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Genome Explorer: Streptococcus salivarius BIOML-A12 (SEQF8451.1)
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NCBI Annotation for SEQF8451.1
Genome selected: Streptococcus salivarius BIOML-A12
Contigs:61 Bases:2221783 bps
CDS:76 rRNA:4
tmRNA:1 tRNA:48
Annotation Table [page:5]
Number of Records Found: 2015 [5 Pages]
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# Molecule PID Genome
NA (Length)(Seq)
AA (Length)(Seq)
Range Gene Gene Product
2001 WMYH01000051.1 MTR26750.1 open 735 [NA] 244 [AA] 3876-4610 GMC29_10640 hypothetical protein
2002 WMYH01000051.1 MTR26751.1 open 165 [NA] 54 [AA] 6093-6257 GMC29_10655 hypothetical protein
2003 WMYH01000052.1 MTR26752.1 open 387 [NA] 128 [AA] 35-421 GMC29_10660 IS110 family transposase
2004 WMYH01000052.1 MTR26753.1 open 762 [NA] 253 [AA] 441-1202 GMC29_10665 IS110 family transposase
2005 WMYH01000053.1 MTR26754.1 open 162 [NA] 53 [AA] <1-162 GMC29_10670 transporter substrate-binding domain-containing protein
2006 WMYH01000053.1 MTR26755.1 open 699 [NA] 232 [AA] 180-878 GMC29_10675 ABC transporter permease subunit
2007 WMYH01000053.1 MTR26756.1 open 539 [NA] 179 [AA] 890->1428 GMC29_10680 ABC transporter permease subunit
2008 WMYH01000054.1 MTR26757.1 open 708 [NA] 236 [AA] <1-708 GMC29_10685 hypothetical protein
2009 WMYH01000054.1 MTR26758.1 open 660 [NA] 219 [AA] 708->1367 GMC29_10690 phage tail protein
2010 WMYH01000055.1 MTR26759.1 open 1026 [NA] 341 [AA] 57-1082 GMC29_10695 IS30-like element IS1139 family transposase
2011 WMYH01000057.1 MTR26760.1 open 336 [NA] 111 [AA] 170-505 GMC29_10700 thiol reductase thioredoxin
2012 WMYH01000057.1 MTR26761.1 open 414 [NA] 137 [AA] 523-936 GMC29_10705 YbgC/FadM family acyl-CoA thioesterase
2013 WMYH01000057.1 MTR26762.1 open 159 [NA] 52 [AA] 949->1107 GMC29_10710 IS5/IS1182 family transposase
2014 WMYH01000058.1 MTR26763.1 open 1077 [NA] 359 [AA] <1->1077 GMC29_10715 hypothetical protein
2015 WMYH01000059.1 MTR26764.1 open 861 [NA] 286 [AA] 248->1108 GMC29_10720 LPXTG cell wall anchor domain-containing protein