HOMD.org Taxon Data::No Filter Applied Date: 2025-03-03
HMT_ID Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Status Body_site Warning Type_strain 16S_rRNA Clone_count Clone_% Clone_rank Synonyms NCBI_taxon_id NCBI_pubmed_count NCBI_nucleotide_count NCBI_protein_count Genome_ID General_info Cultivability Phenotypic_characteristics Prevalence Disease References
001 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Hyphomicrobiales Bartonellaceae Bartonella schoenbuchensis Named Unassigned 0 NR_025410 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Strain TFI A28SC 165694 9 93 5894 SEQF9873.1 | SEQF9874.1 | SEQF2664.1
002 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Caulobacterales Caulobacteraceae Caulobacter sp._HMT_002 Phylotype Unassigned 0 DQ493433 Oral Clone AW149 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712237 0 2 0
003 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Sphingomonadales Sphingomonadaceae Sphingomonas glacialis Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 14820 AF385529 Oral Clone AV069 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 658225 0 2 0 SEQF3079.1 | SEQF5627.1 | SEQF5628.1
004 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Sphingomonadales Sphingomonadaceae Sphingomonas sp._HMT_004 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF385533 Oral Clone AW030 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712605 0 1 0
005 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Acinetobacter lwoffii Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 28090 0 0 0 SEQF2884.1 | SEQF9058.1 | SEQF9059.1 | SEQF9060.1 | SEQF9061.1 | SEQF9062.1 | SEQF9063.1 | SEQF9064.1 | SEQF9065.1 | SEQF9066.1 | SEQF9067.1 | SEQF9068.1 | SEQF9069.1 | SEQF9070.1 | SEQF9071.1 | SEQF9072.1 | SEQF9073.1 | SEQF9074.1 | SEQF9075.1 | SEQF9076.1 | SEQF9077.1 | SEQF9078.1 | SEQF9079.1 | SEQF9080.1 | SEQF9081.1 | SEQF9082.1 | SEQF9083.1 | SEQF9084.1 | SEQF9085.1
006 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Sphingomonadales Sphingomonadaceae Novosphingobium humi Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY349411 Oral Clone FI012 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 2282397 0 1 0
007 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Sphingomonadales Erythrobacteraceae Erythrobacter tepidarius Named Unassigned 0 DSM 10594 AJ223452 Oral Clone BF019 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 60454 0 2 0 SEQF3080.1
008 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Mogibacterium vescum Named Unassigned 0 AB021702 Phylum: Firmicutes 86333 1 13 0
010 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Acinetobacter radioresistens Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 40216 0 0 0 SEQF2864.1 | SEQF9917.1 | SEQF9918.1 | SEQF9919.1 | SEQF9920.1 | SEQF9921.1 | SEQF9922.1 | SEQF9923.1 | SEQF9924.1 | SEQF9925.1 | SEQF9926.1 | SEQF9927.1 | SEQF9928.1 | SEQF9929.1 | SEQF9930.1 | SEQF9931.1 | SEQF9932.1 | SEQF9933.1 | SEQF9934.1 | SEQF9935.1 | SEQF9936.1 | SEQF9937.1 | SEQF9938.1 | SEQF9939.1 | SEQF9940.1 | SEQF9941.1 | SEQF9942.1 | SEQF9943.1 | SEQF9944.1 | SEQF9945.1 | SEQF9946.1 | SEQF9947.1 | SEQF9948.1 | SEQF9949.1 | SEQF9950.1 | SEQF9951.1 | SEQF9952.1 | SEQF9953.1 | SEQF9954.1 | SEQF9955.1 | SEQF9956.1 | SEQF9957.1
011 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Eikenella sp._HMT_011 Lost Oral 0 L06165 Oral Strain UB-204 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712272 0 1 0
012 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Kingella sp._HMT_012 Phylotype Oral 0 AF366267 Oral Clone DE012 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712319 0 10 0
013 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria bacilliformis Named Oral 0 AY005029 Oral Clone AK105 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 267212 4 158 5922 SEQF1969.1 | SEQF4491.1 | SEQF4492.1 | SEQF4493.1
014 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria oralis Named Oral 0 6332 | DSM 25276 | LMG 26725 AY005023 | AY005025 | GQ131417 | JN104029 Neisseria sp. F0314 | Neisseria sp. oral taxon 014 | Oral Clone AP015 | Oral Clone AP085 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 1107316 2 17 1 SEQF1659.1 | SEQF4326.1 Neisseria sp. Oral taxon 014 strain F0314 has been isolated from a human subject by the Moore's Laboratory in June 1982. The subject was a 23 year old American white female. The bacteria was isolated from the subgingival oral biofilm at a healthy site. The bacteria was grown in anaerobic conditions. The partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene was deposited to GenBank under the reference GQ131417. The strain is available at www.bei.org under the reference HM-91. This strain is part of the reference strains for the oral section of the Human Microbiome Project. The species has been named Neisseria oralis. The genome is available as ADEA00000000. The genome link above may be disrupted until name at NCBI officially gets changed.
017 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Anaerococcus octavius Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 54007 0 0 0 SEQF3146.1 | SEQF3147.1
018 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria sp._HMT_018 Phylotype Oral 0 AY005027 Oral Clone AP132 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712400 0 5 0
019 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium accolens Named Nasal 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 38284 0 0 0 SEQF2935.1 | SEQF2937.1 | SEQF2940.1 | SEQF2953.1 | SEQF2954.1 | SEQF2986.1 | SEQF2988.1 | SEQF3026.1 | SEQF3027.1 | SEQF9958.1 | SEQF9959.1 | SEQF9960.1 | SEQF9961.1 | SEQF9962.1 | SEQF9963.1
020 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria sp._HMT_020 Unnamed Oral 0 AY005028 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Strain TFI B33KA 712401 0 472 5752 SEQF1944.2
021 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus vestibularis Named Oral 0 AY188353 Phylum: Firmicutes 1343 20 491 7053 SEQF1705.1 | SEQF2004.1 | SEQF4478.1 | SEQF4479.1 | SEQF4480.1 | SEQF4481.1 | SEQF4482.1 | SEQF4483.1 | SEQF4484.1 | SEQF4485.1 | SEQF4486.1 | SEQF4487.1 | SEQF4488.1 | SEQF4489.1 | SEQF4490.1
022 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Burkholderiaceae Lautropia mirabilis Named Oral 0 AY005030 | X73223 Phylum: Proteobacteria 47671 7 191 5330 SEQF1967.1 | SEQF7735.1
023 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Delftia acidovorans Named Unassigned 0 AB020186 Comamonas acidivorans | Comamonas acidovorans | Phylum: Proteobacteria | Pseudomonas acidovorans | Pseudomonas desmolytica | Pseudomonas indoloxidans 80866 121 694 44640 SEQF1413.1 | SEQF2536.1 | SEQF2537.1 | SEQF2709.1 | SEQF5855.1 | SEQF5856.1 | SEQF5857.1 | SEQF5858.1 | SEQF5859.1 | SEQF5860.1 | SEQF5861.2 | SEQF5862.1 | SEQF5863.1 | SEQF5864.2 | SEQF5865.1 | SEQF5866.1 | SEQF5867.1 | SEQF5868.1 | SEQF5869.1 | SEQF5870.2
024 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Schlegelella thermodepolymerans Named Unassigned 0 DSM 15264 AF125876 dehydroabietic acid-degrading bacterium DhA-71 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 215580 0 0 0 SEQF3155.1 | SEQF3156.1 | SEQF3160.1 | SEQF4982.1
025 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Leptothrix sp._HMT_025 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF385528 Oral Clone AV011a | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712353 0 11 0
026 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Schlegelella aquatica Named Unassigned 0 LMG 23380 AF385538 Oral Clone CA004 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 376175 0 9 0
027 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Burkholderiaceae Cupriavidus gilardii Named Unassigned 0 AY005039 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Strain TFI C37KA 82541 0 0 0 SEQF2854.1 | SEQF8717.1 | SEQF8718.1 | SEQF8719.1 | SEQF8720.1 | SEQF8721.1 | SEQF8722.1 | SEQF8723.1 | SEQF8724.1 | SEQF8725.1
028 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Rhodocyclales Rhodocyclaceae Oryzomicrobium terrae Unnamed Unassigned 0 AY005031 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Strain TFI A08KA 1735038 0 14 0 SEQF9565.1
029 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema vincentii Named Oral 0 AF033309 Phylum: Spirochaetes 69710 59 207 9551 SEQF1610.1 | SEQF1947.1 | SEQF3740.1 | SEQF3741.1
030 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium afermentans Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 38286 0 0 0 SEQF2886.1 | SEQF3734.1 | SEQF3735.1 | SEQF3736.1 | SEQF3737.1
031 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium amycolatum Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 43765 0 0 0 SEQF2910.1 | SEQF2942.1 | SEQF2949.1 | SEQF2951.1 | SEQF2956.1 | SEQF2964.1 | SEQF2967.1 | SEQF2975.1 | SEQF2979.1 | SEQF2992.1 | SEQF2995.1 | SEQF2996.1 | SEQF3006.1 | SEQF3012.1 | SEQF3013.1 | SEQF3014.1 | SEQF3015.1 | SEQF3017.1 | SEQF3020.1 | SEQF3024.1 | SEQF3028.1 | SEQF3031.1 | SEQF3033.1 | SEQF3034.1 | SEQF3037.1 | SEQF6098.1 | SEQF6099.1 | SEQF6100.1 | SEQF6101.1 | SEQF6102.1 | SEQF6103.1 | SEQF6104.1 | SEQF6105.1 | SEQF6106.1 | SEQF6107.1 | SEQF6108.1 | SEQF6109.1 | SEQF6110.1 | SEQF6111.1 | SEQF6112.1 | SEQF6113.1 | SEQF6114.1 | SEQF6115.1 | SEQF6116.1 | SEQF6117.1 | SEQF6118.1
032 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Pseudomonadaceae Pseudomonas sp._HMT_032 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF385547 Oral Clone AZ002 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712508 0 8 0
033 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium appendicis Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 163202 0 0 0 SEQF2915.1
034 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium aurimucosum Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 169292 0 0 0 SEQF2936.1 | SEQF2938.1 | SEQF2939.1 | SEQF2944.1 | SEQF2948.1 | SEQF2950.1 | SEQF2971.1 | SEQF2981.1 | SEQF2989.1 | SEQF2991.1 | SEQF3001.1 | SEQF3009.1 | SEQF3010.1 | SEQF3019.1 | SEQF3032.1 | SEQF3042.1 | SEQF3043.1 | SEQF3045.1 | SEQF3046.1 | SEQF3048.1 | SEQF4860.1 | SEQF4861.1 | SEQF4862.1 | SEQF4863.1 | SEQF4864.1 | SEQF4865.1 | SEQF4866.1 | SEQF4867.1 | SEQF4868.1 | SEQF4869.1 | SEQF4870.1 | SEQF4871.1 | SEQF4872.1 | SEQF4873.1 | SEQF4874.1 | SEQF4875.1 | SEQF4876.1 | SEQF4877.1 | SEQF4878.1 | SEQF4879.1 | SEQF4880.1 | SEQF4881.1 | SEQF4882.1 | SEQF4883.1 | SEQF4884.1 | SEQF4885.1
035 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus paraphrohaemolyticus Named Oral 0 NCTC 10670 AY005034 Oral Clone BJ021 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 736 0 11 0 SEQF2918.1 | SEQF4724.1 | SEQF4725.1 | SEQF4726.1
036 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus sp._HMT_036 Unnamed Oral 0 AY005033 Clone BJ095 | Phylum: Proteobacteria | Strain P7A_FAAD5 | Strain W6487 712310 0 110 0 SEQF2869.1 | SEQF3061.1
037 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Xanthomonadales Xanthomonadaceae Stenotrophomonas nitritireducens Named Unassigned 0 ATCC BAA-12 AF385546 Oral Clone AY088 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 83617 0 82 0 SEQF2803.1 | SEQF9812.1
038 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Atopobiaceae Olsenella uli Named Oral 0 AF292373 Atopobium uli | Lactobacillus uli | Phylum: Actinobacteria 133926 19 43 7180 SEQF9007.1 | SEQF1031.1 | SEQF2631.1
039 Bacteria Proteobacteria Deltaproteobacteria Bdellovibrionales Bdellovibrionaceae Bdellovibrio sp._HMT_039 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF385539 Oral Clone CA006 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712185 0 1 0
040 Bacteria Proteobacteria Deltaproteobacteria Desulfovibrionales Desulfovibrionaceae Desulfovibrio sp._HMT_040 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY005035 Oral Clone BB161 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712259 0 3 0
041 Bacteria Proteobacteria Deltaproteobacteria Desulfobacterales Desulfobulbaceae Desulfobulbus sp._HMT_041 Phylotype Oral 0 AY005037 Oral Clone R004 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712258 0 875 0 SEQF2485.1 | SEQF2486.1 | SEQF7377.1 | SEQF7378.1
042 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Mogibacterium timidum Named Oral 0 U13042 Eubacterium timidum | Phylum: Firmicutes 35519 9 133 1657 SEQF2630.1 | SEQF3171.1
044 Bacteria Proteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacterales Campylobacteraceae Campylobacter sp._HMT_044 Phylotype Oral 0 AY005038 Oral Clone BB120 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712200 0 6 0
045 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Bacillaceae Alkalihalobacillus clausii Named Unassigned 0 AB043853 | AJ297498 Phylum: Firmicutes 79880 69 12897 17592 SEQF1170.1 | SEQF5998.1 | SEQF5999.2 | SEQF6000.1 | SEQF6001.1 | SEQF6002.1 | SEQF6003.1 | SEQF6004.1 | SEQF6005.1 | SEQF6006.1 | SEQF6007.1 | SEQF6008.1 | SEQF6009.1 | SEQF6010.1 | SEQF6011.1 | SEQF6012.1 | SEQF6013.1 | SEQF6014.1 | SEQF6015.1 | SEQF6016.1 | SEQF6017.1 | SEQF6018.1 | SEQF6019.1 | SEQF6020.1 | SEQF6021.1 | SEQF6022.1 | SEQF6023.1 | SEQF6024.1 | SEQF6025.1 | SEQF6026.1 | SEQF6027.1 | SEQF6028.1 | SEQF6029.1 | SEQF6030.1 | SEQF6031.1 | SEQF6032.1 | SEQF6033.1 | SEQF6034.1
046 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Gemellaceae Gemella morbillorum Named Oral 0 ATCC 27824 L14327 | Y13366 Diplococcus morbillorum | Peptostreptococcus morbillorum | Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus morbillorum 29391 151 661 3184 SEQF2298.1 | SEQF8149.1 | SEQF8150.1 | SEQF8151.1 This species was formerly known as Streptococcus morbillorum but was moved to Gemella on the basis of phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA sequence comparisons. Facultative anaerobe producing small (<0.5 mm diameter) colonies after two days aerobic growth on Blood Agar plates. It is reported that anaerobic incubation may be required for growth on initial isolation but that strains become aerotolerant on subsequent subcultures. Gram positive cocci found in pairs or short chains. Weakly fermentative and generally unreactive in commonly used biochemical and physiological tests and thus difficult to definitively identify by phenotypic means; molecular identification is recommended [1]. Found in dental plaque on the tongue and has been isolated from periodontal pockets in periodontitis and exudate from pericoronitis associated with erupting third molars Although found as part of the normal microbiota of the mouth and gastrointestinal orogenital tracts Gemella morbillorum is capable of causing a wide range of infections. Most of these can be attributed to spread via the bloodstream and thus infective endocarditis is the commonest. Other infections include meningitis brain liver and lung abscess osteomyelitis and septic thrombophlebitis.
047 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium jeikeium Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 38289 0 0 0 SEQF2978.1 | SEQF3023.1 | SEQF5497.1 | SEQF5498.1 | SEQF5499.1 | SEQF5500.1 | SEQF5501.1 | SEQF5502.1 | SEQF5503.1 | SEQF5504.1 | SEQF5505.1 | SEQF5506.1 | SEQF5507.1 | SEQF5508.1 | SEQF5509.1 | SEQF5510.1 | SEQF5511.1 | SEQF5512.1 | SEQF5513.1 | SEQF5514.1 | SEQF5515.1 | SEQF5516.1
048 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Paenibacillaceae Paenibacillus typhae Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF385540 Oral Clone CA007 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1174501 0 9 0 SEQF6333.1 | SEQF6334.1
049 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 161879 0 0 0 SEQF2862.1 | SEQF9566.1 | SEQF9567.1 | SEQF9568.1 | SEQF9569.1 | SEQF9570.1 | SEQF9571.1 | SEQF9572.1
050 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium macginleyi Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 38290 0 0 0 SEQF9709.1 | SEQF9710.2 | SEQF9711.2 | SEQF9712.2 | SEQF9713.1 | SEQF9714.1 | SEQF9715.1 | SEQF9716.1 | SEQF9717.1 | SEQF9718.1 | SEQF9719.1 | SEQF9720.1 | SEQF9721.1 | SEQF9722.1 | SEQF9723.1 | SEQF9724.2 | SEQF9725.1 | SEQF9726.1 | SEQF9727.1 | SEQF9728.1 | SEQF9729.1 | SEQF9730.1 | SEQF9731.1 | SEQF3149.1 | SEQF3161.1 | SEQF3162.1
051 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Limosilactobacillus vaginalis Named Oral 0 AY005048 Phylum: Firmicutes 1633 36 581 3736 SEQF1783.1 | SEQF3721.1 | SEQF3722.1 | SEQF3723.1 | SEQF3724.1 | SEQF3725.1 | SEQF3726.1 | SEQF3727.1 | SEQF3728.1 | SEQF3729.1
052 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Limosilactobacillus sp._HMT_052 Lost Unassigned 0 To be submitted Phylum: Firmicutes | Strain TFI DoxG2 671212 0 1 0
053 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium minutissimum Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 38301 0 0 0 SEQF2878.1 | SEQF3047.1 | SEQF7368.1 | SEQF7369.1 | SEQF7370.1 | SEQF7371.1 | SEQF7372.1 | SEQF7373.1 | SEQF7374.1 | SEQF7375.1 | SEQF7376.1
054 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium pilbarense Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 1288393 0 0 0 SEQF2969.1 | SEQF2998.1
056 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus sp._HMT_056 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385545 Oral Clone AY020 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712620 0 35 3861 SEQF1847.2
057 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus sp._HMT_057 Lost Oral 0 AF385550 Oral Clone BE024 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712621 0 22 0
058 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus oralis Named Oral 0 AY005042 | AY005043 | AY005044 | AY278632 Oral Clone BM035 | Oral Clone BW009 | Oral Clone C3MLM097 | Oral Clone CH016 | Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus oralis subsp. dentisani 1303 1 355 3580 SEQF1704.1 2017-09-08 (TC) This species was suggested to merge with Streptococcus oralis subsp. dentisani (HOT398) based on the published genomic study by Jensen et. al. (2016). http://ijs.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/ijsem/10.1099/ijsem.0.001433. However since the 16S rRNA sequences AY005042 AY005043 AY005044 AY278632 that represent HOT058 form a distinct clade significantly away from that of HOT398 on the 16S rRNA phylogenetic tree these sequences may represent a distinct strain for the species. We retained this HOT but changed the name to 'Streptococcus oralis subsp. dentisani clade 058' so that future sequencing study can distinguish these sequences from others of this species.
059 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium propinquum Named Nasal 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 43769 0 0 0 SEQF3081.1 | SEQF9089.1 | SEQF9090.1 | SEQF9091.1 | SEQF9092.1 | SEQF9093.1 | SEQF9094.1 | SEQF9095.1 | SEQF9096.1 | SEQF9097.1 | SEQF9098.1 | SEQF9099.1 | SEQF9100.1 | SEQF9101.1
060 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum Named Nasal 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 37637 0 0 0 SEQF2911.1 | SEQF2972.1 | SEQF3041.1 | SEQF4755.1 | SEQF4756.1 | SEQF4757.1 | SEQF4758.1 | SEQF4759.2 | SEQF4760.1 | SEQF4761.1 | SEQF4762.1 | SEQF4763.1 | SEQF4764.1 | SEQF4765.1 | SEQF4766.1
061 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus sp._HMT_061 Unnamed Oral 0 AF432131 | AF432132 Oral Clone DN025 | Oral Clone DP009 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712623 0 49 0 SEQF3173.1
062 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium simulans Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 146827 0 0 0 SEQF2866.1 | SEQF2952.1 | SEQF2955.1 | SEQF2961.1 | SEQF3002.1 | SEQF3005.1 | SEQF3029.1 | SEQF3036.1 | SEQF3806.1 | SEQF3807.1 | SEQF3808.1 | SEQF3809.1
063 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium singulare Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 161899 0 0 0 SEQF2846.1 | SEQF3039.1 | SEQF4615.1 | SEQF4616.1
064 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus sp._HMT_064 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385574 | AY278609 Oral Clone C5MLM037 | Oral Clone EK048 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712624 0 460 0 SEQF2905.1
066 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus sp._HMT_066 Unnamed Oral 0 AF432135 | AF481230 Oral Clone FN051 | Oral Clone MCE7_144 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712626 0 127 0 SEQF1889.2
070 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus oralis Unnamed Oral 0 AY005040 Hans strain 12A | Hans strain 7A | Phylum: Firmicutes 1077464 0 132 0 SEQF1888.2
071 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus oralis Named Oral 0 ATCC 15914 AY005041 | AY207062 | AY207064 | AY278631 Phylum: Firmicutes | Strain TFI H6 | Streptococcus tigurinus 1077464 0 226 3150 SEQF1913.1 2017-05-04 (TC) This species was renamed based on the published proposal by Jensen et. al. (2016). http://ijs.microbiologyresearch.org.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/content/journal/ijsem/10.1099/ijsem.0.001433
072 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium striatum Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 43770 0 0 0 SEQF2859.1 | SEQF2999.1 | SEQF3044.1 | SEQF5555.1 | SEQF5556.1 | SEQF5557.1 | SEQF5558.1 | SEQF5559.1 | SEQF5560.1 | SEQF5561.1 | SEQF5562.1 | SEQF5563.1 | SEQF5564.1 | SEQF5565.1 | SEQF5566.1 | SEQF5567.1 | SEQF5568.1 | SEQF5569.1 | SEQF5570.1 | SEQF5571.1 | SEQF5572.1 | SEQF5573.1 | SEQF5574.1 | SEQF5575.1 | SEQF5576.1 | SEQF5577.1 | SEQF5578.1 | SEQF5579.1 | SEQF5580.1 | SEQF5581.1 | SEQF5582.1 | SEQF5583.1 | SEQF5584.1 | SEQF5585.1 | SEQF5586.1 | SEQF5587.1 | SEQF5588.1 | SEQF5589.1 | SEQF5590.1 | SEQF5591.1 | SEQF5592.1
073 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus australis Named Oral 0 ATCC 700641 AF184974 | AF385525 Phylum: Firmicutes 113107 8 371 6393 SEQF2020.1 | SEQF4302.1 | SEQF4303.1 | SEQF4304.1 | SEQF4305.2 | SEQF4306.1 | SEQF4307.1 | SEQF4308.1 | SEQF4309.1 | SEQF4310.1 | SEQF4311.1 | SEQF4312.1 | SEQF4313.1 | SEQF4314.1 | SEQF4315.1 | SEQF4316.1 | SEQF4317.1 | SEQF4318.1 | SEQF4319.1 | SEQF4320.1 | SEQF4321.1 | SEQF4322.1 | SEQF4323.1 | SEQF4324.1 | SEQF4325.1
074 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus sp._HMT_074 Lost Oral 0 AF385526 Phylum: Firmicutes | Strain TFI T4-E3 712631 0 53 0
075 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Ruminococcaceae Ruminococcaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_075 Phylotype Oral 0 AF287779 Oral Clone A035 | Oral Clone F058 | Phylum: Firmicutes 216572 0 0 0
076 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus warneri Named Oral 0 L37603 Phylum: Firmicutes | Staphylococcus warnerii 1292 203 1200 20673 SEQF1839.1 | SEQF2208.2 | SEQF2442.1 | SEQF2712.1 | SEQF2713.1 | SEQF9335.1 | SEQF9336.1 | SEQF9337.1 | SEQF9338.1 | SEQF9339.1 | SEQF9340.1 | SEQF9341.1 | SEQF9342.1 | SEQF9343.1 | SEQF9344.1 | SEQF9345.1 | SEQF9346.1 | SEQF9347.1 | SEQF9348.1 | SEQF9349.1 | SEQF9350.1 | SEQF9351.1 | SEQF9352.1 | SEQF9353.1 | SEQF9354.1 | SEQF9355.1 | SEQF9356.1 | SEQF9357.1 | SEQF9358.1 | SEQF9359.1 | SEQF9360.1 | SEQF9361.1 | SEQF9362.1 | SEQF9363.1 | SEQF9364.1 | SEQF9365.1 | SEQF9366.1 | SEQF9367.1 | SEQF9368.1 | SEQF9369.1 | SEQF9370.1 | SEQF9371.1 | SEQF9372.1 | SEQF9373.1 | SEQF9374.1 | SEQF9375.1 | SEQF9376.1 | SEQF9377.1 | SEQF9378.1 | SEQF9379.1 | SEQF9380.1
077 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 38304 0 0 0 SEQF2882.1 | SEQF2943.1 | SEQF2977.1 | SEQF2987.1 | SEQF2993.1 | SEQF2994.1 | SEQF3030.1 | SEQF6401.1 | SEQF6402.1 | SEQF6403.1 | SEQF6404.1 | SEQF6405.1 | SEQF6406.1 | SEQF6407.1 | SEQF6408.1
078 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Oribacterium sp._HMT_078 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287771 Oral Clone AO068 | Phylum: Firmicutes | Strain F0190 652706 0 335 11275 SEQF1603.1 | SEQF2448.1 N/A A strain of this taxa has recent been isolated F0190 but not yet characterized.
080 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Butyrivibrio sp._HMT_080 Phylotype Oral 0 AF287772 Clone BB124 | Phylum: Firmicutes 830 0 0 0
081 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_081 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287764 Clone BB142 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0 SEQF3179.1
082 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnoanaerobaculum orale Named Oral 0 CCUG 60305 | DSM 24533 | N1 AF385552 | HQ877677 Clone BE088 | Lachnospiraceae bacterium oral taxon 082 str. F0431 | Lachnospiraceae sp. strain F0431 | Lachnospiraceae [G-1] sp. oral taxon 082 | Phylum: Firmicutes 979627 1 2 0 SEQF1881.1 | SEQF5177.1 Recently named Lachnoanaerobaculum oral in paper 'Lachnoanaerobaculum a new genus in Lachnospiraceae; characterization of Lachnoanaerobaculum umeaense gen. nov. sp. nov. isolated from human small intestine Lachnoanaerobaculum orale gen. nov. sp. nov. isolated from saliva and reclassification of Eubacterium saburreum (Prevot) Holdeman and Moore 1970 as Lachnoanaerobaculum saburreum comb. nov'. PMID: 22228654. The genome for this strain is available as Lachnospiraceae bacterium oral taxon 082 str. F0431 AGRL00000000. The name change is not yet refledted for the genome at NCBI (11-02-2012).
083 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnoanaerobaculum sp._HMT_083 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385557 | AF385562 Clone BR088 | Clone BS091 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1164882 0 0 0 SEQF2917.1 N/A It does not appear that the genome strain is available in any culture collection
084 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Micrococcaceae Kocuria palustris Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 71999 0 0 0 SEQF2861.1 | SEQF7908.1 | SEQF7909.1 | SEQF7910.1 | SEQF7911.1 | SEQF7912.1 | SEQF7913.1 | SEQF7914.1 | SEQF7915.1 | SEQF7916.1 | SEQF7917.1 | SEQF7918.2 | SEQF7919.1
085 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Ruminococcaceae Ruminococcaceae_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_085 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385563 Oral Clone BU014 | Phylum: Firmicutes 216572 0 0 0
086 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnospiraceae_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_086 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385567 Oral Clone BU061 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186803 0 0 0
087 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Micrococcaceae Micrococcus luteus Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 1270 0 0 0 SEQF2897.1 | SEQF4424.1 | SEQF4425.1 | SEQF4426.1 | SEQF4427.2 | SEQF4428.1 | SEQF4429.1 | SEQF4430.1 | SEQF4431.1 | SEQF4432.1 | SEQF4433.1 | SEQF4434.1 | SEQF4435.1 | SEQF4436.2 | SEQF4437.1 | SEQF4438.1 | SEQF4439.1 | SEQF4440.1 | SEQF4441.1 | SEQF4442.1 | SEQF4443.1 | SEQF4444.1 | SEQF4445.1 | SEQF4446.1 | SEQF4447.1 | SEQF4448.1 | SEQF4449.1 | SEQF4450.1 | SEQF4451.1 | SEQF4452.1 | SEQF4453.1 | SEQF4454.1 | SEQF4455.1 | SEQF4456.1 | SEQF4457.1 | SEQF4458.1 | SEQF4459.1 | SEQF4460.1 | SEQF4461.1 | SEQF4462.1 | SEQF4463.1 | SEQF4464.1 | SEQF4465.1 | SEQF4466.1 | SEQF4467.1 | SEQF4468.1 | SEQF4469.1 | SEQF4470.1 | SEQF4471.1
088 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnospiraceae_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_088 Phylotype Oral 0 AF287775 Phylum: Firmicutes 186803 0 0 0
089 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnoanaerobaculum sp._HMT_089 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF287776 Oral Clone CK004 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1164882 0 0 0
090 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Butyrivibrio sp._HMT_090 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF287773 Oral Clone CK030 | Phylum: Firmicutes 830 0 0 0
091 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_091 Phylotype Oral 0 AF287762 Oral Clone CK047 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0
092 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria weaveri Named Oral 0 L10738 CDC group M-5 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 28091 10 221 7615 SEQF2330.2 | SEQF2331.2 | SEQF3887.1 | SEQF3888.1 | SEQF3889.1 | SEQF3890.1 | SEQF3891.1 | SEQF3892.1
093 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Clostridiales_[F-1] Clostridiales_[F-1][G-1] bacterium_HMT_093 Phylotype Oral 0 AF481213 Oral Clone CK059 | Oral Clone MCE7_107 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186802 0 0 0
094 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnospiraceae_[G-10] bacterium_HMT_094 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF287768 Oral Clone DA074 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186803 0 2 0
095 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Shuttleworthia satelles Named Oral 0 AF385507 | AF385570 | AF399956 Phylum: Firmicutes 177972 4 104 4486 SEQF1045.1
096 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnospiraceae_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_096 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385508 DO008 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186803 0 0 0 SEQF3057.1 | SEQF3712.1
097 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Stomatobaculum sp._HMT_097 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385510 Oral Clone DO016 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1213720 0 0 0
098 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Moraxella nonliquefaciens Named Nasal 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 478 0 0 0 SEQF2900.1 | SEQF5463.1 | SEQF5464.1 | SEQF5465.1 | SEQF5466.1 | SEQF5467.1
099 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria macacae Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 496 0 0 0 SEQF2876.1 | SEQF3715.1 | SEQF3716.1
100 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnospiraceae_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_100 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385573 Oral Clone EI074 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186803 0 0 0
101 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria perflava Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 33053 0 0 0 SEQF3089.1 | SEQF3153.1 | SEQF9809.1 | SEQF9810.1 | SEQF9811.1
102 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Oribacterium sp._HMT_102 Unnamed Oral 0 AF481218 Oral Clone FB046 | Oral Clone MCE7_60 | Phylum: Firmicutes 671214 0 17 0 SEQF3175.1
103 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-4] bacterium_HMT_103 Phylotype Oral 0 AJ012604 Oral Clone PUS9.170 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0
104 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Rhodobacterales Rhodobacteraceae Paracoccus yeei Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 147645 0 0 0 SEQF2867.2 | SEQF8797.1 | SEQF8798.1 | SEQF8799.1 | SEQF8800.1 | SEQF8801.1 | SEQF8802.1 | SEQF8803.1
105 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-1] [Eubacterium]_infirmum Named Oral 0 NCTC 12940 AF287761 | U13039 Oral strain W 1417 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0 SEQF1695.1 Eubacterium infirmum belongs to a phylogenetic cluster distant from Eubacterium limosum the type species of the genus and is therefore not a member of Eubacterium sensu stricto. Along with many other members of this poorly-defined genus E. infirmum will be assigned to a novel genus in due course. Slow growth on Fastidious Anaerobe Agar + 5% horse blood plates. After 7 days colonies are approximately 1 mm in diameter circular convex and translucent. Cells are obligately anaerobic non-spore-forming nonmotile Gram-positive short rods (0.5 µm by 1-2 µm) [1]. Cells occur singly. Asaccharolytic. End-products of metabolism are moderate amounts of acetate and butyrate. The mol% G+C of the DNA is 38. Found in the human mouth Isolated from subgingival plaque in periodontitis.
106 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-7] [Eubacterium]_yurii Named Oral 0 AF287765 Eubacterium yurii | Oral Strain TFI A3MT | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0
107 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnoanaerobaculum umeaense Named Oral 0 AF287777 | FJ577253 | FJ796700 Lachnospiraceae bacterium oral taxon 107 | Lachnospiraceae [G-1] sp. oral taxon 107 | Oral Strain C27KA | Oral Strain F0167 | Phylum: Firmicutes 617123 1 2 0 SEQF1478.1 | SEQF7380.1 | SEQF7381.1 | SEQF7382.1 Lachnospiraceae bacterium Oral taxon 107 strain F0167 has been isolated from a human subject by the Moore's Laboratory in March 1988. The subject was a 14 year old American white male. The bacteria was isolated from the subgingival oral biofilm. The bacteria was grown in anaerobic conditions. The partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene was deposited to GenBank under the reference FJ577253. The strain is available at www.bei.org under the reference HM-7. The genome of this strain is available as ADDS00000000. Recently named Lachnoanaerobaculum umeaense in 'Lachnospiraceae; characterization of Lachnoanaerobaculum umeaense gen. nov. sp. nov. isolated from human small intestine Lachnoanaerobaculum orale gen. nov. sp. nov. isolated from saliva and reclassification of Eubacterium saburreum (Prevot) Holdeman and Moore 1970 as Lachnoanaerobaculum saburreum comb. nov'. PMID: 22228654. The name change is not yet refledted for the genome at NCBI (11-02-2012).
108 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Oribacterium asaccharolyticum Named Oral 0 ACB7 AF287770 Oral Strain TFI FTB41 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1501332 0 27 4384 SEQF1854.2 | SEQF5910.1
109 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Peptoniphilus harei Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 54005 0 0 0 SEQF2888.2 | SEQF2960.1 | SEQF3035.1 | SEQF9910.1 | SEQF9911.1 | SEQF9912.1 | SEQF9913.1 | SEQF9914.1 | SEQF9915.1 | SEQF9916.1
110 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Parvimonas sp._HMT_110 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287767 | AY349390 Oral Clone AJ062 | Oral Clone FJ023 | Oral Clone HE064 | Phylum: Firmicutes 671230 0 62 3209 SEQF1676.2
111 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Parvimonas micra Named Oral 0 ATCC 33270 AF385543 | AF385559 Diplococcus glycinophilus | Micromonas micros | Peptococcus glycinophilus | Peptostreptococcus micros | Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus anaerobius | Streptococcus micros 33033 103 431 4480 SEQF1029.1 | SEQF6703.1 | SEQF6704.1 | SEQF6705.1 | SEQF6706.1 | SEQF6707.1 | SEQF6708.1 | SEQF6709.1 | SEQF6710.1 | SEQF6711.1 | SEQF6712.1 | SEQF6713.1 This species is known to be heterogeneous with micro-variation among 16S rRNA sequences including between operons within strains and phenotypic variation including colonial appearance [1]. Colonies on horse blood agar are around 1 mm in diameter circular entire opaque white or translucent gray and may be smooth or rough after 4 days anaerobic incubation. Small (0.3 -0.7 micron diameter) Gram-positive cocci occurring in pairs and short chains [2]. Obligate anaerobe. Strains are asaccharolytic and the end-products of metabolism are primarily acetate with small amounts of lactate and sometimes succinate produced. The mol % G+C content of the DNA is 27-28. Parvimonas micra is a commonly found oral species and is isolated from dental plaque and the tongue in health and a variety of oral disease associated microbiota including periodontitis endodontic and dentoalveolar infections pericoronitis and advanced dental caries. Has been isolated from most types of oral infection. Is a particularly frequent isolate from acute dentoalveolar infections where it is often a member of the 15-20 species consortium associated with the condition. Has also been isolated from clinical specimens obtained from infections at other body sites primarily soft-tissue abscesses and bite wounds. These are primarily at sites above the diaphragm suggesting that the mouth is the primary habitat.
112 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcus stomatis Named Oral 0 AF287763 | DQ160208 Oral Clone CK035 | Oral Strain TFI A21H2 | Phylum: Firmicutes 341694 7 345 3186 SEQF1393.2
113 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Peptoniphilaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_113 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287766 Oral Clone DA014 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1570339 0 0 0 SEQF2443.1
114 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Propionibacteriales Propionibacteriaceae Cutibacterium granulosum Named Unassigned 0 Corynebacterium granulosum | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Propionibacterium granulosum 33011 0 0 0 SEQF2902.1 | SEQF5472.1 | SEQF5473.1 | SEQF5474.2
115 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Yersiniaceae Serratia marcescens Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 615 0 0 0 SEQF2889.1 | SEQF5911.1 | SEQF5912.1 | SEQF5913.1 | SEQF5914.1 | SEQF5915.1 | SEQF5916.1 | SEQF5917.1 | SEQF5918.1 | SEQF5919.1 | SEQF5920.1 | SEQF5921.1 | SEQF5922.1 | SEQF5923.1 | SEQF5924.1 | SEQF5925.1 | SEQF5926.1 | SEQF5927.1 | SEQF5928.1 | SEQF5929.1 | SEQF5930.1 | SEQF5931.1 | SEQF5932.1 | SEQF5933.1 | SEQF5934.1 | SEQF5935.1 | SEQF5936.1 | SEQF5937.1 | SEQF5938.1 | SEQF5939.1 | SEQF5940.1 | SEQF5941.1 | SEQF5942.1 | SEQF5943.1 | SEQF5944.1 | SEQF5945.1 | SEQF5946.1 | SEQF5947.1 | SEQF5948.1 | SEQF5949.1 | SEQF5950.1 | SEQF5951.1 | SEQF5952.1 | SEQF5953.1 | SEQF5954.1 | SEQF5955.1 | SEQF5956.1 | SEQF5957.1 | SEQF5958.1 | SEQF5959.1
116 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus capitis Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 29388 0 0 0 SEQF2881.1 | SEQF9515.1 | SEQF9516.1 | SEQF9517.1 | SEQF9518.1 | SEQF9519.1 | SEQF9520.1 | SEQF9521.1 | SEQF9522.1 | SEQF9523.1 | SEQF9524.1 | SEQF9525.1 | SEQF9526.1 | SEQF9527.1 | SEQF9528.1 | SEQF9529.1 | SEQF9530.1 | SEQF9531.1 | SEQF9532.1 | SEQF9533.1 | SEQF9534.1 | SEQF9535.1 | SEQF9536.1 | SEQF9537.1 | SEQF9538.1 | SEQF9539.1 | SEQF9540.1 | SEQF9541.1 | SEQF9542.1 | SEQF9543.1 | SEQF9544.1 | SEQF9545.1 | SEQF9546.1 | SEQF9547.1 | SEQF9548.1 | SEQF9549.1 | SEQF9550.1 | SEQF9551.1 | SEQF9552.1 | SEQF9553.1 | SEQF9554.1 | SEQF9555.1 | SEQF9556.1 | SEQF9557.1 | SEQF9558.1 | SEQF9559.1 | SEQF9560.1 | SEQF9561.1 | SEQF9562.1
117 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus cohnii Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 29382 0 0 0 SEQF2860.1 | SEQF6335.1 | SEQF6336.1 | SEQF6337.1 | SEQF6338.1 | SEQF6339.1 | SEQF6340.1 | SEQF6341.1 | SEQF6342.1 | SEQF6343.1 | SEQF6344.1 | SEQF6345.1 | SEQF6346.1 | SEQF6347.1 | SEQF6348.1 | SEQF6349.1 | SEQF6350.1 | SEQF6351.1 | SEQF6352.1 | SEQF6353.1 | SEQF6354.1 | SEQF6355.1 | SEQF6356.1 | SEQF6357.1 | SEQF6358.1 | SEQF6359.1 | SEQF6360.1 | SEQF6361.1 | SEQF6362.1 | SEQF6363.1 | SEQF6364.1 | SEQF6365.1 | SEQF6366.1 | SEQF6367.1 | SEQF6368.1 | SEQF6369.1 | SEQF6370.1 | SEQF6371.1 | SEQF6372.1 | SEQF6373.1 | SEQF6374.1 | SEQF6375.1 | SEQF6376.1 | SEQF6377.1 | SEQF6378.1 | SEQF6379.1 | SEQF6380.1 | SEQF6381.1 | SEQF6382.1 | SEQF6383.1
118 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Dialister invisus Named Oral 0 AF287787 | AF287788 Oral Clone BS095 | Oral Strain GBA27 | Phylum: Firmicutes 218538 24 494 3724 SEQF1103.1 | SEQF8128.1
119 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Dialister sp._HMT_119 Phylotype Oral 0 AF287786 | AF481210 Oral Clone BS016 | Oral Clone MCE7_134 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712261 0 15 0
120 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus haemolyticus Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 1283 0 0 0 SEQF8293.1 | SEQF8294.1 | SEQF8295.1 | SEQF8296.2 | SEQF8297.1 | SEQF8298.1 | SEQF8299.1 | SEQF8300.2 | SEQF8301.2 | SEQF8302.3 | SEQF8303.1 | SEQF8304.1 | SEQF8305.2 | SEQF8306.2 | SEQF8307.1 | SEQF8308.1 | SEQF8309.1 | SEQF8310.1 | SEQF8311.1 | SEQF8312.1 | SEQF8313.1 | SEQF8314.1 | SEQF8315.1 | SEQF8316.1 | SEQF8317.1 | SEQF8318.1 | SEQF8319.1 | SEQF8320.1 | SEQF8321.1 | SEQF8322.1 | SEQF8323.1 | SEQF8324.1 | SEQF8325.1 | SEQF8326.1 | SEQF8327.1 | SEQF8328.1 | SEQF8329.1 | SEQF8330.1 | SEQF8331.1 | SEQF8332.1 | SEQF8333.1 | SEQF8334.1 | SEQF8335.1 | SEQF8336.1 | SEQF8337.2 | SEQF8338.1 | SEQF8339.1 | SEQF8340.1 | SEQF2892.1
121 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Anaeroglobus geminatus Named Oral 0 AF287783 Oral Clone BB166 | Phylum: Firmicutes 156456 3 378 4290 SEQF1880.1
122 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Megasphaera micronuciformis Named Oral 0 AF385566 | AY278622 Oral Clone BU057 | Oral Strain P4A_FAAD16 | Phylum: Firmicutes 187326 2 253 3539 SEQF1685.1
123 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Colibacter massiliensis Phylotype Oral 0 AF287784 Oral Clone CS025 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1852379 0 43 0 SEQF7271.1 | SEQF7272.1
124 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas artemidis Named Oral 0 AF287797 Phylum: Firmicutes 671224 5 269 5483 SEQF1697.1 | SEQF2584.1
125 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas flueggei Named Oral 0 AF287803 | AF287804 Oral Clone AH132 | Phylum: Firmicutes 135080 3 80 4118 SEQF1616.1
126 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_126 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287800 | AF385576 Oral Clone AJ036 | Oral Clone EY047 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712528 0 14 0 SEQF2805.1
127 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus hominis Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 1290 0 0 0 SEQF2901.1 | SEQF5242.1 | SEQF5243.1 | SEQF5244.1 | SEQF5245.1 | SEQF5246.1 | SEQF5247.1 | SEQF5248.1 | SEQF5249.1 | SEQF5250.1 | SEQF5251.1 | SEQF5252.1 | SEQF5253.1 | SEQF5254.1 | SEQF5255.1 | SEQF5256.1 | SEQF5257.1 | SEQF5258.1 | SEQF5259.1 | SEQF5260.1 | SEQF5261.1 | SEQF5262.1 | SEQF5263.1 | SEQF5264.1 | SEQF5265.1 | SEQF5266.1 | SEQF5267.1 | SEQF5268.1 | SEQF5269.1 | SEQF5270.1 | SEQF5271.1 | SEQF5272.1 | SEQF5273.1 | SEQF5274.1 | SEQF5275.1 | SEQF5276.1 | SEQF5277.1 | SEQF5278.1 | SEQF5279.1 | SEQF5280.1 | SEQF5281.1 | SEQF5282.1 | SEQF5283.1 | SEQF5284.1 | SEQF5285.1 | SEQF5286.1 | SEQF5287.1 | SEQF5288.1 | SEQF5289.1 | SEQF5290.1 | SEQF5291.1
128 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus lugdunensis Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 28035 0 0 0 SEQF2909.2 | SEQF7527.1 | SEQF7528.1 | SEQF7529.2 | SEQF7530.1 | SEQF7531.1 | SEQF7532.2 | SEQF7533.1 | SEQF7534.1 | SEQF7535.1 | SEQF7536.1 | SEQF7537.1 | SEQF7538.1 | SEQF7539.1 | SEQF7540.1 | SEQF7541.1 | SEQF7542.1 | SEQF7543.1 | SEQF7544.1 | SEQF7545.1 | SEQF7546.1 | SEQF7547.1 | SEQF7548.1 | SEQF7549.1 | SEQF7550.1 | SEQF7551.1 | SEQF7552.1 | SEQF7553.1 | SEQF7554.1 | SEQF7555.1 | SEQF7556.1 | SEQF7557.1 | SEQF7558.2 | SEQF7559.1 | SEQF7560.1 | SEQF7561.1 | SEQF7562.1 | SEQF7563.1 | SEQF7564.1 | SEQF7565.1 | SEQF7566.1 | SEQF7567.1 | SEQF7568.1 | SEQF7569.1 | SEQF7570.1 | SEQF7571.2 | SEQF7572.1 | SEQF7573.1 | SEQF7574.1 | SEQF7575.1
129 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Veillonellaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_129 Lost Oral 0 To be submitted Oral Clone AU096 | Oral Strain TFI FNA3 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1843491 0 0 0
130 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas noxia Named Oral 0 AF287798 | AF287799 | AF385495 Phylum: Firmicutes 135083 25 523 7495 SEQF1593.1 | SEQF1690.1
131 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Mitsuokella sp._HMT_131 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287795 | AY278627 Oral Clone C5AKM062 | Oral Clone CS002 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1321780 0 86 4615 SEQF2446.1
132 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Veillonellaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_132 Phylotype Oral 0 AF287791 Oral Clone CS015 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1843491 0 0 0
133 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_133 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287796 Oral Clone CS024 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712529 0 10 0 SEQF1890.1
134 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_134 Phylotype Oral 0 AF287794 Oral Clone DD020 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712530 0 11 0
135 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Veillonellaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_135 Phylotype Oral 0 AF287790 Oral Clone DM071 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1843491 0 0 0
136 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_136 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385514 Oral Clone DO042 | Phylum: Firmicutes 713030 0 3 0 SEQF3060.1
137 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_137 Unnamed Oral 0 AF366273 Oral Clone DS051 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712531 0 52 4150 SEQF1858.2
138 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_138 Unnamed Oral 0 AF366274 Oral Clone DS071 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712532 0 207 4694 SEQF1951.2
139 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas dianae Named Oral 0 AF287801 | AF385492 | AF385501 Oral Clone DY027 | Oral Clone EW076 | Oral Clone Z048 | Phylum: Firmicutes 135079 3 108 0
141 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus pasteuri Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 45972 0 0 0 SEQF2849.1 | SEQF7705.1 | SEQF7706.1 | SEQF7707.1 | SEQF7708.1 | SEQF7709.1 | SEQF7710.1 | SEQF7711.1 | SEQF7712.1 | SEQF7713.1 | SEQF7714.1 | SEQF7715.1 | SEQF7716.1 | SEQF7717.1 | SEQF7718.1 | SEQF7719.1 | SEQF7720.1 | SEQF7721.1 | SEQF7722.1 | SEQF7723.1 | SEQF7724.1 | SEQF7725.1 | SEQF7726.1 | SEQF7727.1 | SEQF7728.1 | SEQF7729.1 | SEQF7730.1 | SEQF7731.1 | SEQF7732.1 | SEQF7733.1
142 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus pettenkoferi Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 170573 0 0 0 SEQF2895.2 | SEQF5440.1 | SEQF5441.1 | SEQF5442.1 | SEQF5443.1 | SEQF5444.1 | SEQF5445.1 | SEQF5446.1 | SEQF5447.1 | SEQF5448.1 | SEQF5449.1 | SEQF5450.1 | SEQF5451.1 | SEQF5452.1 | SEQF5453.1 | SEQF5454.1 | SEQF5455.1 | SEQF5456.1 | SEQF5457.1 | SEQF5458.1 | SEQF5459.1 | SEQF5460.1 | SEQF5461.1 | SEQF5462.1
145 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Veillonellaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_145 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385502 Oral Clone EW079 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1843491 0 0 0 N/A This organism is know from the sequence of clones from human oral 16S rRNA libraries. An isolate has not yet been identified for this taxon. Therefore it is as yet uncultivated.
146 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_146 Lost Oral 0 AF385503 Oral Clone EW084 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712534 0 7 0
148 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Veillonellaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_148 Phylotype Unassigned 0 None--not yet cultivated AF385578 Oral Clones EZ011 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1843491 0 0 0
149 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_149 Unnamed Oral 0 AY349403 Oral Clone FT050 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712535 0 139 4692 SEQF1914.1
150 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Veillonellaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_150 Phylotype Oral 0 AY207052 Oral Clone K024 | Oral Clone P2PA_80 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1843491 0 0 0
151 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sputigena Named Oral 0 AF287793 Phylum: Firmicutes | Spirillum sputigenum | Vibrio sputigenus 69823 43 404 10310 SEQF1598.1 | SEQF3733.1
152 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus thermophilus Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 1308 0 0 0 SEQF2891.1 | SEQF7277.1 | SEQF7278.1 | SEQF7279.1 | SEQF7280.1 | SEQF7281.1 | SEQF7282.1 | SEQF7283.1 | SEQF7284.1 | SEQF7285.1 | SEQF7286.1 | SEQF7287.1 | SEQF7288.1 | SEQF7289.1 | SEQF7290.1 | SEQF7291.1 | SEQF7292.1 | SEQF7293.1 | SEQF7294.1 | SEQF7295.1 | SEQF7296.1 | SEQF7297.1 | SEQF7298.1 | SEQF7299.1 | SEQF7300.1 | SEQF7301.1 | SEQF7302.1 | SEQF7303.1 | SEQF7304.1 | SEQF7305.1 | SEQF7306.1 | SEQF7307.1 | SEQF7308.1 | SEQF7309.1 | SEQF7310.1 | SEQF7311.1 | SEQF7312.1 | SEQF7313.1 | SEQF7314.1 | SEQF7315.1 | SEQF7316.1 | SEQF7317.1 | SEQF7318.1 | SEQF7319.1 | SEQF7320.1 | SEQF7321.1 | SEQF7322.1 | SEQF7323.1 | SEQF7324.1 | SEQF7325.1
153 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Enterobacteriaceae Klebsiella aerogenes Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 548 0 0 0 SEQF7654.1 | SEQF7655.1 | SEQF7656.2 | SEQF7657.1 | SEQF7658.2 | SEQF7659.1 | SEQF7660.1 | SEQF7661.2 | SEQF7662.1 | SEQF7663.1 | SEQF7664.2 | SEQF7665.1 | SEQF7666.1 | SEQF7667.1 | SEQF7668.1 | SEQF7669.1 | SEQF7670.1 | SEQF7671.1 | SEQF7672.1 | SEQF7673.1 | SEQF7674.1 | SEQF7675.2 | SEQF7676.1 | SEQF7677.1 | SEQF7678.1 | SEQF7679.1 | SEQF7680.1 | SEQF7681.1 | SEQF7682.1 | SEQF7683.1 | SEQF7684.1 | SEQF7685.1 | SEQF7686.1 | SEQF7687.1 | SEQF7688.1 | SEQF7689.1 | SEQF7690.1 | SEQF7691.1 | SEQF7692.1 | SEQF7693.1 | SEQF7694.1 | SEQF7695.1 | SEQF7696.1 | SEQF7697.1 | SEQF7698.1 | SEQF7699.1 | SEQF2847.1
154 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Moraxella lincolnii Named Nasal 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 90241 0 0 0 SEQF2870.1
155 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Veillonellaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_155 Lost Oral 0 AF287789 | AY278628 Oral Strain GAA14 [2] | Phylum: Firmicutes | Selenomonas genomosp. C2 [1] 1843491 0 0 0
158 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Veillonella rogosae Named Oral 0 CCUG 54233 | CF100 | DSM 18960 EF108443 | GQ422725 Oral Clone BI029 | Oral Strain F0412 | Phylum: Firmicutes | Veillonella sp. oral taxon 158 423477 5 12 4 SEQF1698.2 | SEQF6956.1 | SEQF6957.1 | SEQF6958.1 Veillonella sp. oral taxon 158 strain F0412 was identified as Veillonella rogosae through 99.9% similarity of the rpoB gene to that of the type strain CF100. 16S rRNA genes also agree but Beighton's six 16S rRNA V. rogosae reference sequences are unfortunately short and un-informative. The genome for strain F0412 available as AENU00000000. The genome link above may be unavailable until the genome sequence is renamed from Veillonella sp. oral taxon 158 to Veillonella rogosae at NCBI. (11/01/2012)
160 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Veillonella dispar Named Oral 0 X84006 Phylum: Firmicutes | Veillonella alcalescens 39778 47 1520 6507 SEQF10092.1 | SEQF10093.1 | SEQF10094.1 | SEQF10095.1 | SEQF10096.1 | SEQF10097.1 | SEQF10098.1 | SEQF10099.1 | SEQF10100.1 | SEQF10101.1 | SEQF10102.1 | SEQF10103.1 | SEQF10104.1 | SEQF1159.1 | SEQF2633.1
161 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Veillonella parvula Named Oral 0 ATCC 10790 AF287781 | AF287782 | AF366266 | X84005 Micrococcus gazogenes | Micrococcus lactilyticus | Phylum: Firmicutes | Staphylococcus parvulus | Veillonella alcalescens | Veillonella gazogenes 29466 235 2501 15254 SEQF1496.1 | SEQF2244.2 | SEQF2364.1 | SEQF2564.1 | SEQF9433.1 | SEQF9434.1 | SEQF9435.1 | SEQF9436.1 | SEQF9437.1 | SEQF9438.1 | SEQF9439.1 | SEQF9440.1 | SEQF9441.1 | SEQF9442.1 | SEQF9443.1 | SEQF9444.1 | SEQF9445.1 | SEQF9446.1 | SEQF9447.1 | SEQF9448.1 | SEQF9449.1 | SEQF9450.1 | SEQF9451.1 | SEQF9452.1 | SEQF9453.1 | SEQF9454.1 | SEQF9455.1 | SEQF9456.1 | SEQF9457.1 Type species of the genus. Phylogentically indistinguishable to V. dispar. Nonhemolytic on Blood agar. Distinctive colony (1-3 mm) morphology e.g. lens- diamond- or heart-shaped when grown on lactate agar media. Smooth entire and grayish white in appearance. [7] Anaerobic Gram negative coccus (~0.4 um in diameter) usually in pairs. Lactate pyruvate malate fumarate and oxaloacetate can be fermented however carbohydrates are not. CO2 is required for growth. Lactate is fermented to acetate propionate CO2 and H2. G+C content is38 to 41 mol%.[7]Phylogenetically similar to V. dispar however V. parvula is catalase negative whereas V. dispar is catalase positive. They can also be differentiated serologically and by DNA/DNA homology (28%).Resistant to streptomycin and vancomycin which can be used in media for selective enrichment of species of Veillonella. Commonly detected in the human oral cavity and intestinal tract. Prevalent on all oral surfaces [4] and in supragingival and subgingival plaque [456] Veillonella parvula tend to be more prevalent in sites without disease however it has been associated with discitis [3] tonsillitis spinal osteomyelitis sepsis endodontic lesions [1] and coronary heart disease [2]
163 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnospiraceae_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_163 Phylotype Oral 0 AF287769 Oral Clone AH153 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186803 0 0 0
164 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Catonella sp._HMT_164 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385556 Oral Clone BR063 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712233 0 10 0
165 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Catonella morbi Named Oral 0 AF385577 | DQ003629 | X87151 Oral Clone EZ006 | Oral Clone MB5_P12 | Phylum: Firmicutes 43997 5 140 6556 SEQF1596.2
166 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Johnsonella sp._HMT_166 Phylotype Oral 0 AF287774 Oral Clone CK051 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712318 0 11 0
167 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptococcaceae Peptococcus sp._HMT_167 Lost Oral 0 AF481224 Oral Clone MCE10_265 | Oral StrainsGEA8 | Phylum: Firmicutes 671215 0 18 0
168 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptococcaceae Peptococcus sp._HMT_168 Phylotype Oral 0 AF287780 Oral Clone I070 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712426 0 2 0
169 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces sp._HMT_169 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287747 Oral Clone AG004 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 712116 0 61 0 SEQF3180.1
170 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces sp._HMT_170 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287749 Oral Clone AP064 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 712117 0 290 6014 SEQF1849.1
171 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces sp._HMT_171 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385553 | AY349367 Oral Clone BL008 | Oral Clone JA063 | Oral Strain W5536 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 706438 0 1216 6226 SEQF1693.1 | SEQF3095.1
172 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Schaalia sp._HMT_172 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385504 | AF385505 Actinomyces sp. HMT-172 | Oral Clone CT047 | Oral Clone CT068 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 712118 0 738 4660 SEQF2430.1
173 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Lawsonellaceae Lawsonella clevelandensis Named Skin 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 1528099 0 0 0 SEQF2877.1 | SEQF5625.1 | SEQF5626.2
174 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseriaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_174 Phylotype Nasal 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 481 0 0 0
175 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces sp._HMT_175 Unnamed Oral 0 AY008314 Oral Clone EP005 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 712119 0 69 5028 SEQF1848.2
176 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces naeslundii Named Oral 0 ATCC 12104 | JCM 8349 | NCTC 10301 AB618790 Oral Clone EP011 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1655 543 979 6152 SEQF2386.1 | SEQF5151.1 | SEQF5152.1 | SEQF5153.1 | SEQF5154.1 | SEQF5155.1 | SEQF5156.1 | SEQF5157.1 | SEQF5158.1 | SEQF5159.1 | SEQF5160.1 | SEQF5161.1 | SEQF5162.1 | SEQF5163.1 | SEQF5164.1 | SEQF5165.1 | SEQF5166.1 | SEQF5167.1 | SEQF5168.1 | SEQF5169.1 | SEQF5170.1 | SEQF5171.1 | SEQF5172.1 The Oral phylotypes 169 170 171 175 176 and 688 cluster together and all are probably members of the species Actinomyces naeslundii (a fuzzy group). At this time the Dewhirst laboratory has not examined whether strains classified as A. naeslundii genospecies 1 or 2 fall consistently into particular phylotypes in this cluster. The taxonomy of this group is is discussed in the references [1-3]. Over the next year we will be sequencing a number of actinomyces strains from the Moores' collection and should be able to clarify these issues.There is a vast literature on Actinomyces naeslundii which we will not attempt to review here. Easily cultivatedMoores' Collection included 34 isolates Gram positive non-motile bacillusFacultative anaerobe Common member of dental plaque Appears to contribute to periodontal disease. Can be invasive and cause actinomycotic infections throughout the body.
178 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Schaalia sp._HMT_178 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287750 Actinomyces sp. HMT-178 | Oral Strain TFI B27SC | Phylum: Actinobacteria 710238 0 442 4691 SEQF1666.1
179 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces timonensis Named Oral 0 AF287748 OralsStrain TFI B19SC | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1288391 2 52 2116 SEQF2594.1
180 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Schaalia sp._HMT_180 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287751 | AF385522 Actinomyces sp. HMT-180 | Oral Strain TFI C29KA | Oral Strain TFI Hal-1083 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 651609 0 82 4105 SEQF1647.1
181 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Schaalia lingnae Named Oral 0 CCUG 32865 AF385522 Phylum: Actinobacteria | Previously Actinomyces lingnae 114702 0 75 3307 SEQF1948.2 Name not validly published.
182 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Bacillaceae Anoxybacillus flavithermus Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 33934 0 0 0 SEQF2850.1 | SEQF7623.1 | SEQF7624.1 | SEQF7625.1 | SEQF7626.1 | SEQF7627.1 | SEQF7628.1 | SEQF7629.1 | SEQF7630.1 | SEQF7631.1 | SEQF7632.1 | SEQF7633.1 | SEQF7634.1 | SEQF7635.1 | SEQF7636.1 | SEQF7637.1 | SEQF7638.1 | SEQF7639.1 | SEQF7640.1 | SEQF7641.1 | SEQF7642.1 | SEQF7643.1 | SEQF7644.1 | SEQF7645.1 | SEQF7646.1 | SEQF7647.1 | SEQF7648.1 | SEQF7649.1 | SEQF7650.1 | SEQF7651.1 | SEQF7652.1 | SEQF7653.1
183 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Peptidiphaga sp._HMT_183 Unnamed Oral 0 AY008311 | AY207066 Oral Clone EL030 | Oral Strain P2P_19 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 712888 0 286 4640 SEQF2310.1
184 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium tuscaniense Named Unassigned 0 ATCC BBA-1141 AF287754 Oral Strain TFI A43SC | Phylum: Actinobacteria 302449 0 0 0 SEQF2784.1 | SEQF9745.1 | SEQF9746.1
185 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Microbacteriaceae Microbacterium ginsengisoli Named Unassigned 0 DSM 18659 AF385527 Oral Clone AV005b | Phylum: Actinobacteria 400772 0 2 0 SEQF2785.1
186 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Microbacteriaceae Microbacterium flavescens Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 13348 AF287752 Oral Strain TFI C24KA | Phylum: Actinobacteria 69366 0 30 5239 SEQF10211.1 | SEQF1971.1
187 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Peptoniphilus sp._HMT_187 Unnamed Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 162289 0 0 0 SEQF2963.1
188 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Micrococcaceae Rothia aeria Named Oral 0 Y13025 Oral Clone AP005 | Oral Strain TFI-B37KA | Oral Strain TFI-F0184 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 172042 14 284 9219 SEQF1688.1 | SEQF1901.1 | SEQF5236.1 | SEQF5237.1 | SEQF5238.1 | SEQF5239.1 | SEQF5240.1 | SEQF5241.1
189 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Micrococcaceae Kocuria atrinae Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF385532 Oral Clone AW006 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 592377 0 2 0 SEQF7379.1
190 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Intrasporangiaceae Arsenicicoccus bolidensis Named Unassigned 0 CCUG 47306 AF287753 Oral Strain TFI-B46KS | Phylum: Actinobacteria 229480 0 0 0 SEQF7921.1 | SEQF7922.1 | SEQF2746.1
191 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Propionibacteriales Propionibacteriaceae Acidipropionibacterium acidifaciens Named Oral 0 AF287756 Oral Strain TFI-FMA5 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1410036 4 1014 7138 SEQF1851.1 | SEQF2583.1
192 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Propionibacteriales Propionibacteriaceae Propionibacteriaceae_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_192 Unnamed Unassigned 0 To be submitted Oral Strain TFI-C03KA | Phylum: Actinobacteria 31957 0 22 5040 SEQF1972.1
193 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Propionibacteriales Propionibacteriaceae Cutibacterium sp._HMT_193 Unnamed Unassigned 0 To be submitted Oral Strain TFI-MetC3 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 671223 0 2 0 SEQF2808.1
194 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Propionibacteriales Propionibacteriaceae Arachnia rubra Named Oral 0 AF287757 Oral Clone BN085 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1547448 0 1 0 SEQF3708.1 | SEQF4477.1
195 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Scardovia wiggsiae Named Oral 0 AF287758 | AY278626 Oral Clone CX010 | Oral Strain KCL-W5934 | Oral Strain TFI-A32ED | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Scardovia ge 230143 4 31 2717 SEQF1853.1 | SEQF5994.1
196 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Rhodospirillales Rhodospirillales_[F-1] Enhydrobacter aerosaccus Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 225324 0 0 0 SEQF2845.1
197 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Micrococcaceae Kocuria rhizophila Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 72000 0 0 0 SEQF2871.2 | SEQF3810.1 | SEQF3811.1 | SEQF3812.1 | SEQF3813.1 | SEQF3814.1 | SEQF3815.1 | SEQF3816.1 | SEQF3817.1 | SEQF3818.1 | SEQF3819.1 | SEQF3820.1 | SEQF3821.2 | SEQF3822.1 | SEQF3823.1 | SEQF3824.1 | SEQF3825.1 | SEQF3826.1 | SEQF3827.1 | SEQF3828.2 | SEQF3829.1 | SEQF3830.1 | SEQF3831.1 | SEQF3832.1
198 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Alloscardovia omnicolens Named Oral 0 CCUG 31649 NR_042583 Oral Strain TFI-Hal-H6-M4 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 419015 6 191 4347 SEQF2451.1 | SEQF2547.1 | SEQF9747.1 | SEQF9748.1 | SEQF9749.1 | SEQF9750.1 | SEQF9751.1 | SEQF9752.1 | SEQF9753.1 | SEQF9754.1
199 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Atopobiaceae Lancefieldella sp._HMT_199 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287760 Oral Clone C019 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 2767353 0 12 2934 SEQF1949.1
200 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium nucleatum Named Oral 0 AF287805 | AF287806 | AF287810 | NZ_AABF02000026 Oral Clone AJ050 | Oral Clone CZ006 | Oral Clone R002 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 155615 5 1629 12658 SEQF1076.1 | SEQF2818.1 | SEQF2819.2 | SEQF2820.2 | SEQF2980.1 Note: This cluster of sequences includes the sequence for the type strain of Fusobacterium naviforme. The taxonomy and phylogeny of the Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies and related Fusobacterium periodontium and Fusobacterium naviforme is not well defined. The 16S rRNA sequence information is probably not reliable for putting strains into valid Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies.
201 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium periodonticum Named Oral 0 AF432130 | X55405 Oral Clone BS011 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 860 28 1380 18876 SEQF1160.1 | SEQF2406.1 | SEQF2529.3 | SEQF2555.1 | SEQF5468.1 | SEQF5469.1 | SEQF5470.1 | SEQF5471.1 Note: The taxonomy and phylogeny of the Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies and related Fusobacterium periodontium and Fusobacterium naviforme is not well defined. The 16S rRNA sequence information is probably not reliable for putting strains into valid Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies.
202 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium nucleatum Named Oral 0 AF287812 | AF366265 Oral Clone BS019 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 76857 7 114 4848 SEQF1075.1 | SEQF1680.2 | SEQF2812.1 | SEQF2813.1 | SEQF2814.1 | SEQF3018.1 | SEQF3025.1 Note: The taxonomy and phylogeny of the Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies and related Fusobacterium periodontium and Fusobacterium naviforme is not well defined. The 16S rRNA sequence information is probably not reliable for putting strains into valid Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies.
203 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium sp._HMT_203 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287809 | AF287815 Oral Clone CY024 | Oral Clone FV003 | Oral Clone I035 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 671211 0 30 0 SEQF2896.1 | SEQF2985.1
204 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium sp._HMT_204 Phylotype Oral 0 Phylum: Fusobacteria 848 0 0 0
205 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium sp._HMT_205 Phylotype Oral 0 To be submitted Oral Clone FL002 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 710237 0 2 0
206 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Weeksellaceae Cloacibacterium sp._HMT_206 Phylotype Unassigned 0 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 501783 0 0 0
207 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium gottingense Unnamed Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 2041036 0 0 0 SEQF2851.1 | SEQF3040.1 | SEQF3049.1 | SEQF3050.1 | SEQF9975.1
208 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium bovis Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 36808 0 0 0 SEQF9481.1 | SEQF9482.1 | SEQF9483.1 | SEQF9484.1 | SEQF9485.1 | SEQF9486.1 | SEQF9487.1 | SEQF9488.1 | SEQF9489.1 | SEQF9490.1 | SEQF9491.1 | SEQF9492.1 | SEQF9493.1 | SEQF9494.1 | SEQF9495.1 | SEQF9496.1 | SEQF9497.1 | SEQF9498.1 | SEQF9499.1 | SEQF9500.1 | SEQF9501.1 | SEQF3082.2
209 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Acidovorax ebreus Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 721785 0 0 0 SEQF2863.1
211 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Acidovorax caeni Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 343013 0 0 0 SEQF3073.1 | SEQF9974.1
212 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_212 Unnamed Oral 0 AY008309 Oral Clone Bu064 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 712357 0 15 0 SEQF2748.1
213 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia hongkongensis Named Oral 0 HKU24 AF287811 | EU919515 Oral Clone DA065 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 554406 1 10 8 SEQF3159.1
214 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia shahii Named Oral 0 AF366268 Oral Clone DE081 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 157691 1 81 1815 SEQF2501.1 | SEQF6694.1
215 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_215 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385518 Oral Clone DR011 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 712359 0 222 4518 SEQF2444.1
216 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Acidovorax temperans Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 80878 0 0 0 SEQF2893.1 | SEQF8604.1 | SEQF8605.1
217 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_217 Phylotype Oral 0 AF366276 Oral Clone DT031 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 712360 0 2 0
218 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_218 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385571 Oral Clone EI013 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 712361 0 4 0 SEQF3703.1
219 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Pseudoleptotrichia sp._HMT_219 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385572 Oral Clone EI022 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 652714 0 9 0
221 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Pseudoleptotrichia sp._HMT_221 Unnamed Oral 0 AF432138 Oral Clone FP036 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 712362 0 1 0 SEQF3704.1
222 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia wadei Named Oral 0 AF287816 Leptotrichia wadeii | Oral Strain TFI-A39FD | Phylum: Fusobacteria 157687 1 521 6197 SEQF1618.1 | SEQF2502.1 | SEQF5032.2 | SEQF5033.1 | SEQF5034.1 | SEQF5035.1
223 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_223 Unnamed Oral 0 AF287814 Oral Clone F138 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 712363 0 2 0 SEQF3177.1
224 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia hofstadii Named Oral 0 AF287813 Oral Strain TFI-FAC5 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 157688 1 137 7569 SEQF1601.1 | SEQF2581.1 | SEQF3805.1
225 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_225 Unnamed Oral 0 To be submitted Oral Clone HE052 | Oral Strain TFI-FEA2 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 671213 0 575 4634 SEQF2452.1
226 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_226 Phylotype Oral 0 AF023062 Oral Clone G054 | Phylum: Spirochaetes 712715 0 1 0
227 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_227 Phylotype Oral 0 AF056339 Oral Clone BA223 | Phylum: Spirochaetes 712716 0 2 0
228 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_228 Phylotype Oral 0 AF023054 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. I:D:T31 712717 0 25 0
229 Bacteria Cyanobacteria Oscillatoriophycideae Oscillatoriales Microcoleaceae Arthrospira platensis Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Cyanobacteria 118562 0 0 0 SEQF2856.3 | SEQF6714.1 | SEQF6715.1 | SEQF6716.1 | SEQF6717.1 | SEQF6718.1 | SEQF6719.1 | SEQF6720.1
230 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_230 Phylotype Oral 0 AF023053 | AY005081 Oral Clone AF068 | Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. I:F:D13 712718 0 13 0
231 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_231 Phylotype Oral 0 AF023055 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponeme sp. 1:G:T21 712719 0 21 0
232 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_232 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF023059 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. I:J:T19 712720 0 28 0
233 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus schleiferi Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 1295 0 0 0 SEQF8222.2 | SEQF8223.1 | SEQF8224.1 | SEQF8225.1 | SEQF8226.1 | SEQF8227.1 | SEQF8228.1 | SEQF8229.1 | SEQF8230.1 | SEQF8231.1 | SEQF8232.1 | SEQF8233.1 | SEQF8234.1 | SEQF8235.1 | SEQF8236.1 | SEQF8237.1 | SEQF8238.1 | SEQF8239.1 | SEQF8240.1 | SEQF8241.1 | SEQF8242.1 | SEQF8243.1 | SEQF8244.1 | SEQF8245.1 | SEQF8246.1 | SEQF8247.1 | SEQF8248.1 | SEQF2914.1
234 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_234 Phylotype Oral 0 AF023056 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. I:L:Y1 712721 0 10 0
235 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_235 Phylotype Oral 0 AF023063 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. I:N:D47 712722 0 3 0
236 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_236 Phylotype Oral 0 AF056338 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. I:O:AF016 712723 0 8 0
237 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_237 Phylotype Oral 0 AF056337 | AF061349 | AF061350 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. I:8:G57 | Treponema sp. I:S:AT39 | Treponema sp. I:T:AT24 712724 0 42 0
238 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_238 Phylotype Oral 0 AF061347 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. I:Q:AT20 712725 0 9 0
239 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_239 Phylotype Oral 0 AF061348 | AY349416 Oral ClonesJU031 | Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. I:R:AF026 712726 0 11 0
241 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Listeriaceae Brochothrix thermosphacta Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 2756 0 0 0 SEQF2904.1 | SEQF7785.1 | SEQF7786.1 | SEQF7787.1 | SEQF7788.1 | SEQF7789.1 | SEQF7790.1 | SEQF7791.1 | SEQF7792.1 | SEQF7793.1 | SEQF7794.1 | SEQF7795.1 | SEQF7796.1 | SEQF7797.1 | SEQF7798.1 | SEQF7799.1 | SEQF7800.1 | SEQF7801.1 | SEQF7802.1 | SEQF7803.1 | SEQF7804.1 | SEQF7805.1
242 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_242 Phylotype Oral 0 AF182831 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. I:V:AU076 712727 0 1 0
243 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Jeotgalicoccus huakuii Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 589010 0 0 0 SEQF9502.1
244 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Rhodospirillales Acetobacteraceae Roseomonas gilardii Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 257708 0 0 0 SEQF9511.1 | SEQF9512.1 | SEQF9513.1 | SEQF9514.1 | SEQF2908.1
245 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Rhodospirillales Acetobacteraceae Roseomonas mucosa Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 207340 0 0 0 SEQF2894.2 | SEQF8854.1 | SEQF8855.1 | SEQF8856.1 | SEQF8857.1 | SEQF8858.1 | SEQF8859.1
246 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_246 Phylotype Oral 0 AF023031 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. II:C:T1 712728 0 1 0
247 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_247 Phylotype Oral 0 AF023032 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. II:D:G93 712729 0 27 0
248 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium sp._HMT_248 Unnamed Unassigned 0 Phylum: Fusobacteria 848 0 0 0 SEQF3181.1
249 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_249 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF023037 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. II:I:C53 712730 0 1 0
250 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_250 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF023028 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. III:A:D24 712731 0 1 0
251 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_251 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF056340 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. III:B:U8A 712732 0 14 0
252 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_252 Phylotype Oral 0 AF056341 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. III:C:BA213 712733 0 2 0
253 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_253 Phylotype Oral 0 AF182838 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. 3:D:BQ032 712734 0 5 0
254 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_254 Phylotype Oral 0 AF182836 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. 3:E:AT013 712735 0 9 0
256 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_256 Phylotype Oral 0 AF182835 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. 3:G:BB003 712737 0 5 0
257 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_257 Lost Oral 0 AF023044 Oral Strain Smibert D36ER1 | Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. V:19:D36 712738 0 17 0
258 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_258 Phylotype Oral 0 AF023042 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. IV:18:C9 712739 0 1 0
259 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus sp._HMT_259 Phylotype Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 724 0 0 0
260 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_260 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF023041 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. IV:17D:D31 712740 0 1 0
261 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Chitinophagia Chitinophagales Chitinophagaceae Segetibacter aerophilus Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 670293 0 0 0 SEQF3157.1
262 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_262 Phylotype Oral 0 AF182834 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. 5:C:AT040 712741 0 3 0
263 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_263 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF182837 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. 5:22:BH022 712742 0 5 0
264 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_264 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF385536 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. oral clone BZ013 712743 0 7 0
265 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_265 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF023046 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. V:A:U7A 712744 0 13 0
266 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Leptothrix sp._HMT_266 Phylotype Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 88 0 0 0
268 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_268 Lost Oral 0 AF033303 | AY349418 Oral Clone IL034 | Oral Strain Smibert D120CR-1 | Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. Smibert-5 712745 0 8 0
269 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_269 Lost Oral 0 AY005083 Oral Strain Smibert D15A-4 | Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. 6:H:D15A-4 157 0 0 0
270 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_270 Phylotype Oral 0 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. 9:A:D01 671227 0 3 0
271 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_271 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF023043 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. 10:A:C25 712746 0 2 0
272 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Bacteroidaceae Phocaeicola abscessus Unnamed Oral 0 AY005066 Oral Clone X083 | Oral Strain TFI-F0093 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 555313 0 0 0 SEQF1646.1 | SEQF9889.1
273 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas endodontalis Named Oral 0 AY005067 | AY005068 Bacteroides endodontalis | Oral Clone AJ002 | Oral Clone BB134 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 28124 176 169 3928 SEQF8602.1 | SEQF8603.1 | SEQF1033.1
274 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Bacteroidales_[F-2] Bacteroidales_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_274 Unnamed Oral 0 AY005072 Oral Clone AU126 [1-3] | Oral Strain KCL-W5603 | Oral Strain TFI-F0058 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 171549 0 0 0 SEQF1451.1 Bacteroidetes bacterium Oral taxon 274 strain F0058 has been isolated from a human subject by the Moore's Laboratory in November 1984. The subject was a 39 year old American black male. The bacteria was isolated from the subgingival oral biofilm at a site with moderate periodontitis. The bacteria was grown in anaerobic conditions. The partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene was deposited to GenBank under the reference FJ577256. The strain is available at www.bei.org under the reference HM-4. This strain is part of the reference strains for the oral section of the Human Microbiome Project.
Presumptively Gram negativePresumptively anaerobic
26 clones found in libraries from 7 subjectsPresent in 20% of subgingival sites in healthy subjects and 76% of subgingival sites in periodontitis subjects with a prevalence ratio of 3.85 This disease association is higher than that of T. denticola P. gingivalis or T. forsythensis [2] Present in 20% of subgingival sites in healthy subjects and 76% of subgingival sites in periodontitis subjects with a prevalence ratio of 3.85 This disease association is higher thatn that of T. denticola P. gingivalis or T. forsythensis [2]
275 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas sp._HMT_275 Unnamed Oral 0 AF393476 Oral Clone AW032 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712435 0 2 0 SEQF3680.1
276 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Moraxella sp._HMT_276 Phylotype Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 475 0 0 0
277 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas sp._HMT_277 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385555 Oral Clone BR037 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712436 0 2 0
278 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas sp._HMT_278 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385560 Oral Clone BS045 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712437 0 206 3945 SEQF2357.2
279 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas pasteri Named Oral 0 AF385516 | AY008310 Oral Clone CW034 | Oral Clone DP023 | Oral Strain TFI-F003 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 1583331 0 146 3447 SEQF1907.1 | SEQF3713.1 | SEQF4728.1
280 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes_[C-1] Bacteroidetes_[O-1] Bacteroidetes_[F-1] Bacteroidetes_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_280 Phylotype Oral 0 AY005071 Oral Clone DA064 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 200643 0 0 0
281 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes_[C-1] Bacteroidetes_[O-1] Bacteroidetes_[F-1] Bacteroidetes_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_281 Phylotype Oral 0 AY005070 Oral Clone DA065 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 200643 0 0 0
282 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Acinetobacter junii Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 40215 0 0 0 SEQF2875.1 | SEQF8860.1 | SEQF8861.1 | SEQF8862.1 | SEQF8863.1 | SEQF8864.2 | SEQF8865.2 | SEQF8866.3 | SEQF8867.1 | SEQF8868.1 | SEQF8869.1 | SEQF8870.1 | SEQF8871.1 | SEQF8872.1 | SEQF8873.1 | SEQF8874.1 | SEQF8875.1 | SEQF8876.1 | SEQF8877.1 | SEQF8878.1 | SEQF8879.1 | SEQF8880.1 | SEQF8881.1 | SEQF8882.1 | SEQF8883.1 | SEQF8884.1 | SEQF8885.1 | SEQF8886.1 | SEQF8887.1 | SEQF8888.1 | SEQF8889.1 | SEQF8890.1 | SEQF8891.1 | SEQF8892.1 | SEQF8893.1 | SEQF8894.1 | SEQF8895.1 | SEQF8896.1 | SEQF8897.1 | SEQF8898.1 | SEQF8899.1 | SEQF8900.1 | SEQF8901.1 | SEQF8902.1 | SEQF8903.1 | SEQF8904.1 | SEQF8905.1 | SEQF8906.1 | SEQF8907.1 | SEQF8908.1
283 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas catoniae Named Oral 0 AF366271 | X82823 Oral Clone DS033 | Oral Strain THI-F0035 | Oribaculum catoniae | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 41976 6 130 5292 SEQF1936.2 | SEQF2632.1
284 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas sp._HMT_284 Lost Oral 0 AY008313 Oral Clone EP003 | Oral Strain TFI-F0037 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712439 0 5 0
285 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas sp._HMT_285 Phylotype Oral 0 AY005069 Oral Clone F016 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 836 0 0 0
286 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Tannerellaceae Tannerella sp._HMT_286 Unnamed Oral 0 AY008308 Oral Clone BU063 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712710 0 5438 12966 SEQF2634.1 | SEQF2635.1 | SEQF2636.1 | SEQF2637.1 | SEQF2638.1 | SEQF2807.2 | SEQF3068.1 As the closest Tannerella forsythus several investigators have attempted to culture this organism--as yet unsuccessfully.
288 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella oulorum Named Oral 0 L16472 Bacteroides oulorum | Oral Strain TFI-C08KA | Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella oulora 28136 3 420 6641 SEQF1691.1 | SEQF2684.1 | SEQF9755.1
289 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella maculosa Named Oral 0 AY005057 | AY005058 | EF534315 Oral Clone AA016 | Oral Clone AA020 | Oral Strain KCL-W1609 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella genomosp. | Prevotella genomosp. T3 [1] 439703 1 560 7612 SEQF2147.1 | SEQF2508.1 | SEQF2680.1
290 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Anaerococcus sp._HMT_290 Lost Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 165779 0 0 0
291 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella denticola Named Oral 0 AY005053 | AY005054 Bacteroides denticola | Oral Clone AH005 | Oral Clone AO036 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 28129 44 667 13971 SEQF1677.1 | SEQF2146.2 | SEQF2563.1 | SEQF2676.1 | SEQF2733.1 | SEQF3700.1 | SEQF3701.1 | SEQF3702.1 | SEQF3711.1 | SEQF6688.1 | SEQF6689.1 | SEQF6690.1 | SEQF6691.1 | SEQF6692.1 | SEQF6693.1
294 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Anaerococcus sp._HMT_294 Phylotype Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 165779 0 0 0
295 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Anaerococcus sp._HMT_295 Phylotype Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 165779 0 0 0
297 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Acinetobacter johnsonii Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 40214 0 0 0 SEQF2916.1 | SEQF5871.1 | SEQF5872.1 | SEQF5873.1 | SEQF5874.2 | SEQF5875.1 | SEQF5876.1 | SEQF5877.1 | SEQF5878.1 | SEQF5879.1 | SEQF5880.1 | SEQF5881.1 | SEQF5882.1 | SEQF5883.1 | SEQF5884.1 | SEQF5885.1 | SEQF5886.1 | SEQF5887.1 | SEQF5888.1 | SEQF5889.1 | SEQF5890.1 | SEQF5891.1 | SEQF5892.1 | SEQF5893.1 | SEQF5894.1 | SEQF5895.1 | SEQF5896.1 | SEQF5897.1 | SEQF5898.1 | SEQF5899.1 | SEQF5900.1 | SEQF5901.1 | SEQF5902.1 | SEQF5903.1 | SEQF5904.1 | SEQF5905.1 | SEQF5906.1 | SEQF5907.1 | SEQF5908.1 | SEQF5909.1
298 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella histicola Named Oral 0 AF385551 Oral Clone BE073 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 470565 2 205 6514 SEQF1852.1 | SEQF2679.1 | SEQF3698.1 | SEQF8210.1 | SEQF8211.1 | SEQF8212.1 | SEQF8213.1 | SEQF8214.1 | SEQF8215.1 | SEQF8216.1 | SEQF8217.1
299 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella nanceiensis Named Oral 0 CCUG 54409 AY005064 Oral Clone BI027 | Oral Strain KCL-W1169 | Oral Strain TFI-F0039 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 425941 0 13 5799 SEQF1452.2 | SEQF6095.1 | SEQF6096.1 | SEQF6097.1 Prevotella sp. oral taxon 299 strain F0039 has been isolated from a human subject by the Moore's Laboratory in September 1981. The subject was a 44 years old American white male. The bacteria was isolated from the subgingival oral biofilm at an healthy site. The partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene was deposited to GenBank under the reference FJ577257. The strain is available at www.bei.org under the reference HM-3.This strain is now part of the reference strains for the oral section of the Human Microbiome Project.
300 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_300 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385554 | AY278625 Oral Clone BR014 | Oral Clone C3MLM058 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712456 0 18 0
301 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_301 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385558 Oral Clone BS041 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712457 0 1 0
302 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Alloprevotella rava Named Oral 0 81/4-12 | CCUG 58091 | DSM 22548 AF385564 Oral Clone BU035 | Oral STain KCL-W6968 | Oral Strain F0020 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella sp. oral taxon 302 671218 1 141 3992 SEQF1671.1 | SEQF8127.1 Alloprevotella rava gen. nov. sp. nov. isolated from the human oral cavity and reclassification of Prevotella tannerae (Moore Johnson & Moore 1994) as Alloprevotella tannerae gen. nov. comb. nov. PMID: 22753527. Genome available as ACZK00000000. Link to genome may be broken until name changed at NCBI from Prevotella sp. oral taxon 302 to Alloprevotella rava
303 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella pleuritidis Named Oral 0 AY005063 | AY349392 Oral Clone CY006 | Oral Clone FL019 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 407975 1 207 5773 SEQF7367.1 | SEQF1935.1
304 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_304 Phylotype Oral 0 AY005065 Oral Clone DA058 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712459 0 5 0
305 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_305 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385509 Oral Clone DO014 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712460 0 1 0
306 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_306 Unnamed Oral 0 AF385511 Oral Clone DO027 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712461 0 161 4681 SEQF1887.1
307 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella salivae Named Oral 0 AF385512 Oral Clone DO033 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 228604 6 436 10913 SEQF1932.1 | SEQF2149.1 | SEQF7806.1 | SEQF7807.1 | SEQF7808.1 | SEQF7809.1 | SEQF7810.1
308 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Alloprevotella sp._HMT_308 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385513 Oral Clone DO039 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 1283313 0 0 0
309 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_309 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385515 Oral Clone DO045 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712463 0 1 0
311 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella oris Named Oral 0 AY005056 | L16474 Bacteroides oris | Oral Clone F045 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 28135 33 832 13678 SEQF1656.1 | SEQF2510.1 | SEQF2683.1 | SEQF6384.1 | SEQF6385.1
312 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Aerococcaceae Aerococcus viridans Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 1377 0 0 0 SEQF2883.2 | SEQF3882.1 | SEQF3883.1 | SEQF3884.1 | SEQF3885.1 | SEQF3886.1
313 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella jejuni Unnamed Oral 0 AF432133 | AY349397 Oral Clone FM005 | Oral Clone GI059 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 652722 0 19 0 SEQF3063.1 | SEQF3696.1 | SEQF3697.1 | SEQF7405.1 | SEQF7406.1 | SEQF7407.1
314 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_314 Unnamed Oral 0 AY349393 Oral Clone FU048 | Oral Strain TFI-F0054 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712464 0 15 0 SEQF3074.1
315 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_315 Phylotype Oral 0 AY349394 Oral Clone FW035 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712465 0 2 0
316 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Rhodobacterales Rhodobacteraceae Haematobacter missouriensis Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 366616 0 0 0 SEQF2853.1 | SEQF3991.1 | SEQF3992.1
317 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_317 Unnamed Oral 0 AY005061 Oral Strain TFI-B31FD | Oral Strain TFI-F0055 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 652721 0 395 5808 SEQF1477.1 Prevotella sp. Oral Taxon 317 strain F0108 has been isolated from a human subject by the Moore's Laboratory in April 1992. The subject was a 38 year old American black female. The bacteria was isolated from the subgingival oral biofilm at a healthy site. The bacteria was grown in anaerobic conditions. The partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene was deposited to GenBank under the reference FJ577255. The strain is available at www.bei.org under the reference HM-5. This strain is part of the reference strains for the oral section of the Human Microbiome Project.
318 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Sphingobacteriia Sphingobacteriales Sphingobacteriaceae Pedobacter sp._HMT_318 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF385531 Oral Clone AV100 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 84567 0 0 0
319 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Weeksellaceae Chryseobacterium sp._HMT_319 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF385544 Oral Clone AY017 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712186 0 9 0
320 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Chitinophagia Chitinophagales Chitinophagaceae Flavitalea sp._HMT_320 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF385548 Oral Clone AZ105 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 1210116 0 0 0
321 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Sphingobacteriia Sphingobacteriales Sphingobacteriaceae Pedobacter sp._HMT_321 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF385549 Oral Clone AZ123 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 84567 0 0 0
322 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Weeksellaceae Riemerella sp._HMT_322 Phylotype Oral 0 AY008691 Oral Clone AK152 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712187 0 4 0
323 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_323 Unnamed Oral 0 AY005077 Oral Strain TFI-A47ROY | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 1705617 0 0 0 SEQF2747.1
324 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_324 Unnamed Oral 0 AY005079 Oral Clone AA032 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712211 0 298 4585 SEQF1938.2
325 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga granulosa Named Oral 0 AY005074 | U41347 Oral Clone AH015 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 45242 7 423 4714 SEQF1653.1 | SEQF5030.1 | SEQF5031.1
326 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga endodontalis Unnamed Oral 0 AY005076 Oral Clone BB167 | Oral Strain KCL-W5130 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 2708117 0 505 6342 SEQF1900.1 | SEQF7326.1
327 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseriaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_327 Phylotype Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 481 0 0 0
328 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium mastitidis Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 161890 0 0 0 SEQF8606.1 | SEQF8607.1 | SEQF3083.1
329 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga leadbetteri Named Oral 0 AF385569 | AY005075 Oral Clone BM058 | Oral Clone BR085 | Oral Clone BU084 | Oral Strain TFI-F0087 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 327575 2 7 0 SEQF1684.2 | SEQF5022.1 | SEQF5023.1
330 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria_[O-1] Alphaproteobacteria_[F-1] Micavibrio aeruginosavorus Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 349221 0 0 0 SEQF2848.1 | SEQF6687.1
331 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus auricularis Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 29379 0 0 0 SEQF3084.1 | SEQF8152.1 | SEQF8153.1 | SEQF8154.1 | SEQF8155.1 | SEQF8156.1 | SEQF8157.1 | SEQF8158.1 | SEQF8159.1 | SEQF8160.1 | SEQF8161.1 | SEQF8162.1
332 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_332 Unnamed Oral 0 AF366270 Oral Clone DS022 | Oral Strain KCL-W4070 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712213 0 471 5395 SEQF1937.2
333 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium massiliense Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 441501 0 0 0 SEQF3085.1
334 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_334 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY008312 Oral Clone EL034 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712214 0 1 0
335 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_335 Unnamed Oral 0 AY005078 Oral Clone X066 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712215 0 80 3944 SEQF1906.1
336 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_336 Unnamed Oral 0 AY005080 Oral Clone X089 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712216 0 55 4185 SEQF1970.1
337 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga gingivalis Named Oral 0 AY005073 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 1017 81 296 5157 SEQF1602.1 | SEQF5852.1
338 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_338 Unnamed Oral 0 U41352 Oral Strain FDC-8 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 710239 0 158 4857 SEQF1687.1
339 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Intrasporangiaceae Janibacter indicus Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 857417 0 0 0 SEQF2885.1 | SEQF6317.1 | SEQF6318.1
340 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Brevibacteriaceae Brevibacterium paucivorans Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 170994 0 0 0 SEQF3172.1 | SEQF8796.1
341 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium coyleae Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 53374 0 0 0 SEQF9469.1 | SEQF9470.1 | SEQF9471.1 | SEQF9472.1 | SEQF9473.1 | SEQF9474.1 | SEQF2907.1 | SEQF2945.1 | SEQF2957.1 | SEQF2962.1 | SEQF2968.1 | SEQF3003.1 | SEQF3004.1 | SEQF3007.1 | SEQF3008.1 | SEQF3038.1
342 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Sphingomonadales Sphingomonadaceae Novosphingobium panipatense Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 428991 0 0 0 SEQF3086.1
343 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Alcaligenaceae Achromobacter xylosoxidans Named Unassigned 0 Y14907 Alcaligenes xylosoxidans | Phylum: Proteobacteria 85698 325 3185 81905 SEQF1926.1 | SEQF2029.1 | SEQF2030.1 | SEQF2546.1 | SEQF2610.1 | SEQF5378.1 | SEQF5379.1 | SEQF5380.1 | SEQF5381.1 | SEQF5382.1 | SEQF5383.1 | SEQF5384.1 | SEQF5385.1 | SEQF5386.1 | SEQF5387.1 | SEQF5388.2 | SEQF5389.1 | SEQF5390.2 | SEQF5391.1 | SEQF5392.1 | SEQF5393.1 | SEQF5394.1 | SEQF5395.2 | SEQF5396.1 | SEQF5397.1 | SEQF5398.1 | SEQF5399.1 | SEQF5400.1 | SEQF5401.1 | SEQF5402.1 | SEQF5403.1 | SEQF5404.1 | SEQF5405.1 | SEQF5406.1 | SEQF5407.1 | SEQF5408.1 | SEQF5409.1 | SEQF5410.1 | SEQF5411.1 | SEQF5412.1 | SEQF5413.1 | SEQF5414.1 | SEQF5415.1 | SEQF5416.1 | SEQF5417.1 | SEQF5418.1 | SEQF5419.1 | SEQF5420.1 | SEQF5421.1 | SEQF5422.1 | SEQF5423.1
344 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Pseudomonadaceae Pseudomonas luteola Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 47886 0 0 0 SEQF3076.1 | SEQF7361.1 | SEQF7362.1 | SEQF7363.1 | SEQF7364.1 | SEQF7365.1 | SEQF7366.1
345 Bacteria Absconditabacteria_(SR1) Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[C-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[O-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[F-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_345 Phylotype Oral 0 AF125207 Oral Clones X112 | Phylum: Absconditabacteria_(SR1) 713029 0 0 0 The proposed phylum OP11 has been split into multiple phyla including SR1.
346 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_346 Phylotype Oral 0 AF125204 Oral Clone AH040 | Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 713049 0 0 0 SEQF3730.1 | SEQF3731.1 | SEQF3732.1
347 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_347 Phylotype Oral 0 AY005446 Oral Clone BE109 | Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 713050 0 0 0
348 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_348 Phylotype Oral 0 GQ422738 Oral Clone BN036 | Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 671231 0 0 0 SEQF1468.1 | SEQF1469.1 | SEQF6699.1 | SEQF6700.1 | SEQF6701.1 | SEQF6702.1
349 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_349 Phylotype Oral 0 AY005448 Oral Clone BS003 | Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 713051 0 0 0 SEQF3678.1 | SEQF5375.1
350 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_350 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385568 Oral Clone BU080 | Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 713052 0 0 0 SEQF6952.1
351 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_351 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385506 Oral Clone CW040 | Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 713053 0 0 0 SEQF6053.1 | SEQF6054.1 | SEQF6055.1 | SEQF6056.1
352 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_352 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385520 Oral Clone DR034 | Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 713054 0 0 0 SEQF9458.1 | SEQF9459.1 | SEQF9460.1 | SEQF9461.1 | SEQF9462.1 | SEQF9463.1 | SEQF9464.1 | SEQF9465.1 | SEQF9466.1 | SEQF9467.1 | SEQF9468.1
353 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_353 Unnamed Oral 0 1895827 0 0 0 SEQF3720.1
354 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Dermabacteraceae Dermabacter hominis Named Unassigned 0 Phylum: Actinobacteria 36740 0 0 0 SEQF2887.1 | SEQF3077.1 | SEQF7473.1
355 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-4] bacterium_HMT_355 Phylotype Oral 0 AF125205 Oral Clone F061 | Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 713056 0 0 0
356 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-2] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-5] bacterium_HMT_356 Phylotype Oral 0 AF125206 Oral Clone I025 | Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 713057 0 0 0
357 Bacteria Synergistetes Synergistia Synergistales Synergistaceae Pyramidobacter piscolens Named Oral 0 W5455 AY005444 | AY278615 | EU309492 Oral Clone BA121 | Oral Clone C2ALM009 | Oral Strain W5455 | Phylum: Synergistetes 638849 3 313 5512 SEQF9334.1 | SEQF1611.1 Belongs to the cultivable cluster of the phylum 'Synergistetes' and related to Jonquetella anthropi [1]. After 7-day incubation on Fastidious Anaerobe Agar plates (incorporating 5 % horse blood) strains of this species form circular entire high convex colonies around 1 mm in diameter. Gram-negative obligately anaerobic cocco-bacilli to short bacilli. Strains are asaccharolytic and generally biochemically unreactive although hydrogen sulphide is produced. Acetic and isovaleric acids and minor to trace amounts of propionic isobutyric succinic and phenyl-acetic acids are produced as end products of fermentation. The G + C content of the DNA of the type strain is 59 mol %. Found in the human mouth and vagina. Has been isolated from dvanced dental caries acute dentoalveolar infections and subgingival plaque in periodontitis.
358 Bacteria Synergistetes Synergistia Synergistales Synergistaceae Fretibacterium sp._HMT_358 Phylotype Oral 0 AY005445 Oral Clone BB062 | Phylum: Synergistetes 1434006 0 0 0
359 Bacteria Synergistetes Synergistia Synergistales Synergistaceae Fretibacterium sp._HMT_359 Phylotype Oral 0 AY005447 Oral Clone BH007 | Phylum: Synergistetes 1434006 0 0 0
360 Bacteria Synergistetes Synergistia Synergistales Synergistaceae Fretibacterium sp._HMT_360 Phylotype Oral 0 AF125199 Oral Clone BH017 | Phylum: Synergistetes 1434006 0 0 0
361 Bacteria Synergistetes Synergistia Synergistales Synergistaceae Fretibacterium sp._HMT_361 Phylotype Oral 0 AF125201 | AF481214 | AY349372 Oral Clone D006 | Oral Clone JV023 | Oral Clone MCE7_5 | Phylum: Synergistetes 1434006 0 0 0
362 Bacteria Synergistetes Synergistia Synergistales Synergistaceae Fretibacterium sp._HMT_362 Phylotype Oral 0 AF125200 Oral Clone D084 | Phylum: Synergistetes 1434006 0 0 0
363 Bacteria Synergistetes Synergistia Synergistales Synergistaceae Fretibacterium fastidiosum Named Oral 0 DSM 25557 | JCM 16858 | SGP1 AF125202 | AF125203 | AF481215 Oral Clone MCE2_120 | Oral Clone W028 | Oral Clone W090 | Phylum: Synergistetes | Strain SGP1 651822 4 4 4296 SEQF1674.1
364 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_364 Phylotype Oral 0 1895827 0 0 0
365 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes_[C-1] Bacteroidetes_[O-1] Bacteroidetes_[F-1] Bacteroidetes_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_365 Phylotype Oral 0 AF481206 | DQ003626 Bacteroidales genomosp. P8 | Oral Clone MB4_G15 | Oral Clone MCE7_164 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 200643 0 0 0
366 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Ruminococcaceae Ruminococcaceae_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_366 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF481208 Oral Clone MCE3_9 | Phylum: Firmicutes 216572 0 0 0
367 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_367 Phylotype Oral 0 1895827 0 0 0
368 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Dietziaceae Dietzia cinnamea Named Unassigned 0 CCUG 50875 AF481211 Oral Strain KCL-W5195 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 321318 0 9 0 SEQF2890.2 | SEQF3071.1 | SEQF7615.1 | SEQF7616.1 | SEQF7617.1 | SEQF7618.1
369 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-4] bacterium_HMT_369 Phylotype Oral 0 AF481212 Oral Clone MCE10_174 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0
370 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium sp._HMT_370 Unnamed Oral 0 AF481217 Oral Strain KCL-W5205 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 712288 0 587 4497 SEQF1879.1
371 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_371 Phylotype Oral 0 1895827 0 0 0
373 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Stomatobaculum sp._HMT_373 Phylotype Oral 0 AF481221 Oral Clone MCE9_173 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1213720 0 0 0
374 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Promicromonosporaceae Cellulosimicrobium cellulans Named 0 1710 0 0 0 SEQF3705.1 | SEQF3976.1 | SEQF3977.1 | SEQF3978.1 | SEQF3979.1 | SEQF3980.1 | SEQF3981.1 | SEQF3982.1 | SEQF3983.1 | SEQF3984.1 | SEQF3985.1 | SEQF3986.1 | SEQF3987.1 | SEQF3988.1 | SEQF3989.1 | SEQF3990.1
375 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Peptoniphilus sp._HMT_375 Unnamed Unassigned 0 AF481225 Oral Strain KCL-E3_32 | Oral Strain KCL-W3886 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712430 0 13 4228 SEQF1855.2
376 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_376 Unnamed Oral 0 AF481226 Oral Strain KCL-E7_34 | Oral Strain KCL-W4029 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712466 0 18 0 SEQF3055.1
377 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-7] [Eubacterium]_yurii Named Oral 0 L34629 Eubacterium yurii subsp. margaratiae | Eubacterium yurii subsp. yurii | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0 SEQF1912.1 Reference sequences for [Eubacterium] yurii subsps. yurii and margaratiae are >>99% identical by 16S rRNA and so given only one HOT-#.
378 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella micans Named Oral 0 AF481228 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella sp. E7_56 189723 2 484 4513 SEQF1863.1 | SEQF2509.1 | SEQF2682.1
380 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_380 Unnamed Oral 0 AF538853 Oral Strain KCL-E7_56 | Oral Strain KCL-W5098 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712217 0 360 4454 SEQF1950.2
381 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Ruminococcaceae Ruminococcaceae_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_381 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF538854 Oral Cone P4PB_122 | Phylum: Firmicutes 216572 0 0 0
382 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-8] bacterium_HMT_382 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF538855 Oral Clone P2PC_29 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0
383 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_383 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF538856 Oral Clone P2PB_46 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0
386 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Peptoniphilus sp._HMT_386 Unnamed Unassigned 0 AF538859 Oral Clone P4PA_156 | Oral Strain THI-F0131 | Phylum: Firmicutes 652713 0 100 2796 SEQF1472.1 Peptoniphilus sp. Oral taxon 386 strain F0131 has been isolated from a human subject by the Moore's Laboratory in August 1978. The subject was a 54 year old American black female. The bacteria was isolated from the subgingival oral biofilm at a site with a moderate periodontitis. The bacteria was grown in anaerobic conditions. The partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene was deposited to GenBank under the reference FJ577254. The strain is available at www.bei.org under the reference HM-6. This strain is part of the reference strains for the oral section of the Human Microbiome Project.
388 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_388 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AF538861 Oral Clone P4PA_36 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712536 0 3 0
389 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Aerococcaceae Abiotrophia defectiva Named Oral 0 ATCC 49176 AY207063 Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus defectivus 46125 74 308 3903 SEQF1595.2 | SEQF5317.1 Abiotrophia defectiva was originally named Streptococcus defectivus [6]. Fastidious streptococci that grew as satellite colonies around other microorganisms or in complex media enriched with cysteine were originally described as nutritionally variant streptococci (NVS) by Frenkel and Hirsch [7]. Kawamura et al. recognized that S. defectivus and other NVS were not members of the genus Streptococcus and created the genus Abiotrophia [1] Requires 10 mg/l pyrixoxal hydrochloride or 100 mg/l L-cysteine for growth [1] Gram-positive cocci. Nonmotile nonsporulating catalase negative and oxidase negative. Facultatively anaerobic with complex growth requirements. Grows as satellite colonies adjacent to Staphylococcus epidermidis [1]. Abiotrophia defectiva is a common member of the human oral cavity pharynx intestine and urogenital tracts. In a study examining the normal microflora of the oral cavity it was recovered from buccal hard palate tooth surface and subgingival sites [3]. In a study of microbial risk indicators of early childhood caries Abiotrophia defectiva was significantly more abundant in caries free vs caries active subjects [4]. The organism has also been associated with bacterial endocarditis [25]
392 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_392 Phylotype Oral 0 AY207053 Oral Clone P2PB_51 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 712364 0 5 0
393 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Parvimonas sp._HMT_393 Unnamed Oral 0 AY207059 Oral Strain KCL-P4P_31 | Oral Strain KCL-W5159 | Phylum: Firmicutes 713008 0 21 3178 SEQF1857.2
396 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_396 Phylotype Oral 0 AY207050 Oral Clone P4PB_83 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712467 0 1 0
398 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus oralis Named Oral 0 DSM 27088 AY005045 | AY207051 Oral Clone P2PA_41 | Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus dentisani 1458253 1 146 3867 SEQF1999.2 | SEQF2767.2 | SEQF6409.1 | SEQF6410.1 | SEQF6411.1 | SEQF6412.1 | SEQF6413.1 | SEQF6414.1 | SEQF6415.1 | SEQF6416.1 | SEQF6417.1 | SEQF6418.1 | SEQF6419.1 | SEQF6420.1 | SEQF6421.1 | SEQF6422.1 | SEQF6423.1 | SEQF6424.1 | SEQF6425.1 | SEQF6426.1 | SEQF6427.1 | SEQF6428.1 | SEQF6429.1 | SEQF6430.1 | SEQF6431.1 | SEQF6432.1 | SEQF6433.1 | SEQF6434.1 | SEQF6435.1 | SEQF6436.1 | SEQF6437.1 | SEQF6438.1 | SEQF6439.2 | SEQF6440.1 | SEQF6441.1 | SEQF6442.1 | SEQF6443.1 | SEQF6444.1 | SEQF6445.1 | SEQF6446.1 | SEQF6447.1 | SEQF6448.1 | SEQF6449.1 | SEQF6450.1 | SEQF6451.1 | SEQF6452.1 | SEQF6453.1 | SEQF6454.1 | SEQF6455.1 | SEQF6456.1 | SEQF6457.1 | SEQF6458.1 | SEQF6459.1 | SEQF6460.1 | SEQF6461.1 | SEQF6462.1 | SEQF6463.1 | SEQF6464.1 | SEQF6465.1 | SEQF6466.1 | SEQF6467.1 | SEQF6468.1 | SEQF6469.1 | SEQF6470.1 | SEQF6471.1 | SEQF6472.1 | SEQF6473.1 | SEQF6474.1 | SEQF6475.1 | SEQF6476.1 | SEQF6477.1 | SEQF6478.1 | SEQF6479.1 | SEQF6480.1 | SEQF6481.1 | SEQF6482.1 | SEQF6483.1 | SEQF6484.1 | SEQF6485.1 | SEQF6486.1 | SEQF6487.1 | SEQF6488.1 | SEQF6489.1 | SEQF6490.1 | SEQF6491.1 | SEQF6492.1 | SEQF6493.1 | SEQF6494.1 | SEQF6495.1 | SEQF6496.1 | SEQF6497.1 | SEQF6498.1 | SEQF6499.2 | SEQF6500.1 | SEQF6501.1 | SEQF6502.1 | SEQF6503.1 | SEQF6504.1 | SEQF6505.1 | SEQF6506.1 | SEQF6507.1 | SEQF6508.1 | SEQF6509.1 | SEQF6510.1 | SEQF6511.1 | SEQF6512.2 | SEQF6513.1 | SEQF6514.1 | SEQF6515.1 | SEQF6516.1 | SEQF6517.1 | SEQF6518.1 | SEQF6519.1 | SEQF6520.1 | SEQF6521.1 | SEQF6522.1 | SEQF6523.1 | SEQF6524.1 | SEQF6525.1 | SEQF6526.1 | SEQF6527.1 | SEQF6528.1 | SEQF6529.1 | SEQF6530.1 | SEQF6531.1 | SEQF6532.1 | SEQF6533.1 | SEQF6534.1 | SEQF6535.1 | SEQF6536.1 | SEQF6537.1 | SEQF6538.1 | SEQF6539.1 | SEQF6540.1 | SEQF6541.1 | SEQF6542.1 | SEQF6543.1 | SEQF6544.1 | SEQF6545.1 | SEQF6546.1 | SEQF6547.1 | SEQF6548.1 | SEQF6549.1 | SEQF6550.1 | SEQF6551.1 | SEQF6552.1 | SEQF6553.1 | SEQF6554.1 | SEQF6555.1 | SEQF6556.1 | SEQF6557.1 | SEQF6558.1 | SEQF6559.1 | SEQF6560.1 | SEQF6561.1 | SEQF6562.1 | SEQF6563.1 | SEQF6564.1 | SEQF6565.1 | SEQF6566.1 | SEQF6567.1 | SEQF6568.1 | SEQF6569.1 | SEQF6570.1 | SEQF6571.1 | SEQF6572.1 | SEQF6573.1 | SEQF6574.1 | SEQF6575.1 | SEQF6576.1 | SEQF6577.1 | SEQF6578.1 | SEQF6579.1 2017-05-04 (TC) This species was renamed from Streptococcus dentisani to Streptococcus oralis subsp. dentisani based on the published proposal by Jensen et. al. (2016). http://ijs.microbiologyresearch.org.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/content/journal/ijsem/10.1099/ijsem.0.001433
402 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Clostridiales_[F-1] Clostridiales_[F-1][G-2] bacterium_HMT_402 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY207065 Oral Clone P4PA_66 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186802 0 0 0
406 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Burkholderiaceae Ralstonia sp._HMT_406 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY005032 Oral Clone AK168 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 48736 0 0 0
407 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Aeriscardovia bacterium_HMT_407 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY278612 Oral Clone C5AKM003 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 240233 0 0 0
408 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Acinetobacter sp._HMT_408 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY278636 Oral Clone C4AKM094 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712104 0 2 0
411 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus parasanguinis Named Oral 0 AY278629 | AY278634 | AY278635 | EF399017 Oral Clone C2MKM006 | Oral Clone C4MKM110 | Oral Clone C5AKM109 | Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus parasanguinis | Streptococcus parasanguis 1318 0 0 0 SEQF1702.1
412 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_412 Unnamed Oral 0 AY278613 Oral Clone C2MKM106 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712218 0 133 4096 SEQF1909.1
414 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces sp._HMT_414 Unnamed Oral 0 AY278610 Oral Clone C3ALM064 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 712122 0 7 0 SEQF2745.1
416 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Coriobacteriaceae Fannyhessea sp._HMT_416 Unnamed Unassigned 0 AY278623 Oral Clone C3MLM018 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 712157 0 101 0 SEQF3706.1
417 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_417 Unnamed Oral 0 AY278621 Oral Clone C3MKM102 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 712365 0 8 0 SEQF3178.1
418 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lentilactobacillus parafarraginis Named Unassigned 0 AY278619 Oral Strain KCL-C4M_55 | Oral Strain KCL-W6353 | Phylum: Firmicutes 390842 6 559 6334 SEQF10105.1 | SEQF10106.1 | SEQF1862.1
419 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Stomatobaculum longum Named Oral 0 DSM 24645 AY278618 | HM120209 Moryella sp. HOT-419 | Oral Clone C4ALM087 | Phylum: Firmicutes 796942 1 30 4111 SEQF2481.1 Taxa in this cluster had been provisionally been placed in the genus Moryella because of their proximity to Moryella indoligenes. However Epstein has named HOT-419 Stomatobaculum longum and so this oral clade we will now place in the genus Stomatobaculum.
420 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium nucleatum Named Oral 0 AY278616 | AY278617 | X55404 Oral Clone C4AKM033 | Oral Clone C4AKM080 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 76859 2 2289 20854 SEQF1883.1 | SEQF2065.1 | SEQF2530.2 | SEQF2531.1 | SEQF2539.1 | SEQF2815.1 | SEQF2816.1 | SEQF2817.2 | SEQF2959.1 | SEQF2973.1 Note: The taxonomy and phylogeny of the Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies and related Fusobacterium periodontium and Fusobacterium naviforme is not well defined. The 16S rRNA sequence information is probably not reliable for putting strains into valid Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies.
422 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Weeksellaceae Cloacibacterium normanense Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY278614 Oral Clone C4MKM119 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 237258 0 14 0 SEQF5323.1 | SEQF5324.1 | SEQF5325.1 | SEQF5326.1
423 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus sp._HMT_423 Lost Oral 0 AY278630 Oral Clone C2MKM128 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712632 0 1 0
424 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lentilactobacillus kisonensis Named Unassigned 0 AY278620 Oral Strain KCL-C4M_47 | Oral Strain KCL-W6466 | Phylum: Firmicutes 481722 1 469 6627 SEQF1861.1
431 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus infantis Named Oral 0 AY278633 Oral Clone C4AKM023 | Phylum: Firmicutes 68892 0 140 0 SEQF2786.1
435 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Syntrophomonadaceae_[VIII] Syntrophomonadaceae_[VIII][G-1] bacterium_HMT_435 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY341821 Oral Clone P4PB_66 | Phylum: Firmicutes 68298 0 0 0
436 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes_[C-1] Bacteroidetes_[O-1] Bacteroidetes_[F-1] Bacteroidetes_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_436 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY341819 Oral Clone P4PB_06 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 200643 0 0 0
439 Bacteria Chloroflexi Anaerolineae Anaerolineales Anaerolineaceae Anaerolineae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_439 Unnamed Oral 0 AY331414 Oral Clone P2PB_23 | Phylum: Chloroflexi 292628 0 0 0 SEQF2641.1 | SEQF2921.1
442 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_442 Phylotype Oral 0 AY341820 Oral Clone P4PA_145 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712537 0 6 0
443 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_443 Phylotype Oral 0 AY331415 Oral Clone P4PB_24 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712468 0 1 0
448 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces sp._HMT_448 Unnamed Oral 0 AY349365 Oral Clone IP073 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 712124 0 203 5029 SEQF1701.1
451 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Catonella sp._HMT_451 Phylotype Oral 0 AY349369 Oral Clone FL037 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712234 0 4 0
455 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Butyrivibrio sp._HMT_455 Phylotype Oral 0 AY349374 Oral Clone GI038 | Phylum: Firmicutes 830 0 0 0
457 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Oribacterium sinus Named Oral 0 AF481222 | AY349377 Oral Clone JN088 | Phylum: Firmicutes 237576 2 395 5261 SEQF1607.1 | SEQF7736.1
458 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Aggregatibacter sp._HMT_458 Unnamed Oral 0 AY349380 Oral Clone JM053 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712148 0 214 4144 SEQF2445.1
459 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Kingella sp._HMT_459 Phylotype Oral 0 AY349381 Oral Clone ID059 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712320 0 1 0
461 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactobacillus ultunensis Named Unassigned 0 CCUG 48460 AY349383 Oral Clone HT070 | Phylum: Firmicutes 227945 0 102 0 SEQF2852.1 | SEQF7327.1 | SEQF7328.1 | SEQF7329.1
463 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_463 Phylotype Oral 0 AY349385 Oral Clone GT020 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 712367 0 9 0
465 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Bacteroidaceae Bacteroides zoogleoformans Named Unassigned 0 L16488 Bacterium zoogleiformans | Capsularis zoogleiformans | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 28119 2 5 1 SEQF3051.1 | SEQF3717.1
466 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Alloprevotella tannerae Named Oral 0 AJ005634 Oral Strain TFI-F0032 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella tanneriae 76122 1 124 5591 SEQF1597.1 | SEQF7700.1 | SEQF7701.1 | SEQF7702.1 | SEQF7703.1
467 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-1] [Eubacterium]_sulci Named Oral 0 AJ006963 Fusobacterium sulci | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0 SEQF2744.1
468 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Bacillaceae Bacillus subtilis Named Unassigned 0 AB018486 Bacillus globigii | Bacillus natto | Bacillus uniflagellatus | Phylum: Firmicutes | Vibrio subtilis 1423 29183 22367 255090 SEQF1173.1 | SEQF2039.2 | SEQF2289.1 | SEQF2290.1 | SEQF2291.1 | SEQF2293.1 | SEQF2324.2 | SEQF5036.1 | SEQF5037.1 | SEQF5038.1 | SEQF5039.1 | SEQF5040.1 | SEQF5041.2 | SEQF5042.1 | SEQF5043.1 | SEQF5044.1 | SEQF5045.1 | SEQF5046.1 | SEQF5047.1 | SEQF5048.1 | SEQF5049.1 | SEQF5050.1 | SEQF5051.1 | SEQF5052.1 | SEQF5053.1 | SEQF5054.1 | SEQF5055.1 | SEQF5056.1 | SEQF5057.2 | SEQF5058.1 | SEQF5059.1 | SEQF5060.1 | SEQF5061.1 | SEQF5062.1 | SEQF5063.1 | SEQF5064.1 | SEQF5065.1 | SEQF5066.1 | SEQF5067.1 | SEQF5068.1 | SEQF5069.1 | SEQF5070.1 | SEQF5071.1 | SEQF5072.1 | SEQF5073.1 | SEQF5074.1 | SEQF5075.1 | SEQF5076.1 | SEQF5077.1 | SEQF5078.1 | SEQF5079.1 | SEQF5080.1 | SEQF5081.1 | SEQF5082.1
469 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella melaninogenica Named Oral 0 AY349395 Bacterium melaninogenicum | Bacteroides melaninogenicus | Fusiformis nigrescens | Hemophilus melaninogenicus | Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Ristella melaninogenica 28132 546 458 11522 SEQF1142.1 | SEQF1800.1 | SEQF2734.1 | SEQF3687.1 | SEQF3688.1 | SEQF3689.1 | SEQF3690.1 | SEQF3691.1 | SEQF3693.1 | SEQF3694.1 | SEQF3695.1 | SEQF8909.1 | SEQF8910.1 | SEQF8911.2 | SEQF8912.1 | SEQF8913.1 | SEQF8914.1 | SEQF8915.1 | SEQF8916.1 | SEQF8917.1 | SEQF8918.1 | SEQF8919.1 | SEQF8920.1 | SEQF8921.1 | SEQF8922.1 | SEQF8923.1 | SEQF8924.1 | SEQF8925.1 | SEQF8926.1 | SEQF8927.1
472 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_472 Unnamed Oral 0 AY349398 Oral Clone GI032 | Oral Strain TFI-F0046 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 655809 0 287 5865 SEQF1617.1
473 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Alloprevotella sp._HMT_473 Unnamed Oral 0 AY349399 | AY349402 Oral Clone HF050 | Oral Clone IK062 | Oral Strain TFI-F0040 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 1283313 0 0 0 SEQF1899.2
475 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_475 Unnamed Oral 0 AY349401 Oral Clone IK053 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712471 0 1 0 SEQF3683.1
476 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria subflava Named Oral 0 AJ239291 Micrococcus subflavus | Phylum: Proteobacteria 28449 73 224 5040 SEQF1165.1 | SEQF5131.1 | SEQF5132.1 | SEQF5133.1 | SEQF5134.1 | SEQF5135.1 | SEQF5136.1 | SEQF5137.1 | SEQF5138.1 | SEQF5139.1 | SEQF5140.1 | SEQF5141.1 | SEQF5142.1 | SEQF5143.1 | SEQF5144.1 | SEQF5145.1 | SEQF5146.1 | SEQF5147.1 | SEQF5148.1 | SEQF5149.1 | SEQF5150.1
477 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Pseudomonadaceae Pseudomonas stutzeri Named Unassigned 0 AF063219 Achromobacter sewerinii | Achromobacter stutzeri | Bacillus denitrificans | Bacillus nitrogenes | Bacillus stutzeri | Bacterium stutzeri | Phylum: Proteobacteria | Pseudomonas perfectimarina | Pseudomonas perfectomarina | Pseudomonas perfectomarinus | Pseudomonas stanieri 316 828 4069 139747 SEQF1303.1 | SEQF2170.1 | SEQF2171.1 | SEQF2333.2 | SEQF2382.1 | SEQF2513.1 | SEQF2521.1 | SEQF8249.1 | SEQF8250.1 | SEQF8251.1 | SEQF8252.1 | SEQF8253.1 | SEQF8254.1 | SEQF8255.1 | SEQF8256.1 | SEQF8257.1 | SEQF8258.1 | SEQF8259.1 | SEQF8260.1 | SEQF8261.2 | SEQF8262.1 | SEQF8263.1 | SEQF8264.1 | SEQF8265.1 | SEQF8266.1 | SEQF8267.1 | SEQF8268.1 | SEQF8269.1 | SEQF8270.1 | SEQF8271.1 | SEQF8272.1 | SEQF8273.1 | SEQF8274.1 | SEQF8275.1 | SEQF8276.1 | SEQF8277.1 | SEQF8278.1 | SEQF8279.1 | SEQF8280.1 | SEQF8281.1 | SEQF8282.1 | SEQF8283.1 | SEQF8284.1 | SEQF8285.1 | SEQF8286.1 | SEQF8287.1 | SEQF8288.1 | SEQF8289.1
478 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_478 Unnamed Oral 0 AY349404 Oral Clone GI064 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712538 0 6 0 SEQF2752.1
479 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_479 Lost Oral 0 AY349405 Oral Clone GT010 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712539 0 36 0
481 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_481 Lost Oral 0 AY349407 Oral Clone IK004 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712540 0 14 0
483 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Veillonellaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_483 Phylotype Oral 0 AY349410 Oral Clone JS031 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1843491 0 0 0
484 Bacteria Firmicutes Erysipelotrichia Erysipelotrichales Erysipelotrichaceae Erysipelothrix tonsillarum Named Unassigned 0 AB034201 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae | Phylum: Firmicutes 38402 19 27 1678 SEQF2490.1
485 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Hyphomicrobiales Rhizobiaceae Agrobacterium tumefaciens Named Unassigned 0 M11223 Achromobacter radiobacter | Agrobacterium radiobacter | Alcaligenes radiobacter | Bacillus radiobacter | Bacterium radiobacter | Bacterium tumefaciens | Phylum: Proteobacteria | Phytomonas tumefaciens | Polymonas tumefaciens | Pseudomonas radiobacter | Pseudomonas tumefaciens 358 5235 7363 104544 SEQF1087.1 | SEQF1167.1 | SEQF2035.2 | SEQF2321.2 | SEQF2322.2 | SEQF2482.1 | SEQF8729.1 | SEQF8730.1 | SEQF8731.1 | SEQF8732.1 | SEQF8733.1 | SEQF8734.1 | SEQF8735.1 | SEQF8736.1 | SEQF8737.3 | SEQF8738.1 | SEQF8739.1 | SEQF8740.1 | SEQF8741.1 | SEQF8742.1 | SEQF8743.1 | SEQF8744.1 | SEQF8745.1 | SEQF8746.1 | SEQF8747.1 | SEQF8748.1 | SEQF8749.1 | SEQF8750.1 | SEQF8751.1 | SEQF8752.1 | SEQF8753.1 | SEQF8754.1 | SEQF8755.1 | SEQF8756.1 | SEQF8757.1 | SEQF8758.1 | SEQF8759.1 | SEQF8760.1 | SEQF8761.1 | SEQF8762.1 | SEQF8763.1 | SEQF8764.1 | SEQF8765.1 | SEQF8766.1 | SEQF8767.1 | SEQF8768.1 | SEQF8769.1 | SEQF8770.1 | SEQF8771.1 | SEQF8772.1 | SEQF8773.1 | SEQF8774.1 | SEQF8775.1
488 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_488 Unnamed Oral 0 AY349415 Oral Clone HD027 | Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 713059 0 0 0 SEQF3098.1 | SEQF3131.1 | SEQF3132.1 | SEQF3133.1 | SEQF3134.1 | SEQF3137.1 | SEQF3138.1 | SEQF3139.1 | SEQF3141.1 | SEQF3143.1 | SEQF3144.1 | SEQF3170.1
490 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_490 Lost Unassigned 0 AY349417 Oral Clone JU025 | Phylum: Spirochaetes 713469 0 3 0
493 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-5] bacterium_HMT_493 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY349373 Oral Clone JH012 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0
494 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnoanaerobaculum saburreum Named Oral 0 JCM11021 AB525414 | AY349376 Eubacterium saburreum | Oral Clone IR009 | Phylum: Firmicutes 467210 2 627 11518 SEQF2760.1 | SEQF2761.1 Recently renamed in paper 'Lachnoanaerobaculum a new genus in Lachnospiraceae; characterization of Lachnoanaerobaculum umeaense gen. nov. sp. nov. isolated from human small intestine Lachnoanaerobaculum orale gen. nov. sp. nov. isolated from saliva and reclassification of Eubacterium saburreum (Prevot) Holdeman and Moore 1970 as Lachnoanaerobaculum saburreum comb. nov'. PMID: 22228654. The genome for this strain is available as Eubacterium saburreum DSM 3986 (AEPW00000000). The name change is not yet refledted for the genome at NCBI (11-02-2012).
495 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_495 Phylotype Oral 0 AY349378 Oral Clone JS001 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0
496 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnoanaerobaculum sp._HMT_496 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY349379 Oral Clone JI012 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1164882 0 0 0
498 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_498 Unnamed Oral 0 AY349387 IK040 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 712368 0 15 0 SEQF2920.1
499 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria sp._HMT_499 Phylotype Oral 0 AY349388 Oral Clone JC012 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712402 0 11 0
500 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnospiraceae_[G-8] bacterium_HMT_500 Unnamed Oral 0 AY349389 Oral Clone JM048 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186803 0 0 0 SEQF3066.1
501 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_501 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY349409 Oral Clone JI021 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712541 0 2 0
503 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes_[C-1] Bacteroidetes_[O-1] Bacteroidetes_[F-1] Bacteroidetes_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_503 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003613 Oral Clone MB1_G13 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 200643 0 0 0
504 Bacteria Tenericutes Mollicutes Mollicutes_[O-1] Mollicutes_[F-1] Mollicutes_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_504 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003614 Mycoplasmataceae genomosp. P1 | Oral clone MB1_G23 | Phylum: Tenericutes 31969 0 0 0 N/A Currently no known isolate. Presumptively Gram-positive
505 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes_[C-1] Bacteroidetes_[O-1] Bacteroidetes_[F-1] Bacteroidetes_[G-5] bacterium_HMT_505 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003615 Bacteroidales genomosp. P3 | Oral Clone MB1_G34 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 200643 0 0 0
507 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes_[C-1] Bacteroidetes_[O-1] Bacteroidetes_[F-1] Bacteroidetes_[G-5] bacterium_HMT_507 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003617 Oral Clone MB2_G17 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 200643 0 0 0
508 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_508 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003618 Oral Clone MB2_G19 | Phylum: Spirochaetes 712747 0 3 0
509 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes_[C-1] Bacteroidetes_[O-1] Bacteroidetes_[F-1] Bacteroidetes_[G-4] bacterium_HMT_509 Phylotype Unassigned 0 DQ003619 Oral Clone MB2_P04 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 200643 0 0 0
511 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes_[C-1] Bacteroidetes_[O-1] Bacteroidetes_[F-1] Bacteroidetes_[G-5] bacterium_HMT_511 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003634 Oral Clone MB3_C19 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 200643 0 0 0
512 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Aggregatibacter sp._HMT_512 Lost Oral 0 DQ003621 Oral Clone MB3_C24 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712149 0 5 0
513 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Aggregatibacter sp._HMT_513 Unnamed Oral 0 DQ003635 Phylum: Proteobacteria 712150 0 4 0 SEQF3707.1
515 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_515 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003622 MB3_P13 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712472 0 1 0
516 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Odoribacteraceae Odoribacter bacterium_HMT_516 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003623 Oral clone MB3_P19 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 283168 0 0 0
517 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_517 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003624 Oral Clone MB3_P23 | Phylum: Spirochaetes 712748 0 5 0
518 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_518 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003625 Oral Clone MB4_G11 | Phylum: Spirochaetes 712749 0 5 0
521 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Mitsuokella sp._HMT_521 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003628 MB5_P06 | Phylum: Firmicutes 712391 0 19 0
523 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria sp._HMT_523 Phylotype Unassigned 0 DQ003630 Oral Clone MB5_P15 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 712403 0 2 0
524 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Veillonella atypica Named Oral 0 DQ003631 Oral Clone MB5_P17 | Phylum: Firmicutes | Veillonella parvula 39777 30 656 9674 SEQF1918.1 | SEQF1939.2 | SEQF2243.1 | SEQF6319.1 | SEQF6320.1 | SEQF6321.1 | SEQF6322.1 | SEQF6323.1 | SEQF6324.1 | SEQF6325.1 | SEQF6326.1 | SEQF6327.1 | SEQF6328.1 | SEQF6329.1 | SEQF6330.1 | SEQF6331.1 | SEQF6332.1
525 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces sp._HMT_525 Phylotype Oral 0 DQ003632 Oral Clone MB6_C03 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 712126 0 13 0
526 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella koreensis Phylotype Oral 0 AY944134 | DQ003633 Oral Clone MB7_G16 | Oral Clone P4P_53 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 2490854 0 9 0 SEQF8290.1
529 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactobacillus acidophilus Named Unassigned 0 AB008203 Bacillus acidophilus | Phylum: Firmicutes | Thermobacterium intestinale 1579 2645 3767 29726 SEQF9763.1 | SEQF9764.1 | SEQF9765.1 | SEQF9766.1 | SEQF9767.1 | SEQF9768.1 | SEQF9769.1 | SEQF9770.1 | SEQF9771.1 | SEQF9772.1 | SEQF9773.1 | SEQF9774.1 | SEQF9775.1 | SEQF9776.1 | SEQF9777.1 | SEQF9778.1 | SEQF9779.1 | SEQF9780.1 | SEQF9781.1 | SEQF9782.1 | SEQF9783.1 | SEQF9784.1 | SEQF9785.1 | SEQF9786.1 | SEQF9787.1 | SEQF9788.1 | SEQF9789.1 | SEQF9790.1 | SEQF9791.1 | SEQF9792.1 | SEQF9793.1 | SEQF9794.1 | SEQF9795.1 | SEQF9796.1 | SEQF9797.1 | SEQF9798.1 | SEQF9799.1 | SEQF9800.1 | SEQF9801.1 | SEQF9802.1 | SEQF9803.1 | SEQF1073.1 | SEQF1761.1 | SEQF2108.1 | SEQF2540.2 | SEQF2551.1 | SEQF2552.1 | SEQF2600.1 | SEQF2601.1 | SEQF2602.1
530 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Propionibacteriales Propionibacteriaceae Cutibacterium acnes Named Oral 0 AF145256 Bacillus acnes | Corynebacterium acnes | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Propionibacterium acnes 1747 4031 9572 294747 SEQF1014.1 | SEQF1286.1 | SEQF1801.1 | SEQF2161.1 | SEQF2162.1 | SEQF2163.1 | SEQF2164.1 | SEQF2165.1 | SEQF2166.1 | SEQF2189.1 | SEQF2190.2 | SEQF2191.2 | SEQF2192.1 | SEQF4633.1 | SEQF4634.1 | SEQF4635.1 | SEQF4636.1 | SEQF4637.1 | SEQF4638.1 | SEQF4639.1 | SEQF4640.1 | SEQF4641.1 | SEQF4642.1 | SEQF4643.1 | SEQF4644.1 | SEQF4645.1 | SEQF4646.1 | SEQF4647.1 | SEQF4648.1 | SEQF4649.1 | SEQF4650.1 | SEQF4651.1 | SEQF4652.1 | SEQF4653.1 | SEQF4654.1 | SEQF4655.1 | SEQF4656.1 | SEQF4657.1 | SEQF4658.1 | SEQF4659.1 | SEQF4660.1 | SEQF4661.1 | SEQF4662.1 | SEQF4663.1 | SEQF4664.1 | SEQF4665.1 | SEQF4666.1 | SEQF4667.1 | SEQF4668.1 | SEQF4669.1 | SEQF4670.1 | SEQF4671.1 | SEQF4672.1 | SEQF4673.1 | SEQF4674.1
531 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans Named Oral 0 ATCC 33384 | NCTC 9710 M75036 Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans | Bacterium acetinomycetum | Bacterium actinomycetem | Bacterium comitans | Haemophilus actinomycetemcomitans | Haemophilus actinomyceticomitans | Phylum: Proteobacteria 714 2648 8727 76460 SEQF1074.1 | SEQF1707.4 | SEQF1845.3 | SEQF1894.1 | SEQF1953.2 | SEQF1954.3 | SEQF1955.3 | SEQF2032.3 | SEQF2033.3 | SEQF2034.3 | SEQF2250.3 | SEQF2294.3 | SEQF2295.2 | SEQF2296.3 | SEQF2297.3 | SEQF2436.2 | SEQF2437.2 | SEQF2438.2 | SEQF2439.2 | SEQF2823.1 | SEQF2824.1 | SEQF2825.1 | SEQF2826.1 | SEQF2827.1 | SEQF2828.1 | SEQF2829.1 | SEQF2830.1 | SEQF2831.1 | SEQF2832.2 | SEQF2833.1 | SEQF2834.1 | SEQF2835.1 | SEQF2836.1 | SEQF2837.1 | SEQF2838.1 | SEQF2839.1 | SEQF3475.1 | SEQF3477.1 | SEQF3478.1 | SEQF3479.1 | SEQF3480.1 | SEQF3481.1 | SEQF3482.1 | SEQF3483.1 | SEQF3484.1 | SEQF3485.1 | SEQF3486.1 | SEQF3487.1 | SEQF3488.1 | SEQF3489.1 | SEQF3490.1 | SEQF3491.1 | SEQF3492.1 | SEQF3493.1 | SEQF3494.1 | SEQF3495.1 | SEQF3496.1 | SEQF3497.1 | SEQF3498.1 | SEQF3499.1 | SEQF3500.1 | SEQF3501.1 | SEQF3502.1 | SEQF3503.1 | SEQF3504.1 | SEQF3505.1 | SEQF3506.1 | SEQF3507.1 | SEQF3508.1 | SEQF3509.1 | SEQF3510.1 | SEQF3511.1 | SEQF3512.1 | SEQF3513.1 | SEQF3514.1 | SEQF3515.1 | SEQF3516.1 | SEQF3517.1 | SEQF3518.1 | SEQF3519.1 | SEQF3520.1 | SEQF4193.1 | SEQF4194.1 | SEQF4195.1 | SEQF4196.1 | SEQF4197.1 | SEQF4198.1 | SEQF4199.1 | SEQF4200.1 | SEQF4201.1 | SEQF4202.1 | SEQF4203.1 | SEQF4204.1 | SEQF4205.1 | SEQF4206.1 | SEQF4207.1 | SEQF4208.1 | SEQF4209.1 | SEQF4210.1 | SEQF4211.1 | SEQF4212.1 | SEQF4213.1 | SEQF4214.1 | SEQF4215.1 | SEQF4216.1 | SEQF4217.1 | SEQF4218.1 | SEQF4219.1 | SEQF4220.1 | SEQF4221.1 | SEQF4222.1 | SEQF4223.1 | SEQF4224.1 | SEQF4225.1 | SEQF4226.1 | SEQF4227.1 | SEQF4228.1 | SEQF4229.1 | SEQF4230.1 | SEQF4231.1 | SEQF4232.1 | SEQF4233.1 | SEQF4234.1 | SEQF4235.1 | SEQF4236.1 | SEQF4237.1 | SEQF4238.1 | SEQF4239.1 | SEQF4240.1 | SEQF4241.1 | SEQF4242.1 | SEQF4243.1 | SEQF4244.1 | SEQF4245.1 | SEQF4246.1 | SEQF4247.1 | SEQF4248.1 | SEQF4249.1 | SEQF4250.1 | SEQF4251.1 | SEQF4252.1 | SEQF4253.1 | SEQF4254.1 | SEQF4255.1 | SEQF4256.1 | SEQF4257.1 | SEQF4258.1 | SEQF4259.1 | SEQF4260.1 | SEQF4261.1 | SEQF4262.1 | SEQF4263.1 | SEQF4264.1 | SEQF4265.1 | SEQF4266.1 | SEQF4267.1 | SEQF4268.1 | SEQF4269.1 | SEQF4270.1 | SEQF4271.1 | SEQF4272.1 | SEQF4273.1 | SEQF4274.1 | SEQF4275.1 | SEQF4276.1 | SEQF4277.1 | SEQF4278.1 | SEQF4279.1 | SEQF4280.1 | SEQF4281.1 | SEQF4282.1 | SEQF4283.1 | SEQF4284.1
534 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Carnobacteriaceae Granulicatella adiacens Named Oral 0 D50540 Abiotrophia adiacens | Abiotrophia adjacens | Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus adjacens 46124 55 626 3846 SEQF1605.1 | SEQF9505.1 | SEQF9506.1 | SEQF9507.1 | SEQF9508.1
535 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus aegyptius Named Oral 0 M75044 Bacillus aegyptius | Bacillus conjunctivitidis | Bacterium aegyptiacum | Bacterium conjunctivitis | Bacterium pseudo | Hemophilus conjunctivitidis | Phylum: Proteobacteria 197575 57 164 3068 SEQF1963.1
536 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Pseudomonadaceae Pseudomonas aeruginosa Named Unassigned 0 Z76651 Bacillus aeruginosus | Bacillus pyocyaneus | Bacterium aeruginosum | Bacterium pyocyaneum | Micrococcus pyocyaneus | Phylum: Proteobacteria | probable synonym | Pseudomonas polycolor | Pseudomonas pyocyanea 287 49842 120751 1571459 SEQF1295.1 | SEQF1297.1 | SEQF1298.1 | SEQF1619.1 | SEQF1991.5 | SEQF1992.5 | SEQF2167.1 | SEQF2168.1 | SEQF2193.1 | SEQF2696.1 | SEQF2697.1 | SEQF7737.1 | SEQF7738.1 | SEQF7739.1 | SEQF7740.1 | SEQF7741.1 | SEQF7742.1 | SEQF7743.1 | SEQF7744.1 | SEQF7745.1 | SEQF7746.1 | SEQF7747.1 | SEQF7748.1 | SEQF7749.1 | SEQF7750.1 | SEQF7751.1 | SEQF7752.1 | SEQF7753.1 | SEQF7754.1 | SEQF7755.1 | SEQF7756.1 | SEQF7757.1 | SEQF7758.1 | SEQF7759.1 | SEQF7760.1 | SEQF7761.1 | SEQF7762.1 | SEQF7763.1 | SEQF7764.3 | SEQF7765.1 | SEQF7766.2 | SEQF7767.1 | SEQF7768.2 | SEQF7769.1 | SEQF7770.1 | SEQF7771.1 | SEQF7772.1 | SEQF7773.1 | SEQF7774.1 | SEQF7775.1 | SEQF7776.2 | SEQF7777.1 | SEQF7778.1 | SEQF7779.1 | SEQF7780.1 | SEQF7781.1 | SEQF7782.1 | SEQF7783.1 | SEQF7784.1
537 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus agalactiae Named Unassigned 0 AF015927 Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptoccocus de la mammite | Streptococcus difficile | Streptococcus difficilis | Streptococcus mastitidis 1311 7417 72744 553055 SEQF8976.1 | SEQF8977.1 | SEQF8978.1 | SEQF8979.1 | SEQF8980.1 | SEQF8981.1 | SEQF8982.1 | SEQF8983.1 | SEQF8984.1 | SEQF8985.1 | SEQF8986.1 | SEQF8987.1 | SEQF8988.1 | SEQF8989.1 | SEQF8990.1 | SEQF8991.1 | SEQF8992.1 | SEQF8993.1 | SEQF8994.1 | SEQF8995.1 | SEQF8996.1 | SEQF8997.1 | SEQF8998.1 | SEQF8999.1 | SEQF9000.1 | SEQF9001.1 | SEQF9002.1 | SEQF9003.1 | SEQF9004.1 | SEQF9005.1 | SEQF9006.1 | SEQF1331.1 | SEQF1332.1 | SEQF1333.1 | SEQF1334.1 | SEQF1335.1 | SEQF1336.1 | SEQF1337.1 | SEQF1338.1 | SEQF1995.1 | SEQF2209.2 | SEQF2516.1
538 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Eubacteriaceae Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus Named Oral 0 AB036759 Eubacterium alactolyticum | Phylum: Firmicutes | Ramibacterium alactolyticum | Ramibacterium dentium | Ramibacterium pleuriticum 113287 24 363 5030 SEQF1993.1
539 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Filifactor alocis Named Oral 0 AJ006962 Fusobacterium alocis | Phylum: Firmicutes 143361 43 191 4850 SEQF1018.2
540 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Cardiobacteriales Cardiobacteriaceae Cardiobacterium valvarum Named Oral 0 AF144696 Phylum: Proteobacteria 194702 11 417 6051 SEQF1860.1 | SEQF9761.1 | SEQF9762.1
541 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema amylovorum Named Oral 0 AF023045 Phylum: Spirochaetes 59892 6 10 1
542 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcus anaerobius Named Oral 0 AF023045 Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus anaerob | Streptococcus anaerobius 1261 236 691 6808 SEQF1895.1 | SEQF1921.1 | SEQF2506.1 | SEQF5024.1 | SEQF5025.1 | SEQF5026.1 | SEQF5027.1 | SEQF5028.1 | SEQF5029.1
543 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus anginosus Named Oral 0 AF104678 Phylum: Firmicutes 1328 402 2649 41254 SEQF1692.2 | SEQF1996.2 | SEQF2210.1 | SEQF2334.1 | SEQF2397.1 | SEQF2587.1 | SEQF2588.1 | SEQF2609.1 | SEQF6860.1 | SEQF6861.1 | SEQF6862.1 | SEQF6863.1 | SEQF6864.1 | SEQF6865.1 | SEQF6866.1 | SEQF6867.1 | SEQF6868.1 | SEQF6869.1 | SEQF6870.1 | SEQF6871.1 | SEQF6872.1 | SEQF6873.1 | SEQF6874.1 | SEQF6875.1 | SEQF6876.1 | SEQF6877.1 | SEQF6878.1 | SEQF6879.1 | SEQF6880.1 | SEQF6881.1 | SEQF6882.1 | SEQF6883.1 | SEQF6884.1 | SEQF6885.1 | SEQF6886.1 | SEQF6887.1 | SEQF6888.1 | SEQF6889.1 | SEQF6890.1 | SEQF6891.1 | SEQF6892.1 | SEQF6893.1 | SEQF6894.1 | SEQF6895.1 | SEQF6896.1 | SEQF6897.1 | SEQF6898.1 | SEQF6899.1 | SEQF6900.1 | SEQF6901.1 | SEQF6902.1 | SEQF6903.1 | SEQF6904.1 | SEQF6905.1
544 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Hyphomicrobiales Brucellaceae Brucella anthropi Named Unassigned 0 AM114398 Phylum: Proteobacteria 529 284 2635 26923 SEQF1457.1 | SEQF2673.1 | SEQF3893.1 | SEQF3894.1 | SEQF3895.1 | SEQF3896.1 | SEQF3897.1 | SEQF3898.1 | SEQF3899.1 | SEQF3900.1 | SEQF3901.1 | SEQF3902.1 | SEQF3903.1 | SEQF3904.1 | SEQF3905.1 | SEQF3906.1 | SEQF3907.1 | SEQF3908.1 | SEQF3909.1 | SEQF3910.1 | SEQF3911.1 | SEQF3912.1 | SEQF3913.1 | SEQF3914.1 | SEQF3915.1 | SEQF3916.1 | SEQF3917.1 | SEQF3918.1 | SEQF3919.1 | SEQF3920.1 | SEQF3921.1 | SEQF3922.1 | SEQF3923.1 | SEQF3924.1 | SEQF3925.1 | SEQF3926.1
545 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Aggregatibacter aphrophilus Named Oral 0 M75041 Haemophilus aphrophilus | Haemophilus paraphrophilus | Phylum: Proteobacteria 732 24 274 13931 SEQF1221.1 | SEQF1675.1 | SEQF1956.3 | SEQF4330.1 | SEQF4331.1 | SEQF4332.1 | SEQF4333.1 | SEQF4334.1 | SEQF4335.1 | SEQF4336.1 | SEQF4337.1 | SEQF4338.1 | SEQF4339.1 | SEQF4340.1 | SEQF4341.1 | SEQF4342.1 | SEQF4343.2 | SEQF4344.1 | SEQF4345.1 | SEQF4346.1 | SEQF4347.1
547 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas asaccharolytica Named Unassigned 0 L16490 Bacteroides asaccharolyticus | Bacteroides melaninogenicus | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 28123 59 154 7927 SEQF2145.2 | SEQF2160.1
548 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Peptoniphilus asaccharolyticus Named Unassigned 0 D14138 Micrococcus asaccharolyticus | Peptococcus aerogenes | Peptococcus asaccharolyticus | Peptostreptococcus asaccharolyticus | Phylum: Firmicutes | Schleiferella asaccharolytica | Staphylococcus asaccharolyticus 1258 15 22 14 SEQF3154.1 | SEQF8291.1
550 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus aureus Named Nasal 0 D83357 Micrococcus aureus | Micrococcus pyogenes | Phylum: Firmicutes | Staphlococcus pyogenes | Staphylococcus pyogenes 1280 85269 368332 11181246 SEQF9660.1 | SEQF9661.1 | SEQF9662.1 | SEQF9663.1 | SEQF9664.2 | SEQF9665.1 | SEQF9666.2 | SEQF9667.1 | SEQF9668.1 | SEQF9669.1 | SEQF9670.1 | SEQF9671.1 | SEQF9672.2 | SEQF9673.1 | SEQF9674.1 | SEQF9675.1 | SEQF9676.1 | SEQF9677.1 | SEQF9678.1 | SEQF9679.1 | SEQF9680.1 | SEQF9681.1 | SEQF9682.1 | SEQF9683.1 | SEQF9684.1 | SEQF9685.1 | SEQF9686.2 | SEQF9687.2 | SEQF9688.1 | SEQF9689.1 | SEQF9690.1 | SEQF9691.1 | SEQF9692.1 | SEQF9693.1 | SEQF9694.1 | SEQF9695.1 | SEQF9696.1 | SEQF9697.1 | SEQF9698.1 | SEQF9699.1 | SEQF9700.1 | SEQF9701.1 | SEQF9702.1 | SEQF9703.1 | SEQF9704.1 | SEQF9705.1 | SEQF9706.1 | SEQF9707.1 | SEQF9708.1 | SEQF1310.1 | SEQF1311.1 | SEQF1312.1 | SEQF1313.1 | SEQF1314.1 | SEQF1315.1 | SEQF1316.1 | SEQF1317.1 | SEQF1318.1 | SEQF1319.1 | SEQF1320.1 | SEQF1431.1 | SEQF1488.1 | SEQF1489.1 | SEQF1490.1 | SEQF1491.1 | SEQF1492.1 | SEQF1620.1 | SEQF1725.1 | SEQF1803.1 | SEQF1804.1 | SEQF1805.1 | SEQF1806.1 | SEQF1807.1 | SEQF1808.1 | SEQF1809.1 | SEQF1810.1 | SEQF1811.1 | SEQF1812.1 | SEQF1813.1 | SEQF1814.1 | SEQF1815.1 | SEQF1830.1 | SEQF1831.1 | SEQF1832.2 | SEQF1833.1 | SEQF1835.1 | SEQF2173.2 | SEQF2199.1 | SEQF2200.1 | SEQF2201.1
552 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Propionibacteriales Propionibacteriaceae Cutibacterium avidum Named Unassigned 0 AJ003055 Bacteroides avidus | Corynebacterium avidum | Mycobacterium avidum | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Propionibacterium avidum 33010 55 905 12596 SEQF1990.1 | SEQF2522.1 | SEQF4983.1 | SEQF4984.1 | SEQF4985.1 | SEQF4986.1 | SEQF4987.1 | SEQF4988.1 | SEQF4989.1 | SEQF4990.1 | SEQF4991.1 | SEQF4992.1 | SEQF4993.1 | SEQF4994.1 | SEQF4995.1 | SEQF4996.1 | SEQF4997.1 | SEQF4998.1 | SEQF4999.1 | SEQF5000.1 | SEQF5001.1 | SEQF5002.1 | SEQF5003.1 | SEQF5004.1 | SEQF5005.1 | SEQF5006.1 | SEQF5007.1 | SEQF5008.1 | SEQF5009.1 | SEQF5010.1 | SEQF5011.1 | SEQF5012.1 | SEQF5013.1 | SEQF5014.1 | SEQF5015.1 | SEQF5016.1 | SEQF5017.1 | SEQF5018.1 | SEQF5019.1 | SEQF5020.1
553 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella baroniae Named Oral 0 AJ012605 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella genomosp. | Prevotella genomospecies 305719 8 409 7229 SEQF1934.1 | SEQF2582.1 | SEQF2675.1
554 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Acinetobacter baumannii Named Unassigned 0 X81660 Acinetobacter baumanni | Bacterium anitratum | Phylum: Proteobacteria 470 4228 160264 2859777 SEQF1161.1 | SEQF1164.1 | SEQF1384.1 | SEQF1398.1 | SEQF1485.2 | SEQF1486.2 | SEQF1622.1 | SEQF9008.1 | SEQF9009.1 | SEQF9010.1 | SEQF9011.1 | SEQF9012.1 | SEQF9013.1 | SEQF9014.1 | SEQF9015.1 | SEQF9016.1 | SEQF9017.1 | SEQF9018.2 | SEQF9019.3 | SEQF9020.1 | SEQF9021.1 | SEQF9022.1 | SEQF9023.1 | SEQF9024.1 | SEQF9025.1 | SEQF9026.1 | SEQF9027.1 | SEQF9028.1 | SEQF9029.2 | SEQF9030.1 | SEQF9031.4 | SEQF9032.1 | SEQF9033.1 | SEQF9034.1 | SEQF9035.1 | SEQF9036.1 | SEQF9037.1 | SEQF9038.1 | SEQF9039.1 | SEQF9040.1 | SEQF9041.1 | SEQF9042.2 | SEQF9043.1 | SEQF9044.1 | SEQF9045.1 | SEQF9046.1 | SEQF9047.1 | SEQF9048.1 | SEQF9049.1 | SEQF9050.2 | SEQF9051.1 | SEQF9052.1 | SEQF9053.1 | SEQF9054.1 | SEQF9055.1 | SEQF9056.1 | SEQF9057.1
555 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Gemellaceae Gemella bergeri Named Oral 0 AY005050 Gemella bergeri | Gemella bergeriae | Phylum: Firmicutes 84136 7 290 3067 SEQF2460.1
556 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella bivia Named Oral 0 L16475 Bacteroides bivius | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 28125 116 311 6562 SEQF1797.1 | SEQF2380.1 | SEQF2728.1 | SEQF2729.1 | SEQF2730.1 | SEQF4857.1 | SEQF4858.1 | SEQF4859.2
557 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-9] [Eubacterium]_brachy Named Oral 0 U13038 Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0 SEQF2787.1
558 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Levilactobacillus brevis Named Unassigned 0 AF090328 Bacillus casei g | Bacillus g | Betabacterium breve | Lactobacterium breve | Phylum: Firmicutes 1580 567 1878 27491 SEQF1252.1 | SEQF1638.1 | SEQF2565.1 | SEQF5633.1 | SEQF5634.1 | SEQF5635.1 | SEQF5636.1 | SEQF5637.1 | SEQF5638.1 | SEQF5639.1 | SEQF5640.1 | SEQF5641.1 | SEQF5642.1 | SEQF5643.1 | SEQF5644.1 | SEQF5645.1 | SEQF5646.1 | SEQF5647.1 | SEQF5648.1 | SEQF5649.1 | SEQF5650.1 | SEQF5651.1 | SEQF5652.1 | SEQF5653.1 | SEQF5654.1 | SEQF5655.1 | SEQF5656.1 | SEQF5657.1 | SEQF5658.1 | SEQF5659.1 | SEQF5660.1 | SEQF5661.1 | SEQF5662.1 | SEQF5663.1 | SEQF5664.1 | SEQF5665.1 | SEQF5666.1 | SEQF5667.1 | SEQF5668.1 | SEQF5669.1 | SEQF5670.1 | SEQF5671.1 | SEQF5672.1 | SEQF5673.1 | SEQF5674.1 | SEQF5675.1 | SEQF5676.1 | SEQF5677.1 | SEQF5678.1
559 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Hyphomicrobiales Bradyrhizobiaceae Afipia broomeae Named Unassigned 0 U87759 Phylum: Proteobacteria 56946 3 37 8643 SEQF2411.2
560 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella buccae Named Oral 0 L16478 Bacteroides buccae | Bacteroides capillus | Bacteroides pentosaceus | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 28126 29 616 9943 SEQF1798.1 | SEQF1985.1 | SEQF7576.1 | SEQF7577.1 | SEQF7578.1
561 Bacteria Tenericutes Mollicutes Mycoplasmatales Mycoplasmataceae Mycoplasma buccale Named Unassigned 0 AF125586 Mycoplasma orale type 2 | Phylum: Tenericutes 55602 2 15 2
562 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella buccalis Named Unassigned 0 L16476 Bacteroides buccalis | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 28127 10 253 4771 SEQF1799.1 | SEQF2731.1 | SEQF2732.1 | SEQF5995.1 | SEQF5996.1 | SEQF5997.1
563 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia buccalis Named Oral 0 ATCC 14201 L37788 Leptothrix buccalis | Phylum: Fusobacteria 40542 83 33 6625 SEQF1287.1 Leptotrichia buccalis is a common oral bacteria. Previously all human oral Leptotrichia isolates were lumped into the single species L. buccalis. From 16S rRNA studies we now recognize that there are approximately 20 Leptotrichia species five of which been named [2]. The early literature was confused as two organisms were called Leptotrichia buccalis [1]. Leptotrichia buccalis requires anaerobic culture for initial isolation. Some strains are reported to grow aerobically in the presence of CO2 on subsequent passage. Straight or slightly curved rods. Cells 0.8-1.5 um wide and 5-15 um long. Cells frequently arranged in chains or septate filaments. Gram-negative but may be Gram-positive in young cultures. Ferments glucose and several other sugars to lactic acid. Commonly found in dental plaque. Leptotrichia buccalis is not commonly pathogenic but has on rare occasions been associated with bacteraemia and endocarditis particularly in neutropenic patients [3]. It has been endodontic leasions by checkerboard hybridization [4].
565 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Enterobacteriaceae Enterobacter cancerogenus Named Unassigned 0 Z96078 CDC Enteric Group 19 | Enterobacter taylorae | Erwinia cancerogena | Phylum: Proteobacteria 69218 25 276 9068 SEQF1481.1 | SEQF2604.1 | SEQF4285.1 | SEQF4286.1 | SEQF4287.1 | SEQF4288.1 | SEQF4289.1 | SEQF4290.1 | SEQF4291.1 | SEQF4292.1 | SEQF4293.1 | SEQF4294.1 | SEQF4295.1 | SEQF4296.1 | SEQF4297.1 | SEQF4298.1 | SEQF4299.1 | SEQF4300.1
567 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus caprae Named Oral 0 AB009935 Phylum: Firmicutes 29380 38 308 8361 SEQF2204.1 | SEQF8585.1 | SEQF8586.1 | SEQF8587.1 | SEQF8588.1 | SEQF8589.1 | SEQF8590.1 | SEQF8591.1 | SEQF8592.1 | SEQF8593.1 | SEQF8594.1 | SEQF8595.1 | SEQF8596.1 | SEQF8597.1 | SEQF8598.1 | SEQF8599.1 | SEQF8600.1 | SEQF8601.1
568 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lacticaseibacillus casei Named Unassigned 0 D16552 Bacillus a | Bacillus casei a | Bacterium casei a | Caseobacterium vulgare | Lactobacterium casei | Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptobacterium casei 1582 3323 6514 104213 SEQF8777.1 | SEQF8778.1 | SEQF8779.1 | SEQF8780.1 | SEQF8781.1 | SEQF8782.1 | SEQF8783.1 | SEQF8784.1 | SEQF8785.1 | SEQF8786.1 | SEQF8787.1 | SEQF8788.1 | SEQF8789.1 | SEQF8790.1 | SEQF8791.1 | SEQF8792.1 | SEQF8793.1 | SEQF8794.1 | SEQF8795.1 | SEQF1246.1 | SEQF1493.3 | SEQF2109.1 | SEQF2110.1 | SEQF2493.1 | SEQF2494.1 | SEQF2495.1 | SEQF2496.1 | SEQF2566.1
569 Bacteria Firmicutes Erysipelotrichia Erysipelotrichales Coprobacillaceae Eggerthia catenaformis Named Oral 0 ATCC 25536 M23729 Bacteroides catenaformis | Catenabacterium catenaforme | Lactobacillus catenaforme | Phylum: Firmicutes 31973 1 147 4825 SEQF2477.1 | SEQF5496.1
571 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Burkholderiaceae Burkholderia cepacia Named Unassigned 0 AF097530 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Pseudomonas cepacia | Pseudomonas kingii | Pseudomonas multivorans 292 2434 5082 43044 SEQF2408.1 | SEQF2716.2 | SEQF4072.1 | SEQF4073.1 | SEQF4074.1 | SEQF4075.1 | SEQF4076.2 | SEQF4077.1 | SEQF4078.1 | SEQF4079.1 | SEQF4080.1 | SEQF4081.1 | SEQF4082.3 | SEQF4083.1 | SEQF4084.1 | SEQF4085.1 | SEQF4086.1 | SEQF4087.1 | SEQF4088.1 | SEQF4089.1 | SEQF4090.1 | SEQF4091.1 | SEQF4092.1 | SEQF4093.1 | SEQF4094.1 | SEQF4095.1 | SEQF4096.1 | SEQF4097.1 | SEQF4098.1 | SEQF4099.1 | SEQF4100.1 | SEQF4101.1 | SEQF4102.1 | SEQF4103.1 | SEQF4104.1 | SEQF4105.1 | SEQF4106.1 | SEQF4107.1 | SEQF4108.1 | SEQF4109.1 | SEQF4110.1 | SEQF4111.1 | SEQF4112.1 | SEQF4113.1 | SEQF4114.1 | SEQF4115.1 | SEQF4116.1 | SEQF4117.1
572 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella veroralis Named Oral 0 L16473 Bacteroides veroralis | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 28137 11 393 8080 SEQF1663.1 | SEQF2511.1 | SEQF2688.1 | SEQF3681.1
574 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Enterobacteriaceae Escherichia coli Named Unassigned 0 M25588 Bacillus coli | Bacterium coli | Phylum: Proteobacteria 562 317670 824479 11496727 SEQF1137.1 | SEQF1186.1 | SEQF1188.2 | SEQF1189.1 | SEQF1191.1 | SEQF1192.3 | SEQF1193.1 | SEQF1194.1 | SEQF1196.1 | SEQF1197.1 | SEQF1198.1 | SEQF1199.1 | SEQF1200.1 | SEQF1203.1 | SEQF1205.1 | SEQF1206.1 | SEQF1207.1 | SEQF1208.2 | SEQF1213.1 | SEQF1217.2 | SEQF1218.2 | SEQF1219.1 | SEQF1220.1 | SEQF1247.1 | SEQF1376.1 | SEQF1408.2 | SEQF1429.1 | SEQF1430.1 | SEQF1433.1 | SEQF1503.2 | SEQF1504.1 | SEQF1507.1 | SEQF1508.1 | SEQF1509.1 | SEQF1510.1 | SEQF1511.1 | SEQF1512.1 | SEQF1513.1 | SEQF1514.1 | SEQF1515.1 | SEQF1516.1 | SEQF1517.1 | SEQF1518.1 | SEQF1519.1 | SEQF1572.1 | SEQF1624.1 | SEQF1639.1 | SEQF1710.1 | SEQF1711.1 | SEQF1712.1 | SEQF1713.1 | SEQF1754.1 | SEQF5800.1 | SEQF5801.1 | SEQF5802.1 | SEQF5803.1 | SEQF5804.1 | SEQF5805.2 | SEQF5806.1 | SEQF5807.1 | SEQF5808.1 | SEQF5809.1 | SEQF5810.1 | SEQF5811.1 | SEQF5812.1 | SEQF5813.1 | SEQF5814.1 | SEQF5815.1 | SEQF5816.1 | SEQF5817.1 | SEQF5818.1 | SEQF5819.1 | SEQF5820.1 | SEQF5821.1 | SEQF5822.1 | SEQF5823.1 | SEQF5824.1 | SEQF5825.1 | SEQF5826.1 | SEQF5827.1 | SEQF5828.1 | SEQF5829.1 | SEQF5830.1 | SEQF5831.1 | SEQF5832.1 | SEQF5833.1 | SEQF5834.1 | SEQF5835.1 | SEQF5836.1 | SEQF5837.1 | SEQF5838.1 | SEQF5839.1 | SEQF5840.1 | SEQF5841.1 | SEQF5842.1 | SEQF5843.1 | SEQF5844.1 | SEQF5845.1 | SEQF5846.1
575 Bacteria Proteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacterales Campylobacteraceae Campylobacter concisus Named Oral 0 L06977 Phylum: Proteobacteria 199 97 1602 31512 SEQF1177.2 | SEQF2326.1 | SEQF2578.1 | SEQF2579.1 | SEQF2580.1 | SEQF4494.1 | SEQF4495.1 | SEQF4496.2 | SEQF4497.1 | SEQF4498.2 | SEQF4499.2 | SEQF4500.2 | SEQF4501.1 | SEQF4502.2 | SEQF4503.2 | SEQF4504.2 | SEQF4505.1 | SEQF4506.1 | SEQF4507.2 | SEQF4508.1 | SEQF4509.1 | SEQF4510.1 | SEQF4511.1 | SEQF4512.1 | SEQF4513.1 | SEQF4514.1 | SEQF4515.1 | SEQF4516.1 | SEQF4517.1 | SEQF4518.1 | SEQF4519.1 | SEQF4520.1 | SEQF4521.1 | SEQF4522.1 | SEQF4523.1 | SEQF4524.1 | SEQF4525.1 | SEQF4526.1 | SEQF4527.1 | SEQF4528.1 | SEQF4529.1 | SEQF4530.1 | SEQF4531.1 | SEQF4532.1 | SEQF4533.1 | SEQF4534.1 | SEQF4535.1 | SEQF4536.1 | SEQF4537.1 | SEQF4538.1 | SEQF4539.1 | SEQF4540.1
576 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus constellatus Named Oral 0 AF104676 Diplococcus constellatus | Peptococcus constellatus | Phylum: Firmicutes 76860 220 1260 24055 SEQF2211.2 | SEQF2589.1 | SEQF2590.1 | SEQF2591.1 | SEQF2643.1 | SEQF5597.1 | SEQF5598.1 | SEQF5599.1 | SEQF5600.1 | SEQF5601.1 | SEQF5602.1 | SEQF5603.2 | SEQF5604.1 | SEQF5605.1 | SEQF5606.1 | SEQF5607.1 | SEQF5608.1 | SEQF5609.1 | SEQF5610.1 | SEQF5611.1 | SEQF5612.1 | SEQF5613.1 | SEQF5614.1 | SEQF5615.1 | SEQF5616.1 | SEQF5617.1 | SEQF5618.1 | SEQF5619.1 | SEQF5620.1 | SEQF5621.1 | SEQF5622.1 | SEQF5623.1
577 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Eikenella corrodens Named Oral 0 M22512 Bacteroides corrodens | Phylum: Proteobacteria | Ristella corrodens 539 906 242 9314 SEQF1016.1 | SEQF2615.1 | SEQF4004.1 | SEQF4005.1 | SEQF4006.1 | SEQF4007.1 | SEQF4008.1 | SEQF4009.1 | SEQF4010.1 | SEQF4011.1 | SEQF4012.1 | SEQF4013.1 | SEQF4014.1 | SEQF4015.1 | SEQF4016.1 | SEQF4017.1 | SEQF4018.1 | SEQF4019.1 | SEQF4020.1 | SEQF4021.1 | SEQF4022.1
578 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus cristatus Named Oral 0 | AS 1.3089 | ATCC 51100 | CCUG 48365 | DSM 19165 | LMG 21535 AB008313 Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus crista | Streptococcus oligofermentans 45634 32 506 6242 SEQF1997.1 | SEQF3078.1 | SEQF3091.1 | SEQF3092.1 | SEQF3093.1
579 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Eggerthellales Eggerthellaceae Cryptobacterium curtum Named Oral 0 AB019260 Phylum: Actinobacteria 84163 6 42 4068 SEQF1480.1
580 Bacteria Proteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacterales Campylobacteraceae Campylobacter curvus Named Oral 0 L04313 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Wolinella curva 200 13 119 6992 SEQF1178.2 | SEQF2488.1 | SEQF5426.1 | SEQF5427.1 | SEQF5428.1 | SEQF5429.1 | SEQF5430.1 | SEQF5431.1 | SEQF5432.1 | SEQF5433.1 | SEQF5434.1 | SEQF5435.1 | SEQF5436.1 | SEQF5437.1 | SEQF5438.1 | SEQF5439.1 Campylobacter curvus rRNA sequences come in long (with IVS) and short (without IVS) forms. Reference sequence C. curvus I is short form C. curvus II is long form.
582 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Kingella denitrificans Named Oral 0 L06166 Phylum: Proteobacteria 502 30 128 5018 SEQF2079.1 | SEQF5320.1 | SEQF5321.1 | SEQF5322.1
583 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella dentalis Named Oral 0 X81876 Hallella seregens | Mitsuokella dentalis | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 52227 4 188 10693 SEQF2022.1 | SEQF8776.3
584 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema denticola Named Oral 0 ATCC 35405 M71236 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Spirillum dentium | Spirochaeta ambigua | Spirochaeta comandonii | Spirochaeta dentium | Spirochaeta microdentium | Spirochaeta orthodonta | Spirochaete denticola | Spirochaete dentium | Spironema dentium | Treponema ambiguum | Treponema comandonii | Treponema dentium | Treponema dentium-stenogyratum | Treponema microdentium | Treponema orthodontum 158 1133 1518 69234 SEQF1061.1 | SEQF1679.1 | SEQF1864.1 | SEQF1865.1 | SEQF1866.1 | SEQF1867.1 | SEQF1868.1 | SEQF1869.1 | SEQF1870.1 | SEQF1871.1 | SEQF1872.1 | SEQF1873.1 | SEQF1874.1 | SEQF1875.1 | SEQF1876.1 | SEQF1877.1 | SEQF1878.1 | SEQF3549.1 T. denticola is a member of Group II one of the 10 phylogenetic groups of oral treponemes [12].
Anaerobic growth in peptone-yeast extract serum containing medium. White diffuse colonies (0.3 to 1 mm) in diameter on solid media after 2 weeks incubation. Obligately anaerobic catalase negative helically coiled with translational motility. Will creep on solid surfaces such as agar media or glass. Cells are Gram-negative 0.2 um by 6-16 um with a 2-4-2 periplasmic flagellar arrangement. G+C content is 37-38 mol%Ferments amino acids (alanine cysteine glycine and serine) with acetate as the major endproduct with lesser amounts of lactic acid succinic acid and formic acid. Ammonia is produced from amino acids. Arginine can serve as an energy source. Glucose can be degraded using the Embden-Meyerhof pathway [3] but not by the glycolytic pathway. Strains are resistant to rifampicin.
Frequently isolated from human subgingival plaque especially from subjects with periodontitis. Reported to be present in chimpanzees Known as a member of the 'red complex' and is strongly associated with periodontal disease [4]. Also associated with endodontic lesions.
586 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Parascardovia denticolens Named Unassigned 0 D89331 Bifidobacterium denticolens | Phylum: Actinobacteria 78258 10 159 8492 SEQF1655.1 | SEQF2021.1 | SEQF2391.1
587 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Micrococcaceae Rothia dentocariosa Named Oral 0 M59055 Actinomyces dentocariosus | Nocardia dentocariosus | Nocardia salivae | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Rothia denticariosa 2047 109 280 10601 SEQF1925.2 | SEQF1994.1 | SEQF6835.1 | SEQF6836.1 | SEQF6837.1 | SEQF6838.1 | SEQF6839.1 | SEQF6840.1 | SEQF6841.1 | SEQF6842.1 | SEQF6843.1 | SEQF6844.1 | SEQF6845.1 | SEQF6846.1 | SEQF6847.1 | SEQF6848.1 | SEQF6849.1 | SEQF6850.1 | SEQF6851.1 | SEQF6852.1 | SEQF6853.1 | SEQF6854.1 | SEQF6855.1 | SEQF6856.1 | SEQF6857.1 | SEQF6858.1 | SEQF6859.1
588 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Bifidobacterium dentium Named Unassigned 0 D86183 Actinomyces eriksonii | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1689 42 290 17235 SEQF7198.1 | SEQF7199.1 | SEQF7200.1 | SEQF7201.1 | SEQF7202.1 | SEQF7203.1 | SEQF7204.1 | SEQF7205.1 | SEQF7206.1 | SEQF7207.1 | SEQF7208.1 | SEQF7209.1 | SEQF7210.1 | SEQF7211.1 | SEQF7212.1 | SEQF7213.1 | SEQF7214.1 | SEQF7215.1 | SEQF7216.1 | SEQF7217.1 | SEQF7218.1 | SEQF7219.1 | SEQF7220.1 | SEQF7221.1 | SEQF7222.1 | SEQF7223.1 | SEQF7224.1 | SEQF7225.1 | SEQF7226.1 | SEQF7227.1 | SEQF7228.1 | SEQF7229.1 | SEQF7230.1 | SEQF7231.1 | SEQF7232.1 | SEQF7233.1 | SEQF7234.1 | SEQF1385.1 | SEQF1497.1 | SEQF1911.2 | SEQF2053.1
590 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Caulobacterales Caulobacteraceae Brevundimonas diminuta Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 14736 D49422 Bacterium parvulum | Phylum: Proteobacteria | Pseudomonas diminuta 293 73 947 12821 SEQF1892.1 | SEQF2056.1 | SEQF4737.1 | SEQF4738.1 | SEQF4739.1 | SEQF4740.1 | SEQF4741.1 | SEQF4742.1 | SEQF4743.1 | SEQF4744.1 | SEQF4745.1 | SEQF4746.1 | SEQF4747.1 | SEQF4748.1 | SEQF4749.1
591 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium diphtheriae Named Unassigned 0 X82059 Bacillus diphtheriae | Bacterium diphtheriae | Microsporon diphthericum | Microsporon diphtheriticum | Mycobacterium diphtheriae | Pacinia loeffleri | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1717 2542 1225 86562 SEQF1184.1 | SEQF2048.1 | SEQF2267.1 | SEQF2268.1 | SEQF2269.1 | SEQF2270.1 | SEQF2271.1 | SEQF2272.1 | SEQF2273.1 | SEQF2274.1 | SEQF2275.1 | SEQF2276.1 | SEQF2277.1 | SEQF2388.1 | SEQF2703.1 | SEQF2704.1 | SEQF5518.1 | SEQF5519.1 | SEQF5520.1 | SEQF5521.1 | SEQF5522.1 | SEQF5523.1 | SEQF5524.1 | SEQF5525.1 | SEQF5526.1 | SEQF5527.1 | SEQF5528.1 | SEQF5529.2 | SEQF5530.1 | SEQF5531.1 | SEQF5532.1 | SEQF5533.1 | SEQF5534.1 | SEQF5535.1 | SEQF5536.1 | SEQF5537.1 | SEQF5538.1 | SEQF5539.1 | SEQF5540.1 | SEQF5541.1 | SEQF5542.1 | SEQF5543.1 | SEQF5544.1 | SEQF5545.1 | SEQF5546.1 | SEQF5547.1 | SEQF5548.1 | SEQF5549.1 | SEQF5550.1 | SEQF5551.1 | SEQF5552.1 | SEQF5553.1 | SEQF5554.2
593 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Mogibacterium diversum Named Oral 0 AB037874 Phylum: Firmicutes 114527 1 8 0 SEQF3053.1
594 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus downei Named Unassigned 0 AY188350 Phylum: Firmicutes 1317 46 138 3818 SEQF1846.1 | SEQF3714.1
595 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium durum Named Oral 0 Z97069 Phylum: Actinobacteria 61592 5 147 5646 SEQF1897.1 | SEQF5021.1
596 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Carnobacteriaceae Granulicatella elegans Named Oral 0 Y15408 Abiotrophia elegans | Phylum: Firmicutes 137732 20 176 3119 SEQF1608.2 | SEQF4301.1
597 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Hyphomicrobiales Bradyrhizobiaceae Bradyrhizobium elkanii Named Unassigned 0 U35000 Phylum: Proteobacteria 29448 95 6275 37787 SEQF2325.2 | SEQF2487.1 | SEQF6035.1 | SEQF6036.1 | SEQF6037.1 | SEQF6038.1 | SEQF6039.1 | SEQF6040.1 | SEQF6041.1 | SEQF6042.1 | SEQF6043.1 | SEQF6044.1 | SEQF6045.1 | SEQF6046.1 | SEQF6047.1 | SEQF6048.1 | SEQF6049.1 | SEQF6050.1 | SEQF6051.1 | SEQF6052.1
598 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria elongata Named Oral 0 L06171 Phylum: Proteobacteria 495 45 407 6179 SEQF1166.2 | SEQF4617.1 | SEQF4618.1 | SEQF4619.1 | SEQF4620.1 | SEQF4621.1 | SEQF4622.1 | SEQF4623.1 | SEQF4624.1 | SEQF4625.1 | SEQF4626.1 | SEQF4627.1 | SEQF4628.1 | SEQF4629.1 | SEQF4630.1 | SEQF4631.1 | SEQF4632.1
600 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella enoeca Named Oral 0 AJ005635 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 76123 2 242 1773 SEQF2677.1 | SEQF2792.1
601 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus epidermidis Named Oral 0 D83363 Albococcus epidermidis | Micrococcus epidermidis | Phylum: Firmicutes 1282 9661 24403 269602 SEQF1322.1 | SEQF1324.1 | SEQF1640.1 | SEQF1836.1 | SEQF1837.1 | SEQF1838.1 | SEQF2205.2 | SEQF2206.2 | SEQF2207.1 | SEQF2383.2 | SEQF4023.1 | SEQF4024.1 | SEQF4025.1 | SEQF4026.1 | SEQF4027.1 | SEQF4028.1 | SEQF4029.1 | SEQF4030.1 | SEQF4031.1 | SEQF4032.1 | SEQF4033.1 | SEQF4034.1 | SEQF4035.1 | SEQF4036.1 | SEQF4037.1 | SEQF4038.1 | SEQF4039.1 | SEQF4040.1 | SEQF4041.1 | SEQF4042.1 | SEQF4043.1 | SEQF4044.1 | SEQF4045.1 | SEQF4046.1 | SEQF4047.1 | SEQF4048.1 | SEQF4049.1 | SEQF4050.1 | SEQF4051.1 | SEQF4052.1 | SEQF4053.1 | SEQF4054.1 | SEQF4055.1 | SEQF4056.1 | SEQF4057.1 | SEQF4058.1 | SEQF4059.1 | SEQF4060.1 | SEQF4061.1 | SEQF4062.1 | SEQF4063.1 | SEQF4064.1 | SEQF4065.1 | SEQF4066.1 | SEQF4067.1 | SEQF4068.1 | SEQF4069.1 | SEQF4070.1 | SEQF4071.1
602 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Eggerthellales Eggerthellaceae Slackia exigua Named Oral 0 AF101240 Eubacterium exiguum | Phylum: Actinobacteria 84109 17 32 3811 SEQF1599.1 | SEQF5853.1 | SEQF5854.1 N/A Gram positive non-spore forming non-motile bacillusObligate anaerobeCellular morphology: 0.5 x 1.0 um singly or in clumpsColonial morphology: translucent colonies < 1 mm diameter after prolonged incubation on BHI-blood agarNo detectable metabolic end-products after growth in PYGGAC content of DNA:60-64 mol% Has been isolated by at least 3 groups of investigatorsFound in most subjects with periodontitis by DNA hybridization (Wade unpublished) Adult periodontitis [5]Necrotic pulps [10]Dentoalveolar abscesses [1]
603 Bacteria Firmicutes Erysipelotrichia Erysipelotrichales Erysipelotrichaceae Bulleidia extructa Named Oral 0 DSM 13220 AF220064 Phylum: Firmicutes 118748 6 49 2818 SEQF1730.1 Solobacterium moorei is a closely related species and on the basis of its position in the 16S rRNA phylogenetic tree appears to represents a novel species within the genus Bulleidia. The name Bulleidia would have precedence by prior publication under Rule 27 of the Bacteriological Code. Slow growth on Fastidious Anaerobe Agar + 5 % horse blood. After 7 days incubation colonies are 0.7-0.9 mm in diameter circular entire low convex grey to off-white opaque and glossy Gram positive short rods [1]. Obligate anaerobes. Ferment glucose and maltose. Metabolic end-products of glucose metabolism are moderate amounts of acetate and lactate and trace amounts of succinate. Arginine is hydrolysed. mol % G+C content of the DNA is 38. Found in the human mouth Isolated from subgingival plaque in periodontitis and from odontogenic infections [234].
604 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus faecalis Named Unassigned 0 Y18293 Enterococcus proteiformis | Enterocoque | Enterocoque Thiercelin | Micrococcus ovalis | Micrococcus zymogenes | Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus faecalis | Streptococcus glycerinaceus | Streptococcus liquefaciens 1351 11756 51809 1140113 SEQF1080.1 | SEQF1260.1 | SEQF1449.1 | SEQF1495.2 | SEQF1736.1 | SEQF1751.1 | SEQF1752.1 | SEQF2278.2 | SEQF6119.1 | SEQF6120.1 | SEQF6121.1 | SEQF6122.1 | SEQF6123.1 | SEQF6124.1 | SEQF6125.1 | SEQF6126.1 | SEQF6127.1 | SEQF6128.1 | SEQF6129.1 | SEQF6130.1 | SEQF6131.1 | SEQF6132.1 | SEQF6133.1 | SEQF6134.1 | SEQF6135.1 | SEQF6136.1 | SEQF6137.1 | SEQF6138.1 | SEQF6139.1 | SEQF6140.1 | SEQF6141.1 | SEQF6142.1 | SEQF6143.1 | SEQF6144.1 | SEQF6145.1 | SEQF6146.1 | SEQF6147.1 | SEQF6148.3 | SEQF6149.1 | SEQF6150.1 | SEQF6151.1 | SEQF6152.1 | SEQF6153.1 | SEQF6154.1 | SEQF6155.1 | SEQF6156.1 | SEQF6157.1 | SEQF6158.1 | SEQF6159.1 | SEQF6160.1 | SEQF6161.1 | SEQF6162.1 | SEQF6163.1 | SEQF6164.1 | SEQF6165.1 | SEQF6166.1 | SEQF6167.1 | SEQF6168.1
605 Bacteria Proteobacteria Deltaproteobacteria Desulfovibrionales Desulfovibrionaceae Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis Named Unassigned 0 AJ251630 Phylum: Proteobacteria 44742 16 4 1 SEQF2793.1
606 Bacteria Tenericutes Mollicutes Mycoplasmatales Mycoplasmataceae Mycoplasma faucium Named Oral 0 AF125590 Mycoplasma orale type 3 | Phylum: Tenericutes 56142 4 28 1
607 Bacteria Tenericutes Mollicutes Mycoplasmatales Mycoplasmataceae Mycoplasmopsis fermentans Named Unassigned 0 M24289 Asterococcus fermentans | Micromyces hominis | Phylum: Tenericutes | Schizoplasma fermentans 2115 378 150 7751 SEQF1263.1 | SEQF1265.1 | SEQF1928.1 | SEQF9196.1 | SEQF9197.1
608 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Limosilactobacillus fermentum Named Oral 0 M58819 Bacillus casei d | Bacillus d | Lactobacillus cellobiosus | Lactobacterium fermentum | Phylum: Firmicutes 1613 668 4339 31041 SEQF9198.1 | SEQF9199.1 | SEQF9200.1 | SEQF9201.1 | SEQF9202.1 | SEQF9203.1 | SEQF9204.1 | SEQF9205.1 | SEQF9206.1 | SEQF9207.1 | SEQF9208.1 | SEQF9209.1 | SEQF9210.1 | SEQF9211.1 | SEQF9212.1 | SEQF9213.1 | SEQF9214.1 | SEQF9215.3 | SEQF9216.1 | SEQF9217.1 | SEQF9218.1 | SEQF9219.1 | SEQF9220.1 | SEQF9221.1 | SEQF9222.1 | SEQF9223.1 | SEQF9224.1 | SEQF9225.1 | SEQF9226.1 | SEQF9227.1 | SEQF9228.1 | SEQF9229.1 | SEQF9230.1 | SEQF9231.1 | SEQF9232.1 | SEQF9233.1 | SEQF9234.2 | SEQF9235.1 | SEQF9236.1 | SEQF9237.1 | SEQF9238.1 | SEQF9239.1 | SEQF9240.1 | SEQF9241.1 | SEQF9242.1 | SEQF9243.1 | SEQF9244.1 | SEQF1533.1 | SEQF1766.1 | SEQF1964.1 | SEQF2541.1 | SEQF2605.1
609 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria flava Named Oral 0 AJ239301 Phylum: Proteobacteria 34026 18 138 16
610 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria flavescens Named Oral 0 AJ239280 Phylum: Proteobacteria 484 35 475 9369 SEQF1195.1 | SEQF1790.1 | SEQF3993.1 | SEQF3994.1 | SEQF3995.1 | SEQF3996.1 | SEQF3997.1 | SEQF3998.1 | SEQF3999.1 | SEQF4000.1 | SEQF4001.1
612 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Pseudomonadaceae Pseudomonas fluorescens Named Unassigned 0 Z76662 Bacillus fluorescens | Bacterium fluorescen | Bacterium fluorescens | Liquidomonas fluorescens | Phylum: Proteobacteria 294 4559 15278 216301 SEQF1300.1 | SEQF1301.1 | SEQF1302.1 | SEQF2169.1 | SEQF2196.1 | SEQF2332.2 | SEQF2381.2 | SEQF3763.1 | SEQF3764.1 | SEQF3765.1 | SEQF3766.1 | SEQF3767.1 | SEQF3768.1 | SEQF3769.1 | SEQF3770.1 | SEQF3771.1 | SEQF3772.1 | SEQF3773.1 | SEQF3774.1 | SEQF3775.1 | SEQF3776.1 | SEQF3777.1 | SEQF3778.1 | SEQF3779.1 | SEQF3780.1 | SEQF3781.3 | SEQF3782.1 | SEQF3783.1 | SEQF3784.1 | SEQF3785.1 | SEQF3786.1 | SEQF3787.1 | SEQF3788.1 | SEQF3789.1 | SEQF3790.2 | SEQF3791.1 | SEQF3792.1 | SEQF3793.1 | SEQF3794.3 | SEQF3795.1 | SEQF3796.1 | SEQF3797.1 | SEQF3798.1 | SEQF3799.1 | SEQF3800.1 | SEQF3801.1 | SEQF3802.1 | SEQF3803.1 | SEQF3804.1
613 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Tannerellaceae Tannerella forsythia Named Oral 0 L16495 Bacteroides forsythus | Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Tannerella forsythensis 28112 511 188 8955 SEQF1072.1 | SEQF2738.1 | SEQF6630.1 | SEQF6631.1 | SEQF6632.1 | SEQF6633.1 | SEQF6634.1 | SEQF6635.1 | SEQF6636.1 | SEQF6637.1 | SEQF6638.1
614 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Bacillaceae Lysinibacillus fusiformis Named Unassigned 0 M77486 Aerobacillus fusiformis | Bacillus sphaericus | Phylum: Firmicutes 28031 36 1096 23807 SEQF1920.1 | SEQF2422.2 | SEQF7240.3 | SEQF7241.1 | SEQF7242.1 | SEQF7243.1 | SEQF7244.1 | SEQF7245.1 | SEQF7246.1 | SEQF7247.1 | SEQF7248.1 | SEQF7249.1 | SEQF7250.1 | SEQF7251.1 | SEQF7252.1 | SEQF7253.1 | SEQF7254.1 | SEQF7255.1 | SEQF7256.1 | SEQF7257.1 | SEQF7258.1 | SEQF7259.1 | SEQF7260.1 | SEQF7261.1 | SEQF7262.1 | SEQF7263.1 | SEQF7264.1 | SEQF7265.1 | SEQF7266.1 | SEQF7267.1 | SEQF7268.1 | SEQF7269.1 | SEQF7270.1 Bacillus fusiformis was renamed to Lysinibacillus fusiformis in 2007. (http://ijs.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/ijsem/10.1099/ijs.0.63867-0)
615 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactobacillus gasseri Named Oral 0 M58820 Phylum: Firmicutes 1596 335 1424 29082 SEQF1255.1 | SEQF1767.1 | SEQF1768.1 | SEQF1769.1 | SEQF2497.1 | SEQF2557.2 | SEQF2558.2 | SEQF4548.1 | SEQF4549.1 | SEQF4550.1 | SEQF4551.1 | SEQF4552.1 | SEQF4553.1 | SEQF4554.1 | SEQF4555.1 | SEQF4556.1 | SEQF4557.1 | SEQF4558.1 | SEQF4559.1 | SEQF4560.1 | SEQF4561.1 | SEQF4562.1 | SEQF4563.1 | SEQF4564.1 | SEQF4565.1 | SEQF4566.1 | SEQF4567.1 | SEQF4568.1 | SEQF4569.1 | SEQF4570.1 | SEQF4571.1 | SEQF4572.1 | SEQF4573.1 | SEQF4574.2 | SEQF4575.1 | SEQF4576.1 | SEQF4577.2 | SEQF4578.1 | SEQF4579.1 | SEQF4580.2 | SEQF4581.1 | SEQF4582.1 | SEQF4583.1 | SEQF4584.1 | SEQF4585.1 | SEQF4586.1 | SEQF4587.1 | SEQF4588.1 | SEQF4589.1 | SEQF4590.1 | SEQF4591.1
616 Bacteria Tenericutes Mollicutes Mycoplasmatales Mycoplasmataceae Mycoplasma genitalium Named Unassigned 0 X77334 Phylum: Tenericutes 2097 862 1149 7750 SEQF1267.1 | SEQF2375.1 | SEQF2376.1 | SEQF2377.1 | SEQF2378.1 | SEQF2779.1
617 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Schaalia georgiae Named Oral 0 X80413 Actinomyces georgiae | Phylum: Actinobacteria 52768 7 674 6144 SEQF1902.1 | SEQF2574.1 | SEQF9971.1
618 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces gerencseriae Named Oral 0 X80414 Actinomyces israelii | Phylum: Actinobacteria 52769 28 109 2285 SEQF2575.1
619 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas gingivalis Named Oral 0 X73964 Bacteroides gingivalis | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 837 5704 8339 53714 SEQF1064.1 | SEQF1538.1 | SEQF1975.1 | SEQF2355.1 | SEQF2356.1 | SEQF2366.1 | SEQF2392.1 | SEQF2447.1 | SEQF2457.1 | SEQF2458.1 | SEQF2507.1 | SEQF2616.1 | SEQF2740.1 | SEQF2741.1 | SEQF2742.1 | SEQF2743.1 | SEQF2797.1 | SEQF2798.1 | SEQF2799.1 | SEQF3182.1 | SEQF3183.1 | SEQF3184.1 | SEQF3185.1 | SEQF3186.1 | SEQF3187.1 | SEQF3188.1 | SEQF3189.1 | SEQF3190.1 | SEQF3191.1 | SEQF3192.1 | SEQF3193.1 | SEQF3194.1 | SEQF3195.1 | SEQF3196.1 | SEQF3197.1 | SEQF3198.1 | SEQF3199.1 | SEQF3200.1 | SEQF3201.1 | SEQF3202.1 | SEQF3203.1 | SEQF3204.1 | SEQF3205.1 | SEQF3206.1 | SEQF3207.1 | SEQF3208.1 | SEQF3209.1 | SEQF3210.1 | SEQF3211.1 | SEQF3212.1 | SEQF3213.1 | SEQF3214.1 | SEQF3215.1 | SEQF3216.1 | SEQF3217.1 | SEQF3218.1 | SEQF3219.1 | SEQF3220.1 | SEQF3221.1 | SEQF3222.1 | SEQF3223.1 | SEQF3224.1 | SEQF3225.1 | SEQF3226.1 | SEQF5292.1 | SEQF5293.1 | SEQF5294.1 | SEQF5295.1 | SEQF5296.1 | SEQF5297.1 | SEQF5298.1 | SEQF5299.1 | SEQF5300.1 | SEQF5301.1 | SEQF5302.1 | SEQF5303.1 | SEQF5304.1 | SEQF5305.1 | SEQF5306.1 | SEQF5307.1 | SEQF5308.1 | SEQF5309.1 | SEQF5310.1 | SEQF5311.1
621 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria gonorrhoeae Named Unassigned 0 X07714 Diplococcus gonorrhoeae | Gonococcus neisseri | Merismopedia gonorrhoeae | Micrococcus der gonorrhoe | Micrococcus gonococcus | Micrococcus gonorrhoeae | Phylum: Proteobacteria 485 10913 23571 57815 SEQF1109.1 | SEQF1272.1 | SEQF1794.1 | SEQF4886.1 | SEQF4887.1 | SEQF4888.2 | SEQF4889.1 | SEQF4890.1 | SEQF4891.2 | SEQF4892.1 | SEQF4893.1 | SEQF4894.2 | SEQF4895.1 | SEQF4896.2 | SEQF4897.1 | SEQF4898.1 | SEQF4899.1 | SEQF4900.1 | SEQF4901.1 | SEQF4902.1 | SEQF4903.1 | SEQF4904.1 | SEQF4905.1 | SEQF4906.1 | SEQF4907.1 | SEQF4908.1 | SEQF4909.1 | SEQF4910.2 | SEQF4911.2 | SEQF4912.1 | SEQF4913.2 | SEQF4914.1 | SEQF4915.2 | SEQF4916.2 | SEQF4917.1 | SEQF4918.1 | SEQF4919.1 | SEQF4920.1 | SEQF4921.1 | SEQF4922.1 | SEQF4923.2 | SEQF4924.1 | SEQF4925.1 | SEQF4926.1 | SEQF4927.1 | SEQF4928.1 | SEQF4929.1 | SEQF4930.2 | SEQF4931.1 | SEQF4932.1 | SEQF4933.2 | SEQF4934.1
622 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus gordonii Named Oral 0 ATCC 10558 | NCTC7865 AF003931 Phylum: Firmicutes 1302 729 956 6716 SEQF1066.1 | SEQF9573.1 | SEQF9574.1 | SEQF9575.1 | SEQF9576.1 | SEQF9577.1 | SEQF9578.1 | SEQF9579.1 | SEQF9580.1 | SEQF9581.1 | SEQF9582.1 | SEQF9583.2 | SEQF9584.2 | SEQF9585.1 | SEQF9586.1 | SEQF9587.1 | SEQF9588.1 | SEQF9589.1 | SEQF9590.1 | SEQF9591.1 | SEQF9592.1 | SEQF9593.1 | SEQF9594.1 | SEQF9595.1 | SEQF9596.1 | SEQF9597.1 | SEQF9598.1 | SEQF9599.1 | SEQF9600.1 | SEQF9601.1 | SEQF9602.1 | SEQF9603.1 | SEQF9604.1 | SEQF9605.1 | SEQF9606.1 | SEQF9607.1 | SEQF9608.1 | SEQF9609.1 | SEQF9610.1 | SEQF9611.1 | SEQF9612.1 | SEQF9613.1 | SEQF9614.1 | SEQF9615.1 | SEQF9616.1 | SEQF9617.1 | SEQF9618.1 | SEQF9619.1 | SEQF9620.1 | SEQF9621.1 | SEQF9622.1 | SEQF9623.1 | SEQF9624.1 | SEQF9625.1 | SEQF9626.1 | SEQF9627.1 | SEQF9628.1 | SEQF9629.1 | SEQF9630.1 | SEQF9631.2 | SEQF9632.1 | SEQF9633.1 | SEQF9634.1 | SEQF9635.1 | SEQF9636.1 | SEQF9637.1 | SEQF9638.1 | SEQF9639.1 | SEQF9640.1 | SEQF9641.1 | SEQF9642.1 | SEQF9643.1 | SEQF9644.1 | SEQF9645.1 | SEQF9646.1 | SEQF9647.1 | SEQF9648.1 | SEQF9649.1 | SEQF9650.1 | SEQF9651.1 | SEQF9652.1 | SEQF9653.1 | SEQF9654.1 | SEQF9655.1 | SEQF9656.1 | SEQF9657.1 | SEQF9658.1 | SEQF9659.1 Viridans type of streptococci has had taxonomic revisions. Previously designated as strains of Streptococcus sanguis subsp. sanguis [14]. Suggested that strain NCTC 3165 a strain of Streptococcus mitis be included [4]. Alpha-hemolytic colonies (0.7- 1.2 mm diameter) on blood agar and extensive greening on chocolate agar. Facultatively anaerobic Gram positive cocci approximately 1 um in diameter that grow in short chains in broth cultures. Carbohydrates are femented primarily to lactic acid and no gas. Catalase negative. Cell wall contains glycerol teichoic acid and rhamnose. Peptidoglycan type is Lys-Ala1-3S. gordonii is similar to S. sanguis (sanguinis) but can be differentiated based on the following; DNA homology lower G+C content of the DNA (42 vs 46 mol%) ferments amygdalin has alkaline phosphatase and B-glucosaminidase activities lacks IgA1 protease activity multilocus enzyme analysis [4].3 biovars of S. gordonii differ biochemically and serologically but all biovars possess the group H antigen [4] Commonly found in the human oral cavity and throat. Has been isolated from blood and heart valves of patients with bacterial endocarditis. May be found occasionally in human feces Generally associated with healthy oral microflora but has been associated with intact enamel in children with primary caries surfaces [2]. May play a role in caries production [3].Has also been associated with infective endocarditis and recurrent aphthous ulcerations
623 Bacteria Proteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacterales Campylobacteraceae Campylobacter gracilis Named Oral 0 L04320 Bacteroides gracilis | Phylum: Proteobacteria 824 42 455 5696 SEQF9965.1 | SEQF9966.1 | SEQF9967.1 | SEQF2434.1 In 1981 four species were recognized as comprising what had previously been called Bacteroides corrodens [5]. one of these organisms was called Bacteroides gracilis but based upon 16S rRNA analysis the organism was transferred to the genus Campylobacter [2]. Campylobacter gracilis is microaerophilic but is stimulated on media containing formate and fumerate. Gram-negative straight rods. 0.4 um by 4-6 um with both tapered and rounded ends. May pit or corrode agar or show twitching motility. The mol% G + C of the DNA is 44-46%. It does not ferment carbohydrates and produces mainly succinate from PYG. Campylobacter gracilis is a common member of subgingival plaque. 16S rRNA cloning studies indicate that it is generally the most common oral Campylobacter species identified. Campylobactrer gracilis is a member of Socransky's Orange Complex and is associated with periodontal disease [3]. It has been recoved from primary endodontic infections [4]. It is occasionally isolated from systemic infections [1].
626 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Gemellaceae Gemella haemolysans Named Oral 0 L14326 Neisseria haemolysans | Phylum: Firmicutes 1379 90 769 7234 SEQF1019.1 | SEQF2070.1 | SEQF7973.1 | SEQF7974.1 | SEQF7975.1 | SEQF7976.1 | SEQF7977.1 | SEQF7978.1
627 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga haemolytica Named Oral 0 U41349 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 45243 3 8 0 SEQF7193.1 | SEQF7194.1 | SEQF2788.1
630 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Bacteroidaceae Bacteroides heparinolyticus Named Unassigned 0 L16487 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella heparinolyticus 28113 4 13 1 SEQF3056.1 | SEQF7518.1 | SEQF7519.1
632 Bacteria Tenericutes Mollicutes Mycoplasmatales Mycoplasmataceae Mycoplasma hominis Named Unassigned 0 AJ002265 Asterococcus hominis | Micromyces hominis | Phylum: Tenericutes | Schizoplasma hominis 2098 1523 396 2358 SEQF1722.1 | SEQF2524.1
633 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Cardiobacteriales Cardiobacteriaceae Cardiobacterium hominis Named Oral 0 M35014 Phylum: Proteobacteria 2718 134 265 5157 SEQF1604.1 | SEQF9804.1 | SEQF9805.1 | SEQF9806.1 | SEQF9807.1 | SEQF9808.1
634 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Enterobacteriaceae Enterobacter hormaechei Named Unassigned 0 AJ853890 CDC Enteric Group 75 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 158836 52 871 10375 SEQF8804.1 | SEQF8805.1 | SEQF8806.1 | SEQF8807.1 | SEQF8808.1 | SEQF8809.1 | SEQF8810.1 | SEQF8811.1 | SEQF8812.1 | SEQF8813.1 | SEQF8814.1 | SEQF8815.1 | SEQF8816.1 | SEQF8817.1 | SEQF8818.1 | SEQF8819.1 | SEQF8820.1 | SEQF8821.4 | SEQF8822.1 | SEQF8823.1 | SEQF8824.1 | SEQF8825.1 | SEQF8826.1 | SEQF8827.1 | SEQF8828.2 | SEQF8829.1 | SEQF8830.1 | SEQF8831.1 | SEQF8832.1 | SEQF8833.1 | SEQF8834.1 | SEQF8835.1 | SEQF8836.1 | SEQF8837.1 | SEQF8838.1 | SEQF8839.1 | SEQF8840.1 | SEQF8841.1 | SEQF8842.1 | SEQF8843.1 | SEQF8844.1 | SEQF8845.1 | SEQF8846.1 | SEQF8847.1 | SEQF8848.1 | SEQF8849.1 | SEQF8850.1 | SEQF8851.1 | SEQF8852.1 | SEQF8853.1 | SEQF1960.1
635 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Johnsonella ignava Named Oral 0 X87152 Phylum: Firmicutes 43995 3 183 4532 SEQF1672.1
636 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Hyphomicrobiales Boseaceae Bosea vestrisii Named Unassigned 0 CCUG 43114 U87774 Phylum: Proteobacteria 151416 0 0 0 SEQF3148.1
638 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus infantis Named Oral 0 AB008315 Phylum: Firmicutes 68892 17 920 19667 SEQF1924.1 | SEQF2212.1 | SEQF2213.2 | SEQF2214.2 | SEQF2215.2 | SEQF2216.2 | SEQF2398.1 | SEQF6170.1 | SEQF6171.1 | SEQF6172.1 | SEQF6173.1 | SEQF6174.1 | SEQF6175.1 | SEQF6176.1 | SEQF6177.1 | SEQF6178.1 | SEQF6179.1 | SEQF6180.1 | SEQF6181.1 | SEQF6182.1 | SEQF6183.1 | SEQF6184.1 | SEQF6185.1
639 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas infelix Named Oral 0 AF287802 Phylum: Firmicutes 135082 6 224 4268 SEQF1673.1
641 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus influenzae Named Nasal 0 M35019 Bacterium influenzae | Coccobacillus pfeifferi | Haemophilus meningitidis | Influenza-bacillus | Mycobacterium influenzae | Phylum: Proteobacteria 727 18961 24806 98811 SEQF1111.1 | SEQF1112.1 | SEQF1223.1 | SEQF1224.1 | SEQF1226.1 | SEQF1227.1 | SEQF1228.1 | SEQF1231.1 | SEQF1232.1 | SEQF1233.1 | SEQF1234.1 | SEQF1235.1 | SEQF1236.1 | SEQF1237.1 | SEQF1238.1 | SEQF1487.1 | SEQF1758.1 | SEQF1759.1 | SEQF2050.1 | SEQF2051.1 | SEQF2052.1 | SEQF2906.1 | SEQF2965.1 | SEQF3016.1 | SEQF5327.1 | SEQF5328.1 | SEQF5329.1 | SEQF5330.1 | SEQF5331.1 | SEQF5332.1 | SEQF5333.1 | SEQF5334.1 | SEQF5335.1 | SEQF5336.1 | SEQF5337.1 | SEQF5338.1 | SEQF5339.1 | SEQF5340.1 | SEQF5341.1 | SEQF5342.1 | SEQF5343.1 | SEQF5344.1 | SEQF5345.1 | SEQF5346.1 | SEQF5347.1 | SEQF5348.1 | SEQF5349.1 | SEQF5350.1 | SEQF5351.1 | SEQF5352.1 | SEQF5353.2 | SEQF5354.1 | SEQF5355.1 | SEQF5356.1 | SEQF5357.1 | SEQF5358.1 | SEQF5359.1 | SEQF5360.1 | SEQF5361.1 | SEQF5362.1 | SEQF5363.1 | SEQF5364.1 | SEQF5365.1 | SEQF5366.1 | SEQF5367.1 | SEQF5368.1 | SEQF5369.1 | SEQF5370.1
642 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Scardovia inopinata Named Unassigned 0 AB029087 Bifidobacterium inopinatum | Phylum: Actinobacteria 78259 7 64 2913 SEQF1654.1 | SEQF8111.1 | SEQF8112.1
643 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella intermedia Named Oral 0 ATCC 25611 L16468 Bacteroides intermedius | Bacteroides melaninogenicus | Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella intermedius 28131 1567 406 8676 SEQF9972.1 | SEQF9973.1 | SEQF1065.1 | SEQF2554.1 | SEQF3521.1 | SEQF3522.1 | SEQF3523.1 | SEQF3524.1 | SEQF3525.1 | SEQF3526.1 | SEQF3527.1 | SEQF3528.1 | SEQF3529.1 | SEQF3530.1 | SEQF3531.1 | SEQF3532.1 | SEQF3533.1 | SEQF3534.1 | SEQF3535.1 | SEQF3536.1 | SEQF3537.1 | SEQF3538.1 | SEQF3539.1 | SEQF3540.1 | SEQF3541.1 | SEQF3542.1 | SEQF3543.1 | SEQF3544.1 | SEQF3545.1 | SEQF3546.1 | SEQF3547.1 | SEQF3548.1 Formerly known as Bacteroides melaninogenicus subsp. intermedius and then Bacteroides intermedius. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA sequence comparisons and biochemical characteristics warranted separate genus designation to the genus Prevotella i.e. Prevotella intermedia [1].
Black pigmented colonies (0.5- 2.0 mm diameter) after anaerobic incubation for 2 days on hemin-containing agar media. Hemin is required for growth Vitamin K is stimulatory. Colonies fluoresce under shortwave UV. Obligately anaerobic Gram negative short rod (0.5 by 2 um). Moderately saccaharolytic fermenting glucose and other carbohydrates to mainly to succinate and acetate. Cell walls contain meso-diaminopimelic acid but not KDO or heptose. Primarily colonizes the gingival crevice but also found in head neck abdominal and lung infections. Has been isolated from blood. Although commonly detected in subgingival plaque P. intermedia has been associated with periodontal disease [2] aggressive periodontitis necrotizing ulcerative periondontis endodontic infections [4] and facial gangrene (noma) [5]. Has also been linked to coronary artery disease [3].
644 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus intermedius Named Oral 0 AF104671 Phylum: Firmicutes 1338 458 965 31194 SEQF1703.1 | SEQF1706.1 | SEQF2336.1 | SEQF2361.1 | SEQF2363.1 | SEQF2424.1 | SEQF2592.1 | SEQF2593.1 | SEQF7586.1 | SEQF7587.2 | SEQF7588.1 | SEQF7589.1 | SEQF7590.1 | SEQF7591.1 | SEQF7592.1 | SEQF7593.1 | SEQF7594.1 | SEQF7595.1 | SEQF7596.1 | SEQF7597.1 | SEQF7598.1 | SEQF7599.1 | SEQF7600.1 | SEQF7601.1 | SEQF7602.1 | SEQF7603.1 | SEQF7604.1 | SEQF7605.1 | SEQF7606.1 | SEQF7607.1 | SEQF7608.1 | SEQF7609.1 | SEQF7610.1 | SEQF7611.1 | SEQF7612.1 | SEQF7613.1 | SEQF7614.1
645 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces israelii Named Oral 0 X82450 Actinobacterium israeli | Brevistreptothrix israeli | Cohnistreptothrix israeli | Corynebacterium israeli | Discomyces israeli | Nocardia israeli | Oospora israeli | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Proactinomyces israeli | Streptothrix israeli 1659 418 244 4 SEQF2705.1
646 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Kingella kingae Named Unassigned 0 AY551999 Moraxella kingae | Moraxella kingii | Phylum: Proteobacteria 504 301 33004 9710 SEQF2080.1 | SEQF2327.1 | SEQF6786.1 | SEQF6787.1 | SEQF6788.1 | SEQF6789.1 | SEQF6790.1 | SEQF6791.1 | SEQF6792.1 | SEQF6793.1 | SEQF6794.1 | SEQF6795.1 | SEQF6796.1 | SEQF6797.1 | SEQF6798.1 | SEQF6799.1 | SEQF6800.1 | SEQF6801.1 | SEQF6802.1 | SEQF6803.1 | SEQF6804.1 | SEQF6805.1 | SEQF6806.1 | SEQF6807.1 | SEQF6808.1 | SEQF6809.1 | SEQF6810.1 | SEQF6811.1 | SEQF6812.1 | SEQF6813.1 | SEQF6814.1 | SEQF6815.1 | SEQF6816.1 | SEQF6817.1 | SEQF6818.1 | SEQF6819.1 | SEQF6820.1 | SEQF6821.1 | SEQF6822.1 | SEQF6823.1 | SEQF6824.1 | SEQF6825.1 | SEQF6826.1 | SEQF6827.1 | SEQF6828.1 | SEQF6829.1 | SEQF6830.1 | SEQF6831.1 | SEQF6832.1 | SEQF6833.1 | SEQF6834.1
649 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria lactamica Named Oral 0 AJ239286 Neisseria lactamicus | Phylum: Proteobacteria 486 190 994 18470 SEQF1261.1 | SEQF2141.1 | SEQF2159.1 | SEQF5960.1 | SEQF5961.1 | SEQF5962.1 | SEQF5963.1 | SEQF5964.1 | SEQF5965.1 | SEQF5966.1 | SEQF5967.2 | SEQF5968.1 | SEQF5969.1 | SEQF5970.1 | SEQF5971.1 | SEQF5972.1 | SEQF5973.1 | SEQF5974.1 | SEQF5975.1 | SEQF5976.1 | SEQF5977.1 | SEQF5978.1 | SEQF5979.1 | SEQF5980.1 | SEQF5981.1 | SEQF5982.1 | SEQF5983.1 | SEQF5984.1 | SEQF5985.1 | SEQF5986.1 | SEQF5987.1 | SEQF5988.1 | SEQF5989.1 | SEQF5990.1 | SEQF5991.1 | SEQF5992.1 | SEQF5993.1
652 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Hyphomicrobiales Bradyrhizobiaceae Rhodopseudomonas telluris Unnamed Unassigned 0 U87769 Phylum: Proteobacteria 644215 0 0 0
653 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema lecithinolyticum Named Oral 0 ATCC 700332 | OMZ 684 AF023040 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema sp. IV:17C:GF6 53418 15 114 4359 SEQF2462.1 Member of one of the 10 phylogenetic groups of oral treponemes [14]. Originally detected in subjects with periodontitis as not-yet-cultivated phylotype (Group IV) termed Treponema sp. IV:17C:GF6 [4]. Closest cultivable relative is Treponema maltophilum which also falls in Group IV. Growth on OMIZ-Pat-w/oPC agarose [1] are off-white diffuse (~3 mm) subsurface colonies after 7 days incubation at 37oC. Will not grow in chemically defined media e.g. OMIZ-W1 [1] but requires yeast extract or Neopeptone Obligately anaerobic catalase negative helically coiled with translational motility in broth especially in media of high viscosity [1]. Will creep on solid surfaces such as agar media or glass. Cells are Gram-negative 0.15 um by 5 um with a 1-2-1 periplasmic flagellar arrangement.N-acetylglucosamine is required for growth and D-arabinose L-fucose or D-ribose enhance growth. Other carbohydrates do not appear to support growth. Lecithin and 1% fetal calf serum inhibits growth. Strains are resistant to rifampicin and fosfomycin.High activities for alkaline phosphatase acid phosphatase B-galactosidase B-glucuronidase N-acetyl-B-glucosaminidase phospholipase A and phospholipase C Detected in human subgingival plaque most often in subjects with periodontitis Association (e.g. diseased vs control sites) in patients with adult periodontitis and rapidly progressive periodontitis [13] and endodontic lesions [2]. Strong activities of phospholipase A and phospholipase C may serve as potential virulence factors [1]
654 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Eggerthellales Eggerthellaceae Eggerthella lenta Named Unassigned 0 AF292375 Bacteroides lentus | Eubacterium lentum | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Pseudobacterium lentum 84112 45 30 7952 SEQF10018.1 | SEQF10019.1 | SEQF10020.1 | SEQF10021.1 | SEQF10022.1 | SEQF10023.1 | SEQF10024.1 | SEQF10025.1 | SEQF10026.1 | SEQF10027.1 | SEQF10028.1 | SEQF10029.1 | SEQF10030.1 | SEQF10031.1 | SEQF10032.1 | SEQF10033.1 | SEQF10034.1 | SEQF10035.1 | SEQF10036.1 | SEQF10037.1 | SEQF10038.1 | SEQF10039.1 | SEQF10040.1 | SEQF10041.1 | SEQF10042.1 | SEQF10043.1 | SEQF10044.1 | SEQF10045.1 | SEQF10046.1 | SEQF10047.1 | SEQF10048.1 | SEQF10049.1 | SEQF10050.1 | SEQF10051.1 | SEQF10052.1 | SEQF10053.1 | SEQF10054.1 | SEQF10055.1 | SEQF10056.1 | SEQF10057.1 | SEQF10058.1 | SEQF10059.1 | SEQF10060.1 | SEQF10061.1 | SEQF10062.1 | SEQF10063.1 | SEQF10064.1 | SEQF10065.1 | SEQF10066.1 | SEQF1498.1
655 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Eubacteriaceae Eubacterium limosum Named Unassigned 0 M59120 Bacteroides limosus | Butyribacterium limosum | Butyribacterium rettgeri | Mycobacterium limosum | Phylum: Firmicutes 1736 91 24 13635 SEQF1927.2 | SEQF4134.2 | SEQF4135.1 | SEQF4136.1 | SEQF4137.1 | SEQF4138.1 | SEQF4139.1
656 Bacteria Tenericutes Mollicutes Mycoplasmatales Mycoplasmataceae Mycoplasmopsis lipophila Named Oral 0 M24581 Mycoplasma lipophiliae | Phylum: Tenericutes 2117 6 10 2
658 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella loescheii Named Oral 0 L16481 Bacteroides loescheii | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 840 48 415 5717 SEQF2461.1
659 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Hyphomicrobiales Phyllobacteriaceae Mesorhizobium japonicum Named Unassigned 0 U50166 Mesorhizobium loti | Phylum: Proteobacteria 2066070 36 2525 51674 SEQF1025.1 | SEQF2763.1 | SEQF2764.1 | SEQF5225.1 | SEQF5226.1 | SEQF5227.1 | SEQF5228.1 | SEQF5229.1 | SEQF5230.1 | SEQF5231.1 | SEQF5232.1 | SEQF5233.1 | SEQF5234.1 | SEQF5235.1
660 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Hyphomicrobiales Phyllobacteriaceae Aquamicrobium lusatiense Named Unassigned 0 AJ132378 | NR_025312 Defluvibacter lusatiensis | Phylum: Proteobacteria 89772 3 22 5 SEQF5624.1
662 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Finegoldia magna Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 15794 D14149 Diplococcus magnus | Peptococcus magnus | Peptostreptococcus magnus | Phylum: Firmicutes 1260 68 430 20646 SEQF1641.1 | SEQF2061.1 | SEQF2062.1 | SEQF2063.2 | SEQF2435.1 | SEQF2642.1 | SEQF6721.1 | SEQF6722.1 | SEQF6723.1 | SEQF6724.1 | SEQF6725.1 | SEQF6726.1 | SEQF6727.1 | SEQF6728.1 | SEQF6729.1 | SEQF6730.1 | SEQF6731.1 | SEQF6732.1 | SEQF6733.1 | SEQF6734.1 | SEQF6735.1 | SEQF6736.1 | SEQF6737.1 | SEQF6738.1 | SEQF6739.1 | SEQF6740.1 | SEQF6741.1 Finegoldia magna is not believed to be a resident of the human oral cavity. There have been no reports of its isolation verified by molecular sequence analysis. Forms small (< 0. 5mm diameter) colonies after 48-h anaerobic incubation on Blood Agar plates. Gram-positive large cocci occurring singly and in pairs tetrads and clusters [2]. Obligately anaerobic and weakly saccharolytic producing small amounts of acid from glucose and fructose. Ammonia is produced from glycine but not glutamine. Urease is not produced. The major end-product of metabolism is acetate. The mol % G+C content of the DNA is 32-34. Not thought to be part of the oral microbiota but has been isolated from extra-oral soft tissue infections of the head and neck. It is thought to be part of the female urogenital microbiota and is one of the commonest clinical anaerobic isolates from wounds and abscesses primarily associated with the gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Is unusual among anaerobes in that it can cause infections which may be serious alone in pure culture [1].
663 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Xanthomonadales Xanthomonadaceae Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Named Unassigned 0 X95923 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Pseudomonas beteli | Pseudomonas betle | Pseudomonas maltiphilia | Pseudomonas maltophilia | Stenotrophomonas africana | Xanthomonas maltiphilia | Xanthomonas maltophilia 40324 1655 10261 122431 SEQF1329.1 | SEQF1330.1 | SEQF2174.1 | SEQF2300.1 | SEQF2395.1 | SEQF2478.1 | SEQF2515.1 | SEQF4348.1 | SEQF4349.1 | SEQF4350.1 | SEQF4351.1 | SEQF4352.1 | SEQF4353.1 | SEQF4354.1 | SEQF4355.1 | SEQF4356.1 | SEQF4357.1 | SEQF4358.1 | SEQF4359.1 | SEQF4360.1 | SEQF4361.1 | SEQF4362.1 | SEQF4363.1 | SEQF4364.1 | SEQF4365.1 | SEQF4366.1 | SEQF4367.1 | SEQF4368.1 | SEQF4369.1 | SEQF4370.1 | SEQF4371.1 | SEQF4372.1 | SEQF4373.1 | SEQF4374.1 | SEQF4375.1 | SEQF4376.1 | SEQF4377.1 | SEQF4378.2 | SEQF4379.1 | SEQF4380.1 | SEQF4381.1 | SEQF4382.1 | SEQF4383.1 | SEQF4384.1 | SEQF4385.1 | SEQF4386.1 | SEQF4387.1 | SEQF4388.1 | SEQF4389.1 | SEQF4390.1 | SEQF4391.1 | SEQF4392.1 | SEQF4393.1 | SEQF4394.1
664 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema maltophilum Named Oral 0 AF023039 Phylum: Spirochaetes 51160 23 38 4593 SEQF1941.1
665 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella marshii Named Oral 0 AF481227 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 189722 4 275 4990 SEQF1915.1 | SEQF2681.1
666 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium matruchotii Named Oral 0 X82065 Actinomyces matruchoti | Bacterionema matruchotii | Cladothrix matruchoti | Oospora matruchoti | Phylum: Actinobacteria 43768 18 281 11062 SEQF1013.1 | SEQF1648.1 | SEQF5847.2 | SEQF5848.1 | SEQF5849.1 | SEQF5850.1
667 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema medium Named Oral 0 AF023051 Phylum: Spirochaetes 58231 25 51 4661 SEQF1940.1 | SEQF6784.1 | SEQF6785.1
669 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria meningitidis Named Oral 0 AF382273 Diplokokkus intracellularis | Micrococcus intracellularis | Micrococcus meningitidis | Neisseria weichselbaumii | Phylum: Proteobacteria 487 9744 76975 458330 SEQF7811.1 | SEQF7812.1 | SEQF7813.1 | SEQF7814.1 | SEQF7815.1 | SEQF7816.1 | SEQF7817.1 | SEQF7818.1 | SEQF7819.1 | SEQF7820.1 | SEQF7821.1 | SEQF7822.1 | SEQF7823.1 | SEQF7824.1 | SEQF7825.1 | SEQF7826.1 | SEQF7827.1 | SEQF7828.1 | SEQF7829.2 | SEQF7830.1 | SEQF7831.2 | SEQF7832.1 | SEQF7833.1 | SEQF7834.2 | SEQF7835.1 | SEQF7836.1 | SEQF7837.1 | SEQF7838.1 | SEQF7839.1 | SEQF7840.1 | SEQF7841.1 | SEQF7842.1 | SEQF7843.1 | SEQF7844.1 | SEQF7845.1 | SEQF7846.1 | SEQF7847.1 | SEQF7848.1 | SEQF7849.1 | SEQF7850.1 | SEQF7851.1 | SEQF7852.1 | SEQF7853.1 | SEQF7854.1 | SEQF7855.1 | SEQF7856.1 | SEQF7857.1 | SEQF7858.1 | SEQF1100.1 | SEQF1275.1 | SEQF1276.1 | SEQF1277.1 | SEQF1283.1 | SEQF1723.1 | SEQF1916.1 | SEQF2284.1 | SEQF2285.1 | SEQF2286.1 | SEQF2287.1 | SEQF2288.1 | SEQF2329.2
671 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Schaalia meyeri Named Oral 0 X82451 Actinobacterium meyer | Actinobacterium meyeri | Actinomyces meyeri | Phylum: Actinobacteria 52773 71 16 3 SEQF2739.1 | SEQF9509.1 | SEQF9510.1
673 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-6] [Eubacterium]_minutum Named Oral 0 U13037 Eubacterium tardum | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0 SEQF3052.1
674 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Atopobiaceae Atopobium minutum Named Unassigned 0 X67148 Bacteroides minutum | Eubacterium minutum | Lactobacillus minutum | Lactobacillus minutus | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1381 6 23 1837 SEQF2483.1 | SEQF9087.1 | SEQF9088.1
676 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Morganellaceae Proteus mirabilis Named Unassigned 0 AF008582 Phylum: Proteobacteria 584 5393 2096 39620 SEQF8666.1 | SEQF8667.1 | SEQF8668.1 | SEQF8669.1 | SEQF8670.2 | SEQF8671.1 | SEQF8672.1 | SEQF8673.1 | SEQF8674.1 | SEQF8675.1 | SEQF8676.1 | SEQF8677.1 | SEQF8678.1 | SEQF8679.1 | SEQF8680.1 | SEQF8681.1 | SEQF8682.1 | SEQF8683.1 | SEQF8684.1 | SEQF8685.1 | SEQF8686.1 | SEQF8687.1 | SEQF8688.1 | SEQF8689.1 | SEQF8690.1 | SEQF8691.1 | SEQF8692.1 | SEQF8693.1 | SEQF8694.1 | SEQF8695.1 | SEQF8696.1 | SEQF8697.1 | SEQF8698.1 | SEQF8699.1 | SEQF8700.1 | SEQF8701.1 | SEQF8702.1 | SEQF8703.1 | SEQF8704.1 | SEQF8705.1 | SEQF8706.1 | SEQF8707.1 | SEQF8708.2 | SEQF8709.1 | SEQF8710.1 | SEQF8711.2 | SEQF8712.1 | SEQF8713.1 | SEQF8714.1 | SEQF1289.1 | SEQF1802.1 | SEQF2393.1 | SEQF2394.1 | SEQF2572.1
677 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus mitis Named Nasal | Oral 0 NCTC 12261 AF003929 Phylum: Firmicutes 28037 965 6936 92086 SEQF1067.1 | SEQF2001.2 | SEQF2002.2 | SEQF2003.2 | SEQF2217.2 | SEQF2218.2 | SEQF2219.2 | SEQF2337.1 | SEQF2338.1 | SEQF2339.1 | SEQF3169.3 | SEQF3553.1 | SEQF3554.1 | SEQF3555.1 | SEQF3556.1 | SEQF3557.1 | SEQF3558.1 | SEQF3559.1 | SEQF3560.1 | SEQF3561.1 | SEQF3562.1 | SEQF3563.1 | SEQF3564.2 | SEQF3565.1 | SEQF3566.1 | SEQF3567.1 | SEQF3568.1 | SEQF3569.1 | SEQF3571.1 | SEQF3572.1 | SEQF3573.1 | SEQF3574.1 | SEQF3575.1 | SEQF3576.1 | SEQF3577.1 | SEQF3578.1 | SEQF3579.1 | SEQF3580.1 | SEQF3581.1 | SEQF3582.1 | SEQF3583.1 | SEQF3584.1 | SEQF3585.1 | SEQF3586.1 | SEQF3587.1 | SEQF3588.1 | SEQF3589.1 | SEQF3590.1 | SEQF3591.1 | SEQF3592.1 | SEQF3593.1 | SEQF3594.1 | SEQF3595.1 | SEQF3596.1 | SEQF3597.1 | SEQF3598.1 | SEQF3599.1 | SEQF3600.1 | SEQF3601.1 | SEQF3602.1 | SEQF3603.1 | SEQF3604.1 | SEQF3605.1 | SEQF3606.1 | SEQF3607.1 | SEQF3608.1 | SEQF3609.1 | SEQF3610.1 | SEQF3611.1 | SEQF3612.1 | SEQF3613.1 | SEQF3614.1 | SEQF3615.1 | SEQF3616.1 | SEQF3617.1 | SEQF3618.1 | SEQF3619.1 | SEQF3620.1 | SEQF3621.1 | SEQF3622.1 | SEQF3623.1 | SEQF3624.1 | SEQF3625.1 | SEQF3626.1 | SEQF3627.1 | SEQF3628.1 | SEQF3629.1 | SEQF3630.1 | SEQF3631.1 | SEQF3632.1 | SEQF3633.1 | SEQF3634.1 | SEQF3635.1 | SEQF3636.1 | SEQF3637.1 | SEQF3638.1 | SEQF3639.1 | SEQF3640.1 | SEQF3641.1 | SEQF3642.1 | SEQF3643.1 | SEQF3644.1 | SEQF3645.1 | SEQF3646.1 | SEQF3647.1 | SEQF3648.1 | SEQF3649.1 | SEQF3650.1 | SEQF3651.1 | SEQF3652.1 | SEQF3653.1 | SEQF3654.1 | SEQF3655.1 | SEQF3656.1 | SEQF3657.1 | SEQF3658.1 | SEQF3659.1 | SEQF3660.1 | SEQF3661.1 | SEQF3662.1 | SEQF3663.1 | SEQF3664.1 | SEQF3665.1 | SEQF3666.1 | SEQF3667.1 | SEQF3668.1 | SEQF3669.1 | SEQF3670.1 | SEQF3671.1 | SEQF3672.1 | SEQF3673.1 | SEQF3674.1 | SEQF3675.1 | SEQF3676.1 | SEQF6235.1 | SEQF6236.1 | SEQF6237.1 | SEQF6238.1 | SEQF6239.1 | SEQF6240.1 | SEQF6241.1 | SEQF6242.1 | SEQF6243.1 | SEQF6244.1 | SEQF6245.1 | SEQF6246.1 | SEQF6247.1 | SEQF6248.1 | SEQF6249.1 | SEQF6250.1 | SEQF6251.1 | SEQF6252.1 | SEQF6253.1 | SEQF6254.1 | SEQF6255.1 | SEQF6256.1 | SEQF6257.1 | SEQF6258.1 | SEQF6259.1 | SEQF6260.1 | SEQF6261.1 | SEQF6262.1 | SEQF6263.1 | SEQF6264.1 | SEQF6265.1 | SEQF6266.1 | SEQF6267.1 | SEQF6268.1 | SEQF6269.1 | SEQF6270.1 | SEQF6271.1 | SEQF6272.1 | SEQF6273.1 | SEQF6274.1 | SEQF6275.1 | SEQF6276.1 | SEQF6277.1 | SEQF6278.1 | SEQF6279.1 | SEQF6280.1 | SEQF6281.1 | SEQF6282.1 | SEQF6283.1 | SEQF6284.1 | SEQF6285.1 | SEQF6286.1 | SEQF6287.1 | SEQF6288.1 | SEQF6289.1 | SEQF6290.1 | SEQF6291.1 | SEQF6292.1 | SEQF6293.1 | SEQF6294.1 | SEQF6295.1 | SEQF6296.1 | SEQF6297.1 | SEQF6298.1 | SEQF6299.1 | SEQF6300.1 | SEQF6301.1 | SEQF6302.1 | SEQF6303.1 | SEQF6304.1 | SEQF6305.1 | SEQF6306.1 | SEQF6307.1 | SEQF6308.1 | SEQF6309.1 | SEQF6310.1 | SEQF6311.1 | SEQF6312.1 | SEQF6313.1 | SEQF6314.1 | SEQF6315.1 | SEQF6316.1 Heterogenous group of viridans type of streptococci that has had taxonomic revisions. Original type strain NCTC 3165 (= SK51) clustered with Streptococcus gordonii strains. Proposed NCTC 12261 be replacement type strain of S. mitis [2]. Closely related to S. pneumoniae by 16S rRNA comparisons.
Alpha-hemolytic colonies (0.7- 1.2 mm diameter) on blood agar and extensive greening on chocolate agar. Facultatively anaerobic Gram positive cocci approximately 1 um in diameter that grow in short or long chains in broth cultures. Carbohydrates are femented primarily to lactic acid and no gas. Catalase negative. Cell wall contains riitol teichoic acid and minimal rhamnose. Peptidoglycan type is Lys-direct. G+C content is 41 mol%.[23]2 biovars of S. mitis differ biochemically and serologically [23] |
Commonly found on most surfaces in the human oral cavity and throat [1]. Not usually attributed to disease especially oral infections.May be involved in infective endocarditis toxic shock-like syndrome and neonatal infections. Septicemias have been reported.
678 Bacteria Firmicutes Erysipelotrichia Erysipelotrichales Erysipelotrichaceae Solobacterium moorei Named Oral 0 CIP 106864 | JCM 10645 AB031058 Phylum: Firmicutes | unclassified Clostridium 102148 28 517 5787 SEQF1683.2 | SEQF2585.1 | SEQF9563.1 | SEQF9564.1 Solobacterium moorei is a sufficiently close phylogenetic relative of Bulleidia extructa for the two species to be in the same genus. No formal proposal has yet been made but the name Bulleidia would take precedence by prior publication. After 7 days incubation on Fastidious Anaerobe Agar plates (incorporating 5 % horse blood) colonies are 1 mm in diameter circular entire translucent and umbonate. Growth in broth media is markedly stimulated by the addition of 0.5 % Tween 80 in the presence of fermentable sugars. Gram-posiitive non-sporing anaerobic bacilli [1]. Cells are short and straight or slightly curved and found singly or in pairs. Strains are saccharolytic fermenting fructose glucose maltose and sucrose. Acetate and lactate with trace amounts of succinate are formed as the end-products of metabolism. Arginine is hydrolysed and aesculin hydrolysed by some strains. There is no growth in 20 % bile hydrogen sulfide and indole are not produced and nitrate is not reduced. Urea is not hydrolysed. The mol % G+C content of the DNA is 37-39. Isolated from the human tongue and dental plaque. It is a member of only a relatively small number of species that are found in both the mouth and faeces Has been associated with halitosis [23] and other infections of dental origin [45]. There are case reports of this organism causing septicaemia and vascular infections of various types.
681 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Micrococcaceae Rothia mucilaginosa Named Oral 0 ATCC 25296 | DSM 20746 X95483 Micrococcus mucilaginosus | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Stomatococcus mucilaginosus 43675 40 151 12496 SEQF1039.1 | SEQF1724.1 | SEQF2197.1 | SEQF6639.1 | SEQF6640.1 | SEQF6641.1 | SEQF6642.1 | SEQF6643.1 | SEQF6644.1 | SEQF6645.1 | SEQF6646.1 | SEQF6647.1 | SEQF6648.1 | SEQF6649.1 | SEQF6650.1 | SEQF6651.1 | SEQF6652.1 | SEQF6653.1 | SEQF6654.1 | SEQF6655.1 | SEQF6656.1 | SEQF6657.1 | SEQF6658.1 | SEQF6659.1 | SEQF6660.1 | SEQF6661.1 | SEQF6662.1 | SEQF6663.1 | SEQF6664.1 | SEQF6665.1 | SEQF6666.1 | SEQF6667.1 | SEQF6668.1 | SEQF6669.1 | SEQF6670.1 | SEQF6671.1 | SEQF6672.1 | SEQF6673.1 | SEQF6674.1 | SEQF6675.1 | SEQF6676.1 | SEQF6677.1 | SEQF6678.1 | SEQF6679.1 | SEQF6680.1 | SEQF6681.1 | SEQF6682.1 | SEQF6683.1 | SEQF6684.1 | SEQF6685.1 | SEQF6686.1
682 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria mucosa Named Oral 0 AJ239282 Diplococcus mucosus | Phylum: Proteobacteria 488 104 375 9878 SEQF1175.1 | SEQF2142.1 | SEQF9875.1 | SEQF9876.2 | SEQF9877.1 | SEQF9878.1 | SEQF9879.1 | SEQF9880.1 | SEQF9881.1 | SEQF9882.1 | SEQF9883.1
683 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Simonsiella muelleri Named Oral 0 AF328147 Caryophanon muelleri | Phylum: Proteobacteria 72 1 152 4479 SEQF7273.1 | SEQF7274.1 | SEQF1652.2
684 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Mitsuokella multacida Named Unassigned 0 X81878 Bacteroides multiacidus | Mitsuokella multiacidus | Phylum: Firmicutes 52226 4 54 5121 SEQF1092.1 | SEQF8582.1 | SEQF8583.1 | SEQF8584.1
685 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella multiformis Named Oral 0 AB182483 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 282402 3 136 5663 SEQF1986.1 | SEQF3692.1
686 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus mutans Named Oral 0 ATCC 25175 | NCTC10449 AJ243965 Phylum: Firmicutes 1309 8717 40092 204358 SEQF1069.2 | SEQF1382.1 | SEQF3228.2 | SEQF3229.2 | SEQF3230.2 | SEQF3231.2 | SEQF3232.2 | SEQF3233.2 | SEQF3234.2 | SEQF3235.2 | SEQF3236.2 | SEQF3237.2 | SEQF3238.2 | SEQF3239.2 | SEQF3240.2 | SEQF3241.2 | SEQF3242.2 | SEQF3243.2 | SEQF3244.2 | SEQF3245.2 | SEQF3246.2 | SEQF3247.2 | SEQF3248.2 | SEQF3249.2 | SEQF3250.2 | SEQF3251.2 | SEQF3252.2 | SEQF3253.2 | SEQF3254.2 | SEQF3255.2 | SEQF3256.2 | SEQF3257.2 | SEQF3258.2 | SEQF3259.2 | SEQF3260.2 | SEQF3261.2 | SEQF3262.2 | SEQF3263.2 | SEQF3264.2 | SEQF3265.2 | SEQF3266.2 | SEQF3267.2 | SEQF3268.2 | SEQF3269.2 | SEQF3270.2 | SEQF3271.2 | SEQF3272.2 | SEQF3273.2 | SEQF3274.2 | SEQF3275.2 | SEQF3276.2 | SEQF3277.2 | SEQF3278.2 | SEQF3279.2 | SEQF3280.2 | SEQF3281.2 | SEQF3282.2 | SEQF3283.2 | SEQF3284.2 | SEQF3285.2 | SEQF3286.2 | SEQF3287.2 | SEQF3288.2 | SEQF3289.2 | SEQF3290.2 | SEQF3291.2 | SEQF3292.2 | SEQF3293.2 | SEQF3294.2 | SEQF3295.2 | SEQF3296.2 | SEQF3297.2 | SEQF3298.2 | SEQF3299.2 | SEQF3300.2 | SEQF3301.2 | SEQF3302.2 | SEQF3303.1 | SEQF3304.1 | SEQF3305.1 | SEQF3306.1 | SEQF3307.1 | SEQF3308.1 | SEQF3309.1 | SEQF3310.1 | SEQF3311.1 | SEQF3312.1 | SEQF3313.1 | SEQF3314.1 | SEQF3315.1 | SEQF3316.1 | SEQF3317.1 | SEQF3318.1 | SEQF3319.1 | SEQF3320.1 | SEQF3321.1 | SEQF3322.1 | SEQF3323.1 | SEQF3324.1 | SEQF3325.1 | SEQF3326.1 | SEQF3327.1 | SEQF3328.1 | SEQF3329.1 | SEQF3330.1 | SEQF3331.1 | SEQF3332.1 | SEQF3333.1 | SEQF3334.1 | SEQF3335.1 | SEQF3336.1 | SEQF3337.1 | SEQF3338.1 | SEQF3339.1 | SEQF3340.1 | SEQF3341.1 | SEQF3342.1 | SEQF3343.1 | SEQF3344.1 | SEQF3345.1 | SEQF3346.1 | SEQF3347.1 | SEQF3348.1 | SEQF3349.1 | SEQF3350.1 | SEQF3351.1 | SEQF3352.1 | SEQF3353.1 | SEQF3354.1 | SEQF3355.1 | SEQF3356.1 | SEQF3357.1 | SEQF3358.1 | SEQF3359.1 | SEQF3360.1 | SEQF3361.1 | SEQF3362.1 | SEQF3363.1 | SEQF3364.1 | SEQF3365.1 | SEQF3366.1 | SEQF3367.1 | SEQF3368.1 | SEQF3369.1 | SEQF3370.1 | SEQF3371.1 | SEQF3372.1 | SEQF3373.1 | SEQF3374.1 | SEQF3375.1 | SEQF3376.1 | SEQF3377.1 | SEQF3378.1 | SEQF3379.1 | SEQF3380.1 | SEQF3381.1 | SEQF3382.1 | SEQF3383.2 | SEQF3384.1 | SEQF3385.1 | SEQF3386.1 | SEQF3387.1 | SEQF3388.1 | SEQF3389.1 | SEQF3390.1 | SEQF3391.1 | SEQF3392.1 | SEQF3393.1 | SEQF3394.1 | SEQF3395.1 | SEQF3396.1 | SEQF3397.1 | SEQF3398.2 | SEQF3399.1 | SEQF3400.1 | SEQF3401.1 | SEQF3402.1 | SEQF3403.1 | SEQF3404.1 | SEQF3405.1 | SEQF3406.1 | SEQF3407.1 | SEQF3408.1 | SEQF3409.1 | SEQF3410.1 | SEQF3411.1 | SEQF3412.1 | SEQF3413.1 | SEQF3414.1 | SEQF3415.1 | SEQF3416.1 | SEQF3417.1 | SEQF3418.1 | SEQF3419.1 | SEQF3420.1 | SEQF3421.1 | SEQF3422.1 | SEQF3423.1 | SEQF3424.1 | SEQF3425.1 | SEQF3426.1 | SEQF3428.1 | SEQF3429.1 | SEQF3430.1 | SEQF3431.1 | SEQF3432.1 | SEQF3433.1 | SEQF3434.1 | SEQF3435.1 | SEQF3436.1 | SEQF3437.1 | SEQF3438.1 | SEQF3439.1 | SEQF3440.1 | SEQF3441.1 | SEQF3442.1 | SEQF3443.1 | SEQF3444.1 | SEQF3445.1 | SEQF3446.1 | SEQF3447.1 | SEQF3448.1 | SEQF3449.1 | SEQF3450.1 | SEQF3451.1 | SEQF3452.1 | SEQF3453.1 | SEQF3454.1 | SEQF3455.1 | SEQF3456.1 | SEQF3457.1 | SEQF3458.1 | SEQF3459.1 | SEQF3460.1 | SEQF3461.1 | SEQF3462.1 | SEQF3463.1 | SEQF3464.1 | SEQF3465.1 | SEQF3466.1 | SEQF3467.1 | SEQF3469.3 | SEQF3470.1 | SEQF3471.1 | SEQF3472.1 | SEQF3473.1 | SEQF3474.1 | SEQF6961.1 | SEQF6962.1 | SEQF6963.1 | SEQF6964.1 | SEQF6965.1 | SEQF6966.1 | SEQF6967.1 | SEQF6968.1 | SEQF6969.1 | SEQF6970.1 | SEQF6971.1 | SEQF6972.1 | SEQF6973.1 | SEQF6974.1 | SEQF6975.1 | SEQF6976.1 | SEQF6977.1 | SEQF6978.1 | SEQF6979.1 | SEQF6980.1 | SEQF6981.1 | SEQF6982.1 | SEQF6983.1 | SEQF6984.1 | SEQF6985.1 | SEQF6986.1 | SEQF6987.1 | SEQF6988.1 | SEQF6989.1 | SEQF6990.1 | SEQF6991.1 | SEQF6992.1 | SEQF6993.1 | SEQF6994.1 | SEQF6995.1 | SEQF6996.1 | SEQF6997.1 | SEQF6998.1 | SEQF6999.1 | SEQF7000.1 | SEQF7001.1 | SEQF7002.1 | SEQF7003.1 | SEQF7004.1 | SEQF7005.1 | SEQF7006.1 | SEQF7007.1 | SEQF7008.1 | SEQF7009.1 | SEQF7010.1 | SEQF7011.1 | SEQF7012.1 | SEQF7013.1 | SEQF7014.1 | SEQF7015.1 | SEQF7016.1 | SEQF7017.1 | SEQF7018.1 | SEQF7019.1 | SEQF7020.1 | SEQF7021.1 | SEQF7022.1 | SEQF7023.1 | SEQF7024.1 | SEQF7025.1 | SEQF7026.1 | SEQF7027.1 | SEQF7028.1 | SEQF7029.1 | SEQF7030.1 | SEQF7031.1 | SEQF7032.1 | SEQF7033.1 | SEQF7034.1 | SEQF7035.1 | SEQF7036.1 | SEQF7037.1 | SEQF7038.1 | SEQF7039.1 | SEQF7040.1 | SEQF7041.1 | SEQF7042.1 | SEQF7043.1 | SEQF7044.1 | SEQF7045.1 | SEQF7046.1 | SEQF7047.1 | SEQF7048.1 | SEQF7049.1 | SEQF7050.1 | SEQF7051.1 | SEQF7052.1 | SEQF7053.1 | SEQF7054.1 | SEQF7055.1 | SEQF7056.1 | SEQF7057.1 | SEQF7058.1 | SEQF7059.1 | SEQF7060.1 | SEQF7061.1 | SEQF7062.1 | SEQF7063.1 | SEQF7064.1 | SEQF7065.1 | SEQF7066.1 | SEQF7067.1 | SEQF7068.1 | SEQF7069.1 | SEQF7070.1 | SEQF7071.1 | SEQF7072.1 | SEQF7073.1 | SEQF7074.1 | SEQF7075.1 | SEQF7076.1 | SEQF7077.1 | SEQF7078.1 | SEQF7079.1 | SEQF7080.1 | SEQF7081.1 | SEQF7082.1 | SEQF7083.1 | SEQF7084.1 | SEQF7085.1 | SEQF7086.1 | SEQF7087.1 | SEQF7088.1 | SEQF7089.1 | SEQF7090.1 | SEQF7091.1 | SEQF7092.1 | SEQF7093.1 | SEQF7094.1 | SEQF7095.1 | SEQF7096.1 | SEQF7097.1 | SEQF7098.1 Belongs to a phenotypic group called the mutans streptococci which include S. sobrinus S. ferus S. cricetus S. rattus and serotype 'h' [4]. Phylogenetically distinct from other species of Streptococcus. Colonies are whitish about 0.5 to 1 mm that stick to the agar. When media is supplemented with sucrose puddles of liquid (e.g. soluble extracellular polysaccharide) surround the colonies. Facultatively anaerobic Gram positive cocci (0.5 to 0.75 um in diameter) which occurs in pairs or short chains [4] Produces extracellular polysaccharides from sucrose by glucosyltransferase (e.g. glucans) and fructoosyltransferases (e.g. fructans). These polysaccharides promotes binding to cell surfaces. Glucose is fermented to L-lactic acid with no gas. Final pH in glucose broth cultures is 4.0 to 4.3. Growth is not inhibited by lower pH. Strains of S. mutans can be distinguished serologically. Peptidoglycan contains glutamic acid alanine lysine glucosamine adn muranmic acid [4] Commonly detected on human teeth in supragingival plaque and usually associated with caries. Has been isolated from human feces. Strong association with human dental caries considered the primary cause of caries although caries can occur in the absence of S. mutans. Also associated with endodontic lesions odontogenic infections infectious endocarditis and cardiovascular disease [2]Is carogenic in experimental animals (rats hamsters gerbils mice and monkey.Vaccines which target S. mutans are being developed to prevent caries formation [1].
688 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces viscosus Named Oral 0 X82453 Phylum: Actinobacteria 1656 796 145 4947 SEQF8715.1 | SEQF8716.1 | SEQF2689.3 Actinomyces naeslundii II sequences are essentially identical to A. viscosus. The reference strain for this taxon is that for the type strain of A. viscosus which is a hamster isolate. Strains from animals are often different than those from humans however in this case there appear to be a human taxon with high sequence similarity to the hamster strain. The Oral phylotypes 169 170 171 175 176 and 688 cluster together and all are probably members of the species Actinomyces naeslundii (a fuzzy group). At this time the Dewhirst laboratory has not examined whether strains classified as A. naeslundii genospecies 1 or 2 fall consistently into particular phylotypes in this cluster. The taxonomy of this group is is discussed in the references [1-3]. Over the next year we will be sequencing a number of actinomyces strains from the Moores' collection and should be able to clarify these issues.There is a vast literature on Actinomyces naeslundii which we will not attempt to review here. Easily cultivatedMoores' Collection included 34 isolates
Gram positive non-motile bacillusFacultative anaerobe Common member of dental plaque
Appears to contribute to periodontal disease. Can be invasive and cause actinomycotic infections throughout the body. |
689 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium naviforme Named Oral 0 Phylum: Fusobacteria 77917 10 24 0 SEQF3152.1 | SEQF3163.1 | SEQF3164.1
690 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium necrophorum Named Oral 0 AF044948 Acinomyces pseudonecrophorus | Actinomyces necrophorus | Bacillus necrophorus | Bacillus necroseos | Bacillus necrosus | Bacterium necrophorum | Bacteroides necrophorus | Corynebacterium necrophorum | Fusiformis hemolyticus | Fusiformis necrophorus | Necrobacterium necrophorus | Phylum: Fusobacteria | Proactinomyces necrophorus | Sphaerophorus necrophorus | Sphaerophorus pseudonecrophorus | Streptothrix necrophorus | Streptothrix necuphtora 859 957 2541 33356 SEQF10000.1 | SEQF10001.1 | SEQF10002.1 | SEQF10003.1 | SEQF10004.1 | SEQF10005.1 | SEQF10006.1 | SEQF10007.1 | SEQF10008.1 | SEQF10009.1 | SEQF10010.1 | SEQF10011.1 | SEQF10012.1 | SEQF10013.1 | SEQF10014.1 | SEQF10015.1 | SEQF10016.1 | SEQF10017.1 | SEQF2064.1 | SEQF2347.1 | SEQF2389.1 | SEQF2532.2 | SEQF2670.1 | SEQF9976.1 | SEQF9977.1 | SEQF9978.1 | SEQF9979.1 | SEQF9980.1 | SEQF9981.1 | SEQF9982.1 | SEQF9983.1 | SEQF9984.1 | SEQF9985.1 | SEQF9986.1 | SEQF9987.1 | SEQF9988.1 | SEQF9989.1 | SEQF9990.1 | SEQF9991.1 | SEQF9992.1 | SEQF9993.1 | SEQF9994.1 | SEQF9995.1 | SEQF9996.1 | SEQF9997.1 | SEQF9998.1 | SEQF9999.1
691 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Mogibacterium neglectum Named Oral 0 AB037875 Phylum: Firmicutes 114528 2 5 0
692 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Mycobacteriaceae Mycolicibacterium neoaurum Named Unassigned 0 M29564 Phylum: Actinobacteria 1795 65 324 24282 SEQF9734.1 | SEQF9735.1 | SEQF9736.1 | SEQF9737.1 | SEQF9738.1 | SEQF9739.1 | SEQF9740.1 | SEQF9741.1 | SEQF9742.1 | SEQF9743.1 | SEQF9744.1 | SEQF2672.3
693 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella nigrescens Named Oral 0 X73963 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 28133 336 710 14278 SEQF1689.1 | SEQF1893.1 | SEQF2617.1 | SEQF3684.1 | SEQF3685.1 | SEQF3686.1 | SEQF6695.1 | SEQF6696.1 | SEQF6697.1 | SEQF6698.1
694 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-6] [Eubacterium]_nodatum Named Oral 0 Z36274 Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0 SEQF2789.1
698 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium nucleatum Named Oral 0 AJ133496 Phylum: Fusobacteria 76856 18 515 6701 SEQF1078.1 | SEQF2067.1 | SEQF2821.1 | SEQF2822.1 Note: The taxonomy and phylogeny of the Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies and related Fusobacterium periodontium and Fusobacterium naviforme is not well defined. The 16S rRNA sequence information is probably not reliable for putting strains into valid Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies.
700 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga ochracea Named Oral 0 L14635 Bacteroides ochraceus | Fusiformis nucleatus | Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Ristella ochraceus 1018 148 198 12982 SEQF1006.1 | SEQF1008.1 | SEQF2387.1 | SEQF9475.1 | SEQF9476.1 | SEQF9477.1 | SEQF9478.1 | SEQF9479.1 | SEQF9480.1
701 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Schaalia odontolytica Named Oral 0 X80504 Phylum: Actinobacteria 1660 131 173 8748 SEQF7619.1 | SEQF7620.1 | SEQF7621.1 | SEQF7622.1 | SEQF1388.1 | SEQF1657.1 | SEQF2804.1 | SEQF3096.1
703 Bacteria Proteobacteria Deltaproteobacteria Desulfovibrionales Desulfomicrobiaceae Desulfomicrobium orale Named Oral 0 AJ251623 Desulfomicrobium oralis | Phylum: Proteobacteria 132132 3 118 2 SEQF2794.1
704 Bacteria Tenericutes Mollicutes Mycoplasmatales Mycoplasmataceae Mycoplasma orale Named Oral 0 AY796060 Mycoplasma pharyngis | Phylum: Tenericutes | Schizoplasma orale 2121 88 83 539 SEQF2553.1
705 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella oralis Named Oral 0 AY323522 Bacteroides oralis | Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Ristella oralis 28134 39 138 12441 SEQF1988.2 | SEQF2523.1 | SEQF2618.1 | SEQF4327.1 | SEQF4328.1
706 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Kingella oralis Named Oral 0 L06164 Kingella orale | Phylum: Proteobacteria 505 6 121 6317 SEQF1594.1 | SEQF6169.1
707 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus oralis Named Oral 0 AF003932 Phylum: Firmicutes 1303 620 2308 41286 SEQF1917.2 | SEQF1998.1 | SEQF2005.1 | SEQF2023.1 | SEQF2220.2 | SEQF2221.2 | SEQF2340.1 | SEQF2341.1 | SEQF2342.1 | SEQF2343.1 | SEQF2399.1
708 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces oricola Named Unassigned 0 AJ507295 Phylum: Actinobacteria 206043 2 7 0 SEQF3145.1
709 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Limosilactobacillus oris Named Unassigned 0 X94229 Phylum: Firmicutes 1632 12 275 7297 SEQF1856.2 | SEQF1910.1 | SEQF8726.1 | SEQF8727.1 | SEQF8728.1
711 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Moraxella osloensis Named Unassigned 0 X95304 Moraxella Bovre | Phylum: Proteobacteria 34062 64 116 25 SEQF2795.1 | SEQF4592.1 | SEQF4593.1 | SEQF4594.2 | SEQF4595.2 | SEQF4596.2 | SEQF4597.1 | SEQF4598.1 | SEQF4599.1 | SEQF4600.1 | SEQF4601.2 | SEQF4602.1 | SEQF4603.1 | SEQF4604.1 | SEQF4605.1 | SEQF4606.1 | SEQF4607.1 | SEQF4608.1 | SEQF4609.1 | SEQF4610.1 | SEQF4611.1 | SEQF4612.1 | SEQF4613.1 | SEQF4614.1
714 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella pallens Named Oral 0 Y13106 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella intermedia 60133 11 280 5653 SEQF1989.1 | SEQF7275.1 | SEQF7276.1
716 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lacticaseibacillus paracasei Named Oral 0 D79212 Phylum: Firmicutes 1597 542 23841 142644 SEQF7099.1 | SEQF7100.1 | SEQF7101.1 | SEQF7102.1 | SEQF7103.1 | SEQF7104.1 | SEQF7105.1 | SEQF7106.1 | SEQF7107.1 | SEQF7108.1 | SEQF7109.1 | SEQF7110.1 | SEQF7111.1 | SEQF7112.1 | SEQF7113.1 | SEQF7114.1 | SEQF7115.1 | SEQF7116.1 | SEQF7117.1 | SEQF7118.1 | SEQF7119.1 | SEQF7120.1 | SEQF7121.1 | SEQF7122.1 | SEQF7123.1 | SEQF7124.1 | SEQF7125.1 | SEQF7126.1 | SEQF7127.1 | SEQF7128.1 | SEQF7129.1 | SEQF7130.1 | SEQF7131.1 | SEQF7132.1 | SEQF7133.1 | SEQF7134.1 | SEQF7135.1 | SEQF7136.1 | SEQF7137.1 | SEQF7138.1 | SEQF7139.1 | SEQF7140.1 | SEQF7141.1 | SEQF7142.1 | SEQF7143.1 | SEQF7144.1 | SEQF7145.1 | SEQF7146.1 | SEQF1254.1 | SEQF1262.2 | SEQF1777.1 | SEQF2526.1 | SEQF2527.1 | SEQF2528.1
717 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Variovorax paradoxus Named Unassigned 0 D30793 Alcaligenes paradoxus | Phylum: Proteobacteria 34073 70 625 66516 SEQF1395.1 | SEQF2183.1 | SEQF2586.1 | SEQF3742.1 | SEQF3743.1 | SEQF3744.1 | SEQF3745.1 | SEQF3746.1 | SEQF3747.1 | SEQF3748.1 | SEQF3749.1 | SEQF3750.1 | SEQF3751.1 | SEQF3752.1 | SEQF3753.1 | SEQF3754.1 | SEQF3755.1 | SEQF3756.1 | SEQF3757.1 | SEQF3758.1 | SEQF3759.1 | SEQF3760.1 | SEQF3761.1 | SEQF3762.1
718 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus parainfluenzae Named Nasal | Oral 0 EU083530 Phylum: Proteobacteria 729 540 488 18272 SEQF1239.1 | SEQF2077.1 | SEQF2349.1 | SEQF2350.1 | SEQF2941.1 | SEQF2966.1 | SEQF2974.1 | SEQF2976.1 | SEQF2982.1 | SEQF2983.1 | SEQF3011.1 | SEQF3022.1 | SEQF8071.1 | SEQF8072.1 | SEQF8073.1 | SEQF8074.1 | SEQF8075.2 | SEQF8076.1 | SEQF8077.1 | SEQF8078.1 | SEQF8079.1 | SEQF8080.1 | SEQF8081.1 | SEQF8082.1 | SEQF8083.1 | SEQF8084.1 | SEQF8085.1 | SEQF8086.1 | SEQF8087.1 | SEQF8088.1 | SEQF8089.1 | SEQF8090.1 | SEQF8091.1 | SEQF8092.1 | SEQF8093.1 | SEQF8094.1 | SEQF8095.1 | SEQF8096.1 | SEQF8097.1 | SEQF8098.1 | SEQF8099.1 | SEQF8100.1 | SEQF8101.1 | SEQF8102.1 | SEQF8103.1 | SEQF8104.1 | SEQF8105.1 | SEQF8106.1 | SEQF8107.1 | SEQF8108.1 | SEQF8109.1 | SEQF8110.1
720 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Aggregatibacter paraphrophilus Named Oral 0 M75042 Phylum: Proteobacteria 732 3 0 0 SEQF2750.1
721 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus parasanguinis Named Oral 0 AF003933 Streptococcus parasanguis 1318 54 2812 34818 SEQF1885.1 | SEQF1919.2 | SEQF2007.2 | SEQF2222.1 | SEQF2344.1 | SEQF2625.1 | SEQF9102.1 | SEQF9103.1 | SEQF9104.1 | SEQF9105.1 | SEQF9106.1 | SEQF9107.1 | SEQF9108.1 | SEQF9109.1 | SEQF9110.1 | SEQF9111.1 | SEQF9112.1 | SEQF9113.1 | SEQF9114.1 | SEQF9115.1 | SEQF9116.1 | SEQF9117.1 | SEQF9118.1 | SEQF9119.1 | SEQF9120.1 | SEQF9121.1 | SEQF9122.1 | SEQF9123.1 | SEQF9124.1 | SEQF9125.1 | SEQF9126.1 | SEQF9127.1 | SEQF9128.1 | SEQF9129.1 | SEQF9130.1 | SEQF9131.1 | SEQF9132.1 | SEQF9133.1 | SEQF9134.1 | SEQF9135.1 | SEQF9136.1 | SEQF9137.1 | SEQF9138.1 | SEQF9139.1 | SEQF9140.1 | SEQF9141.1 | SEQF9142.1 | SEQF9143.1 | SEQF9144.1 | SEQF9145.1 | SEQF9146.1 | SEQF9147.1 | SEQF9148.1 | SEQF9149.1 | SEQF9150.1 | SEQF9151.1 | SEQF9152.1 | SEQF9153.1 | SEQF9154.1 | SEQF9155.1 | SEQF9156.1 | SEQF9157.1 | SEQF9158.1 | SEQF9159.1 | SEQF9160.1 | SEQF9161.1 | SEQF9162.1 | SEQF9163.1 | SEQF9164.1 | SEQF9165.1 | SEQF9166.1 | SEQF9167.1 | SEQF9168.1 | SEQF9169.1 | SEQF9170.1 | SEQF9171.1 | SEQF9172.1 | SEQF9173.1 | SEQF9174.1 | SEQF9175.1 | SEQF9176.1 | SEQF9177.1 | SEQF9178.1 | SEQF9179.1 | SEQF9180.1 | SEQF9181.1 | SEQF9182.1 | SEQF9183.1 | SEQF9184.1 | SEQF9185.1 | SEQF9186.1 | SEQF9187.1 | SEQF9188.1 | SEQF9189.1 | SEQF9190.1 | SEQF9191.1 | SEQF9192.1 | SEQF9193.1 | SEQF9194.1 | SEQF9195.1
723 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Atopobiaceae Lancefieldella parvula Named Oral 0 AF292372 Peptostreptococcus parvulus | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Streptococcus parvulus 1382 7 127 4067 SEQF1084.1 | SEQF2726.1
724 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema parvum Named Oral 0 AF033304 Phylum: Spirochaetes 138851 5 10 1 SEQF7195.1 | SEQF7196.1 | SEQF7197.1
725 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema pectinovorum Named Oral 0 M71237 Phylum: Spirochaetes 164 30 11 5 SEQF3158.1 | SEQF3165.1 | SEQF3166.1 | SEQF3167.1 | SEQF3168.1
726 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Centipeda periodontii Named Oral 0 AJ010963 Phylum: Firmicutes 82203 11 109 5192 SEQF1958.1
728 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus peroris Named Oral 0 AB008314 Phylum: Firmicutes 68891 3 76 3117 SEQF2000.1
731 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Enterobacteriaceae Klebsiella pneumoniae Named Unassigned 0 Y17657 Bacillus pneumoniae | Bacterium pneumoniae | Hyalococcus pneumoniae | Phylum: Proteobacteria 573 16035 90301 2083384 SEQF1249.1 | SEQF1250.1 | SEQF1715.1 | SEQF1760.1 | SEQF2106.1 | SEQF2107.2 | SEQF6186.1 | SEQF6187.1 | SEQF6188.1 | SEQF6189.3 | SEQF6190.1 | SEQF6191.1 | SEQF6192.1 | SEQF6193.1 | SEQF6194.1 | SEQF6195.1 | SEQF6196.1 | SEQF6197.1 | SEQF6198.1 | SEQF6199.1 | SEQF6200.1 | SEQF6201.1 | SEQF6202.1 | SEQF6203.1 | SEQF6204.1 | SEQF6205.1 | SEQF6206.1 | SEQF6207.1 | SEQF6208.1 | SEQF6209.1 | SEQF6210.1 | SEQF6211.1 | SEQF6212.1 | SEQF6213.1 | SEQF6214.1 | SEQF6215.1 | SEQF6216.1 | SEQF6217.1 | SEQF6218.1 | SEQF6219.1 | SEQF6220.1 | SEQF6221.1 | SEQF6222.1 | SEQF6223.1 | SEQF6224.1 | SEQF6225.1 | SEQF6226.1 | SEQF6227.1 | SEQF6228.2 | SEQF6229.1 | SEQF6230.1 | SEQF6231.1 | SEQF6232.1 | SEQF6233.1 | SEQF6234.1
732 Bacteria Tenericutes Mollicutes Mycoplasmatales Mycoplasmataceae Mycoplasma pneumoniae Named Unassigned 0 M29061 Filterable agent | Phylum: Tenericutes | Schizoplasma pneumoniae 2104 5125 1437 7869 SEQF1271.1 | SEQF2156.1 | SEQF2157.1 | SEQF2571.2 | SEQF3834.1 | SEQF3835.1 | SEQF3836.1 | SEQF3837.1 | SEQF3838.1 | SEQF3839.1 | SEQF3840.1 | SEQF3841.2 | SEQF3842.1 | SEQF3843.1 | SEQF3844.1 | SEQF3845.2 | SEQF3846.1 | SEQF3847.1 | SEQF3848.1 | SEQF3849.1 | SEQF3850.1 | SEQF3851.1 | SEQF3852.1 | SEQF3853.1 | SEQF3854.1 | SEQF3855.1 | SEQF3856.1 | SEQF3857.1 | SEQF3858.1 | SEQF3859.1 | SEQF3860.1 | SEQF3861.1 | SEQF3862.1 | SEQF3863.1 | SEQF3864.1 | SEQF3865.1 | SEQF3866.1 | SEQF3867.1 | SEQF3868.1 | SEQF3869.1 | SEQF3870.1 | SEQF3871.1 | SEQF3872.1 | SEQF3873.1 | SEQF3874.1 | SEQF3875.1 | SEQF3876.1 | SEQF3877.1 | SEQF3878.1 | SEQF3879.1 | SEQF3880.1
733 Bacteria Chlamydiae Chlamydiia Chlamydiales Chlamydiaceae Chlamydia pneumoniae Named Unassigned 0 L06108 Chlamydia pneumoniae | Phylum: Chlamydiae 83558 3652 8505 15754 SEQF1179.2 | SEQF1180.1 | SEQF1181.1 | SEQF1182.1 | SEQF1399.1 | SEQF4729.1 | SEQF4730.1 | SEQF4731.1 | SEQF4732.1 | SEQF4733.1 | SEQF4734.1 | SEQF4735.1 | SEQF4736.1
734 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus pneumoniae Named Nasal 0 AF003930 Diplococcus pneumoniae | Micrococcus pneumoniae | Phylum: Firmicutes 1313 26730 69729 721821 SEQF1059.1 | SEQF1116.1 | SEQF1341.1 | SEQF1342.2 | SEQF1343.1 | SEQF1344.1 | SEQF1345.1 | SEQF1346.1 | SEQF1349.1 | SEQF1400.1 | SEQF1401.1 | SEQF1402.1 | SEQF1403.1 | SEQF1404.1 | SEQF1405.1 | SEQF1406.1 | SEQF1407.1 | SEQF1523.1 | SEQF1524.1 | SEQF1525.1 | SEQF1526.1 | SEQF1527.1 | SEQF1528.1 | SEQF1529.1 | SEQF1530.1 | SEQF1531.1 | SEQF1532.1 | SEQF1536.1 | SEQF1587.1 | SEQF1588.1 | SEQF1589.1 | SEQF1590.1 | SEQF1642.1 | SEQF1726.1 | SEQF1840.1 | SEQF1929.1 | SEQF2226.1 | SEQF2227.2 | SEQF2228.2 | SEQF2229.2 | SEQF2230.2 | SEQF2231.2 | SEQF2232.2 | SEQF2233.2 | SEQF2241.2 | SEQF2302.1 | SEQF2303.2 | SEQF2304.2 | SEQF2305.2 | SEQF2306.2 | SEQF2307.2 | SEQF2308.2 | SEQF9381.1 | SEQF9382.1 | SEQF9383.1 | SEQF9384.1 | SEQF9385.1 | SEQF9386.1 | SEQF9387.1 | SEQF9388.1 | SEQF9389.1 | SEQF9390.1 | SEQF9391.1 | SEQF9392.1 | SEQF9393.1 | SEQF9394.1 | SEQF9395.1 | SEQF9396.1 | SEQF9397.1 | SEQF9398.1 | SEQF9399.1 | SEQF9400.1 | SEQF9401.1 | SEQF9402.1 | SEQF9403.1 | SEQF9404.1 | SEQF9405.1 | SEQF9406.1 | SEQF9407.1 | SEQF9408.1 | SEQF9409.1 | SEQF9410.1 | SEQF9411.1 | SEQF9412.1 | SEQF9413.1 | SEQF9414.1 | SEQF9415.1 | SEQF9416.1 | SEQF9417.1 | SEQF9418.1 | SEQF9419.1 | SEQF9420.1 | SEQF9421.1 | SEQF9422.1
736 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Dialister pneumosintes Named Oral 0 X82500 Bacillus pneumosintes | Bacterium pneumosintes | Bacteroides pneumosintes | Phylum: Firmicutes 39950 57 208 1 SEQF2855.1 | SEQF3833.1
737 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria polysaccharea Named Unassigned 0 L06167 Neisseria polysacchareae | Phylum: Proteobacteria 489 55 934 5839 SEQF1183.1 | SEQF7235.1 | SEQF7236.2 | SEQF7237.1 | SEQF7238.1 | SEQF7239.1
738 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Anaerococcus prevotii Named Unassigned 0 D14139 Micrococcus prevotii | Peptococcus prevotii | Peptostreptococcus prevotii | Phylum: Firmicutes 33034 12 103 8648 SEQF7704.1 | SEQF1083.1 | SEQF2036.2
739 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Propionibacteriales Propionibacteriaceae Arachnia propionica Named Oral 0 AJ315953 Actinomyces propionicus | Arachnia propionica | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Propionibacterium propionicus 1750 23 126 8807 SEQF1678.1 | SEQF3097.1 | SEQF3709.1 | SEQF3710.1 | SEQF5629.1 | SEQF5630.1 | SEQF5631.1 | SEQF5632.1
740 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Pseudomonadaceae Pseudomonas oleovorans Named Unassigned 0 Z76666 Phylum: Proteobacteria 330 204 1017 33778 SEQF2352.3 | SEQF2423.2 | SEQF2714.1 | SEQF9896.1 | SEQF9897.1 | SEQF9898.1 | SEQF9899.1 | SEQF9900.1 | SEQF9901.1 | SEQF9902.1 | SEQF9903.1 | SEQF9904.1 | SEQF9905.1 | SEQF9906.1 | SEQF9907.1 | SEQF9908.1 | SEQF9909.1
742 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Mogibacterium pumilum Named Unassigned 0 AB021701 Phylum: Firmicutes 86332 1 5 0 SEQF2857.1
743 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema putidum Named Oral 0 AY369249 Phylum: Spirochaetes 221027 6 17 10 SEQF2771.1 | SEQF5851.1
745 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus pyogenes Named Oral 0 AB023575 Micrococcus scarlatinae | Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus erysipelatos | Streptococcus hemolyticus | Streptococcus scarlatinae 1314 13690 31374 449746 SEQF1355.1 | SEQF1356.1 | SEQF1357.1 | SEQF1358.1 | SEQF1359.1 | SEQF1360.1 | SEQF1361.2 | SEQF1362.1 | SEQF1363.1 | SEQF1364.1 | SEQF1365.1 | SEQF1380.2 | SEQF1494.1 | SEQF2181.1 | SEQF2242.1 | SEQF2301.1 | SEQF2384.1 | SEQF7424.1 | SEQF7425.1 | SEQF7426.1 | SEQF7427.1 | SEQF7428.1 | SEQF7429.1 | SEQF7430.1 | SEQF7431.1 | SEQF7432.1 | SEQF7433.1 | SEQF7434.1 | SEQF7435.1 | SEQF7436.1 | SEQF7437.1 | SEQF7438.1 | SEQF7439.1 | SEQF7440.1 | SEQF7441.1 | SEQF7442.1 | SEQF7443.1 | SEQF7444.1 | SEQF7445.1 | SEQF7446.1 | SEQF7447.1 | SEQF7448.1 | SEQF7449.1 | SEQF7450.1 | SEQF7451.1 | SEQF7452.1 | SEQF7453.1 | SEQF7454.1 | SEQF7455.1 | SEQF7456.1 | SEQF7457.1 | SEQF7458.1 | SEQF7459.1 | SEQF7460.1 | SEQF7461.1 | SEQF7462.1 | SEQF7463.1 | SEQF7464.1 | SEQF7465.1 | SEQF7466.1 | SEQF7467.2 | SEQF7468.1 | SEQF7469.1 | SEQF7470.1 | SEQF7471.1 | SEQF7472.1
746 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces radicidentis Named Unassigned 0 AJ251986 Phylum: Actinobacteria 111015 8 3 0 SEQF2781.1
747 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Sphingomonadales Erythrobacteraceae Erythrobacter ramosus Named Unassigned 0 AF465837 Phylum: Proteobacteria 35811 3 14 3 SEQF10210.1 | SEQF3151.1
748 Bacteria Proteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacterales Campylobacteraceae Campylobacter rectus Named Oral 0 L06973 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Wolinella recta 203 358 243 5923 SEQF1575.1 | SEQF6953.1 | SEQF6954.1 | SEQF6955.1
749 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus Named Oral 0 AF243146 Lactobacillus casei | Phylum: Firmicutes 47715 1391 6902 83494 SEQF1257.2 | SEQF1717.1 | SEQF1718.1 | SEQF1781.1 | SEQF2114.1 | SEQF2117.1 | SEQF2118.2 | SEQF2119.2 | SEQF2499.1 | SEQF2500.1 | SEQF2568.1 | SEQF2569.1 | SEQF5756.1 | SEQF5757.1 | SEQF5758.1 | SEQF5759.1 | SEQF5760.1 | SEQF5761.1 | SEQF5762.1 | SEQF5763.1 | SEQF5764.1 | SEQF5765.1 | SEQF5766.1 | SEQF5767.1 | SEQF5768.1 | SEQF5769.1 | SEQF5770.1 | SEQF5771.1 | SEQF5772.1 | SEQF5773.1 | SEQF5774.1 | SEQF5775.2 | SEQF5776.1 | SEQF5777.1 | SEQF5778.1 | SEQF5779.1 | SEQF5780.1 | SEQF5781.1 | SEQF5782.1 | SEQF5783.1 | SEQF5784.1 | SEQF5785.1 | SEQF5786.1 | SEQF5787.1 | SEQF5788.1 | SEQF5789.1 | SEQF5790.1 | SEQF5791.1 | SEQF5792.1 | SEQF5793.1 | SEQF5794.1 | SEQF5795.1 | SEQF5796.1 | SEQF5797.1 | SEQF5798.1 | SEQF5799.1
750 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Atopobiaceae Lancefieldella rimae Named Oral 0 AF292371 Lactobacillus rimae | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1383 10 196 3084 SEQF1003.1 | SEQF2780.1
753 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Enterobacteriaceae Cronobacter sakazakii Named Unassigned 0 AB004746 Cronobacter sakazakii | Phylum: Proteobacteria | yellow -pigmented Enterobacter cloacae 28141 409 6505 77306 SEQF1185.1 | SEQF2669.1 | SEQF2690.1 | SEQF2691.1 | SEQF2692.1 | SEQF4811.3 | SEQF4812.1 | SEQF4813.2 | SEQF4814.1 | SEQF4815.1 | SEQF4816.1 | SEQF4817.1 | SEQF4818.1 | SEQF4819.1 | SEQF4820.1 | SEQF4821.1 | SEQF4822.1 | SEQF4823.1 | SEQF4824.1 | SEQF4825.1 | SEQF4826.1 | SEQF4827.1 | SEQF4828.1 | SEQF4829.1 | SEQF4830.1 | SEQF4831.1 | SEQF4832.1 | SEQF4833.1 | SEQF4834.1 | SEQF4835.1 | SEQF4836.1 | SEQF4837.1 | SEQF4838.1 | SEQF4839.1 | SEQF4840.1 | SEQF4841.1 | SEQF4842.1 | SEQF4843.1 | SEQF4844.1 | SEQF4845.1 | SEQF4846.1 | SEQF4847.1 | SEQF4848.1 | SEQF4849.1 | SEQF4850.1 | SEQF4851.1 | SEQF4852.1 | SEQF4853.1 | SEQF4854.1 | SEQF4855.1 | SEQF4856.1
754 Bacteria Tenericutes Mollicutes Mycoplasmatales Mycoplasmataceae Mycoplasma salivarium Named Oral 0 AF125583 Asterococcus salivarius | Phylum: Tenericutes | Schizoplasma salivarium 2124 89 77 604 SEQF2607.1
755 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus salivarius Named Oral 0 M58839 Phylum: Firmicutes 1304 821 1114 34851 SEQF1366.1 | SEQF1367.1 | SEQF1843.1 | SEQF2006.2 | SEQF2345.2 | SEQF2346.1 | SEQF2400.1 | SEQF2913.1 | SEQF8387.1 | SEQF8388.1 | SEQF8389.1 | SEQF8390.2 | SEQF8391.2 | SEQF8392.1 | SEQF8393.1 | SEQF8394.1 | SEQF8395.1 | SEQF8396.1 | SEQF8397.1 | SEQF8398.1 | SEQF8399.1 | SEQF8400.1 | SEQF8401.1 | SEQF8402.2 | SEQF8403.1 | SEQF8404.1 | SEQF8405.1 | SEQF8406.1 | SEQF8407.1 | SEQF8408.1 | SEQF8409.1 | SEQF8410.1 | SEQF8411.1 | SEQF8412.1 | SEQF8413.1 | SEQF8414.1 | SEQF8415.1 | SEQF8416.1 | SEQF8417.1 | SEQF8418.1 | SEQF8419.1 | SEQF8420.1 | SEQF8421.1 | SEQF8422.1 | SEQF8423.1 | SEQF8424.1 | SEQF8425.1 | SEQF8426.1 | SEQF8427.1 | SEQF8428.1 | SEQF8429.1 | SEQF8430.1 | SEQF8431.2 | SEQF8432.1 | SEQF8433.1 | SEQF8434.1 | SEQF8435.1 | SEQF8436.1 | SEQF8437.1 | SEQF8438.1 | SEQF8439.1 | SEQF8440.1 | SEQF8441.1 | SEQF8442.1 | SEQF8443.1 | SEQF8444.1 | SEQF8445.1 | SEQF8446.1 | SEQF8447.1 | SEQF8448.1 | SEQF8449.1 | SEQF8450.1 | SEQF8451.1 | SEQF8452.1 | SEQF8453.1 | SEQF8454.1 | SEQF8455.1 | SEQF8456.1 | SEQF8457.1 | SEQF8458.1 | SEQF8459.1 | SEQF8460.1 | SEQF8461.1 | SEQF8462.1 | SEQF8463.1 | SEQF8464.1 | SEQF8465.1 | SEQF8466.1 | SEQF8467.1 | SEQF8468.1 | SEQF8469.1 | SEQF8470.1 | SEQF8471.1 | SEQF8472.1 | SEQF8473.1 | SEQF8474.1 | SEQF8475.1 | SEQF8476.1 | SEQF8477.1 | SEQF8478.1 | SEQF8479.1 | SEQF8480.1 | SEQF8481.1 | SEQF8482.1 | SEQF8483.1 | SEQF8484.1 | SEQF8485.1 | SEQF8486.1 | SEQF8487.1 | SEQF8488.1 | SEQF8489.1 | SEQF8490.1 | SEQF8491.1 | SEQF8492.1 | SEQF8493.1 | SEQF8494.1 | SEQF8495.1 | SEQF8496.1 | SEQF8497.1 | SEQF8498.1 | SEQF8499.1 | SEQF8500.1 | SEQF8501.1 | SEQF8502.1 | SEQF8503.1 | SEQF8504.1 | SEQF8505.1 | SEQF8506.1 | SEQF8507.1 | SEQF8508.1 | SEQF8509.1 | SEQF8510.1 | SEQF8511.1 | SEQF8512.1 | SEQF8513.2 | SEQF8514.1 | SEQF8515.1 | SEQF8516.1 | SEQF8517.1 | SEQF8518.2 | SEQF8519.1 | SEQF8520.1 | SEQF8521.1 | SEQF8522.1 | SEQF8523.1 | SEQF8524.1 | SEQF8525.1 | SEQF8526.1 | SEQF8527.1 | SEQF8528.1 | SEQF8529.1 | SEQF8530.1 | SEQF8531.1 | SEQF8532.1 | SEQF8533.1 | SEQF8534.1 | SEQF8535.1 | SEQF8536.1 | SEQF8537.1 | SEQF8538.1 | SEQF8539.1 | SEQF8540.1 | SEQF8541.1 | SEQF8542.1 | SEQF8543.1 | SEQF8544.1 | SEQF8545.1 | SEQF8546.1 | SEQF8547.2 | SEQF8548.1 | SEQF8549.1 | SEQF8550.1 | SEQF8551.1 | SEQF8552.1 | SEQF8553.1 | SEQF8554.1 | SEQF8555.1 | SEQF8556.1 | SEQF8557.1 | SEQF8558.1 | SEQF8559.1 | SEQF8560.1 | SEQF8561.1 | SEQF8562.1 | SEQF8563.1 | SEQF8564.1 | SEQF8565.1 | SEQF8566.1 | SEQF8567.1 | SEQF8568.1 | SEQF8569.1 | SEQF8570.1 | SEQF8571.1 | SEQF8572.1 | SEQF8573.1 | SEQF8574.1 | SEQF8575.1 | SEQF8576.1 | SEQF8577.1 | SEQF8578.1 | SEQF8579.2 | SEQF8580.1 | SEQF8581.1
756 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Ligilactobacillus salivarius Named Oral 0 AF089108 Phylum: Firmicutes 1624 343 1203 29214 SEQF8163.1 | SEQF8164.1 | SEQF8165.1 | SEQF8166.1 | SEQF8167.1 | SEQF8168.1 | SEQF8169.1 | SEQF8170.1 | SEQF8171.1 | SEQF8172.1 | SEQF8173.1 | SEQF8174.1 | SEQF8175.1 | SEQF8176.1 | SEQF8177.1 | SEQF8178.1 | SEQF8179.1 | SEQF8180.1 | SEQF8181.1 | SEQF8182.1 | SEQF8183.1 | SEQF8184.1 | SEQF8185.1 | SEQF8186.1 | SEQF8187.1 | SEQF8188.1 | SEQF8189.1 | SEQF8190.1 | SEQF8191.1 | SEQF8192.1 | SEQF8193.1 | SEQF8194.1 | SEQF8195.1 | SEQF8196.1 | SEQF8197.1 | SEQF8198.1 | SEQF8199.1 | SEQF8200.1 | SEQF8201.1 | SEQF8202.1 | SEQF8203.1 | SEQF8204.1 | SEQF8205.1 | SEQF8206.1 | SEQF8207.1 | SEQF8208.1 | SEQF8209.1 | SEQF1259.1 | SEQF1782.1 | SEQF1966.1 | SEQF2120.1 | SEQF2121.2 | SEQF2122.2 | SEQF2328.1 | SEQF2628.1
757 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Gemellaceae Gemella sanguinis Named Oral 0 AY005051 Phylum: Firmicutes 84135 13 193 4756 SEQF2071.2 | SEQF4140.1 | SEQF4141.1 | SEQF4142.1 | SEQF4143.1 | SEQF4144.1
758 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus sanguinis Named Oral 0 ATCC 10556 | NCTC7863 AF003928 Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus sanguinis | Streptococcus sanguis ss. carlssonii 1305 303 2034 84592 SEQF1070.1 | SEQF2008.1 | SEQF2009.1 | SEQF2010.1 | SEQF2011.1 | SEQF2012.1 | SEQF2013.1 | SEQF2014.1 | SEQF2015.1 | SEQF2016.1 | SEQF2017.1 | SEQF2018.1 | SEQF2479.1 | SEQF5679.1 | SEQF5680.1 | SEQF5681.1 | SEQF5682.1 | SEQF5683.1 | SEQF5684.1 | SEQF5685.1 | SEQF5686.1 | SEQF5687.1 | SEQF5688.1 | SEQF5689.1 | SEQF5690.1 | SEQF5691.1 | SEQF5692.1 | SEQF5693.1 | SEQF5694.1 | SEQF5695.1 | SEQF5696.1 | SEQF5697.1 | SEQF5698.1 | SEQF5699.1 | SEQF5700.1 | SEQF5701.1 | SEQF5702.1 | SEQF5703.1 | SEQF5704.1 | SEQF5705.1 | SEQF5706.1 | SEQF5707.1 | SEQF5708.1 | SEQF5709.1 | SEQF5710.1 | SEQF5711.1 | SEQF5712.1 | SEQF5713.1 | SEQF5714.1 | SEQF5715.1 | SEQF5716.1 | SEQF5717.1 | SEQF5718.1 | SEQF5719.1 | SEQF5720.1 | SEQF5721.1 | SEQF5722.1 | SEQF5723.1 | SEQF5724.1 | SEQF5725.1 | SEQF5726.1 | SEQF5727.1 | SEQF5728.1 | SEQF5729.1 | SEQF5730.1 | SEQF5731.1 | SEQF5732.1 | SEQF5733.1 | SEQF5734.1 | SEQF5735.1 | SEQF5736.1 | SEQF5737.1 | SEQF5738.1 | SEQF5739.1 | SEQF5740.1 | SEQF5741.1 | SEQF5742.1 | SEQF5743.1 | SEQF5744.1 | SEQF5745.1 | SEQF5746.1 | SEQF5747.1 | SEQF5748.1 | SEQF5749.1 | SEQF5750.1 | SEQF5751.1 | SEQF5752.1 | SEQF5753.1 | SEQF5754.1 | SEQF5755.1 Viridans type of streptococci has had taxonomic revisions [15]. Previously designated as strains of Streptococcus sanguis subsp. carlssonii. Will also see in the literature as Streptococcus sanguinis a proposed name change. Alpha-hemolytic colonies (0.7- 1.2 mm diameter) on blood agar and extensive greening on chocolate agar [56]. Facultatively anaerobic Gram positive cocci approximately 1 um in diameter that grow in short chains in broth cultures. Carbohydrates are femented primarily to lactic acid and no gas. Catalase negative. Cell wall contains glycerol teichoic acid and rhamnose. Peptidoglycan type is Lys-Ala1-3 [56]S. sanguis is similar to S. gordonii but can be differentiated based on the following; DNA homology higher G+C content of the DNA (46 vs 42 mol%) doesn't ferment amygdalin lacks alkaline phosphatase and B-glucosaminidase activities has IgA1 protease activity and by multilocus enzyme analysis [56].4 biovars of S. sanguis differ biochemically and serologically but all biovars possess the group H antigen [5] Commonly found in the human oral cavity and throat. Has been isolated from blood and heart valves of patients with bacterial endocarditis. May be found occasionally in human feces
Generally associated with healthy oral microflora but has been associated with intact enamel in children with no caries [2]. However it has been suggested that it may play a role in caries production [3].Has also been associated with infective endocarditis and sinusitis. S. sanguis and other oral species have been linked to Behcet's disease a systemic disorder of recurrent acute inflammation including oral aphthous ulcers uveitis skin lesions and genital ulcers [4]
759 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-5] [Eubacterium]_saphenum Named Oral 0 U65987 Eubacterium saphenus | Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0 SEQF1017.1
762 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Aggregatibacter segnis Named Oral 0 M75043 Haemophilus segnis | Phylum: Proteobacteria 739 3 107 3874 SEQF1957.1 | SEQF6386.1 | SEQF6387.1 | SEQF6388.1 | SEQF6389.1 | SEQF6390.1 | SEQF6391.1 | SEQF6392.1 | SEQF6393.1
763 Bacteria Proteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacterales Campylobacteraceae Campylobacter showae Named Oral 0 ATCC 51146 L06974 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Wolinella curva ss intermedium[5] | Wolinella X[3] 204 18 795 13910 SEQF1731.1 | SEQF2416.1 | SEQF2476.2 | SEQF9424.1 | SEQF9425.1 | SEQF9426.1 | SEQF9427.1 | SEQF9428.1 | SEQF9429.1 | SEQF9430.1 | SEQF9431.1 | SEQF9432.1 Campylobacter showae is a common member of the human oral microbiome. Grows best on media containing formate and fumarate. Will grow anaerobically in 80% N2 10% CO2 10% H2 or in a jar under microaerophilic conditions provided by a hydrogen and carbon dioxide generator such as GasPack. Gram-negative motile straight rods. Cells are 0.5 to 0.8 um wide and 2 to 5 um long with round ends and two to five unipolar flagella. The flagella are unsheathed. In general C. showae strains are catalase positive while C. rectus strains are catalase negative. The G + C content of the DNA is 44-46%. We find that C. showae is more common in our periodontal clone libraries than C. rectus. Prior to the recognition that the species C. showae is distinct from C. rectus in 1993 [1] isolates of either species would have been called C. rectus. Campylobacter showae is part of Socransky's Orange Complex of organisms which are associated with periodontal disease [2].
764 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria sicca Named Oral 0 AJ239292 Diplococcos pharyngis | Diplococcus siccus | Phylum: Proteobacteria 490 110 1955 16399 SEQF8113.1 | SEQF8114.1 | SEQF8115.1 | SEQF8116.2 | SEQF8117.1 | SEQF8118.1 | SEQF8119.1 | SEQF8120.1 | SEQF8121.1 | SEQF8122.1 | SEQF8123.1 | SEQF8124.1 | SEQF8125.2 | SEQF8126.1 | SEQF1264.1 | SEQF2351.1
767 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus sinensis Named Oral 0 AF432856 Phylum: Firmicutes 176090 8 110 47 SEQF2766.1 | SEQF8220.2 | SEQF8221.1
768 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus sobrinus Named Oral 0 AJ243966 Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus mutans 1310 886 33811 30505 SEQF2247.2 | SEQF2517.1 | SEQF6580.1 | SEQF6581.1 | SEQF6582.1 | SEQF6583.1 | SEQF6584.1 | SEQF6585.1 | SEQF6586.2 | SEQF6587.2 | SEQF6588.2 | SEQF6589.2 | SEQF6590.2 | SEQF6591.2 | SEQF6592.2 | SEQF6593.2 | SEQF6594.2 | SEQF6595.2 | SEQF6596.2 | SEQF6597.2 | SEQF6598.2 | SEQF6599.2 | SEQF6600.2 | SEQF6601.2 | SEQF6602.2 | SEQF6603.2 | SEQF6604.2 | SEQF6605.2 | SEQF6606.2 | SEQF6607.2 | SEQF6608.2 | SEQF6609.1 | SEQF6610.2 | SEQF6611.2 | SEQF6612.2 | SEQF6613.1 | SEQF6614.2 | SEQF6615.2 | SEQF6616.2 | SEQF6617.2 | SEQF6618.2 | SEQF6619.2 | SEQF6620.2 | SEQF6621.2 | SEQF6622.2 | SEQF6623.2 | SEQF6624.2 | SEQF6625.2 | SEQF6626.2 | SEQF6627.2
769 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema socranskii Named Oral 0 ATCC 35536 AF033308 Phylum: Spirochaetes | Treponema socranskii subsp. 04 | Treponema socranskii subsp. A | Treponema socranskii subsp. B | Treponema socranskii subsp. buccale | Treponema socranskii subsp. paredis | Treponema socranskii subsp. socranskii 53419 77 468 13189 SEQF1942.1 | SEQF2757.1 | SEQF6959.1 | SEQF6960.1 There are reference sequences for each of the six subspecies.
775 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sputigena Named Oral 0 X67609 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 1019 102 194 5268 SEQF9890.1 | SEQF9891.1 | SEQF9892.1 | SEQF9893.1 | SEQF9894.1 | SEQF9895.1 | SEQF1576.1
776 Bacteria Proteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacterales Campylobacteraceae Campylobacter sputorum Named Unassigned 0 AF022768 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Vibrio sputorum 206 73 65 25 SEQF3088.1 | SEQF9884.1 | SEQF9885.1 | SEQF9886.1 | SEQF9887.1 | SEQF9888.1
777 Bacteria Synergistetes Synergistia Synergistales Synergistaceae Jonquetella anthropi Named Oral 0 CCUG 53819 | CIP 109408 AF481216 Phylum: Synergistetes 428712 5 67 4912 SEQF1612.1 | SEQF2078.1 N/A Strains form small (c 0.5 mm in diameter) colonies on Columbia sheep blood agar after 5 days incubation [1]. Strains are asaccharolytic and generally unreactive in biochemical tests. Gas is not produced. Metabolic end-products of metabolism are acetate propionate and isovalerate. The major cellular fatty acids are iso-C15:0 and C16:0. The mol % G+C content of the DNA is 59.4 [1]. Found in the human mouth Has been isolated from an endodontic infection and clinical samples obtained from breast and pelvic abscesses peritoneal fluid and a sebaceous cyst.
780 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Veillonella sp._HMT_780 Unnamed Oral 0 DQ087189 Phylum: Firmicutes 671229 0 182 3172 SEQF1859.2 | SEQF4118.1 | SEQF4119.1 | SEQF4120.1 | SEQF4121.1 | SEQF4122.1 | SEQF4123.1 | SEQF4124.1 | SEQF4125.1 | SEQF4126.1 | SEQF4127.1 | SEQF4128.1 | SEQF4129.1 | SEQF4130.1 | SEQF4131.1 | SEQF4132.1
781 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella saccharolytica Named Oral 0 TBS Phylum: Bacteroidetes 633701 1 484 6843 SEQF1946.2 | SEQF2685.1
782 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella fusca Named Oral 0 CCUG 57946 | DSM 22504 | JCM 17724 | W1435 AB683252 | FJ545433 F0012 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella genomosp. T2 Strain W1435 | Prevotella sp. oral taxon 782 589436 1 243 1937 SEQF2678.1 | SEQF2753.1 | SEQF3699.1 Prevotella fusca sp. nov. and Prevotella scopos sp. nov. isolated from the human oral cavity. PMID: 20495041
785 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas uenonis Named Unassigned 0 TBS [AY570514] Phylum: Bacteroidetes 281920 2 818 5789 SEQF1796.1 | SEQF2674.1
786 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Paenibacillaceae Paenibacillus phoenicis Named Unassigned 0 NBRC 106274 TBS [AM283040] Phylum: Firmicutes 554117 0 453 8596 SEQF1658.1
787 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Bacteroidaceae Bacteroides pyogenes Named Unassigned 0 F0041 AB200228 Bacteroides tectum | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 310300 6 961 19709 SEQF2453.1 | SEQF2665.1 | SEQF2666.1 | SEQF2667.1 | SEQF2668.1 | SEQF7383.1 | SEQF7384.1 | SEQF7385.1 | SEQF7386.1 | SEQF7387.1 | SEQF7388.1 | SEQF7389.1 | SEQF7390.1 | SEQF7391.1 | SEQF7392.1 | SEQF7393.1 | SEQF7394.1 | SEQF7395.1 | SEQF7396.1 | SEQF7397.1 | SEQF7398.1 | SEQF7399.1 | SEQF7400.1 | SEQF7401.1 | SEQF7402.1 | SEQF7403.1 | SEQF7404.1
788 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Anaerococcus tetradius Named Unassigned 0 AF542234 Gaffkya anaerobius | Peptostreptococcus tetradius | Phylum: Firmicutes | Tetracoccus anaerobius 33036 3 358 4110 SEQF7734.1 | SEQF1728.1
790 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Peptoniphilaceae_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_790 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY134899 Phylum: Firmicutes 1570339 0 0 0
794 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella multisaccharivorax Named Unassigned 0 AB200414 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 310514 4 48 5383 SEQF1987.1
795 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella shahii Named Oral 0 AB108825 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 228603 4 290 2052 SEQF2687.1
801 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus casseliflavus Named Unassigned 0 AF039899 Enterococcus flavescens | Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus casseliflavus | Streptococcus faecium 37734 207 1167 39569 SEQF1734.1 | SEQF1961.1 | SEQF2549.1 | SEQF3927.2 | SEQF3928.1 | SEQF3929.1 | SEQF3930.1 | SEQF3931.1 | SEQF3932.1 | SEQF3933.1 | SEQF3934.1 | SEQF3935.1 | SEQF3936.1 | SEQF3937.1 | SEQF3938.1 | SEQF3939.1 | SEQF3940.1 | SEQF3941.1 | SEQF3942.1 | SEQF3943.1 | SEQF3944.1 | SEQF3945.1 | SEQF3946.1 | SEQF3947.1 | SEQF3948.1 | SEQF3949.1 | SEQF3950.1 | SEQF3951.1 | SEQF3952.1 | SEQF3953.1 | SEQF3954.1 | SEQF3955.1 | SEQF3956.1 | SEQF3957.1 | SEQF3958.1 | SEQF3959.1 | SEQF3960.1 | SEQF3961.1 | SEQF3962.1 | SEQF3963.1 | SEQF3964.1 | SEQF3965.1 | SEQF3966.1 | SEQF3967.1 | SEQF3968.1 | SEQF3969.1 | SEQF3970.1 | SEQF3971.1 | SEQF3972.1 | SEQF3973.1 | SEQF3974.1 | SEQF3975.1
802 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus saccharolyticus Named Unassigned 0 AF061004 Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus saccharolyticus 41997 17 174 11982 SEQF2060.1 | SEQF2533.1 | SEQF3718.1 | SEQF3719.1
803 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus italicus Named Unassigned 0 CCUG 50447 | DSM 15952 AJ626902 Enterococcus saccharomininmus | Phylum: Firmicutes 246144 17 431 4785 SEQF2019.1 | SEQF4750.1 | SEQF4751.1 | SEQF4752.1 | SEQF4753.1 | SEQF4754.1 According to Naser et al. 2006 Enterococcus saccharominimus Vancanneyt et al. 2004 is a later heterotypic synonym of Enterococcus italicus Fortina et al. 2004. The GenBank reference is somewhat confusing as it has E. Saccharominimus in the header.
804 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Lactococcus lactis Named Oral 0 M58837 Bacterium lacti | Bacterium lactis | Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus lactis 1358 4733 14041 130303 SEQF1482.1 | SEQF1500.1 | SEQF1501.1 | SEQF1719.1 | SEQF2150.1 | SEQF2151.1 | SEQF2152.1 | SEQF2374.1 | SEQF2473.1 | SEQF2559.1 | SEQF2560.1 | SEQF2561.1 | SEQF2570.1 | SEQF6742.1 | SEQF6743.1 | SEQF6744.1 | SEQF6745.1 | SEQF6746.2 | SEQF6747.1 | SEQF6748.1 | SEQF6749.1 | SEQF6750.1 | SEQF6751.1 | SEQF6752.1 | SEQF6753.1 | SEQF6754.1 | SEQF6755.1 | SEQF6756.2 | SEQF6757.1 | SEQF6758.1 | SEQF6759.2 | SEQF6760.1 | SEQF6761.1 | SEQF6762.1 | SEQF6763.1 | SEQF6764.1 | SEQF6765.1 | SEQF6766.2 | SEQF6767.1 | SEQF6768.1 | SEQF6769.1 | SEQF6770.3 | SEQF6771.3 | SEQF6772.1 | SEQF6773.1 | SEQF6774.1 | SEQF6775.1 | SEQF6776.1 | SEQF6777.1 | SEQF6778.1 | SEQF6779.2 | SEQF6780.1 | SEQF6781.1
805 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema pallidum Named Unassigned 0 M88726 Microspironema pallidum | Phylum: Spirochaetes | Spirillum pallidum | Spirochaeta pallida | Spironema pallidum 160 4644 1574 28211 SEQF8027.1 | SEQF8028.1 | SEQF8029.1 | SEQF8030.1 | SEQF8031.1 | SEQF8032.1 | SEQF8033.1 | SEQF8034.1 | SEQF8035.1 | SEQF8036.1 | SEQF8037.1 | SEQF8038.1 | SEQF8039.1 | SEQF8040.1 | SEQF8041.1 | SEQF8042.1 | SEQF8043.1 | SEQF8044.1 | SEQF8045.1 | SEQF8046.1 | SEQF8047.1 | SEQF8048.1 | SEQF8049.1 | SEQF8050.1 | SEQF8051.1 | SEQF8052.1 | SEQF8053.1 | SEQF8054.1 | SEQF8055.1 | SEQF8056.1 | SEQF8057.1 | SEQF8058.1 | SEQF8059.1 | SEQF8060.1 | SEQF8061.1 | SEQF8062.1 | SEQF8063.1 | SEQF8064.1 | SEQF8065.1 | SEQF8066.1 | SEQF8067.1 | SEQF8068.1 | SEQF8069.1 | SEQF8070.1 | SEQF1062.1 | SEQF1326.1 | SEQF1328.1 | SEQF1350.1 | SEQF1419.1 | SEQF1499.1 | SEQF2182.1 | SEQF2429.1 | SEQF2545.1
806 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Atopobiaceae Olsenella profusa Named Oral 0 AF292374 Phylum: Actinobacteria 138595 5 189 5299 SEQF1933.1
807 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Atopobiaceae Olsenella sp._HMT_807 Unnamed Oral 0 EU592964 F0004 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 712411 0 8 0 SEQF2751.2
808 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Tannerellaceae Tannerella sp._HMT_808 Phylotype Oral 0 AF385565 Oral Clone BU045 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 712711 0 1 0 SEQF3104.1 | SEQF3105.1 | SEQF3106.1
809 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Atopobiaceae Olsenella sp._HMT_809 Unnamed Unassigned 0 EU592965 F0206 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 661086 0 26 3793 SEQF1670.1
810 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Coriobacteriaceae Olegusella massiliensis Unnamed Unassigned 0 EU592966 Phylum: Actinobacteria 1776381 0 148 3808 SEQF2455.1 | SEQF8218.1 | SEQF8219.1
811 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Arcanobacterium haemolyticum Named Unassigned 0 AJ234059 Corynebacterium haemolyticum | Phylum: Actinobacteria 28264 139 57 5200 SEQF9870.1 | SEQF9871.1 | SEQF9872.1 | SEQF1187.1
812 Bacteria Proteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacterales Helicobacteraceae Helicobacter pylori Named Unassigned 0 M88157 Campylobacter pylori | Campylobacter pyloridis | Helicobacter nemestrinae | Phylum: Proteobacteria 210 35037 72916 807555 SEQF10107.1 | SEQF10108.1 | SEQF10109.1 | SEQF10110.1 | SEQF10111.1 | SEQF10112.1 | SEQF10113.1 | SEQF10114.1 | SEQF10115.1 | SEQF10116.1 | SEQF10117.1 | SEQF10118.1 | SEQF10119.1 | SEQF10120.1 | SEQF10121.1 | SEQF10122.1 | SEQF10123.1 | SEQF10124.1 | SEQF10125.1 | SEQF10126.1 | SEQF10127.3 | SEQF10128.1 | SEQF10129.1 | SEQF10130.1 | SEQF10131.3 | SEQF10132.1 | SEQF10133.1 | SEQF10134.1 | SEQF10135.1 | SEQF10136.1 | SEQF10137.1 | SEQF10138.2 | SEQF10139.1 | SEQF10140.1 | SEQF10141.1 | SEQF10142.1 | SEQF10143.1 | SEQF10144.2 | SEQF10145.1 | SEQF10146.1 | SEQF10147.1 | SEQF10148.1 | SEQF10149.1 | SEQF10150.1 | SEQF10151.1 | SEQF10152.1 | SEQF10153.1 | SEQF1119.1 | SEQF1240.1 | SEQF1243.1 | SEQF1244.1 | SEQF1245.1 | SEQF1351.1 | SEQF1352.1 | SEQF1643.1 | SEQF1644.1 | SEQF1714.1 | SEQF2409.1 | SEQF2410.1
813 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Carnobacteriaceae Dolosigranulum pigrum Named Nasal 0 X70907 Phylum: Firmicutes 29394 18 32 3381 SEQF2059.1 | SEQF7330.1 | SEQF7331.1 | SEQF7332.1 | SEQF7333.1 | SEQF7334.1 | SEQF7335.1 | SEQF7336.1 | SEQF7337.1 | SEQF7338.1 | SEQF7339.1 | SEQF7340.1 | SEQF7341.1 | SEQF7342.1 | SEQF7343.1 | SEQF7344.1 | SEQF7345.2 | SEQF7346.1 | SEQF7347.2 | SEQF7348.1 | SEQF7349.1 | SEQF7350.1 | SEQF7351.1 | SEQF7352.1 | SEQF7353.1 | SEQF7354.1 | SEQF7355.1 | SEQF7356.1 | SEQF7357.1 | SEQF7358.1 | SEQF7359.1 | SEQF7360.1
814 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Coriobacteriaceae Fannyhessea vaginae Named Unassigned 0 AF325325 Phylum: Actinobacteria 82135 75 232 5167 SEQF1729.2 | SEQF2037.1 | SEQF5312.1 | SEQF5313.1 | SEQF5314.1 | SEQF5315.1 | SEQF5316.1
815 Archaea Euryarchaeota Methanobacteria Methanobacteriales Methanobacteriaceae Methanobrevibacter oralis Named Oral 0 66851 24 94 4 SEQF2671.1 | SEQF3102.1 | SEQF3103.1 | SEQF9759.1 | SEQF9760.1
816 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Limosilactobacillus coleohominis Named Unassigned 0 AM113776 Lactobacillus coleohominis | Phylum: Firmicutes 181675 0 78 3304 SEQF1922.1 | SEQF5318.1 | SEQF5319.1
817 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactobacillus crispatus Named Oral 0 Y17362 Eubacterium crispatum | Phylum: Firmicutes 47770 202 3263 40308 SEQF1368.1 | SEQF1930.1 | SEQF2084.1 | SEQF2420.1 | SEQF2421.1 | SEQF4675.1 | SEQF4676.1 | SEQF4677.1 | SEQF4678.1 | SEQF4679.1 | SEQF4680.1 | SEQF4681.1 | SEQF4682.1 | SEQF4683.3 | SEQF4684.1 | SEQF4685.1 | SEQF4686.1 | SEQF4687.1 | SEQF4688.1 | SEQF4689.1 | SEQF4690.1 | SEQF4691.1 | SEQF4692.1 | SEQF4693.1 | SEQF4694.1 | SEQF4695.1 | SEQF4696.1 | SEQF4697.1 | SEQF4698.1 | SEQF4699.1 | SEQF4700.1 | SEQF4701.1 | SEQF4702.1 | SEQF4703.1 | SEQF4704.1 | SEQF4705.1 | SEQF4706.1 | SEQF4707.1 | SEQF4708.1 | SEQF4709.1 | SEQF4710.1 | SEQF4711.1 | SEQF4712.1 | SEQF4713.1 | SEQF4714.1 | SEQF4715.1 | SEQF4716.1 | SEQF4717.1 | SEQF4718.1 | SEQF4719.1 | SEQF4720.1 | SEQF4721.1 | SEQF4722.1 | SEQF4723.1
818 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Limosilactobacillus reuteri Named Unassigned 0 L23507 Lactobacillus fermentum | Phylum: Firmicutes 1598 770 4212 51006 SEQF1095.1 | SEQF1120.1 | SEQF1121.1 | SEQF1369.2 | SEQF1778.1 | SEQF1779.1 | SEQF1780.2 | SEQF2544.1 | SEQF2567.1
819 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactobacillus johnsonii Named Unassigned 0 AJ002515 Phylum: Firmicutes 33959 219 1052 27267 SEQF1026.1 | SEQF1716.1 | SEQF1776.1 | SEQF2103.3 | SEQF2111.1 | SEQF2611.1 | SEQF7147.1 | SEQF7148.1 | SEQF7149.1 | SEQF7150.1 | SEQF7151.1 | SEQF7152.1 | SEQF7153.1 | SEQF7154.1 | SEQF7155.1 | SEQF7156.1 | SEQF7157.1 | SEQF7158.1 | SEQF7159.1 | SEQF7160.1 | SEQF7161.1 | SEQF7162.1 | SEQF7163.1 | SEQF7164.1 | SEQF7165.1 | SEQF7166.1 | SEQF7167.1 | SEQF7168.1 | SEQF7169.1 | SEQF7170.1 | SEQF7171.1 | SEQF7172.1 | SEQF7173.1 | SEQF7174.1 | SEQF7175.1 | SEQF7176.1 | SEQF7177.1 | SEQF7178.1 | SEQF7179.1 | SEQF7180.1 | SEQF7181.1 | SEQF7182.1 | SEQF7183.1 | SEQF7184.1 | SEQF7185.1 | SEQF7186.1 | SEQF7187.1 | SEQF7188.1 | SEQF7189.1 | SEQF7190.1 | SEQF7191.1 | SEQF7192.1
820 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_820 Unnamed Oral 0 AF537212 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella sp. P2A_FAAD4 838 0 0 0 SEQF3072.1
821 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus ducreyi Named Unassigned 0 AY513483 Bacillus ulceris | Coccobacillus ducreyi | Phylum: Proteobacteria 730 789 733 6382 SEQF1027.1
822 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Mycobacteriaceae Mycobacterium tuberculosis Named Unassigned 0 X52917 Bacillus tuberculosis | Bacterium tuberculosis | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1773 47670 162357 6722923 SEQF1032.1 | SEQF1034.2 | SEQF1096.1 | SEQF1129.1 | SEQF1130.1 | SEQF1132.2 | SEQF2283.1 | SEQF2299.1 | SEQF5083.2 | SEQF5084.1 | SEQF5085.1 | SEQF5086.1 | SEQF5087.1 | SEQF5088.1 | SEQF5089.1 | SEQF5090.1 | SEQF5091.1 | SEQF5092.1 | SEQF5093.1 | SEQF5094.1 | SEQF5095.1 | SEQF5096.1 | SEQF5097.1 | SEQF5098.1 | SEQF5099.1 | SEQF5100.1 | SEQF5101.1 | SEQF5102.1 | SEQF5103.1 | SEQF5104.1 | SEQF5105.1 | SEQF5106.1 | SEQF5107.1 | SEQF5108.1 | SEQF5109.1 | SEQF5110.1 | SEQF5111.1 | SEQF5112.1 | SEQF5113.1 | SEQF5114.1 | SEQF5115.1 | SEQF5116.1 | SEQF5117.1 | SEQF5118.1 | SEQF5119.2 | SEQF5120.1 | SEQF5121.1 | SEQF5122.1 | SEQF5123.1 | SEQF5124.1 | SEQF5125.1 | SEQF5126.1 | SEQF5127.1 | SEQF5128.1 | SEQF5129.1 | SEQF5130.1
823 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Mycobacteriaceae Mycobacterium leprae Named Unassigned 0 X53999 Bacillus leprae | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1769 6105 676 11071 SEQF1035.1 | SEQF1645.1 | SEQF5593.1 | SEQF5594.1 | SEQF5595.1 | SEQF5596.1
824 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Bacillaceae Bacillus anthracis Named Unassigned 0 AF155951 Bacillus cereus | Bacteridium anthracis | Phylum: Firmicutes 1392 4959 5307 240770 SEQF1037.1 | SEQF1038.1 | SEQF1041.1 | SEQF1139.2 | SEQF1140.1 | SEQF1141.1 | SEQF1143.1 | SEQF1150.1 | SEQF1151.1 | SEQF1153.1 | SEQF1708.1 | SEQF1709.1 | SEQF2323.1 | SEQF9823.1 | SEQF9824.1 | SEQF9825.1 | SEQF9826.1 | SEQF9827.1 | SEQF9828.1 | SEQF9829.1 | SEQF9830.1 | SEQF9831.1 | SEQF9832.1 | SEQF9833.1 | SEQF9834.1 | SEQF9835.1 | SEQF9836.1 | SEQF9837.1 | SEQF9838.1 | SEQF9839.1 | SEQF9840.1 | SEQF9841.1 | SEQF9842.1 | SEQF9843.1 | SEQF9844.2 | SEQF9845.1 | SEQF9846.1 | SEQF9847.1 | SEQF9848.1 | SEQF9849.1 | SEQF9850.1 | SEQF9851.1 | SEQF9852.1 | SEQF9853.1 | SEQF9854.1 | SEQF9855.1 | SEQF9856.1 | SEQF9857.1 | SEQF9858.1 | SEQF9859.1 | SEQF9860.1 | SEQF9861.1 | SEQF9862.1 | SEQF9863.3 | SEQF9864.1 | SEQF9865.1 | SEQF9866.1 | SEQF9867.1 | SEQF9868.1 | SEQF9869.1 Note: The 16S rRNA sequence for B. anthracis is almost identical to that for B. cereus and B. thuringiensis.
825 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Listeriaceae Listeria monocytogenes Named Unassigned 0 EU090894 Bacterium monocytogenes | Corynebacterium infantisepticum | Corynebacterium parvulum | Erysipelothrix monocytogenes | Listerella hepatolytica | Phylum: Firmicutes 1639 14669 41951 965051 SEQF6906.1 | SEQF6907.1 | SEQF6908.1 | SEQF6909.1 | SEQF6910.1 | SEQF6911.1 | SEQF6912.1 | SEQF6913.1 | SEQF6914.1 | SEQF6915.1 | SEQF6916.1 | SEQF6917.1 | SEQF6918.1 | SEQF6919.1 | SEQF6920.1 | SEQF6921.1 | SEQF6922.2 | SEQF6923.1 | SEQF6924.2 | SEQF6925.1 | SEQF6926.1 | SEQF6927.1 | SEQF6928.3 | SEQF6929.1 | SEQF6930.1 | SEQF6931.1 | SEQF6932.1 | SEQF6933.1 | SEQF6934.1 | SEQF6935.1 | SEQF6936.1 | SEQF6937.2 | SEQF6938.1 | SEQF6939.1 | SEQF6940.1 | SEQF6941.1 | SEQF6942.1 | SEQF6943.1 | SEQF6944.1 | SEQF6945.1 | SEQF6946.1 | SEQF6947.1 | SEQF6948.1 | SEQF6949.1 | SEQF6950.1 | SEQF6951.1 | SEQF1050.1 | SEQF1051.1 | SEQF1052.1 | SEQF1053.2 | SEQF1456.2 | SEQF1459.1 | SEQF1479.1 | SEQF1543.1 | SEQF1544.1 | SEQF1545.1 | SEQF1546.1 | SEQF1547.2 | SEQF1548.2 | SEQF1549.1 | SEQF1551.2 | SEQF1552.1 | SEQF1574.1 | SEQF1720.1 | SEQF1721.1 | SEQF2123.1 | SEQF2153.1 | SEQF2154.1 | SEQF2155.1
827 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Yersiniaceae Yersinia pestis Named Unassigned 0 L37604 Bacillus pestis | Bacterium pestis | Pasteurella pestis | Pestisella pestis | Phylum: Proteobacteria | Yersinia pseudotuberculosis 632 4014 250505 509118 SEQF1054.1 | SEQF1055.1 | SEQF1056.1 | SEQF1057.1 | SEQF1082.1 | SEQF1099.1 | SEQF1555.1 | SEQF1556.2 | SEQF1558.1 | SEQF1559.1 | SEQF1560.1 | SEQF1561.1 | SEQF1562.1 | SEQF1563.1 | SEQF1564.1 | SEQF1565.1 | SEQF1566.1 | SEQF1567.2 | SEQF1568.1 | SEQF1569.1 | SEQF1844.1 | SEQF2184.1 | SEQF2185.1 | SEQF2186.1 | SEQF2188.1 | SEQF6057.1 | SEQF6058.1 | SEQF6059.1 | SEQF6060.1 | SEQF6061.1 | SEQF6062.1 | SEQF6063.1 | SEQF6064.1 | SEQF6065.1 | SEQF6066.1 | SEQF6067.1 | SEQF6068.1 | SEQF6069.2 | SEQF6070.1 | SEQF6071.1 | SEQF6072.1 | SEQF6073.1 | SEQF6074.1 | SEQF6075.1 | SEQF6076.1 | SEQF6077.1 | SEQF6078.2 | SEQF6079.1 | SEQF6080.1 | SEQF6081.1 | SEQF6082.1 | SEQF6083.2 | SEQF6084.1 | SEQF6085.1 | SEQF6086.1 | SEQF6087.1 | SEQF6088.1 | SEQF6089.1 | SEQF6090.2 | SEQF6091.1 | SEQF6092.1 | SEQF6093.1 | SEQF6094.2
828 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Alcaligenaceae Bordetella pertussis Named Unassigned 0 U04950 Bacterium tussis-convulsivae | Haemophilus pertussis | Hemophilus pertussis | Microbe de | Microbe de la coqueluche | Phylum: Proteobacteria 520 6181 14111 157883 SEQF1086.1 | SEQF2266.1 | SEQF7923.1 | SEQF7924.1 | SEQF7925.1 | SEQF7926.1 | SEQF7927.1 | SEQF7928.1 | SEQF7929.1 | SEQF7930.1 | SEQF7931.1 | SEQF7932.1 | SEQF7933.1 | SEQF7934.1 | SEQF7935.1 | SEQF7936.1 | SEQF7937.1 | SEQF7938.1 | SEQF7939.1 | SEQF7940.1 | SEQF7941.1 | SEQF7942.1 | SEQF7943.1 | SEQF7944.1 | SEQF7945.1 | SEQF7946.1 | SEQF7947.1 | SEQF7948.1 | SEQF7949.1 | SEQF7950.1 | SEQF7951.1 | SEQF7952.1 | SEQF7953.1 | SEQF7954.1 | SEQF7955.1 | SEQF7956.1 | SEQF7957.1 | SEQF7958.1 | SEQF7959.1 | SEQF7960.1 | SEQF7961.1 | SEQF7962.1 | SEQF7963.1 | SEQF7964.3 | SEQF7965.1 | SEQF7966.1 | SEQF7967.1 | SEQF7968.1 | SEQF7969.1 | SEQF7970.1 | SEQF7971.1 | SEQF7972.1
829 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Gardnerella vaginalis Named Vaginal 0 EF194095 Corynebacterium vaginale | Haemophilus hemolyticus | Haemophilus vaginalis | Phylum: Actinobacteria 2702 1326 8998 79879 SEQF7979.1 | SEQF7980.1 | SEQF7981.1 | SEQF7982.1 | SEQF7983.1 | SEQF7984.1 | SEQF7985.1 | SEQF7986.1 | SEQF7987.1 | SEQF7988.1 | SEQF7989.1 | SEQF7990.1 | SEQF7991.1 | SEQF7992.1 | SEQF7993.1 | SEQF7994.1 | SEQF7995.1 | SEQF7996.1 | SEQF7997.1 | SEQF7998.1 | SEQF7999.1 | SEQF8000.1 | SEQF8001.1 | SEQF8002.1 | SEQF8003.1 | SEQF8004.2 | SEQF8005.1 | SEQF8006.1 | SEQF8007.1 | SEQF8008.1 | SEQF8009.2 | SEQF8010.1 | SEQF8011.1 | SEQF8012.1 | SEQF8013.1 | SEQF8014.1 | SEQF8015.1 | SEQF8016.1 | SEQF8017.1 | SEQF8018.1 | SEQF8019.1 | SEQF8020.1 | SEQF8021.1 | SEQF8022.1 | SEQF8023.1 | SEQF8024.1 | SEQF1577.1 | SEQF1757.2 | SEQF2049.1 | SEQF2068.1 | SEQF2280.2 | SEQF2282.1 | SEQF2491.1 | SEQF2492.1
830 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Mobiluncus mulieris Named Unassigned 0 AJ427625 Falcivibrio grandis | Phylum: Actinobacteria 2052 24 438 15445 SEQF1784.1 | SEQF1785.1 | SEQF2127.1 | SEQF2128.2 | SEQF7408.1 | SEQF7409.1 | SEQF7410.1 | SEQF7411.1 | SEQF7412.2 | SEQF7413.1 | SEQF7414.1 | SEQF7415.1 | SEQF7416.1 | SEQF7417.1 | SEQF7418.1 | SEQF7419.1 | SEQF7420.1 | SEQF7421.1 | SEQF7422.1 | SEQF7423.1
831 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Carnobacteriaceae Alloiococcus otitis Named Unassigned 0 AY957475 Alloiococcus otitidis | Phylum: Firmicutes 1652 10 66 3262 SEQF9086.1 | SEQF2412.1
832 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium otitidis Named Unassigned 0 X73976 CDC coryneform group ANF-1 like | Corynebacterium otitidis | Phylum: Actinobacteria 29321 19 399 5431 SEQF2407.1 | SEQF6628.1 | SEQF6629.2
833 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Moraxella catarrhalis Named Nasal 0 U10876 Branhamella catarrhalis | Mikrokkokus catarrhalis | Moraxella Bovre | Phylum: Proteobacteria 480 2148 2407 35301 SEQF1102.1 | SEQF1968.2 | SEQF2129.2 | SEQF2130.2 | SEQF2131.2 | SEQF2132.2 | SEQF2133.2 | SEQF2134.2 | SEQF2135.2 | SEQF2136.2 | SEQF2137.2 | SEQF2879.1 | SEQF2946.1 | SEQF4767.1 | SEQF4768.1 | SEQF4769.1 | SEQF4770.2 | SEQF4771.1 | SEQF4772.1 | SEQF4773.1 | SEQF4774.1 | SEQF4775.1 | SEQF4776.1 | SEQF4777.1 | SEQF4778.1 | SEQF4779.1 | SEQF4780.1 | SEQF4781.1 | SEQF4782.1 | SEQF4783.1 | SEQF4784.1 | SEQF4785.1 | SEQF4786.1 | SEQF4787.1 | SEQF4788.1 | SEQF4789.1 | SEQF4790.1 | SEQF4791.1 | SEQF4792.1 | SEQF4793.1 | SEQF4794.1 | SEQF4795.1 | SEQF4796.1 | SEQF4797.1 | SEQF4798.1 | SEQF4799.1 | SEQF4800.1 | SEQF4801.1 | SEQF4802.1 | SEQF4803.1 | SEQF4804.1 | SEQF4805.1 | SEQF4806.1 | SEQF4807.1 | SEQF4808.1 | SEQF4809.1 | SEQF4810.1
834 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Pseudomonadaceae Pseudomonas otitidis Named Unassigned 0 AY953147 Phylum: Proteobacteria 319939 7 273 804 SEQF2695.1 | SEQF5475.1 | SEQF5476.1 | SEQF5477.1 | SEQF5478.1 | SEQF5479.1 | SEQF5480.1 | SEQF5481.1 | SEQF5482.1 | SEQF5483.1 | SEQF5484.1 | SEQF5485.1 | SEQF5486.1 | SEQF5487.1 | SEQF5488.1 | SEQF5489.1 | SEQF5490.1 | SEQF5491.1 | SEQF5492.1 | SEQF5493.1 | SEQF5494.1 | SEQF5495.1
835 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium mucifaciens Named Oral 0 Y11200 Phylum: Actinobacteria 57171 6 18 2 SEQF3150.1
836 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Peptoniphilus lacrimalis Named Oral 0 F0141 Phylum: Firmicutes | Strain F0141 33031 0 315 2833 SEQF1681.1 | SEQF1795.1 | SEQF2505.1 | SEQF3881.1
837 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Sneathia sanguinegens Named Oral 0 L37789 Leptotrichia sanguinegens | Phylum: Fusobacteria 40543 7 9 2 SEQF3087.1
838 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactobacillus iners Named Vaginal 0 Y16329 Lactobacillus sp. EF group 47 | Phylum: Firmicutes 147802 48 1106 26827 SEQF1770.1 | SEQF2090.1 | SEQF2091.2 | SEQF2092.2 | SEQF2093.2 | SEQF2094.2 | SEQF2095.1 | SEQF2096.1 | SEQF2097.1 | SEQF2098.1 | SEQF2099.2 | SEQF2100.2 | SEQF2101.2 | SEQF2102.2 | SEQF8623.1 | SEQF8624.1 | SEQF8625.1 | SEQF8626.1 | SEQF8627.1 | SEQF8628.1 | SEQF8629.1 | SEQF8630.1 | SEQF8631.1 | SEQF8632.1 | SEQF8633.1 | SEQF8634.1 | SEQF8635.1 | SEQF8636.1 | SEQF8637.1 | SEQF8638.1 | SEQF8639.1 | SEQF8640.1 | SEQF8641.1 | SEQF8642.1 | SEQF8643.1 | SEQF8644.1 | SEQF8645.1 | SEQF8646.1 | SEQF8647.1 | SEQF8648.1 | SEQF8649.1 | SEQF8650.1 | SEQF8651.1 | SEQF8652.1 | SEQF8653.1 | SEQF8654.1 | SEQF8655.1 | SEQF8656.1 | SEQF8657.1 | SEQF8658.1 | SEQF8659.1 | SEQF8660.1 | SEQF8661.1 | SEQF8662.1 | SEQF8663.1 | SEQF8664.1 | SEQF8665.1
839 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactobacillus jensenii Named Vaginal 0 AF243159 Phylum: Firmicutes 109790 89 599 15357 SEQF1104.1 | SEQF1649.2 | SEQF1773.1 | SEQF5178.1 | SEQF5179.1 | SEQF5180.1 | SEQF5181.1 | SEQF5182.1 | SEQF5183.1 | SEQF5184.1 | SEQF5185.1 | SEQF5186.1 | SEQF5187.1 | SEQF5188.2 | SEQF5189.1 | SEQF5190.1 | SEQF5191.1 | SEQF5192.1 | SEQF5193.1 | SEQF5194.1 | SEQF5195.1 | SEQF5196.1 | SEQF5197.1 | SEQF5198.1 | SEQF5199.1 | SEQF5200.1 | SEQF5201.1 | SEQF5202.1 | SEQF5203.1 | SEQF5204.1 | SEQF5205.1 | SEQF5206.1 | SEQF5207.1 | SEQF5208.1 | SEQF5209.1 | SEQF5210.1 | SEQF5211.1 | SEQF5212.1 | SEQF5213.1 | SEQF5214.1 | SEQF5215.1 | SEQF5216.1 | SEQF5217.1 | SEQF5218.1 | SEQF5219.1 | SEQF5220.1 | SEQF5221.1 | SEQF5222.1 | SEQF5223.1 | SEQF5224.1
840 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Peptoniphilus indolicus Named Unassigned 0 NR_042753 Micrococcus indolicus | Peptococcus indolicus | Peptostreptococcus indolicus | Phylum: Firmicutes | Schleiferella indolica 33030 5 517 4523 SEQF1974.1 | SEQF9964.1
841 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Megasphaera sp._HMT_841 Phylotype Unassigned 0 DQ666094 Phylum: Firmicutes 906 0 0 0
842 Bacteria Proteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacterales Campylobacteraceae Campylobacter ureolyticus Named Unassigned 0 L04321 Bacteroides corrodens | Bacteroides ureolyticus | Phylum: Proteobacteria 827 15 363 6611 SEQF9813.1 | SEQF9814.1 | SEQF9815.1 | SEQF9816.1 | SEQF9817.1 | SEQF9818.1 | SEQF9819.1 | SEQF9820.1 | SEQF9821.1 | SEQF9822.1 | SEQF2613.1 | SEQF2614.1 Was previously called Bacteroides ureolyticus.
843 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Dialister micraerophilus Named Oral 0 AF473837 Dialister micraerophilus | Phylum: Firmicutes 309120 3 157 4926 SEQF1959.1
844 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Sneathia vaginalis Named Oral 0 AY078425 Leptotrichia amnionii | Phylum: Fusobacteria 187101 0 0 0 SEQF2778.1 Not validly named but name Leptotrichia amnionii is commonly used. Should be validly named as a member of the genus Sneathia (see tree).
845 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Pseudoleptotrichia goodfellowii Named Oral 0 Phylum: Fusobacteria 157692 3 432 6360 SEQF1600.1 | SEQF2629.1 | SEQF4727.1
847 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_847 Unnamed Unassigned 0 FJ577250 Phylum: Fusobacteria 1785996 0 0 0 SEQF2790.1
848 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Peptidiphaga gingivicola Named Oral 0 GQ131416 Phylum: Actinobacteria 1823756 0 30 5183 SEQF1660.1 | SEQF5517.1
849 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces johnsonii Named Oral 0 ATCC 49338 | JCM 16129 AB545933 | GU470900 Phylum: Actinobacteria | Previously provisional taxon C25 544581 2 1965 12553 SEQF1668.1 | SEQF2317.2 | SEQF2449.1 | SEQF3738.1 | SEQF3739.1 Was previously provisional taxon C25 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
850 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Schaalia cardiffensis Named Oral 0 CCUG 44997 | DSM 15803 AJ421779 | GU470888 Actinomyces cardiffensis | Phylum: Actinobacteria 181487 3 82 3964 SEQF1667.1 | SEQF5376.1 | SEQF5377.1 Previously provisional taxon A75.
851 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus haemolyticus Named Oral 0 ATCC 33390 HM596277 | JN227763 Phylum: Proteobacteria 726 56 1577 21066 SEQF1850.1 | SEQF2072.2 | SEQF2073.2 | SEQF2074.2 | SEQF2075.2 | SEQF2076.2 | SEQF2348.1 | SEQF2997.1 | SEQF7474.1 | SEQF7475.1 | SEQF7476.1 | SEQF7477.1 | SEQF7478.1 | SEQF7479.1 | SEQF7480.1 | SEQF7481.1 | SEQF7482.1 | SEQF7483.1 | SEQF7484.1 | SEQF7485.1 | SEQF7486.1 | SEQF7487.1 | SEQF7488.1 | SEQF7489.1 | SEQF7490.1 | SEQF7491.1 | SEQF7492.1 | SEQF7493.1 | SEQF7494.1 | SEQF7495.1 | SEQF7496.1 | SEQF7497.1 | SEQF7498.1 | SEQF7499.1 | SEQF7500.1 | SEQF7501.1 | SEQF7502.1 | SEQF7503.1 | SEQF7504.1 | SEQF7505.1 | SEQF7506.1 | SEQF7507.1 | SEQF7508.1 | SEQF7509.1 | SEQF7510.1 | SEQF7511.1 | SEQF7512.1 | SEQF7513.1 | SEQF7514.1 | SEQF7515.1 | SEQF7516.1 | SEQF7517.1
852 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces massiliensis Named Oral 0 JCM 16130 AB545934 Phylum: Actinobacteria | Previously provisional taxon C93 461393 2 538 8156 SEQF1903.1 | SEQF2385.1 Was previously provisional taxon C93 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
853 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae Corynebacterium urealyticum Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 43042 | DSM 7109 NR_027597 CDC coryneform group D-2 | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Previously provisional taxon C28 43771 102 89 11149 SEQF10154.1 | SEQF10155.1 | SEQF10156.1 | SEQF10157.1 | SEQF10158.1 | SEQF10159.1 | SEQF10160.1 | SEQF10161.1 | SEQF1976.1 | SEQF2440.1 | SEQF2912.1 | SEQF2970.1 Was previously provisional taxon C28 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
854 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Burkholderiaceae Ralstonia pickettii Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 27511 | DSM 6297 NR_043152 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Previously provisional taxon C02 329 186 602 68393 SEQF10162.2 | SEQF10163.1 | SEQF10164.1 | SEQF10165.1 | SEQF10166.1 | SEQF10167.1 | SEQF10168.1 | SEQF10169.1 | SEQF10170.1 | SEQF10171.1 | SEQF10172.1 | SEQF10173.1 | SEQF10174.1 | SEQF10175.1 | SEQF10176.1 | SEQF10177.1 | SEQF10178.1 | SEQF10179.1 | SEQF10180.1 | SEQF10181.1 | SEQF10182.1 | SEQF10183.1 | SEQF10184.1 | SEQF10185.1 | SEQF10186.1 | SEQF10187.1 | SEQF10188.1 | SEQF10189.1 | SEQF10190.1 | SEQF10191.1 | SEQF10192.1 | SEQF10193.1 | SEQF10194.1 | SEQF10195.1 | SEQF10196.1 | SEQF10197.1 | SEQF10198.1 | SEQF10199.1 | SEQF10200.1 | SEQF10201.1 | SEQF10202.1 | SEQF10203.1 | SEQF10204.1 | SEQF10205.1 | SEQF10206.1 | SEQF10207.1 | SEQF10208.1 | SEQF10209.1 | SEQF1977.1 | SEQF2172.1 | SEQF2514.1 | SEQF2603.1 Was previously provisional taxon C02 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
855 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Kytococcaceae Kytococcus sedentarius Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 14392 | DSM 20547 AJ717359 Micrococcus sedentarius | Phylum: Actinobacteria | Previously provisional taxon A81 1276 13 43 7637 SEQF1978.1 | SEQF9756.1 | SEQF9757.1 | SEQF9758.1 Was previously provisional taxon A81 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
856 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Micrococcales Sanguibacteraceae Sanguibacter keddieii Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 51767 | DSM 10542 NR_027595 Phylum: Actinobacteria | Previously provisional taxon D35 60920 5 19 11137 SEQF1979.1 Was previously provisional taxon D35 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
857 Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Rhodobacterales Rhodobacteraceae Rhodobacter capsulatus Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 11166 | DSM 1710 AB017798 | D16428 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Previously provisional taxon A00 1061 1401 1181 41304 SEQF1980.1 | SEQF2619.2 | SEQF2620.1 | SEQF2621.2 | SEQF2622.2 | SEQF2623.2 | SEQF2624.2 | SEQF4541.1 | SEQF4542.1 | SEQF4543.1 | SEQF4544.1 | SEQF4545.1 | SEQF4546.1 | SEQF4547.1 Was previously provisional taxon A00 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
858 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Comamonas testosteroni Named Oral 0 ATCC 11996 | DSM 50244 NR_029161 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Previously provisional taxon A85 285 326 1148 52247 SEQF1981.1 | SEQF2047.2 | SEQF2057.2 | SEQF2058.1 | SEQF8608.1 | SEQF8609.1 | SEQF8610.1 | SEQF8611.1 | SEQF8612.1 | SEQF8613.1 | SEQF8614.1 | SEQF8615.1 | SEQF8616.1 | SEQF8617.1 | SEQF8618.2 | SEQF8619.1 | SEQF8620.1 | SEQF8621.1 | SEQF8622.1 Was previously provisional taxon A85 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
859 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Anaerococcus lactolyticus Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 51172 | DSM 7456 | JCM 8140 AB673373 Phylum: Firmicutes | Previously provisional taxon A64 33032 6 816 4425 SEQF9423.1 | SEQF1982.1 Was previously provisional taxon A64 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
860 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium gonidiaformans Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 25563 | DSM 19810 GQ179686 | M58679 Phylum: Fusobacteria | Previously provisional taxon B92 849 12 265 6426 SEQF1983.2 | SEQF2550.1 | SEQF6782.1 | SEQF6783.1 Was previously provisional taxon B92 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
861 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 14917 | DSM 20174 EU559598 Phylum: Firmicutes | Previously provisional taxon D15 1590 2847 9547 106737 SEQF1965.3 | SEQF1984.1 | SEQF2104.2 | SEQF2112.1 | SEQF2113.2 | SEQF2441.2 | SEQF2498.1 | SEQF2525.1 | SEQF2542.1 | SEQF2543.2 | SEQF4145.1 | SEQF4146.1 | SEQF4147.1 | SEQF4148.1 | SEQF4149.2 | SEQF4150.1 | SEQF4151.1 | SEQF4152.1 | SEQF4153.1 | SEQF4154.2 | SEQF4155.1 | SEQF4156.1 | SEQF4157.1 | SEQF4158.1 | SEQF4159.1 | SEQF4160.1 | SEQF4161.1 | SEQF4162.1 | SEQF4163.1 | SEQF4164.1 | SEQF4165.1 | SEQF4166.1 | SEQF4167.1 | SEQF4168.1 | SEQF4169.1 | SEQF4170.1 | SEQF4171.1 | SEQF4172.1 | SEQF4173.1 | SEQF4174.1 | SEQF4175.1 | SEQF4176.1 | SEQF4177.1 | SEQF4178.1 | SEQF4179.1 | SEQF4180.1 | SEQF4181.1 | SEQF4182.1 | SEQF4183.1 | SEQF4184.2 | SEQF4185.1 | SEQF4186.2 | SEQF4187.1 | SEQF4188.1 | SEQF4189.2 | SEQF4190.1 | SEQF4191.1 | SEQF4192.1 Was previously provisional taxon D15 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
862 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Bifidobacterium longum Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 15707 | DSM 20219 NR_043437 Phylum: Actinobacteria | Previously provisional taxon B54 216816 835 4656 101499 SEQF1952.1 | SEQF2040.1 | SEQF2041.1 | SEQF2042.1 | SEQF2043.1 | SEQF2044.1 | SEQF2045.1 | SEQF2046.1 | SEQF2248.1 | SEQF2249.1 | SEQF2367.1 | SEQF2368.1 | SEQF2369.1 | SEQF2370.1 | SEQF8341.1 | SEQF8342.1 | SEQF8343.1 | SEQF8344.1 | SEQF8345.1 | SEQF8346.1 | SEQF8347.1 | SEQF8348.1 | SEQF8349.1 | SEQF8350.1 | SEQF8351.1 | SEQF8352.1 | SEQF8353.1 | SEQF8354.1 | SEQF8355.1 | SEQF8356.1 | SEQF8357.1 | SEQF8358.1 | SEQF8359.1 | SEQF8360.1 | SEQF8361.1 | SEQF8362.1 | SEQF8363.1 | SEQF8364.1 | SEQF8365.1 | SEQF8366.1 | SEQF8367.1 | SEQF8368.1 | SEQF8369.1 | SEQF8370.1 | SEQF8371.1 | SEQF8372.1 | SEQF8373.1 | SEQF8374.1 | SEQF8375.1 | SEQF8376.1 | SEQF8377.1 | SEQF8378.1 | SEQF8379.1 | SEQF8380.1 | SEQF8381.1 | SEQF8382.1 | SEQF8383.1 | SEQF8384.1 | SEQF8385.1 | SEQF8386.1 Was previously provisional taxon B54 in RefSeq Extended V1.1. Original reference seq for B54 AM990172 was chimeric.Reference sequence NR_043437 is for Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis
863 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_863 Unnamed Oral 0 AM420168 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Previously provisional taxon B29 1227265 0 399 5523 SEQF2319.1 Was previously provisional taxon B29 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
864 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_864 Unnamed Oral 0 GU561335 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Previously provisional taxon E54 1316593 0 0 0 SEQF3058.1 Was previously provisional taxon E54 in RefSeq Extended V1.1. Original RefSeq for E54 GU431264 was only 500 bases.
865 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacterales Enterobacteriaceae Kluyvera ascorbata Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 33433 | DSM 4611 AF176566 | NR_028677 Phylum: Proteobacteria | Previously provisional taxon B86 51288 46 344 4716 SEQF2711.1 | SEQF4472.1 | SEQF4473.1 | SEQF4474.1 | SEQF4475.1 | SEQF4476.1 Was previously provisional taxon B86 in RefSeq Extended V1.1
866 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces graevenitzii Named Oral 0 CCUG 27294 | DSM 15540 NR_042167 Phylum: Actinobacteria | Previously provisional taxon A50 55565 9 208 7344 SEQF2031.1 | SEQF2450.1 | SEQF4133.1 Was previously provisional taxon A50 in RefSeq Extended V1.1. Original RefSeq for A50 AF385517 is chimeric.
869 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_869 Phylotype Oral 0 KM018321 Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 1540868 0 0 0
870 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-6] bacterium_HMT_870 Phylotype Oral 0 KM018322 Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 1540867 0 0 0
871 Bacteria Gracilibacteria_(GN02) Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[C-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[O-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[F-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_871 Phylotype Oral 0 Phylum: Gracilibacteria_(GN02) 1226338 0 0 0
872 Bacteria Gracilibacteria_(GN02) Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[C-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[O-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[F-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_872 Phylotype Oral 0 Phylum: Gracilibacteria_(GN02) 1226339 0 0 0
873 Bacteria Gracilibacteria_(GN02) Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[C-2] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[O-2] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[F-2] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_873 Phylotype Oral 0 Phylum: Gracilibacteria_(GN02) 1226340 0 0 0
874 Bacteria Absconditabacteria_(SR1) Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[C-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[O-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[F-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_874 Phylotype Oral 0 Phylum: Absconditabacteria_(SR1) 221235 0 0 0 SEQF2626.1
875 Bacteria Absconditabacteria_(SR1) Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[C-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[O-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[F-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_875 Phylotype Oral 0 Phylum: Absconditabacteria_(SR1) 221235 0 0 0
876 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Clostridiales_[F-3] Clostridiales_[F-3][G-1] bacterium_HMT_876 Unnamed Unassigned 0 F0540 | Phylum: Firmicutes 186802 0 0 0 SEQF2456.1
877 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Schaalia sp._HMT_877 Unnamed Oral 0 Actinomyces sp. HMT-877 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 2529408 0 878 5029 SEQF2313.1 The genus Actinomyces was broken up into multiple genera including Schaalia by Nouioui et al 2018 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02007.
878 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_878 Unnamed Oral 0 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 1316596 0 0 0 SEQF3059.1
879 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_879 Unnamed Oral 0 Phylum: Fusobacteria 1227267 0 340 4876 SEQF2353.1
880 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus durans Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 19432 AJ420801 Phylum: Firmicutes | Streptococcus durans 53345 199 1137 15729 SEQF2417.1 | SEQF2484.1 | SEQF2534.1 | SEQF4935.1 | SEQF4936.1 | SEQF4937.1 | SEQF4938.1 | SEQF4939.1 | SEQF4940.1 | SEQF4941.1 | SEQF4942.1 | SEQF4943.1 | SEQF4944.2 | SEQF4945.1 | SEQF4946.1 | SEQF4947.1 | SEQF4948.1 | SEQF4949.1 | SEQF4950.1 | SEQF4951.1 | SEQF4952.1 | SEQF4953.1 | SEQF4954.1 | SEQF4955.1 | SEQF4956.1 | SEQF4957.1 | SEQF4958.1 | SEQF4959.1 | SEQF4960.1 | SEQF4961.1 | SEQF4962.1 | SEQF4963.1 | SEQF4964.1 | SEQF4965.1 | SEQF4966.1 | SEQF4967.1 | SEQF4968.1 | SEQF4969.1 | SEQF4970.1 | SEQF4971.1 | SEQF4972.1 | SEQF4973.1 | SEQF4974.1 | SEQF4975.1 | SEQF4976.1 | SEQF4977.1 | SEQF4978.1 | SEQF4979.1 | SEQF4980.1 | SEQF4981.1
881 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lentilactobacillus buchneri Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 4005 AB205055 Phylum: Firmicutes 1581 155 535 18875 SEQF10067.1 | SEQF10068.1 | SEQF10069.1 | SEQF10070.1 | SEQF10071.1 | SEQF10072.1 | SEQF10073.1 | SEQF10074.1 | SEQF10075.1 | SEQF10076.1 | SEQF10077.1 | SEQF10078.1 | SEQF10079.1 | SEQF10080.1 | SEQF10081.1 | SEQF10082.1 | SEQF10083.1 | SEQF10084.1 | SEQF10085.1 | SEQF10086.1 | SEQF10087.1 | SEQF10088.1 | SEQF10089.1 | SEQF10090.1 | SEQF10091.1 | SEQF2418.1 | SEQF2427.2 | SEQF2428.1
882 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Limosilactobacillus panis Named Oral 0 CCUG 37482 X94230 Phylum: Firmicutes 47493 27 56 40 SEQF2809.1 | SEQF9732.1 | SEQF9733.1
883 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactiplantibacillus pentosus Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 8041 D79211 Phylum: Firmicutes 1589 231 443 10605 SEQF9245.1 | SEQF9246.1 | SEQF9247.1 | SEQF9248.1 | SEQF9249.1 | SEQF9250.1 | SEQF9251.1 | SEQF9252.1 | SEQF9253.1 | SEQF9254.1 | SEQF9255.1 | SEQF9256.1 | SEQF9257.1 | SEQF9258.1 | SEQF9259.1 | SEQF9260.1 | SEQF9261.1 | SEQF9262.1 | SEQF9263.1 | SEQF9264.1 | SEQF9265.1 | SEQF9266.1 | SEQF9267.1 | SEQF9268.1 | SEQF9269.1 | SEQF9270.1 | SEQF9271.1 | SEQF9272.1 | SEQF9273.1 | SEQF9274.1 | SEQF9275.1 | SEQF9276.1 | SEQF9277.1 | SEQF9278.1 | SEQF9279.1 | SEQF9280.1 | SEQF9281.1 | SEQF9282.1 | SEQF9283.1 | SEQF9284.1 | SEQF9285.1 | SEQF9286.1 | SEQF9287.1 | SEQF9288.1 | SEQF9289.1 | SEQF9290.1 | SEQF9291.1 | SEQF9292.1 | SEQF9293.1 | SEQF2419.1
884 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lentilactobacillus rapi Named Unassigned 0 DSM 19907 | YIT 11204 NR_041659 Phylum: Firmicutes 481723 5 15 4 SEQF2810.1 | SEQF9968.1 | SEQF9969.1 | SEQF9970.1
885 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella scopos Named Oral 0 CCUG 57945 | DSM 22613 | JCM 17725 | W2052 AB683253 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotetella genomosp. T2 strain W1435 589437 1 232 1974 SEQF2686.1 | SEQF2922.1 | SEQF3682.1
886 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus cristatus Named Oral 0 CCUG 48365 | DSM 19165 | LMG 21535 AY099095 Phylum: Firmicutes 45634 20 37 6098 SEQF2520.1 | SEQF4395.1 | SEQF4396.1 | SEQF4397.1 | SEQF4398.2 | SEQF4399.1 | SEQF4400.1 | SEQF4401.1 | SEQF4402.1 | SEQF4403.1 | SEQF4404.1 | SEQF4405.1 | SEQF4406.1 | SEQF4407.1 | SEQF4408.1 | SEQF4409.1 | SEQF4410.1 | SEQF4411.1 | SEQF4412.1 | SEQF4413.1 | SEQF4414.1 | SEQF4415.1 | SEQF4416.1 | SEQF4417.1 | SEQF4418.1 | SEQF4419.1 | SEQF4420.1 | SEQF4421.1 | SEQF4422.1 | SEQF4423.1 2017-09-08 (TC) This species was renamed to Streptococcus cristatus (HOT578) based on the genomic study published by Jensen et. al. (2016). http://ijs.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/ijsem/10.1099/ijsem.0.001433. However since the 16S rRNA sequence AY099095 that represents HOT886 is outside the HOT578 clade on the 16S rRNA phylogenetic tree this sequence may represent a distinct strain for the species we retained this HOT but change the name to 'Streptococcus cristatus clade oligofermentans' so that future sequencing study can distinguish this sequences from others of this species.
887 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Veillonella denticariosi Named Oral 0 CCUG 54362 | DSM 19009 | JCM 15641 | RBV 106 EF185167 Phylum: Firmicutes 419208 4 13 5 SEQF2811.1 | SEQF5424.1 | SEQF5425.1
888 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces dentalis Named Oral 0 CCUG 48064 | DSM 19115 | R-18165 AJ697609 Phylum: Actinobacteria 272548 2 204 2168 SEQF2573.1
889 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Bifidobacterium breve Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 15700 | CCUG 30511 | DSM 20213 AB006658 Phylum: Actinobacteria 1685 404 1020 41494 SEQF2413.2 | SEQF2415.1 | SEQF2425.1 | SEQF2426.1 | SEQF2535.1 | SEQF2576.1 | SEQF8928.1 | SEQF8929.1 | SEQF8930.1 | SEQF8931.1 | SEQF8932.1 | SEQF8933.1 | SEQF8934.1 | SEQF8935.1 | SEQF8936.1 | SEQF8937.1 | SEQF8938.1 | SEQF8939.1 | SEQF8940.1 | SEQF8941.1 | SEQF8942.1 | SEQF8943.1 | SEQF8944.1 | SEQF8945.1 | SEQF8946.1 | SEQF8947.1 | SEQF8948.1 | SEQF8949.1 | SEQF8950.1 | SEQF8951.1 | SEQF8952.1 | SEQF8953.1 | SEQF8954.1 | SEQF8955.1 | SEQF8956.1 | SEQF8957.1 | SEQF8958.1 | SEQF8959.1 | SEQF8960.1 | SEQF8961.1 | SEQF8962.1 | SEQF8963.1 | SEQF8964.1 | SEQF8965.1 | SEQF8966.1 | SEQF8967.1 | SEQF8968.1 | SEQF8969.1 | SEQF8970.1 | SEQF8971.1 | SEQF8972.1 | SEQF8973.1 | SEQF8974.1 | SEQF8975.1
890 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Bifidobacterium subtile Named Unassigned 0 ATCC 27537 | CCUG 34980 | DSM 20096 | JCM 5822 D89329 | D89378 Phylum: Actinobacteria 77635 2 114 4394 SEQF8025.1 | SEQF8026.1 | SEQF2577.1 | SEQF2708.1
891 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Bifidobacterium scardovii Named Unassigned 0 ATCC BAA-773 | CCUG 13008 | DSM 13734 | JCM 12489 AB437363 Phylum: Actinobacteria 158787 6 58 2492 SEQF2707.1 | SEQF4329.1
892 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_892 Unnamed Oral 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 1321785 0 193 4546 SEQF2454.1
893 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces oris Named Oral 0 ATCC 27044 | JCM 16131 AB545935 | GQ421308 Actinomyces naeslundii genospecies 2 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 544580 28 2317 2900 SEQF2431.1 | SEQF2806.1 | SEQF8129.1 | SEQF8130.1 | SEQF8131.1 | SEQF8132.1 | SEQF8133.1 | SEQF8134.1 | SEQF8135.1 | SEQF8136.1 | SEQF8137.1 | SEQF8138.1 | SEQF8139.1 | SEQF8140.1 | SEQF8141.1 | SEQF8142.1 | SEQF8143.1 | SEQF8144.1 | SEQF8145.1 | SEQF8146.1 | SEQF8147.1 | SEQF8148.1 Actinomyces oris HOT-893 is part of a cluster of taxa that includes Actinomyces sp. HOT-169 170 171 and 175. Whether these taxa should be lumped into a single large fuzzy species or kept separate as distinct genotypes will require further investigation.
894 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Burkholderiales Comamonadaceae Ottowia sp._HMT_894 Unnamed Unassigned 0 JQ406530 Comamonadaceae bacterium clone BL117 | Comamonadaceae bacterium K1 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 1658672 0 0 0 SEQF2749.1
895 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae Bifidobacterium animalis Named Unassigned 0 AB050136 | D86185 Bifidobacterium lactis | Phylum: Actinobacteria 28025 341 808 51660 SEQF2463.1 | SEQF2464.1 | SEQF2465.1 | SEQF2466.1 | SEQF2467.2 | SEQF2468.1 | SEQF2469.1 | SEQF2470.2 | SEQF2471.1 | SEQF2472.1 | SEQF2474.1 | SEQF2475.1 | SEQF9294.1 | SEQF9295.1 | SEQF9296.1 | SEQF9297.1 | SEQF9298.1 | SEQF9299.1 | SEQF9300.1 | SEQF9301.1 | SEQF9302.1 | SEQF9303.1 | SEQF9304.2 | SEQF9305.1 | SEQF9306.1 | SEQF9307.1 | SEQF9308.1 | SEQF9309.1 | SEQF9310.1 | SEQF9311.1 | SEQF9312.1 | SEQF9313.1 | SEQF9314.1 | SEQF9315.1 | SEQF9316.1 | SEQF9317.1 | SEQF9318.1 | SEQF9319.1 | SEQF9320.1 | SEQF9321.1 | SEQF9322.1 | SEQF9323.1 | SEQF9324.1 | SEQF9325.1 | SEQF9326.1 | SEQF9327.1 | SEQF9328.1 | SEQF9329.1 | SEQF9330.1 | SEQF9331.1 | SEQF9332.1 | SEQF9333.1
896 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces sp._HMT_896 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ406543 Actinomyces genomospecies K1 | Actinomyces sp. clone FL377 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1654 0 0 0
897 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Actinomycetales Actinomycetaceae Actinomyces sp._HMT_897 Unnamed Oral 0 KC203057 Actinomyces sp. clone HS14_2W_C6 | Phylum: Actinobacteria 1654 0 0 0 SEQF3062.1
898 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Aggregatibacter sp._HMT_898 Phylotype Oral 0 KC203060 Aggregatibacter sp. HS19_2W_I12 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 416916 0 0 0
899 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes_[C-1] Bacteroidetes_[O-1] Bacteroidetes_[F-1] Bacteroidetes_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_899 Phylotype Unassigned 0 JQ406536 Bacteroidales bacterium clone BL234 | Bacteroidales bacterium K1 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 200643 0 0 0
900 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Weeksellaceae Weeksellaceae_[G-1] sp._HMT_900 Phylotype Oral 0 KC203058 Bergeyella sp. clone HS1_1W_C3 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 2762318 0 0 0
901 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_901 Phylotype Unassigned 0 JQ406535 Capnocytophaga genomospecies K1 | Capnocytophaga sp. clone BL218 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 1016 0 0 0
902 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_902 Unnamed Oral 0 JQ406542 Capnocytophaga genomospecies K2 | Capnocytophaga sp. clone FL163 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 1016 0 0 0 SEQF3174.1
903 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Flavobacteriaceae Capnocytophaga sp._HMT_903 Unnamed Oral 0 KC203061 Capnocytophaga sp. HS5_2W_I24 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 1016 0 0 0 SEQF3176.1
904 Bacteria Firmicutes Erysipelotrichia Erysipelotrichales Erysipelotrichaceae Erysipelotrichaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_904 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ406531 Erysipelotrichaceae bacterium clone BL163 | Erysipelotrichaceae bacterium K1 | Phylum: Firmicutes 128827 0 0 0
905 Bacteria Firmicutes Erysipelotrichia Erysipelotrichales Erysipelotrichaceae Erysipelotrichaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_905 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ406538 Erysipelotrichaceae bacterium clone DL151 | Erysipelotrichaceae bacterium K2 | Phylum: Firmicutes 128827 0 0 0
906 Bacteria Tenericutes Mollicutes Mollicutes_[O-2] Mollicutes_[F-2] Mollicutes_[G-2] bacterium_HMT_906 Phylotype Oral 0 KC203059 Erysipelotrichaceae CP6_C1 | Firmicutes bacterium clone CP6_C1 | Phylum: Tenericutes 31969 0 0 0
907 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Weeksellaceae Weeksellaceae_[G-1] sp._HMT_907 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ406533 Bergeyella bacterium K1 | Flavobacteriaceae bacterium clone BL190 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes 2762318 0 0 0
908 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus sp._HMT_908 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ406529 Haemophilus genomospecies K1 | Haemophilus sp. clone AL159 | Phylum: Proteobacteria 724 0 0 0
909 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Leptotrichiaceae Leptotrichia sp._HMT_909 Phylotype Oral 0 KC203062 Leptotrichia sp. clone CP4_C6 | Phylum: Fusobacteria 32067 0 0 0
910 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Stomatobaculum sp._HMT_910 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ406544 Moryella genomospecies K1 | Moryella sp. clone CL133 | Phylum: Firmicutes 1213720 0 0 0
911 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes_[C-1] Bacteroidetes_[O-1] Bacteroidetes_[F-1] Bacteroidetes_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_911 Phylotype Unassigned 0 JQ406540 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Porphyromonadaceae bacterium clone DL325 | Porphyromonodaceae bacterium K1 200643 0 0 0
912 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Alloprevotella sp._HMT_912 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ406532 | KC203063 Alloprevotella sp. clone clone HS3_1W_C6 | Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella genomospecies K1 | Prevotella sp. clone BL176 1283313 0 0 0
913 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Alloprevotella sp._HMT_913 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ406534 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella genomospecies K2 | Prevotella sp. clone BL216 1283313 0 0 0
914 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Alloprevotella sp._HMT_914 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ406539 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Prevotella genomospecies K3 | Prevotella sp. clone DL303 1283313 0 0 0
915 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinomycetia Propionibacteriales Propionibacteriaceae Propionibacteriaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_915 Phylotype Oral 0 KC203064 Phylum: Actinobacteria | Propionibacteriaceae bacterium clone HS10_B_C3 31957 0 0 0
916 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Tannerellaceae Tannerella sp._HMT_916 Phylotype Oral 0 KC203065 Phylum: Bacteroidetes | Tannerella sp. clone CP6_C2 195950 0 0 0
917 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Veillonellales Veillonellaceae Veillonella sp._HMT_917 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ406541 Phylum: Firmicutes | Veillonella genomospecies K1 | Veillonella sp. clone EL130 29465 0 0 0
918 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Veillonellaceae_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_918 Phylotype Unassigned 0 JQ406537 Phylum: Firmicutes | Veillonellaceae bacterium clone DL111 1843491 0 0 0
919 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_919 Unnamed Oral 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 970 0 0 0
920 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_920 Unnamed Oral 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 1884263 0 0 0 SEQF2919.1
921 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Paenibacillaceae Paenibacillus glucanolyticus Named Unassigned 0 W10507 Phylum: Firmicutes 59843 2 16 1 SEQF2880.1 | SEQF3065.1 | SEQF5371.1 | SEQF5372.1 | SEQF5373.1 | SEQF5374.1
922 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_922 Phylotype Oral 0 JF212838 Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0
924 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Lachnospiraceae_[G-9] bacterium_HMT_924 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AY959209 Phylum: Firmicutes 186803 0 0 0
927 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_927 Phylotype Unassigned 0 GQ039278 Phylum: Spirochaetes 157 0 0 0
928 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Gemellaceae Gemella sp._HMT_928 Unnamed Oral 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 1785995 0 0 0 SEQF2783.1
929 Bacteria Firmicutes Tissierellia Tissierellales Peptoniphilaceae Peptoniphilaceae_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_929 Unnamed Unassigned 0 Phylum: Firmicutes 1570339 0 0 0 SEQF3070.1
930 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Porphyromonas sp._HMT_930 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ468499 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 836 0 0 0
931 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Flavobacteriia Flavobacteriales Weeksellaceae Weeksellaceae_[G-1] sp._HMT_931 Phylotype Oral 0 JQ447552 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 2762318 0 0 0
932 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Kingella sp._HMT_932 Phylotype Oral 0 HQ804648 Phylum: Proteobacteria 32257 0 0 0
933 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Sphingobacteriia Sphingobacteriales Sphingobacteriaceae Pedobacter sp._HMT_933 Phylotype Unassigned 0 GQ023217 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 84567 0 0 0
934 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Lachnospiraceae Oribacterium parvum Named Oral 0 ACB1 NR_125570 Phylum: Firmicutes 1501329 0 0 0 SEQF2777.2 | SEQF8292.1
935 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Oscillospiraceae Fastidiosipila sanguinis Named Unassigned 0 KF098649 Phylum: Firmicutes 236753 0 0 0 SEQF3054.1
936 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_936 Phylotype Unassigned 0 HM324994 Phylum: Firmicutes 970 0 0 0
937 Bacteria Firmicutes Negativicutes Selenomonadales Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas sp._HMT_937 Phylotype Oral 0 KF105618 Phylum: Firmicutes 970 0 0 0
938 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Limosilactobacillus reuteri Named Unassigned 0 K16 KC700337 Phylum: Firmicutes 1598 0 0 0 SEQF7859.2 | SEQF7860.1 | SEQF7861.1 | SEQF7862.1 | SEQF7863.1 | SEQF7864.2 | SEQF7865.1 | SEQF7866.1 | SEQF7867.1 | SEQF7868.1 | SEQF7869.1 | SEQF7870.1 | SEQF7871.1 | SEQF7872.1 | SEQF7873.1 | SEQF7874.1 | SEQF7875.1 | SEQF7876.1 | SEQF7877.1 | SEQF7878.1 | SEQF7879.1 | SEQF7880.1 | SEQF7881.1 | SEQF7882.1 | SEQF7883.1 | SEQF7884.1 | SEQF7885.1 | SEQF7886.1 | SEQF7887.1 | SEQF7888.1 | SEQF7889.1 | SEQF7890.1 | SEQF7891.1 | SEQF7892.1 | SEQF7893.1 | SEQF7894.1 | SEQF7895.1 | SEQF7896.1 | SEQF7897.1 | SEQF7898.1 | SEQF7899.1 | SEQF7900.1 | SEQF7901.1 | SEQF7902.1 | SEQF7903.1 | SEQF7904.1 | SEQF7905.1 | SEQF7906.1 | SEQF7907.1
939 Bacteria Actinobacteria Coriobacteriia Coriobacteriales Atopobiaceae Olsenella sp._HMT_939 Phylotype Unassigned 0 HM312362 Phylum: Actinobacteria 133925 0 0 0
942 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella sp._HMT_942 Phylotype Oral 0 FJ976378 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 838 0 0 0
943 Bacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidia Bacteroidales Prevotellaceae Prevotella aurantiaca Named Oral 0 OMA31 NR_112878 Phylum: Bacteroidetes 596085 0 0 0 SEQF3090.1
944 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus sputorum Named Oral 0 CCUG 13788 JF506642 Phylum: Proteobacteria 1078480 0 0 0 SEQF2776.1 | SEQF5173.1 | SEQF5174.1 | SEQF5175.2 | SEQF5176.1
945 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus parahaemolyticus Named Oral 0 ATCC 10014 AJ295746 Phylum: Proteobacteria 735 0 0 0 SEQF2774.1 | SEQF7579.1 | SEQF7580.1 | SEQF7581.1 | SEQF7582.1 | SEQF7583.1 | SEQF7584.1 | SEQF7585.1
946 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Haemophilus pittmaniae Named Oral 0 CCUG 48703 Phylum: Proteobacteria 249188 0 0 0 SEQF9503.1 | SEQF9504.1 | SEQF2775.2
948 Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus lactarius Named Oral 0 CCUG 66490 NR_117425 Phylum: Firmicutes 684066 0 0 0 SEQF3679.1 | SEQF4002.1 | SEQF4003.1
949 Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae Aggregatibacter sp._HMT_949 Phylotype Oral 0 JF506655 Phylum: Proteobacteria 416916 0 0 0
950 Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridia Eubacteriales Peptostreptococcaceae Peptostreptococcaceae_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_950 Phylotype Unassigned 0 AM419965 Phylum: Firmicutes 186804 0 0 0
951 Bacteria Spirochaetes Spirochaetia Spirochaetales Treponemataceae Treponema sp._HMT_951 Phylotype Oral 0 AM420103 Phylum: Spirochaetes 157 0 0 0
952 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_952 Unnamed Oral 0 Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 1895827 0 0 0 SEQF2796.1 | SEQF3101.1
953 Bacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteriia Fusobacteriales Fusobacteriaceae Fusobacterium hwasookii Named Oral 0 ChDC F128(T) Phylum: Fusobacteria 1583098 0 0 0 SEQF2840.1 | SEQF2841.1 | SEQF2842.1 | SEQF2843.1 | SEQF7520.1 | SEQF7521.1 | SEQF7522.1 | SEQF7523.1 | SEQF7524.1 | SEQF7525.1 | SEQF7526.1
954 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_954 Phylotype Oral 0 Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 1895827 0 0 0
955 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-8] bacterium_HMT_955 Unnamed Oral 0 Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 1895827 0 0 0 SEQF3099.1 | SEQF3135.1 | SEQF3136.1 | SEQF3140.1 | SEQF3142.1
956 Bacteria Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae Neisseria cinerea Named Oral 0 Phylum: Proteobacteria 483 0 0 0 SEQF2899.1 | SEQF6394.1 | SEQF6395.1 | SEQF6396.1 | SEQF6397.1 | SEQF6398.1 | SEQF6399.1 | SEQF6400.1
957 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_957 Unnamed Oral 0 TM7 strain BB001 1895827 0 0 0 SEQF3100.1
982 Bacteria Ignavibacteriae Ignavibacteria Ignavibacteriales Ignavibacteriaceae Ignavibacterium album NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Ignavibacteriae 591197 0 0 0 SEQF2719.1
983 Bacteria Ignavibacteriae Ignavibacteria Ignavibacteriales Melioribacteraceae Melioribacter roseus NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Ignavibacteriae 1134405 0 0 0 SEQF2720.1
984 Bacteria Chlorobi Chlorobia Chlorobiales Chlorobiaceae Chlorobium limicola NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Chlorobi 1092 0 0 0 SEQF2718.1 | SEQF7920.1
986 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_986 NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 1895827 0 0 0 SEQF2723.2
987 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_987 NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 1895827 0 0 0 SEQF2722.1
988 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Candidatus_Saccharimonas aalborgensis NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 1332188 0 0 0 SEQF2721.1
989 Bacteria Saccharibacteria_(TM7) Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[C-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[O-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[F-1] Saccharibacteria_(TM7)_[G-7] bacterium_HMT_989 NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Saccharibacteria_(TM7) 1895827 0 0 0 SEQF2737.1
990 Bacteria Absconditabacteria_(SR1) Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[C-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[O-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[F-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_990 NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Absconditabacteria_(SR1) 221235 0 0 0
991 Bacteria Absconditabacteria_(SR1) Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[C-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[O-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[F-1] Absconditabacteria_(SR1)_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_991 NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Absconditabacteria_(SR1) 221235 0 0 0 SEQF3107.1
994 Bacteria Chloroflexi Caldilineae Caldilineales Caldilineaceae Caldilinea aerophila NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Chloroflexi 133453 5 9 12337 SEQF2717.1
995 Bacteria Chloroflexi Anaerolineae Anaerolineales Anaerolineaceae Anaerolinea thermophila NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Chloroflexi 167964 4 10 9446 SEQF2715.1
996 Bacteria Gracilibacteria_(GN02) Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[C-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[O-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[F-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[G-3] bacterium_HMT_996 NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Gracilibacteria_(GN02) 363464 0 0 0 SEQF2724.1
997 Bacteria Gracilibacteria_(GN02) Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[C-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[O-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[F-1] Gracilibacteria_(GN02)_[G-4] bacterium_HMT_997 NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: Gracilibacteria_(GN02) 363464 0 0 0 SEQF2725.1
998 Bacteria Lentisphaerae Lentisphaeria Victivallales Victivallaceae Victivallales_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_998 NonOralRef 0 0 0 0 0 SEQF3677.1
999 Bacteria WPS-2 WPS-2_[C-1] WPS-2_[O-1] WPS-2_[F-1] WPS-2_[G-1] bacterium_HMT_999 NonOralRef NonOralRef 0 Phylum: WPS-2 1955638 0 0 0 SEQF2736.1