KLDS 6.0930 37.83 PRJNA291946 SAMN03956792 GCA_001267865.1 SEQF4938.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 4 Ildong Pharmaceutical 3,137,200 KCTC 13289 37.9 PRJNA680827 SAMN16925173 GCA_015999505.1 SEQF4939.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 3 Northeast Agricultural University 3,071,804 KLDS6.0933 37.83 PRJNA291957 SAMN03956931 GCA_001267395.1 SEQF4940.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 3 University of Zurich 3,046,846 S8-3 37.92 PRJNA774104 SAMN23424483 GCA_023375285.1 SEQF4941.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 1 SC 3,128,540 4928STDY7071430 47.42 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567538 GCA_902164665.1 SEQF4942.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 1 SC 3,195,719 4928STDY7387704 48.35 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104694341 GCA_902166615.1 SEQF4943.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 1 University of Copenhagen 3,003,867 VREdu 37.36 PRJNA558802 SAMN12498971 GCA_007997775.1 SEQF4944.2 880 Enterococcus durans latest 2 University of Copenhagen 3,074,636 VREdu 37.32 PRJNA558802 SAMN12499260 GCA_007999025.2 SEQF4945.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 115 SC 2,952,049 4928STDY7071465 37.88 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567573 GCA_902160745.1 SEQF4946.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 97 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,004,227 BIOML-A58 37.8 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945419 GCA_009892035.1 SEQF4947.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 102 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,025,235 BIOML-A54 37.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945415 GCA_009892105.1 SEQF4948.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 101 University of Zurich 3,051,373 GH61 37.36 PRJNA572571 SAMN12794461 GCA_008725905.1 SEQF4949.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 101 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,002,219 BIOML-A71 37.8 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945432 GCA_009891735.1 SEQF4950.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 110 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,045,381 BIOML-A44 37.9 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945405 GCA_009889465.1 SEQF4951.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 103 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,010,028 BIOML-A3 37.81 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945364 GCA_009875315.1 SEQF4952.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 99 SC 2,843,396 4928STDY7071461 37.89 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567569 GCA_902160695.1 SEQF4953.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 120 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3,116,693 BSD2780061688_150302_B10 37.79 PRJNA637878 SAMN15532895 GCA_015560205.1 SEQF4954.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 186 university of ljubljana, biotechnical faculty 3,078,547 IM1426 37.81 PRJEB49530 SAMEA12009033 GCA_925288865.1 SEQF4955.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 100 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,005,325 BIOML-A72 37.8 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945433 GCA_009891725.1 SEQF4956.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 101 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,995,268 BIOML-A21 37.79 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945382 GCA_009874945.1 SEQF4957.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 113 SC 2,937,777 4928STDY7071358 37.88 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567468 GCA_902159875.1 SEQF4958.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 94 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,004,876 BIOML-A73 37.8 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945434 GCA_009891715.1 SEQF4959.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 28 McGill University and Genome Quebec Innovation Centre 2,886,365 P16 CL A28 37.43 PRJNA273513 SAMN10272858 GCA_003796805.1 SEQF4960.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 115 Shanghai ocean university 2,988,164 C11 37.68 PRJNA507120 SAMN10484943 GCA_004102865.1 SEQF4961.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 227 The Ohio State University 3,230,625 OSY-EGY 37.67 PRJNA517524 SAMN10835798 GCA_004330425.1 SEQF4962.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 170 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,099,663 BIOML-A29 37.93 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945390 GCA_009874895.1 SEQF4963.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 33 SC 3,049,809 4928STDY7071468 37.72 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567576 GCA_902160735.1 SEQF4964.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 106 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,059,178 BIOML-A39 37.95 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945400 GCA_009873885.1 SEQF4965.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 100 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,031,191 BIOML-A63 37.79 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945424 GCA_009891905.1 SEQF4966.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 160 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,076,341 BIOML-A10 38.12 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945371 GCA_009875145.1 SEQF4967.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 77 University of Zurich 3,064,876 GH102 37.35 PRJNA572571 SAMN12794449 GCA_008726145.1 SEQF4968.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 118 Sciensano 3,091,903 U1911066-2 37.7 PRJNA670413 SAMN16495316 GCA_021121975.1 SEQF4969.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 257 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,302,000 BIOML-A30 37.92 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945391 GCA_009873965.1 SEQF4970.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 173 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,047,095 BIOML-A6 37.84 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945367 GCA_009875235.1 SEQF4971.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 156 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,040,122 BIOML-A7 37.82 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945368 GCA_009875255.1 SEQF4972.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 116 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,014,385 BIOML-A22 37.81 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945383 GCA_009874935.1 SEQF4973.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 136 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2,994,765 BIOML-A23 37.82 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945384 GCA_009874905.1 SEQF4974.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 206 Zoonosis Science Center 2,986,691 MEZED145 38.09 PRJNA716986 SAMN19185863 GCA_020592715.1 SEQF4975.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 109 University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa 3,254,259 E115_10 37.58 PRJNA609064 SAMN14219266 GCA_015208165.1 SEQF4976.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 135 SC 2,987,662 4928STDY7071423 37.8 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567531 GCA_902160385.1 SEQF4977.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 143 SC 3,070,184 4928STDY7071318 37.74 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567428 GCA_902159725.1 SEQF4978.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 103 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,008,343 BIOML-A67 37.8 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945428 GCA_009891835.1 SEQF4979.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 99 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3,043,335 BIOML-A50 37.87 PRJNA544527 SAMN11945411 GCA_009892145.1 SEQF4980.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 215 EMG 3,083,830 MGYG-HGUT-00162 37.97 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5849663 GCA_902364005.1 SEQF4981.1 880 Enterococcus durans latest 49 SC 2,965,835 4928STDY7071647 37.85 PRJEB22252 SAMEA104567753 GCA_902159525.1 SEQF10067.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 2 Research Laboratories, Ildong Pharmaceutical 2,537,205 ATCC 4005 44.43 PRJNA725342 SAMN18876444 GCA_018314255.1 SEQF10068.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 4 Kyungpook National University 2,583,542 MGB0786 44.32 PRJNA563745 SAMN12687753 GCA_008369805.1 SEQF10069.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 27 North Carolina State University 2,618,943 LA1147 44.34 PRJNA548312 SAMN12018355 GCA_009495635.1 SEQF10070.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 90 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2,535,187 S51 44.19 PRJNA533291 SAMN11456251 GCA_005049245.1 SEQF10071.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 18 North Carolina State University 2,632,545 LA1181 44.12 PRJNA548312 SAMN12018360 GCA_009495485.1 SEQF10072.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 37 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2,542,267 S59 44.14 PRJNA533291 SAMN11456253 GCA_005049205.1 SEQF10073.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 90 Shanghai Majorbio 2,446,657 DSM 20057 44.41 PRJNA222257 SAMN02369438 GCA_001434735.1 SEQF10074.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 48 North Carolina State University 2,680,462 LA1175D 44.24 PRJNA548312 SAMN12018359 GCA_009495575.1 SEQF10075.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 40 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2,498,525 S43 44.27 PRJNA533291 SAMN11456247 GCA_005049145.1 SEQF10076.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 91 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation Biological Resource Center 2,488,928 NBRC 107764 44.25 PRJDB6297 SAMD00172659 GCA_007992235.1 SEQF10077.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 38 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2,498,219 S58 44.27 PRJNA533291 SAMN11456256 GCA_005047575.1 SEQF10078.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 27 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2,445,621 S47 44.39 PRJNA533291 SAMN11456249 GCA_005048055.1 SEQF10079.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 25 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2,493,821 S45 44.25 PRJNA533291 SAMN11456248 GCA_005047285.1 SEQF10080.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 38 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2,498,046 S53 44.27 PRJNA533291 SAMN11456252 GCA_005047265.1 SEQF10081.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 57 Central Region Agricultural Research Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization 2,646,173 NK01 44.15 PRJDB7190 SAMD00131668 GCA_013167855.1 SEQF10082.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 76 Carlsberg Research Laboratory 2,551,787 ATCC 4005 44.38 PRJNA434409 SAMN08556557 GCA_004354745.1 SEQF10083.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 44 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2,544,838 S50 44.14 PRJNA533291 SAMN11456250 GCA_005047235.1 SEQF10084.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 17 North Carolina State University 2,618,891 LA1167 44.22 PRJNA548312 SAMN12018358 GCA_009495585.1 SEQF10085.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 8 North Carolina State University 2,498,872 ATCC 4005 44.48 PRJNA548312 SAMN12018362 GCA_009495475.1 SEQF10086.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 51 Central Region Agricultural Research Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization 2,652,961 SG162 44.13 PRJDB7190 SAMD00131666 GCA_013167835.1 SEQF10087.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 3 Jiangsu University 2,534,159 PC-C1 44.21 PRJNA760836 SAMN21236075 GCA_023507525.1 SEQF10088.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 28 North Carolina State University 2,619,333 LA1161B 44.13 PRJNA548312 SAMN12018356 GCA_009495565.1 SEQF10089.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 38 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2,497,693 S42 44.27 PRJNA533291 SAMN11456255 GCA_005048025.1 SEQF10090.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 18 North Carolina State University 2,565,639 LA1161C 44.25 PRJNA548312 SAMN12018357 GCA_009495555.1 SEQF10091.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 18 North Carolina State University 2,761,436 LA1184 44.04 PRJNA548312 SAMN12018361 GCA_009495465.1 SEQF2418.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 104 Baylor College of Medicine 2,906,028 ATCC 11577 40.53 PRJNA31483 SAMN00001469 GCA_000159195.1 SEQF2427.2 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 4 CeBiTec 2,563,168 CD034 44.21 PRJNA71051 SAMN02603054 GCA_000298115.2 SEQF2428.1 881 Lentilactobacillus buchneri latest 4 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,588,309 NRRL B-30929 44.23 PRJNA29003 SAMN00713605 GCA_000211375.1 SEQF2809.1 882 Limosilactobacillus panis latest 150 Shanghai Majorbio 2,006,512 DSM 6035 48.08 PRJNA222257 SAMN02369492 GCA_001435935.1 SEQF9732.1 882 Limosilactobacillus panis latest 3 Kweichow moutai Co.,Ltd. 2,129,075 MT-01 46.88 PRJNA748141 SAMN20308692 GCA_019797825.1 SEQF9733.1 882 Limosilactobacillus panis latest 219 The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University 2,082,789 DSM 6035 47.87 PRJNA284098 SAMN03658566 GCA_001027985.1 SEQF2419.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 1 CMBI 3,426,323 KCA1 46.53 PRJNA81575 SAMN02469614 GCA_000271445.1 SEQF9245.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 2 Korea University 3,671,373 DSM 20314 46.34 PRJNA494616 SAMN10174879 GCA_003641185.1 SEQF9246.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 4 Zhejiang Gongshang University 3,687,169 ZFM94 46.19 PRJNA392489 SAMN07302932 GCA_003627375.1 SEQF9247.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 5 Norwegian University of Life Sciences 3,860,943 KW1 45.99 PRJNA850900 SAMN29205040 GCA_023972895.1 SEQF9248.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 5 Zhejiang Gongshang University 3,701,596 ZFM222 46.15 PRJNA392597 SAMN07303442 GCA_003627295.1 SEQF9249.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 7 Mahidol University 3,812,583 9D3 46.09 PRJNA739022 SAMN19769714 GCA_023823145.1 SEQF9250.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 6 UC Davis 3,676,811 BGM48 46.18 PRJNA329412 SAMN05412454 GCA_002850015.1 SEQF9251.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 2 National Yang Ming University 3,583,008 SLC13 46.4 PRJNA391376 SAMN07267280 GCA_002211885.1 SEQF9252.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 10 Southwest University 3,873,381 KZ0310 46.01 PRJNA563286 SAMN12671284 GCA_022701335.1 SEQF9253.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 9 Southwest University 3,805,124 MS031 46.07 PRJNA563280 SAMN12671278 GCA_016804305.1 SEQF9254.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 165 USDA-ARS 3,697,126 1.8.18 45.95 PRJNA674638 SAMN18987114 GCA_018993635.1 SEQF9255.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 152 USDA-ARS 3,825,364 7.8.11 45.92 PRJNA674638 SAMN18938210 GCA_018993275.1 SEQF9256.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 98 IGA Technology Services Srl 3,856,966 O12 45.96 PRJNA815956 SAMN26656504 GCA_022936785.1 SEQF9257.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 213 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation Biological Resource Center 3,541,994 NBRC 106467 46.34 PRJDB6251 SAMD00171877 GCA_007991835.1 SEQF9258.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 136 USDA-ARS 3,662,066 3.8.24 45.98 PRJNA674638 SAMN18942671 GCA_018993345.1 SEQF9259.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 218 USDA-ARS 3,740,476 7.2.11 45.93 PRJNA674638 SAMN18977514 GCA_018991375.1 SEQF9260.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 135 USDA-ARS 3,696,926 3.2.36 45.95 PRJNA674638 SAMN18985901 GCA_018993725.1 SEQF9261.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 73 ETH Zurich 3,669,812 RI-031 46.25 PRJNA343164 SAMN05717713 GCA_002751855.1 SEQF9262.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 156 USDA-ARS 3,762,332 14.2.16 46.04 PRJNA674638 SAMN18985924 GCA_018993625.1 SEQF9263.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 164 USDA-ARS 3,695,384 3.8.45 45.95 PRJNA674638 SAMN18987094 GCA_018991565.1 SEQF9264.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 121 Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC 3,821,386 IG10 46.01 PRJNA492883 SAMN10112444 GCA_003702635.1 SEQF9265.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 206 USDA-ARS 3,735,924 1.2.48 45.93 PRJNA674638 SAMN22818097 GCA_021384425.1 SEQF9266.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 150 Chandrakasem Rajabhat University 3,905,499 GPS1-6 45.85 PRJNA770818 SAMN22237326 GCA_020532005.1 SEQF9267.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 125 USDA-ARS 3,652,706 1.2.7 45.99 PRJNA674638 SAMN18977394 GCA_018991365.1 SEQF9268.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 140 USDA-ARS 3,795,850 7.2.20 45.94 PRJNA674638 SAMN18987058 GCA_018993665.1 SEQF9269.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 133 USDA-ARS 3,651,781 1.2.13 45.99 PRJNA674638 SAMN18939723 GCA_018991345.1 SEQF9270.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 155 USDA-ARS 3,704,147 7.2.23 45.97 PRJNA674638 SAMN18977487 GCA_018993485.1 SEQF9271.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 55 IGA Technology Services Srl 3,922,141 O11 45.86 PRJNA815956 SAMN26656503 GCA_022936825.1 SEQF9272.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 157 USDA-ARS 3,826,173 14.8.42 45.92 PRJNA674638 SAMN18982119 GCA_018993525.1 SEQF9273.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 99 Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC 3,795,346 IG9 45.95 PRJNA492883 SAMN10112443 GCA_003702665.1 SEQF9274.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 81 Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC 3,808,220 IG12 45.96 PRJNA492883 SAMN10112446 GCA_003702565.1 SEQF9275.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 79 IGA Technology Services Srl 3,652,119 O19 46.13 PRJNA815956 SAMN26656505 GCA_022936805.1 SEQF9276.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 51 Food Industry Research and Development Institute 3,677,153 06B0048 46.18 PRJNA718066 SAMN18521540 GCA_017742275.1 SEQF9277.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 51 CSIR CFTRI 3,667,623 krglsrbmofpi2 46.23 PRJNA576968 SAMN13015363 GCA_009295675.1 SEQF9278.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 166 Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC 3,812,553 IG4 46.02 PRJNA436944 SAMN08636330 GCA_002993385.1 SEQF9279.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 130 USDA-ARS 3,640,616 1.8.6 46.02 PRJNA674638 SAMN18940221 GCA_018991355.1 SEQF9280.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 352 Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC 3,809,674 IG7 45.82 PRJNA436944 SAMN08636333 GCA_002993395.1 SEQF9281.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 165 USDA-ARS 3,770,960 7.8.46 46.01 PRJNA674638 SAMN18985902 GCA_018991465.1 SEQF9282.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 116 USDA-ARS 3,714,586 7.2.15 46.12 PRJNA674638 SAMN18977471 GCA_018993445.1 SEQF9283.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 111 USDA-ARS 3,655,808 3.2.37 46.04 PRJNA674638 SAMN18942672 GCA_018993495.1 SEQF9284.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 111 Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC 3,931,956 IG3 45.88 PRJNA436944 SAMN08636329 GCA_002993425.1 SEQF9285.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 107 Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC 3,799,012 IG11 45.96 PRJNA492883 SAMN10112445 GCA_003702605.1 SEQF9286.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 99 Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC 3,800,086 IG8 45.96 PRJNA492883 SAMN10112407 GCA_003702625.1 SEQF9287.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 42 Carlsberg Research Laboratory 3,701,834 ATCC 8041 46.32 PRJNA434401 SAMN08556546 GCA_004354685.1 SEQF9288.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 96 Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC 3,774,771 IG5 46.05 PRJNA436944 SAMN08636331 GCA_002993435.1 SEQF9289.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 45 Southwest University 3,962,622 DZ35 45.84 PRJNA563274 SAMN12671269 GCA_009812415.1 SEQF9290.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 116 USDA-ARS 3,634,568 1.2.11 46.05 PRJNA674638 SAMN18939715 GCA_018991285.1 SEQF9291.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 141 USDA-ARS 3,787,629 MU0445 45.9 PRJNA674638 SAMN18942680 GCA_018993585.1 SEQF9292.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 99 USDA-ARS 3,790,800 7.8.2 46.04 PRJNA674638 SAMN18987059 GCA_018991535.1 SEQF9293.1 883 Lactiplantibacillus pentosus latest 170 USDA-ARS 3,745,923 LA0445 45.96 PRJNA674638 SAMN16675151 GCA_018993985.1 SEQF2810.1 884 Lentilactobacillus rapi latest 87 Shanghai Majorbio 2,854,844 DSM 19907 42.96 PRJNA222257 SAMN02369472 GCA_001436255.1 SEQF9968.1 884 Lentilactobacillus rapi latest 166 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation Biological Resource Center 2,833,656 NBRC 109618 42.95 PRJDB6327 SAMD00172676 GCA_007992555.1 SEQF9969.1 884 Lentilactobacillus rapi latest 230 Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 2,687,900 IMAU80584 42.39 PRJNA735539 SAMN19588450 GCA_019049135.1 SEQF9970.1 884 Lentilactobacillus rapi latest 224 Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 2,812,746 IMAU92037 42.35 PRJNA735539 SAMN19760585 GCA_019061365.1 SEQF2686.1 885 Prevotella scopos latest 113 The University of Tokyo 3,184,425 JCM 17725 40.7 PRJDB606 SAMD00009021 GCA_000614285.1 SEQF2922.1 885 Prevotella scopos latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 3,303,745 W2052 40.79 PRJNA282954 SAMN03897722 GCA_001683355.1 SEQF3682.1 885 Prevotella scopos latest 3 The Forsyth Institute 3,304,345 W2052 40.75 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352205 GCA_018127785.1 SEQF2520.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 1 Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2,142,100 AS 1.3089 42.07 PRJNA192658 SAMN02603400 GCA_000385925.1 SEQF4395.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 1 Forsyth Institute 2,031,205 ATCC 51100 42.69 PRJNA549513 SAMN14365916 GCA_011612585.1 SEQF4396.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 1 SC 2,176,084 NCTC13807 42.1 PRJEB6403 SAMEA44545168 GCA_900478185.1 SEQF4397.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 31 University of Washington 2,433,951 550_SOLI 42.94 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197749 GCA_001073285.1 SEQF4398.2 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 10 J. Craig Venter Institute 1,994,424 ATCC 51100 42.61 PRJNA67185 SAMN00621700 GCA_000222765.2 SEQF4399.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 177 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation Biological Resource Center 2,092,623 NBRC 106105 41.97 PRJDB6233 SAMD00170760 GCA_007991595.1 SEQF4400.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 30 University of Nevada, Reno 1,881,435 F0329 42.71 PRJNA526114 SAMN12272123 GCA_014338595.1 SEQF4401.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 68 Clemson University 2,085,438 BCC51 42.24 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631764 GCA_003943815.1 SEQF4402.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 30 Hangzhou center for disease control and prevention 2,041,836 S22 42.4 PRJNA561044 SAMN12606070 GCA_008369405.1 SEQF4403.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 44 University of Kaiserslautern 2,206,539 DD08 43.34 PRJNA304333 SAMN04324327 GCA_001578775.1 SEQF4404.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 95 University of Malaya 1,991,673 JPIIBBV4 42.39 PRJNA280672 SAMN03480680 GCA_001588905.1 SEQF4405.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 19 NHGRI/NIH 1,933,836 ACRRN 42.86 PRJNA694925 SAMN17729918 GCA_022346625.1 SEQF4406.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 370 University of Malaya 2,096,922 LRIIBV4 42.46 PRJNA280675 SAMN03481561 GCA_001589115.1 SEQF4407.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 15 URMITE 2,075,917 Marseille-P644 42.38 PRJEB29558 SAMEA5743003 GCA_902460345.1 SEQF4408.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 44 Clemson University 2,041,369 BCC13 42.48 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631682 GCA_003943535.1 SEQF4409.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 18 The University of Texas at Dallas 1,971,746 O1-1 42.57 PRJNA817585 SAMN26876528 GCA_023110605.1 SEQF4410.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 43 Clemson University 1,991,942 BCA4 42.6 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631689 GCA_003944225.1 SEQF4411.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 28 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore 2,053,353 CR163 42.44 PRJNA749742 SAMN20399906 GCA_019929965.1 SEQF4412.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 47 Clemson University 2,287,283 A53 41.87 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631685 GCA_003943465.1 SEQF4413.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 99 University of Malaya 1,979,098 DOBICBV2 42.62 PRJNA280663 SAMN03480632 GCA_001588855.1 SEQF4414.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 149 University of Washington 2,190,411 771_SOLI 40.43 PRJNA267549 SAMN03197981 GCA_001074345.1 SEQF4415.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 68 Clemson University 2,294,401 A56 41.9 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631688 GCA_003944305.1 SEQF4416.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 5 University at Buffalo 1,998,501 CR3 42.61 PRJNA274768 SAMN03334894 GCA_000959895.1 SEQF4417.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 40 Clemson University 2,003,744 BCC41 42.61 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631683 GCA_003943515.1 SEQF4418.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 48 Clemson University 2,066,467 BCA6 42.41 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631690 GCA_003944245.1 SEQF4419.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 12 URMITE 2,073,737 Marseille-P5794 42.27 PRJEB29559 SAMEA5743007 GCA_902460335.1 SEQF4420.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 42 Clemson University 1,967,660 BCA15 42.55 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631691 GCA_003943455.1 SEQF4421.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 132 Clemson University 2,080,561 A52 42.68 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631684 GCA_003943505.1 SEQF4422.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 51 Clemson University 2,278,062 A55 41.88 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631687 GCA_003943435.1 SEQF4423.1 886 Streptococcus cristatus latest 52 Clemson University 2,282,836 A54 41.89 PRJNA480251 SAMN09631686 GCA_003944315.1 SEQF2811.1 887 Veillonella denticariosi latest 22 JCVI 1,946,140 AS16 43.14 PRJNA165949 SAMN02597445 GCA_000517785.1 SEQF5424.1 887 Veillonella denticariosi latest 8 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido 1,981,866 JCM 15641 42.92 PRJDB3830 SAMD00090155 GCA_002959855.1 SEQF5425.1 887 Veillonella denticariosi latest 20 The University of Tokyo 1,981,596 JCM 15641 43.13 PRJDB870 SAMD00000527 GCA_001312465.1 SEQF2573.1 888 Actinomyces dentalis latest 91 DOE Joint Genome Institute 3,531,393 DSM 19115 73.12 PRJNA185529 SAMN02440612 GCA_000429225.1 SEQF2413.2 889 Bifidobacterium breve 34 Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2,314,396 strain=CECT 7263 58.88 PRJNA67403 SAMN02471362 GCA_000247755.2 SEQF2415.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve 103 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 2,331,386 DSM 20213 = JCM 1192 58.49 PRJNA29259 SAMN00008778 GCA_000158015.1 SEQF2425.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,327,492 ACS-071-V-Sch8b 58.73 PRJNA51077 SAMN00100758 GCA_000213865.1 SEQF2426.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,422,684 UCC2003 58.73 PRJNA13487 SAMN02604112 GCA_000220135.1 SEQF2535.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve 4 Broad Institute 2,504,312 HPH0326 59.13 PRJNA169434 SAMN02596976 GCA_000411435.1 SEQF2576.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve 68 Washington University 2,369,717 strain=JCP7499 58.65 PRJNA181327 SAMN02436887 GCA_000466545.1 SEQF8928.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 2 Yonsei University 2,426,006 BR3 59.09 PRJNA270903 SAMN03271681 GCA_001281425.1 SEQF8929.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 SC 2,275,664 NCTC11815 58.89 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4076721 GCA_900637145.1 SEQF8930.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,273,173 180W83 58.84 PRJNA384128 SAMN06829003 GCA_002838525.1 SEQF8931.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University of Parma 2,331,707 689b 58.73 PRJNA214955 SAMN03081482 GCA_000569055.1 SEQF8932.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,289,884 NRBB02 58.59 PRJNA384042 SAMN06827019 GCA_002838265.1 SEQF8933.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,286,339 082W48 58.82 PRJNA384114 SAMN06828932 GCA_002838545.1 SEQF8934.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 Peking University 2,313,172 lw01 58.77 PRJNA507053 SAMN10484345 GCA_003860285.1 SEQF8935.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,510,381 NRBB57 59.38 PRJNA384069 SAMN06827912 GCA_002838345.1 SEQF8936.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,289,791 NRBB49 58.59 PRJNA387696 SAMN07160977 GCA_002838685.1 SEQF8937.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,435,086 DRBB29 58.89 PRJNA387697 SAMN07160978 GCA_002838705.1 SEQF8938.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,301,422 017W439 58.72 PRJNA384113 SAMN06828931 GCA_002838465.1 SEQF8939.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,288,919 JCM 7017 58.65 PRJNA214950 SAMN03081479 GCA_000568975.1 SEQF8940.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,462,170 DRBB28 58.97 PRJNA384074 SAMN06827976 GCA_002838505.1 SEQF8941.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 Korea University 2,403,402 LMC520 59.0 PRJNA369572 SAMN06240351 GCA_001990225.1 SEQF8942.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,265,557 NRBB09 58.69 PRJNA384044 SAMN06827067 GCA_002838325.1 SEQF8943.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,589,602 215W447a 59.29 PRJNA384129 SAMN06829004 GCA_002838485.1 SEQF8944.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University of Parma 2,244,624 12L 58.87 PRJNA214949 SAMN03081478 GCA_000568955.1 SEQF8945.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,471,118 DRBB30 58.95 PRJNA387698 SAMN07160979 GCA_002838725.1 SEQF8946.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 EMG 2,422,684 MGYG-HGUT-02469 58.73 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851974 GCA_902387425.1 SEQF8947.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 The Edison Family Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology 2,359,653 B.breve_1_mod 58.82 PRJEB27068 SAMEA5770181 GCA_902167875.1 SEQF8948.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,289,726 NRBB19 58.59 PRJNA387699 SAMN07160980 GCA_002838625.1 SEQF8949.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,359,009 JCM 7019 58.65 PRJNA214951 SAMN03081480 GCA_000569015.1 SEQF8950.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,402,272 NRBB51 59.02 PRJNA384048 SAMN06827096 GCA_002838405.1 SEQF8951.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,315,904 NCFB 2258 58.71 PRJNA214954 SAMN03081481 GCA_000569035.1 SEQF8952.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,435,083 DRBB27 58.89 PRJNA384073 SAMN06827975 GCA_002838445.1 SEQF8953.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,464,852 CNCM I-4321 58.95 PRJNA384070 SAMN06827913 GCA_002838585.1 SEQF8954.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,411,276 139W423 58.65 PRJNA384124 SAMN06829002 GCA_002838565.1 SEQF8955.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,377,562 NRBB11 58.72 PRJNA384046 SAMN06827081 GCA_002838305.1 SEQF8956.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,289,892 NRBB20 58.59 PRJNA387670 SAMN07160580 GCA_002838645.1 SEQF8957.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,396,387 DRBB26 58.55 PRJNA384072 SAMN06827973 GCA_002838225.1 SEQF8958.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 KHEPRIOME 2,289,549 JTL 58.53 PRJNA635210 SAMN15028705 GCA_013267755.1 SEQF8959.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,269,404 NRBB01 58.89 PRJNA384038 SAMN06827008 GCA_002838245.1 SEQF8960.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 Microbial Institute for Fermentation Industry 2,274,146 JSRL01 58.58 PRJNA579858 SAMN13135167 GCA_009498435.1 SEQF8961.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,425,122 NRBB56 58.93 PRJNA384068 SAMN06827911 GCA_002838425.1 SEQF8962.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University of Florida 2,304,912 JR01 58.87 PRJNA489428 SAMN09977286 GCA_009931415.1 SEQF8963.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,289,686 NRBB18 58.59 PRJNA387666 SAMN07160576 GCA_002838605.1 SEQF8964.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University of Ulm 2,294,458 S27 58.74 PRJNA214956 SAMN03081483 GCA_000569075.1 SEQF8965.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,324,647 NRBB04 58.71 PRJNA384043 SAMN06827050 GCA_002838285.1 SEQF8966.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,289,838 NRBB27 58.59 PRJNA387692 SAMN07160976 GCA_002838665.1 SEQF8967.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,409,058 NRBB50 58.79 PRJNA384047 SAMN06827094 GCA_002838365.1 SEQF8968.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,379,672 NRBB52 58.87 PRJNA384049 SAMN06827097 GCA_002838385.1 SEQF8969.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 University College Cork 2,289,759 NRBB08 58.59 PRJNA387665 SAMN07160574 GCA_002838745.1 SEQF8970.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 2,275,646 FDAARGOS_561 58.89 PRJNA231221 SAMN10163185 GCA_003813065.1 SEQF8971.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 Research Laboratories, Ildong Pharmaceutical 2,452,339 IDCC4401 58.7 PRJNA579060 SAMN13091495 GCA_009429085.1 SEQF8972.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 1 Microbion Srl 2,274,632 BR03 58.59 PRJNA512062 SAMN10659766 GCA_004319685.1 SEQF8973.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 41 University of Tromso 2,378,038 Bifido_10 58.5 PRJEB18553 SAMEA51822418 GCA_900157105.1 SEQF8974.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 42 University of Saskatchewan 2,290,315 N6D12 59.36 PRJNA387952 SAMN07189843 GCA_003370105.1 SEQF8975.1 889 Bifidobacterium breve latest 64 University of Chicago 2,349,370 MSK.22.34 58.66 PRJNA737800 SAMN19732133 GCA_019126245.1 SEQF2577.1 890 Bifidobacterium subtile latest 32 DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,765,266 DSM 20096 60.93 PRJNA195781 SAMN02440843 GCA_000426405.1 SEQF2708.1 890 Bifidobacterium subtile latest 27 University of Parma 2,790,088 LMG 11597 60.92 PRJNA239867 SAMN02673455 GCA_000741775.1 SEQF8025.1 890 Bifidobacterium subtile latest 1 Korea University 2,822,354 KCTC 3272 60.97 PRJNA661153 SAMN16365388 GCA_014898195.1 SEQF8026.1 890 Bifidobacterium subtile latest 75 Key Laboratory of Dairy BiotecInner Mongolia Agricultural University 2,761,997 DSM 20096 60.93 PRJNA237576 SAMN02442015 GCA_000771185.1 SEQF2707.1 891 Bifidobacterium scardovii latest 34 University of Parma 3,141,793 LMG 21589 64.64 PRJNA239864 SAMN02673452 GCA_000741405.1 SEQF4329.1 891 Bifidobacterium scardovii latest 150 University of Washington 3,121,288 981_BLON 64.76 PRJNA267549 SAMN03198202 GCA_001059475.1 SEQF2454.1 892 Selenomonas sp._HMT_892 latest 40 Washington University 2,314,792 F0426 55.05 PRJNA198895 SAMN02436726 GCA_000468035.1 SEQF2431.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 771 Osaka Dental University 2,872,429 K20 67.8 PRJDA51265 SAMD00036544 GCA_000180155.1 SEQF2806.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 3,042,917 T14V 68.46 PRJNA282954 SAMN04435864 GCA_001553935.1 SEQF8129.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 3,190,396 FDAARGOS_1051 68.47 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357220 GCA_016127955.1 SEQF8130.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 1 Actinomyces oris 3,119,201 K20 68.33 PRJDB13022 SAMD00442649 GCA_023169925.1 SEQF8131.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 86 Kings College London 3,250,757 MMRCO6-1 68.1 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898728 GCA_001937385.1 SEQF8132.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 96 Kings College London 3,115,162 R23275 68.5 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898720 GCA_001937535.1 SEQF8133.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 19 University of Gothenburg - CCUG 3,168,954 CCUG 34288 68.56 PRJNA305687 SAMN12142211 GCA_006546825.1 SEQF8134.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 103 Kings College London 3,278,855 F28B1 68.09 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898726 GCA_001937425.1 SEQF8135.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 87 Kings College London 3,046,442 R21091 68.71 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898732 GCA_001937365.1 SEQF8136.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 45 Kings College London 2,976,384 W11-1-1 68.82 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898718 GCA_001937545.1 SEQF8137.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 36 Kings College London 3,039,485 G53E 68.8 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898717 GCA_001937555.1 SEQF8138.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 95 Kings College London 3,113,698 S64C 68.55 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898733 GCA_001929375.1 SEQF8139.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 65 Kings College London 3,025,390 F4D1 68.63 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898719 GCA_001929365.1 SEQF8140.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 118 Kings College London 3,283,870 A19A-1 68.05 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898724 GCA_001937725.1 SEQF8141.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 485 the National Laboratory of Genomics for Biodiversity 2,930,321 MG-1 68.22 PRJNA327886 SAMN05361159 GCA_001682715.1 SEQF8142.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 91 Kings College London 3,266,793 CCUG 34286 68.03 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898725 GCA_001937485.1 SEQF8143.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 88 Kings College London 3,229,440 WE8B-23 68.27 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898722 GCA_001937445.1 SEQF8144.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 15 Loyola University Chicago 3,015,022 UMB0183 68.85 PRJNA316969 SAMN08193633 GCA_002847555.1 SEQF8145.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 74 Kings College London 3,282,203 R11372 67.94 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898723 GCA_001937505.1 SEQF8146.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 42 Kings College London 3,104,690 A7A-1 68.76 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898721 GCA_001937715.1 SEQF8147.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 90 Kings College London 3,243,259 M48-1B-1 68.03 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898727 GCA_001937415.1 SEQF8148.1 893 Actinomyces oris latest 290 Kings College London 3,045,360 S24V 68.37 PRJNA347929 SAMN05898731 GCA_001937655.1 SEQF2749.1 894 Ottowia sp._HMT_894 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,925,783 W10237 63.59 PRJNA282954 SAMN03704033 GCA_001262075.1 SEQF2463.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Penn State University, Department of Food Science 1,932,693 ATCC 25527 60.47 PRJNA41423 SAMN02603717 GCA_000260715.1 SEQF2464.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Washington University School of Medicine Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology 1,943,113 CNCM I-2494 60.49 PRJNA67865 SAMN02604350 GCA_000220885.1 SEQF2465.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) 1,933,695 AD011 60.49 PRJNA19423 SAMN02603485 GCA_000021425.1 SEQF2466.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 DuPont 1,938,595 B420 60.48 PRJNA156973 SAMN02603214 GCA_000277325.1 SEQF2467.2 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Chr. Hansen A/S 1,944,152 BB-12 60.49 PRJNA42883 SAMN02603131 GCA_000025245.2 SEQF2468.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 DuPont 1,938,822 Bi-07 60.48 PRJNA156975 SAMN02603215 GCA_000277345.1 SEQF2469.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Danisco USA Inc. 1,938,709 Bl-04; ATCC SD5219 60.48 PRJNA32897 SAMN02603172 GCA_000022705.1 SEQF2470.2 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 University of Parma Sacco srl 1,938,583 BLC1 60.48 PRJNA71815 SAMN02604239 GCA_000224965.2 SEQF2471.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Danisco USA Inc. 1,938,483 DSM 10140 60.48 PRJNA32893 SAMN02603171 GCA_000022965.1 SEQF2472.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 The Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Education Ministry of P. R. China, Department of Food Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China 1,944,050 V9 60.49 PRJNA32515 SAMN02603934 GCA_000092765.1 SEQF2474.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis 2 Probiotical Spa 1,932,595 BS 01 60.49 PRJNA59607 SAMN00764905 GCA_000240765.1 SEQF2475.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis 28 Fonterra Research Centre 1,915,892 HN019 60.45 PRJNA28807 SAMN02469791 GCA_000172535.1 SEQF9294.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 University of Parma 1,938,606 Bl12 60.48 PRJNA186412 SAMN02604238 GCA_000414215.1 SEQF9295.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 DuPont Nutrition & Health 1,935,423 HN019 60.49 PRJNA481603 SAMN09684768 GCA_003606305.1 SEQF9296.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Jiangsu Wecare Biotechnology Co., Ltd 1,935,434 BLa80 60.49 PRJNA758747 SAMN21499763 GCA_023375105.1 SEQF9297.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Institute of Microbiology, Belarus National Academy of Sciences 1,944,352 H1 60.49 PRJNA263203 SAMN16477311 GCA_016835115.1 SEQF9298.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Penn State 1,963,012 ATCC 27673 60.63 PRJNA133057 SAMN02603715 GCA_000471945.1 SEQF9299.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Research Laboratories, Ildong Pharmaceutical 1,944,141 IDCC4301 60.49 PRJNA486607 SAMN09858435 GCA_003428375.1 SEQF9300.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 University College Cork 1,932,687 CNCM I-4602 60.47 PRJNA445301 SAMN08774047 GCA_003671995.1 SEQF9301.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 hy research institute 1,944,140 HY8002 60.49 PRJNA819830 SAMN26937365 GCA_023704215.1 SEQF9302.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 1,944,283 TK-J6A 60.49 PRJNA579198 SAMN13106276 GCA_015377505.1 SEQF9303.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 China Agricultural University 1,931,057 RH 60.48 PRJNA245929 SAMN02797738 GCA_000695895.1 SEQF9304.2 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 University of Bern 2,027,369 YL2 60.21 PRJNA317592 SAMN04621611 GCA_001688645.2 SEQF9305.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Shijiazhuang Junlebao Dairy Co., Ltd. 1,943,538 i797 60.49 PRJNA752179 SAMN20586788 GCA_019576095.1 SEQF9306.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Korea Food Research Institute 1,944,072 S7 60.49 PRJNA397826 SAMN07488464 GCA_003390755.1 SEQF9307.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Suranaree University of Technology 1,938,624 BF052 60.48 PRJNA252546 SAMN02941905 GCA_000818055.1 SEQF9308.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 1,937,197 Probio-M8 60.49 PRJNA597109 SAMN13663592 GCA_011770105.1 SEQF9309.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 China Agricultural University 1,958,651 A6 60.49 PRJNA271239 SAMN03273367 GCA_000817045.1 SEQF9310.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Korea Food Research Institute 1,944,323 BL3 60.48 PRJNA340074 SAMN05631165 GCA_002220485.1 SEQF9311.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Northeast Agricultural University in Peoples Republic of China 1,946,899 KLDS2.0603 60.48 PRJNA225662 SAMN02726251 GCA_000816205.1 SEQF9312.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 The University of Nottingham 1,963,057 19-D-1 60.65 PRJNA766511 SAMN21849797 GCA_020309945.1 SEQF9313.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Institute of Microbiology, Belarus National Academy of Sciences 1,944,351 H3 60.49 PRJNA263288 SAMN03098186 GCA_016835135.1 SEQF9314.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 China Agricultural University 1,931,632 01 60.49 PRJNA516982 SAMN10817706 GCA_004135895.1 SEQF9315.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 IFF Health & Biosciences 1,944,152 DSM 15954 60.49 PRJNA773092 SAMN22442594 GCA_021018785.1 SEQF9316.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Haerbin Meihua Biotechnology 1,944,145 B06 60.49 PRJNA560132 SAMN12569105 GCA_008041995.1 SEQF9317.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 EMG 1,958,651 MGYG-HGUT-02459 60.49 PRJEB33885 SAMEA5851964 GCA_902387355.1 SEQF9318.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Institut Pasteur 2,021,936 YL2 60.21 PRJNA680355 SAMN16911581 GCA_016696725.1 SEQF9319.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 1 Institut Pasteur 2,022,126 YL2 60.22 PRJNA831628 SAMN27755658 GCA_023278655.1 SEQF9320.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 75 University of Tromso 1,954,362 Bifido_08 60.36 PRJEB18553 SAMEA51820918 GCA_900157045.1 SEQF9321.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 12 University of Parma 1,918,939 1395B 60.47 PRJNA506409 SAMN10459549 GCA_004154695.1 SEQF9322.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 13 University of Parma 1,915,007 LMG 10508 60.47 PRJNA239836 SAMN02673424 GCA_000741485.1 SEQF9323.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 26 University of Chicago 1,918,288 MSK.22.126 60.46 PRJNA737800 SAMN19732117 GCA_019126675.1 SEQF9324.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 16 University of Parma 1,922,614 1811B 60.48 PRJNA506409 SAMN10459553 GCA_004154535.1 SEQF9325.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 18 Food Science and Technology Institute, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd 1,912,453 ATCC 27536 60.47 PRJNA215969 SAMN03978807 GCA_001263975.1 SEQF9326.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 27 University of Chicago 1,920,281 MSK.22.142 60.46 PRJNA737800 SAMN19732124 GCA_019052265.1 SEQF9327.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 14 Broad Institute 1,920,186 co_0103 60.44 PRJNA496358 SAMN10239584 GCA_004167905.1 SEQF9328.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 16 USFDA 1,916,859 DS2_2 60.46 PRJNA336518 SAMN06464094 GCA_003095075.1 SEQF9329.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 62 Microbion SrL 2,089,853 BS 05 60.62 PRJNA716495 SAMN18436806 GCA_018408985.1 SEQF9330.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 10 Food Science and Technology Institute, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd 1,990,162 ATCC 27672 60.08 PRJNA215973 SAMN03978812 GCA_001264055.1 SEQF9331.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 69 University of Chicago 1,928,668 MSK.23.128 60.42 PRJNA737800 SAMN22165249 GCA_020538725.1 SEQF9332.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 36 USFDA 1,924,949 DS24_2 60.45 PRJNA336518 SAMN08948998 GCA_003094815.1 SEQF9333.1 895 Bifidobacterium animalis latest 12 University of Parma 1,918,955 1813B 60.47 PRJNA506409 SAMN10459554 GCA_004154525.1 SEQF3062.1 897 Actinomyces sp._HMT_897 latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 3,249,416 F0631 71.63 PRJNA282954 SAMN08439033 GCA_002999235.1 SEQF3174.1 902 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_902 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,837,214 W10638 39.26 PRJNA282954 SAMN15360087 GCA_013394735.1 SEQF3176.1 903 Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_903 latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,584,129 W10654 39.58 PRJNA282954 SAMN15360088 GCA_013394785.1 SEQF2919.1 920 Selenomonas sp._HMT_920 latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 2,440,121 W5150 55.84 PRJNA282954 SAMN05420587 GCA_001717585.1 SEQF2880.1 921 Paenibacillus glucanolyticus latest 1 North Carolina State University 5,897,585 5162 49.19 PRJNA309413 SAMN04432816 GCA_001632305.1 SEQF3065.1 921 Paenibacillus glucanolyticus latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 6,573,405 W10507 48.78 PRJNA282954 SAMN08743844 GCA_003033945.1 SEQF5371.1 921 Paenibacillus glucanolyticus latest 118 Cornell University 7,128,183 FSL R5-0817 48.0 PRJNA343020 SAMN05929625 GCA_001955865.1 SEQF5372.1 921 Paenibacillus glucanolyticus latest 48 Universitaet Bonn 6,494,398 J12 48.99 PRJNA565910 SAMN12771811 GCA_009377295.1 SEQF5373.1 921 Paenibacillus glucanolyticus latest 3 North Carolina State University 7,039,886 SLM1 48.08 PRJNA309413 SAMN04432833 GCA_001633025.1 SEQF5374.1 921 Paenibacillus glucanolyticus latest 50 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 6,150,324 NBRC 15330 48.57 PRJDB1362 SAMD00034163 GCA_004000885.1 SEQF2783.1 928 Gemella sp._HMT_928 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 1,769,679 W2231 30.65 PRJNA282954 SAMN04435857 GCA_001553915.1 SEQF3070.1 929 Peptoniphilaceae_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_929 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 1,646,831 W2294 34.61 PRJNA282954 SAMN08439029 GCA_002998695.1 SEQF2777.2 934 Oribacterium parvum latest 2 Broad Institute 2,470,863 ACB1 42.18 PRJNA49877 SAMN02463872 GCA_000238055.2 SEQF8292.1 934 Oribacterium parvum latest 15 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,481,911 ACB8 42.04 PRJNA78569 SAMN00828777 GCA_000277505.1 SEQF3054.1 935 Fastidiosipila sanguinis latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 1,785,891 CCUG 47711 33.73 PRJNA282954 SAMN08567288 GCA_002998295.1 SEQF7859.2 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 3 Norwich Research Park, The Genome Analysis Centre, Colney, Norwich NR4 7UH, UNITED KINGDOM 2,091,243 ATCC 53608 38.75 PRJEA63411 SAMEA2272605 GCA_000236455.2 SEQF7860.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Shanghai Yaodan Biotechnological Co., LTD 2,229,645 M2021619 39.07 PRJNA789472 SAMN24114820 GCA_021459965.1 SEQF7861.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Dankook University 1,986,363 RTR 38.89 PRJNA721851 SAMN18740304 GCA_021383585.1 SEQF7862.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Sungkyunkwan University 2,259,968 SKKU-OGDONS-01 38.86 PRJNA473291 SAMN09270376 GCA_003316935.1 SEQF7863.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 2 North Carolina State University 2,272,714 1B 38.93 PRJNA597131 SAMN13624823 GCA_013487925.1 SEQF7864.2 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 University of Bern 2,044,771 I49 38.76 PRJNA317592 SAMN04621617 GCA_001688685.2 SEQF7865.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 The University of Nottingham 1,947,745 19-E-3 39.0 PRJNA767639 SAMN21920642 GCA_020412485.1 SEQF7866.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Nnamdi Azikiwe University 2,085,667 CNEI-KCA3 39.43 PRJNA626394 SAMN14639341 GCA_013694365.1 SEQF7867.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 5 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology 2,162,818 AN417 38.95 PRJNA637956 SAMN15162791 GCA_013348825.1 SEQF7868.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 SEED HEALTH INC 2,313,802 SD-LRE2-IT 38.8 PRJNA740036 SAMN19814906 GCA_020023775.1 SEQF7869.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 SEED HEALTH INC 2,076,814 SD-RD830-FR 38.92 PRJNA740036 SAMN19814905 GCA_020023755.1 SEQF7870.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine 2,234,097 ZLR003 38.66 PRJNA290298 SAMN03879966 GCA_001618905.1 SEQF7871.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Chungbuk National University 1,972,516 EFEL6901 38.9 PRJNA826716 SAMN27578393 GCA_023078415.1 SEQF7872.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 3 Northeast Agricultral University 2,151,788 YSJL-12 38.93 PRJNA476683 SAMN09453118 GCA_006874665.1 SEQF7873.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 AtoGen Co., Ltd. 2,041,516 ATG-F4 38.89 PRJNA521452 SAMN10888479 GCA_004208615.1 SEQF7874.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 2 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology 2,243,237 DS0384 39.04 PRJNA791146 SAMN24255923 GCA_021398615.1 SEQF7875.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Sungkyunkwan University 2,244,514 Byun-re-01 38.88 PRJNA427254 SAMN08225762 GCA_003316895.1 SEQF7876.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Nutrition &Health Technology Center 2,040,678 VHProbi E18 38.88 PRJNA785080 SAMN23526821 GCA_021165875.1 SEQF7877.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) 1,993,967 IRT 38.9 PRJNA276785 SAMN03382532 GCA_001046835.1 SEQF7878.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 2 University of California Irvine 2,384,717 LL7 38.81 PRJNA554696 SAMN12280509 GCA_007633215.1 SEQF7879.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 4 Huazhong agricultural university 2,439,358 YLR001 38.66 PRJNA682320 SAMN16987598 GCA_018884225.1 SEQF7880.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 The University of Nottingham 1,947,772 19-E-6 39.0 PRJNA767643 SAMN21920643 GCA_020412465.1 SEQF7881.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Zhejiang Tianke High Technology Development Co.Ltd. 2,038,911 TK-F8A 38.88 PRJNA579198 SAMN13106284 GCA_015377805.1 SEQF7882.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Nutrition &Health Technology Center 2,041,530 VHProbi M07 38.89 PRJNA785010 SAMN23525688 GCA_021228055.1 SEQF7883.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co., LTD. 2,044,184 WHH1689 39.31 PRJNA431039 SAMN08382659 GCA_003072625.1 SEQF7884.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 University of Alberta 2,050,876 L8 39.0 PRJNA609246 SAMN14239247 GCA_022642805.1 SEQF7885.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Uzobiogene Genomics 2,072,001 CNI-KCA2 38.92 PRJNA603203 SAMN13923556 GCA_012275185.1 SEQF7886.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 5 Elanco Animal Health 2,399,145 3630 38.69 PRJNA675717 SAMN16712075 GCA_020978225.1 SEQF7887.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 Institut Pasteur 2,063,624 I49 38.75 PRJNA680355 SAMN16911574 GCA_016697045.1 SEQF7888.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 7 Elanco Animal Health 2,483,413 3632 38.54 PRJNA675717 SAMN16712076 GCA_020978285.1 SEQF7889.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 165 Huazhong Agricultural University 2,254,387 GQ_1_3_1 38.71 PRJNA771229 SAMN22258590 GCA_020785795.1 SEQF7890.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 135 Huazhong Agricultural University 2,368,786 LTM_Jesus_5_1 38.41 PRJNA771229 SAMN22258626 GCA_020785035.1 SEQF7891.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 126 ETH Zurich 1,934,301 PTA5_F11 38.77 PRJNA473635 SAMN09280117 GCA_009389255.1 SEQF7892.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 134 Moviscom srl 2,016,419 LMG P-27481 38.77 PRJNA577397 SAMN13025177 GCA_011065435.1 SEQF7893.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 1 URMITE 2,039,540 Marseille-P5460 49.68 PRJEB32461 SAMEA5606433 GCA_901600695.1 SEQF7894.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 204 Key laboratory of dairy biotechnology and engineering 2,365,809 LR11 38.17 PRJNA472230 SAMN08934311 GCA_003174995.1 SEQF7895.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 270 Huazhong Agricultural University 2,234,554 AP1 38.62 PRJNA771229 SAMN22258577 GCA_020786095.1 SEQF7896.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 220 Huazhong Agricultural University 2,182,531 11B 38.79 PRJNA771229 SAMN22258581 GCA_020785935.1 SEQF7897.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 250 Inner Mongolia Agricultural Univercity 2,041,738 Z2 39.05 PRJNA553012 SAMN12234689 GCA_012970985.1 SEQF7898.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 109 University of Alberta 2,191,465 103v 38.3 PRJNA384810 SAMN06848376 GCA_002254185.1 SEQF7899.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 219 ETH Zurich 2,092,540 PTA6_F1 38.89 PRJNA473635 SAMN09280125 GCA_009389015.1 SEQF7900.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 124 Huazhong Agricultural University 2,159,483 PM_Patrick_6_1 38.5 PRJNA771229 SAMN22258636 GCA_020784805.1 SEQF7901.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 3 Max von Pettenkofer-Institut 2,063,604 I49 38.75 PRJNA289613 SAMN03854115 GCA_002221655.1 SEQF7902.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 228 Huazhong Agricultural University 2,018,659 MR2 38.6 PRJNA771229 SAMN22258637 GCA_020784845.1 SEQF7903.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 149 Seoul National University 2,110,569 KLR2001 38.53 PRJNA342243 SAMN05751483 GCA_002128495.1 SEQF7904.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 117 Huazhong Agricultural University 2,162,028 PM_Patrick_1_1 38.5 PRJNA771229 SAMN22258635 GCA_020784875.1 SEQF7905.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 387 Veterinary Research Institute 2,139,010 An769 38.75 PRJNA377666 SAMN14913601 GCA_016900715.1 SEQF7906.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 191 ETH Zurich 2,041,920 PTA6_C2 38.87 PRJNA473635 SAMN09280123 GCA_009389115.1 SEQF7907.1 938 Limosilactobacillus reuteri latest 258 Inner Mongolia Agricultural Univercity 1,946,071 Z6 38.8 PRJNA553012 SAMN12254898 GCA_012971015.1 SEQF3090.1 943 Prevotella aurantiaca latest 148 The University of Tokyo 3,002,170 JCM 15754 38.94 PRJDB596 SAMD00012187 GCA_000614025.1 SEQF2776.1 944 Haemophilus sputorum latest 25 JCVI 2,080,113 HK 2154 39.5 PRJNA89619 SAMN00829138 GCA_000287615.1 SEQF5173.1 944 Haemophilus sputorum latest 26 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,001,559 C2015005679 39.57 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011121 GCA_003252875.1 SEQF5174.1 944 Haemophilus sputorum latest 29 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,158,543 C2002001239 39.7 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011141 GCA_003252715.1 SEQF5175.2 944 Haemophilus sputorum latest 87 BiRC 2,143,543 CCUG 13788 39.72 PRJNA67089 SAMN02393707 GCA_000238795.2 SEQF5176.1 944 Haemophilus sputorum latest 26 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,999,520 C2015005473 39.56 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011122 GCA_003252855.1 SEQF2774.1 945 Haemophilus parahaemolyticus latest 61 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,030,584 HK385 40.15 PRJNA75139 SAMN00761805 GCA_000262265.1 SEQF7579.1 945 Haemophilus parahaemolyticus latest 2 US Food and Drug Administration 2,093,459 FDAARGOS_1199 40.29 PRJNA231221 SAMN16357341 GCA_016889385.1 SEQF7580.1 945 Haemophilus parahaemolyticus latest 2 NEB 2,091,866 NEB129 40.3 PRJNA530980 SAMN11345835 GCA_008330025.1 SEQF7581.1 945 Haemophilus parahaemolyticus latest 3 SC 2,163,754 NCTC10794 40.18 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3207626 GCA_900450875.1 SEQF7582.1 945 Haemophilus parahaemolyticus latest 41 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,218,651 C2010039593 40.01 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011125 GCA_003253075.1 SEQF7583.1 945 Haemophilus parahaemolyticus latest 27 URMITE 2,037,768 G321 40.11 PRJEB7536 SAMEA3105057 GCA_000826045.1 SEQF7584.1 945 Haemophilus parahaemolyticus latest 15 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2,117,430 C2006000788 40.09 PRJNA454666 SAMN09011136 GCA_003252925.1 SEQF7585.1 945 Haemophilus parahaemolyticus latest 26 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,039,014 CCUG 3716 40.16 PRJNA302716 SAMN06308710 GCA_002015035.1 SEQF2775.2 946 Haemophilus pittmaniae latest 26 J. Craig Venter Institute 2,182,608 HK 85 42.54 PRJNA67189 SAMN00621708 GCA_000223275.2 SEQF9503.1 946 Haemophilus pittmaniae latest 1 SC 2,181,355 NCTC13334 42.52 PRJEB6403 SAMEA4384241 GCA_900186995.1 SEQF9504.1 946 Haemophilus pittmaniae latest 5 SC 2,244,325 NCTC13335 42.52 PRJEB6403 SAMEA104210807 GCA_900450865.1 SEQF3679.1 948 Streptococcus lactarius latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 2,144,372 CCUG 66490 41.61 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352172 GCA_018127725.1 SEQF4002.1 948 Streptococcus lactarius latest 38 Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 2,062,482 IMAU 99161 41.63 PRJNA612641 SAMN14379676 GCA_014435245.1 SEQF4003.1 948 Streptococcus lactarius latest 21 TAILORED-Treatment project 2,117,087 CCUG 66490 41.64 PRJNA302716 SAMN06134709 GCA_016642265.1 SEQF2796.1 952 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_952 latest 1 J. Craig Venter Institute 705,138 TM7x 44.45 PRJNA241438 SAMN02693873 GCA_000803625.1 SEQF3101.1 952 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_952 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 705,178 TM7x 44.45 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483332 GCA_005697395.1 SEQF2840.1 953 Fusobacterium hwasookii latest 2 Chosun University 2,430,523 ChDC F206 27.24 PRJNA270138 SAMN03263145 GCA_001455085.1 SEQF2841.1 953 Fusobacterium hwasookii latest 2 Chosun University 2,527,063 ChDC F300 27.12 PRJNA270142 SAMN03263150 GCA_001455105.1 SEQF2842.1 953 Fusobacterium hwasookii latest 3 Chosun University 2,531,722 ChDC F174 27.11 PRJNA270134 SAMN03263088 GCA_001455145.1 SEQF2843.1 953 Fusobacterium hwasookii latest 30 Chosun University 2,361,684 ChDC F128 26.99 PRJNA171181 SAMN02469578 GCA_000292935.1 SEQF7520.1 953 Fusobacterium hwasookii latest 3 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,378,155 KCOM 1249 27.18 PRJNA655549 SAMN15742258 GCA_014217355.1 SEQF7521.1 953 Fusobacterium hwasookii latest 1 Shanghai Tenth Peoples Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine 2,287,114 THCT14E2 27.26 PRJNA704481 SAMN18042969 GCA_019551945.1 SEQF7522.1 953 Fusobacterium hwasookii latest 2 Korean Collection for Oral Microbiology 2,363,187 KCOM 1253 27.2 PRJNA655553 SAMN15742288 GCA_014217375.1 SEQF7523.1 953 Fusobacterium hwasookii latest 173 Dental School of Chosun University 2,362,473 ChDC F206 27.06 PRJNA193584 SAMN02469581 GCA_000455905.1 SEQF7524.1 953 Fusobacterium hwasookii latest 164 Dental School of Chosun University 2,280,257 ChDC F145 26.99 PRJNA193582 SAMN02469579 GCA_000455865.1 SEQF7525.1 953 Fusobacterium hwasookii latest 118 Dental School of Chosun University 2,465,770 ChDC F174 26.92 PRJNA193583 SAMN02469580 GCA_000455885.1 SEQF7526.1 953 Fusobacterium hwasookii latest 148 Dental School of Chosun University 2,441,149 ChDC F300 26.95 PRJNA193585 SAMN02469577 GCA_000455925.1 SEQF3099.1 955 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-8] bacterium_HMT_955 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 842,202 PM004 46.8 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483327 GCA_005697055.1 SEQF3135.1 955 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-8] bacterium_HMT_955 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 873,056 FS14P 46.73 PRJNA282954 SAMN13876981 GCA_010202265.1 SEQF3136.1 955 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-8] bacterium_HMT_955 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 885,960 FS17P 46.76 PRJNA282954 SAMN13876983 GCA_010201925.1 SEQF3140.1 955 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-8] bacterium_HMT_955 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 835,009 CM003 46.8 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483324 GCA_013098855.1 SEQF3142.1 955 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-8] bacterium_HMT_955 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 841,891 CM009 46.8 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483325 GCA_013098655.1 SEQF2899.1 956 Neisseria cinerea latest 35 Washington University Genome Sequencing Center 1,872,773 ATCC 14685 50.81 PRJNA30469 SAMN00008837 GCA_000173895.1 SEQF6394.1 956 Neisseria cinerea latest 1 SC 1,832,904 NCTC10294 50.9 PRJEB6403 SAMEA3714889 GCA_900475315.1 SEQF6395.1 956 Neisseria cinerea latest 1 US Food and Drug Administration 1,832,901 FDAARGOS_871 50.9 PRJNA231221 SAMN13450401 GCA_016028715.1 SEQF6396.1 956 Neisseria cinerea latest 11 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,901,573 C2012028592 50.49 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299221 GCA_003044675.1 SEQF6397.1 956 Neisseria cinerea latest 29 University of Gothenburg - CCUG 1,861,283 CCUG 2156 50.78 PRJNA305687 SAMN23424481 GCA_021025975.1 SEQF6398.1 956 Neisseria cinerea latest 13 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,876,226 C2014013859 50.7 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299230 GCA_003044825.1 SEQF6399.1 956 Neisseria cinerea latest 11 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,922,289 C2014019557 50.76 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299231 GCA_003044855.1 SEQF6400.1 956 Neisseria cinerea latest 16 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1,865,434 C2013024221 50.97 PRJNA428750 SAMN08299227 GCA_003044745.1 SEQF3100.1 957 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_957 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 782,344 BB001 47.96 PRJNA282954 SAMN11483331 GCA_005697565.1 SEQF2719.1 982 Ignavibacterium album latest 1 The Pennsylvania State University 3,658,997 JCM 16511 33.93 PRJNA61811 SAMN02603949 GCA_000258405.1 SEQF2720.1 983 Melioribacter roseus latest 1 Centre Bioengineering RAS 3,300,414 P3M-2 41.33 PRJNA165865 SAMN02603097 GCA_000279145.1 SEQF2718.1 984 Chlorobium limicola latest 1 US DOE Joint Genome Institute 2,763,181 DSM 245 51.32 PRJNA12606 SAMN02598270 GCA_000020465.1 SEQF7920.1 984 Chlorobium limicola latest 259 Pennsylvania State University 2,087,449 Frasassi 50.67 PRJNA300282 SAMN04217978 GCA_001509575.1 SEQF2723.2 986 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_986 latest 68 DOE Joint Genome Institute 752,653 JGI 0001002-L20 46.4 PRJNA176055 SAMN02440694 GCA_000463895.2 SEQF2722.1 987 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_987 latest 132 Diversa Corporation 679,415 GTL1 48.5 PRJNA19421 SAMN02469743 GCA_000169295.1 SEQF2721.1 988 Candidatus_Saccharimonas aalborgensis latest 1 Aalborg University 1,013,781 TM71 48.51 PRJNA201542 SAMN02602963 GCA_000392435.1 SEQF2737.1 989 Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_989 latest 1 University of California, Berkeley 845,464 RAAC3_TM7_1 49.4 PRJNA217186 SAMN00998488 GCA_000503915.1 SEQF3107.1 991 Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_991 latest 1 University of California, Berkeley 1,177,760 RAAC1_SR1_1 31.06 PRJNA217185 SAMN00998488 GCA_000503875.1 SEQF2717.1 994 Caldilinea aerophila latest 1 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 5,144,873 DSM 14535 58.77 PRJDB47 SAMD00061033 GCA_000281175.1 SEQF2715.1 995 Anaerolinea thermophila latest 1 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 3,532,378 UNI-1 53.85 PRJNA60099 SAMD00061114 GCA_000199675.1 SEQF2724.1 996 Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_996 30 DOE Joint Genome Institute 341,011 strain=JGI 0000069-P22 21.88 PRJNA192390 SAMN02440944 GCA_000404725.1 SEQF2725.1 997 Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[G-4] bacterium_HMT_997 latest 65 DOE Joint Genome Institute 759,477 JGI 0000069-K10 23.01 PRJNA192474 SAMN02441616 GCA_000404985.1 SEQF2736.1 999 WPS-2_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_999 21 2,539,671 Carnoules_bin_1 62.1 SEQF3677.1 998 Victivallales_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_998 latest 1 The Forsyth Institute 5,242,681 CCUG 44730 59.96 PRJNA282954 SAMN08567287 GCA_002998355.1 SEQF3705.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 2 The Forsyth Institute 4,411,608 ORNL-0100 74.43 PRJNA282954 SAMN18352201 GCA_018128265.1 SEQF3976.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 1 NJAU 4,661,058 2020WEIHUA_E 73.87 PRJNA647635 SAMN15595109 GCA_022023835.1 SEQF3977.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 1 NEB 4,219,812 NEB113 74.64 PRJNA554841 SAMN12284813 GCA_007362135.1 SEQF3978.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 1 University of Minnesota 4,799,856 PSBB019 74.14 PRJNA369694 SAMN07140349 GCA_002162335.1 SEQF3979.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 72 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,275,112 J34 74.76 PRJNA202326 SAMN02744116 GCA_007994085.1 SEQF3980.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 972 University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa 3,834,263 1C2-5 73.99 PRJNA609650 SAMN14257471 GCA_015230525.1 SEQF3981.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 37 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 4,249,926 J1 74.7 PRJEB20434 SAMN02744115 GCA_900177495.1 SEQF3982.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 50 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,252,182 J36 74.69 PRJNA202341 SAMN02584947 GCA_000526595.1 SEQF3983.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 477 University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa 4,368,117 1B1-1 74.52 PRJNA609650 SAMN14257470 GCA_015230495.1 SEQF3984.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 12 Peking University 4,209,480 ATCC 21606 74.68 PRJNA505736 SAMN10434144 GCA_005239305.1 SEQF3985.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 1 DOE Joint Genome Institute 4,788,922 DSM 20106 74.14 PRJNA695771 SAMN17619955 GCA_016907755.1 SEQF3986.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 23 Institute of Biotechnology 4,580,223 MP1 73.92 PRJNA695363 SAMN17612315 GCA_016921195.1 SEQF3987.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 428 VIB-UGENT 4,276,035 LMG 16121 74.3 PRJEB571 SAMEA2272518 GCA_000321105.1 SEQF3988.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 14 Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Resource Discovery (1806) 4,602,720 F16 74.21 PRJNA209578 SAMN04010567 GCA_001274015.1 SEQF3989.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 20 DOE - JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE 4,477,957 DSM 43879 74.5 PRJEB15849 SAMN04487781 GCA_900102445.1 SEQF3990.1 374 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans latest 62 National Institute of Technology and Evaluation 4,595,203 NBRC 15516 73.97 PRJDB5999 SAMD00097581 GCA_006539945.1